>the better you play, the more the game penalizes you
Yeah no. Masterpiece my ass. This is a legit 4/10.
Fuck this fucking piece of garbage GOD FUCKING HAND THREAD
The better you play, the more the game penalizes you
Other urls found in this thread:
Cock and Ball Torture
just grovel when it gets too hard
I want to have anal sex with Olivia!
never used groveling, rather lose fair and square, my first normal run was a massive kick in the balls, especially during Azel first fight
I did use save state in my later run so that I could get all technique thanks to an higher score, newgame+ would have be great.
Also fuck the demon bosses they are not fun at all
Hey hey people
post em
game keeping up a constant challenge level is not bad design for an action game like god hand. if you want mindless gratification go play cookie clicker.
fucking kill yourself
Gradius used the same system.
Demon's Souls used the opposite for maximum trolling.
God Hand should be played on Hard anyhow, the game is pretty simple on Normal because you can just throttle the game down to Level 1 and 2 when you're doing badly and the enemies become easier. Plus, since the enemy changes the speed of their attacks on Hard and Easy moving between the two can be jarring.
I guess. Demon Elvis is fun, he's not too hard once you get him down. Demon Shannon was a fucking joke, she was wayyyy to easy and having a mechanic that lets you slide under her and hit her weak point is stupid, plus a fucking consistent Strawberry drop makes the fight trivial. Demon Belze is just kind of boring as well. Even his second form wasn't that great.
The worst boss in the game was the electric dude in Stage 4, all you do is dodge left and right when he does his straight and you can win the fight without taking any damage. Even when he rushes off to shoot his missiles you can rush into him and he'll eventually stop those missiles and you can keep beating him easy.
This. But Elvis is great
more like >the worse you play, the more consumables the game drops
You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.
This thread is about to die with only 13 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.
Fuck off
>Yea Forums thinks this is great game still to this date
yeah, that's gonna be yikes from me. how about you unequip those nostalgia goggles you freaking ps2 zoomers.
God Hand is unique good 3D beat'em up
>I am so le hardcore xd the dork souls of ps2
Nice video. Thanks for prooving this garbage is piss easy to beat.
Had fun back in the day, still have fun playing it now unlike 80% of the games of the same genre we have now. it's hard until you develop two IQ stop crying.
Moshi moshi master please