Reminder western/european devs haven't made a good combat system since the PS2 era

Why is this? How did they stop learning to make quality combat systems?

in b4 "half life 2 dunnit count!!1", when it's inferior to Build era FPSes like Duke Nukem 3D

Attached: western 3 4.jpg (1286x1018, 239K)

guess which ones sell more idiot

HL2 does have relatively fun combat though

It's inferior to 90's Build era FPSes like Duke Nuke 3D though. The jetpack impacts gameplay more than a retarded version of a regular weapon (gravity gun). HL2 doesn't even have an inventory system like Duke 3D

>any jrpg
>deep combat

God Hand eats

Attached: my-image (1).png (1216x746, 1.01M)

>DMC 3 and any GOW
>can't handle God Hand
Absolute NPC pleb.

I wouldn't really say Half Life 2 had a heavy focus on story. It had a pretty generic alien invasion plot that felt to me mostly like an excuse to get from one set piece to the next. actually, I'd say that at the core of Half Life 2 is that almost every chapter introduces and is based around a new gameplay mechanic.

Mountain Blade and Maldhau exist

good bait for sprinkling some truth here and there

You have to go back.

>I wouldn't really say Half Life 2 had a heavy focus on story

HL2 literally has 10-15 minute long non-interactive sections.

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>Mountain Blade

No bosses, really.

>and Maldhau exist

I assume you meant Mordhau, and that's just another multiplayer meme game that's going to be forgotten soon.

Attached: mordhau steam charts thing.jpg (1641x357, 94K)

the fuck is this? Both a dmcfag and a gowfag? THE FUCK IS THIS?!

But those are combat systems and they're quite good. Nothing comparable exists in the Japverse

How can you be good at a single player game?

Last time I checked you brainlets here can't even do 2000 MMR in Dota 2 or Gold League in Starcraft 2.

Thank god for the /vg/ split moving most of you assfaggot retards away from this board.

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Speedrunners or people who bother to get a games achievements.

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I see what you were trying to do... but I'd rather play the "mediocre" Jap side any day of the week over the mediocre western games that released in 2019 like Anthem or Crash Team Racing.

CTR is the best kart game ever made no contest, the online is a little fucked but it easily shits all over a no-skill kid's game like TSR

What the fuck is Serious Sam? Or good indie shit like dead cells or Dusk. Or even stalker and magika. And most japanese games are J""" RPG""" S with afk combat.

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The west does great with certain genres like WRPGs or grand strategies or simulations or FPSes or TPSes, even if they're either not making them anymore or they're casual (Half Life 2)


Why is it always Japan vs the whole West?

Japan is not the only non-Western game developing country you know.

America and Japan have the longest running and most important contributions to gaming

I throw America in with the west to give them an advantage, and the west still loses

>demon's souls
One of my favorite games but come on now

Compared to the west? Very much so

There's a part in Assy Creed 2 where you fight the pope as the final boss, and it's just you punching him in the face while he monologues. Western games are fucking trash

And AC2 is a HUGE improvement on AC1

It may be deeper than western games but not even close to the other japanese games

Impeccable taste.

>PhD in gaming
ahoy, r*ddit

basarabros wtf why aren't we in the chart

>It may be deeper than western games

Thank you.

End of rine. (Rine ends here)

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>a bunch of mid-tier AA games aren't lighting the world on fire critically
Based retard. Also Judgement was great faggot.

shooting is functional, but hardly enjoyable, because you're rarely allowed to just shoot your problems away for more than 5 minutes it takes for game to remind you it's just a glorified tech demo and fun was never a priority.
Some design choices are just retarded
>Rocket Launcher has ammo limit of 3, so you can only use it when you have to use. Box of rockets = there's going to be a fight with helicopter. Also it takes 3 rockets to down it, and you can carry exactly 3 rockets.
>same thing with Combine rifle. Ammo limit is 90, and it takes 20 or so rounds to take out enemy due to poor accuracy. In result it's poor choice of weapon if game doesn't constantly spawn enemies using it.
>that long and amazingly linear zombie level, with barely any ammo, so you have to throw clutter with gimmick physics gun.
>physics gun is trash. It's only useful in its buffed state during Citadel level, and guess what? You can use ONLY physics gun during Citadel levels. You can't pick any other weapon during that section.

The one where its more appealable to normies ( normies are low IQ) so of course theyll gobble up games that play themselves and not play games. That require brain function

he didn't say Half Life 2 has good story, only that it has heavy focus on story.

And any game with unskippable cutscenes is taking its story VERY seriously.

If wojakcancer hates it, they must be great games. Thanks for the reccs, reddit.

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> inferior to 90s Build era FPSs
thats just not true user
HL1 and all its DLCs offer far more verticallity and superior platforming to 3D and half 2 goes even further with more interactive environments and way better approaches to gunplay.

>GoW even on a list of "good" anything
> Viewtiful Joe outperforming even mediocore games like MGS:R and Bayo
This is the cringiest bait i've ever seen. I really hope that no one sees this list and thinks that you're smart or something user.

Based Mountain Blade poster
> very interesting combat that takes dozens of hours to even understand.
> incredibly adjustable difficulty settings that allow you to learn at your own pace.
> dozens of troops and weapons that are all quite unique
> stat system where every skills makes a significant visible difference

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See: But I like how you ignored the one post that blew you the fuck out

Also unmentioned: DN3D has a bevy of items that can be used. HL2 has 0 items that can be used.

>and half 2 goes even further with more interactive environments

Which Duke 3D and other Build games already did like lights and bathrooms. Hell, HL2 even has less interactive stuff - I don't think you can flush a single toilet in Shit Life 2.

>Souls isn't dee-

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

>Doom 3 BFG
it;s like they didn't get memo, that game is slow and boring as it is

Just because you stopped playing Western games after the PS2 era doesn't mean everyone else did, retarded weeb.

Name some good western action games then that came out in the past 10 years. (and I'm being quite generous even giving you a decade to scrounge for a game)

>shooting is functional, but hardly enjoyable
So is your mom's vagina.


Westacucks just can't make action games. Or fighting games for that matter.

>The west does great with certain genres like WRPGs
What about the west's numerous JRPGs?