Think I see diamonds

>think I see diamonds
>Its just Lapis

Not epic

Attached: 526EB730-1E82-44D6-B660-A1D8E6FF711A.png (300x300, 12K)

are you colorblind

Lapis is more valuable than Diamonds

>lightblue block
Uh, OP, that is diamond.

Sorry wrong pic

Attached: ballsack.jpg (700x692, 39K)

>think I'm playing a good game
>it's just minecraft after beta 1.7

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Lapis is as common as grains of sand in the middle east, and it is less useful than a snapped lockpick. It isn't as valuable, by the very nature of it's frequency and utility

>can't notice the difference between dark blue and light blue

Time for an eye exam OP

In Minecraft, finding Lapis tends to be more difficult I find for the rate at which it's consumed, while diamonds and their tools last so long with enchantments that you generally don't need anywhere near as many as you'll get from bottom layer mining.

>middle east
Lmao I'm gonna assume you know you're on Yea Forums and you really just mean desert biome.

ez bait

It was an analogy
If it wasn't for mending, I'd break my diamond unbreaking 3 stuff all the time. Lapis is only used for using the enchantment table, which becomes obsolete as soon as you have a villager trading hall set up (or just the tools that you need with mending on them). Diamonds on the other hand are used in quite a few crafting recepies, and are much less common. After one mining trip I usually have about a half a stack of lapis blocks, while my best haul of diamonds was about a stack.

>After one mining trip I usually have about a half a stack of lapis blocks, while my best haul of diamonds was about a stack.
I tend to find the opposite, really. Maybe it's just my mining habits.

To be fair, I play a lot of modded which uses Lapis for things beyond vanilla, but I find I'm always in need of more Lapis for more enchantments on more equipment. I've never really used mending, when did that get added to the Vanilla enchantments?

Did you just learn about similes?

>Mines 1 piece of lapis with my fortune III pickaxe
>Gets half a stack

The thing about mending is that you can only get it through books, which are either rare loot or spawn as an enchantment on tools in end city chests. Or, you can just get a villager to sell one to you. Basically it makes your tools and armor indestructible if you have a reliable way of getting EXP. I only play vanilla on my realm

This is fucking literally me rn.

who/what is that

That explains why I haven't seen it then. I've never gone through the Villager madness, I found the whole 'infinite iron' from golem farming and the like really off putting.

Abusing mechanics is unironically the endgame of Minecraft. How else are you going to sustain your massive builds/farms?

Might as well just play modded

Nah, modding makes stuff really unbalanced and I wouldn't know where to start with getting them to work online. It's really difficult to build these sorts of things in the first place with the challenges of survival, either it requires insane resources, or the transporting of mobs or villagers which is another nightmare on it's own.

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Where do you find those enderman niggas? I want to locate a stronghold

The nether is a good bet if you can't seem to find them in the overworld. There are less mobs down there in general, and they stand out a lot.

Just find a desert and be sure to pack food and diamond gear, enchantments are preferrable

All I see in the nether are blaze, wither skeletons, and the occasional ghast that fucks me up

I still don't understand the enchantment system desu

>I still don't understand the enchantment system desu
Why? It's not even hard.

Is there really no way to choose enchantments? It's retarded

the enchantment system is kinda retarded to be fair.

Just get enchantment books and an anvil nigga

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>too much of a boomer to know how enchanting works

You can always combine items/books and spend 1 level on a book or iron/stone tools if you want something else. Don't think it's a problem, random enchantments and enchanted items that villagers sell can be good for trading on servers. Getting good high level enchantments is not hard.

rate my old base anons

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too symmetrical

How do I get an unemployed villager to become librarian? I've found a village with a library all set up, fortified it and built more homes to increase the population, but no one seems to take over the librarian job.

You need a lectern
I'm a bit unimaginative but it's also unfinished, some of the symmetry would be broken up by the buildings in the courtyard

Do you have a lectern?

My house on the server my friends and I are playing on.

Attached: la chez de gay.png (1040x577, 565K)

>found my first village in my latest world
>almost completely abandoned, only one villager
>didn't find any other villages in the area covered by my starting map
>praying I can find another village relatively near to my house

I found like three villages close to my place on my previous world.

>tfw will never play on a comfy survival server in a bustling indoor town
Is it too much to ask?

>tfw mapping out a full world on PS4 version
Obviously limited worlds are inferior but there's something comfy about exploring and mapping the entire known universe. And 5000x5000 is still a pretty big area

>no swimming pool


>get cleric villager
>suddenly infinite lapis

yea sure m8

lapias and diamonds have the same spawn rate

How big are worlds on the Switch version? Same size? Cause I played the WiiU version, yes really, and the world size was laughable.

Wii U was 864x864 which is pretty pathetic, I think Switch has infinite worlds because it got the bedrock edition port

>I think Switch has infinite worlds because it got the bedrock edition port

Oh shit, really? And PS4 didn't?

Bedrock is crossplay so PS4 refused to allow it on the system thanks to Sonys autism

Wow, sucks to be you guys.

Not yet. It's rumoured and was supposedly ESRB rated though. I hope they unfuck bedrock's controller UI before bringing it to PS4 desu

Yes, there's a lectern in the building. I've entertained the idea that there might be a librarian somewhere outside the village (there is a large rift across the northwest corner), but my explorations haven't found anyone fallen down there.


if you want to set a villager's occupation you need to take him outside the range of other workstations. or remove all other workstations that are not already claimed by another villager

Then you need to place the workstation you want in front of the guy DURING WORK HOURS. That is from about 8:00 to around 15:00. Only during that time will you be able to break the workstation and reset their trades until you get a good one like once you get a good trade you will need to lock them in by trading with them. make sure you have whatever you need to do the trade on hand otherwise they might lose the trade when you unload the area.

if you are really big brain you can set up a trading hall with a zombifier built in. turning villagers into zombies and then curing them gives massive discounts, doing it more than once will net you protection 4 books for 1 emerald each. You will need access to brewing first to make the weakness potions though, and plenty of gold for the golden apples.

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Why are jungles so fucking rare

Thanks, user. I'll give that a try.

Time to put on some Barry White and start force feeding those emerald-grubbing jews like you have a fetish for guys who look like Seth Rogen.

Reminds me of that time when I had shitton of villagers and sent best ones to my undergound city and had some people help me with using nametags on them, shame I don't have a single screenshot saved with named villagers.

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>when I had shitton of villagers and sent best ones to my undergound city

The ones you didn't pick probably thought you were a vengeful god dragging their friends and family down to hell for no reason.

Attached: 2019-06-04_21.18.02_2.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

also fun fact

nametagging villagers doesn't do shit. If they get turned into a zombie villager they will still despawn even if they were nametagged as a villager.

found that out the hard way.


>literally a game about mining and crafting
>the bottom of the world is incredibly fucking shallow

What retard designed this game

reminder that the retard who designed it is a billionaire while you jack off to cartoons in your uncle's closet

>he thinks blue is green

source on the right pic?

Just fish more.

just wait for night and snag a zombie villager and cure it

Minecraft has got to have some of the worst fishing I've seen. I have more fun doing fishing quests in terraria than this.

If you don't want to put time, then why not just play another game? You clearly don't value the game enough to be worth your time and rather have the game spawn it in front of you.

It's always funny when cheaters try to rationalize their actions.

So I got 1.1.14 off the bay but I can't seem to get the forge for mods working. How do I get that up so I don't have to keep strip mining for diamonds?

>A renewable Resource is somehow more valuable than a non-renewable resource

Sloppy job user

I don't even have any brewing stuff ready yet. I hadn't gotten into the Nether on this world yet because I hadn't decided where to set up my first portal, but I just finished my portal room and I'm gonna get into the Nether next time I play.

remember that nether forts spawn in lines so go east/west when looking for one not north/south

Do you mean 1.14? I don't know if there even was a 1.1.14 and doubt you could find many mods for it still available.

Didn't know that, thanks.

Yup. Meant 1.14. Installed the forge from the jar file but I'm not seeing where to access the mods in the launcher even after selecting forge as the profile.

do yourself a favor and use multiMC

there is literally a button that installs forge or fabric for you.

Also would recommend using 1.12 if you're wanting mods. Apparently 1.14 split the community again with two mod loaders and a lot of the big ones haven't even updated yet anyway.