What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Ubisoft publishing
how is it possible to hack a crane?
took me a while, that its not APB Reloaded
Nothing, really. Game delivered on everything it promised and was a generally enjoyable experience. Despite taking place in the woke-capital of the USA it didn't beat you to death with PC culture and the ugly bull dike was even a villain. It had a completely different tone from the first game but having a main character that didn't look like a back alley rapist might have influenced that somewhat, the themes of the games are just very distant, even with the obvious things that tie them together. Not a good thing or a bad thing, that, just making an observation.
Did you not see superman 3?
>What went wrong?
Instead of being an interesting, complex game that presents the good and bad of every aspect of the subjects it tackles, it rather spoon feeds the right way to think in a heavy handed and poorly written shitshow.
>what went wrong
Story is about being bright eyed hackers bringing the man down with technology but then you can kill hundreds of people in every mission and the story treats you like a hero.
It is strange how the game flat out expects you to go non-lethal, but then gives you maybe two non-lethal guns.
It's love letter to old Yea Forums that the modern, child-filled internet interpreted as le SJW marxist propaganda. What went wrong is the American political machine.
They embraced the cringe.
Yeah at first I only did non lethal but got tired of doing the same shit every single mission. Just started having fun with the tools provided and the game got a lot better.
>empty world
>retarded and annoying characters
>dude lol ancient memeys
>empty open world
>repetitive gameplay, the bad kind
and so on. the first watch dogs was better
>love letter to old Yea Forums
I don't remember any penguin swastikas
ancient meymeys were obv. a zoomer filter, they don't remember those.
I actually loved this game and found it funny because could run around parkouring shit and killing people with fucking 3D printed guns even when canonically you're not supposed to do that.
okay then what is THIS a filter for?
The muslim’s thighs weren’t thicker. Otherwise it was the cringe writing for most of the characters, though it worked for the villain who is basically what I expected when I heard the setting was the bay area.
Dedsec is what Fox thought Anonymous was in 2006. You literally play as the dangerous hacker known as Four Chan and explode vans.
Isn't the sequel hammering down on the woke themes and cutting out all of the guns
being a sequel to a falsely marketed shit game nobody liked
being a cookie cutter ubisoft open world game
stale memes reworked for normie consumption
too much SJW shit even for normies
You're talking about Legion?
They're not cutting on any guns, they're handing out weaponry to the UK en mass.
For some reason I found this boring and I dropped it after 10 hours of playing, while I enjoyed WD1 more.
I think they said guns are in
My I knew Ubisoft would try and cash in on the cyberpunk aesthetic with 2077 coming out next year
american filter, obv.
What will go wrong?
Shows you didn't play the game
Shit wasn't even heavy on sjw themes. In fact there was a lot of SJW takedowns in the game. I don't know what kind if shit Ubisoft is smoking but I found it weird, especially how you could kill freely.
Fucking game had a giant robot spider at the end and was very anti-silicon valley.
But that's what you get when you let the French make video games
gta clone that probably should have focused it's experience instead of do what Rockstar does
because I've seen some videos and it looks like complete trash
I've seen a tweet from a dev saying the thing he liked best about the game was some headcanon that he assigned to an NPC he'd played as and ran into later in the game. So the storyline is likely to be shit if "I used my imagination and WOWEE" was what he considered the highlight of a game he's working on to be. And by shit I mean even worse than Watch Dogs 2.
So FE BE route?
they probably thought the retarded hacking sets it apart
>Individuals exist
also very anti google, almost namedrops it
>dude BREXIT
yeah, the story will be worse than trash.
>not-Trump appears
>he isn't a villain or even a punching bag
I think they wanted to subvert people's bay-area expectations. Doesn't count for much though considering the overwhelming majority of Yea Forums haven't played the video games they claim to despise. The only on-the-nose thing I can think of was the tranny character that appears out of nowhere and is never seen again.
>"diverse" cast
>tranny politician
>niggers is the only nigger in google, cause white people
Yeah no, go fuck yourself
wait . it was right at some point before?
I would rather side with the authoritarian corporate government then those smelly antifas members
If I'm going to play a fantasy game, it better have dragons.
looks like someone is triggered.
yeah but richard pryor is based unlike them
The game is pretty good, but the sound team really held the game back. The soundtrack is more miss than hit and car audio was phoned in hard.
>he thinks outliers will sway a persons opinion of stereotypes which exist for a reason
>Ubisoft reveals game
>Try to predict what Ubisoft will do with story to fit agenda
>Ubisoft does the opposite
Rinse and Repeat
>i'm a kewl punk chick but i'm also a religious conservative allahu ackbar gamers btfo
mkbhdwabh here
Nobody wants to play as a nigger.
The first game. Even though it broke all sales records, it under delivered insanely hard and ended up burning most people who played it on the franchise.
Of course they're not gonna buy the second one after first one was so disappointing.
That picture
>that's what you get when you let the french make video games
user... watchdogs was made by euros
It's a decent game with a serviceable story and fun gameplay, but it does get pretty cringe at times. It's also pretty fucking nice that it subverts literally everyone's expectations by barely having any politics outside extremely specific references to tranny shit and focusing mostly on issues that both sides of the political spectrum can agree on; corporations and big-pharma (instead of the "LOL FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP BLACKED.COM" bullshit literally everyone was expecting to see.
t. Gibs Medat
>those guns
>in bongland
Everything in that image is technically legal with small, reversible modifications. Also it's a video game.
The marketing felt like it was made by a bunch of 40 year old business men who think that's what hackers look and act like
The sad part is I can't tell if this is bait
>Deagle brand deagle
if it has a coathanger on it, has a longer barrel and is in .22 then sure, but otherwise nope unless someone makes one in the same configuration but you have to manually rack the slide every shot
>M249 (that's not a minimi)
literally not avalible as a straightpull or in .22 not uk legal, but it could have been stolen from the bongistani army if it was a minimi and not a fucking 249
>and is in .22
I've definitely seen automatic Frankenstein-pistols that are not .22.
no you fucking haven't, .22 isn't just .22LR but it's the only allowed calibre group allowed