This is the best companion in the first game. Fight me

This is the best companion in the first game. Fight me.

Attached: PM_Bombette.png (1163x1260, 1.18M)

That's not Watt
>Defense piercing attack
>AoE Paralyze
>Attack Buff

What about Watt

a man of culture i see. lets not forget it is a cute baby so it will only get stronger.
though op you have a respectable choice

Attached: WattPortraitPM.png (200x138, 56K)

Fuck off, Akfamilyhome.

I like goombella
And I want to marry her

Watt > Lakilester > Sushie > Bombette > Bow > Parakarry > Kooper > Goombario

In terms of usefulness in battle:
Watt >>>> Parakarry > Bow > Goombario > Bombette > Kooper > Sushie >>> Lakilester

In terms of likability:
Parakarry > Bow > Bombette > Goombario > Watt > Kooper > Lakilester > Sushie

What's the major issues with Parakarry?

He's too good

Hey I ranked Parakarry high. I don't know why the other user thinks he's so shit when he has
>great damage output
>the ability to hit enemies no matter their position on the screen
>the ability to hit all enemies on screen at once
He's a pretty straightforward partner, but a damn effective one.

>not Goombario. The partner with unique dialogue for every single enemy, npc, area (and several items) in the entire game
The goomba partners breathe so much life and soul into their respective games

Hi's only issues are that Air Lift is useless against boss and Air Raid consumes 6 FP, lastly he has not defense like Sushi/Parakarry or buff options like Watt.

>Charge is also a useful move if spammed

besides danger Mario, are there any really busted set ups?

To add onto this, any other just fun setups?
I did a danger Mario run for the first time on my last play through and it was hilarious how hard he slaughtered anything.

Charge + multibonk makes Goombario ridiculously broken against bosses.

wonder how a "RNG badges only" would play out.

Gameplay wise?

>Paper Mario will never have partners again

>bow is basically useless fighting anything with +1 or more defense.

shit sucks man.

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We could had this, but Miyamoto also said: More Generic Toads and no more Koopa's with glasses.

Attached: Chain-Chomp-partner.png (410x250, 167K)

What are the odds of PM64 or TTYD getting a port to the Switch?

based miyamoto missing what the fans like about the games and doubling down after several failures

the devs are also to blame as well.

To be fair, that is just a generic chain chomp

I always liked Jump Charge. It's like being a DBZ character.

it could've been a place holder.
>"durr just play bros series if you want an rpg"
fuck off they play differently, plus the bros series is suffering the same generic enemy make over.

Feels like the 3DS was the best time for Nintendo to port/update N64 games, I don't think it's likely we'll see any HD versions of Nintendo's N64 games on Switch.

>tfw highest damage output on 0 defense enemies
She was my go to, mario is enough of a fighting force. I found her attack prompt to be the most fun to use.

This was during Miyamoto's "tantrum years", where he did anything he could to remove any shit from his franchises that he didn't directly create or oversee. All because he got triggered past his limit by an optional storybook in Galaxy and a Paper Mario spinoff (so a spinoff of a spinoff). That's what's so upsetting with nuPM: they're not just bad games, but both Sticker Star and Color Splash were made with a considerable level of contempt.
>SS was mainly due to Miyamoto's contempt for content made by others and Tanabe's hatred of RPG mechanics
>CS was made in contempt for fans, telling old fans to eat shit or play something else

Seriously, fuck Miyamoto.

i fucking hate the respect and listen to your elders to the extreme mentallity the japanese have. i respect my elders but i also know when it is time to not take grandpa's advice on how to kill nazis with purple jelly

Just release Pikmin 4 and die already, please

Where are my Parakarry bros at?

Attached: Parakarry_(Paper_Mario).png (640x658, 426K)

Good news, Iwata isn't around to let Shiggy do as he pleases anymore. That's one good thing about Kimishima (and now Furukawa), neither of them allowed Miyamoto a free pass. Super Mario Odyssey would been butchered or just never happened if Miyamoto was directly involved in it.

Bad news, almost everything else at Nintendo is going to shit under Furukawa.

yeah battlewise they are meh unless you use charge but the extra dialogue is great. reminds of using Zelos in tales of symphonia so many hilarious npc comments youd never hear otherwise

Honestly paper mario 1 every party member is based. Used to have parakarry or bow out the most

doesn't fan smack ignore defense?

Attached: tumblr_oj6qclRZHv1s3uawvo1_500.gif (470x323, 1.99M)

I don’t believe so

nope, though it does do more damage

>Literally entirely shit down by flying enemies
>Struggles hard against enemies with defense
>status move useless against bosses
>can't give mario any stat buffs
I like Kooper but holy shit

Attached: 1564081506318.png (247x362, 132K)

meant "shut" but it applies just as much

I don't get why anyone likes him.
He's just a shitty mailman who joins up to make his job easier.

No way Goombario is that low, he's a set up monster and has a built in power bounce

His incompetence at his job makes him all the more endearing and he's actually pretty solid in battles.

All Miyamoto said back then was "this is basically just a port of TTYD, can you guys make it feel more original?" and the interns at Intelligent Systems who were stuck on this project while the main team worked on Fire Emblem basically backpedaled as hard as they could, stripped away everything reminiscent of original Paper Mario of their own volition, and turned Sticker Star into what it is today. Miyamoto never explicitly said to take away OCs (after all, they're still permitted to exist in the M&L series with no issues), that was just IS taking everything Miyamoto said way too literally and overcompensating with the "safeness" so as not to disappoint him again.

I won't deny that Miyamoto is incredibly anal about Mario's brand integrity as mentioned here but I don't think he had everything to do with the removal of OCs at the very least. The majority of Sticker Star's approach, and Miyamoto's main vision for the game, came from the overwhelmingly negative fan response to SPM's story.

You have to be some sort of fsggot to put parakarry that high in likeable tier

>not choosing momy sushie

V is such a nigger board

Attached: descarga.jpg (252x200, 10K)

Bow a best. Pretty sure she was my first ojousama-like character.

bow is my favorite

Bow is alright but..

Attached: d04-.png (455x349, 9K)

I barely remember this game as I played it when I was younger, but isn't Goombario strong? Goombella destroyed everything with multibounce in TTYD

>he rotates the stick with the palm of his hand Mario Party style

Surprisingly, the pinky works way better. I always used to do this as a kid and the bar would fill up incredibly fast with hardly any effort or pain. Just keep your hand still and let the movement come from your elbow/shoulder. Works better if your elbow is resting on a hard surface.

His biggest perk is spending multiple turns charging his power, and then letting loose with Multibonk, whose damage counts down by one point with every bounce (so 10 damage on the first hit would become 9, then 8, then 7, etc.). It's better in theory than in practice, because it takes a lot of turns of Goombario doing essentially nothing while other partners can do decent damage AND assist Mario, and bosses have random Power Bounce/Multibonk caps that will just halt your attack early on even if you hit the action command properly. I think the same thing persists in TTYD, and Goombella doesn't have an innate charge move (though you can equip Charge P for the same effect), but her biggest perk in that game is giving her turn up to Mario with Rally Wink, which is good if you've overpowered the living hell out of Mario with a Power Rush setup or something.

Attached: art.png (471x490, 28K)

>equip 2 Power Plus badges
>buff your attack power with watt
>use power bounce
>become unstoppable
You could equip also P-Up D-Down badge, but I prefer the few badge points left for spike or fire shield, that way there is nothing you can't stomp on and kill in the first turn.

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