Why are we being pigeon holed into only two MMO?
>WoW & it's classic twin
Why does every other MMO fail?

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New MMOs just aren't profitable any more without obscene practices like cash shops, but unless you're already an established MMO then nobody would ever use them. See the problem?

The times have moved on now from the old format of games like WoW and XIV.

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But I just want to play a giant game with people in a giant world. I've played XIV & WoW to death. I was a top-tier raider in vanilla too, so Classic doesn't really have much appeal to me. All my friends moved on. Help.

All my friends play FFXIV so i play it

Graphics aside it's honestly worse in most ways, it doesnt copy anything that made WoW good in the first place

XIV is actually good and "Classic" WoW is just a bastardized version of Legion that Blizzard heavily shills in full force on Yea Forums to make it seem like there's hype but in actuality there isn't.

>XIV is actually good and "Classic" WoW is just a bastardized version of Legion that Blizzard heavily shills in full force on Yea Forums to make it seem like there's hype but in actuality there isn't.
The expansion? How are they similar?

because people dont want to pay a sub for a new mmo when they can just play the mmo they have been playing for years
and every free mmo is p2w

Runescape is still here.

Not so much the lore or story but the game was reverse engineered from the Legion client because it integrated better with Battle.NET and the cash shop they will inevitably add in the future. Also has several shit mechanics that are cheaper for Actiblizz like sharding that everyone who originally campaigned for classic explicitly said was one of the worst things to ever be added to the game.

Yeah, sharding is dumb. I don't really have an issue with the Legion client though. As long as they don't throw in the shop, I'm okay with it.

Did anyone else get a survey email from Blizzard?
They asked me not to share the questions or my answers on forums but it was interesting because they basically showed a list of games they see as competitors and that they are afraid of.
But oddly Shadowbringers wasn't mentioned.

They'd never lie to you. I wouldn't worry about it mate.

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ayyyy lmmo

What's the point in lying to people who are very savvy and will notice immediately? Crash makes sense because those are casual fucking idiots, gouging Retail players works because they're idiots who will buy mounts at $15 a pop. Classic players won't tolerate that shit and the entire premise of Classic assumes this. Lying to them isn't going to achieve anything.

They just paid £10 to pre-register their name

Two MMO is still better than just one. Jesus fuck WoW had a stranglehold for the longest fucking time.

I miss the days of Yea Forums fotm-ing every new free MMO korean grindfest that came out. TERA was and GvG shenanigans were hilarious.

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Holy shit, I was so sure that this was the WoW killer

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I don't think EvE Online has failed. Sure, they shit on the players constantly, but there's been complaints since forever and people is still stuck there, sometimes with 5 accounts or more.

In fact I finally got out a few months ago. Once you go balls deep that shit is worse than heroin, and in fact I know that I am at risk of coming back at any time.

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When this expansion came out I could've swore it was gonna be bigger than Jesus.

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lmao imagine being this much of a XIV tranny

By and far the worst playerbase in an MMO that I've ever had to deal with
Just the dumbest cunts

forgetting the something?

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Sorry, right enough. I did forget ESO.

I suck at any kind of RPG PvP and even I could steamroll those idiots.

> promo video
>our discord
The Incel World of Warcraft guild is recruiting new members on Faerlina NA in an attempt to better connect with a younger and more progressive audience.

The guild, which has roots in the 1990's but is now growing faster than any other professional guild, aims to become one of the first professional gaming guilds to be fully transgender-friendly in the United States.

The guild is recruiting new members to take part in the gender transition process.

The gender transition process for all members, regardless of gender identity, is very simple. Every member has to go through a grueling six hour process. This process, known as the process of "living the dream," aims to encourage everyone to mutilate their CIS genitals and dilate their wound.

There are currently six members of the guild who have gone through the process. They all feel that the transgender experience is unique and they feel that they make a positive impact.

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I try to forget this trash

I think GW2 killed MMOs.

It was the biggest dumpster fire trash heap garbage after so much hype that it was going to save MMOs and kill WoW and reinvent the wheel and it was just mediocre at best. I think that's when people woke up and realized that the genre is dead.

Announcing whatever they're scheming up front is bad business practices and will kill hype before people even renew their subs. Why do you think they delayed adding MTX to Crash Team Racing?

I spent 16+ hours a day for a week to compile this info. It's a video you can pause to see map locations for every rare spawn, every chest, mining node, etc. I hope this makes all you lads SUPER RICH when Classic WoW hits. I'm sick of youtubers who keep this info secret, and hate the youtubers who make an 11 minute video covering JUST ONE topic and zone. Disgusting. This video covers EVERYTHING and SHOWS THE SPAWNS. It's everything you need to optimally farm and get ahead of the pack.

I like mabinogi

Sorry, I'm not a retard

holy based, I'm not sure I'll ever resub for classic but ty for the info

Because being small and new somehow doesn't stop the retarded upstarters from being even more greedy and incompetent than the established brands. All they do is hope to get carried by marketing, I mean hey, it worked for the established brands over a decade ago! Businessmen are incomptent and know next to nothing about the vast majorities of the industries they dabble in. Everyone just wants to make the on rails, hand holdy themepark WoW clone MMO in hopes of catching the "wider audience", when the fucking "wider audience" are now all older millenials who long for the older MMO experience, and the new wide audience wouldn't play anything not on a phone. That's why only MMOs being made are now chink bait made by chinks recycling the same game over and over with new art.