antagonist uses an eyepatch

> antagonist uses an eyepatch
> main character lost an arm at the beginning

Attached: 90459D5E-F5E3-497E-9A78-E0B7AE5BCF8E.jpg (684x1024, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread: kong police pulls gun&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN

Give me a quick rundown? I don't follow insectoid news

she's faking it

China riot police shot some woman in the eye
That's pretty much it.

She is/was a nurse.

Antagonist and MC are the same man

she better put a cool eyepatch on and grow old


is pepe a thing in hong kong and china

these protests are obviously being organized by w*stern glowniggers for muh democracy

Attached: ezra pound.jpg (850x400, 77K)

China wants Hong Kong and might just be slowly prepping for Tiananmen Square 2.0

if that's so why would they have protesters use a symbol like that that would tip people off to it not being real

also even if thats true why would i care if chinks are being fucked over via subversion, would be a nice change for it to happen to someone else for once

>for once

Yes, it's a normie meme with no political connotations as if it were still the early 10s.

why exactly are they protesting
are issues such as faggotry and other things western governments care about even illegal in china

Attached: 1557454109.drdragontim_83.png (618x345, 16K)

nigga if you don't think the west is the absolute hotbed for subversion of all kinds in the modern era you're joking

Chinese government using the police, the local mafia and now the military to crack down on Hong Kong protestors. So far it hasn't been working, so they're purposely escalating the conflict until the protestors either give up or get killed.

Of course, as you can see in the OP. It's just not used as a dogwhistle like in some certain countries

isnt Hong King like the California of China?

Attached: 1564662882398.png (680x539, 286K)

there are full of western memes like pepe/wojak on Hong Kong/Taiwan/Korean internet.
and You will never see them on Japanese internet for some reason

Hong Kong is a bit of a multicultural center and the government wants to reclaim it in the name of racial purity, so they're bringing in the military to mow down protesters who don't want to be driven out of their homes.

just like what happened in the middle east.

>protagonist uses an eyepatch

Attached: Dragoon02_c01.png (499x463, 175K)

Sure, democracy amirite ?

Hong Kong is independent of China

China wants to "fix" that.

>American education

Attached: 1561570107891.png (860x800, 611K)

Are americans really this retarded?

If the UK wasn't so completely cucked in every way, they should just reclaim Hongkong.

She had a white bf

UK is China's bitch

Attached: (700x394, 37K)

we just don't care about former British protectorates caught in a political quagmire caused from existing for a hundred and fifty years separate nationally and spiritually from what would otherwise be their homeland
eyepatch chan is a cute, though

Not a country on earth could at this stage. Not the US, not anyone.

Yes, see

>Typical ignorant Murrikan

There is a colony of actual human Chinese called Hong Kong that is being subverted by the insectoid Chinese that surround them

The UK is not a relevant global power

There is a photo of her on the ground with her mangled eye hanging out after police shot it with a beanbag shell.

so this is what a white supremacist looks like

I wonder if China is doing any kind of secret gene therapy stuff to Xi Jinping to keep him alive longer.

>We don't care about Hong Kong
We literally trade with them. Our exports to them were 18 billion in 2006. And we are one of their largest investors.

that not even the same person. Everyone is wearing something to cover an eye in solidarity.

>Not a country on earth could at this stage. Not the US, not anyone.
uh, wanna fucking bet?

Would the process leave Hongkong, China, other nearby countries, a smoking wasteland? Would it result in millions dead for absolutely nothing? Yes.

But we would own that fucking smoking crater of a city covered in our dead soldiers and our marines would get drunk and drive cars through the windows of the shops that hadn't been burned down

That's the thing. Despite how there's press everywhere and recording everything, no one managed to see it happen. It's all so convenient how if the police had done something wrong, they suddenly have all these videos showing it but not this. There are already some claims that it was a ricochet marble from a slingshot from a protester, and that's why no one have any footage of this incident.

> americans actually believe this

Have you ever been to California, Hong Kong, or China, you lard gargler?

>there are people who will actually ACTUALLY support or tolerate an independant power losing its autonomy

yeah your right, China would stop us with all that navy and all those carriers they have
oh wait

But no, seriously, America is fucking retarded at many many things, most things even. America is however autistically good at violence. This is why every country to beat America in a war has done so by AVOIDING fighting and letting America's civilian population get bored and start to complain till the government has to pull the plug.

Don't be absurd. China can do nothing here and win. Protesters had already gone way too far at the HK airport and had thoroughly fucked any international support.

maybe they should have thought of that before they let their parent government sell them to the chinese without their consent

>inconveniencing some flights is gonna fuck international support

Not only will China kill all of these fucking people, they'll do it and tell the rest of the world "Say something". And nobody will. Because NOBODY wants a landwar in asia

you have no military, diplomatic, economic or cultural knowledge about war. I know because your argument starts with “reducing a place to ashes”. You truly do not understand the sociopolitical and economic implications of armed conflict or why wars are lost/won. Gl though

This. Instead of getting thrown in jail for making jokes about the chinese government, they'll get thrown into jail for making jokes about gays and muslims. Based!

>Durr Chinese won't do anything against big daddy government souless ect
>People actually do
>Suddenly /pol/ govt dickriders come out of the woodwork

Are you autistic? Imagine getting your education from fucking Yea Forums of all places that you can only think of foreign cities in terms of American states.

They didn't just inconvenience tourists. They physically tried to stop them from boarding their planes for two days and had the gall to yell at them for not understanding and trying to force their way to get to the plane to get home. And then there's the incident where they tied up beat up and dox a man on live stream because they thought he was an undercover cop only for the reveal that he was actually a journalist.

Hong Kong is the only bastion of soul and humanity in China. This is truly a dark timeline.

>you have no military, diplomatic, economic or cultural knowledge about war.
>You truly do not understand the sociopolitical and economic implications of armed conflict or why wars are lost/won.

Doesn't change the fact that America could take Hong Kong if for some absurd reason it wanted to, or that it has the largest and best equipped and well funded military in the world, currently commanded by an 'in-chief' who really wants a patriotic war because every war president gets re-elected.

>I know because your argument starts with “reducing a place to ashes”

Hyperbolic diffusion, my autistic friend. The point is to acknowledge that any armed conflict would have serious losses beyond any potential gains. It would cause hundreds of thousands of soldiers lives and Hong Kong itself would be destroyed, the devastation would be incalculable. But they WOULD plant a goddamn flag on top of that mound of bodies in the end.

It's called black humor, it's a little weird but you'll understand it when you get out of middle school

tfw no pirate waifu

that just shows how desperate they are to get the world to pay attention and give a shit. It doesn't 'kill international support'. Don't kid yourself. Absolutely nobody supports the Chinese.


No there isn't, that isn't even her.

OK, literal Chinese propagandist.

Alright Jinping
Where are all the Tianmen square copypastafags now?

i would have thought the mafia would be first on the chopping block and completely behind the protestors

There's video evidence of cops in china not actually shooting people even in situations where they would have all legality to do it, like being surrounded by protesters and having their batons taken away from them only to have said protesters start beating them with it.

That's one video, I saw it, and no, he wouldn't be justified shooting into a fucking crowd right there. He was in no danger. Twenty riot cops were coming right up to him. He was in full riot gear getting punched to no effect. You are a literal Chinese brainwashing victim.

in HK*

Don't worry all the contrarians will say China would never shoot their own citizens. I don't know why Yea Forums dickrides China so hard when threads go /pol/ and at the same time go FUCK CHINKS at Tencent and Epic games

>where are the proofs
Wow who would have thought that China of all places might be able to effectively cover something up

>crowd starts beating him to death
>he wouldn't be justified
Cops here in the USA shoot for less and get away with it all the time. Where's the video evidence of this girl getting shot in the eye?

So when he was beating protesters with the same baton a moment earlier before they took it, they would have been justified in shooting him? He was posing a threat to their lives after all.

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> ok I don’t know about that but yeah we would still win because our penis is bigger
Even if there was an “all-out war”, do you really think there are nothing but losses in war ? Sure in a general frame, yes, non-pareto eficient, but it would undoubtedly be for the maximization I’d benefit of one side. In “ceteris paribus” terms where we put each soldier in front of the other yes, I agree with you, shamefully that is a far too stupid assumption and actual deterrent systems are a thing nowadays.

Give Hong Kong, Tibet and Taiwan back you scum sucking chinks.

You mean the protesters that were attacking him to begin with?

The USA is a Jew-dominated hellhole. Kill yourself.

We're not talking about your girl's orgasms.

>boss loses eyepatch when going all out

Attached: blackhole.png (219x111, 3K)

No. He runs up to a protester and starts hitting them for no reason. The protester is just standing there. Subsequently, the crowd of protesters takes his baton and hits him, and he pulls a gun and threatens to fire into the crowd like the high school bullying victim he is.

You are mentally ill.

>bastion of soul and humanity in the world

Attached: 1555448915141.png (8534x4800, 1.92M)

Yes, an internet meme popularized by Yea Forums, Reddit, and 9gag over the world wide web is entirely localized in the West. Your grand daughter is going to have her legs spread by Jacob bar Jones as he dips his long schnoz in and begin to nose-fuck her.


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That's only what we see in the video. The protesters are rioting you god damn idiot, why do you think the police are even there for in the first place? You think they're kindly asking the cops to leave? When they took over an entire airport by force and shut it down? The only mentally ill person here is the retard who believes everything that they see without any kind of proof.

And i thought Japanese are honorary and shit? Where is the fighting spirit?

Imagine being this fucking retarded
China threatened the PM that if they didn't give up Hong Kong they'd just invade. The UK would have not had the man power to win a war again China at that point so they just relented.


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>steal land from people
>threaten war because of muh trade routes
>eventually kind of give it back
>noooo it was originally ours give it back!!!!!
Why are whites to obsessed with taking land from other people?


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: 1565186235276.jpg (1024x625, 125K)

You're thinking honorobu Nippon, not ching chang Chong land

>Taiwan is not China
>They unironically call themselves the RoC

They should have imported them from their island to a less shit island instead of what theyre getting now

>NZ #1

Attached: 1528949258188.png (327x338, 136K)

If it does not involve oil, it does not involve America.

Green kappa is banned in china. Hong people see him as a symbol of freedom

Stand by the Man. I doubt the State-sponsored riot police were at any point the victims.

>tfw opened Yea Forums just to do this thread
>someone beat me to it

Is the hivemind real? Am i an NPC?

Attached: 47b.jpg (665x574, 25K)

The CIA involves itself in shit like this as a matter of sport. They have to justify their budget.

There is some social unrest going on in Hong Kong, with the Chinese probably aiming to use it as an excuse to finally annex that territory fully under the mainland regime.

there are 2 China, user
>People's Republic of China (mainland)
>Republic of China (Taiwan)

The video is the proof, numbnuts

You could sell all your subsidized soi you have laying around to HK for a nice profit I'd reckon.

please do not question this image that was definitely made by a taiwanese person

You can bet the CIA right now snorted 10kg of cocaine and DMT just to make up plan to fuck shit up in hong kong to demonize china.

You can fucking bet on this one.

Burger here, Tim Horton's makes the best "fast food" donuts that are still dirt cheap. I get coupons all the time for $4/6, good stuff. Way better than dunkin or similar. Of course they don't compare to a bakery, but price:quality it can't be beat.
Vermont maple syrup is better than Canadian, though.

Attached: dcc.jpg (630x768, 117K)

Nice evidence

Ahhh... she is a white nationalist.

Yes. We are all connected by massive internet consicuisness. Enjoy your eternal hell

Hong Kong was part of China before Britain stole it from the Opium Wars.

Its like the every day (school) shootings and gang violence here in America. Just by the police and not every day.


Attached: 96958.jpg (894x894, 27K)

She's really cute. How do I get a cute asian gf like that.

Totalitarian government encroaches on the closest democratic area

10 RMB have been deposited into your Lucky Smiling People's Republic Savings Account.

>there are actually shills for the fucking chinese government in this thread

what the dilly dally ding dong shilly shally fuck? You can't even SAY Tencent around here without prompting autistic screeching and the Tienamen Square copy pasta; and you stupid contrarian fuckers are going "UHH ACKCHUALLY" over the Chinese police? Holy fuck America, they aren't your cops, you don't have to pretend they aren't the autistic inbred bottom of the barrel specimens that you hire for your police agencys, you don't have to "SUPPORTAN OUR TROOPS". they are CHINESE. Like GODDAMN you aren't OWNING THE LIBS ALL THESE NIGGAS ARE CHINESE

>tfw that's actually a factually true statement.

God I fucking wish that Hitler had won.

Attached: Hitler Spirit quote.png (1280x720, 611K)

Yes and then they became people not workers ants.

>le dogwhistle
Shut up, you brainless poltroon.

>new "give us all your guns and take down all those copies of that video" zealand is the most free

Become a trafficker

They have to earn their social credit. If you support China, every American ancestor of your's are rolling in their graves.

there is only one china, the other one is illegitimate
the real one is either the prc or taiwan, whichever one makes you angrier is the one i meant

>Finally annex
user, HK is part of China now. There's no need to annex it. And given how China had been building up Shenzhen snd Shanghai as the new goto port cities, they can literally watch HK burn itself to the ground and not give a fuck. They can just wait out the 50 years agreement and nothing of value would be lost.

Tienanmen square ching chong fuck off chink defense force

there are 2 big things are happening in Asia right now and westerners never know

1. Chinese government about to do Tiananmen massacre II in Hong Kong
2. Japan starts raping Korea again and Korea's almost dead

Punished Snake is technically both.

some girl had her eye fissured by a beanbag. dunno if her or not, but it did happen.

Attached: 1565698365140.png (680x383, 406K)

Which is hilarious since it was China keeping them alive since they were the ones providing food, water, electricity, money, and almost every basic form of basic necessities of life while under British colonial rule. Hell, it's actually more democratic under China rule than under British rule.

I meant completely incorporate it and rid any and all notions of special privileges etc that Hong Kong used to enjoy.

The video was obviously recorded after the initial conflict, you idiot. We don't know how it started.

Wang shut up your factory shift is almost starting

You're discrediting actual evidence via assumptions. There can be room for reasonable doubt, but when you blindly ignore what is there, you out your poor reasoning.

Well, we actually don't know if it was a beanbag. Literally one guy posted an image of a goggle being pierced by a beanbag and somehow everyone is saying that is hers and it is proof the police did it. How did only one person manage to get a photo when the two dozen journalists all around the scene didn't?

I will never understand why Europeans didn't use the brief period of supremacy they had on this world to utterly exterminate every non European race and instead settled for the petty servile colonialism.

And then mainland China became a commie infested authoritarian shithole.

I loathe China, how can we stop them?

Dude, most of China's factories are automated. That type of joke doesn't really work anymore.

Keep falling for the nods and winks, le enlightened centrist

Fuck off Xiao.

It's funny how some people are consistently on the wrong side of history. I guess some are natural born loosers and if you disagree, wait a few years. We'll see who's writing the textbooks. No one is going to look kindly on this last decade.

If America and Europe wouldnt fuck themselves up by liberal shit oga boga multicultural propaganda then what would you need to do i just to wait until they kill each other like they did for 10 000 years. What America and Europe caused by inflating their country with shitskins is that they themselves will collapse even sooner than china giving china reason to expand into this world and fuck every corner of world with chink chongs breeding at 999x EXP rate just like on those lineage 2 pvp servers.

They only really did it in North America, and even then it was the predecessor state. Coincidence that that state became a super power and not the others?

Fuck off bootlicker

> more worried about what history will say about the development that took in our age than to actually try and grasp or influence the development itself, while making a philosophical stating his own absolute truth
We should be talking about videogames anyway

Nothing short of total war would be able to stop them at this point, and there is no will for war in the West anymore.

Enjoy your chinese overlords.

Do your part by supporting your local business and what exists in your community as much as possible. Stop, or at least avoid as much as possible, shit made in China. If it's Bangladesh, India, Thailand, etc, at least it's not China

Because Europeans aren’t a monolith, Ameritard. Not every country wants the samething regardless of wanting to colonize/expand their empire.

Shit was just a fashion trend.

Every empire dies eventually. The question is which is first?

Evidence in the video is that the police officer was getting beaten up and disarmed by a group of people and pulled out his gun to make them disperse, and did not shoot at them. What's even dumber is you think that the cop in the video just went around ruthlessly beating people up despite the video actually disproving your dumb fuck argument. The guy restrained someone and put them on the ground then a crowd come sup form behind him and starts attacking him. He didn't hit anyone with his baton before that point. And you call me mentally ill? You're the one actually arguing against evidence you stupid mother fucker. kong police pulls gun&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN

Even in North America what fucked the natives over was mostly disease and their lack of unity. The natives loved killing each other over tribal squabbles and had been happily doing that for thousands of years before Europeans stepped on those shores. They were easy for Europeans to conquer precisely because of that lack of unity. Technological advantage helped sure.

Why didn't the UK just tow Hong Kong island and the tip of the Kowloon Peninsula into the Irish Sea during the night when China was asleep?

>there is no will for war in the West anymore.
lmao. America is DESPERATELY trying to get into another war

Yeah, because we can totally do something about Hong Kong. I'm not talking figurative we, I'm talking literal we.

Evolutionarily it was a grand opportunity to ensure that only European genetics would persist on this world, too bad it was wasted. Though to be fair, it is not like the people at the time realized the chance which they were squandering.

How does that imperial Chinese boot taste you pathetic cuckold.

In this case Europe and America will vanish genetically not just collapse into smaller states. At the end of the day balkanization will happen unless nukes drops. Then it's going to shitter.

uhh why are these sjw cucks protesting against the government? dont they know government is based ftw

>Tfw eyepatches are literally a fetish of mine
>Same for scars or bandages

Am i the only one with this? I don't mean it in a weaboo or edge way, i feel like these things add a ''story'' to the person, makes them more interesting and it makes me want to protect them, they seem fragile yet beautiful.

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Are they? The actual american people? Or just the jews sitting at the top?

the US military wants an easy winnable war

screenshot or it didn't happen

They're too strong now. They have no real competition in Asia. Only thing would be to stop trading with them, but would corporations do that?

not saying there, but in my country I can be of influence about the situation over there, or the perception that people have about it. Imagine being a Chinese politician though, what the fuck do you have to do to even be one

FYI Jackie Chan is a commie bootlicker. Please don't buy his video games.

Attached: 220px-JackieChanStuntmaster.jpg (220x211, 18K)

Multiple people are disagreeing with you, which means 7/10 times you're wrong somewhere. It's the Chinese government, you really believe the police are civil and that China doesn't do everything it's power to attempt to cast a positive light into itself? It's not poor pitiful police, it's the poor people having what they've known for most of their lives uprooted.

Fuck off Ping Ping, shouldn't you be busy banning children's cartoons because your useless fat fuck of a dictator is offended by them?

> antagonizing

>Vanish genetically
>American ever being a race and not a nationality made of a bunch of other races
Yeah, sure.

People getting mad at me for pointing out facts and posting video proof just shows that they're mad about being proven wrong, that doesn't make me incorrect about anything regarding that video. The cop got attacked without direct provocation and pulled out his gun to make the group disperse. Your stupid asshole was the one that disagreed with this and tried saying the video played out differently.

it's kinda like Shigurui

Attached: b46.png (980x1400, 402K)

He obviously means americans of European heritage you disingenuous retard.

>>American ever being a race and not a nationality made of a bunch of other races

Glad you remember.

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Like what start another illegal war that will destabilize the region for terrorist groups/warlords to fill the power vaccum. But this time with the risk of an all out nuclear war?

I don't get it
is he making fun of those guards by pretending to be asleep? those are the ones that stand completely still right

>Guy in a uniform with a gun approaches a mob expecting a peaceful resolution in a place where the atrocities of the mainland that's been breathing down their necks for decades are well-known

You say that as if the PRC isn't an illegitimate terrorist group who overthrew the government.

>claim that someone is arguing against video evidence
>then do it yourself
The irony.

>>> atrocities

>tfw no cyclops gf

Progenitor's genes are diluted each generation anyway. Basic human biology shows that we're usually not going to resemble the generations before us, tard

>cartoon villains don't exis-

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Obviously you've been sipping the koolaid for too long. If NATO wanted hong kong there's not a goddamn thing china could do about it.
Sure the death toll would be high but at the end of the day china would be in shambles.
Worst case scenario china launches all of its nukes leaving a couple american cites wiped out while china becomes a radioactive pit of glass

Remember, if history has taught us anything even if they are terrorists, if they align with us politically, they are allies. The Contra, America supporting the French Revolution before it went off the rails, etc.

oh yeah, here's another spicy news
mainland china has been planting their own dudes into the protests to escalate the violence to try and justify their brutality

Yes, because it's always knew samefag and never multiple people. Absolute delusion. You can't stop crafting narratives.



liberals are about to get squished by some tanks

Not an argument, please continue denying China turning peaceful protestors into human pancakes then scraping them up with bulldozers because their retarded regime is only held up through violence.

why does the one on the left get to look so tuff while all the others besides Xi look like piss ants
can the ones on the right not even look at em?

Yeah but when police do it they do it for freedom.

I guess. But seeing those genes were too busy with infighting, inbreeding, greed and giving themselves diseases we can safely say that they weren’t fit for world domination.

The Taliban were the good guys when we gave them guns and training to fight against the soviet invasion, but now they're terrorists, since now they're fighting against us.
Same with the PRC, when we were fighting against the Japs in WW2, they were our alies just like the soviets, which is the reason both China and Russia are permanent members of the UNSC with veto power alongside UK, France and the US.

What is going on in USA and Europe is not old blood being mixed with a slow trickle of new blood. It is a total demographic displacement of the previously dominant majority population by a new, foreign population that is itself out reproducing the native population.
Even in remote northern nations like Finland and Sweden the natives are being displaced by the newcomer minorities at rates where they will be rendered a minority themselves by the year 2100 by *conservative* estimates.

Basically, by the next century, if shit keeps on going down this miserable track, white people will be demographically utterly displaced everywhere on the globe, with the possible exception of few eastern European nations and Russia.
If by 2100 for example, 90 percent of the people living in Finland that are under 30 descend genetically from the population of Somalia, can you really say that Finnish nation even exists at that point?

Man the manga really did lose it with the futa girl and the frog guy. Still great, though, but I think the anime handled many things way better.

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>provides 0 evidences

Which means nothing since your initial point that you brought up in is that since multiple people disagreed with him then he must be wrong and they must be right, despite the fact that the initial argument against everything was that he was arguing against proof in a video, which was later posted to support his initial claim and yet you're still arguing against him and the video evidence posted in the same fashion that was initially used against him as an argumentative point. You don't have much self awareness, do you?

Remember the Moors invading Europe? You're not suddenly being supplanted

literally most new sites on hong kong media. The cops have been planting their own guys in the protests to escalate violence as well. Also not to mention how the cops are essentially in cahoots with the mob who went around beating up people for protesting.

>The final boss pits you against his minions before you fight him

El escalvo de Israel...


Name one regime that ISN'T upheld with violence.

European aristocracy was fucking retarded, no questions asked. It is a fitting end that they were displaced, but unfortunately by non Europeans aka the kikes that run the show now.

>Europe wil vanish genetically
>when Europe has never been a homogenic ethnicity and was always crossbreeding itself


Literally leftypol who believes China is absolutely in the right for crushing "liberals" (even though China itself is basically a capitalist oligarchy under the veneer of socialism)

Reminder that PRC spies have been caught among the protestors.
Reminder that Beijing is amassing military forces outside of Hong Kong.
Reminder that it was proven that every police officer that claims they're victims have ties to Beijing.
Reminder that China always falls to peasant revolts.

Attached: mao-lmao-tshirt-square.png (851x851, 1.24M)

The US is becoming less white because of non-white immigration and shitskins breeding like rats, not race-mixing. But yeah, the US is more divided than ever and is gonna balkanize soon enough.


Nigger, Moors only invaded southern Europe and there is a fucking reason why Spaniards and southern italians don't look fucking white and it ain't the tan. Same goes for the Greeks. Modern greeks are hardly at all genetically related to the ancient Greeks as both Romans, and later turks raped them so throughout.

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

china is state capitalist to complete capitalism before transitioning to the socialist stage
liberals must be tankd

Congratulations on missing the point. You're arguing with multiple people so it's no surprise a Frankenstein'd argument isn't going to hold up to near obsessive scrutiny. As one user said before, reasonable doubt is just that, reasonable. If you discredit evidence and solely jump to conclusions be it on either side, it's inherently wrong. You're not as clever as you think you are.

>if I keep saying the US will split up it'll happen
You had your one chance in the Civil War and you fucked it up

unironically good song desu


>dissent to my opinion deserves to be crushed because i am on the right side of history
Name 1 group more evil than authoritarians.

>muh white genocide

This thread is shit. Post good vidya music. I'll start.

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no shit the girl in OP isn't the one that got shot, girl is still in the hospital
girl in the OP is part of the protestors who's new slogan is to tell the HK police to "give back an eye"

it's such incredible irony that the West has been happy to exploit China's inhumanely cheap labor for decades, but now that they're emerging as the new superpower, the West gets antsy about it, even while they can't do anything without the Chinese labor they're now completely dependent on.

Attached: ChinaStrong.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

I can't say that having a bunch of rootless jews that want to erase my people from existence running the show to be any better.

lol @ this stupid chink

Here’s .50 cents for your effort

they're protesting at the airport


Nothing happens in a vacuum. The generations preceding spread those Moorish genes.

no, they must be crushed because they are liberals
rational disagreement can be discussed, but liberals are simply infected by idealist concepts like individualism and are a lost cause

>riot against authoritarian government
>authoritarian government shoots you


>PRC propaganda film about korean war

Democracy is shit.

Fuck Trump

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Retards like you who are too weak to make your own opinions are just another brick in the wall to an authoritarian regime. Your death drive to give up your personal freedoms won't impress the sociopaths who end up ruling these regimes.

They try to avoid shooting at all cost because no goverment no matter how powerful survives civil war.

I feel like Asians aren't real conscious human beings anyone else feel the same?

But user, what about the superior race should take control of the weaker ones?

Just like your people owned black slaves, it is only fair your people to be ruled by another group and displace the whites as inferior.

If you post Taimanin Square Massacre, 2019 you automatically ban all Chinese operators in a thread. Go ahead and try it.

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>Congratulations on missing the point
The point is that you're doing the exact same thing that everyone accused him of while agreeing with them, so nice job on not being very self aware.
>You're arguing with multiple people
Is this supposed to be an argument? You're still pushing this despite it not really holding much weight, especially ITT when you said that he has to be wrong because multiple people were arguing against him but then someone just posted the video and it turns out he was right. Why does arguing against multiple people matter? You're the only one replying to me either, so there aren't multiple people arguing against me right now, unless you think i'm samefagging which would be extra retarded because you just made an argument for yourself that not everyone is a samefag. So which is it?

Because Europeans aren’t a monolith you fucking retard.
>also advocating for the extermination of every race
Dumb racist

>Meanwhile china is suffocating without the burgerbucks umbilical it relied upon to fuel its growth with the onset of the tariffs shitstorm
China strong indeed

Attached: cmoke.gif (360x238, 1.43M)

Here it is you fucking retards

>Authoritarian agent is attacked by mob

If it's so fair, why doesn't it happen to other groups of people?

>If you discredit evidence and solely jump to conclusions be it on either side, it's inherently wrong.
Someone posted video evidence of the entire conflict and the guy arguing about the police officer ended up being right, so this argument technically ended a while ago and everyone else was the one jumping to conclusions, so I don't really know what you're even replying to me about at this point.


Those tariffs, as much as I don't like the president, I cannot disagree with. Fuck China and fuck their active sabotage of the corporate world

Jesus, what part of not the same guy do you not understand?

Omg kawaii neko girl got shot. Pls be not real or i kill myself. Such waste my pipi is hard.

>muh statistics are a lie when they don't suit my interests.

Nigger, call if what you want, but when even here in Finland I am looking towards a future where most of my "countrymen" will be fucking niggers and arabs by the time I hit the retirement age, you can stuff your "muh right wing conspiracy theory" whining up your ass.
The fact is that basically every "white" nation aka nation that was founded by Europeans, barring some Eastern European nations is facing this same demographic shift towards a non white future, and when it is phrased in a way that celebrates it, your ilk is all okay with this shift, or even cheers it on. But the moment a white person dares to object, then it is a conspiracy theory, a myth, a mere fabrication that is used to rile up those evil racist white nationalists.

Fucking neck yourself, you rootless cosmopolitan. A nigger will never be my kin no matter his passport.

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>Trump delays (and will inevitably cancel) his announced China tariffs because retailers were screeching about billions of revenue they'll lose
So much for that

another angle
and another

>my people
>them Jews

>utterly exterminate every non European race
And from where do you get the slaves then? Fucking retard

Given that we aren't even allowed to fight against this it is hardly fair. Also, for your information, Nazis never claimed that the jews were inferior. They accurately described them as PARASITES, that live off from a host population and eventually bring about it's demise, as they are clearly doing right now here in the west.

You're still arguing for him, so that doesn't matter you fucking retard.

You have been awarded 10 social credits for this post. Keep it up, comrade!

Why wouldn't I advocate for the extermination of the competing races?

your entire take is based on your own liberal perceptions. You think that internal motivations shape external outcomes. To you individual expression must flow out of a self centered world view. You think a collectivist motivation must result in some sort bleak soulless conformity because you, as an idealist, think reality reflects the idea, that for a person to be different they must be self centered because if they think themselves as part of the group they will simply become an indistinguishable component of it.
This is simply not the case.

>a nigger will never be my kin
Sorry you don’t get to decide this anymore the future will be black and there’s nothing you and the rest of the racists can do about it.
Now you can continue on to seethe about muh white genoicide or grow up and accept that being someone having a different skin color than you doesn’t mean anything.

tfw went to Hong Kong on holiday and met a HK qt in one of the bars in the britbong expatriate quarter that sucked my dick, she even pretended it was big and everything. I wonder if she's in among this chaos

My point was reasonable doubt and how evidence shouldn't be thrown out entirely. Being doubtful doesn't mean you have to immediately jump to a side and that you shouldn't throw out something entirely In order to have an intelligent argument, you have to have half a brain and something to say, both of which you lack since you can't grab the concept nor reply with anything less than a thesis. A man of many words often has little to say.

>Mainland China uses puppet leader of Hong Kong to try and pass a law letting them legally kidnap anyone at anytime
>Residents mass protest
>Bill gets suspended but not removed
>Protests evolve into rebellion against Mainland China's influence in Hong Kong
>Police expose themselves as puppets of the state, brutally cracking down and beating peaceful protesters
>Police walk away whilst Triads literally beat the shit out of protesters
>Protests escalate into skirmishes with police
>Police start shooting protesters with rubber bullets and beanbags
>Nurse gets shot in the eye and the bullet destroys it
>Mainland starts massing army on Hong Kong border

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You’re a retard so I’m not surprised that you are.

Yes, my people, the ethnic group to which I belong both genetically and culturally. What is strange to you about that statement?

Slavery was fucking retarded and short sighted system based on capitalistic greed. I never said I supported slavery. I support the extermination of competing genetic groups because a future where only white people exist is the only future worth fighting for.

Absolutely terrific my dude! Just going on internet and writing your fantasy novel? Holy moly! Out flipping standing!

>y..yes america is delaying stuffing its dick further into chinas throat
>c..china strong

>it’s not fair
Life isn’t fair.
>muh jews are parasites
Yet they’re the ones controlling the world and advancing it right now huh?
Keep seething incel

Why do we have to care about small island in China?

Seething chink detected

The argument that you shouldn't jump to conclusions still stands.

Yet as far as this argument is concerned in relation to what people were initially arguing about, he was right and the argument is over despite you constantly mentioning things like "multiple people are arguing against you so you must be wrong". I seriously don't know what, exactly, you're trying to argue against at this point in regards to the initial subject matter when the argument ended already when someone posted the video.

>a future where only white people exist is the only future worth fighting for
Lol you retards can’t even decide what counts as white or not.

Then stop voting for zionist pigs, retard.

Yeah no, my philosophy is that trying to use gay abstracts to try and describe human behavior is a worthless endeavor that never survives first contact with reality. The primary drive of a human is self-preservation first and foremost and you are mentally deficient if you believe that to not be true. A human will act in their own self-interests no matter what and it is ironic that you call me idealistic for believing a collectivist system would collapse based on this very idea. In short, you're a retarded, barely sentient creature and maybe you would benefit from a collectivist regime based on how your entire argument is based on spouting off five dollar talking points from whatever "intellectual" you thought was smart rather than actually refuting the argument at hand.

>protests against chink communism
She has a soul too.

R1a R1b phenotype.

Where'd you guys get your stupidity degrees certified? Prager U?

absolute retard terminal brainlet.

He's talking about one specific incidence of which there is primary evidence.

'oh more ppl say x happened so its probably true'

I'd fucking hate to have you on a jury you myopic idiot

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Fuck off, chapo commie.

I never jumped to conclusions, I made a statement and posted video evidence which supported, and confirmed, that statement, so I really don't know why you keep telling me, of all people, not to jump to conclusions.

Yup, it's all one guy. Sound logic.

Yeah no. Maybe 10 % if that

OHHH CANADA. Feels good to be a winner.

Uh yes because everyone will work together just because they share the same phenotype despite any cultural or political allegiance.

Don't you have some Contra Points to watch?

>mfw the biggest party here in Finland is basically full of closeted ethnonationalists, and the youth wing is fucking full of open ethnonationalists, and it is looking like they will be poised to seize power in the next elections.

Can't wait to see all of you shitskin subhumans removed from my people's lands. USA can collapse and balkanize into a racewar for all I care, but as long as Finland still is 90 percent white nation all we need is to either ship you niggers out or fucking kill you off.

> accept that being someone having a different skin color than you doesn’t mean anything.
Actually, it means everything. It means that you are my genetic competitor, and enemy on a biological sense because you do not belong to the same biological group to which I belong. It is in my every interest to remove everyone like you from my people's territory so that my descendants won't have to compete with yours. Nothing you do, nothing you say, nothing you even think, changes the fact that your very being makes you my enemy. I hate your kind, because you are not my kind, and it is as simple as that.

The US has enought military power to beat he whole world combined twice.
Its just a matter of using nukes seriously or not.

Those who support China somehow managed to have smaller penises than the chinks themselves

People of same race trust each other more and form alliances easier than with different races.

R1a R1b never stopped G*rmans from fucking up Europe

Were not because of flu all you get will be several banana trees.

>advancing anything.
The world has only degraded in the last century. Don't let the technological advances built on the fumes of the height of civilization Europeans reached to fool you into thinking that what we have undergone is a wholesale advancement. Our technological developments are overshadowed tremendously by the moral and spiritual degradation and decline we have undergone.

They didnt fuck it up America and Russian hohols did.

Nigger, I am not a murrican thank god. I vote for the based ethnonationalist party of my homeland.

Keep seething racist
No matter what you do the future would still be black.

Of course, how'd you know?

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China showing they can't even be trusted to wait 50 years to fuck up Hong Kong as was agreed during the handover from Britain. Any other agreement reached with Chinks is worth less than dirt now.

China paid some actors to fly American flags in Hong Kong. Then they sent an entire army down there for Tienanmen Square Massacre 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Taiwan is next on the menu. Then South Korea.

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Is this what inbreeding does?

wtf I'm a commie now that loves open borders and to give all my money to brown people
Thanks, comrade.

my asian wife is from hong kong. every day when i wake up she floods me with news about HK because she's a bitch.

she and her friends in HK are still delusional that Trump will suddenly care about them and bring in the US army to save everyone.

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>muh moral and spiritual degradation
Sure thing retard

Go back to chapo, cancer. You communists are human garbage: the dumbest people on the planet.