Just picked up pic related because screw waiting for the revised version...

Just picked up pic related because screw waiting for the revised version. Any tips or tricks for someone newish to the series?

Also persona thread I guess

Attached: 3628325261.jpg (250x354, 124K)

Should've just emulated on PC at 60fps.

My only tip: Romance Haru and stay loyal to her



You did the right choice.
I started w/ P5, and had no problems with the game. Just go with the flow, and replay it if you wanna plat everything.

Futaba = best girl.

- Don't stick to the same Personas, recruit every Persona you can and fuse them to make stronger ones cause they become obsolete quickly.
- Make sure to increase a stat or do a Confidant every day, don't waste time.
- Working part-time at that ramen place(?) unlocks the politician's Confidant.
- At rank 7, Ryuji gives you the ability to instakill weak Shadows which cannot be deactivated. It's a major nuisance because you get no XP or loot for instakilling them. Progress with Ryuji's Confidant at your own risk.
- Limit your visits to Mementos. Wait until the requests pile up so you can do them all at once. The best time to go to Mementos is when no Confidants are available and/or you are low on money.
- Use your bullets sparingly, the only way to replenish them is to use an item which you won't be able to craft until the latter half of the game.

Merciless is a bit fucked up because it starts out fairly punishing if you aren't abusing weaknesses and buff/debuff, but once you get out of the gate it turns piss easy because the damage multiplier goes both ways. Also you can cheese Death like crazy in the summer, but I'll let you figure out how, exactly.

Also, wait until the final day to tackle dungeons, that way you get the most bonuses put of your confidants.


Play a real shin megoomi tensei game like Nocturne or Strange Journey

Don't tackle Palaces on the last day like this lying asshole says, the game forgets to mention that Palaces are cleared three days minimum.

Wait for the revise. Its like you're not fucking starving but you're jumping at the chance to eat a goddamn burger when you have a 5 star steak on the way

And I am by no means saying P5 is 5 star, but why settle for something that's clearly inferior when the superior version isn't even that far off

Date your Landlord and Teacher ASAP so you can learn how to make coffee and have the teacher make you coffee and massages as soon as you can.

Isn't that your uncle?

Wait for the revised version, it's a 120 hour game you're not gonna play it twice soon


Play on hard. Normal is way too easy, even for a beginner

aint the 60fps patch glitchy as fuck?
take the time to go for the social bondings rather than rushing through the game

Its shit. Worst persona game by FAR. Should have gotten a Switch and XC2 and FE3H

Keep seething xenofag

All wrong, fuckboi.

You’re in for a great time.

Don’t compare that garbage to actual good games like Nocturne.

With patch some animations are played at 2x speed.

The battles are already really fast