It's over

It's over.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He isn't the important part. Look at the highlighted file.

What's the importance of it

A man who was right about literally everything
They hated him because he told the truth


cyka blyad

Will you stop being cryptic? What is it? Is he cheating or something?

sharding is in classic despite blizzard's lies that layering is somehow different. People like Alexensual have been saying it's sharding forever and now we know that even blizzard agrees with him.

>private server players

who fucking cares. it won't impact the game in any meaningful way long-term.
go be autistic somewhere else.

>classic wow
>wow at all

Is everyone in this thread trying to bait eachother or just retarded?

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sharding, layering, instancing is the same shit. they just use a different term. it's like how riot calls everything toxic when it's the same shit as harassment/griefing.

Is not that he is being cryptic, retards in Yea Forums assume you know everything they do so they post pictures with no context or explanation

That shit is a plague here




>lfg addon
We're never going home...

caps lock is cruise control for cool


5 dollars have been added to your Blizzard account


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>you will never be as bitter and paranoid as Alex

lmao what a fag


Attached: layering, not sharding.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>all caps again
i can't refute this

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retail wins again baby

So I'll be able to log in without delay by seamlessly and temporarily tossing me into a mini server? Neat, thanks Blizzard.

lol newfag

I mean sharding has several meanings. Could just be a sharding your purplz meme.

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Name one thing he was wrong about

Where's the fun in arguing with someone who is obviously autistic?


We knew this.

>one week
Nice dishonest poll fucking retard

Confirmed to never have played Classic when it originally came out.
Sharding is one of the things that killed WoW. Go fuck yourselves

What's the point of an MMO if sharding exists?

>Giving money to Blizzard for a game that IS NOT vanilla after they ruined WoW, shut down Nost and ridiculed and belittled the classic community for over a decade.
You deserve everything.

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He might be a shitty player, but he was right.

Except he was right.

Layering is just a shitty "channel" system that you can't choose manually.

user are you ok

Listen just don't think too much about it okay.

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never played wow but you're based

sharding is a good thing. the problem is that WoW method of sharding is stupid. it happens randomly and is forced on the player. instead of the player having a choice and only done in specific areas (such as a town) instead of it happening in ALL zones.

as long as it's kept to starting zones i don't see the issue. competing with 100+ people for wolves isn't fun, even if you group.

damn that's some powerful 'tism. thanks for them (you)s btw

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>sharding is in classic despite blizzard's lies that layering is somehow different
so you think they would remake the entire system and not build on top of sharding?
think on mate.

>playing chink pservers that sell gold, modify drops for their friends, ban accounts they don't like, amd shut down once they've got their money's worth
No thanks, at least Blizzard will be accountable for Classic, which is far more than shitnos or trannydale

the term "Layering" was invented by blizzcuck so they braindead fans will just be more susceptible to whatever they said. Then later all after they've played with "layering" for a good while the company can just say it'll be remaining due to "the servers" or "game engine" not being able to handle the load which they can then use to bolster and hype the amount of fags playing it. In other words: Y'all are being played for braindead chimps.
blizzards products have always been shit. They either copy off of someone else or it'll just be a product that's dead from the get go. I never understood how fags like their games.

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based retard

The Virgin Asmonbald vs The Chad Alexsensual

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they should not have any form of it at all and just make more servers, then merge later

>The goyim know

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what did I miss?

>implying 90% of the twitch crowd will even make it beyond level 15
Sharding will be unnoticable past westfall

Don't care about WoW but this Classic shit is hilarious.
Keep making these threads.

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Actiblizz shill who is also samefagging got called out doing it on CTR threads as well so he used his jew ties to delete the posts

sperglord gets trolled, makes shouty posts about being gay, gets banned

That's some rage right there, but god damn defending the CTR update AND layering? Must be some good coupon books.

ctr update? crash team racing? i still havent got it.

>just make more servers, then merge later
that's a bigger hassle and they have said they dont want to do that.


Do they just ignore that Blizz said this was only for the launch period so shit doesn't get absolutely fucked and players actually have a good first day experience, and that when things calm down and reach equilibrium the sharding/layering will be turned off?

>people told not to panic about Crash Team Racing being ruined by future updates, everything's totally cool guys
>future update ruins fucking everything
if the post is too dead for you to see everything, it's one guy getting caught defending activision's shit decisions

but blizzard WILL lie user
i see it in my magical ball

>Chads always pick horde


how did they ruin ctr? how the fuck do you ruin ctr?

you can't expect things like logic and literacy from the average Yea Forumsirgin

i wasn't "caught". i was never trying to hide.
ya'll are just as rabid about wrongthink as the people you hate.
MTX for purely cosmetic items is fine. sharding is fine. i disagree with Yea Forums, deal with it.

Yes. And then they disregarded that and said shar... layering will be enabled till Phase II. Not only they straight lied to you, but also literally no one knows what Phase II is.


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Blatant shillposting isn't any better, bro. Start using new reaction images instead of creating a papertrail of your work.

get fucked wowfags

Yeah you can tell the system was designed by some retarded californian comp sci major who thinks shoving players around various mmo channels without asking them is good ,modern game design.etting people pick their own channel is so 2000s

sharding is good, you won't be able to play the game if there is more than 40 people in a zone

Why are you saying this as if Actiblizzard doesn't have a long record of consistently lying to customers for Jewy reasons? Why are you denying simple deductive reasoning?

if Yea Forums wouldn't bite i wouldn't bait.
using the same image was sloppy though, you're right. gotta be more aware of that.

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That’s old news

>gets completely ignored
As always. Can't disturb usual shitposting.

You got caught and tried to play it off like you were just trolling. I would've normally believed you were just triggering some raging WoW autist but the fact that your filename was used in literally one other thread to defend shitty business practices slid into your company's racing game is a little too coincidental for me to believe.

Anyway I made this so anyone else can draw their own conclusions if they want. I know damn well companies pay people to shill on Yea Forums and Activision Blizzard definitely has pockets deep enough to do it.

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we're just not big enough nerds to know what the fuck that means

The way he exaggerates his facial expressions will always make me seethe. It seriously makes me fucking angry.

ever cross your mind that your post just doesn't make as much sense you think it does?

>I know damn well companies pay people to shill on Yea Forums and Activision Blizzard definitely has pockets deep enough to do it.
But not deep enough to give WoW Classic proper servers/support.

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i feel strangely honored
thank you for making this user, you've made my morning

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Advertising is cheaper than making a good product
Or at least it is when you went out of your way to fire all your talent and run them out of your company

Good. Never break your cover.
Jeff said you were a good egg.

Sharding should at least be turned off in cities. Right? Riiiiight?

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Well also sharding just could've been too far deep into Legion's coding for them to remove in a practical way so they just didn't even bother and spent most of the time just defending it and cozying classic players up to the idea.

No problem. Out of curiosity do you post in any threads that aren't games owned by Activision?

Genuinely asking: why is sharding bad?

what do you mean by denying? they will lie for sure
source: trust me dude

see now imagine that kind of stuff happening out in the world as you're playing, and the effect it will have on community. Also, each shard has its own resources, which fucks the economy.

Yes. RIP Gamon though.

>Out of curiosity do you post in any threads that aren't games owned by Activision?
i usualy make a post in the ffffriday night threads, but i haven't been posting in many other threads recently.
now that you mention it a lot of the games i've been playing or interested in lately (CTR, Classic, Destiny 2) are (or were, in D2s case) activision-owned. weird.

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It's a caching solution, that's all you need to know. Chances are it caches your last layer so you always log back to the same one. Although why would they do it locally is beyond me.

It's not. At least in the stress test there were tons of people per shard so you still had to fight over mobs.
People tend to forget that the Classic launch will have a lot more players initially than the original vanilla launch and would be a total clusterfuck without sharding

Okay it's 6PM, we're starting

Why did asmongold blow up but alex never got the following he deserved?

It's bad if it's long term. For the initial rush of autism with thousands of people trying to level up at once in the same starting zone, it's a good way to allow the servers not to die every other hour and for you to actually play. The problem comes when the starting zones have been vacated and now you are starting to level. Multiple layers means that some areas might be barren depending on what layer you're in and really populated in another. It's also a huge problem once you start getting to the higher level zones where gathering materials are at because if you can just switch layers to get to a new zone, you can farm twice as much materials and it's going to kill the economy because mega autists are going to get to 60 in a week. If layering lasts for the first week or 2, then I doubt it'd have too huge of an impact, but if it's there for more than a month then it's going to be a problem.

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i'd livestream myself cutting off my balls if they actually kept their word and removed it when things calm down at "unspecified date"

Because excellence is rarely rewarded in its time in a culture comprised of cretins.

This is actually how FFXIV handles it. When an expansion launches each zone has multiple instances and after a few months they turn them off forever.

It kills the idea of a persistent world.
You see different players who are in the same zone.
There are multiple shards containing rare mobs and resources people (the Chinese) can farm
You can switch shards at the realm's whim, even if you're in combat or in a PvP situation
It's antithetical to the idea that you should group up with other players and interact with people if the zone is currently too populated
You can just go to a different shard if there's too much PvP or you're getting corpse camped
Realm populations caps are waaaaay higher than what they were originally because sharding essentially splits the population into 5 realms that all share the same economy and auction house

Of course none of this really needs to be elaborated because the bottom line is it wasn't in the game originally and it's for an "authentic experience"

Damn I really hope you're a shill then and just don't have such shit taste you unironically are excited for Destiny and are cool with Actiblizz weaseling in microtransactions only after everyone bought the game.

Calling people cucks is not excellence, Alex.

t. tips

>Entire genre is founded on being able to play with hundreds of people at a time
>Add a mechanic that makes it impossible to play with more than 30 people in an area


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>Do they just ignore that Blizz said this was only for the launch period so shit doesn't get absolutely fucked and players actually have a good first day experience
Yes because they scrapped the idea you're talking about that they proposed at Blizzcon last year later and said it was going to be the entire continent and until phase 2 which is MONTHS after release.

Also in the open beta it doesn't even function like they said it would, it's using regular old Legion sharding still. They lied to you about this layering gimmick so they could justify keeping layering in long enough to where people will get used to it or are simply too far deep to quit so they can just come out and say it's not getting removed.

>why does everyone ignore my name calling when I can't argue against what he says?

not a shill, i just like what i like.
the existence of micro in CTR doesn't bother me but i will agree that slipping it in like they did was underhanded to say the least.

Who's excited for the blizzlike private servers that will inevitably come out once even the normies know Classic is a boondoggle?

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i like to put it like this
the benefits outweigh the downsides
do mmo player want a consistent seem less world or a world that is split?
for the first you have the risk of lag and ques and for the layer part not much except the fact that it's less laggy and probably more stable

>They lied to you about this layering gimmick so they could justify keeping layering in long enough to where people will get used to it or are simply too far deep to quit so they can just come out and say it's not getting removed.

I don't doubt they're going to keep it going longer than intended, but if they do it into Phase 2 it completely defeats the purpose of what they talked about at this years Blizzcon which was that there should only ever be 1 Kazzak or 1 Azuregos up at a time. They aren't THAT retarded to completely ruin the game with something they said they knew would ruin competition for drops.

>human actually acts like a normal human most of the time
>show a look of shock once
streamers are huge faggots by the way so don't be a nigger and try and act like i love this smelly autistic piece of shit

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>"Blizzlike" private servers are almost always ran on spaghetti code mangos cores with corrupt admits who get caught selling gold and weapons, causing everyone to reroll on the next AUTHENTIC BLIZZLIKE EXPERIENCE and then the cycle repeats itself
>Blizzard server is a paid legion mod with a bunch of nu-blizz bullshit that they unironically have paid shills scouting Yea Forums to promote
there's really no home for us man

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>Player made classic private servers are more authentic than official blizzard classic servers

how embarassing

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>has to totally ignore the myriad of valid points opponents of layering have made in this very thread just to earn his pay
Sad, user. Get a job where you don't have to lie. This isn't healthy.

You've clearly never taken the time to watch him (i regret it) he makes silly faces for the children and awkwardly pauses to do so every five minutes for donations. Actually know what you're talking about before you shitpost a topic.

>They aren't THAT retarded to completely ruin the game
Where the fuck you been the last decade and a half?

>I don't doubt they're going to keep it going longer than intended, but if they do it into Phase 2 it completely defeats the purpose of what they talked about at this years Blizzcon which was that there should only ever be 1 Kazzak or 1 Azuregos up at a time.
Yes they might make a few small exceptions for zones that have world bosses or just merge the shards together temporarily when they spawn and the fact that they lied about it already AND that this layering shit still functions exactly the same as just legion sharding this close to launch is a huge red flag.

>They aren't THAT retarded to completely ruin the game with something they said they knew would ruin competition for drops.
Yes they are. The original dev team is pretty much all gone. They skullfucked the game once and they can easily do it again. Also Blizzard is owned by Activision so even if they WANTED to keep certain things that aren't good for the health of the game away it might not be what shareholders want.

Reminder that all of this short term, cocaine-seeming frenzy you see by corps like Activision is a direct result of central banking and reporting laws. There is no incentive to think long term in a mixed economy.


You nerds never go away huh?

Watching them do plenty of retarded stuff like literally cutting 2/3 of an expansion to put in things like twitter integration, but this would literally be breaking the core mechanics of the game. They've never done something on that level of retardation before. I get people want to Doompost, but it'd be a huge waste of time and resources for them to just kill the project after all this time.

Where is the proof? If the only file is "shard_0", that means there is only one shard = there is no sharding.

>actually watch ecelebs before posting on a video game board
This just isn't true, stop being a faggot

Here is proof of sharding in action.
>b-b-b-but it's just a beta we've still got less than a month before release

It fuckin should be desu.

You're being a facetious faggot, you know what i meant. (you)

>>human actually acts like a normal human most of the time
You really aren't aware that he bought like a four grand webcam just so he can be seen reacting better, right? He exaggerates for the sole purpose of Youtube and exposure.

they will 100% use sharding for the opening of AQ, the last time it opened servers crashed.

what the fuck

Mine crashed for like 5 hours and I was on a Medium pop PvE realm. It was pretty neat, but I was annoyed because it was my only day to play.

tfw you miss the most kino moment in vanilla because you couldn't get an invite to asmon layer

Haven’t they said from the beginning that layering is sharding with a twist?

No. They explicitly want to distance layering as far away from sharding as possible even though it's the same thing.

Ahh....the classic experience...

Attached: layering.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)



But isn't that one of the starting zones, one of the places that definitely were going to be layered?

just pretend someone sniped the mob before he got to it and it literally is like vanilla

I don't get it, did the druid forget to learn roots?

That was their original proposition but
"""Layering"""" is supposed to group the entire continent into a single shard and keep you there, only switching when you get invited to a group. So no you aren't supposed to phase in and out of different shards ever under their layering system.

Yeah it sucks but it's necessary. There's going to be millions of fucking people trying to play this week one and it will be completely unplayable without it.
Hopefully they will get rid of it in the long term but it's not going to completely ruin the game if they don't.

Attached: pandasham.png (500x500, 226K)

Stage 5: Acceptance

it's probably because private servers use an emulator

i am going to abuse the shit out of layering, horde items, buy out cheap stuff fools put up too early, and trickle them out after layering is gone for massive profits

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So it's a bug?

checks out

This is how I've felt about it since they announced it. I feel like people have been massively overreacting to it the whole time.
It could be worse. It could be CRZ.

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The green text was just making fun of you but the second part was pointing out that he doesn't do what you say he does
>you know what i meant
Yea, you were telling me to watch ecelebs before posting on a video game board just like I said

>buy expensive cam as a business expenses so he doesn't have to give it to the goverment
To bad for you he doesn't even upload to Youtube anymore you fudge packing faggot
His last upload was 10 months ago

unironically this, how else are you going to get a single mob with thousands of players in one fucking zone, you braindead fucks

>nobody cares about Clas-

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Dude, he actually admitted about the webcam thing. I'm not one for creating bullshit or speculating, but he did say that he bought that four grand webcam just for better reaction videos.

well of course, zoomie, you and your underage buddies do the uploading for him, free of charge as well lmao

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so he spent thousands on a camera solely so he could write it off? he's still out thousands...

why would boomers want layering? dont you want 250 people trying to get the same bag of grain on the ground? dont you want dozens trying to tag the same quest mob?

Yeah goy, a bug. They'll fix it.

that was a huge problem from what I remember ore/flowers would sometimes fade in and out or you could farm multiple shards. it was so dumb

shard in mart

Hopefully, otherwise I might not see my friends for 5 minutes in the starting zone.

>Make more servers and merge them
>Proceed to piss off thousands of players who now have a duplicate name and are forced to change
Nice job retard

Unironically yes, because the implications of changing these systems are far more insidious than what you concrete-bound, abstraction-devoid mouth breathers are capable of understanding.

oh great one, enlighten us how competing with hundreds of other people is a good thing
>6 hours for 8/8 bags of grain

>I don't know how taxes work
He either gives it to the government or buy something with it
either way he can't keep it

This isn't your roleplay form you faggot
no one who isn't a zoomer goes into eceleb threads
Most oldfags filter or ignore them

Also stealing other people content is a easy painfree way to make money so I don't understand why your acting like the faggots who do this do it out of the kindness of there heart
some of these nigger are making 15-20k a month on this shit

If what your saying is true then he is a even dumber faggot then I thought but I'm not stupid enough to trust people on the internet on there word

Yeah, he said that but this was like, a year ago before I stopped watching him due to that fact. Don't forget that he was the most popular reaction streamer before it became a thing.

WoW Classic is shit and those rose tinted nostalgia glasses are going to shatter with a deafening boom as you will soon bitch for modern features.

Horde are the political activists irl

>his group literally disappears
My fucking sides.

Because removing it has the knock off effects listed in this thread. Plus it leads to instances just as frustrating as shown in clips in this thread. You're looking at the competition in isolation from the entire game.

you can't argue against phasings use in the first few days

running around like a headless chicken competing for wolves is no fun, and don't start memeing with your level 5 exploration only route autism

for cuck causes

>you can't argue against phasings use in the first few days
but it's not for the first phew days it's going to be for several months until phase 2 rolls out and this is assuming blizzard actually keeps their word

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>Too many people doing the same quest

>Hmmm, perhaps I will come back later and train somewhere else or just do another quest. Maybe I can group up?


Don't you have some wumpa coins to shill?

Alex isn't a chad he's the exact same as Asmon only isn't as popular, dumber, is an alcoholic, and still lives with his parents at age 30+

>feature to remove the mmo part of a mmorpg
>why is bad?
get a brain

That's why he's so popular, zoom zooms love REACTS so the way his ugly mug is always making a cartoonist reaction is a constant endorphin rush to them

The town is the last place that should have sharding. You want towns to be populated.


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>LITERALLY playing discount BFA
the absolute STATE of classicucks

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Not like this bros .... NOT LIKE THIS

>sharding is a good thing. the problem is that WoW method of sharding is stupid.
WoW's method of doing it is pretty fucking standard. Server splitting is gay as shit 100% of the time.

Suicide would have been a better option

I forget who said it first, but the sharding technology is great and extremely useful from a network engineering perspecive but it's absolute cancer to an MMO.

Spent 40 hours on the stress test. Didn't even notice layering until the end.

>gets separated from people he's in a party with
how the fuck does anyone defend this

what's going on? I'm not a wow player, but want to know

Waitwaitwait, does that mean that someone can upload ASMON LAYWER PLZ on Reddit and people can download the file to get there?
And you can use these temp files to jump around layers to gank or dodge ganks?

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Just new players who don't know about vanilla wow's true diffiiculty. Stealthed troggs in a cave that appear from nowhere and banish your party to the shadow realm so they can gank you. Now that's a game mechanic.

sad, I loved crowded zones as annoying as they were friendships and rivalries were born there
I can play single player wow in retail

I don't think the zones are going to be underpopulated on some of the bigger ones like Whitemane/Herod. The only issue I see with Sharding on these servers is being able to switch between them to either avoid people or farm early. I think everyone is underestimating just how many people are going to some of these servers. Like that spreadsheet someone was passing around yesterday of questionnaire results for Herod had them at 4.3k just from Reddit answers so who knows how many are actually on there that didn't do that questionnaire.

The best part of classic is a lot of private servers will be able to get even closer to vanilla

If every layer is populated then what's the benefit of swapping?
As for avoiding ganks there's a delay when you hop so you need to do it well in advance.

Less players appear in your zone so your computer doesn't fry trying to load up hundreds upon hundreds of other characters running around, and makes quests where you have to kill X amount of something doable since otherwise you'd have to be racing for a retardedly long time to get those done.

The way WoW does sharding is 100x worse than FFXIVs method.

>it's absolute cancer to an MMO.
only in WoWs implementation of it. Other MMOs handled it better. Namely Ultima Online

Isn't there a huge problem with sharding in retail where they put a ton of one faction in a shard which lets them steamroll the other faction since there is almost nobody there to fight back? Is this going to be a thing in classic too?

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Sharding in Ultima is what realms are to WoW. The term has been bastardized heavily. You can't even compare them anymore. They are only similar in name.

Classic is going to be great! Can't wait to play it with [streamer]!

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where are the NA extra servers

That is hilarious

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problem is it's ghost people, they are not actually there
if layers get switched all the time there is no world consistency, you won't meet Bob you met a week ago in another zone

I don't play MMOs can someone explain what's happening here? It looks like he's fighting some enemies with a couple of other players and then all the players but him disappear. Why? Isn't that bad in a game where you're supposed to cooperate with others? How are you supposed to play cooperatively when at any time your friends can just disappear like that?

War Mode has done that on my server. Darkspear used to be 80-90% Alliance, but when I go War Mode to do stuff it's like 10 Horde for every 1 Alliance. The cause of that is because it's crossrealm AND sharding though rather than the individual server. I imagine there might be some inconsistencies at launch, but as people start to either level or quit things will get more even unless the server was predominately 1 side or the other from the start.

>Isn't that bad in a game where you're supposed to cooperate with others? How are you supposed to play cooperatively when at any time your friends can just disappear like that?
a non-mmo player gets why sharding is gay better than blizz shills

>3 adblockers