She killed so many people

She killed so many people.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not in my Black Eagles playthrough. Or at least not anyone who didn't deserve it.

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She does something worse, she keeps being bisexual.

ill kill her...
career ambitions when i make her a mommy

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If you die you deserve it.

Fuck the church

>all the white knight waifufags siding with the bitch responsible for a pointless war

Edelshills, everyone.

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Valiant Emperor! She who brings glory to the country and places the reins of History back in the hands of Man!

>back in the hands of men
Mole people aren't human

>commoner outfit
>nice looking set of full plate with a surcoat
>overall a 10/10 look for the character
>they even keep it in cutscenes
>the second you hit level 5 you never see it in battle scenarios again
>here wear some raggedy ass leather armor instead

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Her "I will put an end of all war" speech is the fucking worst because Fodlan hasn't had a continental war in 3000 years, and all the big wars that happened anyway were caused by her country, and she's the one that started the one in the game itself. Crests were literally invented because her ancestor kept trying to start a war.

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*300 years, user.

Bitches final words were about how she wanted her professors dick, she's in no position to call anyone obsessed

>hands of man
>corrupt nobles who treat children like property and warmongers, and psychopaths like Edelgard
>lizard people
>only one is actually evil and it's the one that is grieving because humans massacred her family
>one is a grumpy old man
>one is a church girl
>one is a cool uncle
>one LARPs as Robin and told humans to leave him alone

Wondering why people still play the apologist for a genocidal maniac isn't obsession, Edelshill.

Crap, held the 0 key down too long.

White knighting, plain and simple

She loves her professor

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Isn't she the one with doodles of professors face all over her school notes

>How to figure out someone played the Homo-route and stopped there.

cry more you nepotism supporting commie faggot

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I choose to believe the entirety of the Beagle route is just some autistic fanfiction she written up in between the Church/Lion/Deer route, it's so fucking trash

>Edelgard please stop trying to take over everything and kill anyone who disagrees
ell em eff ay oh

What really kills Eagles for me is how stupid the characters that join you become. Leonie in Lions realizes that the Slitherers were working with the Empire. Leonie in Eagles accuses the Church of working with the Slitherers and that the Empire is super innocent.

Who cares how many people she's killed when she's so CUTE?

how could literally anyone go for the students when all of the cakes like Shamir and Catherine are so perfect

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>you literally NTR Catherine to worship your dick in the A support
>it turns out Shamir's "you remind me of my friend" was something she made up as an excuse to start a conversation because she wanted to fuck you even before the C Support actually happened

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The problem with Edelgards route is that it doesn't go full villain route and have you conquering the continent and making yourself Empire. Instead you are just baby sitting a retard who blames the church for all the shit that has happened in her life even though she knows full well it was the people she is working with and then they top it off with 'and they all lived happily ever after somehow' ending.

They should have also had all your recruited students abandon you and maybe even some of the BE and let you recruit members of the Empire army instead.

>spend all my renown on S ranks
>reload save
>spend all my renown on S ranks
Kind of a stupid way to unlock these things, but I guess I'll take it.

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>sensei the church is to blame
>the last great war was caused by the empire
>the child kidnappings were done by the empire
>the tragedy of duscur was caused by the empire
>edelgard's war was orchestrated by the empire
>crests were literally created in self-defense because 1000 years ago the empire wanted to force everyone to submit to them
>the Church has Seiros being crazy as an excuse but the Empire has caused 1000 years of problems under multiple rulers

Doesn't it just 'unlock' ones you have previous gone through?

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Leonie is fucking allergic to str skill-ups. Holy fuck I'm gonna have to bench her at this point.


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tell that to my fucking Raphael, he has the dream of being a mage and has given up compleatly on str growths, my Ingrid already has more str than him

>level 12
>14 str
dont put petra on your team youll have a fucking aneurysm

She draws your portrait in BE, Ferdinand complains that she’s obsessed with you in BL, and confesses to you right before you kill her in Church and GD. Woman really, really wants the Sensei dick

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>Leonie lvl 20
>15 str with one str-up used on her.
>Recruited Ingrid and she had 13 str at lvl 11. Leonie is such a shitter.

you alright there lad?

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God damn, could you just imagine being Edelgard, throwing your young body at Byleth 24/7 and he just ignores you to go bang Mrs. Krabappel, 13 years his senior?

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Worry not.
Edel has been stopped.

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It's weird. Of these I've only unlocked Dorothea legitimately, I have no idea how this works.

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>3 attacks at 13% crit chance
Based 3-13 chad putting warmongers in their place as always.

Damn Ferdinand became chad as fuck after the timeskip.

Based as fuck 3-13 chad.

>Edelgard loses FemLeth to Hanemman who is 30 years Byleth's senior

Yeah I think he's fine.

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Glad she's divisive.

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>fear not comrades for the hero of the people THE GENERAL is here

Leonie a cute


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My Raphael had 3 speed at level 32. I had already benched him like 10 levels ago, but kept him as adjutant since the defender ones seem to be good no matter how shit the character is.

theres only so much enlightened dick to go around i dont know who to wife

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I'm pretty sure it's a bug relating to switching gender in NG+, or it's something related to MByleth because I can't buy S ranks as Femleth.

So after recruiting everyone in my BL run, I can’t decide if want to do it again for my GD playthrough or be more choosy.
What type of characters fit best?

Edelgard is the only correct answer

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Imagine bursting into the room while they're having sex and just joining in because both of them are cool with it.

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They were in the hands of literal monsters beforehand

Ignatz wish he was this good. Fucking piece of shit.

dragon p**sy


>church is lead by an evil dragon
>hurrr she was just mad at god

Good girl. Strength is all kinds of shit, but good lord, she dodges fucking everything you throw at her. Pretty much solo'd the final blue boys mission for me.

You're pretty good, but for me it's this hypercompetent master warrior who just wants to be a dumb spoiled lazy princess.

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wouldnt that just be hilarious? just kidding haha!

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>Black Eagles aren’t evi-

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Yes the empire are monsters

>yfw you will never live up to her example...

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>all those soldiers cheering as he does twirls and casually fires off crit shots
too fucking good

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Having a family didn't ever stop any tyrant bro, it made them more ambitious.

>giv et tu em general

>wanted shamir to be a thief / assassin
>she starts with a tier bow and c tier lance
ill just go fuck myself then

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>its like she was looking at walking garbage

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assassin uses the bow skill, you can just focus on sword and use her like that.
But also, she's pretty much one of the best archers in the game and starts as a sniper, so she's worth keeping that way anyways.

The boar...

>one of the best archers
She is?

She's not, not by a long shot. She's so fucking slow it's unreal.

It's just her mocking him for even asking that question this late into the war.

>edelgard route is poorly written and has wasted potential
>hurrr but god evil so its ok
Read things before responding to them.

Wouldn't she die young anyways? Isn't that the point of the slither experiments?

She probably had accelerated aging. It's probably why she supposedly gave away the throne, and why she didn't have babies. Her cooter got so old, it didn't work anymore. People are basically becoming cucks for an old hag.


Or vagoo. Edelgard wants Byleth no matter what gender. Regardless of what you think of her, it's probably the purest form of love in the entire game.

>it's probably the purest form of love in the entire game.
So many people died getting to that point, though.

Meanwhile I was looking at her itty bitty unethically experimented titties

Clearly fake image. Edelgard is not that tall.

>chapter 6
>just hit professor level c+
when do i stop trying to grind this and go for other things

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She wishes you were male though.

Make her a Pegasus first, it's so easy to patch up that weakness with female characters.

Males have to go Hero or Wyvern through mercenary to get good speed and strength growths if they are on the slower side.

if you want to max out professor then go fishing, it raises your exp without time elapsing so it doesn't cut into your other activities.

It's also a great source of income if you save scum bowfly and herring.

But who can resist F!Byleth's Byleth?

Are Pegasus Knights useable or do they die on sight?

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my petra is a lance based pegasus knight and does fuck all for damage. shes damn near unkillable though.

Enjoy that dragon cock up your ass.

Would you fug Yea Forums?

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Dismount and proceed to kill everyone everywhere forever.

The only Pegasus knight I've had was Ingrid and she was an excellent dodge tank. Most archers hat a 5% hit rate against her if she waited

Wyverns and Pegasus literally break the game.

For every byleth she wishes there was a penor

>Ingrid and she was an excellent dodge tank
my ingrid dies so fucking easily as a PK she gets one shot by a lot

Pegs have absolutely broken stat growths, and you have access to shields that remove the arrow weakness. Their only major issue is that they are limited to flying batallion which are sometimes okay but never great.

She's a bi-polar psychopath.

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Did you give her the dodge band?

But how do you explain why she personally wanted to carry F!Byleth herself but let Hubert carry M!Byleth? She wants the vagoo just as much as she wants the D if it's coming from Byleth.

I feel like caving his chest in with my warhammer.

Can we talk about how dismount is broken? It just get rid of your weakness with little lost to stats

He too big n heavy bro.

It should force you into being a 5 move infantry for an entire turn at the very least

Flyier were so garbage before.

How did I even mess it up? I checked available supports at literally every opportunity, this never popped.

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Too heavy for 'I carry around a giant axe, shield and armor like nothing' Edelgard?

Fliers literally have a skill that removes their weakness anyway.

Meanwhile Dimitri carries you around no matter the gender.

It’s at s+ however, you probably won’t be getting that until end game. Not that it’s particuarly worth a slot because at that point there’s no penalty towards dismounting besides exp loss which you fucking maxed out.

Should’ve force fed her flowers and had her teach you.

Do Leonie, Petra, Ingrid and Marianne in each of the 4 routes. Make Catherine and Shamir get together every time.

>there are people here that use seminar to skip the week instead of going to explore and getting faculty training

Enemy pegasus knights are absolute monsters in this game. They throw Steel and Silver lances on them right from their first appearance about 10 chapters in and you think "oh my guys can take this it's just a wimpy little pegapony" and then they double your tank for 20x2 and you're just sat there wonder what the fuck just happened as two more fly in and proceed to do the same fucking bullshit.

Yours are fine, though.

No, I unlocked C at least, but it's not letting me see the conversation.

I assume you've got to get at least B before Jeralt eats it.

I mean shes pretty damn slow in that lord armor

Did you visit the place on the map where her support scene is located?

Not slow enough to cut a path of death and destruction across the battlefield with that axe of hers.

Your supports with Rhea are done through the menu.

I mean that's not a feat of speed...

You've missed the opportunity to bond meaning you got her C support too late. I know her and Leonie's support (C at least) have to be done by a certain date.

Just saying, carrying something heavy isn't hard for her. I bet she just wants to princess carry F!Byleth instead of like a sack with M!Byleth.

Ashe and Marianne's supports work like that too. I think you have to do C before her paralouge but I don't know.

she killed trillions

>if you dont recruit marianne she just kills herself
>it turns out all the praying shes doing is praying to die
what the fuck didnt expect that one

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She probably wanted to do that to mleth too.
But hes much too tall

They're scary early on because they give them the falcoknight's lancefaire. Their speed isn't too amazing.

>tfw stealing Hubert away from Edelgard and making him my husband

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Yeah this game has a bunch of characters that are a lot deeper than you'd expect.

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Save up fish bait until one of those days you catch lots of fish, then only catch gold fish

Make sure to wait for "Fistfuls of Fish" days to fish, more fish means more professor exp.

>Leonie: Hehe sorry I got angry with you before
>Two seconds later
>Support Rank Up!

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Thank you for your sacrifice, bernie! All for the greater good!

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>Edelgard path has the most unique maps
>BL/GD/Church share like 6 maps with nearly the same plot points
>GD and Church are literally the same except with a different last boss

Oof, yikes

I mean, if it's that user's first run, there's absolutely no need to grind that hard for professor levels. They should be minmaxing only in NG+. Let them have fun, make mistakes and do whatever they want on their first run.

I got the reference

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Hubert is for Burnie

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She's so pure
Hopeing to pair ger off to a nice man to make her happy

This is why you must recruit her over and give her a happy life, user.

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She wants (you) user. (You).

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when do i start getting paralogues? im at chapter 6 and havent gotten one despite having b rank support with like 6 people.

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Bernie is for smashing her skull in with an iron pipe, killing her instantly.

>against church
>she wears red cloths

But she's cute so it's okay

It's based on who you recruited. Support ranks don't have anything to do with it.

Reminder if you don't recruit her, she kills herself during the time skip

They start appearing during chapter 7.

be patient with her

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Anyone else feel bad that most of the character lines in battle for part two sound like most everyone is tired of fighting?

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I love her crown.

>Only thorns left on this rose...

You wants (you) only if you have a D. Otherwise, she fucks right off to the nearest man like the slut she really is.


To bad I'm a delusional fag for bara cock
Thinking about pairing her up with Lorenz. He may seem like a bastard at first but he cares and a little based

So I heard the school segment has the same maps which is stupid, but okay.
But now I hear that the post timeskip segment also re-uses the same maps?
Is this true because I'd rather not continue a second playthrough if I am playing the exact same game?


BEagles have the most unique maps for part two, also GD and Church are practically copypastas of each other.

Dont forget the breakdowns when they are forced to kill classmates.

Make her a fucking Wyvern.

His B-rank with her is cute.

She's my third best unit
She saved me a couple of times with a low rate critical strike

>Hubert is actually pretty cool in his supports
>can't use him on any route outside the worst, most retarded one with the shittiest Lord

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>edelgard has like no cutscenes

But user, SHE is commie.

>Opposes church
>Wants to abolish the class system
>Wears red

Play Black Eagles and then play any other route. Then play one of the other routes if you feel like seeing more story. Then if you haven't played Blue Lions that story is kinda unique but Deer and Church are 95% the same shit.

These dumb gimmicks needs to go. Just make one game with one story and maybe it will turn out pretty good.

There can be no breakdowns if you do all the killing yourself. It's the least amount of mercy I can give to everyone.

post more ohayous

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At this point I have to or she'll be out strength'd by my casters.

Well they have to give people some incentive to play Black Eagles.

>not commanding them to kill their life-long friends to determine if they're truly loyal
I felt pretty bad tbqh.

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Post timeskip haircut and lack of eyebags ruins her appeal. Better off sudoku desu

Causing suffering is the only way to get some enjoyment out of the Blandions. No wonder Felix gladly ditches the boar.

No, all but one of the BE route maps are shared with other routes.

dosnt everyone who you side with u fucking autist?

>Making your wife suffer

Sounds like you never liked her in the first place.

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Some of these get pretty aggressive though. Like when you go up against Sylvain in the BE route while using Ingrid she just spergs out on him. Even that edgelord Felix is calm about fighting him.

no time for boys means much time for training
female melee students like Leonie, Petra and Hilda are absolute units in this game

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>that Sylvain and Leonie C support
Straight up dismissing she was a girl

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I hope IS fired the fuckwad that made the hints for the Lost and Found items.

And this is why I only recruit teachers, knights and serfs.

Just look it up online

Lorenz is completely based and charms the fuck out of any woman in an A rank support.


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she's literally just a Reinhard clone except genderbent

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Merely a concubine


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Did you know that despite making up 13% of the kingdom's population, diggers commit 50% of murders?

Unironically, fuck the church.

name a worse feeling

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Tfw i want to fuck Nemesis. S rank fucking when

and much more badly written.
Imagine if LotGH was written like 3H.

When is the gatekeeper DLC coming out?

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Missing at 90%

She behaves like a jew tho’

Why does everyone in the Punished Lions have to suffer so much? There's at least one person in the other houses who are perfectly happy and well adjusted, but every Lion is carrying some pretty heavy baggage
>Dimitri watched his parents and friends die horribly in front of him at 13 years old, to say nothing of what is revealed to him during the story
>Felix hates chivalry and honor because those ideals made his father glorify the senseless death of his older brother
>Sylvain's older brother hated him and tried to kill him on multiple occasions, and Sylvain knows most people feel nothing for him as a person and just pile on false flattery to jump on his Crest cock
>Ingrid's family rules over barren farmland and she grew up always hungry and now the only hope her disgraced family has to survive is for her to marry up using her Crest as leverage
>Dedue is one of the few survivors of a campaign of genocide against his people for a crime that ultimately wasn't even their fault
>Ashe was a poor, perpetually hungry thief trying to take care of his younger siblings whose adoptive father is killed very early in the game
>Mercedes' mother was married only to pump out a Crest baby, after which the two of them were thrown out into the streets. Mercie finds peace working at a church, only to be forcibly adopted by a merchant looking to marry her off to rise in social ranks
>Annette's father left when she was a little girl for reasons she didn't understand, so in desperate hopes of seeing him again she threw herself into studies so vigorously that she literally doesn't know how to relax or have fun anymore.

Holy shit, why didn't anyone say how useful rusted wpns are.
Went straight from E+ sword mastery to B in a single fight.

>inb4 he is revealed to be the empire spy at the monastery in the BL route that overheard where they were heading

>Weakened form is still capable of instant killing most units
I never figured out what the gimmick was that made the onager actually able to deal damage shortly afterward.

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With the Sothis route where Blyat becomes Viaje En El Tiempo Byleth and grabs Byleth Azul and Byleth Verde so he can prevent El, Dimitri and Rhea from being retarded by simultaneously fucking all 3 at once while Claude watches.

The only argument she has going for her is that she has big boobs.


el porteiro....

Why Blue Lions route feels like an otome game?


Can i spare flayn in beagles edelgard route even if I don’t recruit her?

It's implied that Lysithea was a prototype for the crest experiments and that Edelgard and her siblings had the forced crest procedures done with the knowledge gained from the numerous (mostly failed) experiments. So there's no guarantee Edelgard also has a shorter lifespan, and I don't think it's explicitly stated anywhere. Of course, Linhardt and his research fix the lifespan problem by removing the additional crest anyways, at least if you pair him with Lysithea so presumably he could do the same thing for Edelgard too.

Just defeat Seteth first on the defense map.

>its not the weapon she started with so it must be bad!!!!
>of course i never changed my byleth from swords :)
petra slaps people the fuck up as a pegasus knight. flying is even one of her strengths.

Bravo bravo!

Her res isn't great so she is usually better off as Wyvern. Pegaus for darting blow is cool since you need C-rank lance anyways.

People don't switch Byleth off swords because he gets the Sword of the Creator dumbass. People complain it isn't worth switching Byleth to a different weapon type when he gets a God sword

>Just surrender, bro.

This bitch is really the worst.

Because it is.

>All handsome troubled men.
>Girls are bland ass nice girls that aren't a threat.

It’s better to do GD, BL, BE and finally the Church if you really wish to.

My Leonie has 19 str at level 29

So how old was she went she want sent to the mole labs anyway?

Yeah if you beat up Seteh first they both flee and leave the church to go off on their own.

It's clearly el hermano de portiero since the real one never had anything to report.


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It's best to recruit the Leonie later since she does well when not taught by you.

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sword of the creator isn't even near the best sword in the game. outside of flavor theres no reason that should keep you from changing weapons if you want.


Defeat Flayn with Byleth. She and Seteth don't die and basically go into hiding instead. Rhea still flips out because instead of dying they send her a letter to the effect of "peace we're out" instead.

You sad excuse of a cocksleeve, Petra has no need for Pegasus growths. She can be a better anything else.

fucking lucklets i swear

that npc is ignatz replacement on that map

So how the hell are they gonna manage a golden route with how Edelgard is?

>Their speed isn't too amazing
>Highest class growth
>Falco shares the highest spd base in the game with Wyvern Lord
Literally the fastest enemy type

I honestly can’t imagine being so mentally retarded to actually think any character in this game is bad, even ignatz who can stack two hit+20 and gets all the relevant rallies

Bit hard when you're playing Deers.

They won’t. If you want a golden route play GD.

Do tournament fights, they give out the most xp and you get gold out of it.

>Recruit Sylvain as a joke in first playthrough cuz I'm playing as a girl
>He carries my team and become default tank
>Has funny supports
>Matures really well after timeskip
>2nd playthrough Blue Lions
>Just got his C support with Dedue
I didn't expect Sylvain to be best boy but here we are.

Force her and Dimitri to copulate until they stop being stupid bitches.

>traps on the ground limit movement
>heavies armed with tomahawks everywhere
>ballistas shooting at you from the other end of the map
>archers keep your flyers grounded
>Hubert shells the map with magic from the right
>Professor Crest shells the map with magic from the left
>Professor Cake waiting at the other end of the map
>Hubert calls in reinforcements all the time
Stupid Fortress. It's not like I want to recapture or anything.

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I made my Ignatz an assassin and he absolutely destroyed everything. Didn’t have to baby him either.

God bros shes so fucking cute and her sweet voice when she says thank you HHHNNNNNGGGGGGGG and she has a cool paralouge

Best to kill Leonie because her personality is trash and she probably smells as she is a commoner.

>lysithea straight up one hit the death knight with dark spikes
well then

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What route/map is this?

Claude with Alert Stance+ and Close Counter was invincible. Can't imagine it's too different with PKs

Such as? The only thing better than a pegapony is a wyvern.

Leonie becomes super hot post time skip.

Why is her brother such a chad

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Dimitri's paralogue if you leave Manuela and Hanneman behind.

Bernie is for Felix

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>even GigaStacy Hilda has self esteem issues because of her brother
Imagine how much of a GigaChad Holst must be.

She's perfectly fine as an Assassin. I find it boring to just stop at Advanced though.

His weakness is Loli crests powers

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Made for domestic abuse

clearly what we've established is that Goneril was the true chad of the 10 elites

Felix is a bad husband tho
Instead of pumping childen into his wifes, he goea out to fight. Hell he fucks his nest friend in his bro route

No, I'm pretty sure you can do that one even with them recruited. I'm sure I did the one user is describing is the same one I did and I had both Manuela and Hanneman recruited.

Watch as IS reveals he actually a Slitherer spy and is the reason why so many Slitherers were able to get into the monastery.

He's a pink-haired Ike.

She does, it's just that it's not like anyone but Sensei and Hubie know about the experiments, besides Lysithea in their support and ending.
She just deals with the problem after the war since she has more important things to worry about

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For the greater good

Their ending is pretty great.

I think he wanted to know how you are able to fight crest and cake instead of their generic replacements.

>defender of fodlan
>loses to a mushroom

getting weapong ranks after A+ it is too much of a grind to justify it

Sylvain and Ignatz ended up surprising me, their supports and character growth are really good.

ts Bernie is so beautiful.

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Depends. Are we going to assume it's up to Byleth to resolve this crisis or something that the house leaders has to do on their own?

That's pretty nice. I need to explore more out of house relationships.

Wut? How?

S rank reason is always worth it. A bit too hard to get S+ for the gremories though.

>chapter 6 mission
>kill all other enemies or the death knight
>eh ill just go for the death knight how hard could it be
>walk up to him
>no unit can put more than a dent in him
>he one hits everybody 2 times over
>get to lysithea who i recruited the week before
>before she did ok damage but she wasnt much better than dorothea
>thinking about dropping her
>she instakills him
im sorry i ever doubted you

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He's going to be playable in the DLC r-right?

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>game ends
>but the fight continues
i hate this garbage, the game should have a clear ending instead of just people fighting off screen
>everyone kills the mole people off screen except claude just to justify playing his route

>Hilda my beloved sister.
>Your lovers penis needs to be at least as long and thick as mine or else he's not worthy of you.

Is this how Advance Wars starts? Because this is one of the few endings where they end up taking the ancient technology and using it in some form.

I'm really hoping he and Caspar's dad appear. They're the most hyped up characters who never show up.

Playing as Male Byleth in that route is a huge mistake.
Shit's so fucking gay.

more like Marluxia

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the point is that Dimitri failed to snuff them out, Claude snuffed them out but kept the dragons and Edelgard got rid of both but at great cost

Once I get there I think I'll just no way fag and go with Sothis instead.

Getting S rank is hilarious though. I got S on sword with Byleth on NG+ and was averaging 75~% crit chance.

>Not wanting to go on an emotional journey with your bros

he is actually the biggest jobber in the game
>oh yes my brother is so strong
>im not feeling so good, hilda chan please save me... the empire is attacking my land
>nemesis facerolls over him
>teacher kun, nemesis is too strong....

So the Golden route will be getting rid of both with little cost?

dont you get the extra 10+ crit change at a+?

Sothis and her time powers essentially got written out halfway through so I expect she will get more storytime.

>got rid of both but at great cost
Considering the war ends sooner, and Dimitri's around to be king of Faerghus than Cornelia ruining things, it seems more like at not that much cost if sensei chooses to support Edie which lets her be more independent from the Slithers

Well Byleth still has time powers when he becomes the legendary super sand but never uses it story wise because fuck you.

Professor! Will we be doing the sexing tonight?

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Yes please.

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Well, Nemesis is ridiculously strong before you defeat the ten heroes.

I thought we weren’t getting story DLC?

Imagine if Felix found out you have time powers but didn't save his dad in BL.

If you make her playable by hacking her low stat up line is "this body has its limits"
I assume she will end up getting a body in this and wont be some sort of playable ghost

lmao just look at that.

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>dude take part in this fishing tournament itll be so epic
>get a red fish on the first bite
>its 5*
>give it to flayn
>win the tournament in literal seconds
well fuck you too game i didnt want to have fun anyways

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>kumiko combat yelling
They better hurry up and actually put her in the game.

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I really wish we got Seiros Rhea as an outfit.

Not going to lie, I’d love to spend a weekend with him fishing and drinking.

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Seteth is pretty based.

>You protected all the Crest Stones
>Received Rusted Bow

Can I get a rundown on battalions and gambits?

rusted weapons can turn into extremely powerful gear from previous games like the levin sword.

ooga booga me use stride

I almost wish the Church was way more Spanish Inquisition than it actually is. As it stands, Rhea is the only real suspect member. If nothing else it'd be funny if the Knights were fanatics who vehemently stamped out anything that was even remotely out of line with Church doctrine. Imagine having to report to Seteth if any student's essays contained wrongthink

They free hits that disable units from counterattacking during. Very useful for monster killing and they give a bump in stats

Her bad strength is offset by the fact that any melee unit can lug around all the armorslayers/horseslayers/bows they need.

How would he feel about Flayn calling you Daddy

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Don't you need A+ professor level before forging rusted weapons can yield legendaries?

>You’ve reached enlightenment! Now wear Zhuge Liang’s bathrobe for the rest of the game!
I know he’s a tactician but come on, why even let me name him at this point?

what the fuck is this garbage

I like how it just lets you ignore the terrain penalties that usually fuck cavalry over. Unless you're a Great Knight. Then you get to be slow as fuck either way.

Wtf were they thinking with this outfit
Are we getting more costume dlc, I sure hope we do

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are side quest battles worth doing or should i just do paralogues?
what are even the rewards for paralogues anyways?

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Imagine being haunted by the ghosts of your dead family demanding blood every second and then the new teacher is so unfathomably hot that the mere thought of fucking her overrides all the vengeful spirits in your mind

Reinhard does not even deserve to be compared to her, she's a foaming at the mouth retard with no genuine motivation.

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What the fuck were they thinking with Femblyat?

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As stupid as the default outfit is, it's even dumber to run around in the cutesy schoolgirl outfit. Femleth is fucking impossible to take seriously in any kind of dramatic scene

>Not trying every single item on every character you come across
I like to imagine how that would look IRL.

I'd only care if the outfits show in battle

Some battle side quest unlock facilities like blacksmith and other vendors. Prologues give out relic and sacred weapons

well yeah ive already got the blacksmith and merchants. everything else seems to give random shitty rewards and maybe a battalion im never going to use.

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Cavaliers/Paladins in general seem broken as fuck in this game. Ferdinand could tank better than any of my other units while still being able to double most enemies in my Beagles playthrough.

It's funny how shit it is. I've seen so many girls online talk about how they just want to have their otome simulator but hate her outfit so much they just went for male Byleth.

Well the side quest ones don't give out anything useful but please do prologues for relics and shit. One of them give a magic user extra range and that shit is super helpful

>AW with some RPG elements
Don't make me want things.

The Pegasus corps sounds like cheerleaders. It’s so great.

Hope lunatic and Beyond difficulties give enemy units more effective weaponry against mounted units

I can't be the only one who screamed "Snake? SNAAAAAAKE!" when Jeralt got shanked, right?

>sniper and bow knight have the best outfits in the game by far outside of your starting outfit
>my byleth is using lances
>to get to bow knight i have to spam faculty training for bow and riding

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Free stat boosts to the unit that equips it, and gambits are occasionally useful for debuffing units that are troublesome to kill, like Catherine.

My autism planning didn't account almost all master units being ride units

You want the Renown to upgrade the statues because their upgrade levels carry over into NG+.

Do you think she slips and calls Byleth "Jeralt" in bed

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>brainless twat ok with blindly following the church that has you killed on a whim.

thank god you can just dismount if you dont like mounted classes.

No, because I wouldn't let her anywhere near my bed.

Not if i call her Alois first

>be me modern japanese dev
>see people find autistic alien characters very endearing and cute
>make nothing but autistic alien characters
>game is now unplayable

Why does it keep happening?


What the fuck is this? Why cant we just have regular fucking people anymore

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>waaah I'll ignore the one who caused all the trouble cause someone else likes their waifu
get over yourself. The church splintered the country multiple times. They forced the crest system to control people and the ancient crazy dragon lady will have you killed if you don't do her every bidding.
Fuck the entire church is filled with secrets and lies that they lampshade in their own route. it's fucking pathetic defending them.

Is it worth grabbing Death Blow on Claude?

+6 strength while attacking

>you can let other units use relics as a slightly better normal weapon
not bad

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It's inevitable. AW in the past has basically reach the ends of its technical aspect. You can only go sideways, not forward with any supposed sequel. This game has shown just how flexible FE is, and can be used to do modern/sci-fi stuff as well. I certain wouldn't mind if they just took the exact same engine, and replace everything with guns and tanks, and called it a new AW game.

I wish it were still +25 crit like Fates.

The fuck are you on about?

Did they draw half of her and mirror it but then realise it looked fucked up so they edited her hair a bit??? Well it didn't help this shit still looks downright uncanny


she's a good and honest girl, Jeralt was just her hero

>every map has been pretty reasonable so far
>on chapter 7
>recruit ingrid
>start her paralogue
where the fuck did this come from and why did this random merchant have his base in a volcano

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I hope you enjoy random reinforcements

>not making Ingrid a pega pony princess
>not making Petra a thief/assassin
What are you doing?

I like how they don't bother explaining wtf it is the merchant does or why they're in the middle of a volcano
Also they reuse that map several times but it was never really an issue for me strangely

>Petra a thief/assassin

no user it is you who is what are you doing

Lions paralogues are really shit
>ingrid you fight bandits
>felix you fight bandits
>annete you have to fight generic soldier unit that is supposed to be gustave brother
>ashe just fights the remenants of the western church for the third time

Deer paralogues are much superior

>Eldegard Roja

>What are you doing?
instakilling most things on hard with my team. i dont know where this meme of petra cant use lances came from but she does fucking amazingly with them.

Honestly, the enemies with poison weapons are more annoying than the lava.

I thought i missed some dialogue when I was doing that quest, it's so fucking weird.

I didn't know it was possible to make her design even worse

What does the +10% exp statue tier actually do? What happens if you get all 4?

60% bonus exp

You get more exp for towards class mastery and towards levels.

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Honestly being on the evil route is usually more fun. Are you the type of faggot who always picks neutral in SMT user?

I think her outfit is sick.

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Ignatz and Marianne go well together. They both love the goddess and their B support is adorable. He's treat her kindly.

>thief/assasin rather than Pegapony/Wyvern

I've been hearing that Golden Deer and the Church routes are near identical, can anyone confirm that?
I plan to play a second route when harder difficulties are eventually released if that's the case which one should I play Deers or Church?

I usually pick Neutral because I don't want faggot demons or angels to bother me.

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Church is literally GD minus one map and with a different final map.

I played both, Deer route is outright better. It also makes it easier to play BE route later since you don't have to repeat the pre-timeskip content.

>Petra and Hilda will never team up to handle your wyvern.

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Who can I NTR from another house that would eventually make a good Wyvern Lord?

It is more fun in this game, being on the team that does strategic conquest for once in FE is so good for the narrative

>Beru gets so happy and confident aroud Felix that she can fucking tease him
Yeah, I think this is a god tier A-support

Leonie is stupid though


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Millions of my unborn children, yes

Battalions and adjutants being arbitrarily limited for riders and fliers pisses me off.

>Lysithea with an obsession on eating cakes
>Mercedes with an obsession on baking cakes
>No support between the two

Is it a waste of time?

>Battle of the Eagle and Lion
>GD aren't even included in name
>thrash their asses anyways

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Fuck off, it makes perfect sense.

Clearly you need to be like Byleth and romance one of the available cakes.

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Got to nerf them some how I guess, fliers are consistently among the best FE units

Church will be the hardest route because you dont have a lord

>character x is bad
Since people like to parrot ignatz lets look at what he has to offer.
He gets 3 rallies 2 of them are atk and spd which makes him incredibly supportive.
He gets ward arrow and break shot for even more support.
He gets seal strength.
He gets hit +20 in his personal, what this means for brainlet idiots is that he can stack this with regular hit +20 and hit things hiding in forests from max range with a longbow using regular attacks or combat arts.
If this is not enough he gets a sky high dex growth to help him activate shit like assasinste or lethality.
We’re also talking about the fire emblem game that gives you stat bonuses just for having a class equipped.
Take all of these things into consideration and what we can glean from this is:
He can be an incredible support, you could add poison strike from dark mage to further increase his utility and debuff+chip a dangerous enemy into oblivion before rallying the unit that will bait said unit (for example a boss unit).
He can double and kill any flier.
He doesn’t miss.
He can use a magic bow and kill low res units like armors.
He can consistently crit and dodge thanks to his high luck and speed growths.
Fiendish blow and Death Blow fix literally ANY CHARACTER that has a 30% str or magic growth and allows them to consistently kill things if they double, even on hard mode.

Compare this to Bernadetta or Ashe and you can see which is the best of the “archers” of each class and which is the worst. Even though Bernadetta is complete shit compared to him she still gets the job done because there is no such thing as 0x2 in this game. Ashe also gets locktouch convenience so he is also not trash at all.

Whats that? Dedue and Raphael are shit because of their speed growth? Amazing that people even think this on a game that gives you gauntlets. Even with shit level ups raphael has been more consistent than an axe specialist Hilda.

The point is..there isn’t a single unit in this game that is shit.

Hardin wore it better.

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>Ingrid doesn't naturally gain Authority

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>claude survives all four routes
>edelgard dies in every route but her own
>dimitri gets straight-up offscreen'd in every route but his own

what does IS mean by this

I think at the time of the original battle, there wasn't any Alliance yet, only the kingdom and the empire
Still a bit clumsy naming convention though


How about they adjust the stats instead of making it harder to gain support.

They're both idiots that need to be reined in.

I kept him a Grappler/War Master the entire time and he could obliterate everything with the power of GAINS. Fists are absolutely broken, especially with the mobility that the lategame infantry classes give you.


>about to finish map
>all enemies dead, only boss left with ten hp
>"hmm, my party member is related to this boss, I want to see their unique conversation"
>move unit up to boss to kill him
>unit misses
>boss counterattacks and gets a critical, killing him in one hit
>out of time rewinds
I just wanted the dialogue.

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Without Byleth in the first mission
>Claude runs off and survives like a bitch
>Dimitri trusts Claude too much and gets himself killed
>Edelgard gets undone by her own actions and gets killed by the bandits she hired


bad units dont exist right now because hard mode is not out yet, bad units weakness will be more evident after that

Any list with all the paralogues yet?
The thought of missing a relic is driving me nuts

The music in this game is legitimately great.

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Flier utility is just beyond good though, and in a game with forges and abilities raw stats don't even matter as much.

>out of time rewinds
How? You get approximately one billion of them.

>the reward is a useless battalion

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What about Cyril?

God this works too well

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Mine beat mage cucks with his bare hands. Also his critical hit quotes get me every time

Exp is always a useful reward.

Honestly though Byleth didn’t have to save Edelgard though, she looked pretty confident when she brought that knife out and she’s pretty accurate with it

I'm on hard mode, I suck and had already used all three.

He's still running from ICE.

>tfw my ignatz has incredile speed and dex but his str is so low he can't even kill a unit with 2x Crit

Should have made him my dancer

>What is your opinion on Israel?
>Sip Tea

Good classes for him?

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>no supports between these three
One job

Who’s asking?

>did my first run on BE
>doing GD now
>got all the rewards from the statues
>units are all over leveled as fuck and and crush everything easily even though I'm on hard
How long do I have to wait for lunatic because this is really boring

I saw someone before say fists are shit. My Caspar x4s literally every enemy AND crits with gauntlets. He never gets doubled because of the low weight and his def is high enough to the point where he can survive most attacks. He never fails to kill a boss in one exchange.

>great dex and spd growths and alright str
>he is proficient with literally everything but magic
>the most flexible unit in the game

what is wrong with him

Wyvern Master/Lord after mastering Brigand

You get more for doing a Sothis paralogue and spending renown for statue bonuses


Do you even death blow? Just give him a knowledge gem, make him weaponless, and have him tank enemies in a farming map as a brigand.
Unless you’re incredibly unlucky there is no way a character with 30% growth will have unusable str, even if they do promotion gains fix them and class bonuses give you enough to kill anything with middling defense.

Bench Lord

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There's nothing more satisfying than getting four chances to land a 15% crit.

>repeat the pre-timeskip content
Or you could use the same file.

Nice blog but I'd never use that fucking nerd anyway.

You never have to worry about beasts ever again

A question.
I started NG+ without using renown at Journal, but with all bonuses that transfer normally (shop, statues...). Church run, no recruit. Default party, plus Flayn, minus Hubert and Edelgard. My levels are 14-16 (except for those 2 who are at lv 1 as I don't use them), and I have C or C+ rank at some weapons. Prof rank is also C+
1. How easy/hard is to achieve this at this point when starting fresh NG, and not NG+?
2. Is it a good idea to raise professor lv to C+ and then focus on skirmish battles and raising stats in the monastery (at "teachers")?
3. Which route would be ideal for lunatic diff once it comes out?
4. I killed Death Knight, but I can only use the the item on male characters? Why?

Forgot to say, just started chapter 6.

You forgot to mention which chapter you're on.

Is it ever really worth it to rest on free days?

Several classes are gender locked.
Dark Bishop and Dark Knight are male only.

Dark Mage is male exclusive for god knows what reason.

Hes a solid meele character all around, he can be anything you want him to be other than magic.

>”Your fiance was screaming in pain during his final moments.”
>Support has increased to B

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No, there isn't really ever a situation where you want to rest over the other options.

Rallies aren’t aoe anymore, who gives a shit. He’s bad, but still able to be used.

So what units should I have in my party for maximum Unga Bunga?

>Hubert, you're a fucking asshole.
>Support increased to B

The Church one? Yeah.

Hilda, Rapahael, and Queen Unga herself Edelgard.

>Felix-Dedue C Support is just Felix verbally abusing the shit out of him before leaving

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It’s especially dumb to me to revert back to gender locking classes after Fates went out of its way to undo that

Resting on a free day restores your Sword of Creation, though you can also just take it the blacksmith.

Petra speaks unga bunga. Does that count?

What about him? Aptitude units are never bad.

And I made Edelgard my Dancer, I fucked up.

Based Claude shitting on Edelgard’s stupid plot.

Give it to me straight Yea Forums, should I get this game? I've never played FE before, not sure if I would enjoy it either which is why I'm having an autistic worry.

Bulky fist mages.
Caspar, Dedue, Rafael.
Guess Leonie, Hilbert and Hilda might work too.
Obviously Byleth and Dimitri too

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Cyril is. Aptitude just brings him to ok growths, which means he's just a mediocre unit without a personal ability.

>Making a frontliner a Dancer

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Edelgard is a must (so no Dedue and Gilbert unfortunately).
Hilda, Raphael, Casper, Alois and maybe Leonie.

>Aptitude units are never bad

Rhea shoul've been the lord

God fucking dammit. I wish I knew that, I even fucked myself for picking femByleth.
And who the fuck wrote pic related article?

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Hilda and Ingrid make good Wyvern Lords imo

The people that shit on him never even gave him a chance because he’s not a girl.

Ignatz grown up attire looks great.

Oh, might as well add Catherine.

Obviously his plan is take advantage of Edelgard's waifu status.

Well, the game itself is very good,
It's a tactical RPG (Advanced Wars, Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles are another examples of those) with heavy focus on characters and their relationship and a deep class system.
Depends if you like those elements.

She also demonstrated the ability to teleport/disappear since she was able to talk to Jeralt and Byleth in one second and suddenly gone in the next. She was in zero danger the whole time.

His head in his model looks pretty weird

Worst unit in the game.

Only for NG+ speedrunning mostly.

That's death knight waifufags to you

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I mean, she does look great in the dancer outfit.

Wow that really put things in perspective. Maybe Adolf Hitler has really just been unfairly vilified and didn't actually do anything wrong either.

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Just got Seteth, why the fuck is he a Wyvern Rider with a spear?
Also do I need to grind his supports to C before time skip?

Imagine if hitler was just a bit better at art

How does Seteth take you filling his dughtersister's holes?

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NOW I get it!

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Good for breaking all of a monster's shields so you can get rare materials.

It would have been better if the costume had some connection to the story, like it was a gift or always hanging out in Rhea's office.

Seteth seems like a pretty chill guy so I'm sure he's okay with it if Flayn is happy.

Then we wouldn't have had Fanta OR Anime.
What a tragedy!

You'll need that spear rank to get to Wyvern Lord.

It could have been what original Sothis once wore herself.


Why is this so fucking funny.

>Compare this to Bernadetta
I can't made her a heavy knight after mercenary and fortress knight levels with aegis paladin and she was unstoppable thanks to pass.
Bernie doesn't need a bow to win.
But Dark Savant and Dark Hero Ignatz are really amazing after Assassin mastery I'll concede that.
>Whats that? Dedue and Raphael are shit because of their speed growth? Amazing that people even think this on a game that gives you gauntlets.
Raphael makes a great Hero into Grappler, focus on speed gains then get to punching, he is a fucking absolute unit both in defences and atk.
>Even with shit level ups raphael has been more consistent than an axe specialist Hilda.
Things that never happened, listen I like Raphael but you can make Hilda a fucking savant and she will still wreck shit because of bolting activating supports 7 tiles away, Hilda is just the best not exclusive unit along Felix and Lysithea.

Want to talk about sleeper hits? Haneman and Lorenz are the ones people are sleeping on, Lorenz is the bulkiest mage in the game and not bad in the speed department, you can slowly build that cavalry on the back for extra movement and Dark night to make him even more busted and the relic you often give to Lysithea works just fine for Mr agnea Arrow and double Sagitae on enemies with high avoidance.


Watch him be a Heroes holiday exclusive like Greil.

>caring about what other people do
What a cuck

Putting serious character in silly situation

>Hubert is the only male in that list
Journos are casual filth who don't actually play video games user, you should've learned this by now

She has stupid magic and strength Growths, she really pulled her weight as a dancer with sword and white magic dodge tanking.

Edelgard is best Dancer.


My Hanneman and Manuela were part of the Two Stat Ups Per Level Club, so I never used them.


You also get Ingrid's relic, which isn't bad if you plan on using her.


You can talk about Hildas amazing growths all you want user but she still can’t be a war master and that is the main thing that separates Raph, Dedeu and pretty much any male character you take down that path from the others. Also Quick Riposte.
And yes he has been far more consistent than hilda for me. Hilda hits way harder, has good accuracy with axes and crits a lot more than my raph, but raph still one round kos enemies even more consistently than her despite not having as high damage and this is with bad level ups. Can hilda OHKO a monster enemy with axes as easily as Raph can with gauntlets? No.
The entire point of this is that any character is good with a blow skill and gauntlets. Speed becomes irrelevant for characters you choose to build like this because they will kill in two hits anyway.
If anything your argument should be that hilda makes a better grappler than raphael, which is true but this falls short the moment raph gets access to war master.

It’s miserable
I wished they leaned in even further though to be honest