They're back

What's the Yea Forumspinion of the return of Bub n Bob ONLY on Nintendo Switch?

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I rather Puzzle Bobble.

I'm a fucking casual. I know Bob and Bub are brothers, so are the other dragons siblings?


Based as fuck, Bubble Bobble was always a good time with friends.

The other dragons are their girlfriends if I recall correctly?


>The evil magician Bonner.

welp, this game or is dead on arrival, or becomes an instant best-seller.


wait, which one was bubble bobble 3

Good times.

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The other dragons are their girlfriends,they rescue them in the end of the first game and since you need to beat the game with a friend (and some shit) to see the real ending they are canon

There's also another game for the arcade where you can play as them

Amazing, now if only this exclusivity would make sakurai double take

Take your Smashfaggotry somewhere else.

Just because something is cute doesn't mean you need to whore it out.

Parasol Stars

Glad to see them back in action. I actually have bub and bob tattooed on me. Fond memories growing up.

I hope he comes back too.

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Wanna post pics user?

I've never actually taken pictures of them strangely enough. I only have the one right after it was done so it's swollen and bloody unfortunately.

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Heyyyy, that came out pretty good

thanks, was glad it turned out half decent for my first tattoo.

this is one of the few gaming tattoos I can get down with

appreciate it.

Okay, but why do they have goggles now?

They're in!

Probably just to give them more visual flair.

maybe you can dress them up since they don't seem to have the goggles on the box?

Cautious after watching that trailer

what's wrong with it? seems like your typical fun of blowing bubbles and popping enemies

Want to see more regular levels

They already are cute Godzilla babies that shoot bubbles. What more flair could be needed?

oh fair. it's filled with like a 100 levels? i'm sure there will be plenty of original, remixed and old levels to traverse through.

i love bibble bobble. it's the most stimulating game

I want mecha flair to get a mechagodzilla baby.

I'd rather have Puzzle Bobble, but I'll take any fucking Puzzle/Bubble Bobble I can get at this point.

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I think a few games have actually had mechanical versions of the bubble dragons

No Puzzle/Bubble Bobble game has ever topped how good Bub/Bob looked in Bubble Memories.
They really need to take a note from Puzzle Bobble and drop the whole "They're dragons because of a curse" thing, though, because there's literally no downside to being a Bubble Dragon.

That would make sense considering that it seems like you can customize them from the player select?

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Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe different bubble types give you different outfits.

Is this the platformer one or the one where you shoot the balls?
I hate the balls one, I got thoroughly bored of it because of arcades

>there's literally no downside to being a Bubble Dragon.
They die in one hit from anything.

say it with me: soulless

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Bubble Bobble is the platforming one, Puzzle Bubble is the one where you shoot balls to match up with other balls before they hit the bottom of the screen.

But that applies to humans too in Bubble Symphony.

just be glad it's not the flat shaded meme again

Well they are small children in that one.

Out of curiosity, what did people think of Bubble Bobble Plus, if anybody played it? Weird to think it's ten years old now.

i wanna fuck a bubble dragon

fuck, now i can't unhear the music

They're that way in all of them. Plus, if they died in one hit, then the Puzzle Bobble series wouldn't work the way it does.



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They've had them in all their most recent appearances (mobile games). I think it's cute.

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i want to be eaten by one


>tfw puzzle bobble 2's bub/bob voice clips still haven't been topped
why the fuck do they sound so stupid after puzzle bobble 3

>puzzle bobble 3
fuck, meant 4

Holy shit, the nostalgia. I wonder how all the other kids I used to play this and Metal Slug X at the arcade with are doing nowadays.

Bubble Bobble

So how long before Nintendo gets stabbed in the back this time?

>And then Pcbros ruined it in the later rounds by voting for Freeman because Valve dangled a banana over their heads in the form of a sale.

>nintendo loses an exclusive

>anything else loses an exclusive
>pff... sloppy seconds... played it 3 years ago
