Literally and unironically find a flaw
Literally and unironically find a flaw
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Escort sections and an on-rails shooting section
repetitive combat
braindead enemies
about 50/50 cutscenes and gameplay so you need to be in the mood for both
Started it last week. Loving it but NGL sometimes I am genuinely bored with the cutscenes. Most are real entertaining but some of them just go on too long for me.
enemy forms a queue simulator
Cutscenes can be waaaaaay too fucking long and the first escort mission with the blind bitch was horrible.
But other than that, fun game.
>jap 'humour'
blind bitch is annoying af
What difficulty do you play on?
Combat system is too simplistic to really allow for a lot of combo variety. You can't swap stances mid-combo, there is no way to juggle or at least keep an enemy stun locked while resetting your own combo progression, etc. I get that it's meant to be more of a brawler like Final Fight or something than DMC but still, Final Fight doesnt last for 50 hours either.
Also coming after Yakuza 5 the lack of really in-depth side quests sorta bugged me. It's nice that the Hostess club got expanded upon but the Real Estate minigame is tedious. And what about hunting, taxi driving, etc. All of the lesser minigames are there which is cool, and some of the new ones are really good like the slot car races, but those don't have the same kind of story payoff and character moments.
The Stealth sections where you have to hide your blind bitch in the crowd is the worst.
Its a movie
>no parrying mechanic
>Majima's thug counterattack is dodged every time and leaves him open to attack
>you get hit if you try to attack an attacking enemy but the enemy can interrupt your combos easily
>stunlock if the enemy uses a combo after they dodge behind you
>attacking an enemy as they're staggered or on the ground instantly triggers the blocking stance followed by an attack that's unblockable if you're stuck in the middle of an attack animation
>cheesing bosses with guns and heat actions and an inventory full of staminan royale is the only non-tedious strategy
>cabaret club after buying up the whole town and beating club moon still makes only ¥60mil a session but beating up Mr. Shakedown a couple of times in the first hour of the Majima chapter racks up billions of yen
>Real Estate Royale is just time-gated cookie clicker bullshit
>cheesing bosses with guns and heat actions and an inventory full of staminan royale is the only non-tedious strategy
ummm you're just bad!
lmfao just use breaker
charismatic photo/biography effect should be on at all times on normal difficulty and higher.
legend should have enemies always in rage mode.
That only works if you can get a combo started. Not an option on Kotomi's Lackeys.
Love this game, its my favorite from the series but the loading, the AI and the outdated character models do affect the overall game.
even on higher difficulties enemies just stand around waiting to be taken down. combat is fucking garbage.
I thought one of thse games was digital only
repetitive as fuck. it's a 7/10 game at best, but still better than other yakuza games by a mile.
Combos are boring and not really the problem with the game's combat.
Worse battle system than Yakuza 5.
The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.
I don't like the stories because of what actually happens in them, that's just a bunch of pulp crime novel fluff. What Yakuza excels at is provoking emotion, something that most other games either never attempt, completely fail at, or have to try way too hard for the same effect. It effortlessly makes characters likeable, or hateable, makes me sad or angry when appropriate. Its excellent at setting tone, even when its whiplashing between being ULTRA SERIOUS CRIME DRAMA and ridiculous. It still amazes me that, 7+ games and nearly 15 years later I'm still not tired of Kiryu's passion+naivete schtick. Or exploring Kamurocho for the umpteenth time. Or seeing the same story beats and twists over and over again. Because they always find a way to make me care, and it's always more entertaining than watching some Sony game trying to convince me that being a dad is hard or something.
I have been mocked in the past for not getting emotional during some of "the great" films and tv shows out there. (I'm a little autistic) But Yakuza and anime can make me emotional because the writing is melodramatic and it's always very clear what I should be feeling. The music helps, but mostly I like that the characters all say clearly how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This helps me understand them and I can feel myself getting emotional from the sad parts.
It's like watching a soap opera
Japs have no taste
Boring quests
Loading times
it's still good though
Same for me. I like that at all times there is never any question how I am supposed to be feeling or thinking during a scene. Western media always strive for "subtlety" but for people like us subtlety is just confusing or annoying.
Are you me?
This is probably why I also watch a lot of children's entertainment (anime, cartoons, comic book movies) instead of all the normie shit other people my age do
Children's media is just easier to understand emotionally
I'm also a big fan of Yakuza and Persona
>It effortlessly makes characters likeable, or hateable
Yeah by having everyone be laughably pure and noble or cartoonishly irredeemably evil. It's called being a pleb retard. Enjoy watching capeshit in your 40s while everyone else is growing up and enjoying things a little more complex than a disney cartoon for 5 year olds.
Kiryu is just so fucking boring bros
You can count the number of games with good "subtle" writing on one hand user, this isnt a matter of taste. Its quality. Even good stuff like Legacy of Kain is still as subtle as a brick to the head, it works because it's super melodramatic and overwhelms you with drama, not because "oh, it's so deep and complex". Yakuza is the same way.
5 was only digital in the west
Be a vessel for shooreh pippi.
Those AV idol clips that clearly weren't made in the 80's that break the immersion.
Get the hobos drinks faggot.
It's not on the dragon engine
It's set in the past so the environment isn't as beautiful
All hosts photos on thwe street as well.
>I am genuinely bored with the cutscenes.
This happens to me too but I gave him a second chance and he's really good and funny also interesting.
difficulty, nothing prevents you to fill your inventory with Staminan or Toughness and enemies just get harder by increasing health and damage, they should restrict that stuff or at least give you a reward if you play the mission in an established way by devs that makes it challenging, or else missions become you styling on bad guys for minutes, rest of the franchise is flawles imo
a flawless game shouldn't be this boring. when you finally finish it maybe 10% of the game was actually fun or interesting and the other 90% was repeating tasks or doing something utterly forgettable or staring at cutscenes which play out as slowly as possible.