What shit idea
Woah... so deep...
It's a video game you retatrd
Clannad illustrated this idea much better
Hey, man, Millenials are starting to finaly understand the concept of growing old.
Wow so deep. I hate modern times. I sure hate fucking video games too. Look what its done to us.
But lol what lol if lol vidya lol was lol like lol real lol life lol?
How come every person that makes a webcomic (except Nedroid) is a tremendous faggot?
stonetoss is based though
>stonetoss is a tremendous faggot though
lol what if video game was real life
haha get it guitar hero!
God all those bands fucking suck
Is Panera any good? One just opened a couple blocks away here
this comic has no actual value
since it took electricity to both create and upload, the creation was actually detrimental and whoever made it should be ashamed for being so wasteful
Animal crossing kinda does that, right?
You come back after a while and theres weeds everywhere because everyone is too fucking stupid to take care of their yard.
us gamers right?
Classic music sucks
>using wifi
>using a laptop
Do you even like music, holy fuck
>playing online games over wifi
Now that's some strong autism.
Hi Yea Forums
Man, what a humongous faggot.
as much as i dislike xkcd, you must admit its impressive he managed to bootyblast so many people with this one
>if i make extremely obnoxious statements people are going to be mad
wow ebin
True, but I argue that it's more annoyance than bootyblast.
If you don't want to drink something, you're not forced to. Don't act like you're being forced to.
How autistic can you be?
It's because he's right
I'd rather just fucking drink something harder and chase it
these are both true. i suppose being on here for so long i have begun to confuse genuine obnoxiousness with deliberate trolling.
true, but its only because he thinks he’s right. how much of a pretentious know-it-all do you have to be to think beer just “taste bad” and anyone saying it doesnt is the liar. what a faaaaaasaaaaaasag
id beat my gf up if she ever did this
>stable connections are autism
>bootyblast: verb
>1. to make oneself look like such a colossal söy guzzling faggot that one's very existence annoys people
>2. to spray a woman's posterior with semen
Ah, yes... octochannel... my favorite video game.
Wi-Fi can be perfectly stable.
I dont get it... someone who plays guitar hero would definitely know Metallica
When will infinite come back, FUCK
good thing you'll never have a gf
Especially because Metallica was in one of the most successful GH games, that being 3 with One. It's amazing how he fails even at that.
Is the "censorship" isnt "censorship showin u muh dooorr" fedora guy? If not he is using the same font.
Well Played.
>browsing Yea Forums using a controller
Whoa... Epic...
Yes fag I do and I can say what’s shit and all that crappy dad music is shit
Based nachos are more important than vidya
Jesus. I know you're constantly wrapped in cynicism and irony because you believe anything sincere is reddit but could you chill just a little bit? Just relax and see a small bit of humor in something for once? Or does everything have to be bitter at someone else's expense for you to enjoy it?
How normal can you be?
Metallica wasn't in part one which this one is clearly referencing with freezepop you stupid fucks.
>Jesus. I know you're constantly wrapped in cynicism and irony because you believe anything sincere is reddit but could you chill just a little bit? Just relax and see a small bit of humor in something for once? Or does everything have to be bitter at someone else's expense for you to enjoy it?
>see a small bit of humor in something for once?
I won't pretend that something is funny
Right up until it's not. Now get out of here, Wi-Fi Alliance shill.
Wow this is literally me!
Has nothing to do with irony, retard. It's a bland, overdone type of comic with some unnecessary social commentary foisted in to boot.
What the fuck
dude that one feels kinda weird even in not ironic way
Where exactly is it funny? I guess I don't drink enough söy to be able to understand this pissweak numale humor
>Yea Forums
Your retard
>He still hasn't bought a fightstick for Yea Forums browsing
Poorfag cope
I actually laughed
Well of course a wojaknigger doesn't have a soul
Why does he sound like a retard no matter what he says? Violent video games dont make violence yet by simply reading that I am beginning to question my OWN VIEWPOINT!
Something meant to be funny is supposed to be funny. OP is the opposite of funny: It's "so what".
I wish I had some soma right now.
Yea Forums seething over Fallout not being made for them anymore always does something special for me. It's heartwarming that they can't even get mad at this comic without validating it
>watch old movie
>its just a bunch of rotting skeletons because all the actors died long ago
Dude, remember when Romeo called Juliet on his smartphone?
literally just a Panera joke behind fake sappy shit presumably
Never had a problem with Fallout 4's gunplay, the leveling/skill system and the difficulty is fine. The main problem is the butchering on the RPG aspects making it more akins to the Borderlands "Shoot and Loot" game model but with crafting mechanics and a garbage story crowbar'd in. Not to mention the power armor and deathclaw are sprung on you from the start ruining any chance for authentic progression
It's fine that Matt's having fun, but his enjoyment of the flanderized version of a game that you could enjoy in 50 other franchises only enables the company to continue to pander to that audience and make something actually bad, like Fallout 76
Uhh what the fuck?
>t. Ethan Catt
Fuck off. Lack of quality is lack of quality. Get over it our opinions. Why do they hurt you?
>mediocre games that just offer a bit of mindless fun are a good thing because then more faggots can enjoy it without having to think a lot
Such much cope. So much delusion. Makes me sad.
who'd have thought it, video games aren't real life
Yea Forums hates XKCD so much because everyone here is a drooling retard so the only move they can do is acting like an elementary school bully mocking other people for being smarter.
I see no humor in a mentally ill person thinking games change with time, only pity.
>Hold the universe in the palm of your hand
>Adversity for you is some guy on a bus spreading his legs too wide
Doesn't that just make you a petty person?
Rent free. I put a lot of hours into Fallout 4, they were good hours. Literally don't care about retarded shit like whether or not jet is a post war drug or not and what ghoul lore is supposed to be, as long as the game is fun and superficially the cool Fallout wasteland setting who cares.
Wouldn't a pretentious pseudo-intellectual like him that pretends to be knowledgeable in programming not understand how programs work?
>Keys and teeth
Riiiiiight. Muslims hunt in packs Afemen...
now post the edit
Someone change it so he is asking then blu best to be his “gf” haha wouldn’t that be funneh
>I need my fursona to be strong
"Bro just turn your brain off and don't care about the RPG aspects in this traditionally RPG franchise being significantly worse than before. Just look at the shooting, it's not like there's a million other franchises that have the main focus on shooting instead of being an RPG, just let players who want to play a shooting game have this franchise too!"
Oh shut the fuck up. I havent even seen this series and I already seen what its made of in this one shitty pic alone. Katana has special advantages? Ok fine. Id rather have shapeshifting mold weapon. I assure you if I had the shapeshifting mold this would be a very different fight. I would never face a faggot like this head on for one. Traps and suckerpunches bitch. Why cant Japs make good fights anymore? Do all antagonists lack common sense?
And somehow his characters have the same facial structures and style that the white guys he despises so much
This is unironically correct and warranted though. Skeeves who make women (or anyone really) uncomfortable in public and who try to force flirty sexual bullshit wherever they go are reprehensible.
excuse me
I know, right? Like, if I had the idea that every time I put in Space Jam, and Michael Jordan is still like 26 years old in that movie, and none of the Looney Toons retired from basketball after the Space Jam, I'm like, "Why aren't they older than when I last saw them?" That's pretty zany!
>Marvel movies are more representative of art then traditional masterpieces by format defining artists
>It's more important to be able to draw in a "non-bigoted" way than to make an actually inspired piece of art
Who the fuck made this comic?
>that “girl” with the beard
Kek wow isn’t he so “woke”
comfy idea desu
This is actually pretty funny, fuck is up with y'all cynical shits?
I am curious as to who actually reads XKCD?
Half of the comics I have seen look like him trying to appear smart because he read about a topic on Wikipedia for 20 minutes.
>this was 9 years ago
where the fuck does the time go
>Gamers aren't violent
>If you say we are we will kill you
I wish I had this level of disconnect from reality, seems fun.
Why manspreading is such a huge problem to the "feminists"?
That's just unironically false. Lmao. How delusional do you have to be to make obviously false statements just to defend your moronic values? You've been brainwashed.
Why is Gigachad there?
>Get to do it all over again
Sounds comfy.
Then make your own damn game Ethan! Inclusiveness can ruin a franchise especially a heavily lored one! We need good story in a game that was founded on good story! Why am I giving you the time of day Ethan. Idological problems can only be resolved by majority or violence and since neither is viable now I am over it. Its human nature.
Jesus Christ. How dare a teacher try to, y'know, teach. God forbid.
Someone needs to whup this faggot's ass within an inch of his life to give him some perspective.
>game world changes as the game ages
This would be really awesome in a sandbox game. Imagine putting it down for a few years and coming back to a town that's not what it used to be.
What a hideous woman.
It really makes you think
el oh el
we live in a society...
Someone who is real damn delusional and got brainwashed by his legitmately racist parents who told him whites=satan.
>When you find out something you liked is actually problematic
this makes loss look like Shakespeare. What fuck.
what the fuck are they even implying
>Lol who needs white education amarite guys(female/male)
>Collects welfare
I used to read it all the time because I thought it was funny, but now that I indisupatably know like 2x as much math as I'd thought Munroe had known, it has become blindingly obvious that he never knew any at all.
If he hate the dead white male so much, why didn't he learn art from the dead asian guy.
The fucked with that comic should of been him saying it was about the message
the fuck.
>why does a retard sound like a retard in his self insert fantasy story
me as a 2d woman (male)
>take standard shitpost
>illustrate it
>make the same joke over and over again
>pander to the same echo chamber that made the joke
Jesus calm down there tumblrina all they just have the legs opened
Do you disagree with me when I say that it's inappropriate to make sexual advances on a stranger in public?
Had a kinda similar story except about chemistry with his comics.
If 2D waifus ever got rights they would probably sue the feminists for stereotyping them.
>best selling comics
but the best selling comic in America is written by a Japanese man about Japanese people
Old game good
Honestly hate those kind of comics.
Not as much as the look isn't it so relatable haha
I wasn't referring to that bit, but yes, it is also rude to spread your legs wide on public transit no matter who you are or who is sitting next to you. Have some fucking manners, no one needs your crotch presented to them.
Actually based
I'm not from burgerland, what the fuck is a panera
Post yfw you are not Smogon
Yes they do.
I feel your pain. This place is full of sjws, faggots, children, soigolems, and the shittiest shills I've ever seen in my life. I can't wait for eight to come back. The threads here suck and evoke no original thought. Everyone just replies with memes or non-sequiters and the sheer amount of glow in the dark and summer fags is mind blowing. This place is Redditumblr 2.0.
Among the most correct comics he has ever made.
Daddy never loved them so all men live rent free in their heads
So much soul, but it still makes me mad that it says pepis instead of apu.
I would imagine that he's probably very knowledgeable about computers and not about anything else, and has the typical code monkey delusion that "I studied computer science" implies "I am a scientist."
>implying i have a crotch
Seethe more tumblrina tranny sperging out about this won’t make u a woman cope
That's literally not the concept. It's about how media is a window into another time which is the basis of nostalgia. We use nostalgic pursuits to occasionally escape the passage of time. The comic is literally just pointing that out with a throwaway "what-if" scenario. Can't believe I have to explain this
And we've come full circle, because that makes you a skeeve.
>buzzword buzzword
Is this the power of 8c
Even then I doubt the depth of his knowledge in actual computer science.
peach has saggy tits in the 2nd panel
He-he yeah, I'm having so much fun...
One of the worst posts I've ever seen. You seriously, unironically need a fucking hugbox to enjoy yourself on the internet?
You ARE what you hate and you HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IT. We're excited for you to GO BACK just as much as you are. Fucking disgusting pieces of trash.
Except for Ethan this is thread is pretty ok. We are getting an influx though. They will eventually leave though. We outlasted them in Gamergate and that was when they were organized, had hired hands ri assist, and had the Mods constantly looking out for them. An influx this size aint any worse then that. /pol/ got hit worse.
What you gonna do about it nerd?
I'm gonna go hop on a train and spread eagle cross the block.
please have sex before you hurt somebody
DONT FUCK WITH US. Or I'll kill people.
>hey I like PBR
>gonna call you a faggot if you don't like PBR too!
>user you responsed the wrong guy is the shill
I just want a furry board
He fus ru dahs but nothing gets thrown back.
Reminder to everyone that if you unironically buy into the bullshit spewed on this website, this type of guy is who is selling it to you.
I'm not going to do anything, you can do as you please. Just remember that only a social failure would purposely defy cultural manners and norms only to be obnoxious.
It's called having balls that occupy space between your legs. Why do feminists have to make all male behaviour about dick psychology?
Fuck off zoomer, xkcd is actually good.
> sincere
this guy understands the premise of computers, and the idea that fiction is fixed once it's written.
He's not actually surprised to see things haven't changed.
I legitimately don't understand what he's trying to say. It doesn't confuse me and therefore make me angry, it just... confuses me. We get it. Time is passing.
So you admit to being a cog within the societal norms? Break free instead of being just another nobody.
And spread eagle cross the block!
if there's one comics need more it's women without beards
This is your typical infinity poster. When will the purge come?
Okay, this one's actually pretty funny.
This one's actually clever
Shut up Ethan, you can't take away people's right to be assholes
Dude your balls aren't the size of fucking grapefruit. This is not an actual argument. Sounds like you're insecure and want people to think there's more down there than there actually is.
>not denying being a tranny
Hahah u can go back to tumblr anytime u filthy ugly hamplanet u will never be a girl cope more u annoying faggot
No one cares about ur shitty social justice spiel here but ur free to kys anytime
I remember the porn of this.
It was good when it was a local bakery that went by the name, “St. Louis Bread Company”. Then B*stonians bought everything and ran it into the dirt.
I hated post-modernism...
But now I know
This place has also become post-modern
Animal crossing.
He's right, though. Even the most expensive shit tastes like piss, some types of wine are fine with a meal but by itself it taste like ass. We drink under a social contract. It is literally the only time we are allowed to act like kids.
ok but who are these people
i don't understand
Who the fuck is ethan? Go fuck yourself you fucking moron. I bet you're this idiot which just makes so clear that you think this is some kind of fucking war. Just pathetic. You need a new hugbox, but god am I glad that your little playpen fell down so that now we can give you a taste of truth.
Yup, entry level boring shit.
Except Queen.
>containment boards are a bad thing
You seem to have some form of paranoid delusion going on here. You should probably see a doctor about it.
You have the mental capacity of a 12 year old. Come back in 6 years when you can handle a discussion without buzzwords.
Queen are the epitome of entry level boring shit.
But he's the one with spanish/conquistador blood the teacher looks germanic
You have to be joking
Are you that wifi faggot, ruining all games in ps4 lobbys???
Are you that drooling retard that buys a laptop for gaming??`
Holy fucking shit haha I can't believe it fucking kill yourself
That's fucked up but at least he doesn't have a sex fetish
no you see she's conventionally attractive normally but she makes exaggerated and wacky/ugly expressions intentionally, so you know she just happens to be attractive but she's not obsessed with it or anything! she's quirky and fun just like us!
>Mario Kart somehow no older than Link's Awakening
One time I masturbated to sex.
This comic turned me into an atheist
Containment boards hide filth from the general public, which stomps out filth and corrects it. If you stepped in dog poo, would you put your shoe in a box so that you stopped smelling the shit? No, you'd wash your fucking shoe.
Wasn't this the concept behind the Mushroomy Kingdom stage in Smash Bros?
Times moved on and now shits a desert
god this turned into a trash fire fast
Just leave tranny no one is going to jerk u off for being a social justice faggot here why do fags like u even bother coming to the site u know people don’t like ur kind around here right
Funny when I named you as the author of You got all mad. I wonder why? Why would you get mad at me accusing you of being Ethan Catt. Whats wrong with Ethan Catt? He seems like you agree with him... Ethan Catt
Why is his ear talking?
Queen fucking is the most boring music ever are u an old person?
One of you is baiting, but cmon, like all food, you have to taste it multiple times to learn the taste, you can't like all food instantly. Or, you can, but if you think that way about all food, that if you don't like it instantly it's shit, you are fucking underage and no beer for you.
Beer tastes fucking good, git gud.
Why do you come here if it's clearly not your crowd or attitude?
Is this the "it's perfectly fine to kill males of that act like shit according to my views, even though I'm Male myself" artist
Then get over to /trash/ and start stomping, brother
I wish I had these people's ability to ultimately take everything in an optimistic way. Must be pretty comforting.
Do you live under a rock? I envy you
Anyway you're telling me your ear doesn't speak?
one of these days zoomer
bang, zoom, straight to the moon
>You can't enjoy things I don't allow.
What a hypocrite. She worships the kike and doesnt know it.For some reason this reminds me how much better Explorers of Sky would be if you could romance your opposite gendered partner.
How would slapping my nostalgia for Space Jam onto the original comic not have the same effect? because it would be less boring
So this is what the gay agenda is gay pokemon marriage and sonic mpreg interesting
Posting this in a LOL thread was not the best plan
Delete this anti semitic comic
why yes
You can learn to do that silly user.
Of course, learning isn't probably one of your strengths.
I'm pretty sure my microwave does jackshit to the wifi-signal in my house. Do I own a super microwave, or a dopped-up router or something?
I can't tell if this is satire. Someone please send help.
What's this even trying to say
everyone needs a Fat Kevin in our lives
Have they actually killed anyone or shot anyone?
and how's that a bad thing ?
Go dilate. Just remember that you'll never pass.
What a fucking cuck
why would the wifi go out when using the microwave?
Honestly why do so many people think gatekeeping is bad?
Fuck shitters and their shit opinions.
>It's fun if the guy who explodes is a white heterosexual male
Fat Kevin looks like a fun dude to hang with.
Fat Tranny looks like an obnoxious douche
>I want a safe space
It's not. The dude who draws the comics is legitimately insane.
People outside Europe never seem to get that Europe has several distinct cultures and racial groups that have been murdering each other for most of recorded history. A unified "white race" only exists in propaganda.
In other words, the conquistadors were German, and the spics are the native people of Mesoamerica.
Fat Kevin didn't kill everyone at the party so it doesn't really seem like a double standard to not want her there.
Also Fat Kevin seems like a cool dude I would bound some brewskies with.
I want to imprengate the cat. How should I an hero anons? Am I worthy of a samurai death?
Wifi works on an 801.1g/n band radiofrequency. Microwaves release an 801.1g/n RF that interferes with the wifi RF when its running
No you can't. Not really, anyway. It comes down to how you are predisposed to approach situations, which is something pretty ingrained in your personality. You can at most hide it under layers of mental crap.
>Of course, learning isn't probably one of your strengths
I do enjoy learning. I don't think this is something you can call learning.
Didnt Bikelock guy kill someone?
>gatekeeping is bad
Sureeee fag
This is true though
They really should rename this comic Poe's law illustrated
Yeah, they are bigger
I’ve never understood the desire to drink. Everyone I ask has never given me a good answer. The closest I got is “it removes the ego to more easily have fun” but how is that only possible while drinking? Same with with drugs and smoking. I genuinely dont understand it and after 23 years of life I doubt I ever will. It’s such a waste of money and health for basically minus benefit.
Err, 802.11g/n, my apologies
Even then the radiation of a microwave would have minimal impact on the wifi unless it was directly next to it.
I never got this one. Why does the girl automatically assume that everyone is on the same playing field? What if Racecar Johnny doesn't like physical contact, but respects his friend enough to shake his hand instead of giving him a hug? Is this just an epic strawman that we treat people differently, because... that's what we do?
>i have low standards and don't care so if you do care you're automatically wrong
>Fat Kevin leans into his ridiculous existence and uses it to have fun with his friends
>Fat Feminist takes herself way too seriously and demands that everyone hold her in high esteem for no good reason even though she has shit taste in Batman and spends time 10 feet away from disgusting furries
>that chart
i wonder who did it but he seemed pretty based
Lager is literally piss water. Bitter is real beer. Also your opinion on wine sucks, yeah there’s a lot of garbage but a good Bordeaux is one of the most pleasant drinks on the planet.
It tastes good and I like drinking up to the point where I get a minor buzz, you feel slightly numb and it's a good feel. I mostly drink alone, I don't give a fuck about how it makes me socially.
>but how is that only possible while drinking?
It's not, but drinking is one of the easiest ways to do it that isn't even bad for your health if not done to excessive amounts or too often.
Jesus christ I've never seen so much pathetic impotent cope in all my life, this comic made me cringe so hard I literally imploded and turned inside out
It's calling out the absurdity of the idea that God uses rainbows as signs when you can find them in so many places.
Depends. I have my router 20ft away from my microwave, and I do get some degree of packet loss when its running
Rare to find an user with good beer taste on Yea Forums, land of water and Monster Energy ©
I prefer a bourbon stout
these are hilarious
lorefags. When will they learn?
19, like two weeks ago. The Ohio one
>I am strong, proud, and don't need to prove shit you to so I'll constantly require outward validation and beat my chest to let you know i don't care what others think of me
8c fucking sucks, it was essentially containment for gamergate.
>Fus Ro Dah
I think it’s more like how guys usually greet say goodbye with a handshake to other guys while guys usaially say goodbye to girls with a hug maybe they wanted a some kinda high five or something instead retard
It smells like shit and that smell passed on to you when your drink it but if you think it tastes good I guess I can’t argue.
Is it really the ease? There’s less expensive and arguably just as easy ways. Like taking a bubble bath or some shit. That relaxes like every part of your body at the right temperature. No need to pay ridiculous amounts, moderate your use, your clean afterwards instead of smelly as shit, etc.
Honestly this doesn’t necessarily apply to you but I think it’s rather cowardly. Like you want to escape your own thoughts instead of facing them so you indulge in this garbage to make you numb to them.
Oh, so more "ackshually the rainbow is for us gays" seething
A society of the truly based, dammit. A society of action, not words, ruled by memes, not feminism!
>hat as hair
You could lost 10 things that don't make sense in this comic and you still wouldn't cover them all. For example, his gloves.
You're comparing two completely different feelings.
Why masturbate when you can brush your teeth?
>immortal racoons
Go on
See being a Brit to me a bourbon and a stout are two different things. So a bourbon stout is just a really strong version of stout?
hol up
I want her to manhandle me
Queen is fucking awesome and unique.
If only you would understand anything about music.... sigh, whatever.
I assumed the “buzz” was to feel a relaxing numbness. What kind of feeling does it evoke then?
Yeah you get the same ms as with an ethernet cable, the thing is that the connection is million times less stable. Just buy a fucking 25 ft ethernet cable and take an hour or so from your ebin game time to run a cable trough your house, or ask your dad to help you since you sound underage.
>being a straightedge
How digusting
drugs and alcohol remove that constant nagging desire to kill yourself, if only for a moment
Bourbon stout is a stout beer that has been kept in bourbon aging barrels, so it infuses the beer with the bourbon flavor, and some of its strength
It’s literally the most shallow shitty radio music ever u need to shut up fag it’s literally shitty generic rock or whatever it SUCKS
Anyone is worthy of a samurai death if they actually do it, that's the point. If you commit proper ritual suicide you die with honour.
Post more. Down the thread please. Ethan Catt is pissing me off.
So you've never actually experienced it?
I would suggest not making so many strong assumptions and projections about things that you have never experienced.
>Like taking a bubble bath or some shit
No, how can you compare the two? I personally like very hot showers as my method of choice to relax my body, but alcohol obviously has a chemical reason for it to do what it does. They are different ways to feel good. There's nothing wrong with engaging in multiple of them if you so wish.
>No need to pay ridiculous amounts
>moderate your use
>your clean afterwards instead of smelly as shit
Alcohol has an effect on me pretty quickly, so I don't even have to spend much, and you don't really get a smell at the amount you drink to get a buzz. You get a noticeable smell once you are into drunk-levels of drinking.
>Like you want to escape your own thoughts instead of facing them so you indulge in this garbage to make you numb to them
Any form of entertainment in general is done for that very purpose my man. By your logic, I could call you a coward too because you decide to use your bubble bath after a long and stressful day at work to forget about your worries. Where's the difference, exactly, with me deciding one day that I want to have a drink or two and get the same effect? What arbitrary metric are you using to decide how people may decide to make themselves feel good after doing their responsibilities?
Humor this small cannot be measured by humans user.
You have no concept of honor you filthy western pig
Go drink and found out retard
What's the red bat symbol that's being discussed? Batman Beyond?
I can't believe I read all that shit even though I don't even play Pokemon and this is what I get
I'll keep doing it and you'll just take it and cry about it on social media like a little bitch :)
Three out of the past four shooters were lefties. (The NZ one was an eco fascist accelerationist so you could say he was a righty)
What a boring person. Ironic
Who the fuck responds to a compliment with a hand grenade?
You can learn attitudes, I have also done so.
When you grow up, your personality can also change.
That sounds pretty gnarly
what the fuck, the entire french renaissance and beyond was fuelled by arrogance, that's one of our most distinctive traits even to this day
I'll take my five dollars thanks.
It doesn't have to make sense, it's written by a söy guzzling numale desperate for female attention and acceptance, what the fuck do you expect?
Who responds to a compliment with murder period. God feminists are so violent. Hope they never get ahold of any assault rifles
those are her arms and hands
Its decent, and far better than that watered down swill Guiness sells. Heres the one I drink. 11% of pure delicious ABV
>Shitty radio music
I don't have more of her, but I have White Korra among other things
god I'm glad to work as a butcher
The very first post I made explained that I haven’t and no one can give me a good reason why. Saying “just do it” is exactly what I’m talking about.
I highly doubt the feeling is unexplainable. Unique or not. Also
>assumptions and projections
Motherfucker literally every ticking human around me drinks, especially family. I’ve had to bear witness to its effects endless times. There’s no assumptions. O asked you to explain the feeing and what makes it worth it over other experiences and you seem unable.
I actually can't tell if the comic is intentionally supposed to be a strawman.
Is it fulfilling work, friend? If so I'm happy for you.
That fat cow is talking about batman beyond like she can fit in woth other people talking about batman with that smug shit eating grin but all she did was just watched a cartoon as a kid.
She seems like an absolute twat
This vegan is more redpilled than your average trump voter
>12 million
Remember the 24 million!
Welcome to postmodernism, it does this a lot
You know the comic is satire right?
>badass alt-right fag want a safe space
Amazing. We won't miss you, please go and stay go
Ahem Fuck the French
vichy vichy jij domme kikker vergeet het nooit
>make a strawman comic where you criticize your opponent for making a strawman
Also the guy in the comic didn't even make a strawman, his fallacy was a non-sequitur. Maybe the artist might have been able to see the layers of irony here if he got some protein to his brain
There's a lot of assumptions and projections.
Calling people cowards for liking something that relaxes them is dumb.
You're also asking people to explain feelings which might surprise you aren't exactly a thing you can properly describe to a person who hasn't experienced it.
Anyone else notice the attempt at extra brownie points for wheelchair guy?
you can't explain qualia you terminal autist
is that an edit ? i just dont know anymore
XKCD should stick to doing yearly internet maps, his humour sucks ass and his art never improves.
This creepy wanker was born in 1984.
He is, by definition, a millenial.
>Any form of entertainment in general is done for that very purpose my man.
You’re projecting. Any prices of entertainment I indulge in that makes me feel like my brain is on autopilot or turned off bores the shit out of me. I can agree that probably most people use it as escapism, which is fine, but most entertainment isn’t as risky as drinking you MUST admit.
That’s my problem. It’s a dangerous risky habit almost on the same level as smoking. I don’t actually think people who can moderate themselves should stop or off themselves or anything, but if it’s a such a risk I just don’t see the point. That’s my argument. I don’t get how the benefits outweigh the risks.
I just don't get why people like this game
It feels like you're just going through the motions, there's no skill, no decision making
But how isn't heterosexuality involved
but if the comic was made to satirize vegans, it would still be a strawman.... woah...
I hope if God does exist that he's like this
I need $5 to buy lunch
OI SHALOM REMBEMR THE 600 million goy
somewhat relevant
Actual mental illness and delusions
>trans people in sports
have been dominating
>trans people in military
40% suicide rate
what does she think a sword is?
It's okay, but overpriced for what you get. Come to think of it, that's true of just about every sandwich place. I wonder why?
Is the comic saying that all the oppressive statements are just sock puppets?
That's gen X you mouth breather
Millennials are gen Y
...Did this person's art actually get worse
reminds me of the world peace blurbs
This one's actually an edit, right? The original wouldn't have had the sock puppets.
I'm legitimately confused by this. Are they even criticizing men here? I mean they kinda are I guess...
By leftists themselves, yes. I'm mostly neutral, sometimes I lean right, sometimes left, but leftists tend to accidentally bite their own ass way more than people on the right do.
my mom will not die gtfoh
Yah have some real music faggot
It happens a lot
I said I think the action of trying to escape their thoughts is cowardly yes. If they were using means other than drinking I’d think it cowardly too. I don’t think it’s a sin or think someone’s a less human for it, but I do think it’s cowardly and you shouldn’t do it if able. You should always confront your emotions and thoughts to butter understand them and yourself. Call an action cowardly and a person “a coward” are not the same thing. Any one can commit a cowardly act by that doesn’t make them a coward. I also said it doesn’t necessarily apply to you and that goes out to anyone else not jawing the buzz to escape their own head.
>You're also asking people to explain feeling
We’re on a video game forum where people express how games make them feel literally every ducking hour I don’t think I’m asking much here. I’m not asking for a YouTube essay on the subject. Reach into your mind’s vocabulary and throw some words at me.
How do you faggots always fall for obvious bait?
Well yes and no. The artist just got body positive (fat)
>Your mind on calarts
>Any prices of entertainment I indulge in that makes me feel like my brain is on autopilot or turned off bores the shit out of me
Fine, but then what's the deal with the bath you mentioned? Pretty sure the whole point of taking a relaxing bath is that the "relaxing" part comes from making your brain stop working so hard and just take it one thing at a time.
>but most entertainment isn’t as risky as drinking you MUST admit
>but if it’s a such a risk I just don’t see the point
Maybe so, but if that's the case, then you should dislike the people who do get out of control with it, not the activity itself. If you are mentally unhinged, anything is going to make you overuse something to the point where the risks start showing themselves. I don't see how I'm putting anyone or anything at risk when I have a drink at my home, alone. I don't see how alcohol itself is to blame when someone does lose control, and not the person who lost control themselves.
Ugh. The chick even got stretch marks. Well, fuck.
>making nachos in the microwave
It's a pretty big trend of disregarding the opinion of a person of a group because it doesn't directly line up with your assumption of it.
Remember a friend of mine saying they trust a racist more than they do most of the progressives as they know how a racist will treat them.
Holy shit I thought that deathcore died already, what a shitty genre
I have heard this song already, just from another soulless band.
Here is some actual good music faggot
Why do you think they're called microwave OVENS?
No, it's just "lol isn't religion silly"
>I'll say what he wants is something that only [Bad people] want
You realize all that does is make him think you're idiots/shitposting right?
>wearing anything but black hoodies black ripped jeans and black combat boots
>performing a cowardly act doesn't make you a coward
Guess being violent doesn't make you violent
>black ripped
Shit taste. The best thing to go with a black hoodie are plain blue jeans, they help the contrast of your black hoodie better. Boots are also shit, just wear normal sneakers or something.
>he thinks microjew overs are comparable to a real oven
enjoy your shitty nachos
>Oh, so more "ackshually the rainbow is for us gays" seething
imagine seeing a picture of someone making fun of religion and getting mad at gays
What's your source for that, user?
Yes, that uses microwave radiation to rapidly remove moisture from inside the microwave to induce a thermal reaction in the food being microwave.
In layman's terms, it takes thr chips and makes them stale and rubbery as fuck
>Holy shit I thought that deathcore died already, what a shitty genre
That's not Deathcore though.
I don't actually like nachos to be honest, I just thought I'd point that out.
real talk though link has more than enough moves and items to be able to get through a dark souls game pretty easily, he can already dodge roll and side step really well, which is a lot of what you do in dark souls as it is to evade attacks, and link did eventually learn more techniques like parrying that are also essential
the text is higher on the right
>found out
yeah he's the retard here
There is one, furtard
Whatever subgenre shit spawn it is, just fucking burn it in fire.
Here is more music for you fucking faggot
Bless you user.
Someone post the dragon one
>/vp/ shills
>tries to act knowledgeable about music
>doesn't even know genres.
lmao I aint gonna listen to any of your retarded pleb shit.
This one vs the pail of water one, which is the ultimate boomer comic?
One day she will.
One day you will.
No u haven’t bet u didn’t even listen for more than 20 seconds sorry ur a deaf faggot
Based and sinceritypilled
the prison that epstein was at is a DOJ facility
everyone there is an employee of AG barr and donald trump
trump's employees killed epstein under trump's orders, and covered it up under his orders
Those are all fair points. Maybe It’s more frustration with people around me feeing the need use specifically alcohol combined with the fact most people around me are actually alcoholics. I lost my brother to a drunk drive once too.
I don’t like anything with unnecessary risk.
Sure I'll take that $5
it was just a coincidence stupid goy
>he doesn’t know what deathcore is
Pffft ur so retarded also no u haven’t the album just came out bet u only listened to it for like 10 seconds fuck off old fart
BEING violent makes your violent. If you perform one violent act in your entire life, does that make you a violent person?
>WAH WAH I want this place to be like my old place
>WAH WAH why arent you guys replying like I want
>WAH WAH stop posting things I don't like
>WAH WAH this is redditumblr 2.0
If your attitude isn't predisposed to 'learning', how are you supposed to learn? Besides, it doesn't work like that. You can be aware of optimism and optimistic thoughts, but it won't make you believe them. I don't see how anything could make you believe them. Any change in attitude only takes place during childhood, or in the most minor of ways.
/pol/ BTFO
>I click mouse/press trigger and shoot gun it makes sounds and color
It's not that complicated.
>hurr durr have good music
>faggot weeb shit
Yah no ur not allowed to speak on anything again
Yes. As if you didn't you wouldn't be violent.
>le keys between the knuckles for self-defense meme
I often wonder, who came up with that shit. Even normal punches with properly closed fist can often hurt your fingers, but sticking metal in there and striking with it? That's just asking for trauma, and for what, a slim chance of causing a laceration or poking an eye out (1 in a billion chance)?
>wearing blue jeans ever
Sorry virgins aren’t allowed to talk also if ur jeans aren’t skin tight ur a faggot
>can’t into boots
What if it was self defense or in defense of someone else? What if you were threatened at gun point? Single off hand incidents don’t decide an entire person, come on.
>you were never taught not to attack
What does that even mean? Any normal person is taught not to attack random people, thats a nigger thing to do. Also, there is more than enough space for her to spread her legs too, hes not even touching her
A violent person wouldn't have responded with violence.
This is how the song goes:
Ooh yeah baby piece and love!
Baby baby lets collect flowersssss!"
If at 1:14 mark you didn't wan't to tear your ears out, you are a emo faggot, please consider suicide.
Wow what a faggot
Where is the weebshit huh? Could it be in your image? Because I don't post no weebshit
I'm going to start doing this, thanks Pepe.
I think the idea is that you go for the eyes or the neck
Well you're in for a load of disappointment god is canonically a jealous hearted spiteful being who picks favorites and gives them special powers but not enough power to actually change anything for the better. And on top of all that people destined for hell get to go to heaven first and get wrapped up in a ball so god can personally kick them into hell
>pleb who knows nothing about music still trying to give opinions
lmao fuck off back to Yea Forums you retard. Maybe there you can pretend to know what you're talking about like everyone else.
I get you on some level, though I can't say my experience is as bad as yours. I nearly lost both my parents to a drunk driver. My dad recovered but my mom spent three months in a comma, took many years to recover and had a change in personality and motor skills that made her different, and is now considered disabled because she walks very slowly and is prone to mood swings. I still do not dislike alcohol itself as I have made clear, but I nevertheless have always avoided anyone who uses alcohol to an unhealthy degree, and I'd personally kill every person who decides to DUI if I had the ease to do it. In other words, my philosophy is to hate the retard who did something wrong, not the thing itself that made that fucker do it when so many other people are capable of handling it just fine.
God are u tone deaf that’s horrible here’s something actually nice on the ears
were western swords made via mold? i thought they were made by hitting a slab into a blade shape
Crummy pail of water is still undefeated as the apex boomer cartoon.
he made things burn faster? Damn
mmh it feels so good, it's rare you get to completely btfo 4 anons at the sime time except that...
Could it be? One salty faggot posting in anger?
Mr. superior music person, get a life
>Queen is shit
>Generic modern metal is good
>Basic bitch metalcore
Pathetic, indeed
Reminds me of the music taste of a certain faggot
>mediocre games that just offer a bit of mindless fun are a good thing because then more faggots can enjoy it without having to think a lot
if its not fun why bother
Seems you're the one that lives under a rock.
What the fuck? This makes absolutely 0 sense. He's still drawing in the western style, shouldn't this be about his culture's art in general, not just "drawing white people"? This is just dumb
>sodomizing giraffes is bad
What a fucking casual
unironically didn't read it first, am I a genius
see >I want this place to be like my old place
Except he didn't say that, he very clearly stated that he can't wait for cripplechan to come back, and presumably he will leave this behind.
>why arent you guys replying like I want
>stop posting things I don't like
You can't handle the very obviously true statement that the posting quality has gone down dramatically over the past few years?
>this is redditumblr 2.0
Reddit flooded in after the 2015-16 period.
Or millions of new users flooded in, the difference is inconsequential
I don't know why I'm even putting this little effort in, you're obviously just trying to bait (You)'s.
>superior music taste
>safe pick dad rock
Wow truly patrician levels.
Interesting you claim to BTFO people whilst clearly being so bootyblasted you have to constantly defend yourself.
>seething so hard u went deaf
I understand ur retarded but keep crying also there is nothing with being an emo
Here’s the actual Lyrics to the start so u can be outted as a total retard
Everyone that you love is dead
Unholy ghost of Crane's delirium
Trace the fear of your silhouette
You wanted madness
Undead ahead
Oh, how the wind, it whispers
The moonlit fog ignites
With Lucifer as witness
The pumpkin rides tonight
Crimson coagulates
Severed head bouquet
Body incomplete
Sealer of your fate
Crimson calligraphy
Written on the trees
Creature from the grave, Headless and hellbent for me
HOOOOOOOOLY SHIT Nazi guy's daughter looks like THAT?!?!?
Maybe right there in the post u posted retard
Wow, I never knew the Japanese could be unironic weebs themselves, being Japanese and all. But "Muh gorillion times folded superior Nippon steel" is the most stereotypical weebshit ever
Fuck off, Tycho
> most people around me are actually alcoholics.
Do you live in Russia or something?
>metal core
Just admit ur a retard who knows nothing about music stick to ur shitty dad rock and weeb music u retarded faggot and stay mad
Yah Queen is utter boring shit fon Old people
Sorry ur literally deaf, those lyrics to much for you to understand retard
It's called music, fuck weebs
That's pretty salty, but gotta go now, your last, pretty sad efforts made me smile one last time.
Hopefully you listen lot's of metal in the future, because that entry level bullshit is really bad. There's all kinds of metal in the world! This modern soulless metal born from deathcore and metalcore hurt the metal scene pretty badly, but hopefully you will get you tastes evolved. I recommend Nile, as that one is one of my favorite bands as a parting gift. Good day to you my little zoomers!
But have you seen their necks? So slender...
>I'm not mad, you are!
Why else you still replying pleb?
Also the last Nile album was shit and overproduced to the point you couldn't hear the drums.
That's correct though. Whether it creates problems of its own is a different discussion but that's factually not a violation of your free speech. This is also assuming you're attempting to actually say something and not just going into some random server shouting "nigger" for reactions instead of playing the game.
Worse. South Jersey.
I didn’t either but probably because I have read a Chinese pron today.
Ow... Sorry to hear that.
Yeah I’m my experience most people aren’t capable. I hate the fuckers who do it. It’s not like I hate the existence of alcohol despite what impression I made. I just have so little faith in the human race left I think, like a child, they should be stripped of shit they are too stupid to handle.
Is this a thinly veiled apocaliptic comic?
Jesus christ, I wanna know this is ironic. The shit I see outside the schools says otherwise but everything is ok and this user is being 100% ironic right? right?
Hey now, Boston's the shit.
Ever notice how these femenist comics are always about shit people literally never say and non-issues.
They see their insecurities as reality. There's gotta be a mental disorder for that.
the second one wasn’t even metal u fucking retard also someone who listens to cringe weebshit and Queen doesn’t get a say on metal u dumb faggot
>can’t handle undead ahead 2
>thinks they can say anything about the metal scene
Lmao fuck off here one last song bet u will cry about it to because u can’t handle shit
Yeah, it's called Paranoid Personality Disorder. They think everyone is out to get them, they think people are having ill thoughts about them all the time, they blame their problems on an invisible but "real" force that is acting against them...
shocking that people in this thread are defending the current state of this board
>I don't know why I'm even putting this little effort in, you're obviously just trying to bait (You)'s.
no I'm not and you're right the post quality has gone down and I do feel as if this place was flooded but it wasn't by reddit. It was from the people who came here after the 2016 election Yea Forums's inability to actually guide new users and teach them lead to its collapse poe's law and Rene Descartes quote "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company." Shows exactly why Yea Forums is getting worse it's inability to integrate "Newfags" makes it so any time a large amount of people come here they overwhelm its original population and it gets diluted
>want to go on vacation
>have no idea where to go or what to do
Yeah, mainly muslim lives.
it's cringe that you posted this and it hasn't been even a year. But I'm granting this (You) because it's solid advice I'm gonna try out for myself.
>white hair
No ripped back skin tight jeans and black bullet belts are the way to go lmao cry more
Literally it's "traitorous", if that helps! Fucking French faggot.
I bet it was a pole dancing class.
Iv'e hated XKC guy for a long time but never pin pointed why. I think it's cause he projects his fantasy world into the real world as if it's the way things should be.
>he never played RSE
Link would crush Dark Souls though
You sound really assmad
>I don't showe you it
pic a spa vacation,
hang out and eat great food and get massages for 7 days straight.
That has nothing to do with religions though. It's purely superstition.
Hahaha fuck
>I’ve never understood the desire to drink.
It tastes good faggot. I'm not planning on getting drunk everytime I drink a beer or some kind of alcohol.
That's stupid, I don't really like wine but I can see that there's plenty of different tastes.
why is she watching netflix with a controller?
ha ha ha, oh, my goggly goodness!
This guy's opinions on alcohol in general are fucking dumb. Remember, he also believes that anyone who enjoys the taste of beer is lying