Is it still worth waiting for it?
Is it still worth waiting for it?
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Nothing is worth waiting for
Homefront 2 was actually a pretty solid game, those guys did well with it despite having their budget and schedule brutally cut. If they're given creative control of it, DI2 will probably be a decent game
It never was.
First DI was trash.
techland already made a better dead island when they made dying light
I wish those devs would just work on another homefront game
Dambuster and Sumo were making Dead Island 2 together. Sumo was lead. Dambuster were also working on another game. Possibly a Dead Island spinoff.
I think Sumo Nottingham are doing TimeSplitters now and this is why Dambuster are lead Dead Island developer. I really hope the game is good. I hope Dambuster's other game didn't get snuffed.
Why care when Dying Light 2 will be everything Dead Island promised to be?
>zombie shit
Fucking lol
Literally fucking WHO plays zombie games anymore
>This is 5 fucking years old
Wonder how different it'll look when they reveal the next bit of gameplay
Holy shit Dead Island 2 is still alive?
Whether you "wait for it" or not, it's still going to come out. By then if it looks good you'll buy it. If not, then you won't
Completely different game. So it'll have literally nothing in common with the 2014 build. I wish someone would leak Yager's Dead Island 2.
When the hell was this first announced? Feels like years now.
It's still a thing?
That's surprising.
THIS version was announced as being a thing back in 2016. The OLD version was 2014. They were aiming for a 2025 release, but the entire thing was shitcanned. Poor Yager.
the entire existance of Dead Island as a series boggles me
im pretty sure the only reason the old games sold anything is because Valve are too fucking lazy to make L4D3
>Dead Island 2
Wasnt this game being advertised before we knew about the PS4? I thought it was cancelled
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they go so far as to completely change the setting, plot and characters. Maybe a direct sequel to Riptide?
>13 year dev period
What the fuck?
I remember when one of the devs, somehow, convinced Deep Silver or whoever was publishing DI2, to give them enough money to hire Jack Black, another artist, and the get fucking license to show the Hollywood sign.
Dying Light blew this series out of the water so fucking hard
>you need to pay to include the Hollywood sign
what the fuck
Since we are getting Dying Light 2, I'd say nope.
Typo. It was meant to release in 2015. Got scrapped. Reemerged in 2016 with a complete reboot under a new studio.
I don't understand this mentality. Dambuster's Dead Island 2 has fuck-all to do with Dying Light. Dambuster's Homefront was... uh... extremely different to Kaos Studio's Homefront.
it's been like 5 - 6 years since dead island 2 was announced at e3
>Dead Island 2 has fuck-all to do with Dying Light
That's the issue. Dead Island is effectively just a shitty version of Dying Light without any of the interesting gimmicks that made Dying Light good.
The first Dead Island was rubbish, but that might have been because of the devs, since Dying Light ended up being similar rubbish. I have no idea how people can praise the latter, since it's pretty much same as former, just with open map and parkour. Whoohoo.
Killing zombies in a tropical paradise is fun concept in kind of braindead way, so there's nothing stopping the game from being enjoyable.
2014? Damn shame, trailer is great.
I liked it too. It was flawed and still buggy even though I played it in 2018, but fuck the gunplay was smooth and satisfying
>homefront revolution
Now that's some hot garbage.
You got tricked by Jim Sterling for some easy clickbait, retard
gg no re