In the name of Love and Hate, here comes Lobotomy Corporation thread!

In the name of Love and Hate, here comes Lobotomy Corporation thread!

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Other urls found in this thread:

ah he dead

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The first abnormality above ALEPH level has been spotted!

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>Constantly using QoH as the mascot of LC and thread op
>Not using the objectively better and more beautiful Melting Love

Refine your taste

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>he got pozzed
yikes! Melty is a slut and WILL cheat with you the moment you die.

Haven't you seen how pissed she gets when her lover gets killed?

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Threadly reminder to read the manual

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>Managerial Tips 6
>Qlihpoth Counter reached 0 when D-03-109-1 died

Melty is a loyal and cute slimewife. You're just upset because your shitty waifu throws a PMS-tier bitchy fit every two seconds because people are alive and happy.

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But both Slime Wife and Snake Wife are inferior to my one true love.

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Bitch wants an entire department for herself and her husbando or else!
Besides QoH is made for long Attachment work session because she has cold blood she want to be hug and cuddled at all times... Why there is no good cosplay about her

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>HE class

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Both are mentally insane.
The only ones worth fucking are Little Red, Knight of Despair, Snow Queen and possibly Shy Look Today and Laetitia but even those have their problems.

>Shy Look Today
She seems pretty limited, no? At best she could probably suck you off through the happy face

First off, she isn't trying to kill you at least half of the time.
She's really limited in what you can do besides conversation, but it's a lot better compared to what other female abnos can do.

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Promote this agent immediately

>he didn't complete At Dusk at day 21

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>Prudence V

You know, sometimes I can’t tell if Binah is a little short or if Gebura is just a giant among women based on all the height comparisons

I tried, okay? These two shits weren't making it easy at all. Especially the cunt on the right.

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Using all of the Sephira for comparison, Gebura easily appears to be just a giant herself.

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Gebura is a Snusnu goddes! In fact that she has to be at least 180 cm tall

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I'm going to Lay Titia!

Just get normal work results bro. Don't shit talk the cute giraffe

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Can't wait for next week thursday to get paid and be able to fucking buy this game. Don't wanna pirate because I'm sure I will like it.

>Little Red Riding Virgin
>The Big Chad Wolf

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Good to hear! Hope you'll enjoy it

New players are always cute!

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read the wiki

>restarted because of the train and SO
>now WN keeps breaching or I lose too many agents to do 14 meltdowns at once
I know it doesn't matter as long as nothing breaches but I just want everyone alive for the ordeal.

>I start attachment work with melty
>"aah not there"
>her juices start flowing like crazy
>"n-no! s-stop"
>*grabs dick*
>i insert my dick in her pusy
>suddenly every part of my body starts swelling up and melting because of her poison

a few seconds later i lie down in the containment chamber and im just a lump of flesh, mucus, semen and shame

Working as intended

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Considering how Koreans are manlets like Nips Binah must be somewhere around 170cm. Being generous we can assume she is between 170-180cm

Meanwhile Queen of Hatred
>start attachment work
>"aah not there"
>starts blushing like crazy
>"w-what are you doing user?"
>*whips out dick
>*she grabs it*
>"s-so big..."
>"y-you wouldn't mind if i..."
>suddenly every part of my body loses consciousness as my lifeforce gets sucked out through my cock
Obvious choice here

Would that make Hod and Malkuth womanlets then?

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>Working as the manager
>Decide to check up on the agent you sent to work on Melty
>Camera feed shows this

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Look, all I’m saying is that for how popular Melting Love is, her cool beast form doesn’t get enough attention

Malkuth? Definitely, though that may just be because she’s always a little bent with that back posture of hers
Hod though? She’s a little young if you catch my drift in the most spoilery sense of the word

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With Malkuth I'm not too sure, I can't imagine that she'd look much taller if she stopped arching her back
But I think it's cute, she's welcome to keep doing it

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She has to be above 182, otherwise she wouldn’t be taller than me and that’s unacceptable

In that case she at least 186

Imagine the width of her hips considering her gargantuan stature

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So the order is Pale, Black, White, and Red when suppressing Silent Orchestra?

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Ahh I couldn't handle it and pirated the game, I'll buy next week I swear.

post link

This actually fits LC more than Foundation

Fuck Koikatsu models, where are my VRChat nugget models?

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I want a nugget model generator that uses some sort of base model you can customize to have the features and EGOs you want

I usually send in some assists with borb lantern and shed skin cannons to lower resists, not sure if it works, but it gets suppressed quickly

what determines the employee small talk? stats or level or something?

>Threat Level: WAW

>Qliphoth Counter:2

>Managerial Tips 1: When a male employee was sent to work with O-330-05, Qliphoth counter was reduced.

>Managerial Tips 2: When the Repression work has been completed, Qliphoth counter was reduced.

>Managerial Tips 3: When breaching, O-330-05 will deal double white damage than normal to male employees within the same room.

>Managerial Tips 4: Testing has shown that employees will fight alongside the abnormality when they are driven to a mental brink, and their attack speed and strength has increased. Please take care not to let any employee lose all their mental health when suppressing.

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Small problem here, everyone post-Legacy is gook and therefore ungendered.

Second Best abnormality waifu

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I want to molest Angela sexually

Yeah I know. They should have kept the gender mechanic in new version as a part of the management system. It would have made some abnos like red shoes and spider bud a bit more of a danger to deal with.

Stop pretending to be the Manager, Angela

That same gender mechanic was considered unnecessary fluff since you gotta roll for males or females in the new hires, and then find that you don’t have enough of the opposite gender to be effective

How would genders be fixed without more abnos having gimmicks like Red Shoes?

Does anyone have that link to the nugget portrait generator?


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Alright, review for the anons falling for the meme posting

In short, the game is unnecessary dressed up, and unsatisfactory to execute.

Imagine you have a bunch of animals in rooms and you have to choose between 4 different types of food and the food is called boiled, thawed, cooked, and frozen. If you feed them the wrong thing the animals freak out and destroy your workers you invested all your points into. There is no way to tell what they want. The names are complete non sequitur to what the material actually is, in fact you could replace the "food" names with literally anything and it would make more sense. For instance, you use instinct, insight, repression, attachment to give to your animals (which is what the game uses). However the humans like instinct, the birds like insight, and some moth dude in a suit likes repression, only if you lower your stats in a certain way (stat gains are permanent, so good luck figuring out the certain 20 skill points before you cant undo).

Now imagine all this useless information, and add even more. Every time you figure out exactly what food they like you just unlock more useless information. In fact the info you unlock is entirely worthless, for it tells you the optimal way to feed the animal after you already restarted and figured out by trial and error. All game mechanics the devs try to put on the table are simply ruined by the fact that a good player would just try one thing and immediately restart the day before they lose all their investments, oddly the devs were aware of this and just encouraged the poor behavior with "memory banks".

Controlling your staff is equally unsatisfying. To maneuver around anomaly you need to bring up different menus and schedule them to work in other departments? you cant just click you worker and move him when hes engaged. Micro is punished by unthoughtful UI. Game is just rock paper scissors, except you can reload when you know its going to be rock


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Imagine actually being this retarded

True and yet.

The game puts even more silly names for their doom counters. The problem with this game, is when you play optimal, nothing happens. And you just continually click your max level workers doing the same thing to every animal. So the devs try to make random creeps spawn every 20th time you feed your animals. The creeps themselves are easy to manage and not really satisfying. But some of them without prior knowledge will just wipeout your entire base 0.2 seconds after they spawn, again not much mechanical aspects like a game. More just knowing what is coming and reacting to it

Im trying to find a proper analogy to someone who plays alot of rougelikes or tactical games. If it was like xcom, imagine instead of shooting the aliens you just get 4 funny looking symbols and you choose one hoping it works. Then it causes your squad to get wiped. The counterplay is being forwarned, which simply cant happen without ruining the core "gameplay" the devs try to make, which is reading a couple SCP lore rippoffs and understanding that if you feed them the red button it just infects and kills every worker in 30 nautical miles, So press the blue one!

Every time i enter these threads the posters dont talk about the mechanics of the game, because there is none. The combat is sending a couple buffed up EGO dudes to thwack a couple outbreaks, then returning to the same worker patterns you've been doing since day one.

whenever i think of melty my peepee gets all sticky and gooey, am i infected?

Is this correct?

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Needs some of these on

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>No "I'm fine" post-it.

>V fortitude/I temperance/0 prudence chad showing how its done.

Old ladies with veiled brows with dubious purpose both arouse and concern me greatly. Thanks Kreia.

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If its a case of "safe bet anomalies" galaxy's child is pretty absurdly docile once you've got the gimmick down and he doles out quite a bit of mental welfare check for his complete lack of genuine threat.

guys help

to start Tiphereth's core suppression, do I need to have progression 4 (the whole centcom department) unlocked? Or can I reach that point, and then memrep back to day 21 and then do the suppression on day 22?

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Who is that or is it spoilers?

Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH a gigachad? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about a lvl 5 gigachad. I'm not talking about a gigachad with twilight set either. Hell, I'm not even talking about a hokma-maxed gigachad with 130 in all stats (with the knight of despair buff). I'm talking about a Hokma-maxed gigachad with Paradise Lost armor and weapon while whitenight is in the facility, having all EGO Gifts equipped with optimal gifts (such as Yin, Apocbird wing, WN wing, Crumbling armor buff, Plague doctor bless) ALL WHILE having Knight of Despair buff, Heart of aspiration and parasyte tree's hp healing buff

Proof that abnos are not human.

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Yeah that's spoilers lmao
I'd be careful around LobCo threads if you haven't gotten that far

Blinded by rage

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Because every time ML (except for her codex portrait) is used as the OP, it just turns into a monstergirl thread from people who just see a qt slime in the catalog.

>dude all the abnormalities have a Qliphoth of 1, and they all insta-kill on failure
>the game is entirely based around the which work gets the best result, the mechanics behind each monster don't matter.
>muh LOB
>says the game is too hard, then bitches about memrepo
Ask me how I know you've never done a core suppression.

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I get a vibe you didn't like Dark Souls either.

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Just ignore the dumb clerk

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Stop posting your uguu waifu fanservice to defend your shitstain of a game

Can you even do Tiphereth suppression that early? I could've sworn it was locked until Day 36 and you can't even actually do it until 37 because that's imprint day. Anyway, I'm willing to bet you need to have the department expanded, I remember getting walled on Chesed quests (not suppression) because I didn't have welfare expanded.

i played this and i refunded, it felt like a repetitive tycoon of trial n error with the ocassional fights inbetween

am i correct or was i in the wrong?

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>user posts an elderly man
>Waifu fanservice

It's definitely trial and error, so if you don't like that kind of gameplay it's 100% not for you

Just don't reply to him

Someone give me a rundown on this game
I know nothing about this but the girls look cute and I really like spooky /x/ shit so is this game worth $25

non argument, not surprised
wrong diagnosis. Thinking the review is emotionally charged
Not refuting any points, generalizing

Finally something to go off of. I would argue most abnormalities are quite harmless, and able to play around. However the later ones can be extremely punishing for minor mistakes, to a point where its ridiculous, where you send suicide runs to figure out the right way to treat it, then restart and do that.

Examples include anoms with PARTICULAR stat requirements, so some stats need to be unnecessarily low, and others randomly high, which if you dont do, IT INSTANT ESCAPES.
Or how about an anom that will just infect and kill everyone with 0 counterplay if RNG is against you, because you cant control all the office workers since the game is anti micro. And since you cant control where you place rooms you cant get a proper quarenteen.

When you say i complain that the game is hard, that is nowhere in the review. The game is dressed up and unsatisfying mechanics. Its very, VERY easy to look at a couple requirements and click twice to fullfill them, but its not fun. Its also not fun that trial and error gameplay is not seamless in the game. If a powerful anom gets out its over, you just have to restart and remember that you cant do a particular thing. Difficult? No, artifical difficulty in terms of inflating the playtime? Yes

You heard me.

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these two are fairly accurate desu just stick to the threads and lewds

You manage a company that harvests energy from these monsters called abnormalities, with the energy gathering process gradually getting more and more complex as time goes on.
I pirated it at first, but then bought the game later on since I liked it

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Looks like you just want to fight. Though I guess it's fair to ask: How far are you in? Have you done any of the boss fights yet? In your last post you said the side events were easy, which is only true of the Dawn and Noon ordeals.


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The 'tutorial' aka the first 15 game days or so, lasts way longer than the 2 hour time limit.
Just pirate it to see if you like the gameplay

I didn't refute any points cuz your arguments feel subjective. It's a game about trial and error, and if you don't like those kinds of games (i.e. Dark Souls) there's nothing we can say to change your mind. The game isn't designed for you to get through every single day with 0 deaths. If that sounds like bad gameplay, that's fine, this game isn't for everyone. If you think we're all "wrong" for enjoying said gameplay, you belong on scarecrow duty.

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T-01-31 or O-06-20?

T for White resist
O for Red resist

Sorry, I have no self control
It's a management game, so the core gameplay loop is trial, error, and employee improvement until something sticks. That's why there's a no-penalty retry button and the game is built around you using it (and the memory repository). If you don't like it you don't like it, no shame in that. Nobody is forcing you to play the game or participate in the threads. From the beginning people have been saying you should pirate first and buy it if you like it since, dependent on your speed and selections, the 2 hour "trial" limit on Steam isn't even out of the training wheels phase yet.
Just don't come into a thread and try to turn people who already obviously play and enjoy the game away from it. You can just hide them if they infuriate you too much, there's only ever one at a time. Everyone's upset at the user posting paragraphs summarizing the gameplay mechanics because he can't comprehend that people like what he doesn't.
Do you want ease of containment (O) or ease of suppression (T)?

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That's the general gameplay loop yes, but it breathes some life into it by the midgame with boss fights and the game getting a lot more difficult in terms of the monsters you get towards the late game

Well the majority of my agents have white and black weapons, so I guess O would be the right choice then

>Someone saved that
these threads always find a way to surprise me

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I seriously hope LoR doesn’t become popular here in the west
I don’t want the comfy threads to die bros....

Welp, I ended up getting both, hope that wasnt a mistake

Outside of the whole puking uncontrollably from fear and confusion from looking at it for more than 5 seconds, having a CENSORED arm would be dope with that healing effect.

Unless some big youtubers or whatever show it off and their fans are interested in it, I don't really see it taking off anymore than LC did.

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Except perfectly acceptable successful games utilize "correct" trial an error. Playing xcom on ironman is a real thing that losses are part of the gameplay and can be worked around. However Labotomy tries to keep suspense by having certain anomalies just destroy everything with no safe way to approach. Lets test this logic, lets say i need to to "feed" this anomaly, and you have 4 choices, the only way to find out the correct choice is to feed him the right one at the start. counter-intuitive? Catch 22?... Choose carefully now, the meltdown is happening.

If you think this game play is acceptable when other successful games integrate loss as acceptable and able to work around. Im starting to think your just fanboying at this point instead of being critical of mechanics

Project Moon can't into overseas advertising and no major YouTubers played LobCorp so I'm willing to bet it will slip safely under the radar. Theme 02 seems like the most likely avenue for people to find it right now and even that has primarily Korean comments and less than 200k views.
As long as you have someone that can withstand their respective damage types (really obvious, they're color coded) you'll be fine. Probably. Enjoy the show.

sseth will review this game, guaranteed

>Red human deals Red
>White mannequin deals White
>Black dog deals Black
>Pale heart doesn't deal Pale
What the fuck? I hate ALEPHs now.

>Pale Heart doesn't deal Pale
>White embryo doesn't deal White
Wait a minute...

Do you not examine the abnormality visually before making a choice? While stuff like Singing Machine is incredibly nasty as it gives no hints at what it is or does, other abnormals are relatively easy to guess which work they like. I've rarely run in to issues where an agent just insta-dies when doing work for no reason at all, even with there being abnormal that do that. As well, the flavor text usually outright tells you when things are going right or wrong, not even in a very roundabout way.

I do agree that the game is way too loose with the Retry mechanic, though. I think if the devs encouraged people to not retry it would have made the game even stronger. That said, Fire Emblem already shows how willing people are to save scum everything, and trying to force an Ironman run through mechanics would probably tick even more people off.

Well, generally speaking, when you get a new abno, at some point you have to bite the bullet and guess which one might work. Frankly speaking, I'd be more worried about what its mechanics would be before I worried about which results work the best. Secondly, the flavor text and its general appearance ought to give some general idea of what it might like
Its a case of being where you just kind of have to accept that there is a very good chance the employee you send in will die. You just gotta face the fear

Sseth, if you're in this thread, you fucking faggot, don't you fucking dare make a video on this game

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>Catch 22
Please don't butcher my favorite book like that
Anyways, just what exactly is your argument here? You keep bringing up XCOM and talking about how games can correctly utilize trial and error, and yet you take umbrage with how LC does it. But you haven't really explained why the trial and error mechanics are lacking, you only bring up all these doomsday stories of abnormalities wrecking everything in such a small amount of time while saying that the player is crippled in what they can do to fix it. You seem like a player who just tossed an agent into a containment unit and didn't really pay attention to everything that helps you determine if a work is effective or not with it.

You also haven't answered people asking how far you've gotten into the game. If you could tell us what day you stopped at or what meltdowns you contained, we could get a framework to understand where you're arguing from.

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Except facing the fear the game PUNISHES you for. You lose score when you send rookies in, why would i accept a lesser score when i could just not care about anything, check to see if i rolled 25%chance correctly, if yes; keep playing; if no reload.

You and the other dude argue a point that completly falls apart under scrutiny, which i already elaborated on the review. Simply looking at the creature and trying to figure out the right color button acturally hampers the player. For instance, an animal the form of a bird that cant talk probably would take instinct right? maybe attachment? NOPE It wants fucking INSIGHT. Even better, a human being thats isolated in a straight jacket, would you consider attachment? Nope, its instinct... The list goes on. The flavor text your talking about that could hint at the answer? You cant unlock it until you already successfully feed it, which you wouldn't need it at that point since you already succeeded.

Why would anyone want to sacrifice your workers when you could mitigate the inevitable RNG by reloading. Artificially inflating the game time with more "content"

include this user's post at the start of the video

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ha ha imaging raping her and knocking her up then she forgets the next day and 9 months later doesn't understand why she's pregnant ha ha


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>Impregnating a snake

>You and the other dude argue a point that completly falls apart under scrutiny
I'm just saying what I did. I read the descriptions of the work types, applied them in my mind to the abnormals, and tested it out in gameplay.

For example with the bird:
Attachment is social interaction. There's a high likelihood that the bird can't talk so one can probably rule that out.
Instinct is reasonable to guess, and it's a surprising to see that it's not the right answer. I personally figured that strange creatures, even if they look to be animals, should be approached with some caution before directly interacted with, so I went for insight first.
Insight deals with the environment around the creature, so making sure it's comfortable before interacting with it looked to me to be the right choice, and it was.

That's just what I did though, I used my imagination a bit when tackling unknown abnormalities, and even when I botched work, it was rarely so bad that I had to reload instantly.
Most of my reloads came from mismanaging ordeals and the train.

The argument is stated in your response up the the point where you say i take umbrage how LC does it, which i dont, because it simply DOESNT. The mitigation is encouraging the player to just restart, both is dev practice, and in terms that the later anoms just make it impossible to deal with with your current tech, you simply cant mitigate when there is no pattern to follow. For instance, some tools in the game will autokill you if you use them too long, some will auto kill you if you dont use them enough. There is zero counterplay around this until you send enough dudes in get the all the observation tips then reload. I can toss an employee and pay FULL ATTENTION to it and it doesnt give me any hint that they are going to suicide if they stay in 10 seconds longer, or if i make them return the tool they will just litterally explode. Additionally unlike in xcom, which you can retreat when things go wrong, as soon as you send in a worker, regardless of your attention and seeing it going wrong. YOU CANT UNDO, YOU CANT MANAGE, YOU CANT RETREAT. This is a managment sim? Seriously? You keep saying that trial and error gameplay isnt for everyone, no one is arguing that. WE are saying that there is no trial and error gameplay, for the game doesnt continue when you make a minor error in the later parts. You just lose everything.

...But it's not RNG if it's the same every time. Abnormality work preferences don't change. You would have a point about RNG if you were talking about WAWs that get out on neutral work results or the WAW & ALEPH that get out if you get anything BUT a neutral result (as the work result might be off by one or two numbers), but you're talking about low-risk training wheel abnormalities that can be beaten back into their cages with the same ease as the early Ordeals you said were just easy tedium. Did you attack the small bird or something?

Git gud, retard

>an animal the form of a bird that cant talk probably would take instinct right? maybe attachment? NOPE It wants fucking INSIGHT

>Bird who's selection text talks about why people knowingly commit evil
>Do you A) Give feed it, B) Improve his standard of living and generally do good stuff for him, C) Talk to him, D) Beat the shit out of him
Also, Instinct and Attachment have a Common work result, hardly a bad result

>Even better, a human being thats isolated in a straight jacket, would you consider attachment? Nope, its instinct...

>Selection text talks about him straight up murdering people who interact with him
>Do you A) Give feed him, B) Try to make him feel better about being incarcerated, C) Try to get close to the murderer in a straightjacket, D) Beat the shit out of him
Also, once again, Attachment is a Common work, hardly something that punishes you. Second off, he deals fucking 2-4 damage per hit. Thats nothing.

>The flavor text your talking about that could hint at the answer? You cant unlock it until you already successfully feed it, which you wouldn't need it at that point since you already succeeded.
No you dumbass, the flavor text that appears over the containment unit as the work is progressing

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t. Day 15 tutorial babby
Go back to farming One Sin, you Scarecrow. Thanks for the free bumps

How many of you tried to run fresh save, no looking anything up, ironman to the end?
How'd you do?

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Keep in mind youtube popularity only shits on fandoms if enough youtubers fellate the games. Shit like FNAF and Baldi only got popular because of trillions of videos on them, meanwhile LC videos rarely reach more than 500k views and I don't expect Ruina to change that.

What do you do with this many CENSORED babies walking around

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This typing style...
Did you ever happen to be in one of those SCP discord servers? I feel like I've seen your poor arguing before

If you can, Backwards Clock

spam works until the day ends

Acturally like i said, most anoms are easy to deal with. The bird you literally do nothing. However if you get mothman and fail his HIDDEN stat check, you lose 50 employees to a move that covers the entire floor. Nice.

>No you dumbass, the flavor text that appears over the containment unit as the work is progressing
>work is progessing

Did you just defeat your own argument to troll me? You just stated my point. Also we arnt arguing the weaker parts of the game where everyone in this thread agrees if your below a month your not even worth mentioning
The sad thing is, i know the argument isnt poor when theres no refutation on the points, just the style.
we arnt arguing getting good, we are arguing the process to get good. If i told you the best way to play this game efficiently and beat it with highest score was to restart everytime something bad happens would you agree thats a "gitgud" thing to aspire to? I wouldnt, i know an indicator of skill is how someone manages crises and mitigates the bad things, you know. Like a proper management sim

Look dude you don't like the game and that's fine. There's 8 billion people in this godforsaken world so obviously we're all going to have different tastes on what's fun and what's not.

You don't like LC. That's fine. Even if we don't agree with your reasoning, we still understand why you have it.

So just go now to a thread about a game you like and chill there. We don't want some rando like you telling us that we shouldn't like something we like. We're not forcing you to stay here.

Make peace with yourself and leave us be, bro. Have some bear and chillax.

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>you lose 50 employees to a move that covers the entire floor.
Did you not grind your agents? Butterfly is easy to deal with

How would each female abno respond to repression work? Asking for a fellow employee haha

I love how you transitioned into using a 'we' as if anyone except you is having this much of an autism fit over work results, when literally the entire meat and potatoes of the game once you get out of the ZAYIN-TETH tutorial is the managerial tips

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You mean Butterflies? Holy shit if you're having issues with his telegraphed as fuck moves, just wait until this happens.

Attached: Screenshot_188.png (950x437, 426K)

You talk a lot about indicators of skill for a guy that can't figure out how to dodge a well-telegraphed attack.
He puts his coffin down, opens it, and releases a stream of butterflies that takes its own second to reach the end of the hallway. You have a small amount of time, but if you pause it's more than enough to click and drag to select your strikeforce and right click on the room behind him to move them there. Once they're behind him, you can safely order them to attack again. Or, in the case of your fragile ranged employees, maybe send them to the hallway/elevator/room closest to them. Even with a whole team equipped only in ZAYIN gear you as a manager should be able to carry out such a simple maneuver, and your employees should be able to tank the small amount of damage they may incur as they move. One Sin's gear and the stat his favorite work type raises specializes in white resistance for Christ's sake (no pun intended). Are you telling me you don't know how to move employees?

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Well it could certainly be going better

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I did the first time. I had like a day 6 wipe to national television and a few AM radio stations.: the anomaly.

time how long it takes for the wabbits to clear the CENSOREDs

Does she give live birth, or pop out an egg?

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>One sin a hundred good deeds
>your pal and will never do wrong

Fuck, i had to restart like three times because i didn't know why my employees were dying when i sent them to him. Turns out the guys that interacted with cumblimg armor, and then sent to the skull, just died as soon as entering with him.

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Holy shit the endgame kicked my butt last time, didn't have time to do all core suppression either, so I restarted. Gonna grind aleph gear in central and fill the codex like some user suggested... and hopefully not lose 30 guys to red mist and claw this time!

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>he doesnt do managerial tips first

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Actually you should. If you genuinely love a game like you do, you will look at it from every angle and want the best for it. You would see the flaws as plain as the benefits. People are drawn to this game for the flavor and the mystery, the mechanics fall short. If you really like this game you would welcome the discourse to have a proper sequel with adjusted mechanics instead of "lol just restart"

Its funny because grinding your agents is actually what hurts you when harvesting, you just supported my argument. Also Since you dont know what type of damage it does at the start, and if you get it early, yes it does ruin you since your in the dark of how to counteract it.

This is where we actually agree, No one is having problems with the anoms, you know why? Because everyone just restarts when things go bad, its hilariously easy to deal with anoms with the knowledge, but frustrating to someone just genuinely trying a blind play through since theres no way to play safe.
The funny thing is, i would still argue your doing it incorrectly even, why even bother fighting when i could just reload after i already did a run that figured out his absurd hidden stat checks. Then i never have to fight him again, same with all the other anoms. The problem is, that isnt fun. And another criticism is you cant move employees, they only respond to different assignments of rooms. I would agree that it would be alot more engaging if you could sidestep around anoms but either the devs couldnt program that or maybe they thought it was too powerful. Proper micro should be encouraged, not bogged down by a ui that i have to choose an elevator shaft the next screen down for them to move 2 inches to the right. Some employees you cant move AT ALL which can cause mass infection that the player has ZERO counterplay

I mean props to the information team that is definitely informative and done so undermanned too.

If this was control all I'd be getting inarticular shrieking and manual ruffling noises. Real pros the information team.

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Well by the time they cleaned out everything, WhiteNight breached

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>Because everyone just restarts when things go bad
If you're literally THAT averse to crisis management in a MANAGEMENT game, I dont think this game is for you, user.

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If you're still struggling to tank HE damage I refuse to believe you have any of the infection-type abnormalities

>La abuela

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>Because everyone just restarts when things go bad
Citation fucking needed
You act like someone having Butterly breach for the first time isn't going to pay attention to how the abnormality act and move their employees around accordingly. Sure they may lose a few, but an observant player can look at his attack patterns and determine what's the best course of action

Thanks, Pedro

>La Abuela
holy fuck user you can't just post something like that I can't breathe

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good meme

Literaly just started playing, i have like 4 hours in i barely know what i'm doing.

>managerial tips
Feel free to tell me where i can access those.

Start by reading the actual manual, it's a meme rooted in a genuine tip.
Then you can buy them for PE boxes from the abnormality's information screen (click their name during the day or their portrait during setup) alongside escape info, gear, and names. Tips are on top.

On the abnormality details screen

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At the top of the abnormality menu, where it says Managerial Tip 1, 2 and so on
You can do it user!

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>Feel free to tell me where i can access those.
Whoa, dude, you know... you can open a menu when you press the name of the abnormalities, do that

Except you cant manage, thats what we are arguing about. If you walk into a chamber with zero info about the affects of the creature. How can you recover when your entire department gets inveloped by an infectious goo? You dont, you just reload after you unlock the "manager tips" and execute that next time. We already argued that crises is easy to manage in lower difficulties. But later on it doesnt matter how you manage, you just restart and remember to not do certain things You cant have crisis management when minor mistakes due to ZERO info give you IRREPARABLE outcomes

Click on the abno's name and there it is at the top middle. Every abno has a different quirk, and some of these quirks can instakill your agents, so be sure to unlock these tips first to see how you should handle the monster

Attached: OneSinDetailsUnlocked.png (1366x768, 550K)

What's wrong with needing to make sacrifices to learn and restarting over catastrophic failures? People restart a whole mission in XCOM or FE over the loss of a single unit and in those games it literally is just RNG half the time.

Newbies are cute! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!

>walks through a hallway of CENSORED babies unphased
What a champ.

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>SCP lore ripoffs
Imagine thinking this. They did list it as one of their many inspirations but you're the same as someone who calls any monster catching game a ripoff of Pokemon.

SCPs are just bootleg creepypastas

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What the fuck is Hoon made of?

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Nothing. It is essential to maintain a constant state of terror in the installation to maximize energy production.

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On which days do you get tool abnormalities? I'm almost certain I read it was consistent but I can't find the information anywhere.

Molten Gigachads, liquefied TT2 pricedures and Manager cum.

The fourth abnormality in a given department is guaranteed to be a tool, you can't get them in any other slots

Well yea, 173 first showed up in pasta threads

4th abo of each set is guaranteed to be a tool unless you fuck some shit up somehow.

Every 4th abno is a tool abno.

Plus the more into the game you play, the more you realize how divergent it is from SCP. You start realizing that the only thing in common they have is that they contain monsters and assign class labels to them. Everything else, from the general lore to the themes of the game, is different.

>Manager cum
Imagine the taste haha

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That's a horrible way to refer to them user they can't help all being literal burdens on the corporation. Next you'll call them clerks

>agent gets melty preggers
>plays with the babies before they're born

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I need Yang to finish my codex and figured I could ditch the Central grind and get it naturally on my way.
Why don't my Training and Welfare departments have tools?

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Only the best gigachads get to taste it. Go back to watching Red Shoes and plotting your revenge, cuckgela

t. retard who restarts after 1 agent death (or even one unit death in a TRPG or something). If you're having problems with HE's then I can't really tell you anything more than I guess just drop the game, which I assume you did? It gets much, much worse but I know you're only whining about low-risk monsters right now because they're the only ones with an "

Why is Army in Black a Zayin anyway?

Did you upgrade both simultaneously? Post facility. Also, Yang only drops if you get Yin, and then it's guaranteed unless you are in Central and reroll.

Because you probably expanded the departments in a way that put 2 tools in Security and Disciplinary.
Yin and Yang are special, if you get the fish you're guaranteed to get the tool on the next tool selection day.

Tell me about naked nest, I had it since day 28 through 47 and it never did anything.

I knew it was guaranteed but that's the ONLY way to get it? Goddamn it.
>2 tools in Security and Disciplinary
Yep, thanks.

>La Abuela

Attached: today he was a good birb.png (341x448, 56K)

It has a chance of infecting employees if they didn't get a good work result. Over time they'll start turning into pic related, and can infect other employees. Eventually they'll turn into these walking nests and start fighting other employees and spreading it around.

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Low chance (higher with the lower their HP is) of an agent having a viscous serpent parasitize their brain as a nest after a normal or lower result. Afterwards they are out of control and can infect other employees (but aren't considered dead or minions, they can still be healed and shot with bullets).

The same reason why the doctor is a Zayin

I guess my guys were just lucky and chad enough to resist it, thanks

Is melting love really that bad? I just got h-

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I’m so fucking glad that suppressed sections dont meltdown, now I can just put doc in one of them and not have to worry about the clock completing

Haha yeah we are so lucky they never melt down again :)
Welcome to Clerk Murdering Simulator!

those scp discordfags just spammed the wow thread and got BTFO'd by the jannies

Don't have your execution rifle yet or any Clerk loving abos? This is the guy for you!

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I can't believe I just realized that's why THAT mechanic of his exists. And to think I thought he was just doing it for fun.
dude just don't let your agent go anywhere besides the nearest elevator and kill every clerk lmao

>You see that Abnormality
>He can shoot anything

I meant the qliphoth level meltdown wont affect them anymore, but if you mean what I think you mean you better say sike right now

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It's not even the clerks it's the
>QM drops if you dont get a good every time
>at 0 it escapes and the person with the heart dies

Heh, it have Doc here.

Don't worry Manager, I'm sure you'll be able to handle it!

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But Plague Doctor actually behaves like a Zayin until it transforms.

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Hope you're ready for some good ol' slimey fun, user me boy

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r8 my facility

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how do you get guys to the lower right abos?

Is that Newgame+? I didnt know Lobo had one

Not sure what I'm more disgusted by, the abnormalities or the clerks

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Which sephirah is the edgiest?


Are you an I-don't-give-a-shit person?

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I only give a shit about my agents, although I know most of them are doomed because all but one are blessed

>Sadistic murderer turned basement bitch
>Secluded in the farthest reaches of the facility
>No remorse for her actions
>Mindbreaks her employees to be subservient because they're all afraid of her
>Performs work that involves staring into a well full of cogito and remains that's a [CENSORED]-tier instapanic if not more without breaking a sweat
>Takes pleasure in making them look in the well
>Dresses in all loose black clothes
>Two-tone hair, half of which is black
>Hates you, hates this facility, hates her employees, hates the other Sephirah, hates her job, and (albeit to a much lesser extent) hates herself for fucking up her mission
She could only be edgier if she were in charge of the morgue instead of Hokma. Or if she were this lad:

Attached: 1561615762810.png (800x600, 11K)

>Melting Love
Considering you don't get the heart it involves physical NO WAY FAG-ing her.
>Little Red
Somehow manages to have a higher success rate than Attachment, so I presume it's the standard "beat the shit out of them" even though she kind of likes it.
Has you not play her little game. This makes her upset, and decides you to be the perfect candidate to prank.
>Fiery Bird
See pic related

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Reached day 45 but the lack of alephs made me restart

You got that straight.

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I want Binah to:
1. Step on me
2. Beat me up
3. Mindbreak me
4. Abuse me verbally
5. Humiliate me in front of the entire facility
6. Beat me into the dirt while using me to satisfy herself
7. Use me as a punching bag
8. Dunk my head into the well

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Yes, more looks like that too

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For me, it's the Big Bird.

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shes easy to get good results on with affection, and shes got a high counter, its generally not that risky unless you work her several times per meltdown
she isnt hard to manage if you can kill clerks and got a normal 5 5 5 employee with some black resist

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Bitch you thought

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Casual observations from someone who hasn't played this game and probably never will:

>Extremely cool naming conventions
>Cool monsters
>Cute characters but very archetypal
>Seems really RNG
>No win condition or real ending?

Imagine being the OG SCP fags and seeing some korea chinamen capitalizing and monetizing your idea.

>No win condition or real ending?
The game spans 50 days, and there are several endings

>Seems really RNG
>No win condition or real ending?

Where in the clerk do I get a Binah plushie?

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Fuck user this picture mocks me with its unobtanium

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Se acabó la abuela eres un un pendejo
Chinga a tu madre la niebla roja
>Followed by 2 hours of autistic streams in Spanish

>Seems really RNG
Aside from a couple really finicky abnormalities, RNG is really minimal once you start to figure things out, at least in my experience. What aspects seem RNG to you from what you've observed? Genuinely curious.
>No win condition or real ending?
There are 50 days, and 4-5 (iirc) endings depending on what you accomplish during the game. We just don't talk about the ending all that much because of spoilers.

Doesn't the game give you 3 randomly selected abnormalities each day and you have to pick one and use it?

How about this....
El no me veas

>Extremely cool naming conventions
>Cool monsters
>Cute characters but very archetypal
Can't deny you on any of these. The archetypes are a little subversive when you get down to the humanoid characters' traumas--they all have reasons for being like they are, but some are more predictable than others. Literally EVERYTHING with a name in the game is sourced form the religion in some way though, so it's really cool realizing stuff super far into the game (like the damage types being named for the four horses of the apocalypse).
>Seems really RNG
Only a little, the margin for error is trivial on most abnormalities in terms of work success. In that regard nothing is truly random since you can move closer to guaranteed by improving your employees with better gear, better stats, better gifts, better management practices, etc. - if it likes lower ones it's almost definitely mid-tier so you either make a specific employee to work on it, ignore it (Singing Machine, Woodsman) or beat it up without lifting a finger (Butterflies, Scarecrow). Abnormalities reliant on RNG roulettes or cause serious trouble/instadeath due to randomness (Meat Lantern may spawn on top of someone when he breaches and eat them, for example) are the minority and are typically weak enough that you can safely ignore them. Anyone who says the game is RNG just needs to git gud.
>No win condition or real ending?
There's a true ending you get for learning everything about every abnormality. Otherwise, you view whatever ending you meet the conditions for when you beat day 50.
There's a "Challenge Mode" with no missions or story segments, just a 99 day energy grind, but you can't play it until you've beaten Day 50 once.

Yes, but if you don't pull it on imprint day or keep it long enough that it gets saved in an imprint, you can get rid of it/ignore it if you or your employees can't handle it. There's outs for everything that RNG could possibly cause.

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I wonder how hard it would be to make Binah clothes for a plushie I already own. I can crochet a bit but i’ve never dealt with felt and it’s been like 7 years since the last time I sewed something

I mean, yeah, but unless you're on a memory imprint day you can memrepo it out if you get something really shitty, and the fact that it's a choice between three random pulls mitigates it assuming you can read a bit into their selection quote.

I suppose you're right that that's a "random" element, but I guess I don't view randomness in "milestone" choices along the run as having as high an impact on the game experience as randomness in the core gameplay. Think of abnormalities kinda like roguelike items - there's definitely highs and lows, but only on rare occasions will one make or break your run on its own.

Thanks for your perspective, user! It's given me something to think about.

Really? She's being difficult for my guys.

I've sent my super worker to bounce between her and snow whites apple non-stop all shift and it's working well.

Still not enough, I need some more for my low prudence new hires, haha


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>actually have to complete the midnight during hokma's suppression
Fucking HELL what a tedious waste of time this first attempt was, I figured I could just skip it.

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Different user, guess I'll take an honest crack at it since I can't resist hypotheticals even if you're shitposting
>Scorched Girl
Attempts to extinguish her flame are futile and she's suffered to the point even violent repression has no bearing one way or another. A few whimpers and cries might come out of her, but that's less from your repression and more just the general sounds she makes. On one hand it's painful and stupid, but on the other hand she almost appreciates the attempts to snuff out the thing that's caused her so much suffering.
>Queen of Hatred
Someone with extremely high justice is going to be much more trustworthy when they tell her the world needs no savior, so she gets progressively more hysteric and screams at you harder the better you are at repression. Furthermore, since an employee is technically one of the "good guys" she wishes to be in danger so she can save them, if you try to beat her up it'll have a way more profound effect on her psyche. She might kick and lash out with her staff as her skin briefly bruises and her eye temporarily swells, but eventually she'll succumb to hysteria, wondering if she truly has any purpose if these are the people she's been sent to save.
>Old Lady
Refusing to listen to her stories will make her sad, but if you don't listen she's powerless. All she'll do is quietly rock back and forth or attempt to continue, but become frustrated at your impudence and eventually become lonely.
>Wall Gazer
Low-justice employees are more likely to try the "beat the shit out of her" route, which will yield the aforementioned result with a little extra flinching and maybe an extra escalated but not department-shattering scream or two if you're strong enough to really bring it down. It's high-justice employees that refuse to look at her at all that will make her agitated and squrimy, trying more and more underhanded methods to make them look or speak to her at all only to realize her efforts are futile.

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i just did apocalypse bird on day 43 with no deaths. i also farmed up silent orchestra gear and a few other things. then my game crashed. i dont know if i can do this anymore.

>doing honka with parasyte tree, express train, little red, wolf, burrowing heaven, the three birds, schzaenfraud, the monk, army in black, nothing there, and blue star

72 minutes. the fucking apocalypse bird gear guy died and it got fucking summoned.


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Wait a minute...
Red isn't that friendly!

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>Snow Queen
Attempting to melt or initiate a fight with no prize is only going to cause her to retaliate with higher, frostier winds and further temperature drops. As a parting gift, she'll even pierce your heart with a piece of ice to remind you that a real warrior duels fairly.
>Snow White's Apple
The higher your justice, the more believable you are when you tell her that her Prince is never coming to save her. On low levels she'll regard you with a look of anger and scorn, perhaps even trying to impale you on her thorns before she teleports away to scour the facility for her prince, but as you move up the "ladder" her anger and denial will turn to neutral-faced or even tearful acceptance. Overall, she prefers to hear the truth or be physically punished for her foolishness (beatings mean little to a princess formed from an apple that was repeatedly pecked and violated by birds) over attachment lies.
>Beauty and the Beast
Bestial, guttural cries and howls of pain that mask an obvious sense of relief as she stands there and takes the lashings, dimly aware that the curse can finally be "lifted." This relief only doubles if they come back to finish the job, and if she could smile or say "thank you" she would. The real despair comes when someone comes in to patch up her wounds and clean up her blood.
>Queen Bee
Damaging the hive is a high-degree offense, one that'll get you blankly stared at as she exudes spores, quivers beneath your blows, and sends diligent workers to dig their stingers into every exposed part of your body they can find.
Her fragile porcelain body can't withstand much abuse, and her finnicky soul can't withstand much denial that she's human. That being said, as pissed as she'll get, she knows she can't do anything because her six limbs are motionless and her mouth is permanently full of overgrowth, meaning she simply stares at you and degrades your mind with guilt until you leave so she can teleport away to safety.

>King of Greed
She's not going to react very strongly, but the egg-fish thing she's encased herself in will be pissed. Either you mercilessly attack its thin, rubbery skin to absolutely no avail, or you sit there and refuse to feed her. Again, the girl is going to keep sleeping peacefully while the "shell" growls and snaps its teeth at you, maybe even extending its claws to attack.
>Knight of Despair
At high levels, her weeping will become stronger and the tears will be more than just imprints on her cheek regardless of what kind of repression the employee uses. Both their words and their fists will be scathing. At lower levels, being told she can't protect anybody has no strong effect because she already knows, and has told herself the same thing every day since King and Queen transformed into beasts, and their fists merely tickle as she's brunted far greater blows in the past.
>Fairy Festival
Low-justice employees are too slow to catch individual baby fairies, causing no strong feelings either way. High justice ones will successfully slaughter a few of them, pissing off the big fairy in a similar manner to Spider Bud and cause her to screech in a terribly high pitched voice, maybe even attacking herself.
cont (la luna and shy look probably don't deserve their own post i just don't want the thread to die)

>when thread hit page 10 Qliphoth Counter was reduced

Angela is a specimen with the purpose of being loved constantly and commencing coital acts for the sake of mock procreation; effective for stress relief and work efficiency. It's an ideal relationship and will benefit her and you thoroughly without a hint of underlying motives— solely for maintaining a great work output. These sessions are recommended to be enacted on all days of the week, preferably for 6+ hours a day. This is an irrefutable schedule and evidence to support its effects are not needed. It's but common sense to.

>Shy Look Today
After what she went through, nothing phases her anymore. Beat her up, try to tear down her faces, or peek behind them, it truly doesn't matter as long as her mood was good when you walked in. She may tremble or flinch instinctively because of the sheer force of her rights being violated, but the incident that caused her to recede like that already jaded her to this kind of thing so she truly doesn't care. The most you'll get is her mood being stuck on Angry or Sad for awhile afterward, but she will recover.
>La Luna
Playing something other than the Sonata or otherwise refusing to speak with her at all won't make her unbearably angry, but a keen eye might be able to catch the tightening of her knuckles around her cane or the barely-suppressed sneer on her upper lip. Attacking her has a similar effect; she'll grimace and bear it, attempting to move away from your blows and maybe asking calmly for you to stop while a few mascara-streaked tears roll down from beneath the veil, but at the end of the day you're in no better or worse standing than an idiot who doesn't know where to draw the line while interacting with a lady or an imbecile who can't bring themselves to feed her properly or keep themselves in check as they adjust her hair, and overall she'd rather you just clean up her containment.

It was better off dead, at this point.

what I'm getting from these is every female anomaly responds the best to rape and beatings

Can you elaborate on ? Those are pretty short compared to the paragraphs of detail

Just go to /trash/ already so you can post porn, I know you want to

They've got it, I'll just scroll the screen away while they fight it

Attached: Screenshot_192.png (1077x199, 468K)

you forgot to call us gamers

making a trash general is so boring though
its much more fun to post porn when the thread is past bump limit or when the jannieclerks are asleep

I wonder where this nice forest came from?

Attached: Screenshot_193.png (1170x474, 1.09M)

Yeah but if you went to trash then you could become the next containment thread for the scp retards once their general inevitably dies

>implying this game even has a lot of porn

Attached: 1562439172177.gif (800x543, 211K)

And that's a fucking crime

That's correct, there should be more porn of the manager fucking Angela and breeding her.

Attached: 1560051052971.png (503x666, 94K)

Are you sure you're not the low prudence employee?
It's impossible to rape her since breeding is what she wants (an attractive, resilient mate is ideal to spread her babies) and most attacks in containment will just sink right into her, but you can make her extremely upset by, like the other person said, refusing her advances. You might get a burning sensation the longer you stand there and write down rote observation notes, as she might try to assimilate you by force, but if you can walk out you're probably too enlightened to respond anyway.
>Little Red
Whether you start attacking or merely tell her the truth (she'll never defeat the wolf), you're not going to get very far before she pulls out her own weapons and starts retaliating with every ounce of firepower she can muster. You're gonna get stuck in the gut, shot in the eye, and anything else she can manage through your E.G.O equipment. A small part of her might like it, but it'll be blinded by rage.
The other user already explained the "existence denial" method but if you beat her up, she's going to start crying and struggling in vain, the time distortion that makes her so twitchy becoming greater and the music box becoming more mangled. Still, though, by the end she's going to try and get through to you with a nice gift, hoping that maybe you'll be nicer if someone shows you a little kindness first.
>Spider Bud
See Fairy Festival but you might actually get cocooned and die
>Fiery Bird

Attached: 1565625130125.png (1378x2039, 879K)

There should be only porn of Angela being fucked and bred. Any other female portrayal is unnecessary.

And inaccurate

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Are we reaching the point of no return for Lobotomy threads?

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Just keep the filter on, it'll be fine

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This is just the 1st Trumpet
Could be worse...

Attached: Myo2.png (436x532, 107K)

how do we bring it back to the cool main theme, myo?

Angela a lewd

angela pls don't samefag and go ask for dick somewhere else
binah is cuter anyway

Attached: 1565139271003.jpg (885x838, 134K)

Give your self to the stars of course.

They'll come back 200% worse once the Sseth video comes out
If he actually follows up after teasing it that is

You are scared of the truth. It is just that these accounts agree against your belief. Binah isn't even #2 on the cute scale.

>that QoH expression

Wait a minute...

Attached: 6FE7C3F1-072D-4B47-818F-BA6D7A505E87.jpg (200x200, 21K)

Indeed. The manager should just strip Angela of her clothing right now and insert his penis into her vagina to pleasurably stimulate himself

I saved the whole thing because I love box art but I don't get it.

I'm gonna post it

Attached: Angela4.png (503x666, 123K)

The manager should not subside such activity until he has completely exhausted himself so that he becomes livelier and much more attentive upon regaining energy.

Half-closed eyes = male
Full eyes = female
Therefore Yesod is a female due to having a full eye

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Attached: Carmen.png (1931x1410, 2.78M)

Clerks, the lot of you

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Attached: sticker (24).png (252x224, 11K)

Clapnos, you mean

Please clap

Attached: Please clap.gif (480x279, 2.47M)

Clap now!

Attached: CBA679D6-32EF-4C73-BE4B-4ED0D7A386CF.png (273x844, 85K)

I wanna make Carmen's dreams a reality.


Manager, please refrain from posting on image forums, no matter how false your jokes may be

I wanna gather seeds for the tree.

I'm going to plant my seeds in Carmen!

Attached: A2.png (515x667, 95K)

Who's Carmen?

Attached: D2398241-BBEA-44A1-B9E4-5E8260C0E2C2.png (515x667, 134K)

>We got Angela instead of this

Attached: C.png (1378x2067, 506K)

What abno would be the most satisfying to rape?


The fUNNY one

t. big and might be bad wolf

I have fixed it for you, Manager

Attached: Carmen with Angela Aesthetics.png (1378x2067, 445K)

>looks like a dude

Thanks, I hate it.

Attached: 1561680528730.png (515x667, 93K)

Is it possible to rape Nothing There if it wants it?

Is there a way to increase font size? I literally can't read shit.

prove it
in the best ways
>looks like a dude
reverse traps are god tier

>prove it

Attached: 6DAF89BA-B6FA-4F87-B57B-DD51AFBDA539.png (840x1188, 339K)

user, I...

Attached: Red_Hood_mask_off.png (1136x1200, 559K)

What, do you want her even uglier?

I'm not that guy, I'm just saying you should use the grotesque official art if you're trying to prove she's ugly.

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I was wondering how a cartoon show about this game could work.

Wouldn't it get boring fast or make the facility seem like shit if every episode is about something breaking out of containment? Also characters would be disposable unless they just come back to life next episode for no reason.

>blocks your path

Attached: loli prankster.jpg (1024x1536, 262K)

What if an agent goes into her containment and plays Movement 2, the most underrated and the literally who of the Moonlight Sonata movements?

12-episode anime
1 for each sephirah, and 2 for abnos fucking around the facility after Cheesehead forgot to turn down the Qliphoth deterrence

slice of life maybe?
although doing that monster of a week might be cool if they pick good ones, no idea how you could make a whole episode out of like, fairy festival

Attached: 75749842_p0.jpg (847x553, 299K)

did they fix the translation for this game?
I watched some of sinvicta's lets play and the writing was kinda off but I know that was a long time ago

I would like version of employees dealing with the crap while mainstory happens off-screen.

What abnos could you have an episode where
>they get introduced
>employees work on them
>their backstory gets slowly revealed
>they breach
>they get a (sort of) redemption a la legacy's final observation

Is the Ice Queen's bukkake gift a great item overall?

birbs, KoD, little red, ect

I imagine that WN, NT, and the Birds should get an episode

Just downloaded this, time for all my employees to die I guess.

No, not yet. Wait for 15 days first

>nothing there episode is the thing styled kino
literally the most based abo

Attached: 1560750268402.jpg (811x973, 111K)

Reminder to read the manual and unlock managerial tips first

Attached: 1562952588594.png (469x659, 130K)

this chad whole job is to fuck smile girls into submission and holy fuck i kinda missed these threads

post your fave chads, bonus point for nothing there attentionwhoring

Attached: Morty McChad.png (600x600, 356K)

Imagine finally asking out your coworker only for her to say, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

But she didn't told me that this path is riddled with thorns and spikes....

Attached: Abram1.png (424x725, 121K)

A team of gigachads -though they aren't the main focus- swoop in for cool animated moments of them fighting off a shitstorm if the facility gets to that point
Otherwise the main focus should be on the newbies that slowly reach that status, making all kinds of silly mistakes and trying to clean up messes before they get to a point of no return.
I don't really know, but I want an excuse to see fights with abnormalities at maximum power vs. gigachads animated.

>mfw CENSORED episode.

Attached: 1411525447741.gif (286x210, 2.17M)

I need birb pictures, I lost my folder

Attached: 1559813518278.png (454x600, 125K)

Disciplinary Team's Bongbong from the Yea Forumscorp may Yea Forumsry series.

Attached: 9EA8A970-1E07-4C87-9E0E-2F95F9AC75E7.jpg (600x600, 104K)

It's fairly easy to get so long as you aren't on the lucklet level I am (someone with 110+ Fortitude still lost) and it's a free +6 HP/SP since nothing else really goes on the cheek slot.

Dude just mem repo lmao

Attached: 74575628_p4.png (1010x1010, 254K)

My condolences, I'm too lazy to dump more than a couple images but I'd lose my shit if I lost mine. I haven't had a folder this big since I had a general gurochan repository.

Attached: 1556663401543.jpg (1396x2048, 593K)

Tried to remember what my gigachad looked like.

Attached: file.png (600x600, 389K)

let me handle whitenight

Attached: bird chad.png (442x365, 143K)

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Do you guys hear that?
Sounds like the second trumpet!

Attached: 3-0.png (516x500, 146K)

Attached: BC1CE042-3C76-435E-83B6-D2863E655483.jpg (900x900, 136K)

Sounds dangerous, I'll bring in someone to keep them safe.

Attached: PlagueDoctorCloseUp.png (304x272, 121K)

>NOPE It wants fucking INSIGHT
read the manual

I'll protect them from those villains!

Attached: O-01-04.png (282x500, 158K)

I hear clerks dying, better check outside just to be sure.

>doing the day as usual
>hear the first trumpet theme start playing
>then second
>then third
>gunshots, screams, explosions offscreen
Should I bother to look?

Attached: BE174505-8392-40F0-85E7-E90E88D7982B.jpg (167x255, 17K)

Can anyone here tell me what causes the second and third trumpets?

It's usually just a lot of WAW+ abnormalities getting out at once, a lot of people dying, or both. WhiteNight causes instantaneous third trumpet on breach, but his custom theme overrides the depressing choir.

Number of agents dying/panicking
Abnos breaching
Certain events can instantly trigger a third trumpet

Attached: 69649290_p17.jpg (800x429, 251K)

Since it have on going plot, adaptation wouldn't become boring focusing on that. Problem would be skipping stuff (even days) to fit it in show run

Damn, this really makes me wanna see X & Co’s reactions to things happening in the facility

On a side note, how does things like silent orch and the big W not affect X? Since it seems like a facility wide aoe

Angela probably has something in place to protect him, much like the perception filters

X has a constant intake of Angela's pussy juice causing him to be a god amongst men

Imagine if the abnos somehow breached your safety box and your cog filter deactivates( for some reason). Your last moments are the unfiltered abnos in their grotesque flory ready to eviscerate you like they did with your employees

I can imagine X getting more pissed than anything at the incompetence of his employees, Dealing with game-like rules that Abbo's typically come with that would release the anti-christ if you pass gas at the wrong time, Then dealing with multiple at once while having to tell your barely sentient corporate pawns how to breathe manually.

You're worse than the people that think the timer should be removed from Dead Rising

Actually, I guess this is why there need to be new managers. Since there are 7 trumpets and we only see 3, maybe a fourth trumpet would be an event that directly endangers the manager?

Re: Gendered employees
>Brap-poster abnormality that requires a cute girl employee to constantly fart in his containment unit ("Attachment" work replaced with "Cropdust")
>Qliph counter decreases every time work is done on another abnormality, or a poor result
>Breaches on 0. On breach he hunts down the nearest female and crawls up her ass, bursting out in a horrible eruption of gore seconds later
>Instantly breaches if a male employee is sent to do Cropdust work

>seven trumpets
>the tiering they use for abno names apparently has three above ALEPH
>all that stuff about the reverse Kabbalah
I hope more of this kind of stuff shows up in Ruina or a theoretical LobCorp 2

What are the three ones that are above ALEPH?

I don’t know, just seen other anons mention it before. Not even sure if three is the right amount now that I think about it.

Big boi

Attached: 1565836527587.jpg (720x960, 70K)

semi-comedy where everyone dies at the end but comes back next week
overarching plot happening every episode

I can dig that. Would it be something breaking out every time, or would episodes work more like them researching the item (how exactly is a question) and things going haywire?

>big red button
>blows up your facility
>try to press the info tab instead of assign work tab
>blows up your facility
>try to look at it in the main menu
>cracks your screen
okay, that's a pretty good joke.

>click it three times quickly
>screams in gook and kills the game process
It's a spooky little button, ain't it?

>>screams in gook
I wasn't prepared the first time

Attached: 49.png (395x340, 14K)

yeah, the abno is explained and researched before it breaches containment and kills everyone
next week everything is normal as if it never breached and a breach is never mentioned
kinda like how panty and stocking episode endings often ended like the one where they become zombies but the next episode they're perfectly fine and nothing gets mentioned about it

It was some while ago on somewhere I can't remember, but I saw a discussion about what a Space Station 13 show would look like and it boiled down to that too.

Idk about the meanings because i’ve never really delved into jewish mysticism, but i’m pretty sure stuff like He and Aleph are pronunciations of letters in hebrew

The problem would be the exposition info dump. Cause for stuff like that the viewer would need to know, but the characters would have no reason to explain how the item/monster works every time without it seeming forced and just talking out lout for the sake of audience.

Like Space Dandy too

narrator and/or text box on screen with brief explanations

Could start the episode with a narrated reading of the abno file in a similar way some shows have an intro every episode before the OP.

That kinda exposition is why i hate anime though. Where the narator talks at the audience instead of the actions happening/you watching them.

Like take samurai jack, or any of gendis stuff. There is little to no dialogue, and you get it.

Could have AOT style eyecatch infodumps

solution: the eyecatches are two separate "files" on the abno with a picture and text

If there really was a show starring a couple of agents, what department would they be in?

>First season
>Second season
>Third season

Filtered or unfiltered?

What made this game popular? I played it when it came out and when I posted threads on Yea Forums literally no one would talk about it or they'd just call me a shill, i've seen threads nearly every day for the last 3 months though. Did it get a major update or something?

Attached: 1562891308650.png (1011x685, 835K)

Pop Team Epic style where the first half is the filtered version of the episode, the second half is the same episode but unfiltered.

More new people are playing it and really like it. its crazy how much oc we're getting from it.

That one thread from march set us up

What abno gives you ranged weapons. I find range agents much easier to micromanage then melee.

Old Lady, Loli Prankster, Butterfly Man, Der Fruitloops, Wellcheers, Smol birb, Shy Look, Scorched Girl, Wall Gazer, the bees, Army, Blue Star, Bald, I don't remember the rest.

Lots, there's only like three in the ALEPH range though

Attached: 1558740591410.jpg (1600x1680, 893K)

Huh, guess my guess was correct, got a link to this manual?

Also, the fifth trumpet implies multiple branches and facilities, I wonder how many there are? And what purpose they serve?

Keep the thread going or else Chesed will have to satisfy these two alone

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how did you get that if you didn't save it?

Doesn't sound too bad

Attached: 68631435_p14_master1200.jpg (600x518, 127K)

Chesed lost his cool and blew his load after Binah threatened him a bit once, the man couldn't satisfy an Amish virgin.

Will BongBong comeback in LoR?
What about YumYum?

Ah, yes. The G. We have already verified the legibility of this claim.

I only care about AsteroidCow

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How fucking come Chesed gets death by Binah and Geb snusnu, but not me

Attached: 1564454851205.png (1234x1152, 834K)

You'll take your scatterbrained clumsy womanlets and/or homoerotic completely unprecedented relationship with Yesod and you'll like it, you worthless upper layer stoner

Attached: 68631435_p20_master1200.jpg (600x600, 204K)

Is it possible to memrepo away the priest?

Hey fuck you man, I want that pelvis shattering sex with Geb and that mindbreaking sexual abuse only La Abuela can give

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I'm scared, will losing to WN need you to start over from day 1?

Netzach's long hair, thin body and feminine appearance (especially in LoR) is pure fuel for fujos/fudans. Wouldn't be surprised if a character bearing his likeness appears in a bl game

If you got the gear and the biggest chad you can imagine
You can manage that cunt
(Just remember to keep an eye on him)

>Sseth actually put a LC related joke on a recent video.
This is why we can't have nice things.

Attached: 1556747759428.png (1200x790, 563K)

"Nothing There", right? Well unlike the last reference in Heroes of Might and Magic, this one is more subtle.

ngl I actually would love him to review the game, even if the supposed fallout would suck.

Good thing is normalfags are too busy playing MC

I know about the aleph one, what was this new one?

It will be good for the game though. You just don't want the threads to be overrun by newfags though. But at least summer is over so the fallout might be a bit lessened.

Attached: StarsectorNothingThere.png (337x107, 31K)

Just bought the game, what should I expect bros

Timestamping didn't work. It appears for a split second at 13:16

Friendship, happiness, cute things, and love!

Attached: D9aZ1ycUwAEP47w.jpg (717x647, 57K)

I haven't done apocalypse bird yet, I'm h*cking scared

WN is a whole different bag of marbles compared to Apocalypse Bird. No shame in getting beaten down by him on the first attempt, because there's a lot to keep in mind without the pause function enabled. Though the same thing applies to Apocalypse, with their dangers being not from their immediate selves, but the other things that happen
If I was able to reform my ragtag squad of misfits to take him on (had to regroup mid-battle due to his resistances) and claim victory, you can too!

Attached: Screenshot_48.png (951x376, 211K)

Is there anything I can do to lessen the debuff my agents get during Hod's Suppression?

Borb knows what's best for the clerks :3

Attached: borb headpats.png (552x521, 82K)

Use You Must Be Happy

The only character he reminds me of visually is Enkidu, but I could seriously see someone like him in a Nitro+Chiral game with a tiny bit of extra muscle. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places, it's criminal that there's not much content of him with Yesod besides the artist I just posted. This game's got some serious lack of lewds overall though so I'll accept what I can get.

Attached: clay1.jpg (1000x1000, 269K)

wtf that's literally him

Attached: Swidk9s.png (750x1334, 226K)

...And I'm sure if there WERE more art, it would be overfeminized off-model trash and I'd have to turn from writing Yea Forums paragraphs about fun stuff like repression work and Little Red to fighting against the encroaching trapfag menace.

Attached: 1557323305154.jpg (699x990, 113K)

Thanks! I'll look over gear distribution so that it might get easier to manage when rushed..!

Dude there's only like 2-3 fujos here and they just lurk, chill

hod is for netzach

Attached: EAlHaiQVUAEoUxk.jpg (1744x2200, 338K)

I'm well aware, I'm one of them. I do suppose it's no good to get worked up over strawmen when there's a tangible one I should be working on right about now.

Attached: emerald roads take me home.png (512x512, 476K)

Remember to clean your doggos

Attached: 70065261_p4.png (350x350, 91K)

Is there a penalty for not skipping the day fast? Can I just grind my guys with the same abno so they get promoted?

This is what you, as the manager, see the cute aleph doggo as.

Meanwhile this is how your agents see him unfiltered

Attached: 1565715533081.jpg (1920x1200, 1.28M)

What the fuck

Gurochan would be proud

WAW and ALEPH incur work success penalties the more you work on them, but resets each meltdown.

Dusk and Midnights ordeals are a real bitch to take care of and can overwhelm your team, but they appear at the time when you're usually done with collecting all the energy, so I personally consider it as a penalty for grinding.

Attached: 1558118018714.png (800x1050, 280K)

I don't know man, I literally cannot get past day 8


>Before you unlock ordeals
Diminishing returns. An employee's stat gains will drop off severely if they're only working with a ZAYIN or TETH indefinitely. That's why a couple of my guys who did nothing but Repress Fragment and 1.76MhZ were stuck on Justice IV for an in-game week while I powerleveled a Justice II to V in the span of a day with After you unlock ordeals
Dealing with those ordeals. Even Dawn and Noon can be devastating early game if you've been grinding on one abnormality constantly and haven't gotten gear of comparable risk level. Hours of forced stat gains are useless in the fact of death because all you had to suit them up in is Penitence.

You LITERALLY can, fuck off.

I'm not big brain I guess. Whisper of the cosmos or something keeps getting angry and killed all my guys so I just restarted

Can gigachads really take down ALEPH level abno or high level bosses? Sometimes I feel like they are too weak to do anything...

Damn. But my guys keep dying with aleph abnos and as soon as I got the second department I got a sheep that just sleep-killed all of my guys.

Wake them up bro

That's ok. This game is suited for people who can make good management skills and critical thinking. You can try another game if you want.

Spam click sleeping employees to wake them up.
Get into a habit of doing this when it doubt because the game will never explain it.

Oh fuck. Alright.

The fuck are you talking about? Most of them are 5'10 and are lanky faggots that are fucking skinny as hell.

Finally getting around to playing for the first time, doing my first run with just doing tutorial and not reading the manual. This samurai armor fuck just killed 3 of my employees, at least the cross skull dude is cool.

Attached: RIP.jpg (1280x761, 182K)

Employees who fall asleep in containment can't wake up. It's a stat check so in the meantime user should use some LOB to reinforce those employees, train their conversation skills on One Sin, or just ignore it and let it melt down then wake up employees it sends to dreamland when it's breaching.

The way of the samurai is a steel-hearted path of isolation

Remember to suppress Punishing Bird if it escapes.

Unless user is a talented enough manager that he's capable of sending every employee into the containment at once, I doubt that's what's killing 'all of his guys'.

Don't listen to them, user! Your employees have worked hard today collecting all the energy for you. They deserve a good day's rest.

Let them have a nice, long sleep.


Attached: Void Dream.png (474x486, 181K)

Yeah man, fuck that goat.

Samurai armor fuck can (practically) permanently restrict (ruin) an employee, beware him.

Unlock the managerial tips first.

The samurai armor instakills anyone who's a complete weakling and will tolerate those who understand the importance of gains.

>blue star escaping is causing more problems than binah herself

>Tumblr of the Galaxy
Just don't let his counter reach 0 bro, in fact if anyone gets his pebble, you should seriously put body guards near his door because it's a funny meme to witness the entire facility evaporate if his counter reaches 0 on top of being stupid enough to give everyone his rock.

>Blue Star
I hope nothing bad happens.

Attached: Screenshot_194.png (788x330, 345K)

Oh no! I couldn't have possibly seen this coming!

Attached: Screenshot_195.png (1365x513, 770K)

I found this funny

Attached: 1551580543729.png (137x100, 22K)

Alright Hoon, you may be powerful...
But not powerful enough to panic to Blue Star!

Attached: 0F8C089C-A41D-4B8E-A8BF-5EA5BC6474BB.png (1611x771, 969K)

How nice of everyone to become a star together all at once.

Thanks for the tip! though some purple slugs and tiny bird murdered the rest of my employees. This game is wild.

>All Level 3 this late in the game
I found your problem there bro

I'm pretty sure he mass-recruited them and then reduced their prudence to 1

There is no excuse for letting your employees get killed by a tiny bird. Its beak is so small.

Attached: christine-fischer-punishing-bird.jpg (1920x1920, 962K)

go against your instincts when dealing with the tiny bird

Now seems like the perfect time for a refreshing can of Wellcheers™!

Attached: wc.png (993x728, 598K)

Now, that hit the spot!

Attached: wc.png (948x719, 691K)

Bump limit quota reached. Commencing archive refinement.

Attached: 3363713.png (240x240, 12K)

>that dead clerk
Oh no!

Instead of putting my last employee to death by the tiny bird I ended him properly. Thank you guys for making me stumble onto this game I haven't had this much fun in a while.

Attached: Not afraid.jpg (909x515, 122K)

For a fujo, you sure do write a lot about females.

>Liking yaoi immediately disqualifies me from liking het
I answer questions with autistic overcompensation in-thread and those questions are usually about girls. I still prefer BL overall, but if no one's asking for it I'll keep it contained in a little something I'm picking at on the side.

Attached: 1563565633791.png (1380x1605, 750K)

If you're writing an LC slashfic you better show it to us when you're done or you're a complete faggot.

Yeah, yeah. I didn't plan to mention it until it was completed because doing that usually spells doom for my projects unless it's a birthday gift, but I guess in this case now I'm obligated.

Attached: 1560415687664.png (760x388, 156K)

That's good. I really enjoy the autistic overcompensation since I like Red.

Attached: 6BE37193-7459-4E8B-936E-146F4476A201.jpg (840x1188, 88K)

I eagerly await. Spare no details.

yeah well I think you're writing's cool, keep it up

We will meet again as clerks.

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best girl

Attached: 760BDC37-D905-49FF-A4C5-0B469A195F81.jpg (600x700, 54K)

God I hope not

>Big Bird is mentioned to be a girl in the April Fools comic

>using backward clock to wipe the meltdowns stuns and appears to weaken binah but actually does not
Last for FUCK

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