She's back
didn't they release as statement about this game having blockchain tech or something with like a million buzzwords in it
Why is this a thing for fucking Cooking Mama
Yeah, I'm thinking she's in.
Can you hit her and make her cry like in the Wii game?
>Vegetarian mode
Now that would be interesting.
It sounds more like they're gonna use it for a DRM or to give each copy its own unique ID, rather than something like Cookingmamacoin or something.
Honestly I think the only reason people are so bewildered by it is that "blockchain as DRM" is being implemented in such a high profile way by fucking Cooking Mama of all things and not something like Call of Duty.
Yeah, vegans made a parody of the game because meat bad.
Cooking Mama Cockstar
Well at least mama's being inclusive in the actual sense of the word, as opposed to"MAMA WILL ONLY MAKE VEGAN CUISINE NOW, SUCK IT TOXIC TROLL HATERS"
Someone post it
Would honestly be happy about this.
>Oh, you messed up, it’s okay, Mama will finish it for you
I’m ready for the disappointment
>3D looks nice
>Vegetarian mode
>Same screen co-op and party competition
Not until we get our style savvy rep.
>vegetarian mode
Please don't, give these people and inch and they will take a mile.
Vegetarians are fine, vegans are the annoying ones
This is such a retarded place to pick a fight. Vegetarians in fucking cooking mama? That's what the next chip on your shoulder is gonna be about?
If there was something like animal conservationist mode for Monster Hunter where you fight poachers to protect animals you might have a point though fighting poachers sounds kinda cool
>Mix of traditional and motion control.
But I want full waggling for my Cooking Mama game. What even is the point if the waggling is going to be dumbed down for non Joycon controllers?
If it has motion controls how is it gonna work on ps4, do you need one of those controllers with the giant ball on the end?
Vegetarians and Vegans are 2 completely different things
Why not just pull out the spine when you've already split the fish?
it's only on consoles where you can't make unique copies of the game so it can't be DRM
I don't give a shit, they are still perversions of nature.
Never played a Cooking Mama game. Are they fun?
As someone whose eyes were opened by Sv3rige and other carnivores I can't help but feel adding legitimisation of antinutrient rich vegetarian diets is proof that the NWO is once again influencing children.
God damn dude it's just recipe variations, making variations on gameplay. Even then I don't think many people will care since it's digital cooking. As a person who doesn't consume, I don't mind slicing virtual fish lol
>cooking mama returns
Abe trying to fetishize motherhood in the eyes of otaku yet again
they have a gyroscope and accelerometer
don't think they'll make the ps move required for motion controls on ps4
It's basically a fun little series of minigames themed around cooking(or other tasks like camping that some of the spinoffs covered). Like a way more easygoing Warioware.
The gameplay is functional, but the presentation has got a lot of that janky A/AA-tier budget charm that went extinct in the mid-00s, like Mama being speaking English but with a heavily foreign accent.
Also, it's great as a way to get kids to cook. The simplified processes have good didactic value for them to further explore.
Also it actively teaches you new recipees, so it's also pretty educational
well i think it's mean for young children anyway. like 10 year old girls
I'm not even a fucking vegetarian and I don't get the anger at this shit.
Well, of course.
Prepare for the 2 part post about suboptimal nutrition or whatever.
>vegetarian mode
>no carb-free mode
it's like they don't even care about actually eating healthy
Never claimed they cared either. One of the first images is a burger with chips. One of the original recipes is cup ramen afaik.
That's already part of the backstory in Monster Hunter, the guild has a special division of hunter hunters that goes after poachers and murders them.
There's a big push for vegetarianism (and/or eating flies and roaches) by the UN and by advocates in the US right now. So people are simply on edge about it.
Being picky about food is a nonsensical 1st world luxury when children in random shtiholes survive on bone broth or whatever is available
There's nothing more egoistical than that.
You're better off basing your identity on sucking cocks than veganism or whatever
God dammit I'm so happy.
>they have a gyroscope and accelerometer
Oh yeah I forgot
Which raises the question of why the hell do only switch ports of fps get gyro controls.
2 0 0 8
Also Australians are dealing with some extreme protests by vegan groups.
>Live in a world where giant dragons and shit roam in massive numbers
>Muh animal rights
The reason is because the last time humans dominated nature, the Fatalis used their powers to lead the other Elder Dragons to war and pretty much genocide humanity. So now everyone is autistic about nature.
>There's a big push for vegetarianism (and/or eating flies and roaches) by the UN and by advocates in the US right now. So people are simply on edge about it.
And yet I haven't heard about it at all
Then you should read the news
They wanted people to stop eating meat because they lack the balls to tell China to stop polluting and want to make the rest of the world suffer instead.
>I don't watch/read the news so I didn't hear about it
>carb-free mode
Burn the shit doing exercisse, fatass.
It is happening with media outlets with the cyclical wave of "maybe eating insects is not as bad". Essentially their shareholders are trying to shift the blame of the insanely bloated and very ecologically damaging animal farming industry onto the consumers, and so on. It's mostly the same as recycling trends, but a bit more controversial.
Fucking finally.
No amount of killing cows is gonna make up for the pollution from the third and second world, so let's not pretend we need to kill all animals and start eating kale.
Why can't they just research bioweapons?
I want cooking mama to bake me a cake with her titty milk
They had bioweapons. That's the only reason the war lead to most of the elder dragons dead too, and why humans survived at all. But now humans don't have the technology to make such things, and are only alive because the Fatalis species (who still just want to murder them) are very rare, though they can't die permanently so they'll always be a problem.
Cause everyone thinks it's bad because of the Wii, I think paladins is the only shooter I know of that lets you use gyro for shooting on ps4
She's definitely in.
Why does every nintendo game has this phong shading on the graphics? its like every game was made for the 3DS.
She can cook me anyday~
And by that I mean literally make me boil and shrivel until I am only prepared meat
Would be awesome honestly
This was probably a cancelled 3DS game ported and uprezz'd for Switch, not like it matters much for a laid back minigame compilation
Everyone expected the 3DS to be Nintendo's last console, so they were developing all their games as such. A reasonable assumption since Nintendo didn't give out many dev kits for the switch leading up to its launch.
the face of terror
Wh-what's Mama cooking?
A baby
Nintendo has enough money in reserve for several more failed consoles.
May I shake it?
Stop being a bitch.
>3D Mama
>tfw no cooking mommy
I'm pretty sure she was already 3d in babysitting mama and possibly earlier.
>Only 54 recipes in the standard recipe book instead of 100+
Knew it. Half the recipes are vegetarian trash. No one wants 50 veggie shit. Give us 100 meaty stuff instead.
Not gonna lie, this, Tetris 99, and Mario Odyssey (and maybe Breath of the Wild) would probably be the only Switch games I would own if I were to purchase a Nintendo Switch.
When we get Cooking Brother?
It's on PS4.
>10 year old girls
10 year old girls are too busy watching anime and doing illegal camshows to play this shit. too kiddy for them. this more for like 6 year olds.
t. someone with a 10 year old and 6 year old
I know, but I would get it on the Switch if I could.
I want
Like people joke, but I would unironically love this.
t. failure as a parent
That's curious.
we live in a society, alright. at least theyre the smartest kids in the district, which is depressing because theyre fucking stupid, which means all the other kids are even worse
Can you do better? Oh wait, you never will you virgin. You have no right to judge a person's parenting if you yourself are incompetent.
Someone’s ass mad because they failed already haha
Yes, you.