Why can't Nintenbros and Sonybros get along?

Why can't Nintenbros and Sonybros get along?

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Snoys keep shitting up the board with their xbox clone


Because most of them are retarded manchildren AND poorfags who can only afford one console
Console wars began because fucking kids only had the console their parents bought them

I'm both and I can't get along with myself

It's not an Xbox clone if it can't play anything besides netflix

brand loyalty is retarded

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I dont mind that
Nintendo better than sega

Cause poverty

I can afford both ps4 and switch, hell even xbox one. I appreciate gaming, i dont give a fuck who enetertains me or tries. If it is worthy of my time then my money is theirs.

It almost happened.

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The xbone and ps4 both have exclusives on each other. The reason nobody likes xbox anymore is because halo is dead, at least right now.
the switch will save us all

that's how you get shit like sly x starfox porn and that zelda/ape escape ass tattoos drawing
why do you think sony wants to do movies now?


Did Ben hack already made the thing works with CDs?

What the fuck he's bread

because tying their identity to a corporate product and arguing on an anonymous image board that they placed their loyalty correctly and purchsed the correct product is all they have to brighten up their miserable, blank, slate, empty, soulless existence.

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>”My brand could beat up your brand!”
>”Oh yeah?!”

Because of Pc false flagging that’s why

Dont you know that feel, user?

And then it didn't and it cost Nintendo billions and a market leading position lmao

We can get along over once Nintendorks admit their system is shit and the playstation is where the real games are.

Not our fault they're too braindead to get along with us.

Sony and Nintendo are starting to encroach a little on each other's turf with the gay-ass, indie platformer types and they're probably going to continue for a while.

I'm a bun I'm a bun
I'm a tasty tasty tasty bun

Because Yea Forums is full of fags whose only form of entertainment is starting shit online

nintendo didn't have another market lead until the wii 10 years later though, and then they completely dropped it with the wii u

yeah bro it's retarded to favor a brand who consistently makes better games and doesn't use shady business practices and fund studios who force political pandering into vidya over sony like woah goy just buy everything haha like shit man it's only $1500 to buy all the consoles just buy them all hahah yeah bro so enlightened so deep like my favorite Naughty Dog Cinematic Experience™

You console fags should just build a pc

I've never played a Zelda game on native hardware



>GoW style Zelda game
>Secret Nintendo-themed levels for Littlebigplanet
>Unlockable Electric type Pokémon costumes for Cole Macgrath
>Mario Kart x Twisted Metal
>Smash Bros with Sly, Ratchet, Jak, Parappa, Kratos, Sackboy and Kat
>Metroid x Jak & Daxter crossover
>Secret Donkey Kong level in Ape Escape
>Parappa in Rhythm Heaven
I want to live in this timeline

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Likes pretty shit_

because movies are not video games

The rational ones do, people don't really actually care about defending a company. They just pretend to be this autistic because of the attention they get here.