>I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question.
>Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question
Other urls found in this thread:
*engineer voice*
Heck no
This was unironically incredibly profound for 13 year old me. I’m so fucking lucky I was able to escape the cringe of American “””libertarianism”””
That’s right, now be a good goy and let Mayor Shekelstein tax you to pay for Jamal’s gibs.
I still don't quite understand why he killed himself without a fight.
It was weird for a strongwilled dude, you'd think he would fuck off and start a new project somewhere else.
libertarianism is the most jewish possible ideology next only to zionism
Because a man chooses, a slave obeys user
>just let me kill myself quickly here to prove my point
This game was the reason I switched my major from Biology (psych minor) to Economics and joined the College Republicans.
>Scenes women will never understand
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of a gamer girl's ass?
Seeing his child mindbroken was the final straw. He could fool himself about Rapture's ability to come back to prosperity, but if he's lost so completely that his greatest enemy has reduced his genetic legacy to a puppet then he's just finished. Hence why he sets the city to self-destruct before suicide via patricide.
It's why he calls Jack his "greatest disappointment".
The real question is, after he died why didn't he just reappear in a vita chamber?
House > Ryan
He deactivated the one in his office so his death is permanent. iirc it's the only one in the game that's inactive.
Libertarianism is the reason America is the new Weimar Republic and globalism is the reason why now it's the Weimar Empire.
All these meme images need to be implemented into a single mod
Would you rather live in Rapture or Columbia? In a universe where neither of them failed.
Rapture. I fucking love art deco and the sea.
Bioshock was a meh game but I'll be god damn if Ryan isn't one of my favorite characters ever. The dude got what he wanted (a libertarian city) and slowly realized just how fucked he was when it was applied in practice. I mean, Fontaine is his ideal man; a dude who came to Rapture with nothing but the shirt on his back and he rose to the top with guile and cunning and because he was willing to shed morality. And Fontaine fucked him in the ass because he's an amoral asshole who only looks out for himself
I'd rather live in Rapture because Bioshock 1 and 2 aren't as god awful as Infinite.
Randian libertarianism is literally a Jewish ideology
>The dude got what he wanted (a libertarian city) and slowly realized just how fucked he was when it was applied in practice
The fall of rapture had nothing to do with libertarianism, it was science being allowed to run wild without morals or regulations. It's kind of in the title.
Definitely Columbia.
Rapture is way too claustrophobic and has to many problems even when it DID work. I find the audio log of the woman who's daughter thought trees were monsters absolutely haunting
I should have rephrased it better, yes. But Ryan's autism about regulation comes from his political beliefs.
Rapture. Libertarian, art deco, surrounded sea life likr an aquarium. What's not to love?
The remaster looks this good? Or is it mods?
vanilla game with fixes
The remaster looks objectively worse.
So not worth getting on my PS4?
Get a computer, bub.
If you've never played it before then it's still a great game, it's just a bit better on PC with the original version.
See i have all of them on PC and got the remasters too free but i've started to prefer games on my PS4, i'm away from home and don't have the remasters installed to compare
I got it on the PS4 because it was cheap and I had never played 2 or Infinite before. It doesn't look much different from what I remember playing ten years ago on my old computer. Still enjoyed taking a stroll down memory lane and 2 was pretty great if only because of the amazing Drill Dash though Infinite was a big pile of dogshit My current PC is a shitty slow laptop that I just use to play old RTS games.
The remaster are broken garabge.
Play the original PC version with the fixes from pcgw.
There is even a fix for the locked framerate physics, you can set it to whatever now.
No. You've missed the point.
Rapture didn't fall because of applied Objectivism/Libertarianism. It fell because Ryan gave in to fear and compromised on his original principles. It worked well for almost a decade, then he violated Laissez-Faire by banning certain objects like Bibles, which opened up a black market and smuggler trade. That was how Fontaine came to power; not through honest capitalistic enterprise, but violence and intimidation through the smuggling trade.
McDonagh even says that the final straw was Ryan completely abandoned his Libertarian ideals when he nationalized Fontaine Futuristics after having him killed.
The point isn't a critique of Libertarianism or Objectivism. It's that no matter what side the Utopian vision comes from, people are too flawed to make it work and will eventually.
The main reason I dislike the remake is they, for some bizarre reason, got rid of the wet sheen everything has. It's a fucking crumbling underwater city and nothing looks wet.
Everyone keeps saying the remaster is shit, but what's actually wrong with it?
>The remaster are broken garabge.
An overexaggeration, but yeah, there are some issues with it and the original still looks amazing.
They did fix the Peach Wilkins inventory reset bug, which never got patched out of original. Almost enough of a reason to play the remaster desu.
Ryan was very much a Libertarian, Libertarianism was huge after WW2, and Ryan lived through extremism himself, and wanted to make a better place for people to get away from that.
Andrew Ryan is literally an anagram for Ayn Rand.
>Andrew Ryan is literally an anagram for Ayn Rand.
Do tell, where's the "w" in Ayn Rand?
Our current level of technological development would not be possible without globalism.
The 1st game remaster worst thing was the lack of wet sheen, otherwise several things were improved, however the 2nd game remaster crashes constantly and looks similar...
It failed because of Ryan. I remember a audio log that says something to the effect of "People say I should regulate the plasmid industry but I will not betray my principles." But that was early on. He was always light on rules except for "no contact with the outside" but he didn't realize that there was profit to be made by subverting that rule which is where Fontaine comes in. Sure Fontaine didn't play fair but Ryan even looks upon his ascent with pride at the start, hence that audio log where he tells Fontaine's competitors to come up with better products. But when it becomes clear that Fontaine is really amoral and has been telling Ryan's rules to eat his asshole via the smuggling, Ryan becomes the very thing he made Rapture to escape from.
It has Infinite in it.
I forgot what the other term is supposed to be.
(((Andrew Ryan)))
It's so bizarre how similar plot of bioshock 2 and infinite are. A cult centered around a girl with special powers who will lead them into utopia and you are her father.
Why Kevin Levine hates bioshock 2 btw?
Because Levine is a hack.
Because he wasn't involved and it was good, unlike his baby Infinite.
the gameplay in bioshock 2 was good but the story was mostly shit dont (you) me
Maybe it wasn't worth it.
He doesn't.
The story was ok, nothing special.
Just like the original Bioshock
It's definitely weaker than 1 but it's fine. Lamb isn't a good villain because she's just "If Ryan believes this then she believes in the opposite" It did the Daddy/Daughter shit much much better than Infinite and Eleanor is a much better character than a shitty Disney Princess whose only accolades I can say of her is that she has some good SFM porn
>It did the Daddy/Daughter shit much much better than Infinite and Eleanor is a much better character than a shitty Disney Princess
I definitely agree with that. Especially with the neutral ending, which should have been the only ending.
Right, but it wasn't ADAM itself that ruined the city. It was the discontent from Ryan growing more and more oppressive and abandoning capitalist principles.
>bans Bibles and such
>begins censoring artists who speak out against him or offend his friends (Anna Culpepper)
>introduces death penalties for running contraband (also causes Sullivan to leave the police and become a private investigator)
>nationalizes Fontaine's company
It was only because of these things that Fontaine could take advantage of the climate and get the lower class to rise up against a corrupt dictator.
>Why Kevin Levine hates bioshock 2 btw?
He doesn't, to my knowledge. Burial at Sea mentions an area introduced in 2, so his work at least acknowledges the game.
It's the novel that he considers non-canon.
War was inevitable due to Ryan but ADAM just poured gasoline on that fire when it started to burn
How do you get the neutral ending, save the Sisters but kill all of Lamb's cronies? I don't think the singer lady deserves it and I just want Alex to be free.
I unironically think the plot of 2 has better structure and story telling.
1 had better set pieces and better moments like Dr Suchongs death and the Ryan confrontation which the sequel lacks, but the overall plot is kinda a mess. It's pretty much "get from point a to point b while Ryan fucks with you and throw a plot twist in at the end that comes out of nowhere"
Just around 50/50 killing/saving. I think I killed the black woman and harvested a handful of little sisters.
>gamer girl's ass
>not muscle girl's ass
you had ONE job, parasite
It also sticks the landing. Everything after Ryan's death in 1 was shit. In 2, they turn a generic fight with a Big Daddy into a more memorable boss fight than Fontaine because it's Sinclair and he's aware of what he's doing and it's gut wrenching.
I get what you're saying but I disagree.
The uncertainty and "messiness" of the plot of 1 is good for what the game is trying to be. We shouldn't know exactly why we're here at the beginning, and a confused meandering through the city guided by a dude on the radio is more fitting to the setting than a complete setup like 2 had.
And by the time you start Olympus Heights it's all retroactively made sense instead of frontloading with exposition.
Business Management Major and Econ Minor here, was the switch worth it?
> Everything after Ryan's death in 1 was shit.
Nah. While the game peaks at Fort Frolic and Ryan's Office, the stuff afterwards is still good overall. Olympus Heights is a good level, Apollo Square is mediocre, and Point Prometheus is good too.
Only the final 30 minutes with the Protector Trials and Fontaine are legitimately bad.
They're okay levels, I just didn't like the fetch quest and Fontaine on the radio being the big bad wasn't as good as Ryan. All Fontaine does is generic mobster shit and "YA GREW UP IN A TEST TUBE PAL, IMMA GON FUCK YOU AND THE KRAUT BROAD UP LMAO" The final thirty minutes is complete shit.
Maybe in 5 years we'll get a full Bioshock Remake with RTX n all this shit, and they'll completely rework the final act.
libertarians in denial.
andrew ryan was the ideal libertarian character that created the ideal libertarian environment. libertarism is ideologically and practically flawed, it assumes rational actors and humans are anythinv but rational. hence why most economic models are inherently flawed but political models based on game theory arent.
>andrew ryan was the ideal libertarian character that created the ideal libertarian environment.
>nationalizes industries
>bans substances
>kills smugglers
>censors artists
I don't think you know what Libertarianism is if you think that's the ideal Libertarian.
And I'm not even one myself. Or an Objectivist. But I don't need to lie about what they believe.
Absolutely, but don't confuse me with those faggy libertarians who want recreational slaves and shit, I just don't like my taxes being fucking wasted
Reject the self, reject Ryan, and join the familly.
Ryan was libertarian but became his own antithesis due to fear.
Will I get a Big Sister GF? If so, then hell yeah.
whenever this bitch came over the tannoy i just tuned her droning out
Posting the best daughteru, fuck Elizabeth, i want to PROTECT Eleanor.
>Lol unchecked capitalism failed, surely we need communism
Bioshock 2 was infuriating, and the lack of brutally murdering Sofia lamb Andrew Ryan style is horrible. Also I didn't really like that your daughter goes around just fucking mercing people left and right yet somehow your actions shape the person she's going to be. Playing as a big daddy was great but the escort missions sucked dick
>Implying she needs protecting
She was protecting me when she got that suit on. I want Eleanor to call me daddy when I take her out to the carnival and win her a teddy bear or something and I pat her head. I want Elizabeth to call me daddy after I anally fuck her until her mind is mush.
Lamb getting drowned is still fun to see.
She has the worst ending anyway : either killed by her daughter, her completely refused and hated by her.
that's the end game of every libertarian political-economic model. the point the game made was that any libertarian economy will eventually be abused to protect the powers that be.
i have some respect for an-caps, they're honest about seizing power from those at the top. all other libertarians are just whiny bitches that complain the system doesnt work for them but would implement the same restrictions in place if it was them at the top. they're just too much of bitch ass niggas to admit it.
case in point you.
Fuck people for ignoring Bioshock 2 just because it's not made by Irrational, it's a really good game, and the dlc was kino.
I'm very curious about the next Bioshock (project: parkside), i wonder if it will take place in Rapture, Columbia or just something completely new. (a city in a volcano perhaps?)
I would prefer it to not be linked to the previous games beside some easter eggs.
I strongly doubt it, though that would be awesome.
Would be excellent if the paths diverged heavily after killing Ryan. As it is, it doesn’t make a lot of sense how Tenenbaum helps you and Fontaine tries to kill you even if you’ve been killing Little Sisters the whole time.
Tenenbaum killed a man in front of you for even approaching a Sister in Medical Pavilion, but after you’ve murdered over a dozen she’ll still clear your programming and let you wander around with them?
I know she thinks you’re the best shot of rescuing them, but she’s not stupid enough to believe you won’t just turn around and abuse them more when you take out Fontaine. The evil ending shows that.
And then if you’ve obeyed Fontaine and killed LSs for their ADAM, he has even more reason to trust you. You’re an addict now, and he can manipulate you through both ADAM dependency and his mind control.
It’s so stupid that he works for years to arrange for Jack to be born and sent back to Rapture then tries to kill him seconds after he kills Ryan. You’ve got a mind-controlled supersoldier who just tore through the city at your behest, why waste that?
In a hypothetical world where we got a rework, I’d say to keep the good route more or less as it is. Tenenbaum helps you, you break the programming, become a Big Daddy, and kill Fontaine. Just rework the boss fight to be actually good and the escort mission to not be suffering.
But if you chose evil, the levels after Ryan would be Fontaine equipping you to hunt down Tenenbaum and the Little Sisters so he can resume ADAM production with them and remove the last resistance in the city except him.
Tenenbaum could employ the Big Daddies against you and the final battle could be a double-fight against both an Elite Rosie and Elite Bouncer or something.
>can't understand either the concept of an ideal or even capitalization
>reddit spacing
>still insists I'm a Libertarian
I see where this is going.
It takes place in New York City in the 80's. You're Eleanor and you have to stop an invasion from an alternate universe Columbia because the military is too shit to stop 100 year old floating buildings.
I'm guessing it's a return to Rapture. Since Levine isn't involved, I just don't see whoever takes the lead actually doing something radically different, and Colombia just wasn't as good or interesting as Rapture. They'll just give some excuse ala Burial at Sea to return to Rapture.
>reddit spacing
i'm gonna reddit space your asshole and capitalize it to the open market, how does that sound?
Isn't Rapture destroyed at the end of Minerva's den? it's already getting fucked at the end of BS2, but the thinker was what kept Rapture alive, and it's gone after Minerva's den.
Unless it's a game between Bioshock 1 and 2, i don't know what they could still do in Rapture. a reboot is unnecessary.
oh no user you reddit spaced after your meme arrow
Hell it was pretty much destroyed in 1.
i love the segment where he goes out like a champ, but if he still had the ability to control Jack like he did, what's to stop him from getting jack "fixed"? Fontaine shitposting Would you Kindly 24/7 over the emergency radio?
Yeah, even in Bioshock 2, most of Rapture seem completely fucked up.
Prequel. Ignoring burial at sea.
Columbia if I'm white. Rapture is too claustrophobic for my taste.
>Ignoring burial at sea
well, Infinite is canon and the best selling Bioshock game, they can't completely ignore it, even just for an easter egg.
But they could do a game about the fall of rapture in the eyes of a random citizen.
save every little sister but kill one. I always kill Metzer's girl because she's the very last one, and it only makes my neutral ending playthrough all the more bitter, just the way i like it. Doesn't matter if you spare or kill any of the primary characters.
Some new Andrew Ryan takes over Rapture and rebuilt in his own image. It's not too hard to find a reason for Rapture still being around. It's implied to be a massive city, we only ever see part of it destroyed/being destroyed.
And considering how every dev seems to be overtly political nowadays, you can see who this new Andrew Ryan would look and act like.
Together in death. I can see it.
Good thing about Infinite is that it has "le multiverse" as a plot point so all we need is just a cameo from Liz or some shit. No mention of Columbia needed.
Possibly. But it's doubtful that even if he understood what was done to Jack, he would be aware of the cure.
Only Tenenbaum and Suchong really understood it, and Suchong is dead. Even Fontaine wasn't aware of Lot 192, since Suchong hid it from everyone as a safeguard in case Fontaine betrays him.
More importantly, I think he just didn't have much of a will to live at that point. It's not like if Jack was cured he'd be happy suddenly.
>Not having a new-rapture "full SJW", to critize them.
They can't critic Objectivism because it was used in BS1, they can't critic collectivism because it was used in BS2, they can't critic religion because it was (kinda) used in Infinite. what the hell could they critized? Fascism would be too easy and not "Bioshock enough".
Pointless future suicides
>Fascism would be too easy
Sounds perfect for a studio who's basically forced to work on a series because the IP holder wants more money, despite the original dev team being long gone.
Semi sequel to infinite, taking place in Columbia, but decades after the events of the first game. The city has over time sunken to cloud level causing it to be completely engulfed in thick dark fog creating an atmosphere more similar to Bioshock 1 and 2. Also keep the story closer to Bioshock 1, and have it about a guy who stumbles apon the city and slowly discovers it's secrets and what happened between Comstocks death and now to cause the city to be in such ruin, having been taking over by a new antagonist. Completely disassociate the plot from the first Infinite aside from maybe some audio logs from Booker and Elisabeth.
Also splicers. I hated that there weren't really splicers in Infinite even though people were still getting fucked up on Adam type drugs
Bioshock 2 wasn't made by the original team, and the next Bioshock is apparently by Bioshock 2 devs + another team.
>and the next Bioshock is apparently by Bioshock 2 devs + another team
So there is a chance that it will be good, nice, I'm glad.
>was waiting for inevitable Sinclair's betrayal or some sort of plot twist
>it never came
>mfw Sinclair boss fight
Guns, perhaps? A society like the Boomers in New Vegas, where weaponry is as integral to the culture as something like automobiles are to us?
Either way, there's plenty of narratives they could go after
>traditional patriarchy vs. feminism
>meat-eaters vs. vegans
>hippies vs. prohibitionists
>transhumanists vs. luddites
>chastity vs. promiscuity
Don't open
I knew B2 wasn't made by Irrational but they still had some oversight. Didn't know the next one is by the same guys, although I still don't hold on to any hope. I like 2 but it's a tricky series to get right, considering even Levine fucked it with Infinite.
Sounds cool. I'd love to have a return to the more horror aspect that 1 had. Basically Bioshock: Silent Hill Edition.
Irrational had some oversight over Minerva's den, but not BS2 in general.
the next game should just do a story not related to the old ones beside some easter eggs, but with the "bioshock feel".
If only your dude from Minerva could have helped him
I guess that's part of the issue. What's the "Bioshock feel"? FPS with superhuman abilities? Infinite did that and it felt incredibly tacked on since unlike in 1, Booker seems to be the only person who's aware of them, outside of like 3 enemy types. The scavenging aspect also felt tacked on since it wasn't a dying city.
how come the plot twist is the same as in system shock 2?
FPS with abilities, but also an immersive sim (unlike Infinite) and some open levels. also a lot of lores.
cute doggo
>Those lines he has when he kills you.
>have phobia of heights
>also have phobia of the deep sea
I think only Arkane is capable of an immersive sim nowadays. It helps that they're mostly ex-Looking Glass people. Hopefully I'm wrong but I just don't see it happening.
Columbia because i'm white
Only the future will tell i guess.
but unlike Arkane who always had a bad luck with their recent games, Bioshock could do a lot of sales on name alone, even as an immersive sim.
I can't think it would be a bad game, at worse it's infinite tier, at best it's like the old ones.
I'm playing through Bioshock 2 right now and was told that there are a dickton of different endings
Without spoiling what happens in them, which ending should I go for? I was told the good ending isn't as satisfying as some of the middle ground ones
After Prey (which was brilliant) didn't do too well, I feel like Arkane are going to dumb down their games considerably to appeal more to the average gamer.
I'm just struggling to see them actually risking and doing something different. They're already going to be against the odds since people will say it's not good on the basis that Levine or Irrational aren't involved, so I think they'll play it safe by just going back to Rapture/Colombia and basically do the same plot, for the sake of not upsetting anyone.
Or even worse, they want to do something different but 2K won't let them because they don't want to risk damaging the IP.
Neutral ending is the best one.
I wish bioshock 2 had a new game plus mode like the patch introduced in 1. I just want to use telekinesis 3 and FUCKING DRILL EXPERT from the start.
Aren't there multiple neutral endings?
How do I get it?
I still blame Bethesda for that shit. It's the marketing that fucked up. That being said, I think they're going to do something different. They're a big studio which means they can work on at least two projects at once. One team does a more typical immersive sim, already dumbed down in comparison to Thief/System Shock, while another team works on a "safer" project, which I'm guessing it's that Deathloop or whatever it was called they revealed at E3.
Grow your own food and generate your own electricity then come back and talk shit
Just kill a few little sisters (like literally one or two) and maybe one of the NPCs.
It doesn't matter which variation of the neutral ending? They are all roughly the same?
i think i'd pick rapture but i'd regret it either way. columbia is literally no fun allowed and rapture is a claustrophobic, dark clusterfuck. at least the parties would be fun in rapture
No, but you are entitled to the cum of my balls.
Not that guy and if that guy is reading this then DON'T read the spoiler but is the Neutral ending the one where he pushes her hand away?
bring back monarchy lads
Yes and it's the best ending.
they ain't, but they give you the choice of which ending to choose.
the choice in question is quite spoilery so i won't say it.
Yeah, the accept death ending
way better than Living in Eleanor willingly in my opinion.
>he enjoys bioshock 2
>he doesn't think infinite is the best one
Shut up Ken.
I thought that old boomer loved Infinite and hated 2 for being unnecessary which I agree with. It's one of the best unneeded sequels of all time.
unneeded , and yet it was good.
it just wasn't really connected to the first game, and that's good for me.
>You will never live in the mind of your superpowered ninja daughter
I want to die
I prefer to die, knowing she will have a good life.
i don't want to see her getting fucked in her pov.
Now imagine if Lamb succeeded. Thousands upon thousands living in her mind getting fucked from her POV.
How about you give user an actual challenge?
Dear fucking god.
don't make me imagine this ever again.
2 was the best of all 3 games, yahtzee is a putz
>anything goes wrong with either city's infrastructure and you die a horrible death
Why can't those niggers simply build an artificial island?
Gameplaywise yes. Infinite was just a complete piece of trash.
Imagine if ghosts are real and constantly watching you jack off.
There wouldn't be an Eleanor. It would be countless beings all fused into a single existence. So it would be the will of thousands to get gang banged.
Even story, 2 is the best.
>When you bang Eleanor you bang all of Rapture
how do i super script anons?
Eleanor is not for banging.
she's too young and too pure for that. :c
Andrew Ryan reminds us that we all make choices but in the end our choices make us
I wonder what the wants and needs of a being that is made up of a forcibly merged mass of consciousness into a single would have.
So he agrees that he's a brutal dictator control freak that is more than willing to shed his philosophy to REEEE at better businessmen and the outside world
I almost became a libertarian fag because of Bioshock 1 back then.
... But, Rapture was openly against parasites, and openly in favor of working hard to benefit your own interests rather than someone else's.
That's so non-Jewish it has two foreskins instead of zero.
Isn't Ryan whole thing is that he was a good leader first, but sperged like an autism when unplanned things happened like terrorism and shit?
Fontaine started telling his rules to suck it and then Ryan went "NOOO REEEEEEEEEEEEE" and tried to stop him and that blew up in his face.
Probably would go insane within a week, it was a pretty bad idea from someone who should be a psychologist, she should know better.
Lamb just went "muh greater good" and "individuality bad bad bad." and then continued to kidnap lolis from the surface.
Yes he even admits that in an audio log, but he'd rather pay that price than to lose to Atlas
To be honest, Fontaine was quite a fag.
She drank her own kool aid, what a loonie.
Someone is holding you at gunpoint and force you to live in Ryan's rapture or Lamb's rapture.
what do you chose?
Well the thing is Fontaine started playing by the rules after awhile, started beating Ryan at his own game this way, but Ryan couldn't cope and lost his shit. Started digging into Fontaine because it's the only way he could beat him; can't outcompete as a businessman, so have to look into his past if he did any dirty shit, which is how the whole smuggling thing came undone.
But by that point Fontaine was a legit businessman in Rapture and playing by the rules, he'd basically washed his hands of the smugglers and the illegal stuff.
Ryan. Lamb is treacherous, and acts all disarming. She's the sort that would be calm and smile and tell you everything is alright, then stab you in the back. Ryan at least if he's pissed, will tell you to your face.
>political models based on game theory arent.
game theory doesn't have an ideological core to temper some of the more extreme possibilities within game theory
Sinclair should have been Rapture's ruler.
>Came to Rapture with nothing
>Started an honest fishing company, to feed the fine people of Rapture.
>Discover slug that gives you superpowers
>Enter into the gene slicing game.
>Get rich as fuck with your Kraut fucktoy.
>Set up charitable organizations like orphanages and soup kitchens for the city's largely growing underclass
>Even earn the respect of the founder of the city
>Same man keeps saying "push boundaries" and other shit but he's adamantly opposed to things from the surface
>Dude goes on a temper tantrum and becomes his own antithesis
Fontaine did nothing wrong
>We NEED globalism
Oh yeah, you really needed that advanced alien technology from failed third world country that still to this very day struggle with open public defecation.
Could you imagine how backwards and dystopian America would be today if it only allowed European migration like it did until 1965? IMAGINE.
Yeah honestly, he would have been the best choice overall. Ironically though I don't think he'd be the sort to even want to rule or be in charge.
Colombia because I'm white and that style of classic american architecture makes me rock hard
>Just as scrupleless as Fontaine but lacking his dangerous ambition
T. Atlas
>literally implants little girls with brainwashing bloodsucking parasites and has them wander streets filled with psycho rapists everywhere
Lolis are to be valued and treasured, not turned out on the street for the cheap trill of turning into underwater doctor dickless manhattan
He didn't come to Rapture with nothing though. The rest is all true, but Fontaine was instrumental in keeping the construction of Rapture clandestine, because of his criminal experience and connections on the surface. So he was pretty integral to the founding of the city, and sure he might not have started on the same footing as Ryan but he didn't show up with nothing. Right off the start, founding day, he's got the whole fisheries business himself.
Duke would have made Infinite tolerable.
>tfw he literally talk about trannies in his audiotapes
That actually wasn't Fontaine that sent them wandering the streets. They only started wandering out because of the civil war going on, to gather ADAM from the dead, hence the need of Big Daddies for protection. That was all under Ryan though, Fontaine kicked the bucket before the war so his Little Sister efforts didn't have them getting into danger or anything like that, just had them in labs puking up ADAM.
He was a man of vision, ahead of his time by decades.
absolute democracy would be kino
Mall levels in video games are always fucking great.
I honestly dont get how the last hour or so made it to the final cut. It's like they just ran out of effort and slapped it together in five minutes.
Rapture and I love art deco (as well as I am a libertarian and self-made small business owner), but not too crazy about the "under the sea" thing. Seems like it would eventually get a bit claustrophobic.
I would be a lot more open to it however, if, and considering they have all those bullshit "plasmids" anyway, they had one where you can breath/take the pressure underwater.
The next game will be unchecked capitalism.
isn't this already BS1?
He was never really a full ancap libertarian because he banned religion right from the very start. Also he didn't catch on to plasmids in time and was too friendly to Fontaine until it was too late. If he disposed of Fontaine it would have been okay for some time. The whole system would still probably crash because ancap system couldn't function with so many blue collar workers in such a small place.
>It's the novel that he considers non-canon.
What a retard he is, the novel is great and could work as a movie perfectly.
>the final level of 2 where you can look down and see that glowing massive thing underneath.
They kind of were touching upon that in Burial at Sea, showing the really depraved, unrestrained free love hedonism shit side of Rapture. Like how the art, or at least one side of it, the artists got bored of traditional art so started doing extreme "avant garde" shit like literal gender-bender theater plays and stuff literally existing only to tear down societal taboos.
BAS part 1 was great, but they completely fucked the entire universe with Part 2.
The problem of Rapture wasn't really the society, it was the people.
like society in general.
>he banned religion right from the very start.
What is the evidence of that? The only thing I know of on the subject is an audio log in 2 in which he says you can worship on your own freely, but anything that infringes on others is illegal.
>Religious rights, Doctor? You are free to kneel before whatever tribal fetish you favor in the comfort of your own home. But in Rapture, liberty is our only law -- A man's only duty is to himself. To imply otherwise, therefore, is criminal.
>Go deeper and deeper into the abyss
>Against all conventions of the ocean, instead it gets brighter and brighter
>Characters acting like it's getting closer and closer to God
>That audio diary about "things outside" watching in through the windows
So fucking kino, as well as being creepy as hell. And best of all, how they didn't explain what it was. Just walking through Persephone and looking down through the glass floor and brilliant blinding light.
art deco is pretty ugly, and rapture was a cesspool of degeneracy so I'd say Columbia
Speaking of this. What is that 1930's-40's style of writing and architecture called?
Piles and piles of bibles at the feet of a crucified man with the word "SMUGGLER" over him.
I liked that about the difference between 1 and 2. 1 and Ryan about utopia being a location and trying to achieve it, 2 and Lamb about utopia being a people and trying to achieve it.
Art deco.
Yeah, but that was late into Rapture's development and was a major turning point in Rapture's downfall. The user's claim was that religion was banned from the start, not that Bibles were banned in like 1957.
Rapture is based. Probably would be some poor fuck working at the lowest floor not even getting the light of the city on my skin, but I like art deco.
>bioshock 1 is 13 years old
>Bioshock 2 is 9 years old
>Infinite is 6 years old
>Collection is 3 years old
I...I don't feel so good...Time is catching up on me....
Most likely it's the source of ADAM and the sea slugs. Still, a fucking beautiful sight.
Yeah, more than likely he was killed for being a smuggler, not because he was a believer.
That was more because those things were smuggled in from the surface, and were contraband. If instead for example, they were smuggling in bicycles, it would have been those piled around the hanged guy's feet. Remember his crime was smuggling, not religion. In that specific case they just used it as a useful double-method for depicting how Ryan also didn't like religion, however that wasn't supposed to literally mean religion was illegal.
No BS1 is objectivism, focusing on only the rich elite.
I'm pretty sure the point was that it was because people don't live up to ideals it failed.
I would like to be a big daddy and finally don't have to doubt or be sad, just have a simple goal in life, not having to care about anything beside little sisters being safe...
what would be a "full capitalism" society?
If infinite just had a fucking weapon wheel I could forgive most of the fuck ups but damn.
Come to think of it, isn't Bioshock enlightened centrism: the game?
>I am Quark, and I'm here to ask you a question
>Is a Ferengi not entitled to the profits of his work?
>No says the Federation, we have no need for currency-based economics
>No says the Klingons, we only need honor to enter Sto'Vo'Kor
>No says the Romulans, we only need to plant our flag across the stars
>I rejected those answers. Instead I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose.......LATINUM! A treasure that does not taint with the passing of time, that does not devalue with market fluctuations and does not lose the glimmer of its sheen. With the sweat of your lobes, latinum can become your treasure as well!
There's some interview with some of the game makers, that yeah it's supposed to be some luminous biomass down in the trench, and the source of ADAM and the altered sea life down there like the corals.
But that explanation isn't given in game which is great. And even neater that Father Wales in game talks of it being the demiurge in his mind, in regards to religion. Such fantastic writing, all of that.
Our one.
Bioshock remastered on switch when
I'm guessing like the ANCAP memes about people being able to purchase and own McNukes, however I don't think that would be enough a difference from BS1 anyway even though they're not exactly the same.
>tfw post makes you feel like you lived for centuries
Anyone have the OG Bioshock 2 on PC who could do multiplayer matchs? i lost my old account but i don't care, it was so much fun back then...
Is playing the remastered version of BS2 worth it? BS1 was pretty good with the new graphics, but how was BS2?
>that chin
Ryan was such a virgin.
Tell me Mr.Quark, if latinum is so great then why can't it fund a good star trek game?
>Be white straight God loving Christian
One ticket for Columbia please. Also, someone please hand me a baseball.
>artifical Island
That's actually a pretty good setting for bioshock.
Somewhat. Levine has expressed in interviews that he wanted to convey two themes with the story itself.
- That the greatest dangers come from dogmatic, uncritical ideologies. People who don't question themselves or their causes are the most likely ones to ruin everything.
- That no person or people is safe from becoming the oppressors themselves. This is why he made all the villains Jews, some of whom were directly affected either by the Bolsheviks or the Nazis. The exception is Suchong, who was Chinese, but it's heavily implied he was in the rape of Nanking and was only spared by the Japanese because he was capable of supplying them with opium.
They turned right around and became everything they wanted to escape from.
Not him of course. Switches Sociology to Tax Law and by second summer I have managed to secure a middle class bureaucrat career in my local tax administration if I so want to. Sucks seeing my graduated friends from humanities doing odd jobs, or at best, relevant short term projects. But we all knew how this would turn out.
On the off-chance you made this post out of pure coincidence, the guy who played Quark is the voice of Andrew Ryan.
He also had a small role in the first Atlas Shrugged movie.
I think that connection is neat.
At least Tenenbaum is a cutie.
with that fate, Rapture would sink to the ocean eventually and you'd probably be wandering the deep sea for the rest of your life or just get killed by pressures even that suit can't handle
If you're lucky maybe you can somehow wander into a beach to freak the hell out of the outside world, assuming you aren't stuck in a sea trench
What I remember about bioshock from when I was a kid was that I wanted to see bioshock before its fall. Just wandering around in its prime for a bit.
>Bioshock series is in many respects a staple of video games, certainly modern video games
>Has the impressive pedigree of System Shock games
>Each of the Bioshock games themselves, always sold well and were critically acclaimed, even Infinite for a time
>Franchise is now dead in the water, hasn't been another one since Infinite, there's just one supposedly in development but it's been so long already and probably won't push the bar like the other games did
Not like I want another X-shock game every year like call of duty, these sorts of games take time to develop as having a good plot.
But Bioshock isn't really *a thing* anymore, compared to how it used to be pretty significant. It's kind of sad. I guess some consolation, that it never really went to shit like a lot of franchises have done, the worst we got was Infinite and if that's your "worst" then you've still got a high bar for the franchise.
Alpha big daddies can survive without suits and potentially retrieve their memories, like Sigma/Porter did. they also are less crazy and more human like Alpha was. (sadly this have a side effect, the other alpha daddies became mad of sadness)
A millions miles from her terrible B1 design.
Infinite lets you do that in the DLC before you're cast into the bad part of town with Splicers already too far gone, but i'd love to see some sort of VR spin off where you're in Rapture in its prime. Whether it should be played as a poor wagie or the 1% is another story
user don't you know? there's a game in dev since 2016, probably for the next gen.
Do you think Delta ever felt anxiety or anger about not being able to speak? He was basically a human mind trapped in a monster's body.
Big brain. If only he didn't lose his INT stats when working on infinite.
I just said though, it's been so long from the other games that I doubt a lot of people will care, not to mention I doubt it will push the bar like the other games. Are any of the same studios even working on it?
Well, he did try to communicate with weird noises.
but if Sigma and Sinclair as Alpha daddies could talk, maybe Delta could also talk with some trainings. Poor guy had it rought after waking up from a 9 years coma.
then again, Delta had an hard life
>Before his arrival in Rapture, the man who would become Subject Delta was a deep sea diver who conducted an investigation of the many ship and submarine disappearances in the Atlantic Ocean southwest of Iceland. While surveying the area in an advanced diving chamber, he accidentally discovered the hidden city.[7] He was accepted into Rapture, becoming something of a celebrity for his heroics and nicknamed "Johnny Topside" by articles in the Rapture Tribune. Stanley Poole, a journalist, had written a story on "Johnny Topside" and brought it to Andrew Ryan's attention. Ryan did not trust the visitor's story and was convinced that he must be a government agent sent to spy on Rapture. Ryan had him incarcerated at Persephone Penal Colony.[8] Thus, he effectively disappeared from the public eye, and was put in with other exiled citizens who had worked against Ryan's philosophy or "posed a threat" to Rapture.[1]
As a prisoner in Persephone, he was contracted out by Augustus Sinclair as a test subject for research of ADAM products. He was labeled "Subject Delta" (Δ) and was transferred to Fontaine Futuristics to be used in various Plasmid experiments, performing in the Plasmid Theater to amaze crowds of Rapture citizens. Eventually, he became one of the candidates for conversion into a Big Daddy. He endured strenuous genetic and physiological conditioning, losing much of his free will in the process, and became the first Alpha Series Protector to successfully bond to a Little Sister. His bond partner was Eleanor Lamb, the daughter of Rapture's psychiatrist Sofia Lamb, who had been incarcerated in Persephone some time before
whats the big mass of light you anons are talking about, got any pics of it?
Judging from his body language i'd have to guess he's remaining calm about the situation after being given free thought
i remember reading someones headcanon that went on about how he's still under the Big Daddy therapy to an extent, hence why the 'right' thing to do in the game is to save Little Sisters and to spare everyone since a Daddy shouldn't lash out at non-immediate threats
I know it was the plot of 2's multiplayer, but I'd love to see a single player Bioshock game about going from the height of Rapture to the fall, through the civil war.
Like your MC starts out normal but since the game takes place over time you actually experience them deteriorating into a splicer. Maybe even end it, or prologue where you're just one of the splicers first encountered by Jack in game 1. Like that spider splicer that wrecks the sub at the start and keeps stalking him through the first part of the game.
BioShock 1 is my favorite game of all time and I have basically zero desire for more from the series. At best getting the source code out and a modding community to fix some of the more glaring issues and mod in stuff like inventory management, but nothing more.
Sometimes you get a great sequel like Thief 2 and SS2, but they come quickly and are often by the same people.
Other times it's stuff like Invisible War following up Deus Ex, or 2/Infinite for BioShock.
Let new stuff come out that we don't expect; don't milk the series for more.
I was relieved to see Arkane turned away from Dishonored after Death of the Outsider; maybe Deathloop will be good. They're basically Looking Glass 2.0 right now.
Ok, I misspoke, he banned bibles and some other things. Either way he was not full ancap.
Based taste. It's mentioned in bs wiki as "biomass". Very interesting unexplained concept, sort of creepy too like you said. Bioshock 2 is fucking great.
Does anyone actually remember the pre-launch event and puzzle game/site somethinginthesea.com? It gave a detailed background info on Mark Meltzer and his quest to find his daughter in rapture. Tons of interesting documents and the people who solved the puzzles received real-world coordinates of several beaches where they placed bottles (custom rapture wine bottles that had posters in them etc) that supposedly washed ashore from rapture. Absolutely amazing marketing idea, back when they actually cared about games.
Arkane actually said dishonred is not dead, just in rest. the last novel from 2018 teased some things in the universe. but they said a dishonored 3 wouldn't be linked to the old games plotwise (to not have them failling in sales.)
Deus ex got Human revolution after Invisible war, so who knows, i'm sure they can do a good bioshock game.