Is Bayonetta a Mary sue


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no because she's not innocent and clumsy

Exactly, she's a edgy Mary sue.


>The power is not even her own

Mary sues don't get raped

What is Mary sue ?

she's just overpowered

She works hard for her wins and she's not the strongest character in her own universe.

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A character that is good at everything without having to earn it

>PS3 Bayo
Even I'm not that dumb, man

Why would she be one? Because she's powerful and confident?
Man, going by that logic Dante is one too. I don't want to live in a world where we wouldn't be allowed to have fun characters like this.


Out-of-place obvious author self-insert character who is inexplicably the center of the universe in the story, the whole world bends for her plot convenience.


How fucking retarded are you?

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No. But shes ugly and looks like a tranny

Isn't a Mary Sue someone who's really good at shit for no reason? There's a reason and explanation behind Bayonetta's skills.

Males aren't called Mary Sue you smoothbrain


>Mary Sue
What mongoloid made this?

Err'body a mary sue til they get raped by a demon

A mary sue is, by definition, an overpowered character to the point of ridiculousness. She's an Umbra Witch, everybody loves and respects her, everyone who disagrees with her is wrong, ugly and evil and she can in a fight with anything easily.

But, to be honest, it's her character. Dante is a Gary Stu, in that case. I keep designations of Mary Sues and Gary Stus for stories, not games. It makes it funny when you read a story about some mary sue called Princess Dandelion Nightingale Rainbow riding her Diamond Unicorn to victory in the grand nationals. Compared to some story writers, Dante and Bayonetta are tame as fuck.

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She beat god, twice.

Mary Sue was a real character created to satirize Star Trek fanfiction. Because in said fanfiction many authors would often include a self-insert character to interact with the original cast. Mary Sue was very good at everything, and the main cast of Star Trek would immediately love her for no apparent reason.
The satire worked out so much that Mary Sue became an archetype for unrealistically ideal characters that appear to be the author's self-insert, which is the mark of an unskilled writer. The male equivalent is "Gary Stu" and follows the same logic.
People with too low IQ will think Bayonetta is a Mary Sue just because she is strong, which is absurd, characters like her and Dante are hilariously overpowered because they, too, satirize their own medium

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Mary Sue/Gary Stu means you lack flaws, bro

>A mary sue, is, by definition, [completely wrong definition]
Come on, learn something new today:

It doesn't matter if someone is a mary sue in a video game. You can lose if you fuck up, anything Bayo does herself in a cutscene is a reward for you winning and progressing. Mary sues are only a problem where the story itself is the full focus, like in a book or a movie.

Sorry guys, but I'm afraid your favorite character is a Mary Sue.

Mary Sue isn’t gender fluid, the males are called Gary Stu you fucking mongoloid

Every single action game protagonist is a Mary Sue

Is "poorly written" intrinsic to the definition of a Mary Sue? Can a character look fabulous, be great at things naturally, have everybody love them and not be a Mary Sue?


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>Got fucked by ghamora at the start of the game and Jean had to die to save her
Ye-heaaah, no.

If she was a Mary Sue, she would have FUCKING RELEASED BAYONETTA 3 AHHHHHHHHH
WHERE IS IT!???!??

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>Mary Sue isn’t gender fluid

It's much more related to being the author's self-insert than anything else.
Sometimes the author wants to make an extremely flawed underdog that somehow manages to achieve something no one else could, and that could be a self-insert too.
When I say "ideal" I don't mean they are good at things. I mean they fulfill a ridiculous role that has similarly ridiculous interactions with the rest of the cast. As in, the rest of the cast is stuck with very strict rules that limit their progress and feats, meanwhile the protagonist can achieve unrealistic goals for no apparent reason.
Bayonetta being strong or graceful is nothing to speak home about because everyone else in her universe is super strong and/or can make flashy moves and dances. She is playing by the same rules as everyone else.

We'll hopefully get more info after Astral Chain drops. Please

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>ITT: Brainlets who define Mary Sue by character I don’t like

Are you talking about yourself, because you're literally he first one to bring that kind of argument up.

October 9th, 2020

with help

I mean not really? Bayonetta by virtue gets all her power from Madama Butterfly, so right then and there it's a two person game. Bayonetta also summoned Queen Sheba to actually "kill" Jubilieus she didn't do it herself. She got help from Baldur in 2 when dealing with Aesir.

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>Entire plot hook of the second game is her messing up and Jeanne dying as a result
>Is she a Mary Sue
She also has major personality flaws when it comes to her allies besides Rodin, and even then their relationship is very much more one of business rather than friendship. Considering as dumb as they both are, Luka and Loki have helped her out on several occasions, she never breaks the aloof, flippant nature and people do find fault in her (Enzo for one.)

These aren't bad things by any means, but if she were a Mary Sue, she'd be beloved by everyone and show no noticeable flaws.

I want Madama to rape me

Madama Butterfly is like 200 feet tall

I know

Her son is

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Kinda but she's fun so it's not really an issue. If she had an inflated sense of self importance and had no playfulness to her personality then it wouldn't work. It also helps that she's fun to control.

>Is "poorly written" intrinsic to the definition of a Mary Sue?
Not always. They can at the very least be entertaining and memorable by turning up perfection and importance levels to absurd degrees like pic related or Sol Badguy.

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She is so sexy Bros. She is so fucking classy and posh, I literally cannot imagine her farting. I just can’t picture it. What would she even say? I bet she’s never done it in front of anyone and enjoys the smell to herself.

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"When people love others, they grow weaker, though it's nothing to be ashamed of. True weakness lies elsewhere. Because this is not true weakness. Only those who know weakness will be truly able to become stronger."

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Not really, Bayonetta's regarded as fucking weird by most of the people she interacts with.

Is there an in universe reason for Umbran Witches being so lanky. Every part of Bayonetta's is like twice as long as it should be.

>Was going to joke and say “but where’s HIS mole?”
>He actually has one

She got Jeannes help for Queen Sheba in 1, too.

It’s sad to think, when she dies, all her holes are gonna be used as demon cock sleeves and cum deposits for all eternity

She'll never die

>Bayonetta is loved by everyone
I don't get this.

My dick loves her. Why is there no good bayo porn?

>Why is there no good bayo porn?
It is the unwritten law. The lewder the main thing is, the rarer good lewd fan things are.
I have yet to see one actually REALLY good Senran Kagura hentai, fuckin fuck this law

and Jubilieus was not even at its full power and the sun had to finish it off. Aesir was clearly winning the fight but he got cucked by loki.

You people say this about all non-anime women.

Kratos beat more.

good Superman comics manage to pull that off

That's not her son.

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>What is Mary sue ?
Something that doesn't apply to (most) videogames because the whole point of a videogame is to have the player self-insert as the protagonist and overcome obstacles using their skill or intelligence.

Occasionally you might be able to identify some Mary-suish elements if NPCs are overly friendly and generous to the protagonist for no reason, but it's rarely worth calling the character a Mary Sue in that case anyway.

That chart is very retarded I sincerely hope you don't actually believe it, for your sake.
Yes they are dumbass. Gary Stu and Marty Stu are just dumbass attempts to be PC by people who don't understand language and how it develops.

I don't think Divine Comedy was about satirizing its own medium though

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The Divine Comedy was Dante making fun of Contemporary Italian politics.

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Where did this whole "Joker is Bayonetta's son" Thing come from?

Considering this thread, is Mario a Mary Sue
>Nearly always succeeds in his goals no matter what he does
>Everyone loves him besides a few baddies for obvious reasons

Beehive Bayo > short hair Bayo

Use your eyes, that's all there is to it.

Personally I love both hairstyles.

>gets into Smash
>barely any Smash lewds of her

Most videogame characters are. It's mostly a stupid term to apply to videogames so it's not surprising the thread is full of retards who don't even understand what it means.

The fact that you're even asking that question shows you don't understand Bayonetta.
It's like asking if Dante is a gary stu.

Every mc in a character action game is a mary sue because you need to feel powerful

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So I guess that means Rey from Star Wars isn't a Mary Sue either?

Is Dante a Gary Stu?

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No because Umbra Witch Power comes from demon that raped her and once she died she will be eternally raped in hell by the same demon she uses and she's lucky if the angels steal her soul and get there revenge Dante and Kratos are Mary sue , they can't be hurt and can't be killed

while it would've been nice to have her evolve throughout the game, she has a proper, well established background that justifies her power. Also, her powers don't make her virtually invincible either.
So no, she's not a Mary Sue.
also I want her to sit on my face, just a thought.

Having only played the first one I would say no. She messes up all the time, she spends a lot of the game not really knowing what's going on. She does a lot of cool shit for sure but she's clearly very vulnerable.

A Mary Sue has no flaws.
>Bayonetta isn't my mommy gf
Thus, not a Mary Sue

Just Smashfag cringe, they both have short dark hair so clearly they're relatives.

god I love bayo

Not Mary Sue
More like GARY STUE

no he's ryan gosling

What a baby.

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