>Bretons - People that racially look Anglo and that have a culture that is mostly inspired by Anglo medieval folklore, I.E their real world counterpart.
>Nords - People that racially look Germanic, Swedish, and Celtic(Scots-Irish) and have a culture that is mostly inspired by folk culture of those groups(Norse/Vikings/Celtic Clans). I.E their real world counterparts.
>Imperials - People that look southern European(Greek, ancient Romans and Italians) and have a culture that is mostly inspired by those groups, I.E their real world counterparts.
>Reguards - People that are racially BLACK, as in, SUB-SAHARAN BANTU BLACK, and have a culture that is mostly NOT inspired by their racial counterpart, I.E Todd better correct this shit or else

What the fuck is this racist garbage. If Bethesda wants to use BLACK BODIES in their games to make money than they have an obligation to nest those BLACK BODIES in an African aesthetic, especially when they do the same for all the lilly white european based races.

I shouldn't be seeing all hammerfell born Redguards in Skyrim&ESO sporting Arabic names, sand garb, turbans, and those corny meme curved swords. And again, Todd has no problem representing real world white boi cultures in the white boi races. Its only the black people of the game that are denied their real world counterpart culture, and for what, so they can be towel heads and jihadist??? What next, camel fucking...FUCK OFF.

No no no no motherfucker. Listen here, if Todd&Co plans to set their next game in hammerfell and populate it with BLACK BODIES, than african fantasy will have to be put into the forefront or Todd will have a problem on his fucking hands. No more is beth going to get away with exploiting BLACK BODIES without representing BLACK FANTASY culture. We are living in a post black panther world, this shit will not stand anymore.

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Feel better now?

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you know there were black arabian nations

Mali Empire

Aren't the redguards based on the Mali Empire?


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have sex


You almost had me half-convinced this was for real until you overdid it. 4/10

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Redguards arent bantu. Where the fuck do you live? You havenĀ“t seen a real african in your life

>Mali """""Empire"""""

>>Reguards - NIGGERS

yeah yeah boo fucking hoo

>What next, camel fucking...

Well... That is implied

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Bitch there supposed to be upper Africa near Middle East

redguards have low int

Execute all niggers. Hang then from every tree in the world. Make shitskins afraid again and bring them to heel.

When they outnumber you they will be even more brutal. This is your last chance white man.

mali was an arab/mulsim colony. the part of their culture that most resembles red guard culture comes from their muslim conquerers

And they wonder why the white man gets stronger every day...

they dont look like north africans though, who are mostly arab and berber genetically, the look sub saharan

At least your Tamriel race isn't a nomadic group of ugly pigmen barbarians who follow a deity who was shitted out by another deity.

Does it matter? they come from a previous kalpa and were originally on some japanese named island. Rhey are not supposed to be normal blacks at all, they are not from this Nirn. All the other humans are white because they are all from atmora.

Maybe it would have been different if it came out after Black Panther.

Of all the African sub races, Redguards resemble the closest to west Africans with the shade variety of African Americans, which makes sense since the redguards are being made to appeal to the African american black population rather than the pure black population of west Africa. Basically, it the race that black guys of all shades are suppose to pick when they want to self insert.

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They would be foolish to set a game in Hammerfell.
With their recent track record of idiocy they are going to set it in Hammerfell.

maybe they should just remove black people from the game to avoid controversy

everything must be revised and changed

Nah, the next game is gonna be in hammerfell. Controversy pushes products.

damn, we've gone full circle

Redghaurd should look like bantu people.

If you dont think curved swords are the tightest shit get out of my face.

Then that shit needs to be RETCONNED THE FUCK OUT. Those are BLACK BODIES, they're not suicide bomber bodies or buck teeth&slant eye bodies.

Yokudan culture must retconned to be purely african in inspiration just like how the white boi races have their real world counterparts embedded into their design.

So yes, the fetish for curved swords need to be replaced with spears, shields that have a zulu like design, african sickle swords aka (Mambele), and armor&clothing&jewelry design that is based on african tribes like the Masai, Basotho, Zulu, etc.

If I see in tes 6 hammerfell that all redguards are running around with meme arabic curved swords and clothing, then bethesda will have a fucking problem on their hands.

Are you trying to push this meme to game "journalists" to fuck ES6 more than it already will be after being TODDED?

S-s-s-same could be said for MY people, you know. SSSSSCALE-BODIED PEOPLE have been mis-s-srepresented by videogames for FAR too long. No, we don't commune with magical trees, no, we were never s-s-s-slaves to any other race of beings, and WE CERTAINLY DON'T DRESS-s-s OUR WOMEN IN MAID OUTFITS TO PLEASE THE WARMBLOODS.

And frankly, I'm s-s-s-sick of it

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you could say the same thing about nords, viking culture came from germanic people who migrated north, the people originally living there were hunter-gatherers.

>tfw a genuine nigga post gets turned into bait because TES loreniggers found it insulting

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If its in niggerfell, i'm not buying the game since it will be one big pander to black people.

But they are all racially the same, or close enough to the same.

I have a bad feeling it will be Hammerfell and it will be Wakandafied.

Given Todds age TES6 will likely be his last game before he retires. It will come full circle. He will go from the guy that saved TES to the guy that killed TES.

What is black fantasy culture?

Stealing some watermelons and having a gang shootout before heading to the dole office?

I saw something similar on reddit to this topic just last week. If people keep making noise about this, I wonder what Bethesda will do. It is kinda suspect that the only human race(sub human) that doesn't really mold its self after its real world racial equivalent is the black people. Its almost seems as if Todd is saying that he has to take from other races to create a culture for the game's black race because the real world black race has nothing in their history to offer outside of mud huts.

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This makes the Kirkbride laugh

This is just a parody of a 500+ reply thread from yesterday where an (supposedly) actual nigger argued about these thing but in a serious way.

If they go Hammerfell they should bring him back and put the final nail in TES once and for all.