Post the first game that comes to your mind when trying to think of a 6/10 game

Post the first game that comes to your mind when trying to think of a 6/10 game.

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Mass Effect 2

The legend of zelda: skyward sword


Gex 3

Super Mario Odyssey

Majesty 2

God of War 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2

Mad max

Halo 2 campaign

Breath of the Wild

Golden Sun.

Doom 2016

Your favorite game

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Max Payne 3

Gravity Rush
Dark Sector

the witcher 3
I'm generally not a hater but I couldn't enjoy it

6/10 game...
So better than Skyrim, but not actually good
Ah here we go

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FF Type 0

Shadow the Hedgehog

Duke Nukem Forever

every bethesda game

>Asks for 6/10 games.
>Every reply is 8-10/10 games.
Stay classy Yea Forums

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Gaylo: Combat devolved

Kingdom Hearts 3

DmC is a solid 6/10.

Any Yakuza game. The idea of it is more fun than actually playing it.

Need for speed (2015)

The original NIER

the evil within 2

>Skyward Sword
>God of War 2018
>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Halo 2 campaign
6/10, so that's a good 6/10
>Breath of the Wild
>Golden Sun.
>Doom 2016
>Your favorite game
>Gravity Rush
>the witcher 3
4/10, the second game would be a 6/10 though.
6/10, so that's a good 6/10
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Duke Nukem Forever
>every bethesda game
Morrowind is 6/10
>>Every reply is 8-10/10 games.
Bruh the only 8/10 so far is Golden Sun.
>Gaylo: Combat devolved
>DmC is a solid 6/10.
Devil May Cry 1 is a solid 6/10
DmC is like 2/10

I agree. Tameen may be a shitter but the game was passable.

>>Shadow the Hedgehog
To be fair I have mild nostalgia for it.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Calling it, your favorite game is Persona 2: Innocent Sin

This is the truest answer. Fun as heck but it gets repetitive

It's not, but Pe2 is pretty good, 7/10 or 8/10
Nocturne is the 9/10 SMT game

You're retarded

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I called your favourite game shit, didn't I?
Your favourite game is shit.
Protip: 5/10 is the average.



Tell you what blows big fat chunks tho, Pe4. Pe4 is 5/10, and saved from 4/10 only because Nanako is sexy.


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enjoyable but ultimately forgettable

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Why did it take so long for this mediocre game to be brought up

Final Fantasy 13



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Dat hand.

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Call of Duty Black Ops 4

haze on ps3


ultimate 6/10

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Fallout 3

bruh i played goldensun and skyrim, golden sun is NOT better than skyrim

I briefly considered it but then I decided 6 was too generous so I put something else instead