One of Epic's biggest shills got their account locked due to "suspicious activity"

>One of Epic's biggest shills got their account locked due to "suspicious activity"
I thought competition was good for consumers.

Attached: ebin.png (615x884, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread: juice

literally who

it's funny how this limp-dicked backbone lacking faggots bitches and whines about them, yet he is going to continue giving them money.
this is why video games are in such a sad state these days.

literally who ?

Who's this incel?


Like pottery

One of Sweeny's biggest twitter shills.
>boss derides twitter's checkmark system
>his shills have one

1) Epic only allows you to use your own account
2) Credit card companies only allow you to use your card, unless you explicitly add someone else as an authorized user.
Either he's violating Epic's rules by using his kid's accounts, or he's violating his credit card company's rules by letting his kids use his card.

Pretty much this

>now I have to buy it on egs
No you don't. Just don't but it. It'll still be new to you when it eventually gets released on steam, just play something else and wait.

>biggest twitter shills
So literally nobody

Who cares

How can you say this when you guys keep on talking about WoW classic so much?

god damn
read and understand this, retards

i only play dota 2 and mhw

>WoW classic

Team lead of WoW vanilla and producer of Starcraft (and Diablo 2 iirc)

Gaming industry is the only one where customers are beaten wives that keep coming back for more.

What if his kid has an account, and uses his dads credit card that his dad approved him as an authorized user of. The dad also uses that card on his own account.

the majority of people don't actually care about WoW classic, just MMO fans, and not even all of them

He is what would be called washed up rock star. He is no longer relevant but was a big part of Vanilla WoW. Now with Classic he tries to get back into spotlight but fails.

I find it hard to understand the mentality of people that have to play games on release. It's a herd thing, right?

>but muh devs

Attached: rage feel.png (633x758, 29K)

Already paid by Epic.
Don't worry, the employees of the development studio have food on their table.

>>Another basedboy mad at epic
What's the issue here?

Really? I recently used my credit card to buy games on my brother's Steam account, did I fuck up?

That's everything now, movies, TV. Look at Star Wars

I really doubt valve will care

>be on a message board that exists explicitly to talk about games
>single digit IQ prevents said person from understanding why someone would want to talk about a game when the discussion about it is at its most enjoyable
I dunno retard, why do you think people play games near release and not 6 years later when no one cares anymore?

>I thought competition was good for consumers.
It is.

What Epic is doing has little to do with competition, though.

Sounds a lot like the people of /v:

>Look at Star Wars
The franchise whos toy sales suddenly tanked so hard it contributed to the death of americans largest toy retailer

>negative IQ thinks it's necessary to spout their shitty opinions about a game that just came out
>sub molecular IQ retard thinks it's worth shitting up gaming just to talk about it inconsequentially
What's it like being fuckin stupid?

WoW threads are almost exclusively populated by Blizzard paypigs, nobody else on the board gives a fuck. Speaking of battered fucking housewives ITT. Their individual subscription fees must add up to several thousand dollars each by now.
I've yet to see a convincing argument by a Blizzard paypig as to why paying $15 every month for the privilege of playing one single game that you already bought and paid for is acceptable or reasonable. MMOs are cancer.

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>toy sales
They still got all the fanboys to go see TLJ even after they said TFA was shit, and they'll get the same retards to see the next movie too.

This is the product of competition.

The EGS has lit a fire under Valve's ass and now they're actually trying to further improve their store. Prove me wrong.

Attached: you can now label games you own outside of steam.png (572x204, 90K)

And managed to get all those retards to go to disneyland, and buy even more overpriced merch there.

>be a retarded gamergator
>get fucked by the ones you tried to kill
serves him right

The kid uses dad's credit card that he is an authorized user on. That doesn't break either of your rules which are fucking retarded in the first place.

Reminder that unless it was a self published indie dev, the developers get zero benefit from being exclusive, only the publisher sees the exclusivity money as well as the bigger cut, the devs only get a pay raise if the publisher decides that they should

Nice feature. Seems like valve understand that epic is here to stay

>One of Epic's biggest shills
That's not Jim "Cucking" Sterling or that fag from kotaku.

Once you start going into "is it worth it" arguments where money is involved, you wind up arguing about subjectivity because ultimately, things are worth what you feel like paying for them. There is no such thing as objective value.

Is this indie game worth $30, $20, $15, $5, or $0? What is the "correct" price to pay for the latest AAA game? Should one ever succumb to gacha or lootboxes? The discussion is never about only one game, but about anything that costs money.

>Other people have problems with the store
>They're good for devs guys, dont be toxic
>You have a problem
>Fuck Epic, burn it down!

Based literallywho

there are at least like 5 other platforms to play games on besides steam. epic doesn't even come into it

>chinkies will now claim that epic gays forced valve whenever valve does something
Someone should nuke that dog eating "country".

Probably. Steam is even worse at being consumer friendly than Epic is as of late.

>seething poorfag

But Valve has always been improving their store.

I hope devs know when players put their games on ignore

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still don't know who this ist

Cope steamdrones.

This is COMPETITION at work.

Epic is the only platform that actually competes with steam, or try to compete with steam. Whatever you preffer

Nice non-argument retard, pathetic attempt at reductio ad absurdum to deflect from your filthy paypig habits. No, it's not fucking worth it, and the "Objective truth don't real bro lmao subjectivity!" horse shit won't work on me.

>Wallet raped paypiggy
Oink oink!

Steam has always been working on their store, you massive retard. Even when they were " a monopoly".

I checked and his Twitter account is still there

blessed post, but the world is full of apes now so it won't change anything.

>typical chink buzzwords
Oh hey, it's you again. Let me guess, you got another proxy and the next few posts will be wojaks with greentext?

keep dreaming remote doggo

Exclusives are not competition. In fact, exclusives prevent competition.

everything needs to be burned down to nothing before it'll ever start to get better.

And yet why has this year seen the most "improvements" on their store?

Hmmmmm? It's almost as if a certain new digital storefront has popped up.

This is an extremely common security measure. Hating Epic store is some of the most blatant hard mentality I've ever witnessed

>You need to be exclusive onto OUR shitty store or it's not real competition

Attached: MadWojack12.jpg (750x1000, 88K)

>And yet why has this year seen the most "improvements" on their store?
It hasn't.

Star Wars was only worth $4B because of toy sales. The movies don't mean shit, and even if you only count movies, Solo bombed because of the negative reaction to TLJ.

They're offering something their competition doesn't have. Sounds like competition to me.

Classic steamdrone.

If competition drives improvement why cant tim figure out shopping carts?

Lol, you called it. Sometimes I wish Yea Forums really was this mean hacker. If someone deserves to have his life destroyed, it's this fucking faggot.

>chinkie actually started his wojakposting with greentext
Jannies and mods, either do your job, or there will be a huge wipe with advertiser removing content. I warned you.

That's fucking retarded, your CC company doesn't give a single fuck who the stuff you're buying is for.

>And yet why has this year seen the most "improvements" on their store?
It hasn't. Off the top of my head, the following improvements were far more massive than the minor alterations of this year:
>Transition from green to black
>The store layout rework
>Reviews and friend-based recommendations
>Adding the wishlist and following features
>Discovery queues and AI-generated recommendations

Attached: fuck off mark.png (689x589, 76K)

If you sell pizza, and I sell spaghetti, then we are not competing.

>giving money to the chinks to just to pwn the epic shills

power play by the gamergayters

Attached: 99721476.jpg (500x500, 70K)

Well of course those won't happen again this year. They already have those systems in place. And yet, Steam Labs happened which is arguably one of their "best" new features yet with the interactive recommender. I wonder why they showed those off now?

If we both run an Italian restaurant then we're competing regardless.

It's cute you think a fresh start fixes anything. History repeats itself.

>I thought competition was good for consumers.
You know what else is good for consumers?
Being able to tell other consumers about your complaints and grudges, so you and other consumers can organise into a group and fight back.
Fuck Epic.
And fuck Steam too, having to enable a setting to display review bombs is suppressing dissent.
Yea Forums is fine tho.

Haha just use pre-paid cards next time.
Oh wait.

Look at this retarded smooth brain and laugh.

I like how he tags Asmongold in there but doesn't tag the other guy hoping to avoid being noticed and ripped on.

If is not in italy is not italian

>They did all of these things in previous years
>They do one thing this year
Fuck off, Chinaman.

Sounds like his Epic account got locked.


I can't stand people like that. They'll bitch and mock and moan whenever other people complain about things that suck, like the Epic Store.
They'll do anything they can to make those complaints seem wrong or invalid because they can't be assed to imagine things from another perspective for 2 seconds.

Then oops, suddenly you get something that effects you!
Now is the time you have to FINALLY begrudgingly admit that the store has a problem.

FBI is on their way to your house as we speak.

>Merely pretending to be retarded

Why steam users hate competition? Steam won't die for at least a few more years so chill out

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Taliesin is a massive e-drama whore

can't forget to plug his shitty vaporware

GoG, Humblebundle, Origin, uPlay, G2A, and a dozen more. But you conveniently forget about those whenever you need to make Steam look bad, don't you, Mr. Chang? Go eat a dog, faggot.

based and pastapilled

>Hey Steam
>Do you have Orange Juice?
>I have everything bro
>Yeah but I didn't realize this refrigerator was actually a vending machine and I'm too retarded to press the big orange button that says ORANGE JUICE to get it


>implying those were real competition

Valve never gives a fuck about anything unless you actively cause them to lose money. I activated a shitton of cykablyat games over VPN back in the day and they didn't give a shit. They'll come after you if you do some credit card fraud tho.

Nooooo it's not real competition muhnopuhly!!

Attached: noooo president xi help.jpg (1007x706, 250K)

Competition is good for consumers. EGS just happens to be absolute dogshit and bad for consumers. Competition existed before EGS.

Yeah, but how do I know this is the orange juice I want? What if I just want to see all of the orange juices you've got and it's hard to do that when half the choices are armenian goat cum in a stolen orange juice bottle. You expect me to read reviews, look at screenshots and gameplay footage, and make an informed decision? Seems a bit much.

> juice
Oh dear, a functional search feature that found exactly what I'm looking for.

>vending machine

More like garbage dump.

Attached: 4021u8hji4.jpg (640x360, 245K)

Fuck off, retard.

i have a anouncement to make
TiananmensqReminder that Epic shill shitposting is done by an INCREDIBLY mentally ill shitposter that only makes threads on Yea Forums to bait (You)s and shit up the board.
Here he fucks up during posting the shitpost copypasta for Monster Hunter World with a picture that he uses for Epic shill copypasta:
(Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead) (Dead)
And you can expect the OP to quickly become a copy paste for him to spam as well.
The mods have confirmed that this guy is a huge autist that uses proxies to evade range bans and creates endless shitty threads, because he has nothing better to do with his life.

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At which point any of them posses any threat to steam dominance? People were hating origin, even when they offered refunds years before steam did that. Pro-consumer my ass, steamdrones are mentaly ill corporate cuck suckers.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's cute.

All physical PC copies are steam exclusive.

I've never understood this meme. Has anyone ever actually had any trouble finding a game they want on steam? Or been duped into actually buying some shoveware? There's user reviews and refunds if that shit ever happens? I think this is pushed entirely by devs who are blaming steam for their shitty game that wouldn't have sold anything on or off steam. And I've bought tons of games I never would have looked twice at on steam. It makes no sense..

Attached: 8-O.jpg (1339x648, 356K)

How about you stop rewriting the definition of competition, faggot? They were providing the same products at different prices, which perfectly fits the bill of competition.

Do the developers have a contract that say they can't release the game anywhere but Steam? If not, that's not Steam's fault. Tell the developers to release it elsewhere. This is the point where you post that one screenshot of Darwinia like fifteen years ago, and we all communally have to remind you how full of shit you are on that front, too.

Why is it that the biggest anti-Steam complaint is "I'm a genuine retard and haven't figured out how to use a search bar."

How is Epic a threat to Steam's dominance?

The only thing Steam is competing with is accessibility and piracy.

>Screaming meme face
>Screaming meme face
>Screaming meme face
>Screaming meme face
>At pool with wifes kids
Top kek, that caught me off guard.

Steam does not compete with key sellers, anyway so what is your point? The price is the fucking same

>epic shills will sit here and argue semantics instead of being able to provide any argument

>every time I try to find anything I end up on the unfiltered new releases page
>I bet valve did this

I keep fucking telling people that if companies disrespect your right to dissent to speech and the whales & investors prevent you from voting with your wallet, the only option is to express yourself with violence.
I keep telling people that as long as you just flap your limp dicks on the internet, big game companies will continue to laugh at your complaints and ignore you.
I imagine Epic might change their tune on "entitled gamers" if some of their offices get torched and their employees are afraid to work, and might instead think "oh shit, maybe we shouldn't taunt these people".

hes extremely autistic and only these threads for (you's)

How can anyone compete with the army of mentaly ill steamdrones?
Epic chads have only this guy on their side

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Imagine not knowing how to use a searchbar.

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Seeing how big a spineless loser Mark Kern turned out to be, it makes sense that he was ousted from Blizzard.

I don't have to tell them to release it elsewhere? They're already doing Epic exclusives.

i hope he gets raped by a big black man

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This is why I hate social media

>Something minorly bad has inconvenienced me

>Epic chads
>literally spent 24/7 on Yea Forums making shit threads defending their client
literally the opposite of chad
have sex

>people who are excited to play a game want to play it as soon as it's available
Who would have thought?

>Nu-male face in every thumbnail, desperate for views
Jesus I don't know if that's better or worse than the desperate cucks who use red circles and red arrows.

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where do you think you are Lui Kim?

To be fair, Solo flopped massively (especially on account of its retardedly huge budget; there was almost no chance of it being profitable even in a best case scenario) and the Galaxy's Edge theme parks (which also had ridiculous money put into them) have been an abject failure. And the near silence surrounding Episode 9 despite it being only four months out and being the end of the Skywalker Saga is damning, with the only buzz at all being mild discussion about recent rumors indicating some potential deep-end plot retardation involving time travel.

It's true that a tragically large amount of people went to see TLJ, but that was really the beginning of the end, and it's plain to see with material going forward from TLJ that people at large finally have had enough of Star Wars and started speaking with their wallets.

>Prove me wrong.
Loli is still not allowed and promoted.
... Wait. While searching for an image to support my argument, I found an example of Loli on steam that was being promoted.
I am wrong! Steam is now good!

Attached: maitetsu.jpg (1600x900, 667K)

It's a thread made by steamdrone you fucktard, yet you are here saying that
>>literally spent 24/7 on Yea Forums making shit threads defending their client
Which once again proves that you can't be a drone withouth being mentally retarded

>Steam does not compete with key sellers
Yes they do

Enjoy your next 16 years in prison user

>Invade pro-steam thread with your stupid bullshit
>Look I didn't make the thread, that makes it okay for me to brigade it!

Nice blog post, faggot. No one gives a shit about what you like or don't like.

>grasping at straws

really who are you fooling here? every thread that even slightly mentions epic has a user who goes on a tirade about Steamdrones and posts wojaks all day every day for a fucking week
heres a newsflash, not everyone who hates Epic is a steam fanboy

god, I fucking love trains

fuck diablo 2 and wow classic
this is neo/v/
we love and prise fortnite and overwatch

death to all gamers, long live the player
heil digra

It's person of game, you bigot.

i will be aware of this next time, i am very sorry and will acknowledge myself as person of privilage and step back as a white person i am.


paid exclusives are not competition

This thread is dying because the chink autist made a new one.

Or they might garner pity from retards becoming literal terrorists and killing innoccent workers. Dumb pol nigger

t. Fed

don't they have families in China?

Steam actually has curators, categories, tags, etc. You can find the game for you very easily. EGS only has the front page, which is a long list of everything they have, that you have to scroll through. There's no thing as categories on EGS. You're lucky they even added a search field for searching the names of games.

I want to say that I didn't think star wars could somehow get even worse, but this wouldn't even be the first time NuStar Wars has done that.

>Epic needs to win customers over
Lost cause, the man's deluded himself into thinking devs have some latent tyrannical powers over customers.
People like this are unfortunately why, because

Is that rumour based entirely on RLM speculation or it there something more to it?

>giving chinks money

They do, customers care mostly about products.

And on PC it's extremely easy to just get those products for free.

Yup, which is why only morons pay for games to begin with

Got to love this never ending shifting of the goalposts. Monopolies and competition have nothing to do with "threatening" each other.

Not that a chink would know about capitalism anyway.

>Got to love this never ending shifting of the goalposts. Monopolies and competition have nothing to do with "threatening" each other.

I can't even

Why do these retards keep confusing devs for publishers
Epic has done literally nothing for devs

Most games do not have publishers on epic?

No one on Earth is afraid of that smiling dweeb whose wife definitely fucks another man.

hes one of the original programmers or something for fucking world of warcraft
I didnt even play wow and I know this.
do you even play any video games?

>Gets a personal taste of how lacking in features EGS is
>But you're supposed to be the good guys what the hell dudes
>I will still use your service though even as I personally received poor quality.

>You can't use the same credit card on more than one account

Oh fucking lol.

This thread is beautiful. OP I hope you have the same autism as the EGS shitposters and repost this thread.

How bad is EGS when even their shills are criticizing it?

thanks for the pointless comment captain fucking asinine.

Maybe Epic can do what Netflix does - let each account have multiple users. Including a feature to hide his porn "games" from other family members would also help.

It's probably done to prevent users from buying a hundred copies of a game during a sale, then selling the accounts on ebay for twice as much.

Pick one.

What. You can't transfer games.

thats not the reason and that makes no sense.

It's censored and Sekai Project fucked up (as usual) by fucking up the uncensor patch and then blaming it all on the dev (as usual).
As for lolige, most of them are straight out banned on steam, Maitetsu is the exception, not the rule.
Same reason why Saya no Uta is censored only on steam with a fucking paid patch that can only bought on JAST.
As for the whole EGS vs Steam:
One store allow hentai (granted, with a lot of restriction), the other doesn't.

I really think anyone saying that EGS is competition for Steam has never actually used or even browsed EGS. In order to be competition they'd at least have to meet the baseline requirement of offering at least a sizable amount of the same games. I'm not even talking about the shovelware indie trash. The EGS library is pathetically small. Then for the non-exclusives there's no reason to use EGS over Steam because of the lack of features. Absolutely no informed person besides epic employees actually believes this meme.

They listen to shitheads like Jim Sterling, a guy who spent many years of his life buying shitty asset flips games on purpose to make videos bashing them, to the point steam autommatically reccomends him shitty games, and he haven't realized that, so he thinks the store just shoves shit in your face all the time.

Epic shills confirmed trannies

Not only does that make no sense from a business perspective (because EGS would set the price on their own meaning they literally made exactly as much as they would if it's 1 person or 100 people buying keys), but also you can't gift, transfer, or resell keys on EGS because they have no system for that. You can only buy games for your account, and only one at a time.

Who the fuck would go on Ebay, pay "twice as much" for a WHOLE FUCKING ACCOUNT just for one game, especially when that game is or was already on sale and they could have just bought it themselves? Not to mention if it's "twice as much" they can literally just go to EGS and buy it themselves for less.

How the fuck does your post make any sense?

That fat fuck has nobody to blame but himself. That's why you don't listen to any e-celeb that says bullshit for views and patron bucks. Always research shit yourself.

Imagine being such a cuck you pay for Epic games exclusives.

Epic Games is a virtual chastity cage.

Just pirate the games, nigga.

The devs have already been paid, you're just giving money to gooks that hate you lmao.

>Ooooh, yesh preese user-oh, bresh our rittre penishesh wiv your beeg white hotdogsh, san

>aw shit, better send an inquiry and watch a movie while I wait
>dear public diary, you ain't gonna believe what I'm about to put down in you

China has been generous.

But you can sell the accounts on ebay. For example, creating 10 accounts and buying one copy of a game for each account that's going to be delisted/rare or having a 75% off sale.

It's the Apple drone mentality. Gotta get that new iphone as soon as its released, even though it will be overpriced and likely defective at launch date. Gotta wait in line for it. Gotta have it now. All my friends are gonna have it too, so I might as well, right?

Case in point

>an EGS exclusives


>every new feature valve adds to steam from now on will be in retaliation to EGS

Attached: 1450045679996.jpg (345x194, 33K)

I bet you think valve changed their monetary policy for developers because of EGS

Then you finally play the game and want to share some thoughts about it online. Crickets.

>done so much for devs
epic hasn't done shit for devs only the handful of indie devs they BRIBED are better off than they would have been. and that, unfortunately, is a short term gain for what may very well be a long term loss.

Isn't this actually a steam background? I think it was like 15$ when I saw it.

Some fucking faggot on my twitter feed (which I just use to follow artists) keeps retweeting this faggot retard
so fuck this stupid nigger
that is all, have a nice day anons

They've been doing nothing BUT add useless features to their store for a long ass time

>this company did some dumb shit and is lazy as fuck
>ill keep giving them money though
this is why their store doesn't have these basic features in the first place, stop fucking doing business with them until they improve


Valve doesn't care at all

Attached: cakes.jpg (900x650, 168K)

>that english

Attached: chink epicgames.png (786x585, 221K)

You guys were right pirating is great
I got a psp for ps1 gba gbc and psp
Gonna get a wii or wii u for everything else
Then ps4 for all the games i already bought or 10 dollar used copies at gamestop
Then my pc and and laptop for more pirating
Outside of food psn and hulu fuck giving leftist corporations money

Wrong, the father is an authorized user and is using it for his kids account retard. When you go to MacDonald's to buy a happy meal they don't check your kids ID to make sure he's an authorized user. Holy shit this post is so stupid it's making me angry

The thing people dont know, yes, steam have a woping 30% of comision, but steam give to the developer all the key they want, and they can sell them in other stores cheaper and get all the money.

Don't forget steam literally has mind reading algorithms to market games you are more likely to buy to you. Whether or not it works all the time is another point, but the featured games on the store will change based on your buying history

>steam doesn't take a cut from steam keys
Source on this?

Literally who
Also, toppest keks

No one is taking cut from keys, that would be essentialy double dipping and no one would sell games anywhere else. Since the main cost is the transaction fees and servers are tied to amount of customers not to games sold, keys are free for steam/epic/xbox/ps4

>HAHAHA FUCK customers, Based Tim kissing dev ass!
>wtf? Why did I, a gud boy customer, get fucked over?!?!?!
Corporate bootlickers deserve a gun to the back of the head.

Bitch if you search orange juice the first result you get is orange juice.

He sucks Timmy's cock most of the time, so it's pretty notable he's finally saying how shit it is.

Thanks user.

>different card for each member of my family
Jesus fucking christ, Americans. REALLY? I have a single credit card, and only for fraud protection because debit/bank cards don't offer that.

but valve has been improving their store at a great pace since the orange box came out. EGS changed literally nothing for customers using steam.

No one gives a shit unless you make a bunch of suspicious purchases. My mom has used my card all the time in stores and signed her name even though she's not tied to my bank account, and no one has cared. It is typically against the rules of the card issuer though