How accurate is this graph?
How accurate is this graph?
>High Strategy
>Europa Universalis
HAHAHA, it's litreally just sliders and buttons
>total war
Not very accurate, OP.
>paradoxfags once again thinking they're galaxy brains and forgetting they're just literally mentally impaired and autistic
W-what happens if you go past the cognitive threshold?
>dota is more strategic than league
reminder than some low level dota pro said he would hit challenge on league in under three months and then got hard stuck in platinum while some random league streamer started playing DotA and got high Divine in two
going past the cognitive threshold is not playing games at all and just shitposting on Yea Forums
If you're putting Total War that high in strategy, you must be talking about online in which case it'd also be a far more active game than TBS like XCOM or Hearthstone
>total war
>the series whose latest installment let you partially cancel trade deals just to mark up the price of the goods in question, so you can partially cancel again
>hammer and anvil simulator: chink edition
>You see I have to click this button to make this number bigger so this number becomes bigger than this number, it's very quite complex. They don't even tell you all the numbers sometimes but heh, we figured it out.
You get SupCom:FA.
>insecure CAustists trying to justify their chinkified proto-dota series
What the fuck does this graph even mean? How does something that is low strategy and high excitement equate to hard?
>4X lower strategy than EU
>4X lower strategy than Civ, aka 4X-lite
>4X lower strategy than SP Total War, aka Civ-lite
I'll give you TW online is pretty brutal, but why you gotta fuck MoO like that?
>high strategy
nigga in total war you just use cavlery into the sides of units and you fucking win.
>Kerbal Space Program requires strategy
Neptunia games
yeah and a premade of 5 league pros got absolutely fucked up in random pubs
>tw online is pretty brutal
>hard fun
how? those games are literally designed to be fun when you're a shitter. the mechanics to get into the game is easy as fuck
>hard fun
>they're all NPC-tier drivel
interesting picture
What about fighting games?
>High strategy