>tfw no Wing Diver gf
Where are the lobbies?
Doing a mission solo, might host one if there is some interest in this thread
>47% completion
>still haven't beaten the game
I'm hosting a lobby to try change that right now. I'm on ps4 but the lobby will be named "Time to Fumigate"
Buyfag pc
no password
Mission 77 and up, gonna have to get the % somewhere
E D F !!!
>Tell myself I'm gonna play a few missions
>Play for three hours
Shit's addicting like nothing else. Waves of giant arachnids, comrades you can sing with, always leaving a mission with new or upgraded weaponry. It's the perfect video game.
>EDF translation team trying really hard not to use the word "spider"
Fuck off
i dont get why do they try not to use it??
t. poorfag
Spiders are scary ;-;
it's funny
it's kind of a film trope, but it's mostly just a running joke
EDF runs on the same logic as zombie movies.
To stretch out the concept of the joke as far as it can go. It's really funny if you ask me. The opening 6 missions are like
Love it.
I can't believe it!
nothin personell kid....
There are no spiders or bugs in this game, only dinosaurs.
man the localisation in this game is so good
>playing mission 96 on hard
>500 fenecer armor scrublet joins.
I know I can kick but why do people do this?
I even kept him on just to see and all he did was job.
When can I move that fast as a Fencer? Jesus christ looks incredibly fun.
I want to tickle a wing diver's tummy
Can you tickle my tummy? :3
EW! gey.
>The one mission where you first encounter froggies with artillery
>Playing Wing Diver
>Flying towards one, plasma cannon his left leg off
>Boost over him and land behind his head
>Dragoon lance his head off
Felt like Bayonetta.
He's saying "this is not good" because the mothership is appearing out of the clouds above the combat area.
That makes sense. The delivery of those two lines in succession made it sound like he was reprimanding the sergeant to me.
that was a fun round
Blast twin spears are only a level 20 drop, but you need maxed out swing speed for max fast. Also you only really get sustained fast when you hit level 40 drops for dash cell 3.
>that webm of the guy blowing up a drop ship with a bike and C4
>try it
>it works
When you get a 1.9 swing speed twin blast spear.
My, to think I thought only WD was capable of such antics. Can't wait.
Thank you too.
>le wacky ant game
weebs sure have good taste
>rhyming 'line' with 'ass'
>'chaffs' being some wonky inbetween of 'chafes' or 'chaps'
3/10 see me after class for remedial English.
What do Wing Divers feel like?
they smell like jet fuel
Like polished chrome and static electricity.
Played with JP voice. I don't remember they use the word spider either. Mostly γγγΆγ€ (monster).
salty coins and plasma
The whole thing seems to be a running joke but they do slip up sometimes.
>never refer to giant bugs as being bugs or insects
>ant -> "could they be some kind of surviving dinosaur?!" / "acid-spitting monster"
>wasp -> "must be those birdlike creatures!"
>spider -> "it's the thread-spinning monsters!"
>frog -> "I'm talking about HUMANOID ALIENS!"
And then they throw in the towel and refer to the queen wasps as 'queens' and the frog young as 'tadpoles'. Although to be fair HQ expresses confusion about the choice of the name 'tadpole'.
I want to tickle a wing diver's tummy from the inside
I'd enjoy it if there were some kind of pun to get to the animal names, like if they introduced Kings before Queens. Or if they said something like "If the other giant flying type is Queen A, then this must be the Queen B..."
don't ever expect witty comedy from japs
Wordplay is notoriously hard to localise anyway.
dumb frogposter, go inhale some polluted air
Fucking mission 84 seriously
it's completely annoying without a guard post or some kind of healing
Had to give up on getting the medal on it for now
7-8 failures were enough
>failing even on the balls
Enough EDF for now
Mission 108, which pylon to destroy first on inferno? My instincts tell me the middle one to knock out flyers so that everything else is a ground target and your fencers don't get shredded by reds later on, but what do (you) think?
Why are you fucking yourself?
Middle, left, right
Bees are a bigger threat than spiders, which are a bigger threat than ants. The main thing is to not touch the small pylons at all, since destroying those will trigger new waves of the giant monsters
>try to get those %
>start to realize you dislike playing anything that's not WD
This sucks.
where did you get this picture of me?
that is literally what i look like.
"Oh, this is why they were dying so much"
Agreed. Too slow, not stylish.
On hard you can get by as all classes really even if your team is dogshit, which should net you 60%. Then for 5% you do hardest with your best class and then for another 5% you can either do the whole thing again on your second best or do up to something like 36 on the remaining 3 classes.
sounds like you're just bad at the game
fuck drops, fuck %, fuck grinding, play for fun
Same but for me it's ranger. Everything else feels way too gimmicky and annoying. Also I like how as a ranger in solo play the NPC squads are pretty much your life insurance so you actually do care about them a lot and try to keep them alive at all costs.
>Tfw I'm the same way but with fencer and ranger
I just can't manage my energy right and end up eating dirt too often.
>run out of energy
>crash landing
>wiggle around and jump to avoid incoming damage
>ants are appeased by your dance and let you live
Counterpoint: it's action actually fun to get % because more % generally means you have more variety under your belt i.e you've gone out of your comfort zone succeeded at more missions with more classes rather than playing the same missions with the same classes.
And yes I am filthy dumb phoneposting scum, how could you tell?
While that's sometimes true, I generally just feel like it's more fun to pwn everything with weird and different weapons for the class I already know
>frog -> "I'm talking about HUMANOID ALIENS!"
Meanwhile ayys:
>They are disgusting, they don't look humanoid at all!!!
>Commander: Hmm. Aliens that don't look humanoid?
I'm kind of upset that "Queen Bee" was used.
>caring about what other people think of your completion scores
I can't decide which image I like more.
WD can be as slutty as she wants she's never gonna beat bro fencer
In EDF4 the monsters were called Giant Insects. That is a problem, because Spiders aren't insects. So they were just called "giant spider like insects"
Official pairing list
>grim reapers with spriggans
>spritefall-chan with spritefall, you idiots.
>AR with phobos
>ranger with decoys
trap WD drawings when?
Who cares what others think of your %, the fact of the matter is that % is a rough indicator for you to know of how much of the game you have experienced.
>AR with phobos
But user, boys can't love boys.
...Like I said,
>caring about what other people think of your completion scores
whens underground missions going away for good? half of the air raiders arsenal gets thrown out the fucking window while other classes can just bring whatever
Considering like 90% of the AR's arsenal is viable while others have tons of meme or shit weapons, I don't see the complaint.
Especially considering turrets + depth crawlers are absolutely lethal underground. And you can cheese missions with chokepoints with Barriers.
there's only like 2 chunks of them, don't worry
Each DLC also has 1 chunk each. 2 missions each iirc. Honestly they should have a spray paint thing like in CS, for cave missions at least. Keep getting lost in those things.
Why don't you come up with an idea to make underground mission more fun for Air Raider instead of removing them?
They were fucking awful in 4.1 but I actually like them in 5
>can't summon helicopters in caves
excuse me
>mission 32
>need to wait for the slow ass NPCs to make their way to the bottom and it takes an eternity.
Yeah no, fuck that shit.
See, this is the kind of shitposting we need.
Shitposting with actual effort behind it.
what happens if you punt the npcs down there by force
It's funny because that was originally posted several threads ago, the only effort made in the post you quoted was letting go of the dick for long enough to be able to press Ctrl+V in the message box.
>dropship clearly dies before tempest makes contact
Okay waiting for Sarge kinda sucks but blowing up the spawns with C4 is still fun
well I commend the original shitposter then.
Sarge fucks around for a bit, then teleports all the way back up to where he was punted from. If anything, trying it makes the mission longer.
>not only is the only one able to use the blazer but he can teleport as well
Is there anything Sarge cant do?
Exactly, if a person can have fun playing the same mission with the same class for hundreds of hours, good for them, but most people crave variety and by extension most people crave extra %.
>the blazer does 16,986 dps
>best EMC does 8,333 dps
>blazer is only about twice as strong as an EMC, not "10 times as strong"
Where do the lies stop sarge? Where's that safe place you talked about sarge?
What if the storm unit was the safe place all along?
I have so manyfucking problems playing Fencer on Hardest even solo
I can't do mission 100 now no matter what i try
He's incapable of taking the player to a safe place.
>you weren't the only civilian sarge was in charge of protecting
>all the other civilians stop appearing after about 10 levels
>best emc does 8,333 dps
>worst does like 450
he lied, it's closer to 40x.
>start playing 50+ hardest
>do extremely well and carry by usually being the only one who plans his build around the level
>AR with low stats and gear joins the 4th slot
>now we can't beat any levels at all and keep wiping because he just spams bombers in random directions
I used to play AR when it came out on PS4 but now I can't stand these chumps.
>everyone else can bring whatever
Everyone has weapons that stop being OP once they are in the underground.
The reason why you think that it's bad is because you don't want to use the massive amount of support items that AR is designed around.
>Everyone has weapons that stop being OP once they are in the underground.
But they also have weapons that become OP underground.
What does AR have?
Power post Defense post HP posts.
Literally the best items in the game and ARs refuse to use them.
When I played AR we never lost underground missions specifically because I didn't waste my time trying to "carry".
>enemies tending to funnel through tight corridors at the same location
What are flame turrets and AoE buffs.
pirate lobby going up
name: benis
mission 60 hard
i need to make more webms
anguirus out here wreckin shit
you're also forgetting bunkers, and how they practically completely shutout certain enemy types.
AR is actually super strong in cave missions. But I still hate them.
on the contrary, i rather enjoy cave missions even as an AR. is it just me?
Depth Crawlers have actually decent HP this time, so just take the guard post, turrets/limpet gun and maybe a life vendor.
I enjoy having to change my tactics from time to time.
>depth crawler slide
Cool useless shit bro, best use is to go faster sideways like some crab and even then the highest level depth crawler moves faster than doing that because for some reason the slide doesnt get upgraded at least
Its good for getting your depth crawler out of the way before summoning a new one, since it will still slide even after you get out of it
Why would AR bring a bomber online? If anything, hard teaches you how good spritefall, strafe runs and turrets are.
>depth crawler blew up on the ceiling
>end up on the outside of the map
>curiously fell off the map since I could do fuck all at that point
>get into a loop of being teleported back to the top of the map when I get to the bottom
>refresh lobby to continue playing from a specific mission for 15 minutes
>finally find a room
>they are using an auto collector
>keep refreshing for another 10 minutes
Is it really so hard not to cheat?
lol bro its just a little cheating dont worry about it
now let me just spam my rapid fire lysander and reverse bomber
on the other hand
>join a host, play a few games while people flow in and out
>one guy leaves after a mission because he thinks the host setting his armour to 9999 is a cheat
>when the cheat is so harmless and akin to a timesaver mod the point against it is everyone using has to be using other unreasonable cheats in addition to it because they are a dirty cheater
every time
This happened to me a lot more often in 4.1
is it so hard to not be alergic to making your own rooms?
I mean if you are refreshing for this long to find what you want maybe its time you realized its time for you to take charge.
Is there a way to play ranger without wanting to kill myself most of the time or is that part of the experience? All his weapons outside few top ones feel so shit it's not even funny.
Bike + healgun + bullet hose
>pick a wd weapon that isn't a lance
>become useless for the rest of the mission
I kinda hate this
the trick with ranger is to have fun and get creative with his tools.
for example use c4 and a bike to go full sandnigger on the ayys.
Yeah, I think the game wants you to have a lance on every mission. WD pays a really steep price for any kind of ranged weapon, either in energy or damage. But the nice part is that there are only like 2 enemy types that you can't reasonably fly into lance range.
>dlc missions are filled with spawners that have like no hp in comparison to what they usually have because half the time they want to punish you for killing spawners too quick
the dlc missions in 5 sucks ass compared to 4.1
I haven't played the DLC missions yet, but how are you punished if you kill the spawners too quickly? Wouldn't that help if anything? Or is it because the next phase comes in too quickly if you kill spawners?
The main progression in DLC missions is blowing up spawners, it's a trigger for whatever ridiculous bullshit is coming up next. If you kill multiple spawners without killing their waves, that's often a wipe right there
>setting armour to 9999
You mean turning off armor caps I assume right?
I think fencer can legit get to 9999 on Inferno.
>I mean if you are refreshing for this long to find what you want maybe its time you realized its time for you to take charge.
Have you never played the game before?
The problem is that everyone wants to create a room instead of joining rooms.
1/4 filled rooms hardly ever get people to join and joining a 1/4 will fill to 4/4 extremely quickly.
I mean that you don't need to change your armor in this game.
The game auto limits you to the max when the mission starts so there is no reason to change your armor.
>100% completion
>full star weapons, even DLC ones
>14k armor every class
>11 hours played on record
That was the case in 4.1 as well.
The point is if fencer can go over 10k armor on the later inferno missions and set it to 9999 manually because it looks better.
Use the ammunition weapons with an energy weapon.
That way you spend all your energy with the energy gun and use the ammo gun while it charges.
I think WD has some of the best ranged weapons but you have to get them fairly upgraded or deal with Z accuracy.
They are nice at the start of the mission, but become completely useless after a minute or so because you will never ever want to use them if enemies get close to you since they cost a fuckton of energy.
How much armor i should haveon Fencer for farming reliably DLC weapons? Online too
Nah I didn't understand what you meant.
You mean his armor was set to 9999 and never changed so the dude thought he was cheating.
I don't understand why he would think that since he probably had a decent % complete.
>one guy leaves after a mission because he thinks the host setting his armour to 9999 is a cheat
If you play correctly, you can farm mission 11 in dlc 1 or mission 9 in dlc 2 offline without getting hit much at all.
Mission 11 is underground so you can stunlock everything and mission 9 you can kill the anchors before they spawn anything and farm infinite silver spiders.
DLC 2 mission 9 on easy is great for farming armor too.
bags of sand
Yea Forumsaliant infantry
Mission 39
this chinese guy is a cheater btw
I'll make sure to boot any chink I see
how am i cheating, just cuz i have 100%? game's been out for long enough.
it's jap u fgt
>37k armor
>all maxed weapons
i might be retarded but also that's mildly suspect
grind pillbug and silver spider for dlc, it's rediculously easy. lotsa guides on yt for it too.
>cheating copyright law
>also cheating in the game
Typical of piratefags.
>playing with shitters who have grinded that much for an easy ride
Zoinks, at least cheaters value their own time.
sorry, yeah i meant he turned off caps and had limited himself to 9999, presumably to make it slightly less of a cakewalk
damned if i do, damned if i dont
I am notI amStop being gay and come play
i joined and you were mid mission, solo
i aint waitin 30mins for you to die/finish
Well too bad I've got a full room of real gamers
Did everyone pirate this?
so is storm 1 some kind of boogeyman for the aliens
Infantry = Imperial Guard
Wing Diver = Adepta Sororitas
Fencer = Space Marines
Air Raider = Adeptus Mechanicus
If you could hear the alien radio chatter it would probably be like AC when Mobius 1 turns up.
No, I think it's mostly buyfags, but pirate population is pretty healthy too
>oh I'm just going to download a cheat table to save time on collecting boxes
>it's just for convenience
>well beating this level takes too long and having stronger weapons makes it go by faster, it's just for convenience bro
>having to reload is pretty inconvenient
>what's wrong with god mode all it does is prevent having to replay a level multiple times
Anyone who's willing to break their principles is willing to justify breaking them further.
anyone wanna grind some medals, hard?
ill be jumping around a bit, and i can switch to missions you need as well
The mind of someone with no self control everyone.
Do you shit yourself on downloading any sort of mods for a game you like to remove aspects you dont because you might be tempted in downloading god mod cheats while you are already there? Fuck off.
Come join
>The problem is that everyone wants to create a room instead of joining rooms.
What about the other problem where people are willing to refresh for 10 minutes to get the exact room they want?
Lmao cheater lecturing anyone from his ivory tower about such lofty concepts as "self control" or "delayed gratification".
lmao like I said every time
its like no one has a counter point to why box collecting is a good game mechanic, with it being neither fun or challenging to do so the obvious thing is to call out people on "w-well they obviously will go the extra mile when they get there"
It's not a fun mechanic, but the game is obviously not balanced around getting every box on every mission. A slightly above average player can beat inferno with like 1/4 the armour of what people who autoloot end up with.
Don't you just love it when steam cuts connection for a milisecond
I sure do
Lobby is back up
Yeah, if you need to grind, then grind, but it's a punishment for not being able to work with what you get. Acting like the game owes you every drop in it right away is a cheater mentality, and after you use cheats to get what you think you deserve, it's not a big stretch to go for the next trainer on the list.
did it fill? i got booted
My connection keeps cutting for half a second
I don't think I'll be able to host for today
well i'll put mine back up then
name benis
hard mission 71
implying the person without auto loot wont ever farm
skipping out on collecting boxes does not make you worse at the game and no way is the average person skipping out on 3/4 of boxes every time are you kidding yourself
and here he goes again with this non argument like is fucking means something in regards to the actual cheat being discussed at hand
i could actually understand your point of view to a degree if people using this was straight up just giving themselves armor and weapons like plenty of people are and think they are slick in hiding it, using auto loot is still playing the game with progression
Old B movies where goofy like that too.
was I dozing off at some point but what happened to the hooligan buster?
Hey bro, if you want to cheat in your offline game, that's fine, but don't put it on everyone else. And don't act all weirdly surprised when people call you a cheater just for cheating.
>implying the person without auto loot wont ever farm
I never did and had no issues. I don't understand why anyone feels the need to farm since 2.5-3k (the amount you'll have by the end of hard+hardest without trying to nab every single box) is all you need for inferno if you play right. any more is just a shitter safety net.
also this
Glad this game is on PC at last, had some absolutely laugh riots with it on PS4 with a good friend of mine.
Fuck converting this to webm.
We were laughing our asses off about this.
Pale Wing/Wing Diver has been my almost exclusive main also since I played the EDF 2 remake. I had an absolute blast playing this through with my pal as the Ranger though, I recommending giving it a real go with all his upgrades and vehicles and shit now, tons of fun. Still had a WD save going at the same time of course.
when have I said I do it online and when have I not called it a cheat you absolute dickhead?
you know honestly this is on me for even trying to discuss anything on this place
>I don't understand why anyone feels the need to farm since 2.5-3k (the amount you'll have by the end of hard+hardest without trying to nab every single box)
As Fencer I can see it but absolutely no way with WD.
yea the growth rate for WD is fairly low but unless you're a shitter you're pretty much untouchable as a WD
>those DLC fencer mortars that take a year to reload
Because the discussion started with talk of online cheating and then you came riding up to whiteknight for auto looters. Please learn to read, or at least install a trainer that skims conversations for you.
It's incredibly low that its funny to see them embrace Fencer as the speed man he is now but still have him with huge gains for armor boxes.
Fencer can be as untouchable and has the easiest time for gaining armor for some reason.
Let's talk about DPS. Which is a better gun?
>100 damage 12 times per second
>14,000 damage once every 10 seconds
The second because every 10 seconds the first one does 12k.
First gun stunlocks, so I'd say it's superior.
What is this about an automatic box nabber being negative? Do people go through this game not grabbing every box manually, anyway? Sounds like it cuts down a shitload of time.
>Do people go through this game not grabbing every box manually, anyway?
nope. i don't give a shit about cleaning the map and just nab whatever is right next to me. never grinded either and have no issue on inferno
>enemy with 15k health
>Gun A (worse dps) kills it in 12.5 seconds
>Gun B (better dps) kills it in 20 seconds
This shit depends on the situation anyway, like compare fencers dispersal mortars to doing something like jack hammer + shotgun
in the scenario that red bees are chasing you and so are ayylmaos are you really going to try and use the hammer/shotcombo while jumping around to deplete the ammo in comparison to using the dispersal and fucking off for a bit to reload?
>have no issue on inferno
That's an odd point. Why would you have an issue? Having Inferno means you've beaten the game at least once, and 110 missions where you grab what's near you will net you a lot of gear. Of course you'd be prepared. The only thing an auto collector will do is make someone prepared before getting to mission 110 on normal or hard. It's a nonissue.
Yeah but if you do it you are going to fall victim to cheating in other ways my dude you wont ever be able to stop yourself, a based user told me.
since inferno is the difficulty where people usually think that you need to grind armor and of course you don't
i assumed it'd be a no brainer that lower difficulties have even less of a need of picking up every last armor box
He sounds pretty not based.
It's nice that you believe you have a moral code, but there's no fundamental difference between cheating a lot and cheating a little.
>since inferno is the difficulty where people usually think that you need to grind armor and of course you don't
They don't know that, and again, it's still a nonissue. All you're saying is
>I don't collect every box, nor do I feel the need, and everyone ought to play like that
>i assumed it'd be a no brainer that lower difficulties have even less of a need of picking up every last armor box
Why would I not? There's no penalty to doing so, and as a WD it takes no time at all to zip around the map.
So you don't actually have a good reason? kkthx.
There's no WD to pick up items for you when playing solo so that's why people use that auto pickup I think.
nice attempt at twisting my words fuckwad. the point i'm making is that you don't need a shitload of armor for beating the missions if you use your brain and communicate with mates.
basically keep your faggy cheats offline
If that's their bag, that's their bag.
Struck a nerve, didn't I? What a homo. I'll be sure to join nearly every game Yea Forums hosts with cheats just to spite you.
Cant wait to skip work tomorrow to have doc join my lobby tomorrow!
still up
2 slots open
>Hear as we shout at the top of our lungs -
Yea Forumsdf
mission 37
no password because the normos deserve a chance
Nice! spam STRONGLY encouraged
>because the normos deserve a chance
No way!
>the motherfucker will never release the mods because "he doesnt want to promote cheating"
>farm inferno 87 over and over
>upgrades for Hellflame Revolver and FGX missile just won't drop
No wonder cheating is so appealing.
oh shit i didnt realize he was in this thread
Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions
Mission 56 hardest, will jump around and to inferno for completion
NO LIMITS, 80% completion, is like 70% but twice as good
rage because the normos don't deserve a chance
sweet mother of god
Where's the link for the steam workaround for piratefags again? I forgot to nab it last thread. Thanks in advance
that wasn't your kill my dude. sorry
It's only with our sacri-Nice!
To defend our dearest mother earth we're ready to give up our --
if you know anything about hex editing or programming, join the modding channel of the edf discord. PC release has brought in some new blood, but progress is still slow
Dropped Steam connection for 1 second, aggravating, sorry guys. Back up, 1 slot open, 57 hardest
You're good!
>no way frog
One mission has bigger spawners showing up after you destroy the smaller one. IIRC one of them spawns a bunch of green ants too.
Room: ayy lmao
Pass: rage
Mission 53
Buyfag lobby
I hope you're ready to smack some ant mommies.
Are we talking about drones are general purpose? B for drones, A for an all-rounder.
1 spot opened up. At mission 39
Also general Nice! to all drawfriends that have been adding fresh OC lately.
From cheat engine table to NIHON BUREIKU KOUDO how far are you guys?
2/4, will be starting with 3.
>Everything about the satellite scientist
I didn't think it was possible to want to waifufag a voice.
starting at 46
>normo with under 1k armor is talking trash every mission
>consider prospect of playing with deadweight normie being a bitch the whole time
>realize that I can just leave and let nature take its course
Lmao what convinced you normies were worth carrying?
>everything is going fine
>killing aliens and birds
>you join, sperging out about some napalm
>proceed to be an autist who can't let others have fun
You're welcome to come have fun as long as you don't spaz out, senpai
Is the blessed jackhammer/flashing spear+shotgun combo the only way to sensibly take down ayys as a fencer? Sniping them with blasthole works on the lightly armored ones (if your spear is strong enough to break their armor in one hit), but their mobility and skinny frame makes it very risky, and the heavies will just tank it.
I love taking a jackhammer and a flamer with me for heavies
melts them in seconds
A level appropriate dispersal mortar in the face tends to work pretty well too. Also if you're using muzzle stabilisers NC line cannons can be used to shred them though you need to sure to engage from a distance otherwise your lack of mobility will get you killed.
>sperg out
Are you confused about who I am? All I said was "it didn't" and the normo started talking shit, and continued on.
>when you get booted and someone immediately steals your spot
Very painful
Why is Storm Team, and specifically Storm 1, so much more capable than the entirety of the EDF force? Special shoutout to the Air Raider's pilots who also manage to defy all odds.
Because Storm 1 is the protagonist
Everyone sees you as a hero and are shocked at how well you do on your own.
>Special shoutout to the Air Raider's pilots who also manage to defy all odds.
>AR calls in an airstrike under a mobile base
>phobos flies directly into the mobile base
>drops bombs while traveling through the base
>flies out the other side no problem
Because despite all the flying shit the Primers have, including the motherships, the teleportation ships, the bees, the tadpoles, the drones, thankfully none of them ever think to attack the circling gunship or fighters.
in 2025 the hectors would actually aggro bombers if they were close but they were still invincible
We're 3/4 if anyone wants to fill the last slot, on mission 56.
despite all the fantastic background stuff happening, EDF games have always been about the you, the hero
>3 teammates all dead
>fly around and revive them all
>they all die again almost instantly
If you give up, it's all over!
I hope this isnt the usual
>WD revives Rangers surrounded by literally every enemy in the game
>He dies instantly
>Wow how are you so shit
>WD revives AR
>AR has requested a Spritefall 1!
>AR has requested a Spritefall 2!
>AR has requested a Phobos!
>AR dies again
if hes gonna die quick again, might as well blow his wad and get some dmg in
at that point it's the wing diver's job to kite the offending enemies toward the strike zones. it's the least one can do for stupidly reviving an air raider with a murderball right on your tail
I mean, the optimal play is to run to some fuck far end of the map, bait the enemies to follow you and pick off a few of them, then sprint back to your team and revive them so they have a few seconds to get their shit together before they have to fight. That's the way you actually come back from being the only one alive if you don't feel like soloing the map.
never happens
they just bee-line to me and revive me and i'm lucky if i live another 10 seconds
Get in here
You are awaited, user.
3/4 on mission 58, will be 2/4 soon.
which edf is this?
You seem to not realize that was the WD's plan all along. Revive the raider so he halfs your hp in return for killing the mobs chasing you thus granting more life.
>half your hp for 2 spritefall and 1 phobos
Seems like a good trade to me.
thanks gohan
>ar is carrying 2 spritefalls and a phobos
seems like staring at the floor is what he wanted to be doing anyway
>tfw when they do in 4.1
Oh my fucking god
Do you play on controller? I play M+KB and find it literally impossible to fight the recoil with flamethrowers, I shoot straight up no matter what
at 51 now
so ronery ;_;
Anyone wants to do some farming on mission 11 of DLC 1, inferno?
Someone post the 4.1 cheat video
Thanks user.
1 slot open
misison 99 hard (the big one)
room name benis
How to beat mission 108 on hard
1 slot open, 77 hardest
... Well? "How to x" means you're going to tell us, stupid ESL.
Kill everything.
The smug vehicle guy is especially based
>no weapons
>can't protect himself
>still brings you a new vehicle every ten minutes and wishes good luck
>be gentle
Which class are you playing?
AR, for example, can constantly call new Nixes and destroy deroys with gunships. ZERA-gun is also crazy good at killing waves of smaller enemies.
Start with the drones first. Focus on one pillar at a time.
Every single time I tried this mission in pub rooms, there's always a guy going right for the pillars and makes the drones rape us.
Then you just tell them to focus on the drones first and the mission goes smoothly.
Technically they do, it's just tgat yours air squad has plot armor
Tadpoles, Motherships and drones attack planes all the time, there is a mission flavor text mentioning this too
They also destroy 2 of 3 Submarine carriers effectly destroying the Air Force but somehow the one Storm 1 has the phone number for all his air raids survive 10 Motherships hunting for the entire war
Its weird af because it says prometheus gets shot down yet when you call in some missles the operator will still quote prometheus.
no it doesnt, they say its the last sub remaining
No, also it's name isn't Prometheus
But that's the proper way to do it user. If someone is coming to rez you and they have a massive swarm following them the first thing you do is drop vehicle and then drop every AoE weapon you have cuz you're definitely going to die.
>tfw no lobbies doing missions you need for completion
pls 21 or 41 on hard
Kill drones first.
Then kill middle anchor because it's bees.
Then left - spiders
Then right - Ants
Then there's I think 2 or 3 small anchors hiding that spawn the rolling dudes.
1 slot open, 83 hardest. Retards are welcome as long as you can learn
I fucking replay the mission where the frogs first appear to hear that dude referring to them as looking exactly like humans.
>armored ayylmaos appear
>they're not humanoid at all!
My fucking sides.
starting at 46
get in here buyfags
What is an "Instant Room"?
Another guy there, if none of my weapons can reach mothership's weak spot - does this mean I'm fucked?
I destroyed literally everything else, but it seems I'm unable to finish the mission.
You're fucked.
Welcome to the club, buddy. I like to believe we've all fucked up this bad before in at least one EDF game.
So, is there a hard-tier vehicle that is able to reach it? I know for sure that Red Nix can't even with the maximum jump height.
I don't really want to bring a limpet sniper or missiles, my setup is too good.
And don't meme me with helicopter please.
Nix Battle cannon, lvl 20. It has dual howitzers they should be able to take it down no problem.
How do I do cool moves with barga? I only know how to punch and stomp.
Limpet sniper. Death with it.
The sniper d can take down dropships in only a few reloads. Faster than other classes can at that range.
Left punch, left punch, right punch is a long range combo that can knock down kaijus.
Right right left is a short range combo that can knockdown.
Middle mouse button is taunt, but a taunt immediately followed by a left punch gives you a spinning punch which is really cool.
And then last is taunt followed by right punch gives you a double overhead smash.
Good question. I haven't done it on hard as an AR myself, yet, so these are some things I can think of just by looking at the vehicles you might have available. Optimization not included.
Blacker A2D and E3 can hit it if you park on something to get an angle. The little hedges around certain buildings work well for that. Depth Crawler III maybe, under the assumption that its rockets have infinite range like the Ranger's do. Those options don't seem very enticing, if I say so myself. Then there's the options the other anons have stated.
Funny, because iirc the in game description is the blazer is 10% of EMCs capabilities.
we're at 65 now
get in here buyfags
I also heard a random npc say that the Blazer has about 12% of the EMC's damage. First time I recall hearing that after 200 hours of gameplay but I've definitely heard that line from sarge where he says it's 10x.
Solo it? I've just been doing Solo Hard everything online on my Chair Raider to push closer to 70%
That was a cancer, but I did it.
Probably a miscommunication between the teams.
Although its also possible that Sarge is using a Special Safe Place Edition Blazer while the rest of us are using the mass-produced, lowest bidder versions.
Well, last mission definitely was kino. Is 950 armor enough to start hardest?
Just do it, the earlier missions are not that bad. And by the time you meet golden ants, it doesn't matter anyway.
as long as you're confident with your weapon loadouts, that's what matters.
enjoy mission 12
>want the DLC missions
>gonna cost me almost $30
Wow, thats way too much what the fuck. Maybe Ill just get those annoying singing decoys, they look funny...
>they cost $8 for each class
>$16 if you want them for both classes that can use them
Guess Im not getting those either.
Creamapi. The DLC is already "on-disc", so to speak.
2 slots, 103 hardest
>play inferno
>someone asks in disbelief where my DLC weapons are
I'm not paying enough money to buy another game just to trivialise this one, thanks.
Who here is using this workaround? I have a shitload of games on my account and I wouldn't want to touch anything that has even the remotest chance of being detectable as breaking the ToS.
Creamapi doesn't get detected. I've been using it for years now.
People apparently use it for lots of games and say they havent been banned, but I figure its only a matter of time before a steam banwave hits and tons of people that used it are suddenly complaining on the steam forums that they got "banned for no reason".
Doubt it, its more likely creamapi suddenly doesn't work. After all, if they can build something that detects you using it and banning it, shouldn't they be able to just deal with it directly?
Room finished, good games! From 56 to 63, then 74 to 104, that was a good run.
That's kind of like asking why you would fine someone for shoplifting if you're able to catch them before they get out the door.
Storm 1, you've fought along sarge before. You KNOW that it's not stronger than the EMC, and it's definitely not stronger than EMCS.
No, its like if someone has the password to your wifi, why wouldn't you just change it.
Although in many ways I doubt any of these analogies work.
But my main point is I doubt there would be some kind of ban wave, not without warning at least. Frankly a ban wave would do more damage to them. Unless you just go around banning people with completely free accounts.
The EMC doesn't look that strong anyway, so I don't see your point. Besides, Sarge always fires in short bursts rather than keeping on target.
That aside, looking at stats the Blazer is ten times stronger than the EMC and 4 times stronger than EMCS, but per shot.
Yeah, Sarge. I believe you.
Don't worry, I'll bring you to a safe place.
>wingdiver gf will never fly the two of you to a romantic spot and cuddle
you can play the DLC missions without owning the packs if you join someone else who is hosting them. you just can't host them yourself.
I guess it depends how prevalent it is. If it's a negligible portion of the consumer base it wouldn't lose them much custom to go zero-tolerance on ToS breaches that involved getting paid services for free, even if it caused a temporary shitstorm.
get that %
I mean if its a small portion they probably wouldn't give a fuck, especially if they are paying customers.
Non-paying customers otoh, who cares about those, they'll probably just hammer down and call it a day, except those people can just make a new account so I doubt steam would do anything.
Frankly as long as it doesn't hurt their bottomline or have their publishers whining to them, I figure they will just stay the course. Or do w/e gives them the least work.
spookyman host dlc1 mission 12
Nobody knows
>tfw ace combat protagonists help PC air raiders as a sidejob
Any tips on Fencer loadout for early Hard missions?
I'm at 40% completion and about to start my Fencer playthrough. But I have no idea how to play it. All i know is jackhammer and dexter meme. what about the 3rd and 4th slot?
Wait...people actually play with the English dubbing?
oh hey, Wia is still alive.
Of course I am, user. Did you think I was lucky enough to get out of this place?
It's pretty funny, so yeah.
Typically, 1st loadout is your dashjump setup and 2nd loadout is your dps setup
What the best dps is changes from mission to mission. Sometimes it's gallic/handcannon, sometimes it's lmao 2gat, sometimes it's dual jackhammers.
1st loadout, I don't really like jackhammer/dexter that much, but that's personal taste. I almost always go with a spear and a mortar.
It's like Payday 2 in this regard. I heard you also get DLC weapons if they play inferno too.
What's a good weapon for hordes of ants? Like Ranger shotguns or WD phalanx.
Against hordes of ants i found myself dashjumping to safety too much.
Blasthole spear.
I like twinspear if you're confident with your aiming. The trick is to use the animation to dash away, then spin around and spear them. That way you can stay ahead of the pack without spending dashes. Alternatively skate around them and spam mortars until they're whittled down enough to kill the stragglers at close range.
Gallic+gatling is absolute devastation that can deal with everything most of the time
>firing gallic while safely leaping through the air
Sounds fun, I'll try it
Jackhammer and Dexter while dashing around. So utterly satisfying.
Initially, I went with Spear and Mortar, but I found spear to be too slow at higher difficulties. It was good enough for Hard though, so try that out.
it works only with pretty much endgame weapons, you need a low delay high damage gantling and Gallics below 35mm sucks ass
>can't play fencer because counting to 5 is too hard
Take a blasthole spear or twin spear to give you wiggle room on ground dashes.
Dumping this in case anyone finds it useful.
>what about the 3rd and 4th slot?
personally i use double cannons (NC, gallic, heavy mortar) there so that I can snipe stuff from a distance
Vulcan Hammer, Vibro Roller and Dispersal Mortar
>Against hordes of ants i found myself dashjumping to safety too much
that's what you should be doing. Fencer's greatest strength is that he's the best at kiting.
>cheat in an old ass DS single player game to get the strongest ships in the game without grinding
>feel absolutely no satisfaction from it
>go back to an earlier save before I cheated and grind for it instead
>feel satisfaction that I worked for what I got
autolooting boxes is lame as fuck, but erginus and archelus basically covering their drops for a much longer time than regular enemies is fucking bullshit especially as you can't push their corpses out of the way either.
I used the jackhammer/dexter and nc102/bloodstorm for a good chunk of hard.
I had a 2-3 multicharger and the v1 exo in my support slots
So basically, just go for the cores with the best passive effects, unless you plan on using a big core.
Basically. I like going for the ones with a quick EMG charge, because if you trigger it high up in the air, you'll be fully recovered after about 2 seconds on the ground. It's a decent tactic, and it's safer with the 6 second ones than the 8.3 second ones. Bird core and reverse are my shit. Also there's some breakeven point where it's more efficient to go for an EMG charge than to just let it recharge normally, but I lack the autism to calculate it.
There's only one Reverse Core though, and it's level 27.
Birdcore and Jetcore are the best for mobility, otherwise just use the best thing you have available.
>keep using Multicharger 3-3 with an exoskeleton because can't deal with the recoil from gallic or gatling otherwise
>can't never kite good enough
Ants rush and bees are my nemesis for this too
I also like Return Core, since doing barrel rolls for survival is a bit more important than crossing the map quickly. And you can just fly sideways to cross the map quickly anyway.
Arm Exo > Muzzle Stabilizer if you're used to games where you have to compensate for recoil. It's slightly harder for using gallic/NC, but it makes your dashjump setup feel much better, and it's perfect for gats.
How fast can a Fencer walk anyway? With the Gale exoskeleton and w/e else. I remember watching this Fencer walk like really really fast.