Can we please address the origin of Metroid Prime, how it fits in the timeline, and how it makes absolutely no sense?
>There are no Metroids on Tallon IV when the Chozo live there >Yet inside the impact crater that the Chozo sealed is Metroid Prime, so it must have come from somewhere else >The Leviathan crashed into Tallon IV 50 years before the game, and the pirates got to Talon IV 47 years after the crash >The pirates couldn't access the impact crater, but they knew that Metroid Prime, (or a unique life force) was in it >The pirates never reported any Metroids escaping, and any that did were killed > A Metroid wouldn't have been able to get into the impact creator, so Metroid Prime couldn't have been brought by the space pirates >This means that Prime came from Phaaze, therefore Metroids were on Phaaze 50 years prior to the game taking place. This is also verified by the Prime husks in the Genesis Chamber on Phaaze >Yet the Prime 3's logbook says Phazon Metroids, (the kind found on Phaaze), are based on a Tallon Metroid Strain
So this is the apparent timeline Metroids are on Phaaze > Metroid Prime comes to Talon IV from Phaaze > The Metroids that the space pirates brought to Tallon IV eventually become Phazon Metroids > These Phazon Metroids are brought to Phaaze
Seriously, what the fuck? I mean this could get Ret con'd in Prime 4 if it is ever released, but I doubt it.
I don't know why you're hung up on the space pirates not being able to access impact crater. Their logs talking about Metroid prime and how it kept adapting to and assimilating their weapons during phazon testing assumes that they helped create Metroid prime. I don't recall the exact logs, but I'd go back and read them all if I were you.
Samuel White
I assume it was from Phaaze due to the husks you see there but it is weird how they explain everything, right down to how shooting the doors works, yet Metroid Prime is a mystery.
Maybe the Phazon Metroids weren't found on Phaaze until Dark Samus took them over? But there were other Metroids.
Connor Hernandez
Those logs were changed in the PAL version and later versions. Makes sense how the pirates couldn't get in if the chozo had already sealed it but doesn't explain anything else.
James Anderson
Those logs were changed in the later versions, and are not used in the Trilogy, so they are considered non-canon.
There would be even more plot holes if they kept those logs in.
Joseph Watson
They were one of W.D. Gaster's experiments and the blip in the timeline is to erase any evidence that He is the one responsible for Metroid Prime.
Owen Nelson
But the Metroids on Phaaze are said to be Tallon Metroids, which the space pirates brought to Tallon 47 years after the Leviathan crashed. And since the pirates couldn't access the impact crater, it means the Metroid/Prime was already in the Leviathan Seed.
But the Metroid's on Phaaze are said to have started as Tallon Metroids, meaning the Space Pirates/ Dark Samus brought them to Phaaze. 50 years after the Leviathan hit.
Jacob Allen
It's quite cool, while its hanging it looks like a face, and once it's down it has another face on it.
Why do you say that? The first phase looks a lot like a Hopper Metroid, and the second stage looks a lot like a regular Metroid.
Dominic Wright
>imagine unironically giving a shit about the lore of a game about saving the galaxy from the evil space pirates from out space Metroid virgins are truly special
Zachary Bailey
>Imagine caring about the story of a piece of media
What do you even play? Fifa?
Camden Foster
Go back to your Marvel films.
Luis James
Shit can clearly leak out of the leviathan or the phazon wouldn't continue to spread on tallon IV. I don't think it's unreasonable to think the cipher isn't absolute
Jaxon Hill
that entire fight gave me nightmares back then
Luke Wood
But there where no Metroid's on Tallon 4 before the Leviathan. So how would Prime have got inside the Impact Crater, if it didn't come from Phaaze?
The Phazon corrupted the planet, from the inside out. Unless the Metroid can tunnel through earth. Which they can't since they're kept behind basic shielded glass.
Jeremiah Peterson
The Chozo created the metroids. There just happened to be some leftover metroids from their early experiments when the Tallon IV Chozo ascended. Then the meteor hit, metroid prime and the phazon metroids are created. 47 years later the space pirates arrived with a different strain of metroid. Boom, problem solved.
Charles Green
There is no Lore that says Chozo on Tallon IV created or used Metroids, or that any Metroid were on Tallon IV before the pirates. The Metroid were created by the Chozo on SR388 to kill the X Parasite, which wasn't on Tallon IV. Tallon IV's Chozo wanted to escape technology, if you remember the Chozo Lore Logs.
Brody Miller
Western metroid was a mistake I was hopeful about prime 4 because it was going to be a japanese game but now that retro is making it I dont really care anymore
Jaxon Flores
There would be no Metroid anymore if it wasn't for Western Developers
Plus Prime 4 was going to be made by a fucking Singapore company before Rare got it.
Isaac Adams
I guess thats true Damn it Japan you were cooler in the 80s when you loved scifi Im still going to check MP4 but after 3 my expectations are not high