waiting for leaks
Monster Hunter
Congalala announced when?
>no Zin
>no Gore
>no Steve
>5 (FIVE) dragons
O I am laffing
i'm still holding out for my boys rajang and chameleos....
they'll m-make it in, r-right?
Generic skeleton rehashing, told you so.
If you pay 40 bucks for this expansion you are the reason we can't have nice things.
Chameleos probably, his skeleton is in the game and he is a boring retarded damage sponge like Vaal.
>Ukanlos confirmed
I know I'm going to get called a giga faggot but there's a bunch of quests names that were leaked on reddit. I can post the rest of what's on there if anons want
>his skeleton is in the game
No it isn't. Chameleos uses an entirely unique skeleton.
No he doesn't. The Dos 4 all use the same skeleton.
thanks, slowpoke
Tiggy no! What did you eat?!
I just reached 4 star quests in 4U and already don't feel like playing anymore, fuck.
This is old news, I just want monsters
>Oils for Sword & Shield that turn this once forgotten about weapon into a pure powerhouse with amazing utility in exhaust
>Gunlance has a heat mechanic that allows it to deal MORE damage than it did and separates it further from the normal lance
>Every weapon can be upgraded to G-rank, which means an absolutely massive selection of weapons to choose from and a diverse set of UNIQUE designs
>Deviants are simply better than subspecies in every way. Much cooler fights with their own behaviors and crazy good weapon/armor sets to boot
>Valor style, while definitely needing some fine tuning for its return like 4U's mounting did, offers an extremely fun and proactive way to play
>Over 10 different unique maps to explore
>Mizutsune and Glavenus. Need I say more?
>Hunting styles offering more ways than ever to play and keeping things fresh even with the same weapon
>Every MH village returns except Moga, complete with their personalities! COUNTLESS QUESTS TO DO AND THINGS TO UNLOCK!
>You can have several palicos that specialize in different combat aspects!
user, Why haven't YOU played Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate? Even if you're a series newbie that started with World, at least give this game a shot! It even has all of the returning monsters Iceborne is adding so you can practice your slaying beforehand!
oh nvm
Generic boring damage sponge they can just copy and paste into the game.
Of course he is ikn.
>half assed cutscenes
>styles ruin all weapons
>arts are shit
>weapon upgrading is terribly thought out
>boring new hub
>game is full of shitty maps
>roster is full of shitty gen 1 and gen 2 monsters and the new monsters are extremely overrated
>80 gathering quests for each new quest level
It's shit.
I'm having a lot of fun with adept gunlance though
Then you just like eating shit, which isn't surprising since you like Gen.
He’s always been a “special” one.
someone literally just modded in custom quests and rused reddit
>Easy mechanic to manage that makes the weapon stronger than before
>Optional styles that also just straight up improve the weapon
Gunlance chads had it good in GU
Why are you such a liar? None of the console villages return except kokoto you fucking cuck. They also don't include anything from 4. None of the online villages return either.
I'm actually playing it right now while waiting for Iceborne, but thanks for asking!
speaking of which, what are you guys doing while waiting for iceborne?
I've been gone for a few days, what did I miss?
fapping to lewd huntresses
4 is shit, just drop it for Generations.
nothing, he's just shitposting. There were leaks but only quest names
I’m awake. Any new leaks?
It's not cum you motherfucker
Or drop it for GU and get the english patch and the english server mod so you can play with Switch users online without paying for it
Only story up to MR3, and optionals for MR5 too.
MHGen is even worse dude. He will drop it faster because of that garbage LR
It was just a port shit out to capitalize on the Switch
thats all of Capcom's Switch games basically
when you say modded... do you mean someone photoshopped those images OR did someone actually go the distance to make a buncha hard ass quests in some modpack, because if it's the latter I'd certainly like to try them.
720p mode when?
Why the fuck are leakers such dicks that they only leak shit we've already seen or leaks that barely give us anything to go off of
Why would someone make a fake Steve? The world may never know.
Probably made the modded quests himself, but if you take a look at nexusmods you can probably find a bunch of quests to download.
Afraid of Ryozo's fish ninjas
how complicated do you think modding is
Monster Hunter!
There's a difference between teasing thirsty faggots because you can and being so blisteringly autistic you spend years shitposting in threads saying the same thing for hours every day.
Never believe in leaks until there's a video. Even reddit fell for their own leaks and turned out to be fake
What leaks turned out to be fake? This mission names?
>Even reddit fell for their own leaks and turned out to be fake
Which one was it?
depends on how intricate it is I suppose. Modding in skins isn't very hard but a whole quest that's actually thought out like some of the better ones you can find on takes some work.
I Like It!
140 proof?
Capcom should make online hubs an actual rowdy place, filled with npc hunters.
Nothing so far, sadly.
I wanna monster hunt that, iykwim
Spear that monster ;)
It’s the best!
They should let you see other hunters in the session all throughout town and have the only quest exit be through the hub
Seems like you can make it pretty simple with some of the tools
>Paying 40 bucks only for monsters
>Same endgame plus 2 monsters
Arigato for your money mina! Hope you rike it!
As expected.
>place made speficically for you to interact with other people
>fill it with npcs
Uh no? they should just delete SOS from the face of the earth so people use the hub
Pretty sure there actually are NPC Hunters in the IB hub.
I think they were gonna but consoles would have blown up showing more people and players in Astera
Find leaks niggas, don't just wait
Also Ceadeus is /in/
Don't mind me, just driving this cart to the New World.
nah, it was the 3 subspecies
Only managed to sleep 2 hours because of leaks and turns out they were fake anyways
What is the most technical melee weapon after charge blade?
oh cool. I'm gonna spend the rest of today playing with making my own quests.
I kinda don't want there to be any leaks. I want to just be playing the game on release and get surprised by some monster I thought was never ever like hopefully HOT MONKEY DICK
>I want to just be playing the game on release and get surprised by some monster I thought was never ever
Same, but if you're a PC only fag like me you can say goodbye to that. Thanks Capcom.
>Also Ceadeus is /in/
Anyone who actually believes this is a fucking retard.
>that veteran huntress in FU's hub hall who was talking shit about you for being a rookie and changes her opinion when you start to progress
I don't play world, I just find GU's online hubs to be too quiet. Offline there is no point in having three extra chairs to use, fill that shit up.
>Zinogre might be out
>World makes everyone dick ride the hunter
I hope MH6 goes back to a more balanced presentation now that the new world has an actual established set of bases with regular trade and contact with the old world now.
Anyone else just hate how the devs keep putting all of their effort and creativity into early game monsters only meant to show off new gimmicks that will get dropped by the time the next generation drops, while the entire mid/lategame of every MH game has been the same recycled monsters for the past 10+ years?
Mewstress was super cute
I wanted to do my best for her
Pretty much, how are you supposed to be hot shit for killing a retarded blue baby when there are people that killed shit like Gogmazios or Alatreon
These are probably the only monsters you will see returning:
Oroshi Kirin
I want to _pat their heads so badly
>>World makes everyone dick ride the hunter
isn't he supposed to be an A-lister?
i hate this art style.
The best kind of posting.
Why the leaks stopped?
I wanted to give her all the Horns Coins
>Wyverian Children
>regular human feet
I want the trio to be complete!
>he thinks killing stuff like Gog or Alatreon is canon
Everyone in World is supposed to be an A-lister.
turned out it was all a ruse so people aren't believing shit until solid leaks
Because they were never real.
Because they were fake.
Alatreon is.
Gog and Alatreon are both canon yes, they're part of the main story
I wouldnt be surprised if someone sent death threats if Jinouga wasnt in IB
it's caleld zinogre you fucking autist weaboo speak english
>virgin Alatreon gets killed and can't even use all the elements right
>chad Fatalis never gets killed and even gets a statue
Nice bump user!
Very epic
They're both part of the hub stories though
And as little as cannon matters, Gog isn't even anything special, he's just a big fucking dragon that hibernates a long time between appearances
This is a Taiwanese sock puppet forum, i can be a weeb as much as i want
Fatalis did get killed, where do you think the sword comes from?
Posting cursed image to scare off Rajang from Iceborn.
Never again.
You don't have to kill a monster to have enough parts to make something user. Even the Japanese text says no one has ever come back from a Fatalis hunt alive.
You fool, cursed images will only attract hin
>fatalis sword
The guy in the intro cutscene expresses surprise that your player character is also an A-lister, which implies some level of differentiation in skill levels among the Fifth Fleet hunters.
If a Fatalis cums inside of you, do you become a fatalis?
Isn't it just called the ancient black sword in Pokke?
World is utter shit, only a FU remake exclusive for the PS4/5 could salvage this doomed franchise
Noted. Iceborne has been cancelled
It's modeled after a Fatalis sword
You can mine it to make budget Fatalis weapons
It's a Fatalis sword
That’s what she said.
Rajang when he's added as an invasion monster
It's clearly made from fatalis parts.
Did you rike it?
I know it's a Fatalis sword dummy. I'm saying that the games still say no one has ever come back from a Fatalis hunt alive.
Technically the only Fatalis that's been recorded defeated got scared off, not killed.
If he comes back he should be able to throw other monsters at you like Deviljho
>gen 1 and 2 monsters
I remember when I started with gen 3 I was wondering what it'd be like to fight all the older monsters. Finally got that wish in 4 and gen, never want to see most of them again.
Diablos has a special place in my heart for being the first monster to actually scare me though. I'm glad he keeps coming back.
It's a sword made from a "dead" fatalis. So someone canonically beat one, skinned it, and turned it into a weapon.
>I know it's a Fatalis sword dummy
Yes, so someone obviously beat a fatalis and made a weapon out of its parts, this completely contradicts your statement about people not coming back alive from fighting one.
We're getting Plesioth and Green Plesioth as secret Piscene Wyverns and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's not my statement though. It's the game. The game literally says no one has come back alive.
Any leaks yet? I want to repost it on reddit for some quick karma
not necessarily, someone might have looked for the hunter and found his corpse alongside the tail or something.
It really doesn't contradict it if the person who killed fatalis died alongside the fat cunt.
Does anyone even enjoy plessy and his relatives or is he just one big meme for the developers at this point?
Good. I hope them and both Khezu will be in.
You forgot the new siege monster, Great Plesioth.
Then how did the sword get made if he died along with it?
While simultaneously showing that a sword made from dead Fatalis parts physically exists in the game world.
If I recall correctly, you sometimes very rarely mined infant khezu out of crystals didn't you? Or am I miss-remembering?
An expedition to find the corpse?
What is the difference between generations and generations ultimate? im thinking frame rate because ultimate is on a more inferior system
But then in this scenario the Fatalis still lost, so someone beat it.
Where does it say it came from a dead Fatalis though?
GU has G rank, it's the definitive edition
Lost != Killed
Crimson is a Fatalis that got beat, but he isn't dead.
And the person who killed it didn't come back alive from fighting it.
No contradictions.
It's implied because the material "mined" from the sword has an almost malicious semi-sentience to it. Like it just feels corrupting and evil
You know, I really miss when you Worldbabbies didn't exist. These threads were a lot more peaceful.
Cats were hurrying up to save him but found him dead
GU adds HR village, GR hub, 22 more monsters and EX deviants. That's alot of content.
>doesn't even show a new monster icon
Fake as fuck.
>22 more monsters
which are?
Did everyone get their SSD in preparation for Iceborne?
I've avoided MHW so far because of the changes, but I'm curious how much it can be made like the mainline games with mods. Are there mods to force guts posing after potion drinking and removing the random free bug items?
I hope iceborne does the same. It has the same amount of monsters too, but i'd like EX deviants
No you fucking faggot, just keep playing the old games if you hate change so much
Cool, thanks for letting me know. I'll continue avoiding it and worldfags like yourself.
Any cute girl from the middle east that also likes monster hunter wants to build a family with me?
The entire argument started from someone saying that no one has never beaten or killed a Fatalis, so it actually does contradict it.
bye faggot
Fuck off sand nigger.
>removing all the QQL changes to make it a shit game
It needs carve items from a fatalis.
There aren't any cute girls from the middle east
It's not like you can cut Fatalis' tail and carve it for materials
That guy assumes there is only one fatalis, but there are a bunch of them in the canon. So its not against the canon if some hunters manage to kill a few of them
middle eastern girls don't get to do anything. Especially not play video games. They're for breeding and cleaning only according to their culture
Can you fucking imagine if Lao was the new siege in Iceborne? The armor set is already in as layered so there's a chance
Supposedly Fatalis are just incredibly rare and their biology is a complete mystery because of this, in 4U they mentioned that when the crimson Fatalis came from the egg it grew to adult size in a matter of minutes
I'd imagine that Plessy and its offshoots are incredibly easy to program and work with which is why it always finds itself in the games even though no one like them.
Here's your leak bro.
Well I can tell you that Gore/shaggy won't be in. New skeletons won't make it. Capcom is lazy.
You get the whelps from mining Daora's corpse/shedded skin
Not from crystals
Isn't it in the lore that if a hunter wears Fatalis armor for too long, the armor starts growing in them until they turn into a fatalis themselves?
hows that for a final boss: A hunter thats about to turn into a fatalis
Gore/Shaggy skeletons are already in the game tho
to prevent anyone biting, that was confirmed fake
That's right, ty user
His skeleton is all over World already fag
Most of this "lore" is coming straight out of the ass of the people behind the MH wikis, they dont cite any sources for any of this crap. If its not in the games then its BS is a pretty good rule to go by when it comes to lore.
Would be terrible, the combat system isn't made to fight human sized enemies
Also the entire idea behind MH is that there is no human villain
>A hunter thats about to turn into a fatalis
I ont think theres much human left there
Would you faggots please stop masturbating to that generic garbage dragon?
>QQL changes
Thanks for proving yourself double retarded by misspelling QOL somehow and mistaking casualization for QOL, worldfag.
>mad cause Fatalis is IN
Even if you don't like Fatalis don't count on Ryozo letting the team retcon ANYTHING from Gen 1
I win and you lose because Capcom are catering to me now.
So theres no real leak and everyone got fucked with?
>Also the entire idea behind MH is that there is no human villain
I have a question: What if Capcom does it? While World's sales have been proof enough that the West can jump onto MH easily with the right advertising and console base, one thing I feel some of them might ask of the franchise in the near future is "more story".
I only whack it to the newest addition to the Elder Dragon roster: Savage Plesioth, an enraged Turquoise (new subspecies) Plesioth who didnt get enough frogs yet still has enormous mass to hip check from 2 maps away
Imagine being mad about Quality of life changes
Wait, even the quest screens were faked?
Considering their idea of more story is telling the same story with more cutscenes, they'll tell the same story with more cutscenes.
Lavasioth was shoehorned in so obviously over Agnaktor in the Recess so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a last minute change when they couldn't get Lagi's head working correctly.
>no leaks
incredible how or are the leaks false or the leaker is literally capcom and wont reveal shit
the fatalis part is actually from the games dumb worldfags
The only QoL change that world had was removing loading screens, which was handled poorly because the loading screens just got replaced with hallways. World did not introduce any other actual QoL that did not exist in other games in some fashion.
Existed in Tri, though it was limited to one map.
>continuous gathering
I can't really think of what other "QoL" people could be thinking about other than those three.
Post it already.
I love not needing to buy whetstones/bug nets/pickaxes.
That's a QoL change for me.
There's not a single piscine i truly enjoy, no. They're all meh fights at best with shitty equipment made from them.
We're talking about mechanical quality of life changes, not casualizations that just give you infinite resources. Seamless maps is the only QoL that World actually introduced.
I'm happy people like you are finally gone from this series.
>aggy popping in and out of the lava pools in area 10 to laser your ass
>nah let's just rehash one of the most reviled monsters in the series
Fucking Ryozo
I'm still playing The older games, though.
>Seamless maps is the only QoL that World actually introduced.
Can you really call it QoL when it takes longer to get into the hunt?
could you stop giving this nigger replies?
>not casualizations that just give you infinite resources
But that's a mechanical QoL change, not needing to waste time buying stuff before an expedition is, without a doubt, good for the player.
There's also stuff like being able to see everything from an upgrade tree or tracking materials you need for a piece.
it's one of the descriptions from the white fatalis armor in FU
yep, he used a mod for that.
I miss click click click click zwooosh.
>I can't really think of what other "QoL" people could be thinking about other than those three
Stuff like the weapons testing area, in-game wiki, and being able to have the game tell you when you have the necessary materials for an upgrade you want to make are all good, genuine QoL upgrades.
Yeah, that's what they say. Maybe no one has survived a Fatalis fight because technically after they 'kill' it, they end up making and wearing its armor, only to cause it to simply become reborn.
Generations had weapon trees, so that's also wrong.
>but that is a mechanical QoL change
No it's not, because it isn't changing the actual mechanics behind how it functions, it's just giving you infinite whetstones and pickaxes.
>in-game wiki
Other games had this, do you not know what bestiaries and hunters notes are? Did you only play World?
> and being able to have the game tell you when you have the necessary materials for an upgrade you want
Even fucking Tri had this, holy shit you people are actual worldbabies aren't you? World did not introduce any of these concepts.
saving this thread
Some game has a material called Fatalis Crust or something that states Fatalis also uses the dead bodies of hunters to melt them onto his skin and serve as armor against other hunters.
If that ever happened i'd unironically join forces with Listfag
>5 digits
Stories had Crust but it doesn't say that/
It's too late, listfag has successfully baited the worldbabbies and it's now beginning the part where he spews shit about the old games.
Might as well abandon thread.
GU destroyed the weapon tree but you fucks praised it. Also, calling everyone worldbabs isn't an argument either, especially when you dont even know
it did pretty well once it hit the west tho, finally got GU to the million sales club. wouldnt be surprised if a good chunk of sales cam from people thinking it was mhworld tho
Yeah, for example according to Easy Allies, within Iceborne's story the various known NPCs(Greatsword guy, 3rd fleetmaster, etc.) will have more focus or character development. I know the Handler is going to get a lot of focus in this expansion, based on the trailers.
>sum up in 1 picture where it went too far
GU had an actual weapons tree listed in game for whatever weapon you were looking at, World did not introduce in game weapon trees. It also didn't introduce expeditions, continuous gathering, or tracking materials. The only idiot here is the person trying to argue that I know nothing while saying world introduced all these things when it's proven to not be true.
>seething so badly he can't even finish his sentence
Fuck off Worldbab.
World was already a bit too story heavy for my liking so if they add more in just going to drop it like I did pokemon.
So it's just 4s shit but expanded.
You have to post proof for it to be proven.
just report him for flamewar, it always works
How many times are you going to reply to yourself.
Generations doesn't even show you the next upgrade properly if you have the materials for it like 4U did, it shows ??? on every weapon until you level it up enough even if you had leveled up that base weapon before.
>You have to post proof for it to be proven.
Proof of what, exactly? Anyone who has played the older games knows that they had hunters notes, bestiaries, and the like. What, exactly, do you want me to post proof of?
The 4U materials don't mention it according to Kiranico and neither do the FU ones according to the (((wiki)))
Anti-listfag spotted.
Mods rarely acknowledge reports. The only reason he gets banned is because some user opens fire to mods on irc when he shows up.
Fuck off Retard.
I can already tell you that whatever character development the Handler has she will always remain shit
Stop biting it you fucking retards, he didn't even play Generations from the looks of his posts
Who played what is irrelavent. Post proof
>everyone who says anything bad about world is your listfag boogeyman
World was just 4th Gen's story with voiced dialogue. Makes it look too story heavy but really it's the same plot structure MH has when it bothers with story.
Nice inspect element edit now can you tone down the samefagging?
nobody mentioned listfag
Post proof of your claims. Post actual proof that the functions are the same, because people were happy as fuck about the hunters notes changes when they were announced for world because it meant not having to go to a wiki. If the changes were already in the franchise like you're claiming they were then no one would've cared.
>World was just 4th Gen's story with voiced dialogue
Not really.
Maybe as a crossover event but nothing more.
The only way Iceborne's story will have my (temporary) interest is if a character actually dies, and the only way it will have my genuine interest is if they take the step and unironically kill of Handler. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a fag playing MH for the story of all things, but it'd be nice if it had at least a single interesting thing going for it.
Has anything substantial leaked? I only saw the image with Glavenus quest name last night.
Of what? Be specific.
I would
>controller broke while playing emulated 3U
Fucking shit nigger faggot, do i play Gen or 4U?
i don't have a switch
I still can't believe Monster Hunter World became Capcom's best(fastest?) selling game of all time. Who saw that coming?
Everything you're claiming.
What wiki would you have to go to for hunters notes? They exist in game. Are you talking about weapon trees and not hunters notes?
I have played since FU and if you're trying to say that the old Hunters Notes were anything like World's, you're just a contrarian retard.
Anyone want to do some MHGU hunting?
>Other games had this, do you not know what bestiaries and hunters notes are?
I don't recall the bestiary or the hunter's notes updating to give you complete information about monster hitzones, weaknesses, and breakable parts, among other things, or material descriptions telling you which parts to break for a better chance at obtaining them.
>Even fucking Tri had this
I don't recall any other game letting you turn on a pop-up that tells you exactly when you've gathered the necessary materials without needing to go and check at the smithy.
I don't even like World that much, and I hate people mislabeling some of its genuinely pointless or even poor changes as QoL, but to deny that it made any improvements at all is pure ignorance.
Fucking leak something already
hundreds of people have the game and none of them have the balls to leak anything
fucking faggots
>being obtuse on purpose
You know exactly what. Weaknesses, hit zones, rewards, etc.
Be nice.
It kind of reminds me of when people threw a fit about damage numbers, while others were happy it meant no more SEAmonkey bad math on wikis.
>weaknesses the game tells you this, why would you need to go to a wiki for these???
Reviewer is nice, why Yea Forums not nice?
I'm just happy they're not BIG MMO DAMAGE NUMBERS but are actually acceptable
who is there to help?
are the journalists working together?
I'm not going to jump through hoops to find all the evidence you want just because you're a retard who is arguing about the games despite clearly not playing all of them. This is as far as I'm going for this.
>I don't recall any other game letting you turn on a pop-up that tells you exactly when you've gathered the necessary materials without needing to go and check at the smithy.
Tri let you actively tack any material that you wanted to and it would have a pop up message telling you when you got enough of them, so nice job on having Alzheimer's.
>but to deny that it made any improvements at all
I also never did this, so nice job on also having shit reading comprehension.
Big journalist friend helping out the weak who can't clear Low/High rank to get into glorious Master Rank
Deserted Island...
Are they gitting gud?
I never said they were exactly like world. I never said that the previous games did the same thing just like world, I specifically stated that World did not "introduce these concepts". All world did was re tool them, it did not invent these concepts for the series like you idiots keep trying to say.
I didn't. I thought it was going to sell as well as the older games, maybe a bit more because of the attempts to appeal to the West. How did World do it, unironically asking?
Come on man, they could at least throw us a bone and show us Glavenus armor for example or something.
didnt the leaker said he would post a video or some shit?
I'm so glad this stupid idolshit never made it out of gen. I was so disappointed at that ending, I put down my 3ds and walked away.
>waiting for leaks
What are you, a Dam?
For some reason I remember little of World's advertising, atleast in a way that made the game grab the West's attention that well.
Good advertising and good timing
Destiny 2 was imploding and all the grindfags were looking for a new game to play
Soulsfags hadn't gotten a game in a long time and were thirsty for anything even vaguely similar
All i remember is that very first trailer.
Most people didn't, and it's not really difficult to blame them given the track record the series had.
Souls I understand, but I don't get Destiny.
Funny, did you forget that you posted in which you claimed other games had an in-game wiki like World? You know, not just fucking flavor text?
Fuck off, retard.
calm down handler
It's probably one guy pushing this. I have never seen the comparison until a few days ago, and I've been on MH threads since 2011
So no proofs. Got it.
World ads were plastered everywhere. Capcom has never advertised MH as much as it did with World, and by that I mean they didn't advertise it all aside from those Tri commercials. They also made sure to make a big deal out of the game at E3 which they almost never did before.
They brought it to every event/convention imaginable, had YouTubers getting hands on time with the game to shill information for them, advertised on social media including through PlayStation’s social media. It was all over the place. Might seem like pretty standard faire but it was a lot more than Monster Hunter normally got in the West.
what does a FPS game have to do with a monster hunting game?
Capcom knows when to announce a game (Summer) and when to release it (Winter/Spring of the following year). You're waiting 9 months at most while Capcom keeps releasing trailers and bits of gameplay each month instead of waiting more than 2 years for maybe an E3 trailer.
MHW also has great presentation and trailers. There's no sugarcoating saying that the game's graphics and animations make for some stunning moments.
Destinyfags on youtube and that one article
Nothing, it's one autist shitposting about it over and over.
Can we get some leaks already? Fags are getting into flamewars and shitposting.
Almost all of the changes were positive. I was very skeptical at first too, but MHW really did improve on the old games.
Now if only they could get rid of scoutflies and mantles, then it would without a doubt be peak MH.
We can get more mexican than this
Even tho I don't watch youtubers much, I would have atleast seen the comparison in 2016-2017
The games before gen had cuter girls. They even had festivals and dancing. Just not stupid idoltrash.
There's a mod for that
just don't use them
>The games before gen had cuter girls
>Implying Luce isn't cute as fuck
Okay then I got an idea for you fags while waiting for leaks or the brachy trailer. Post a monster, other user replies with another monster, and both will combine along with the name and properties. More than 2 combinations is allowed cause why not
Get creative, faggots
What an absolutely retarded idea
Let's begin
Fuck off reddit and take your wojack cancer with you
>and thus Ryozo created the Paralysis Vaal Hazak sub
Why are palicos friends with humans in the first place?
With an army of zombified Khezu
>Boltreaver that charges up, super-sonic flight, and AoEs everywhere while playing gunlancer
pls no
at 240p
I didn't say "it was like world" you illiterate nigger. Learn how to read.
I really didn't enjoy Gen much and have no desire for more of that. I'm like you like it though.
That's proof of an expedition, you fucking retard.
World has shit graphics.
Finally I have become Overdrive...
How hasn't this been done yet?
it was also on a 3DS. Better looking games than XX/GU have ran at a steady 60fps on much weaker consoles than the Switch.
I wish Great Maccao had gotten an endgame-level Deviant
Cool, but following that chain shows people wanted to see you post proofs of an in game wiki complete with all monster info pre-World.
So you clearly have no proofs.
>youse got it, baws!
No. I don't babysit shutters. Go to any room but mine, please.
Have sex
You said you wanted all and i told you that i'm not going to do your research for you just because you're a lazy little niglet, so I gave you one. If you want proof that the older games had bestiaries , expeditions, hunters notes and the like then do your own research and stop asking to get spoonfed.
So you have no proofs.
The 3DS games were a technical embarrassment and worse than PSP games, a console that was 8 years older.
>'ey boss, this chickenhead is threatening our territory
>call in the boys. Tell 'em he's sleeping with the sioths tonight
first time MH has had global simultaneous drop for all regions and been multiplat, on top of that. Capcom obviously never considered that strategy before.
I posted one, do the rest of your own research.
You posted proofs of the only thing no one challenged. So you have no proofs.
If you make a claim you have to prove it.
How'd get the master rank there?
They were jumping into like any other co-op game at the time, Warframe got a big playerbase spike around then too.
I disagree. It looks very good with the official HD textures. The monster models are still extremely good.
its not about looks it's about resolution. if GU ran 240p I'm sure it could easily do locked 60. the question is would anyone want to settle for such a shit resolution
warframe makes sense because both are looter shooters and the difference is player perspective
Who has been confirmed for Iceborne?
>You posted proofs of the only thing no one challenged.
See >Everything you're claiming.
They argued against everything, not just one or two things. I posted one, now do the rest of your own research.
Please post more Meowstress and Mewstress
You called it an in-game wiki, which yes, would make it like World.
Again, fuck off, retard.
and you need to see Post your proofs.
Like I’d want to play with some ESL anyway.
Ur mum
Got a few questions regarding GU.
1. What are hypers, deviats, and EX?
2. what's the fastest way to reach HR100?
3. is Rare X gear the best usually?
4. how do I unlock certain monster hunts like Rustrazor?
Are you so illiterate that you can't read the part where I specifically stated that the older games introduced concepts that world built upon? I never said the bestiary in 4 was the same as the one in World. That doesn't stop the fact that the game still had one, and the only reason World needs to tell the player where the weakest spots specifically are is because it got rid of proper visual feedback, and every single game tells you what elements the monsters are weak to without specifically putting it into the hunters notes or bestiary.
you know how I know your first game was world?
Then the same guy said so nice job, dyor.
>people actually believing the trailer is gonna drop before the show Capcom specifically said they'd attend
When is the show?
So now you're finally agreeing with us that the older games didn't have detailed, in-game notes that derailed the monsters weaknesses, weak spots, drops, etc? And that the addition of said feature to World was an overall QoL improvement?
I'm glad we finally see eye to eye, I don't know why you were claiming the old games had in-game wikis before.
People who say 4U was good make no sense when they shit on this game since it improved everything about 4U.
I can vouch for the people who were happy because I was and still am happy for all the hunter notes. I don't have to spend hours on kiranico anymore. It was a huge change.
>no this game needs to stay really hard and clunky because it makes me feel like a big boy when i win and let's me laugh at all the losers hahahaha
They truly are a pathetic bunch, aren't they? High school's biggest outcasts, losers, and nerds desperately looking for another nerd haven. Too bad Chad is here to piss on these (IRL) scrawny chumps and win the girl by winning my hunts smoothly, with little arbitrary setbacks.
Piss on them with me, user. Let's do it. Let's GO.
E3 and PAX both had trailers drop before the events and then interviews/details/demos at the event
except it casualized G-rank and added broken styles
4U's top tiers are more fun than GU's top tiers, and I like 4U's roster more.
Tuesday I think?
Both of which they didn't specify they'd attend to my knowledge.
Listen I want that trailer tomorrow as much as you do
It's a good game, but not as good as 4U. Deal with it
They will have glowing spots on their body that when you hit them fill your arts gauges faster. They have bloated HP compared to regular monsters. They hit harder, and if they attack with a part that is hypered, there will be a very noticable audio cue and the attack will either do much more damage, be faster, or in most cases both.
Subtypes of certain monsters that are stronger and employ very different movesets. Have to be unlocked gradually and require tickets to access them. Give unique armors with no slots but certain compound skills. Their weapons fill your art gauges faster when you use them, as well.
Super strong versions of the deviants that unlock the deviant's respective armor for transmogging.
2. Just do G Rank. You'll want to make a few basic sets, and every 2 or 3 quests should be a rank up. You'll get there naturally. Better get some good stuff along the way.
3. Not always, it definitely depends on what skills you're going for. The rank of the armor is sort of secondary if the skill combination comes out right without sacrificing too much defense.
4. Hunt the monster's base form in G Rank. The exception is Bloodbath, who, i believe, requires you to hunt one each of Azurebolt Astalos, Soulseer Mizutsune, Elderfrost Gammoth and Hellblade Glavenus. Strongest deviant out there.
Fuck you bitch
>5 days until Gamescom
>Casualized G rank
4U had the worst fucking powercreep in the entire series and also a really short G rank. Don't know what you're talking about.
The only monster of value that was lost was Gogmazios
How? It fixed Insect Glaive being absurdly broken, re-added Leviathans, and fixed both subspecies AND refined the expedition quest concept in the form of deviant monsters who are very different from their base monster AND don't revolve around a retarded wystone gimmick.
The only demographic of people who are justified in thinking 4U is better are gunlance users and even then it's not so bad when you get used to the heat gauge because you end up doing more damage in the long run if you can maintain red.
I specifically stated that the older games had bestiaries and that said older games also specifically told you what elements monsters were weak to. I never said it had the exact same system as world and you can't find a single post of my where I specifically said this. Learn how to read English, please.
Thanks man. I needed a way to unlock G4 Rustrazor for my LS.
1) hypers are monsters that deal increased damage, have increased durability, and have different attack timings depending on what part of them is glowing
deviants are special versions of monsters with new moves and entirely new powers and gimmicks
EXs are deviants you unlock after getting to HR 100, which are super amped up deviants and the hardest hunts in the game
2) to get to HR 100 just play the damn game, make new armor sets, experiment with new weapons
to uncap your HR you need to beat ahtlal-ka in the g special urgent
3) depends, rare x armor are sets designed to be used out of the box without having to worry about slots or charms, but with a good enough charm you can get a normal mixed set of armor that can outperform a rare X set of armor
rare X weapons are sometimes best in slot for certain playstyles and certain weapons, an example would be the massacre demon blos GS being the best, but on the other hand a weapon like bow has a bunch of really good choices that aren't rarity X
4) you need to hunt their normal forms first, the only exception is deviant blos, where you have to hunt the G1 quest for all the fated 4 deviants to unlock it
>How? It fixed Insect Glaive being absurdly broken
and instead broke almost all the weapons because of Valor style, especially LS and HBG
>It fixed Insect Glaive being absurdly broken
>nerfs in a PvE game being claimed as a feature
>re-added Leviathans
fuck em
>refined the expedition quest concept in the form of deviant monsters
Expeditions were way better than 15 fucking levels of retarded gimmicks like "no items" and "infinitely respawning bulldrome"
user, you literally said "the old games had in-game wikis", which is flat out wrong. Nobody is denying that the old games had inderict methods of telling you this info. You falsely claimed that the Hunter's notes and bestiaries acted in this manner. The only illiterate here is you if you can't even comprehend the vitriol you're slapping out of your keyboard.
>no proper leaks at all
Holy FUCK just give us something man. Like god damn it maybe show up new moves for base game monsters or new endemic life
Remember the trailer releases tonight at 3am CT. It’ll reveal brachy, zignore, and they’ll tease more story shit and the first dlc monster
>4Ufags when shit is broken in G and W: hurpadurp so fuckn dumb meta sets broken omg HBG too strong
>4Ufags when their precious weapons from 4, praise thy name, is broken: it's a PvE game shut up reatard it's a FEATURE
>new endemic life
1.hypers are buffed monsters with glowing limbs that charge your arts faster upon hitting limb, deviants are a separate set of 18 monsters with their own tier system and EX is the final tier.
2.charm farm Event quest, around 1rank per hunt.
3. i'd say no, rare x stuff is more niche overall than rare 10, although some rare x stuff is pretty strong.
4. get to g-rank (hr9) in hub to unlock the additional 6 g-rank deviants eg. Rustrazor.
GU is more broken than 4U in terms of balance. This is irrefutable from the hunter arts alone
4U's top tiers just did a lot of damage and were overall very well rounded, they didn't break the entire integrity of the game like Valor LS/HBG did.
Honestly for people like you they could just add wireframes of monsters because you think a game is just the fights and nothing else.
And you can simply use guild or striker style if you don't want to trivialize the game in the same way you can by using the glaive in 4U. So what's the problem?
Leviathan is objectively the only monster with zero shit monsters.
>Expeditions were way better than 15 fucking levels of retarded gimmicks
Yeah it's fun waiting for your wystone to come off cooldown half the fight while fighting a monster that's only harder because it's faster and deals more damage rather than having any variation to its moveset. Also no good reward, just shit for melding :)
Back in my day we had no endgame. We hunted for fun and to help newbie hunters.
>just gimp yourself bro
Never an argument
I'm not arguing G isn't broken either.
>Leviathan is objectively the only monster with zero shit monsters.
They're all fucking garbage, and also one of the laziest monster categories, they share 90% of their movepool
Yeah that was literally your argument for glaive being okay in 4U. Because GU has styles which can also break the game. So don't use them. Pretty simple. Only you can actually play the glaive in a balanced state in GU instead of just getting carried by how stupid mounting is in 4U.
>Other games had this, do you not know what bestiaries and hunters notes are? Did you only play World?
This is what I said, I never said "they had ingame wikis just like world. He'', I didn't even say "they have in-game wikis". That's what you said and that's what you'r trying to say I said despite the fact that I specifically detailed hunters notes and bestiaries and armor stats and elemental weaknesses. You can stop trying to be a disingenuous retard who puts words in my mouth any day now, because you know how fucking stupid you're being. At least I hope you do.
Go play Pokemon or something you fucking sbhuman
t. guy that quit tri after hitting a wall with gobul
>So don't use them. Pretty simple.
Fuck off with that shit, I'm going to use everything the game offers me. If playing the game the way it's intended breaks it, then it's not my responsibility to accomodate that, I'll just go play something else.
Playing top tier weapons in 4U does not break the game. Doing so in GU does. Plain and simple.
The fact that you think it's the only thing these games are about just shows how mentally retarded you are.
name of the event pls? and is it a good charm farm?
Do I really have to do this again?
>in-game wiki
>Other games had this,
Don't try and wave your hands in my face and claim "I didn't say that!" when we can literally all see that you did.
Fuck off, retard.
>carried by how stupid mounting is
I hope you don't seriously suggest that mounting is why IG is overpowered
zoomers like you should hang from trees
Leaker said he will post a video tomorrow
yes he (yes HIM) is in.
I'm glad my existence itself makes a fucking idiot like you angry.
This thread is not comfy at all...
>Monster Hunter isn't about hunting monsters
God this community has gone to shit, kill yourself you inferior life form, you clearly aren't human
Get lost OLD MAN
Mating press
Oh I'll be angry for 5 minutes, but you'll always be a retard forever
I'm sorry. Worldbabbies are like this.
Helping newbie hunters is the only true endgame.
>When its mostly arguing between 4U and GU
you're part of the problem
IG in 4U was broken as shit I don't know what the hell you're smoking. Nobody who just has a love for the weapon can play it in that game in a balanced state, and shitters can just use it to cheese any monster with mounting being piss easy and the threshholds hardly even getting higher with each consecutive mount.
Yeah it also had overtuned MV which got nerfed by a massive 15% in GU. But you didn't have to be good at the game for it to be broken just because of how broken mounting was in 4U, it could function as a cheese weapon bad players could use as well. Kind of like the kelbi bow in 3U where it was broken for just being able to stun lock monsters constantly rather than edging out other weapons in terms of pure kill speed.
get to the hanging part already you dumb brat
I try my best.
MH threads are just dead in general. Wfags being overly defensive and Nintendofags still being mad Capcom don't give a fucking shit about them anymore because they didn't buy enough copies of 4U and G.
>He enjoys MH for the "exploration"
actual subhuman taste, this series is ruined because of tards like you
Nice verbal diarrhea
With the debunking of the other leaks, I’m not optimistic about that.
HIM? I’m excited now.
Be nice to your Elder Dragons.
A man of integrity like me.
>IG in 4U was broken as shit I don't know what the hell you're smoking. Nobody who just has a love for the weapon can play it in that game in a balanced state
Last time I checked, soloing any 140 with IG still requires you to know how to play the game very well.
I'm glad I ruined it for people like you because I'm having the time of my life with W and I plan to have the same with IB.
Are you missing the entire point of the original argument this badly? People were arguing that World introduced all of these features and I pointed out how this isn't true. I specifically detailed which games introduced which features and even explicitly stated that World built upon them and revised them, but it did not introduce them. That post doesn't say "X game had this feature in the exact same manner that World did". Yet for some reason you keep saying that I said this despite it clearly not being true, and you even keep linking back to it despite that post never saying what you said I said. You absolute fucking moron. Almost all the games have a "wiki" where it talks about the monster and details certain attributes that it had in flavor text. Sometimes these bestiaries would also hint at weaknesses or exploits that said monsters have. I never specifically stated, at any point in my argument, that Tri, 4, Freedom Unite, or Generations had the exact same style of hunters notes or bestiary that World had you absolute illiterate triple nigger. This would be something that would be obvious to you if you actually knew how to read properly, but clearly that isn't the case. Now fuck off already. I'm getting tired of talking to your stupid asshole.
kill yourself
this is 100% a falseflag but people will fall for it
Gimme a quick rundown on this guy
It's actually not, I just don't believe it's ruined and I don't believe hunting, despite the title of the game, is all MH is about.
Just like how shitters can't get carried in EX deviant quests by hunting styles alone. Of course the absolute hardest thing in the game can make people's strategy of being carried by a stupid mechanic break down.
DLC quest: "URGENT: COAL MINERS NEEDED" do subquest kill a Brachy; end via subquest
>IG was broken as shit
GS and HBG were waaay worse faggot.
Might as well ask now that the thread is a shitshow anyways but how come there's multiple daily monster hunter threads when just a few weeks ago they were semi-rare, it's very clearly not a coincidence.
what is happening to this thread?
He uses light to create lazers
Close to release and they get a shitton of traction due to people being incredibly mad at each other.
Probably because it is nearing release and leaks are now likely to happen with the review copies being out.
because iceborne is in less than a month and there are NO FUCKING LEAKS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
you guys are saying leaks got debunked
The only leak that got debunk is the shitty seregios photoshop or were the quest lists also fake ? Because those look real
Post more
People are hyped, remember the days before world?
Do me a favor Worldzoomers, and go play an actual MH game instead.
It certainly is the main draw. You COULD cut out all the collecting, the progression through each map in order, and other shit and still be left with the solid core of the game, the hunts. But those other features, in the early game stages, are a nice "downtime" between hunts. I think they go together well. But the hunts are definitely the main draw. They're not all there is, but they couldn't be left out like the other stuff could theoretically be, and still leave you with a solid core with some actual longevity.
>Think about dusting off the ol’ Tri Hunter
>Remember I would have to dig out the damn remote and find batteries
Thanks Nintendo.
I just want to hunt enough monsters so her sister goes out with me
MH threads rarely become a shitfest. Most of the time its comfy, especially in the night. The issue is not just the autists, but the people replying to the autists
>It certainly is the main draw.
I'm not arguing this at all.
Aight, gonna boot up FU
Surely you were not implying XX is a actual MH game?
Exactly, go play MHFU and not that fake garbage called MHXX
It's a falseflagger trying to shit on GU, ignore him
Goodnight, Nerg.
All MH is good!
Even 1!
Analog combat!
Savage deviljho, Savage rajang, and the Apex seregios run a gauntlet of elder dragons
Which elder dragon do they stop at, if they can beat any
because a big announcement is coming in 5 days along with getting leaks
>especially in the night
"the night" for which country? Assuming US.
I am really curious as to how that played out, yet I fear for my life
I like Capcom's willingness to experiment with the strick during that time, see stuff like God Hand. Granted most experiments from gen 5 and 6 kinda sucked but sometimes they were really neat.
That's extremely debatable, HBG and GS also weren't just hypermobile longswords that the user could also bank off of the mounting gimmick. All of those weapons are easily top tier though along with the CB to a lesser extent.
Are you so thoroughly deranged you'd mistake one of your allied as a Worldbab?
I know war does nasty things to the human mind but at least maintain some semblance of sanity.
I'm thinking of Europe
>mfw Lunastra
only carted to one monster before
now I got my first ever triple cart
what a complete ass this fight is with a switch axe
Yes, it’s nice during the night in the US. I suspect my fellow countrymen of the day variety are to thank for a bulk of the shitposting. That’s why I prefer to hang out in the middle of the night.
White Fatty at the latest. Fucker would just annihilate them with lightning, even Rajang, by overloading him and making him explode like a faulty battery.
Because those are real
It wasn’t as bad as it sounds, but it was markedly worse than just pressing buttons. Also meant you had to move the camera with the D-Pad which is unnecessary for a controller and kind of makes me wonder what they were thinking when they laid it all out.
Frontier is better than GU.
don't be a race traitor say no to catlolis
the fuck is wrong with you? why do you talk like as if this is WW2 or something? why do you call everyone Worldbabs? hell you even called me one ITT despite playing GU right now. Why do you fuel shitposting and paint a bad name to this game?
I honestly think you dont care about the game nor the series, you just want to derail discussion. I have never seen meaningful discussion from you. Not a single one. It's just worldbab this and worldbab that. Why? If you legitimately care, you'd post something like which has good points and doesn't instigate shitposting or fueling it.
Please reconsider, man. It's not healthy to shitpost all the time. I know you care, but not like this dude
Why can't someone use a top tier weapon but also still be a good player?
In their mind it was probably fresh and innovative to do that without much regard for how fluid or even playable it would feel in the end. MGR is the only game i can think of that used stick attacks sort of well, and that was only in small actions between fights that you do with button presses.
Because if they were good players they'd recognize the need to handicap themselves with a worse weapon.
I never said they couldn't. I only said that anyone who plays IG in 4U isn't playing a balanced weapon and there's no way to make it one. Only broken things in GU are certain weapon and style combos and you can easily alleviate this by simply using another one.
Frontier wishes it was half as good as gen. Then maybe it wouldn't be getting the axe.
>Only broken things in GU are certain weapon and style combos and you can easily alleviate this by simply using another one.
That's such retarded logic. By that reasoning IG isn't broken because you can simply just not use it.
more of her, please
Well I can’t fault them for experimentation. That’s how we ended up with the series in the first place.
>2v2 tournament at gamescom
>live on screen where everyone can watch
>they didn't say what hunt it is, probably something new
>mfw I can't go
If you enjoy the Insect Glaive weapon, there is no way to get that experience without trivializing the game in 4U.
If you enjoy the Long Sword weapon in GU but don't want to make the game easy mode, you can just use any of the styles besides Valor. Pretty simple. You don't have to drop your entire weapon if you think abusing some hunting style gimmick ruins the game. Not sure how I can make this any clearer for you.
The same argument can be made for mantles in World, but everytime that gets brought up people just go HUR HUR DUR
Just wait for Frontier World. There's no way Capcom is going to pass an opportunity like World's success to push a worldwide MMO of their own.
maybe. A different good player could also minmax for them sweet high DPS fast kill times. there's no reason why both those players can't be considered good, there isnt only one definition of good
>Real MH
GU is still the best MH we've got at this point in time. Not even the person you replied to.
or they could just port it to the switch and call it a day. Would work
Isn’t COG in the dumps? I don’t think they are going to be pumping out anything anytime soon.
>Yea Forums
>If you enjoy the Insect Glaive weapon, there is no way to get that experience without trivializing the game in 4U.
If the only issue with IG is that it does too much damage, you can just not upgrade the weapon as far. Or spend a little time in a hex editor and change some values in the game around. I've wanted to try doing that anyway, thanks for reminding me.
>If you enjoy the Long Sword weapon in GU but don't want to make the game easy mode, you can just use any of the styles besides Valor.
Valor LS is a completely different weapon from Striker LS or Guild LS. If you enjoy Valor LS specifically but it's too overpowered for you, then that's the same exact issue as with IG. Just switching to Striker doesn't fix that because Striker LS plays completely differently from Valor.
You're just arbitrarily lumping styles together as interchangable as a gameplay experience, when the entire point of having them is that they're all unique.
Arena mode is quite fun and the equipment is often shit = it's a good challenge. There's no way to cheese all arena quests more often than not you're either stuck with suboptimal gear / style, or the time limit for that sweet S-rank provides a stern challenge.
They could just be bringing it all in house. Too early to tell I guess, but Frontier was still pulling in a lot of profit, so I can't imagine Capcom just packing up and leaving that sector like that.
Odd that they would can it in the first place if they were still pulling it in, but what do I know other than what I’ve picked up through hearsay.
I think you've mistaken me for someone who shitposts about World. Yes, the same argument applies to World. If you don't like the mantles then don't use them since they don't offer any strategic gameplay or playstyle, they're just gimmicks you aren't forced to play with.
>Valor LS is a completely different weapon from Striker LS or Guild LS
It's not, they share similar movesets only one is temporarily locked out of using most of them but gets a stupidly good counter move that NOTHING can get passed. Switching to striker just removes the crutch. The weapon overall is similar. Meanwhile in 4U, nothing shares a moveset with IG. If you think the game is too easy with it then you have to switch to something completely different or just stop upgrading your armor which is basically the entire point of the game. Plus if your solution is to just apply self-imposed restrictions to the base weapon then you may as well just play GU since it has literally exactly what you want via toning down the MVs and mounting in general while maintaining 99% of the roster.
I doubt it was making a lot of money honestly.