we livin', gear bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've listened to every Guilty Gear OST but I might actually start playing the game when this comes out


Crazy how this niche as fuck anime game has superior production values and more content than AAA fighting games.

>black samurai character
how triggered is /vol/ right now?

A lot of people will probably drop the game pretty quickly, it's just the nature of the beast. As long as the game is good though, I don't care. I'm content with Xrd's playerbase right now, so I'll be content with this. I just hope the game turns out well.

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I for once wouldn't mind a complete revamp on the series, I'm tired of getting my ass beat by people that have been playing this series since before I was fucking born, I want to experience a true fighting game from its roots, where people learn together and try to figure out stuff while the devs introduce more and more mechanics to increase the depth of the game.

Fuck boomers, I want to enjoy a new beginning for guilty gear. Also fuck monster their drinks sucks.

They've only revealed PS4 version so PC version will probably be a delayed release yet again. Is Sony just bankrolling the development of these games now or what?

Not really. Venom and Potemkin has been a thing for a while now, even if the latter is a Pajeet and not actually black.

SFV was that game but the game was so trash that it just turned off even more people. But you can tell the game was designed to give everyone an equal footing from the start.

I'm just going to double dip like usual.

Yeah but I think daisuke can do it, the dude and his team seem more passionate about their product than crapcom

Venom's Egyptian, ethnically at least, so he's not really black either.

It would be a shame if it happened, there's a shift to pc in fighting games, and Rev 2 has a small, but healthy community, as long as you play in prime hours.
I had to rebuy the game twice to play online, i hope they can release it at the same time on every platform.

Isn't Ram black?

They will probably simplify it but it won't be a complete reboot. If you're a casual, I think Tekken 7 is the best game to play because the game has a large playerbase of scrubs to practice with.

How are they ever supposed to top this song?

what do you define as "casual"? I've been trying to learn the damn game for about 5 months, slowly catching up.

She's a Backyard lifeform, so she's not really any race or even human.

It's what happens when a developer still has SOUL.

Attached: daisuke.jpg (400x602, 40K)

You're still gonna your ass kick no matter what you stupid casual retard. Fighting games skill can transfer from one to another if you never played a FG seriously and think you can compete against people who have played the genre for years you're delusional.

They could make the game extremely fucking easy and you would still get your ass kicked.

Even people who have been playing forever had to work very hard to get there. By starting late you get the advantage of getting the optimal knowledge that has already been discovered and given to you. Either way the practice you put in the the result you get out.

Blazblue ost > Guilty Gear ost


True, but also, its easier to catch up when there are tons of people doing the homework for you, and there are people telling you what is worth learning, quick analogy here:

>Pioneers = scientist that perform an experiment and documents it
>dustloop or other guides = people that take that data and transform it into more accessible information on pages like wikipedia
>Me = guy that copies what wikipedia says because I want to finish my homework quickly.

Daisuke probably does the work of a dozen employees himself.

Based Sajam btfoing the ''UUUUUUGH I JUST WANT FOOTSIES BRO!!!!'' Yea Forums retards. Footsies is fine and all but we need fucking options to not make the game boring.

give me the full song already

I disagree, BB still has a good OST, but I don't think its tracks stand the test of time as well. I used to really like Gluttony Fang for example, and I still like it, but its appeal has worn off on me, and I don't even hear it as much as I've hard a lot of GG music because I play a lot more GG. On the other hand, a lot of GG music not only stays in my good books overtime, but a lot of stuff I used to not be too fond of has grown on me a lot overtime, which isn't the case for BB. They're still both very good though, and I will say that Rebellion is better than any of Sol's themes, except for maybe Get Down to Business.

get down get down

BB OST starting standing on its own when they remixed them with keyboards. Before that they sounded like imitation GG themes.

So BB is officially dead bros, I miss when anime games were sprite based, guess GG animation is just better looking and cheaper to make, people would eat anything.

Okay, so when is the 60fps version of the trailer coming out?

GG got a pretty heavy revamp 5 years ago with Xrd Sign. Unless they change the game to a completely different fighting game sub genre, another revamp wouldn't really make everyone start out at 0. Most knowledge and execution will carry over regardless.

Or when is not compressed by youtube version coming out. It's annoying when the primary place the trailer is put on is on youtube.

But if you remove couple of mechanics, and introduce new ones, it would make it so old players have to learn stuff at the same time as newer players. Don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say.

Are gears robots or organic chimera monstrosities?

The latter

I mean I get what you're trying to say, I just don't think it ever really works out that way in reality. Most new mechanics aren't that complicated and still wouldn't really change the core of the game at all. It'd be a temporary thing lasting on a couple of days to maybe a week if you're lucky.

im excited for this
cant wait to see how they completely change the gameplay

Dude like ugh I just came back from work and I gotta take care of the wife and kid ugh and like you know I don't want to train dude I dont want to spend hours and hours in the lab learning shit. I want to be able to beat people online so please reduce the skills gap between lazy baby shitter like me and hardcore players!

Not happening kiddo, Daisuke loves the core community that never left the game.

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You might find BBTAG or DBFZ to be more your style user. Specially bbtag where most optimal bnb combos use autocombos.

A.B.A, Zappa, Elphelt and some new original characters would be nice Order Sol can stay gone, Gorillas are annoying.

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>most optimal bnb combos use autocombos.

>order sol can stay gone

Fuck that, Dragon Install Sekkai is gorgeous and his heat meter was awesome.

Ideally I'd want the reason for Sol being a gorilla in Xrd is him being unable to contain his gear power and that HOS would be his leaner original self.

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I fucking hope they don't fucking force you to use auto combo in this new GG.

The optimal Guilty Gear knowledge is all in japanese.

I'd like Order Sol back just so they can put Keep The Flag Flying back in and I can see Dragon Install Sekkai in 3D. The character I'd be most excited about seeing them return is Answer though, partially because he is my main in Xrd and I just think he's a great character, but also because I've convinced myself he won't be in, so I'll be pleasantly surprised to be wrong if he does end up in it.

I am looking forward to seeing new characters though, people always talk about returning characters or making NPCs playable, but I always like seeing someone brand new.

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Leaner Sol is never coming back, Sol is just wider in Xrd for the same reason everyone else is, the games aspect ratio changing from the PS2 days. If Order Sol was back he'd need to be the same width as Sol for the same reason as why they made Sol wide in the first place.

He does
>"I once stayed at the office for 1 and half years without going home to my apartment"
>"It's easier now, I only stay until midnight these days"

come and defend your pathetic baby game babytagger


Will she be in?

Attached: Bridget.png (761x899, 671K)

He. Bridget aint trans, just forced to crossdress against his will. He's out to prove himself as a man.

What's the best way to get into the series if I never really got into fighting games before?

He ain't saying that when my cock is deep inside.

Play the series. There is a good tutorial.

Buy Rev 2, do the tutorials, at least for the basic stuff, do the character trials so you can get a feel of how everyone plays and figure out who you want to play, and go online with them.

What said except for the online part. I'm new too and I can't connect with anybody unless I specifically go find someone in a discord close to my region or something, but online play should still be considered a last resort. I'm going to locals to play with people in person and you should too, even if you have to drive a bit it's worth it.

Boy I sure am ready to rebuy most of the cast I was playing in Xrd for 5.99 each when the game only launches with 14-16 characters

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Do you go to the player lobbies, or do you try ranked and world lobbies? I don't have much issue getting games in public lobbies and I haven't for two years. You shouldn't have to resort to Discord assuming you're wired. Not everybody has the option of going to locals, but everybody has the option of playing online, so it's an easy thing to recommend.

>You shouldn't have to resort to Discord assuming you're wired
Bold assumption but unfortunately wi-fi is my only option right now. It's pain.

>Bold assumption
It's not an assumption, it's just my own experience with it, I've been playing it online fairly regularly and I've never used Discord or any of that, I just play in public lobbies and it's mostly worked fine, there have been some days or some periods where it was tough to find someone to play with, but generally it's not that much trouble, especially now seeing as a lot of new people have jumped on because of GG2020's announcement.

GG needs
>rollback netcode
>crossplay between platforms
>actually working world lobbies
>f2p version similar to DOA Core Fighters
Make this happen, Daisuke and GG will live forever.


>forgetting the best song

It's kind of funny to me that people are mad about a black samurai when Yasuke has been a thing since the sengoku period. They even gave the guy a demon helmet.
Reminds me of when people started screaming cultural appropriation in NiOh.

No, no one is mad. No one. Who is mad? Literally who?

Are you sure you didn't make this up? I haven't seen anyone complaining about this, and it would be weird to see it considering this is the series that's had Venom, Ramlethal, and Potemkin for the past five years. If nothing else, everyone at EVO seemed pretty happy with GG Samurai and Leroy Smith in Tekken.

You're going to buy it anyways. Don't play dumb.

Venom looks black and is gay. Neither of which are defining character traits.
If anything, the black samurai made me think of Furi which is fine, but I hope he doesn't go as unga as Leo.

I will, but I'm not gonna be a happy camper when Arc Sys comes knocking with Dizzy and Johnny as DLC like they were last game

another weeb fighting game with terrible graphics?
no thanks

>Gorillas are annoying
>A.B.A, Zappa and Elphelt would be nice
The former is the very definition of gorilla when she goes Moroha mode. Enjoy blocking the 2H pressure string and reset with Danzai. Zappa can literally lock you out with sword while still being able to zone with Ghosts. Elphelt needs no introduction with shotgun pressure.What the fuck are you smoking user?

What games to play for the story?

kys retard

It's a brand new game featuring redesigned characters and new animations for a lot of stuff. I won't tell you to be happy with it, but it's foolish to think they'd somehow crank out an even larger roster than REV2 considering all the work that has to be done. As with any new fighting game, just hope your mains make it in. If they don't, then just wait 'til they add them or trying learning the game with a new character. It won't kill you to learn someone new.

>enter The Nigger

>Remember playing a GG game in the arcades when I was younger
>Other than that, my main exposure to the series was that pretty good DS game
>Get into SFV and FighterZ instead of Xrd (Which I regret heavily)
Is there hope for me? This game looks so good.

I just want to know if Zappa going to get laid with the Ringu ghost

Yes. It's a brand new game which means that everyone will be starting relatively from the same beginning point. Unless they start confirming stuff like unique wake-up frames, risc meter, and character weights, you should be fine.

Considering new game is fresh start for everyone you can just start with it.

I don't understand how they had to redesign the characters again from the start. Weren't they able to port the assets at least to UE4?

I hope I don't have to mash to tech

They didn't have to. They chose to. That's why it's taken so long to reach a point where they can show it.

that black samurai ruined whole thing
enough with token black characters
just add Ramlethal

Imagine all those fan arts of a nigger fucking your waifu. I bet they will even ship him canonically with Baiken

He's a historical reference to a real life black samurai.

Rev 2 on PC has more players than PS4 because of the lower input delay

I hope they bring Bridget back as a grown ass man

Total beginner at these games trying to practice with Ky. Is it just me or do combo inputs have to be pressed really quickly? I always feel the typing is much slower than the game wants it to be

I don't feel you have to be that quick, but maybe I'm just used to it.

Which honestly makes little sense. I mean at least port the "bones" or something.

What do you mean like a f2p version? Like limited characters and only offline mode?


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>spent years and hundreds of hours gitting gud at guilty
>daiske promises a brand new experience
>is gonna casualize the shit out of it or turn it into something unrecognizable
fucking kill me

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Dumb chris poster, Xrd was already casualized from XX.
It's going to be good, just trust based Daisuke on this.

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What do y'all think the final title will be?
>Guilty Gear XXXX
>Guilty Gear Xth
>Guilty Gear X4
>Guilty Gear 2020
>Guilty Gear MMXX
>xXGuilty GearXx

Dead or Alive 6 Core Fighters has 4 characters and online mode so pretty much everyone can play the game for free. You can change playable character(s) each week or something but I think letting people get a taste of the game is a pretty important move for fighting game. The biggest problem of niche games is how fast online is dying and you end up playing with same people over and over again. Having a f2p version will allow more people to play it for free and buy it if they'll like it enough.

It's gonna be GUILTY GEAR

Dunno man, If they make a f2p version with online and sol, I don't see a point on me shedding 60 bucks when I can just play Sol and wait for the innevitable price drop a month or two later. Or hell I don't see a point on buying it since I only play Sol and Answer (which will get axed so...).

>dust strikers
sorry but I don't trust the man when he says he's gonna try something new.

That one.

"Xrd" just sounds retarded. They will redeem themselves and call the next on XXX.

Guilty Gear MMXX

You know Guilty Gear 3 doesn't exist yet right? Why are you saying they should skip to 4

Any dizzy main could tell me how freeform is her setplay? I feel like I’m putting too much frame gap between summoning fish and dash/iad meaties and it feels so punishable if my opponent wasn’t a bitch to challenge me.

What mechanics do you actually want pruned?
>kusoge time
>3 different RCs

I thought xrd is supposed to be the sequel to gg2 and ggxx

Xrd is the (thi)rd X game. Thus another X game would be Xth/X4. Not that Guilty Gear 2020 will be an X game either way.

Yeah and if it's not an X game then it's Guilty Gear 3.

Jump Install is the only one I really want gone. There's some others I'd like changed in one way or another, but not gone.

Don't talk about animation or character models when you know nothing about them. More work goes into Guilty Gear models than the sprites, but not by much. It's mostly lighting and deliberate key frame finagling.

If free characters will rotate you won't be able to play Sol forever. You will be also blocked from training mode and all the stuff like unlocking music, colors, avatars, etc.

Someone kept saying that Xrd is the sequel to both GGXX and GG2 but they never provide citation.

Why not

Lazy, jackass.
Daisuke is a weird man. Brazil does things to the Japanese.

Kys zoomer scum. You don't like fighting games and companies must not listen to you people because that will ruin them shut up and buy the game, get raped online and drop the game after 5 hours like your kind always does.

I'm only getting this because it's pleasing to the eyes
have fun fgbros, I'll probably play for like a few months or so like I did the others

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>I want to experience a true fighting game from its roots, where people learn together and try to figure out stuff while the devs introduce more and more mechanics to increase the depth of the game.
Bro, this doesn't exist. Any new game that comes out you will quickly fall behind in to the people that practice more or are simply good, and you will end up in the EXACT spot you're in now after like a couple months at most.
Your entire thought process here is one big excuse for being bad. If you can't enjoy the game whilst being bad, then you can't enjoy the game period

Attached: trre.gif (200x150, 1.39M)

>What games to play for the story?
Watch each Xrd story mode and the arcade modes from revelator. Accent Core gives you a little I guess and AC+ fleshes out the side cast some. Otherwise you just either have to scour the wikis or watch that one video up until Xrd (or up until overture if you think you can stomach playing it)

Great graphics wasted on a shitty fighting "game"

Oh boy here come the shitposters
>muh button mashing
>muh waste of time getting good

It’s true though, fighting games are just shallow button mashers. I’ve won several majors just by mashing.

user... the Black Samurai IS Ramlethal's swords

you name, the game and which majors right fucking now big man.

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>Kys zoomer scum
Ky is definitely not a zoomer. Are you mistaking him for Sin?

I'll just wait for the full lyrics.

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God I hope

I'm very confused right now. I own Xrd Revelator but -sign- is a different game? I'm asking because they look almost the same.

Daisuke is from South Africa.
literally an African Japanese

is he /our nigga/?

i want my fully assumed trap Bridget nun
>ara ara, the number of doujin you could do with that idea

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of course he is. the amount of love the puts in GG is insane tho. He really loves GG

Only passion can explain how GG can stand up toe-to-toe against AAA fighting games on peanuts budget.

Attached: jam-1.png (1620x2126, 1.38M)

SIGN is the first iteration of Xrd. It's just like the difference between Street Fighter IV and Ultra Street Fighter IV and shit like that.

>xXGuilty GearXx
I wouldn't put it past Daisuke.

Just hope they bring in Jam this time, not being to play as her Xrd -Sign- really sucked.

her VA stopped

I hope that isn't the case for her not getting in though I enjoyed her shouting

Impregnate Jam Kuradoberi.

Ramlethal a shit, no thank you.

The actual real life black samurai was just something Nobunaga had to fuck with people as far as I'm aware. I'm confused why people keep bringing him up when if anything he's offensive

Japan always have sound a like VA ready to take the roles of the ones who die or retire

They just couldn't call it Guilty Gear XXX.
Notice the three Xs in the background?

Attached: XXX.png (800x549, 222K)

Guilty Gear Xuatro

What do you think this guy's gameplay is gonna be like?

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Fried chicken.


hard to say. ASW has done some weird shit with seemingly regular characters.

Oh and my bad, not Accent Core but anything pre-AC. Pre-AC XX series games have the same story mode, AC does not, then AC+ and AC+R share another one that doesn’t really advance the plot but focuses on developing the rest of the characters.


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>tan skin and blonde hair

Shes obviously a gyaru

Every tanned/ brown guy in vidya is always touted as black so why not.

her hair is white retard



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he looks pretty gay but his mask looks cool. hopefully he looks cool in game.

Post 'em, fags.
>Hours Played
>Your Main
>Square Color
>Hopes for GG 2020
If you're new and want to jump in, post who you think you'll main instead.

310 hrs
Orange Square
I'd like to see an overhaul to the menus, lobbies, and ranked to be more streamlined. A lot more people would get into the game if ranked and lobbies aren't dead.

Attached: 34625436435766437.jpg (1920x1080, 334K)

Probably over 1000 hours
I really want Daisuke to shake things up and change a lot of stuff. Xrd was full of questionable stuff and decisions so I'd welcome a casualization to some degree if the game will stay fun.

43 Accent Core
54 Sign
70 Revelator

Not sure, I only ever played GG with my two friends who took it pretty seriously, I'm more of a BB guy (typically around orange in BB). I'd probably guess around yellow for GG, they were orange-pink.

Mained Ramlethal and subbed Ky. Looking to main Ky now for the rest of Rev2 until 2020

Attached: Be just or be dead.png (831x687, 1.12M)

What were some of the things you were unhappy with in Xrd, user?

Is there anything they could add to bring you back to Ram if shes in 2020?

>Hours Played
Not sure but I've got 70-something hours in training mode
>Your Main
>Square Color
Blue, I think
>Hopes for GG 2020
No forced autocombos at least please.

55 hours
No Idea, probably lowest
All the characters and good online (ggpo, crossplay,worthwhile ranked etc)

Attached: 63027238_p0.jpg (2952x3507, 1.97M)

I'd be fine with autocombos if they're just a normal gatling into special, but autocombo-specific moves would turn me off.

There's the rumor about Ramlethal D.va2 being completely different from old Ramlethal and the samurai having her old moveset. If she gets something really cool, I could see potentially subbing her or even maining her again. If she was similar to Nu-13 in CPE or Izanami in CF I guess.

Really though, I just love Ky and felt kinda burnt when Xrd came out. I hated his redesign, I hated magnolia ecclair, I hated that his music change came from getting completely bodied. I missed his lightning OTG and I wanted nothing to do with split ciel or his charges.

All things considered they were really petty I've mostly realized how dumb I was. I didnt use most of his tools he lost anyways and split ceil and his charges create so much bullshit. I just was a really immature fighter still when Xrd came out and the lack of flashy cool shit bummed me out.

Now I can respect him for what he has, love greed sever loops, split ceil and what his charged heavy stun edge can do and I love his new design for 2020. So its not that I'm burnt out on Ramlethal, I'm just better able to appreciate Ky now.

1 hour and 40 minutes
I don't have one yet
I have no idea
That the OST will be more diverse like XX, rather than Xrd where many songs sound the same

Nice to see some new blood. Who do you think looks cool so far to you? Also you can unlock a lot of the old music in the Gallery.

YRC shennanigans probably the most annoying thing. Sure, it can create a lot of unique and cool situation like that Slayer's overdrive YRC throw stuff but overall it breaks the pace, it ruins the neutral, it eats inputs (which is as bad of idea as danger time) and it can be spammed to be even more annoying. YRC also strongly enhanced okizeme game for many characters and I don't really want for such forced setplay buff.
Wasn't a fan of PRC too, going for punish just to see opponent slowing down time and punishing you instead is just infuriating. It doesn't really add much to the game too.
Blitz wars got really annoying too. A good mechanic on paper is too abusable and random, almost like a RPS in miniature. While cool in concept it just doesn't add much to the game, just bloat the mechanics.
I wasn't happy with a lot of new characters. They seem so intimidating, like Elphelt where she had such insane pressure, so many options, so many good buttons and just absurd corner pressure where you have to guess a command throw or you're dead. Or Leo where you pretty much HAVE to learn the matchup in and out or you're fucked. I think matchup knowledge should give you an advantage instead of being required.

Overall I think I'm getting too old to spend hours in training and improving. I love Guilty Gear and I'm playing it for more than a decade now but adult's life don't really give you enough time to train IBs of specific strings or all the characters' gimmicks and answers to them. I feel like there's too much to comprehend and I just stick to my mediocre level of play without much desire to improve. And if I feel overwhelmed by the game I played for so many years I can only imagine how lost new players feel while being stomped by El or Johnny or eating 70% combos from Sin. I kinda want to make things simplier so I can spend more time on mindgames and decision making and less on grinding combos and learning matchups and framedata.

mind defining what a non token black character would be

I agree on the new characters, seems like they've designed them around being able to IB their pressure which is infuriating. Do you play any other FG's? I think Unist would be up your alley because of the lesser emphasis on having to grind training mode.

GG 4th cross

I played Virtua Fighter but it died so only GG left. Actually kinda wanted to drop it too recently because online matches often just gave me frustration instead of fun but the announcement gave me hope. I heard Unist is good but playing multiple FGs is too time consuming.

>Hours Played
512 rev, 268 sign, 70 +R, untracked in #R

>Your Main

>Square Color
Right now green. I've been up to orange but I fell off (I blame Johnny). For some reason after I picked the game up again last week my square just doesn't seem to change.

>Hopes for GG 2020
Finally completing the cast.
Not ruining the character mechanics.

I think all of the characters are pretty cool design-wise, but Ky in the new trailer looks freaking amazing.

Good riddance.BB was a mistake.

The helmet looks cool.
I don't know and I don't care.

I think half the playerbase is considering switching to Ky after that trailer, lol. Myself included.

Indeed. He's a dapper lad.

BB kept ASW alive while GG was getting fucked by Sega

Maybe Fantasy Strike is the game for you then
Nah I can understand it but GG is supposed to be on the more complex side, though the mechanic bloat is definitely a thing in Xrd.

And for new characters;
Ram definitely needs to be changed completely, her playstyle is just bad and doesn't fit well at with the game. She ends up being a character that is good at one thing and one thing only, yet others do the thing she does good almost as well.

Raven feels like the exact opposite of that, he does most things really well with some downsides and weaknesses you can play around
I'd still like to see his excitement meter changed again since it feels like it doesn't add much to his kit outside of the crazy oki he gets at 6 stacks.

once you're in the corner with a P fish set, just keep casting whatever comes to your mind because it's too scary to press a button during that
doesn't help that she's always a fart away from my f.S too. not a dizzy player btw

Ballsy devs to throw away so much work.

Why are you discouraging creativity and encouraging laziness?

This game pulls off the 2D illusion way better than Xrd does.

>GG is supposed to be on the more complex side
Yet that clearly didn't work. Xrd sales weren't great, that's why we never got Robo-Ky, Ariels and god knows who else as DLCs. Look at all the tournaments, most players are old boomers from early games with very few exceptions. If you keep GG autistically deep and complex it'll just die in modern age. I know those people who are really good it all doesn't matter and they'll keep playing anything as long as they have at least one person to play with them but if we want GG to grow and getting more recognition than just "that awesome deep game nobody plays" it has to change. Daisuke really intrigued me with whole "shaking the FG genre thing", so I'm really looking forward to see what's this all about. In my case, I'll be happy with literally anything unless the game is shallow and unfun and I really doubt Daisuke will make something like this.


Frankly even if they simplify some aspects of GG I think you'll be left disappointed. Even simple FGs require a lot of time and effort to git gud, and if you don't have that time you're going to be out of luck.

>Yet that clearly didn't work
Did it not? Would we even be talking about Guilty Gear if it didn't work out?
GG was never meant to be a top selling game series, that's why arc are making shit like FighterZ and GBVS to make the real money.

GG is where Arc goes wild to create new things and experiment. Why the fuck else would they have made weird shit like Overture and Isuka?

By design GG is never going to be a big seller. But often the results of Guilty Gear end up improving their other projects (most notably Xrds graphics), and the large amount of passion and complexity that is put into the games is what makes people love them so much.

Attached: 62fe2f08fb12a139709a49ef4f07dd54.jpg (1522x1088, 683K)

>Did it not?
No? I don't see Xrd3 nor a big player base. GG wasn't even at Evo this year.
>GG was never meant to be a top selling game series
Such a stupid statement. Every game is a product and they're all meant to sale. Xrd didn't sell that well and after the success of DBZ I think Daisuke realised that times changed a bit and he should've rework the concept instead of going back to #Reload and building on top of it.
That's why he talks so much about bringing new players to the franchise. It's his passion project so naturally he wants it to be popular so he can make more and more of it with a higher quality.
>making shit like FighterZ and GBVS to make the real money
But those aren't their games, they're only getting money for making them, publishers getting money from sales.

I think he's going to be a punisher like Hakumen from BB

Put this back in, Daisuke.

>old casuals boomers crying because they don't have time to get good anymore
How about you fuck off and go masturbate to your wife getting cucked by jamal.


you got it backwards. Boomers already know how to play
it's the zoomers who can't into execution and fundamentals

He's not black


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>all darkskin people are black

holy shit go back

>straight hair
>point nose
He's not black

Wouldn't be a GG thread without at least one nigger like you bitching and whining that BB exists at all. I can guarantee you're a bandwagoner who never even played BBCF a day in your life and cannot hand out legit criticism regarding its gameplay.

Potemkin is Indian.

also wouldn't be GG thread without a BB player coming in reminding people that his game exists
like did barely 20 posts in

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Totally not because of a decade of GG niggers shitposting BB threads every opportunity they fucking get, right?
>Hey guys, wanna talk about BlazB-
Don't dish out what you can't take. Sorry that BBCF is a harder game than Rev2 after years of you niggers calling BB "casual shit compared to GG hurrr durrr".

This is why I've had such a nice time playing samsho, it is the perfect boomer game. The game strikes an amazing balance between everything being easy to do and understand, while still having a pretty unique cast who have some fun tricks to use. It just feels so less aggravating than a lot of current fighters, especially after the new patch buffed the fuck out of low tiers. I'm not really sure how they pulled it off, but I think it helps that instead of simplifying existing systems they introduced unique ones that fit the pace the series wants. Simplification of a game doesn't have to mean weakening tools, and sometimes less but more versatile tools work better for a game.

That is basically what I want for Xth. People get hung up on the idea that the highest amount and most complex systems make for the best games. When really a lot of Xrd stuff just comes off as annoying baggage. GG has a lot of baggage in general, I want a lot of it to stay but I'd appreciate it becoming clearer and more standardised. The effect and complexity the systems were intended to have can be crafted into a less frustrating and easier to use version. Which often means that other parts of the game get to shine even more.

>muh venom and potemkin are black because they brown and Potemkin wuz a slave ans shiizz

Next you're going to tell me Ramlethal is also black

If it didn't work then Guilty Gear wouldn't have existed past XX.
If all products are made purely for the sake of selling the most then again, Guilty Gear would have stopped being a thing many years ago.
Those are their games fucking retard

>remove half of obscure mechanics
>boomers have an ever easier time whooping your ass because you don't have as many tools to respond to their assault

big brain

which is the best version of X?
at what point did they start getting worse?

I think I'm starting to recognize your style of posts

BB is and always will be that cheap "Chinese bootleg" copy of GG.

>doesn't know games belong to publishers
>calls somebody a retard

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Imagine being literally retarded

It's much easier to recognize GG niggers because they just can't go 5 minutes without calling every other fighting games as inferior, especially BB.
Really? How come it ended up better, then?

in a bout of boredom and autism I went back to do the practical application trials to see if I've gotten any better now that I've gotten several other games under my belt and understand what the fuck the game wants me to do. Have all but 5 of them S and A ranked. Gonna make a drinking game with no.25 with some friends.

I never understood bb vs gg fags, like they're both fun fighting games why not play both?

Pretty sad that the cheap bootleg is vastly superior.

It's between 250-300.
Dark green, I tend to go between dark green and light green but I've never been to yellow or beyond.
I just hope it ends up being engaging and fun enough that I'll be able to play it as often as I play Xrd now. I hope as many characters as possible return, I hope the new characters are interesting, but at the end of the day, regardless of who returns or what mechanics they cut or whatever else, I just want it to feel like Guilty Gear, even if it's a new take on it.

I don't think the songs in Xrd sound the same really. The songs in SIGN were weak by the series standard, but there's still a lot of good stuff in there, and I like all of the stuff from Revelator and Rev 2.

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GG fags started it since 2009.

I refuse to play a fighting game that looks this fucking ugly.

Based. Please come over to Tekken.

i watched a related video on how guilty gear and to a degree dbfz are animated and that shit's fucking fascinating to me. a lot of pure, earnest effort goes into this game

sister series don't usually get along
like tekken and SC

SamSho's great, but I feel like its playerbase has surpassed me already. I was hoping I could keep up with it as a side game to GG, but I was just playing it today after taking a bit of a break and I got my ass beat mercilessly, I stood no chance, and it's a shame because I do like the game and probably will continue to play it, but I thought I'd have an easier time keeping up even if I didn't give it my focus, and I'm not going to give it my focus because, good as it is, I do still prefer GG at the end of the day. None of this is really the game's fault though.

Blazblue showed up right after overture and put guilty gear on the back burner since it was easier to get into and had a full english dub from the get go. Not gonna lie, was salty till Xrd showed up.

First quote is meant for

imo the BlazBlue hate from Guilty Gear players should be directed towards Under Night and the Guilty Gear hate from BlazBlue players should be directed towards Under Night as well

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The sad part is how so many people are retarded and keep asking why animations are so jerky and aren't interpolated.

>like tekken and SC
Really? They seem to get a long nicely.

>600ish hours
>Yellow (no bully i was pink and then i started playing answer a lot in rev2 and i fucking suck at him)
my hopes for gg 2020 are just more of the same game honestly, simplifications of system mechanics are to be expected and im not too worried about those, i just really hope that if there is forced autocombos in the game, that it's more similar to UNIST and not DBFZ

also fucking put in testament or bridget

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Under Night's fine. I prefer Guilty Gear to any other anime fighter, and I've never really gotten into Blazblue so I don't really have any opinions on it beyond the surface level stuff, but UNI's fine all the same. I have issues with it, but it's not a bad game.

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But UNIST is based as fuck

No? It's horrible

the tekken side is pretty chill but there's some hard feeling on some corners of SC cause of its history of bad games


Unrelated, I pray day and night that if SNK makes a new metal slug they get soft circle french bread to help them with the sprite work, shit is so fucking smooth and going 3D would kill the game for me.

SOUL Good Guy

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4 buttons
Dust costs 50% Tension
Throw is now P+S
Faultless Defense is gone
Gold Burst is gone
RC costs 25% Tension
If you have 20% health left, not only do you go into Hellfire, but your Tensions regenerates automatically
Instant Kill wins the whole game, not round

You're wrong.

>Instant Kill wins the whole game, not round
Truly going back to the series roots.

Don't believe the beard man lies.

My friend's uncle works at ASW.

>Instant Kill wins the whole game, not round
Based GG1 influence

Nah, gotta go back to OG. Infinite overdrives after you lose 50% of your health

>Dust costs 50% Tension
What's your logic behind this one? Dust is reactable even in online and dust combos aren't very damaging anyway. What's there to warrant the 50% tension cost?

I thought they made blazblue because they didn't have the rights to gg?

The post you replied to doesn't really deny what you just posted. You're right on that account.

They remove every single core mechanic of the franchise.
No Faultless Defense, No Dead Angle, No Dust, No Proximity Normals, No 1f Throws.
The game is now heavily centered around auto combos, you don't have much freedom. Even optimal combos are lame like doing 5PPP > 5SSS Special > Special > j.5PPP.
No more dustloops. You just do auto combo > launcher > air auto combo > special (bandit bringer)/hard knockdown ender
Weights are gone, you use the same 2 combos (midscreen and corner) on every character and the inputs are like I mentioned above.
Every character has their moveset gutted in half.
They removed walking and only have auto run.
Throws work like they do in BBTAG, you press the button and the character does an automatic run into a grab.
The game only has 3 buttons. Punch, Slash, Universal Overhead that has some Heavy attacks here and there like in BBTAG.
Universal Reversal, P + S, like in BBTAG.
Faultless defense and Dead Angle are gone, so instead you get BBTAG pushback.
Button Throws with 30f tech windows.

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Why did you even waste time to type all this retarded bullshit?

>Probably 50 between XX & Xrd (have only played with friends or people at on-campus locals with the games)
>Potemkin in both, I play Robo Ky & Kum on the side for fun
>None because don't own Xrd
>Robo Ky, because Potemkin is a lock & Kum is a never ever
I honestly would have likely picked up Rev/Rev2 if DBFZ didn't exist, but I like tag fighters too much.

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>No Faultless Defense, No Dead Angle, No Dust, No Proximity Normals, No 1f Throws.
All of these except FD and DA are good changes.
>The game is now heavily centered around auto combos, you don't have much freedom. Even optimal combos are lame like doing 5PPP > 5SSS Special > Special > j.5PPP.
Execution is just a stupid entry barrier, get rid of it.
>No more dustloops. You just do auto combo > launcher > air auto combo > special (bandit bringer)/hard knockdown ender
This is stupid, you can still do cool combos even with easy inputs and auto combos, see DBFZ and BBTAG.
>Weights are gone, you use the same 2 combos (midscreen and corner) on every character and the inputs are like I mentioned above.
Good. Over bloat is bad and you never really need more than a few combos in modern fighterss
>Throws work like they do in BBTAG, you press the button and the character does an automatic run into a grab.
The running part is stupid, button throws are just inherently superior to whatever bullshit GG has
>The game only has 3 buttons. Punch, Slash, Universal Overhead that has some Heavy attacks here and there like in BBTAG.
Good change.
>Universal Reversal, P + S, like in BBTAG.
Won't happen. I-No would be busted, same with other rushdown characters.
> you get BBTAG pushback.
>Button Throws with 30f tech windows.
stupid and won't happen

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>Ky is a huge moralfag
>meets a cute girl who wants to fuck the shit out of him
>zero interest
>meets an underage monster
>suddenly dtf
What did he mean by this?

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I suck at GG but its easily my favorite fighting game series.

Tons of music references, so much soul, and so many ways to express yourself with the characters.

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It's tough to get above yellow these days since everyone who still plays at that level are vets and killers, all the intermediate players got filtered out. Also totally agree, I hope they don't completely change everything.

Guilty Gearth

I think what he means is just jumping into a game when its fresh. Sort of like how blazblue had multiple iterations with impactful changes. The guy probably didnt play xrd vanilla

All thats confirmed so far is you can punch dudes in to different sections of stages

Wait is that actually her model from behind? I know that 3D fighting game models are usually fucked from the unintended angles but thats just wild

He's also a purity fag and dizzy is about as innocent as you can get. That and everyone mentions he loosens up a bit and isnt as rigid as he was durring his crusader/police years.

Church boy got Forbidden Fruit'd HARD. Now he has an 8-year-old wife, he has a son who is entering adulthood at the age of 3 who was raised by his greatest rival who is also his new father-in-law, his son is in love with 1-year-old clone of his own grandmother, and another clone of said grandmother (so like the first clone's sister in a sense) just turned into the grandmother herself is fucking his father-in-law again.

It's a mystery.

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Honestly I agree with getting rid of c.S and f.S
for fucks sake there is literally a button right below the S one you DON'T FUCKING USE


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That's just more complicated, they'd have to add another two moves on top of the c.S or f.S then. Having proximity normals is fine, it doesn't need another button for it.

GBS has proximity AUTO COMBOS
you do an auto combo out of your close prox attacks

they're in

Why cant we just keep stylish and technical. Its perfect for both crowds. Ehy do you have to turn my punch button into sticky keys

>they're in
Proximity moves? Of course.

add an auto combo button that is mapped on default (because casuals are stupid) but can be removed since its useless outside of casual play
hire me ASW

All I fucking want is more pure and cute doujins of Ky and Dizzy being romantic and slowly getting frisky and heated until Dizzy tells him she wants to share the pleasure of flesh with him.

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Called stylish

Stylish needs to be turned on manually
Stylish puts an icon next to your character image to make you look like a scrub
Stylish makes special inputs easier
Stylish increases how much damage you take

Auto combo button is much more simpler and less condescending, yes, casuals do care about that and which is why stylish went un-used and they scrapped the idea

This, even marvel 3 has simple and standard as a option.

I've only seen two, only one of which is translated.
Are there more?
Most of it is Dizzy getting railed by randoms or Bridget, and I assume Ky getting fucked by Sol.

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Dizzy put her 300 gear IQ to work, she knew he'd wonder off if she didn't get him to pump her full of crusader cum.

>people unironically want the whole game to be about mashing one button for combo
What the fuck is wrong with you fucking retards? Why can't you just fucking get good?

You forgot all the EPIC camera work that will slow down the gameplay.

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>please reduce the skill barrier because im a complete scrub that doesn't want to spend time in traning mode!
>I want to be able to defeat esport player easily!

I actually like dynamic camera angles because they give me more time to think.

are you being genuine

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end your life immediately.

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I'd say that Ky is a dizzy man, but he's every bit as good as Dizzy.

Wow, a bunch of retarded netplaying tryhards are hurling insults at me on Yea Forums, whatever shall I do?!

Reducing the skill FLOOR doesn't reduce the skill CEILING. It makes the game objectively better for everybody.
I could mop the floor with all of you netplaying shitters, you're only obsessed over m-muh execution because you don't have anything else going for you in your life, all you have are your Guilty Gear combos. You're not even good at the game; you just learned how to do some epic combos. Lmfao

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>enough with token black characters
>just add a black character

what did he mean with that

Correct me if I'm wrong but are you ASKING FOR A CHALLENGE!????

I want to start learning it already
I may even but a fight stick for this, even though I prefer playing Soul Calibur with a controller

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what's stopping you from getting Xrd

>It makes the game objectively better for everybody.
That's a real hot take you fucking retard.
DBFZ is boring as piss after a few weekends of doing the same 1-button shit. This fact is only obfuscated by having 3 characters.
For GG, this shit would not fucking work. As it is, GG is fun as hell because even if you suck there is constant room for improvement, even at a low skill level. In GG, you can spend a fuckload of time learning the intricacies of a single character before even getting into REAL high tier shit.
The opposite is true of systems like DBFZ, where once a casual gets the basics down, there is nothing for them to do but go full FCC autism on matchups and mindgame bs since actual character execution is as deep as a puddle.

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I have Xrd, I just don't want to learn the game and then have the new one be structurally different


Just fucking do it faggot. Even if GG3 or whatever the fuck it'll be IS massively different (pro tip - it won't be) the fundamentals will stay with you.

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>DBFZ is boring as piss after a few weekends of doing the same 1-button shit
Have you tried learning optimal combos you absolute retard? I know you haven't played DBFZ, shut up. You don't know anything about it. I doubt you even play Xrd.

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If axl isnt part of the main cast im mailing arcsys my own shit


What in the actual fuck are the Isuka and Judgement enemies?

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You're right about GG 100% but I enjoy DBFZ a lot. Maybe it's because I lab out all the weird characters and main some of them. Zamasu & Jiren are really interesting characters, and so are Nappa, Janemba, Broly, Teen Gohan, Frieza, 16, 17, 18, Piccolo, Base forms, SSGSSs, etc. Even some top tiers like Adult Gohan & GT Goku are fun to learn their weird shit with.

Fine, I'll start learning it againnn

There is no actual answer to that. It's the same people who get mad at a Black Little Mermaid and say its ruining the story when we had dozens of shows in the 90s that made retellings of stories or had new spins on them. King Arthur and the Knights of Justice, James Bond Jr, all types of shit.

To people like that, no black character original or reimagined, would be anything but token. About the only black character I think people never had issues with or was memed to hell and back was Dutch from Black Lagoon.

jesus christ this entire post

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BlazBlue players, I swear

>i like it because i suck
Yeah i know

>huh im not saying to reduce the skill ceiling LOL

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>yoo don't even play the gamez
>Talks about gutting the entire skeleton of GG like it's a good thing.
How about YOU shut the fuck up.
Also, how the fuck are optimal combos comparable at all to anything I said about GG?
In GG there is a ton of cool shit you CANNOT DO if you don't learn the system, in addition to how that system compliments each character specifically. Combos are only one aspect of that.
The only example you provided for systems like DBFZ is optimal combos, but why the fuck would you bother if you're playing for fun and can just mash shit out?
I happen to like challenging inputs, whether I'm playing for fun with friends or looking to get rekt online because it amplifies the reward of pulling off cool shit.

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>they have babytag
>they have baby fighters z
>they have gacha whales braindead versus fantasy
>but thats not enough EVERYTHING MUST BECOME EASY BABY SHIT!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DBFZ had the biggest drop of players and popularity since its release because the game is fucking boring and stale.

>Easy Baby Shit
Oh, I seriously hope this is GO1 or Shinku. You won EVO for these baby games, right, user? You wouldn't be stupid enough to all a game babby shit but be bad at it?
>s-shut up combos are depth
classic Yea Forums

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>cannot even fucking read properly
classic Yea Forums

Why arent you fighting that guy who challenged you?

Leopaldon's a gear, being piloted by another gear and his gear dog. Also to this day I can't tell if the noise in his theme is a dude singing or a guitar with the distortion and wah pedal cracked up to 11.

>dude if you don't win EVO you can't have an opinion
Nobody need to be a fucking high esport top player level that can beat Dogura to know that mashing 5ppppppppppp and 5ssssssssss is boring as fuck.

>avatar waifufag is brainlet

Post good sets

Play me in Guilty Gear Xrd right now you stupid avatar poster.

Ft10 or shut the fuck up and everyone starts meming on you henceforth.

>Inb4 I am """"pretending"""" to be retarded

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All I hope is that the new Guilty Gear has a tutorial nearly as good as the Xrd one
That's all it needs

A classic UNGA display

Attached: DP.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

is it really unga if its obviously 2 people fucking around

>play xrd coming from sf4 and 5
>combos take me forever to learn
>didnt even start on other mechanics

even if its just as hard, ill buy this but i wont mind if they nerf the difficulty a bit

Gluttony Fang is a song that is good the first few times you hear it, but quickly becomes boring if you listen to it over and over. A lot of BB songs have this effect, to me at least. Guilty Gear songs have the opposite effect on me, however. At first I feel they sound unimpressive but as I keep hearing them during gameplay, I end up absolutely loving them.

A big problem with CT and CS Blazblue songs is that their intro lasts too long. Listen to Condemnation Wings. The actual meat of the song doesn't begin until 30 seconds into the song, and the heavy part of the song doesn't kick in until 1:28 seconds. In a match between two unga rushdown characters you might even end up not listening to the best part of the song at all. Granted CT and CS had much much longer combos and matches did last longer.

Compare it Tsubaki's GG counterpart, Millia. Millia's theme in X2, Writhe in Pain The song has a long intro for a GG game, lasting 20 seconds, but the climax of the song hits at 30 seconds in. So even if you score a quick win in the first match you get to listen to it on the second round with ease. By the 70 second mark you hit the second loop of the song which gives you pretty good chances of listening to the whole meat of the song even if you only get 2 rounds instead of 3. Granted Guilty Gear is much faster and much more aggressive, specially someone Millia.

tl;dr: Gameplay matters, man.

>GG wasn't even at Evo this year.
Not everything has to be at Evo every year, especially with the market starting to actually have a wide variety of high-budget fighters that deserve their spot in the lime light.

GG is both developed AND published by Arc System Works, retard. They only contract third parties for publishing outside of the Japan console market (SEGA for Arcades, Aksys Games for NA, etc).

Why would I hate UNIST chads instead of obnoxious BB naruto-tier weebs?

respond pussy

Idk man that's pretty much how the Sols I play against play online.

This. Talk shit get hit, you keep saying you can beat them because all they have is combos and nothing else, then prove it.

>GG fag calling others obnoxious
The irony and lack of self-awareness is fucking real.


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Venom is damn cool but I'm too dumb to play him, feels bad.

If you watch the BALL MAGICIAN himself, he usually gets by with SUPERB NEUTRAL. He doesn't do any crazy setups or mixups, he lets his balls do the work and suss out the rest. Just let the balls do the work for you and free form the rest

Attached: VenomDoubleChargeBallSetUp.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

I'm pretty new to the game still, hardly have a chance to sit down and learn some more stuff but fighting Venom was very frustrating to fight. Cool character but ridiculous to fight.

no one's triggered except you leftist

Here's to hoping that GG2020 will be incredible.

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Anyone got any sets where a Sol player just goes off on someone?

As someone who plays Venom, the way to disrupt him is to...well, to disrupt him. He has great pokes, but they don't convert so well into combos most of the time, so if you can tank the hit or trade with a move that gives a greater hitstun on counter hit than the poke, you are golden. Same with his balls - a Venom doesn't really wanna hit you with them so much as they are used to restrict your movement and keeping the pressure. So how about letting yourself get hit by a stray balls in the air, air teching, then using that momentary invulnerability to dash in? As far as his mixup goes, his only overhead is from a c.S or another jc-able move, into what is known as MAD STRUGGLE. The thing about this move is that if you IB the last hit, you can get a free throw. Or if you block it normally, just backdash out of the pressure. OR, you don't even have to anti-air it with your 6P, just 5P him out of it.

Let me know what specifically you have trouble fighting him, cuz he aint so unga bunga

Attached: VenomBlackMetal.webm (640x480, 1.97M)

Do you mean going max unga? Cuz I know two cuhrazy Sols: Kusoru and Maruhan (D.i r.a in match videos or something). Here is one of Kusoru:

Attached: DragonInstallSekkai2.webm (440x330, 2.12M)

Ok, I'll keep this on note. I don't think he's unga, just a character that's really good on restricting my movements. Thanks

Got any from Xrd?

Confirmed incredible.


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Look at that dustloop from midscreen

Attached: Smug gear.png (1024x579, 649K)

you can tell that the artist who drew this also does porn

Maruhan is my favorite Sol player. So unoptimal in everything he does. But so fucking exciting.

Here's one of Maruhan, at the 12:20 mark. He respect his Sol cuz they're the one of the few Sol players who use Dragon Install more than none at all. Also him on webm. Thing is, they're not a highly popular player, as they do not get featured in any match videos or get high in tournaments, but fuck if they make me laugh at some of their decisions.

If you want actual good Sols, you can look at the new 2019 Canadian EVO CHAMP Deb, then there's guys like Haaken, Roi, Machaboo...But seriously, if these guys don't use Dragon Install, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK

Attached: maruhan.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Just look at those fucking decisions. Makes me laugh every fucking time he does this.

Seriously, he's a good player. He just doesn't want to do the thing the normal way. I'd take him any day over the obvious better ones.

How come nobody ever wants to Dragon Install?

I wish there was a way to find videos just of him, he just appears like once or twice in hour long match videos

Attached: DragonInstallWIP.webm (600x338, 2.82M)

All they have to do to make the perfect guilty gear is to remove yrc, blitz shield, danger time and add a combination of buttons to perform regular grab instead of forward + HS.

thats it.

i am sure they will fuck up somehow.

None of you guys know anything about video game design, fighting game design, or guilty gear in general, so none of you should be posting your god awful "improvements" for the next game.

it's a meme move apparently real reason you need a high iq to use it successfully

Attached: DragonInstallPBB.webm (640x360, 1.71M)

>That damage on Potemkin
I know you'll never pull off that combo in a real match but still, pretty cool.

>Muh features.

Looks like a bootleg Ragna.


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How do I deal with desynch in rev2?

I miss Blood Kain combos too, but the new system is nice for everyone

Also, does it annoy anyone else when youtube deletes combo videos? I wouldn't mind if I knew an alternative way to see them again. I was originally going to link a Blood Kain combo video with the bg of hoobastank but I can't find it anymore. So many combo videos lost to time.

>May's voice actress is 56 years old and only 4'9

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Never played a Fightan game in my life. Should I try the new GG next year?

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Every frame of Xrd is art. Doubly so for Millia.

No. Play Tekken instead.The best fighting game ever.

GG is fairly difficult, much like most fighting games, so you'll have to be willing to practice. If you want to get ready for the next game you can always just get Xrd now.

As long as you don't play SF you'll be fine to pick whatever

Easily the Best! song in the series:

melty blood > both

kidding, i like guilty gear ost better

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Like with most fighting games, you'll have the most enjoyment if you can find someone at or only a bit above your skill level to play with frequently.

This isn't too hard when a game launches, or if you have a local scene of some kind then playing in person is even better, even if you get stomped.

I just like the character designs from GG, but if it's really bad for a babby's first fighter I won't bother.
Where the FUCK is Eltnum is BBTAG holy shit

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I like it. Though Freesia is number 1 for me, no one praises The Ship enough:

Nah, GG was my first fighter and I'm okay with it. No matter what first fighter you pick, unless it's DBFZ you're likely going to struggle.
DBFZ also has assists and a lot of shit like superdash, so once you move on from it you'll struggle in a lot of areas that DBFZ waters down.
Just try out GG, pick whoever you like or use this online quiz to figure out who you might enjoy playing.

>Though Freesia is number 1 for me
Fuck, right. How is this japanese buttrock animegame powerballad music so consistently enjoyable?

I love the lyrics of this song. Even if you can't make your dreams come true, you can inspire others to try and succeed.

Because DI is punished by getting Destroyed.

Nigga, no fighting game is bad for someone's first time except for SF as long as you have genuine interest in them. For me, seeing Guilty Gear combo and match videos made me be able to push through all the beginning shit that is supposedly hard for beginners. If you have to really convince yourself to like a fighting game or the genre as a whole, I don't think it's wrong to say it's not for you.

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GG is likely gonna have a very robust and helpful tutorial and library of challenges/matchup tutorials to help any new player.
Sure the pacing and complexity of GG causes it to be on the harder side of fighting games, but the tutorials in the current game already does a great job at explaining a lot about the game.

Learning it will likely not be THAT much harder than learning other fighters. Just make sure to pick a simpler character, make sure to stay as far away as possible from shit like Zato.

wow, you guys are awfully welcoming considering where we are.
Alright, I'll consider picking up Xrd and hope the new one is good. Losing doesn't make me salty, but working two jobs means I don't really have time to practice and develop deep skills. I just hope I can have fun with it on a semi-surface level.

A large part of the non-smash FGC is like this. We have dignity and take showers.
As long as you aren't an annoying waifufag, you'll probably be fine.

Opposite actually I want to raw dick Leo in the ass

Daisuke really is an inspiring guy.

Also, anyone partial to Dear Song? Not a lot people seem to like it, but it has this almost melancholic tinge, but definitely hopeful and nostalgic feel to it.

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>>"I once stayed at the office for 1 and half years without going home to my apartment"
I mean, that's kinda bullshit as he needed change of clothes and a bath, but still, I get his point.

The song gets pretty country-ish but it somehow works. Even the singer changes his usual rock tone to get the best effect and it shows.
>it has this almost melancholic tinge, but definitely hopeful and nostalgic feel to it.
Definitely, this song is concentrated nostalgia. Like walking through your childhood neighborhood and noticing how different things are.

All the Xrd ending themes, both Arcade and Story mode, are excellent
Freesia, Dear Song, and NSFW especially

>As he started describing his works to me, I began to ponder how his mind works. He's an eccentric designer, and so I picked his brain about regarding his influences in all walks of life. When it comes to inspiration, Ishiwatari responded, "It's not really related to my life per se, but the core concept behind my character designs are using things that people are familiar with. Like Bedman [a fighter in Guilty Gear who sleeps on a bed while he fights, pictured above], everyone knows that household item, so I focus on things like that."

>The process he uses to comes up with some of his designs is great: "What I do is in my every day life if I see something that could be interesting in a game I'll take note. Basically I have a huge list of notes that I might want to use as a weapon or the basis for a character. What generally happens though is that when production starts and I review that list, I can't really remember why I put that down. In the end I'll go through production trying to figure out what my purpose was and I'll come up with something brand new [laughs]."

Fun guy

You know how in Street Fighter the git gud method is "winning with four buttons?" or whatever? In GG it's "winning with Five moves and two combos."

If ever you're learning a combo and it feels like you're just pressing buttons in an asinine order to an arbitrary timing then stop, it's not going in right. You need to be learning the theory, even if it means starting from the bottom. Try breaking down the combos you're doing, do segments of them at a time, and just understand how it all flows together and when a move can go into another one. You need to eat sleep and breathe every one of your character's moves.

So get a fullscreen move, midscreen move, long range poke, mid range poke, and abare move and just stick with those all flowing into the simple BnG grounded, anti air, and corner combos (not as important) that have the same theory. Then get a proper defence plan, then build up an okizeme plan, then start spending your tension wisely.

For instance Axl (who admittedly has a simple theory) it's all about
>Grounded combos, gatling until you can go HS into Rensen
>Anti-air, get to 6K > 2S > jc > jHS > jD > 623HS
>Corner, sickle rain or TK bomber routes

Here's that thumbnail art

Attached: 1534287091341.png (1600x952, 2.34M)

Freesia is a legit great song, it's only held back by Naoki's shitty pronunciation

>we livin?

Probably not, unless they make a completely different game. Even it's popular at first, every niche anime fighter loses like 80% of its playerbase shortly after launch week. Even DBFZ is a ghost town compared to what it was a year ago.

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>The hundreds of rooms on BB's lobby mode all with 64 capacity

>I even spent a year and a half at the office without ever going home
Holy shit that's some next level dedication.


That's just regular japan.
They get overworked to death, literally, and they even have a word for it.

I'm used to seeing much smaller numbers, so 500+ is pretty heartwarming even if it was due to evo.

Same, but it's been annoying me how many light blues are around now. I don't wanna be rude so I keep playing them using Sol, but even then they're too bad because they seem new to fighting games as a whole.

That was never true, even right after premiere

The most we got were maybe 3 full lobbies

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I wish they dropped last balance patch with announcement of new game. Some characters like Answer weren't even properly fleshed out

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Everyone be honest. Did you guys actually expect that overwhelming response to the GG2020 trailer? Enough to actually even get it trending in Twitter?

I did not expect that because you know, GG is not particularly in the level of popularity of like SF and Tekken really.

Yeah, xrd feels incomplete. The last couple of patches feel specially rushed.

I did not expect, but I hope the mass appeal doesn't kill the series

>SFV tried to pull this shit
>you can literally do combos now by mashing the buttons
This felt like an insult when I had to learn my plinks

Because they mostly were. Rev2 recieved massive criticism during loketest and they went with pretty much all changes

What's that? Nerf Answer and buff Johnny?

I hope it does. If GG dies and Capcom sees that they need to fill the anime fighter void, they will definitely revive Darkstalkers.

>Young Ky
So this will be a prequel
O just the Gear AIdis make him younger?

What was going on during Rev2's location test that caused it to be so panned?

The patch was rushed for Evo if I'm not mistaken.

Will our guy Maxdood main Baiken and win EVO?

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nah ill snipe and wipe the floor with him so he gives up in less than a day

Based Daddy Jiyuna says he's not part of the FGC, he only makes videos about them.

>not the other way around
Capcom will kill SF faster than Arcsys suffocating from the amount of projects they have now

It's going to be the same with the new game if it grabs a larger audience, so you better get used to it. Hopefully some of them stick with it and become semi-competent.

Nigga Leo

Can any of the lorefags here actually tell me why the fuck are Illyrian knights only fighting with Axes and Swords ?

You'd think this is probably the worst possible choice of weapon, especially when Valentines can use guns and grenades.

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I hate when art like this has white backgrounds because then I can't put it as my wallpaper without dying at night

>Does the designing
>Does the directing
>Does fucking programming (did he on Xrd?)
>Writes the story
>Voice acts
>Composes the music
>Draws the art

Not to discredit the rest of the team, but these are almost like indie games

>>It's going to be the same with the new game
I assume ranked mode will be alive for at least a week if they don't horribly butcher it again.
If they just recycle DBFZ ranked it'll be good enough.
I'll just play that until the newfags give up

I'll give you the answer that is true for 99.9% of the time you have a question about the logistics of a japanese franchise:
Because it's cool.


What does that even mean? Aren't you a part of the FGC is you play fighting games?

He doesn't voice act or program anymore

Very questionable changes to existing characters and new moves turned out to be a massive lie.

Because it's cool
Because they're melee units from Overture
Because lore-wise guns are mostly banned, they use magic for long range fights.

That doesn't make any sense. Anybody who cares about fighting games on a competitive level and has played them is part of the "FGC". Over half of Max's channel is him playing fighting games online and most of the rest is opinion pieces on fighting games or character trailer reactions.

He's not some god but he's got the biggest channel among people who give a shit about fighting games seriously and as a representative he's fine.

Gotta go full rent free and look for any excuse to shit on youtubers.

fuck off Jiyuna

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I can't find where he says it anymore, it was a while back, but basically I believe Jiyuna talked before how Max was covering fighting games than actually being in the scene, going into tournaments, etc. The bite was that Max was using fighting games for commercial means instead of being in the FGC proper, but I think Jiyuna made that decision because of something else that happened, but memory fails me again. That being said, Jiyuna also said Max was putting in the work, and he would not fault him on that, just that Max being the unofficial FGC spokesguy for normies rubbed him the wrong way.

I guess I understand the last point, but Max is one of the few guys I've seen that doesn't seem fake at all. He did this video recently on how he understood how many people he actually reaches when he went to EVO, and then followed it up by saying he's still mostly going to focus on what he likes even when using that platform (the example he gives is that his rallies to revive MvC & KI are because he actually just loves them and he wouldn't feel right doing that for another series). I can respect that.

In terms of quality content I much prefer Sajam. He has a lot of great insights and he's just fun to listen to. I'll use some of his videos as mini-podcasts while I do something else on occasion.

the thing with Max is his audience. his audience is not part of the fgc and will never be. he doesn't do much for the fgc whille having the biggest fighting game channel.

But that's the same as complaining about streamboars. There's always going to be people there just for the "hype" of matches who don't actually play the game. Saying he doesn't do anything for the FGC is bullshit too, since spreading awareness and content about games is what keeps scenes alive. Look at what the Nickelback looking fucker did for KI, just because he felt like playing the game again. It was like #6 on fucking twitter or some shit.

I mean you could always play the first entry in a new series instead of the latest entry in an old one. DBFZ is a good example of everyone learning together since it was brand new. GBFV is coming out soon and that should have a fresh pool of people to play against.

Idk, I feel like something major happened that has been forgotten. I remember when the SF people used to shit on the anime crowd before we became more prominent, I'm sure there was something similar with Max's crowd I'm missing.

I got rev2 but I could never decide between Axl and Ky. I kinda wanted to play Axl more but it seems harder to learn.

Streamboars are at least generally FGC streamboars. They watch all the tournaments and tune in to any good player streaming the game.
The thing with Max and his audience is that they generally aren't there for the fighting games, they're there to watch Max and his friends. He's essentially just a personality streamer that happens to stream fighting games instead of Fortnight or Madden or whatever, and a big part of the reason for that is that that's the kind of stream Max runs. I could be wrong, I haven't watched much of him, but he doesn't generally do sets with top players, he doesn't lab and teach shit to the chat, doesn't talk about locals or tournaments he's attended. He just wants to chill with his group of semi-casual friends and have fun, maybe go online and sit in a ranked queue etc. Noting wrong with that, shit like that is how the vast majority of people enjoy fighting games after all and is why games like MK always sell so well despite being lackluster competitively, but it's very different from watching like Deb or Mike Ross or the other "FGC" streams.
Note, I don't have anything against Max really. He's a "professional casual" who seems to understand his role pretty well and is willing to use it to do good, like with KI recently, so whether he's "FGC" or not is really just semantics.

gear cells are kicking into high gear + dizzy likes to cut Ky's hair for him.

Fuck I don’t have a PC and there don’t seem to be any PS4 battle lounges active on my coast. Maybe if I try during the day

I've decided I'm gonna post this every thread.

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The thing is people like to hate on Max because he got popular and and got rich as well doing the thing he does. I don't get it, but people really love to hate whenever, wherever, however.

These games deserve more recognition than they get. They sell like overrated western indie titles but have the effort gone into them that makes AAA games look lazy in comparison. I've never played a fighting game that was designed with as much care as Guilty Gear Xrd.

>They sell like overrated western indie titles
*less than

Its not about loving to hate, Max is a fucking GG secondary
He quit rev 2 cos Baiken is "bad", watching him play was painful. He was mashing then whining hit got counter hit, some one IK's him and he's like "omg thats unblockable!?" when he was pressing buttons
Sadly he's deleted all the clips from him playing Xrd on Twitch so I can't show you how much of a shitter he was

Forgot to add James Chen pulls similar shit, he chats complete nonsense when he's commentating GG he knows fuck all about the game and its lore

Technology is banned, magic only

Wasn't Baiken considered to be pretty bad before the last patch?

James Chen might not know the lore, but didn't he write GG faqs back in the day?

>Mori ever getting the rights for anything Nasu-verse related.
Honestly at this point i'm inclined to believe the madman would be crazy enough to actually try it.

>Look this up
>find the only clip is a 1.6k views of his Baiken combo
>Know the slayer one was way more
Damn you're fucking right. What a bitch.

Low mid, the patch didn't make any massive changes and she's pretty solidly in the top third of the cast now. She mostly got a bunch of little fixes and tweaks to make stuff more consistent and an overall defense buff so she can survive guessing wrong maybe 1 more time per game on average. It was a necessary patch, she was kind of shitty in a "this is dumb" more than a "this is weak" way, but her strengths didn't really change and she didn't really get a new gameplan, if you weren't winning with her before it's not going to make a miraculous difference.

Letting the video loop counts as a watch right?

Anyone willing to post pictures of the Xrd models faces?
I'm looking for new profile pictures

Stay mad.

Based FaustCHAD

>Replying to a 9 hours post
The buttmad is palpable.
>Claim that GG is better than BB
>No GG set is ever as good as BBCP EVO 2014 grand final

>BBCP EVO 2014 grand final
>Doesn't even talk about a tournament with all of Japan's best BB players
Love posers, they're so easy to spot

That's just how much better BB is, that no GG set can ever scratch the surface of BB's most popular set. Also maybe you forgot, but a lot of Japanese BB players flew out to EVO in 2014 because of the pot bonus from Arc. Bet you didn't know that, did you, poser?

>No GG set is ever as good as BBCP EVO 2014 grand final
EVO Japan 2018 Grand Final

A lot? More like a handful. But I won't bother arguing with you since you went for BB's babies first big tournament moment, outing yourself as a poser in the biggest way possible. Have fun pretending you know shit about these games.

Anyone in this thread played Slash? Almost no one talks about it compared to Reload and AC

I watched that live. Alright set, but it doesn't even touch Galileo vs Dogura. Far inferior. Try again.
>BB's babies first big tournament moment
And what is GG's? None lmao.

>And what is GG's? None lmao.

>Meme clip of a set

Faggot is eager to show how much of a poser he is, lmao.

>I'll call it meme, that will show him

>Still no argument
>Still no good set
>Defending an user who posted a Daigo meme like a poser
Awww GG babby is buttmad.

>Not a meme
09er, pls.

>Still no argument
You are aware you haven't made any arguments yet right? You just said "hurr durr this is more hype because I say so" and never actually gave solid reasons why. Don't act surprised when people don't take you seriously at all.

>bbfags starting up shit in a gg thread
Why? What do you gain from doing so?

That's way older than that, pick a better insult.

Autistic fanboys gotta act like autistic fanboys. GG and BB are cool, the actual cancer are the faggots who try to throw shit at the other franchise.

Slash was only released in Japan so most western players never played it.

That's because they poor all of their resources into visuals instead of netcode or story mode cutscenes. GG's cutscenes are mostly standing around and the online is garbage

>more hype because I say so
If you can't see how a clutch ass comeback is hype, then that's on you. And hey, GG fags always scream "BB IS INFERIOR GAEM!" when their reasoning is always "it's better because I say so", so don't act surprised that someone pulls the same shit to you.
>If GG faggots shitting up a BB thread, it's okay, but if the opposite happens it's not okay!!
09ers would still look it up to look like they're knowledgeable.

There are hype comebacks in pretty much any fighting game. Find a better reason to gauge why something is better than something else, poser.

Good work retard, now you're as cancerous as a GGfag!

Japanese devs almost never bother to release any sort of online that works well outside of Japan's infrastructure, lazy fuckers.

>comebacks in a game with comeback mechanics
I sleep.

>Find a better reason to gauge why something is better than something else, poser.
Hey, right back at you, GG dickrider. Hopefully you take your own advice next time you wanna go "HURRR BB IS SHIT! PLAY GG DURRR!". Funny how you said that you won't bother arguing with me, yet you still continue to reply.

the online doesn't even work well for all of Japan either It's just the mainland

>Overdrive lasts longer the less health you have
Oh wow, what a robbery comeback mechanic.

I don't do that though, I like BB but you're too retarded to see yourself in the mirror and see that you're what you hate and the real issue here.
I'm not arguing with you also since I'm never giving you actual arguments, just making fun of how retarded every single one of your posts actually is.

Yeah, pure garbage. Let player skill shine instead of shit that lasts like 2 times more if you're low on health.

>I'm never giving you actual arguments
Because you don't have any since I'm right.

Yeah man, Hellfire is so much bett-Oh wait.

Well you never gave any argument so why should I bother, better just see how mad you keep acting over me making fun of you.

Hellfire is also shit.

>B-but GG too!

>I-if I pretend that the argument is not there, I'm winning! I'm gonna put a tough front like I have the upper hand!
Still waiting on your argument.

>durr hurr this is super hype because I say so!
Learn what an actual argument is, poser.

He's right though, you're just acting like a retarded fanboy. It's not hard to find way more nuanced posted on why someone would prefer BB over GG but you're not even trying.

Really? That makes it even more hilarious. At least in my time in Japan it worked pretty well but if it's not even good for a small country then that's laughable.

None of you fags play the game

I like the constant back and forth one-round-a-piece of a set that it was, and Galileo's use of RC to mix up Dogura. His Litchi staff set up wasn't anything fancy but works well enough to shut down Azrael's unga bunga gorilla bullshit.

But the moment that faggot said "hurrr most fg sets have comebacks", I can tell he would reply to this post with the same caliber of bullshit too. "HUrrr most fg sets have back and forth pacing" etc.

It's a Guilty Gear thread, what did you expect?

Attached: rev.png (654x212, 63K)

He's right, your reason on why it's great is something you would find in pretty much any fighting game. Your argument is a total failure.

None of that shows anything that you won't find in a GG tournament. You have clever uses of RCs there (even with the shitty YRC that ruined the series) and plenty of back and forth between rival players.
It's an entirely subjective view on why you would prefer one game over the other instead of showing how one of those games is better designed than the other.

>Durr hurr I liked it because the player used RCs in the way RCs have been used since GGX

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I play AC+R for fun all the time.

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Then do name me a set you think is grander since any other set is the same according to you. I really find it funny that you're not allowed to revere anything popular anymore, because its "babby's first" and whatnot like it has no value if it's well-known. It's a well received set that is known by people who don't even play BB for a reason.

Did any of you actually watch the set anyway? Live?

pick best boy, c'mon son.

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I watched it live, it was fun but it was nothing out of this world for the standards of competitive BB/GG tournaments.

>Then do name me a set you think is grander since any other set is the same according to you
Some user already linked a post to you but you just went "i dont like it as much".
At this point you're not proving or showing anything of value other than just stating that you like something a lot, and sure that's cool and that gang but don't try to act as if you preferring something without giving objectives points on why it's better is setting the record straight regarding why BB is better than GG.

>I really find it funny that you're not allowed to revere anything popular anymore
No one is criticizing you for liking, people are calling you a faggot because you think that just saying that a very popular tournament moment was hype already proves that GG is miles below BB in terms of quality.