What route is the most kino?

What route is the most kino?

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Neutral, it's the only one that maintains the tone of sci-fi horror as the rest of the game. Law and Chaos are just the same law and Chaos you always expect.

Like every other game with routes, they don't branch until almost the end of the game because that would take effort, so 95% of every playthrough is the same

I see. Will I need to follow a guide to a T again like with SMT4?

No, your answers determine your alignment throughout the game but the alignment you get locked into is a hard choice you make towards the tail end of the game.

In the original release, Neutral because the Law and Chaos ends are just shitty outcomes where everybody is either a slave or the world is a warzone. In the re-release, Deep Neutral and Deep Law are both very good, my only issue with the former is that I feel it doesn't really suit SJ even if it's a good ending if you just view it in a vacuum, and I think Zelenin acts a little strangely in Deep Law in a way that I didn't feel was appropriate or suited her character at that point. Both of them are what SMT endings should strive to be like in my opinion though, they're good outcomes for their respective alignments rather than feeling overly rewarding and biased or just being shitty, like how most Law ends just feel like they're built on just having every human be a slave to YHVH and all the angels are just self-righteous rather than seeming to have any actual desire for the good of humanity, but they also have an obvious negative that isn't just brushed aside or neglected, so it still feels tonally appropriate for the series rather than feeling too happy. They were also both very well presented.

eat some tide pods faggot

have sex

Not true, I'm sure he straight up doesn't ask you the questions if you're deep in Law or Chaos.

Jokes on you I already had sex.

Oh really? I thought you could always change at the end. In any case it's easy to stay neutral unlike in IV


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It's quasi-obvious at times what answers shift your alignment ("Should mankind be ruled by angels?", etc)


The route where you play persona instead of this fucking trash.

The neutral ending is so good and just so cool.

Route where you stop playing thid glorified gacha game.


oof yike


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I really don't see how people don't pick Neutral in any of these games. They bring the world to it's natural state. CHAOS and LAW have always been too extreme in these games, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Strange Journey.

>Classic Dungeon crawler
>gacha game

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I hope SMT V makes law and chaos viable like in this rather than pure meme options

He's literally a braindead z**mer phoneposter who confused SJ with DX2.

I like Law and Chaos didn't feeling full pants of head retarded in this.

Oh if he's the Neutral guy then that's the route I'm going on for sure. He's the coolest one design wise.

Word. Still waiting for a game where I can team up with the angels without feeling like a complete dick.

Most SMT games boil down to
>YHWH is tyrant
>Lucifer is asshole
>humanity good

Who's your favorite SJ(R) character, Yea Forums?
Mine is Arthur.

Pretty much, but in this one I could feel the human reasoning behind both Law and Chaos. It felt like they had a good idea of the world they wanted and it was their world.

u mad plebbiter?

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Mine really was Arthur too, that whole ending part in neutral with him. where he stays behind with you and staying with the whole time to remind you that your human was really touching for a robot AI

And then there's nocturne, which is non stop chaos shilling

Arthur or Gore

the "play IV instead" route

Best Neutral rep in the series.
Fuck Lucifer
and fuck the Mothers.

Law, like every single SMT game.