Do you have gamer ink?
Do you have gamer ink?
Other urls found in this thread:
god knows how many times this exact joke has been made because muh grass, water and lighter
That is a transfer. Look at the shiny parts.
What if the fire dude was held by a human hand like a lighter? That'd be awesome.
Totally dude that would be sweet *hits bong*
I don't get the DUDE WEED thing. Is weed an overused joke?
No fuck you dude my tat is original af
My friend has a kirby tattoo. Its really cute but unfortunately he's straight.
no, its making fun of annoying stoners like OP's pic
Its something edgy 12 year olds post when edgy 17 year olds post about smoking weed. Adults don't talk about smoking pot.
>Adults with no friends don't talk about smoking pot.
cute user
Adults smoke pot with their friends all the time. They just don't feel the need to brag about doing something everyone does.
You're both wrong Adults abuse oxy instead
Tattoos are for sluts and scumbags
>Its really cute
The tattoo or your friend?
Is it even possible to get oxy anymore if you aren't 89 years old?
Weed is the only drug that has a culture that consumes someone’s entire is identity. They literally act like footfags or gay people where it’s their only personality trait.
I support keeping it illegal only because they are annoying as fuck.
Ironically the only way to stop that would be making it legal and waiting 20 years for the novelty to wear off. It does kind of suck though.
Imagine being this fag. You have to be 18 to post here.
This, everyone I know who smokes weed can't think about anything else, whereas all my heroin user friends are totally reliable and bro-tier
>I support keeping it illegal only because they are annoying as fuck.
If it was legal, they would stop being so annoying, because no one would care.
It would be the exact same as alcohol.
A guy talking all day about how he gets drunk everyday gets marginalized very fast.
>Weed is the only drug that has a culture that consumes someone’s entire is identity.
Don't tweakers and the rave scene have an identity around ecs?
It's not as big as LUDE DEED WMAO though
This your typical resettranny disinformation bot reply, addressing none of someone's points and accusing someone of something they can't refute (and which you can't prove) in an attempt to get them angry and off-topic.
What's it doing in response to a dude weed lmao post?
I get my gamer ink all over your mother's face
Sounds like they did a shitty job then huh
I got some ink but only tribals, tattoos should look like tattoos and nothing else.
Honestly I find tattoos with cartoon characters and colors really cringey.
Join him user
Getting a tattoo of kirby or being straight? Because I'm already bisex.
>old highschool friend has a darth bane tattoo on his chest
>planning to get darth raven and darth vader there as well
That's pretty bad but man on the chest why?
>watermelon is back
fuck yea
Toss a coin
I've never understood tribal tattoos.
Is it symbolic, or just squiggly lines and vagueness?
I like the concept but it seems mean to set Bulbasaur on fire
Reminder that THC is clinically proven to cause brain damage.
Yes. How fucking young are you? Weed is the most unfunny, overused punchline in the history of comedy.
Wow thanks to you and your jpg for enlightening me today
Ironically everyone else on earth finds your tattoos equally cringeworthy
>is clinically proven
russianflag + chicken asking for sauce
> Game related tattoo that can pass off as tribal.
>implying a tribal tattoo is any less embarrassing than a video game one
Yea Forums meme.
>creative thought
Pick one
t. brain damaged degenerates
>Elder Sign
>game related
Maybe in the loosest definition of game related.
I have an Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! tattoo. Even almost a decade later, I don't regret it.
>come home after long day of work to roommates smoking like always
>they ask me if I want to go to the movies
>with a look of disgust I say no
>when they leave blow weed on the carpet
They think it's the dog knocking the shit off the table yet never move it. Fucking stoners get fucked.
You're a dick dude
It's actually hilarious how many of these exist
>friends invite you to a movie
>you say no and wreck their stuff when they leave for some reason
I don’t even partake but you’re an asshole lol
its been in a ton of games video and tabletop alike
>t. friendless weeb
I can tell you have no friends
No I have sex
how's that one gonna be the best looking line and colour-wise but also grossest at the same time
>comparing piano sheet music to vocals
I get that you're shitposting, but come on.
What a cunt.
Also that isn't even a Bob Marley song, it's by Bobby McFerrin, you twat.
Then everything is game related since everything has been in a game at least once. If that's how you want to describe it you do you then. It's cool though, I want to get an Elder Sign one day.
almost like it's some kind of bait
Depends some tribes like to add meaning to it. 've always seen it as marketing pitch to get you coming back for more. That shit can get expensive in the long run.
At least someone actually invites you out to the movies desu. Beats going by yourself.
that almost as bad as the Avatar one I used to hear alot
>"waaahhhhhhhh weed is so stupid, stoners are so annoying, waaaahhhh"
>does this shit
you anti-stoners are so fucking cringy and 10x more annoying than those stoners you claim to hate for being annoying.
imagine caring what other people like and dont like, this mass reply is only embarrassing you
The absolute fucking irony of this post lmao.
Mass replying should be punished with a public lashing desu
>"Hell yeah I love tattoos!"
Only the subtle ones
i can imagine nothing more embarrassing than having to explain this to the next generation or basically anyone who wouldn't understand the reference, such as people who think they're just salamanders or something, or that you 420 blaze it every single day even if its been decades since you got this tattoo, etc. cringe.
imagine inking your body with weed references thinking that is some sort of unique trait very few people have. wow you must be such a great person for smoking weed so interesting
while I agree with you it’s stupid to think the next generation won’t know pokemon
It's well done tattoo but it's pretty gay at the same time
There is nothing wrong with sexy female feet
>Adults with friends talk about work, hobbies, politics, and their kids
>Kidults talk about smoking pot
It was originally used on Yea Forums to mock Seth Rogen but now it's for every drug user
>stoners are annoying and constasntly remind everyone they smoke weed
>”fuck off, you are annoying”
>s-stop crying man
Nice psychological manipulation to attempt to void any opposition and self criticism. You are the faggots that are annoying and created the situation, it’s a normal reaction. Keep playing the crying card though.
all faggots smoke weed and almost all weed smokers are faggots
420 DUED
>mfw 28 years old and have never tried weed because I have no friends and don’t know where to get it
Oh well
The reason I linked every post was to provide proof. There are far more posts in this thread crying, yes CRYING about weed and stoners, in fact the very first post was the start of DUDE WEED which I thought people were already double ironic about at this point but apparently not. It's just like vaping where a small subset of people were obnoxious and everyone jumped on the bandwagon of countering it because people love to circlejerk for their ego.
don't bother. i tried it and is not as great as they try to picture it. you just drop dead and stay numb for a while
I don't have any tattoos. I don't drink alcohol. I don't smoke. I don't take drugs. I'm nearly 30 and never had sex or gf.
Oh I get it because all three of those elements are in effect when you use a bong.
Just do magic shrooms ONCE, and do some DMT once, and if there's no IQ increase stop it at that as a "tried it, didn't care" case. That's all i can suggest, because of the special conversation around these two shits.
Pot is only for ragefags and people who have chronic temper tantrums like SJW retards and Congress.
Yeah because you people made enemies. Doesn’t matter if there are more people in this particular thread, people are sick of you. You are complaining about a response to how you guys conduct yourself. Gymnastics to avoid self criticism
>snorts a fat bong
>dewd ive got a totally rip idea for a new tat
>its a weed leaf dewd but inside the weed leaf is weed leafs
>lights up a fat brownie and tokes
>then around it says weed 420 my artist has allready got some sketches dewd
>i know dewd hella lit
>smokes brownie down to the roach
>fuck dewd im running low
like, tell em man.
Absolutely fucking based
>people are sick of you
The absolute state of this hivemind
>mental gymnastics to avoid self-criticism
You don't know anything about me
To be fair, I could totally see people in a few decades lionizing stoners the way we do alcoholics during prohibition
As long as you're happy and yourself that's what matters, though I'm sure the no gf or sex is a bummer.
Do you know why anti-stoner sentiment became so prevalent and is still around today? Because you retards truly were the most annoying fuckheads in existence at one point in time.
This man purchased illegal marijuana, then illegally partook of it, then thought to himself "man, if only there were more laws and regulations around gun sales"
No, anti-stoner sentiment is prevalent on Yea Forums because straight-edge losers feel the need to blame everybody else for having no friends. Please stop projecting.
Bro, like chill. Take a bong rip to ease ur mind bro xD
>anti-weed and tattoo people are incels
It makes perfect sense.
>y-you're against DUDE WEED culture so you must not have any friends!!
so this is the enlightened """intelligence""" that so many potheads have claimed they've obtained
the same people who will scoff at a beautiful 10/10 woman because she has a tattoo
Pot heads are subhuman retards
Thinking about getting this unironically. Thoughts anons?
Sorry, I enjoy being around people who can remember what they did yesterday.
tattoos are one of the greatest indicators of low IQ
Are you /fit/?
>10/10 women
>existing in real life
based marvel tattooed retard
Have sex and smoke a bowl, maybe you'll be happier.
@ on the back of my hand behind my thumb and the atari logo on the other hand.
Never have I heard any stoner claim they have enlightened intelligence other than fags on here memeing. I admit some stoners, mostly teens, are obnoxious as fuck and feel the need to try and pressure people into it but you guys really need to take the dick out of your ass and just let people do what they want to do and if you don't like it walk away, not that hard.
I like it, where's it from?
no weed makes you gay and gay sex isn't real sex
>gamer ink
no thanks, I'm not a criminal
Giving your best friend a stoned handjob is actually the most heterosexual bonding experience imaginable. If you're uncomfortable with that you're probably insecure about your own sexuality.
Working on it
Shoulder or inner wrist
mad pothead subhuman lul
A normie who thinks hes not a normie.
If I were forced to choose between remembering what I did yesterday and being happy, I would choose the former. Thankfully, those two elements are not mutually exclusive, because I do not smoke weed. Kill yourself you deadweight retard.
Sounds like you have far more issues man.
Damn that sucks man i became reclusive in high school and just had a couple friends and became a drug addict.
Luckily my best and only friend sells drugs now as well:P
But for real its pretty easy just gotta ask people.
If you have a shitty job bring up weed to a coworker you think might smoke weed. Try to figure out if he smokes or not. Then ask if you can buy some/youll hook him up a little as well. Maybe you'll become friends and start smoking together and then are introduced to his friends who might have even more connections and on and on. For all sorts of drugs.
Its kinda crazy when it snowballs like that. Only thing that sucks for harder drugs is people are a lot more suspicious of random new people and/or get arrested often so once the line is severed its a bummer.
If you really think pot makes you "forget what you did yesterday", then I've got some real bad news: dad wasn't smoking dope when he came into your bedroom at night and assfucked you.
Like I say, think about it for a few months, keep the image somewhere visible and if you don't get sick of it go for it. Don't go to some guy a buddy knows that will do it for 20 bucks, go to a proper shop, it's a simple enough design so any tattooer should be able to do it. Good work isn't cheap and cheap work isn't good. I think it looks ace and in all black it'll last longer than other colors.
Why are gamer tattoos almost always from children's games? It doesn't matter how many bongs you put in there, stoner. Those are children's franchise characters. Even back in the late 90's when I worked at Babbage's, I never had an adult buy a pack of pokemon cards.
Funny guy, but daily weed has an effect close to that.
Thanks user, i love the image and i for sure wanna get it. Issue is where to put it and where to get it
No it doesn't retard. You've clearly never even been near a person who has smoked and whatever terrible personal experience you had was likely from a lying crackhead.
literally all you have to do is ask. co-workers have been 100% where i've sourced my supply. i don't recommend hanging out with them tho. just tell them to get you the weed, you get them the money, you smoke it alone.
the worst of the bad stigma surrounding pot is hanging around people who smoke it all the time, treat it like an addictive substance, and drag you into their abuse cycle if you let them. if you're being coerced into favors for weed, making new friends because of weed, or meeting other people's drug dealers in strange parts of the city for a hookup, you're in too far.
also side note nobody likes smoking with noobs. smoking a bowl is not as easy as picking one up and lighting it. also they're going to outsmoke you and be fine while you're going to get way too high having a horrible time hallucinating until blackout. just avoid all of this by never doing it.
i prefer the pens now, because i know someone who can get me the carts, no effort at all on my part, and they're convenient as heck to smoke.
If abused heavily before puberty is finished (your body and mind don't stop growing until ~25), it obliterates short-term memory and learning ability in general. It also stunts physical growth.
And since some faggot always plays the "source?" card
Yes, yes, we all know you're going to say "b-biased source" and "ag-g-genda". Denial is a bitch. Paranoia is also a side effect.
I'm 6'4 and 22 and smoke daily, I have been fine.
Not him but have you ever heard of weed before today? You have terrible short term memory, the other guy is retarded as fuck if he thinks you just black out and do stupid shit like when drunk but there is still a bit of memory loss.
Can you bring up the long-term effects of stimulants, anti-depressants, and benzodiazepines on developing minds as well?
No shit there's memory loss but this guy's either just retarded or had a bad experience with somebody who said he was on pot and was clearly on something else. Weed is definitely psychologically addictive and it's not a wonder drug like faggot redditors like to say, but I'm tired of faggy puritan losers on Yea Forums posting this dumb ass shit like they think they know what they're talking about. Being straight-edge as a personality trait is as pathetic as using pot as a personality trait.
[photo of guy with a tattoo of naked humanized Leafeon on his back]
Congratulations. Want a cookie? Got the munchies?
Personally I'd get that where it's visible, it's too cool to hide away. Whatever you decide good luck with it user!
the difference is stoners say weed is healthier than drinking water. everyone already knows pharmaceuticals have side effects.
spreading disinformation is dangerous and one of the biggest problems with the recreational marijuana community. they need to stop claiming weed is a health supplement and start educating each other. not necessarily to stop using it. but people deserve to know if shit they're doing is going to fuck them up. willfully hiding that knowledge is some shit you expect from a used care salesman.
It’s legal here, it’s really not that great. CBD heavy strains are better if you absolutely have to try it
>Bulbasaur is happy being set on fucking fire
I hate stoner culture so goddamn much, and I've been smoking daily for nearly 10 years.
Tribal tattoos are cringe
I mean, it would help if there was more concrete info available. Y'know, like researchers being able to work with it. All we know right now is that kids should not smoke because it can affect brain development and that it can make pre-existing mental issues like paranoia and such worse.
>inb4 psychologically addicting
We have a long list of substances, mainly sugar, to discuss as health risks first before we start tackling any addictive effects of marijuana.
>Seething because no one thinks his misaligned triforce is cool.
doesnt the ink fade in color?
>projecting this hard
Yeah dude I have one just like that
Alcohol is just as bad if not worse. That's coming from someone whose dad was an alcoholic and had to take care of him when he was getting clean. Dementia episodes, the shakes, hallucinations, motor loss, vision loss, liver damage and the such. Not saying weed is good, it does have an impact and who says it doesn't is delusional but it's not that bad. You can get your memory back if you stop it, alcohol will fuck you up for life
They were traditionally used to display your life's story on your body. Stuff would get added to them periodically after major events in one's life, and such.
Most people these days don't understand that though, and just get them because they think they look cool.
The ultimate irony is that you put a Bobby McFerrin song on there for the pothead, one of the most influential and talented vocalists in history
Yeah, heroin addicts never think about heroin nir does it consume every aspect of their lives
>this druggie cope
what avatar joke
>going to have sex
>take pants off
>date sees goo dragon with a huge fucking dick on your thigh
>Weed is the only drug that has a culture that consumes someone’s entire is identity.
I'm thinking of getting a centipede, but I haven't decided where and how big it should be.
Would you smoke a bowl of bulbasaur?
Murdering Pokemon should be punishable by execution. I cannot possibly fathom a more degenerate act.
Thanks for proving me right!
He seems fine with it in OPs pic
>have a huge-ass scar all all over the upper arm
>want to do a tatoo
>have no idea besides some basic shit like "centipede"
>would probably look ugly anyway
Post pic
>what now!?
You reply in anger
Yes. Elbows gonna be gone in no-time.
Making forearm selfies is a bitch
I see a tattoo and I immediatley know not to hire that person. Doesn't matter what it's of (barring forced tattoos). I know when I see one that
1. This person is immature
2. This person lacks restraint and is impulsive.
3. This person lacks the ability to think far into the future, and is just overall dumb.
Used to be a lot of triforce tattoos back in the day.
no problem bro, anytime
>claim everyone who doesn't like what you like is "annoying" and mass reply to thread
>get told to fuck off
Literal autism. Try heroin next time so you can OD.
How do you become aware of the tatoos, when most of the interviews to serious positions should be done in non-revealing clothing?
What about face piercings?
Imagine getting triggered by a fucking mass reply on Yea Forums
>Adults don't talk about smoking pot.
We sure talk about getting wasted with booze tho, people seem kind of proud of it.
If you hire anyone under 30 I guarantee there are tattoos you have no idea about and in any job that requires a shirt or pants (I dunno that would be weird but I'm sure it exists) be taken off why the fuck would it matter if they have one?
you think you accomplished something by not smoking don't you?
I'm high as fuck and laughing my ass off reading this thread.
No ink though. I'm not creative enough to think of anything I want painted on my skin.
ah so you're the straight-edge fags dream come true then.
No dude this is indica bro please
Stoners go in the bog
It's the main punch line of all of Seth Rogens films. It's 'beating a dead horse with a bong'
I don't need that Marijuana junk corrupting my mind.
I need all my energy for Crack Cocaine.
That's not true. I can always spot the idiots who get tattoos, even if their ink is "discreet." Whenever I've asked someone who I think has tattoos if they've got them, they always say yes.
It's an almost surefire way of determining if a person is high time preference and low IQ, and the inverse is also true -- someone who displays high time preference and low IQ almost always has tattoos.
Sex is overrated. My ex and I use to screw like rabbits. She only liked it when I was on top though or when ate out her pussy. Fun for a while but got bored after about a month.
I hate to break it to you, but if you don't already know this, your ex was with 100% certainty getting dicked down by someone else who didn't get bored so easily. Sorry about your luck.
Nah, we were together for only two months and it was like that from the start. She loved the sex though (made her cum multiple times each session and wouldn't let me take my dick out after I was done). I just broke up because she lived in a trash pile. Funny how I was the one being bored. Would have laughed if she was screwing on the side.
Purple Drank is the thinking man's drug. Whike listening to chopped and screwed music.
See here's how you should be doing it then, look for the people with lots of tattoos with good placement (no hands face or neck) and that are well done, it means they're committed to the idea long term and have structured their ink in a way that was thought out for aesthetic purpose. The only red flags for tattoos should be a small handful in random places and that are vulgar or that clearly look like they were done in someone's house instead of a shop.
wait that's actually a drug? i thought people meant grape soda or some shit as the new black stereotype food after watermelon/fried chicken
Two of the posts you massed replied to are mine and im not even anti stoner. Fuck im high right now. I just don't constantly talk about it like a fucking teenager because the novelty of that wore off 25 years ago. Now i enjoy it responsibly and i don't bother other people about it.
I think the scar looks cool desu. What happened?
Its codiene cough syrup i think. When i was a kid you could get it over the counter.
There is no such thing as good placement. If you have tattoos you have poor impulse control. Even people with discreet, expensive tattoos quickly prove that they aren't exactly good at planning, managing their time, or making decisions that aren't self-destructive. They are pretty much always high time preference and generally unintelligent. If that isn't a 100% correlation it has to be damn close.
No, tattoos are degenerate. Vidya related is cringe on top of that.
Cool bro what tribe are you in?
take oxy like a real man lol
hippity hoppity, smocking weed is not a personality
Blacks rap about codeine because it metabolizes into more morphine than in other races. So no lol
I don't smoke pot and think it makes a lot of people cunts, but alcohol is insanely bad for you.
wasted a lot of money on that shit. I also had a tendency to sit around and do absolutely nothing on it. I was always more productive when sober.
Great shit post.
Yeah I think mines pretty unique
Not bad but mine is way cooler
That looks awful. Here's what a good one looks like.
Source for that?
Iv'e got these two tiny freckles on my left heel that are perfectly sized the same and next to each other so much that I want to put a third one as a tattoo to complete a triangle. That's the only tattoo I've thought about while high.
How hard is it to just do myself?
grass, fire, and water. I can see making this reference but the application in the image is retarded. looking too far into it but the fire would have to be moving through its body for there to be smoke capture through the bong
also, no. tattoos are unironically only for degenerates. how you can be happy with room temperature IQ scribblings being etched permanently into your skin is beyond me.
whole thread filled with chubby boomer beer drinkers
I'm 31 and I may mention how a certain strain made me feel or a funny moment I had playing vidya while high...I just dont make threads about it on Yea Forums asking what games are fun to play high. However, to be sure most of them are bait threads. Any game you enjoy will be fun high. Any game you dont enjoy will either suck while you're high or itll be a short-lived period of enjoyment, but only because you'll be laughing at the absurd dialogue many games have or some other dumb shit.
Soulless, the OP one has soul.
how are you this fucking stupid, user?
how hard do you think it would be? if you have to ask, as an act of civil service I feel inclined to remind you that you have to breathe every now and then. don't forget to blink either. I know these things can be hard :^(
No, I don't have any tattoos because I'm not mentally retarded.
>tfw I like weed but fucking hate weed culture and have to put up with the latter for the rest of my life because it's not being legalized in the states fast enough to make it just another drug
I can't put up with 50+ years of DUDE WEED LMAO
then quietly enjoy it by yourself without the need for validation from others. holy shit
>male lower back tattoo
that's part of his jacket, mong.
I have two on my foreskin. Kinda makes my junk look like a Bellsprout.
I would think giving myself a simple tattoo such as a brown dot would be easy yet require some knowledge of the subject. I wouldn't so casually compare it to breathing or blinking such as you do. Yes, I could just google, but maybe someone has any experience/horror stories.
still cringe
you're retarded. why did you even reply
>buy weed from some nigger
>smoke weed alone in your apartment
wow, that's really difficult
its the shitty shave job surrounding it.
astronomically less so
just admit you were wrong if anything
why double down on being a faggot?
Wow totally cool dude you're so unique!
>Not getting your weed from a dispensary
lmaoing at your lives
I'm gonna go roll a joint AND post about how insufferable you are
your move
It is possible to enjoy weed and not act like a stoner faggot. I exclusively smoke alone because I cannot stand the dumb shit people talk about when they're high. Friend's dad dropped some good advice on me once. He said treat smoking like you would having a glass of wine.
you aren't making a point just further proving your need for validation and attention. way to go faggot, you're really doing it now. let's all clap for this retard, he craves it.
This so perfectly sums up tattoo culture.
>think you're unique and special
>thousands of people have the exact same tattoo
Not having a tattoo makes more of a statement these days, especially for women.
Yeah yeah, and conservatives are the new punks, whatever you say man
Fucking cringe man. Why do people all get the same shitty cringe tattoos. I hate it aghhhh do they have no self awareness
imagine putting this on your body
I don't want anyone to know I smoke. I'll have a bowl or half a joint after I get settled in after work and just enjoy a movie or game for a few hours and that'll be it for the day. Smoked before work one day, never again, that was a fucking nightmare.
Is a shovel knight tattoo subtle enough? Considering it but unsure what to get.
Nice leg definition, you tubby fuck.
So fucking nice to literally just be able to go down to the store and get an 8th whenever I want. I guess Commiefornia is good for something. It's expensive but it's worth it to not have to deal with, "Oh sorry dude I'm out man."
>Weed is the only drug that has a culture that consumes someone’s entire is identity.
That's just not true.
As they should be. Doesn't matter how hot they are, women with tattoos are trash whores and it's a warning sign of mental instability.
>tattoo culture
Having or liking a thing doesn't make you part of its culture, though I'm sure as a truly risen gamer this concept is foreign to you.
Post pics of yourself
Not everyone who smokes ends up like guys like this. These types of guys were probably retarded before they started smoking anyway, the weed just gives them a false sense of enlightenment.
>dude Carl Sagan smoked weed I'm just as smart as him
>"Oh have you seen Cosmos?"
all women are mentally unstable
Treat it like alcohol. Simple as that. Of course it's not good for you but you can use it in moderation and not completely fuck your life up.
>let me judge you based on what you can't control as opposed to what you can!
because hes embarrassed
Someone post the Krystal tattoo. It's funny because it used the edit an user made
If yoy look at your thumbnail from a distance, it looks like a green medusa with long hair and a red hairpin.
>I'm ugly as sin, please take my opinion on beauty seriously
I can't think of many funny moments while playing video games high. Those funny moments kind of wore off after my teenage years. It's more just getting super immersed into whatever you're playing. I do still find it incredible how a song you've heard a thousand times can sound completely different the first time you hear it while high.
Tattoos in Western societies are nothing but degenerate trash, and they only reveal the low character and sense of aesthetics of the person having them.
Gamer tattoos, on the other hand, are not only degenerate trash, but also fucking embarrassing trash.
What the fuck motivates a person to get tattoos?
beethoven>brahms>chopin>bach>tchaikovsky >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mozart
are all of the points you try to make as empty as that one?
>degenerate trash
Is this satire?
This is the sort of faggot that calls you a nazi and threatens to punch you if you are opposed to mass immigration or say that trannies are not women.
You forgot to upload your picture, Chad.
It's codeine syrup mixed with a drink of your choice. It turns purple which is why it's called purple drank. It slows everything down for me and makes everything so mellow.
No, I'm a lil boy
It metabolizes to morphine in all races pharmacodynamics
I was DUDE posting as long as I can remember but ended up developing schitizphrenia over the last 2 years. My doctor convinced me to try smoking pot to calm myself during episodes and help ease into the reality that I'll be living in until I die. Im already on anti-psychotic medication, they just keep certain symptoms at bay rather than cure or silence the mental illness completely, so I was more than interested then first time I smoked some DUDE about a month ago. As a teenager I never tried it due to knowing I had schitziphrenia in my family and that smoking weed as a teenager could unmask dormant symptoms, but now that I essentially got Terry-brain I dont mind the idea of relaxing and smoking a joint once every 2 or 3 days. Granted I've seen how some people get really fucking annoying so I plan on sticking tons strict "not everyday" rule. Sorry bros this was a pointless post, I'm just rambling because I figured it seemed worth noting
Oh yeah, and video games
A massive part of your looks are things you can control, as in your weight, skincare, hairstyle , facial expression and general grooming
The fact you immediately resorted to "I can't control my looks" tell me you're just another unshaved neckbeard, so I'm just going to discard your opinion into the trash where it belongs
No, it isn't. People getting ink on their own skin depicting without any licence some character from multibillion corporations, on the other hand, should be.
>Hans Landa
>laughing nazi.gif
Is that an ironic filename?
I have Roy koopa on my big toe.
You actually use the word 'degenerate'?
im saying tattoos are seen as trashy by a good few people. you very much could avoid looking like trash to this degree
that's my opinion. I agree with the poster you initially replied to.
you take offense to that and want to judge someone based on some inane thing that occurs naturally because what is the alternative?
adding permanent unga bunga markings to your skin is different than neglecting to shave for a day or whatever other stupid thing you want to attack.
>no gods
there is literally an episode where rick outsmarts the literal fucking devil
Assign it whatever stupid meaning you want, I will always look down on people who have tattoos.
>doctor suggests pot for schizophrenia
Fucking doubt. Literally the worst thing you could possibly do when your grip on reality is tenuous at best is take something that makes you edgy and paranoid.
Rick also explicitly says there's no god.
Though he also gets really pissy nobody is celebrating Jesus.
Rick isn't very consistent.
>im saying tattoos are seen as trashy by a good few people
Only old conservative people and maybe people who live in 3rd world countries or something. I haven't met anyone who doesn't like tattoos. The only place I've lived where tattoos were looked down upon was Japan, most Japanese young people liked them and wanted them, but also thought they were scary.
the whole show isn't consistent, which is why it baffles me when people say it's nihilistic, it's obviously just two guys getting drunk and writing then voice acting their ideas
At different rates because of different genetic factors one of which is race
he also prays to god when he's about to die
since youre going to cop out and just assume idiocies, ill bet you either have autism (no self-awareness) or you're a fat whale that no one wants to talk to anyway.
I don't even know what that post is supposed to say. ESL?
>Doesn't live in a state or country where it's legal
In my city there is a delivery service that will go to you in under an hour.
for a long time i thought tattoos were stupid, but i had an epiphany. a ton of people here don't give a shit about their appearance, what they wear, or how others view them, but i think there's a sharp difference between someone who's just lazy vs. someone who confidently doesn't give a shit, and getting the absolutely most retarded gamer/weed420 tattoo like the OP picture in a hideable is one of the peak ways i could imagine to show that you are firmly in the latter territory without also ruining your career prospects.
thanks for reading and god bless
Guess I have a shitty doctor. It was after we tried numerous anti-anxiety medications to balance with the anti-psychotics and he simply recommended I try it and see. I've smoked less than 10 times in the month since but its not necessarily uncommon for schitziphrenics to smoke pot to help deal with stress and anxiety before it can lead to a psychotic episode
it's not surprising that you're illiterate. you've painted that image fairly enough.
are you purposely trying to help boost my confidence or something?
let's see those tattoos
I mean, you're the one who types exclusively in lowercase and is only now beginning to use puctuation. But go off, I guess.
intelligent men have for centuries acquired a taste for the finer things, and a disdain for trash.
Really seems like Bulbasaur is getting the raw end of the deal here
>in the latter territory without also ruining your career prospects
Maybe if your career prospects include being a server. Those are the only places who seem to care about tattoos anymore. There are more people with tattoos in my office than not, a few even have face tattoos. Nobody cares anymore dude, the world has moved on from the 80s.
all i'm saying is that there seems to be plenty of people who respect diogenes more than alexander, yet still strive to be alexander rather than diogenes.
that's what you want to attach your points to?
you argue like a woman.
clinging to something completely arbitrary to the point of our discussion in some small semblance of hope that I would cave in.
you can type in what you perceive as a proper format on this Mongolian basket-weaving forum if that's what makes you feel smart but your lack of any real point will always be your undoing.
Why yes, I do in fact have some Gamer ink, being a hardcore gamer and all. I’m surprised you noticed really.
>308 replies.
308 replies, sure, but almost all of them are
>Tattoos are for degenerates
You're the one who brought up illiteracy, friend. But carry on typing like a retarded phoneposter if it makes you feel like a big man.
>your lack of any real point will always be your undoing
Your point was literally 'I don't like tattoos therefore nobody does' when this is clearly not true as evidenced by the vast majority of the western world.
But carry on, tell us whereabouts you live and the other places you've lived in the past that has given you this unique insight into what people really think.
Man I know, I mean I am high RIGHT NOW and still, Jesus, 308...
go back
>world gets stupider by the day
>ton of people get tattoos now
Every drug has its' culture, weed is just a normie "drug" so that's why you see it so often
It gives them the "I'm a rebel" feeling while being completely safe to consume and pretty much normalized by now
I fucking love weed, it's my favourite thing in terms of drugs or alcohol but I hate stoners if only because they are so dull
It's not the worst culture, meme drugs like cocaine are worst than weed people
>look forward
>tattoo gets all scrunched up and looks like shit unless you look up at all times.
I like your point but im not sure that getting a happy face tattoo on your ass is comparable to the philosophy of diogenes
Yes. A darkest dungeon/queen tattoo on my forearm.
Acquire apathy
How has no one notice the penis.
Says the phoneposter
Am I the only one who automatically filters out people who have any sort of visible tattoo in public? Like I instantly have no respect for you at all and there’s literally no act you can perform that will make me like you in any way. If you’re a girl I’ll assume you’re a slut and if you’re a guy I’ll assume you’re a pothead or criminal.
>Have 4 tattoos
>get complements from people all the time
Stay mad Yea Forums
Post them faggot
>people with tattoos compliment each other, to try and cope with not facing the reality that it looks shit
The people who give you complements are probably brain dead roasties who own pit bulls and only date 6 foot tall drug dealers but ohhhh I guess I’m just an incel who should have sex or dilate or something right? Burn in Hell.
>have one (1) but big (for you) tatt
>even people without tatts compliment me
feels good mang
Fucking this, can't believe people here use the "u never gonna get a job buddy" argument.
Tattoos are for degenerates and Reddit. OP should go back there.
I have the FOX logo on one arm and Shinkawa art of Big Boss on the other
Please please do something better with your life than pretend degenerates don't belong here
t. closeted redditor
>smoke weed
>see and hear horrible things
>everyone calls me a fag and doesnt believe me
>year later find out I have schizophrenia
>Not making an imp midna tattoo end at her vagina
30 year old boomer here. Spent $800+ on a music-related chest piece this summer. first ever piece of ink and it was fucking painful. No fucks given though, since I'm tall, skinny and still have all my hair.