>Imagine paying $14.99 per month to play a 15 years old game.
>This game being utter garbage.
>Imagine being someone who pays anyway AND thinks this game is in any way good.
And that is our actual reality.
>Imagine paying $14.99 per month to play a 15 years old game.
>This game being utter garbage.
>Imagine being someone who pays anyway AND thinks this game is in any way good.
And that is our actual reality.
Zoom zooms and pathetic boomers have to excuse at this point.
With Runescape it's been awhile. How are wow fags any worse?
runescape players are not such pathetic attention whores on this board and everywhere else. literally every internet shithole is filled with degenerates who think it is their duty to explain everybody how hardcore and retro it was to kill bosses with 1-2 mechanics back in 2004.
All the people with a grain of common sense ditched the idea of playing it after they tried beta.
I hate this gay retard and his pay pigs so much
rent free
FF tranny back at it again
Just play it for free and never give Blizzard another penny. Easy solution
I just pay 15euros a month to beta test it on Blizzard Client and when it's done i change to free Private Server with real data and numbers.
Wow. I love Asmon.
Cut them some slack, MMO players haven't had shit to play for years.
Yes they have. Everything they could have ever wanted to play is free on private servers
Human life span is less than a second in the grand scheme of things. Our lives are so short that we may as well not even exist. Worrying about spending 15$ on something is meaningless worrying about someone else spending 15$ is beyond pathetic.
Friends don’t let friends make retarded decisions
>the "gaming as my second job" mentally handicapped demographic can't understand the fun in playing an MMO that actually feels like it's alive with players doing shit instead of JUST being a glorified chatroom for end-game parties grinding the same boring fucking content
I can't wait to play as a Dwarf up to Arathi Highlands again and get sidetracked by exploring Elf starter zones even though there's ZERO XP income for me.
Some things you tryhards will just never understand.
I have no fucking clue who you are, you are not my friend.
Kill yourself.
No one human wants to play on private spergers. You know what I mean. There's been no actually good new MMOs for many years now.
People spend 15 dollars on two drinks in a bar. When you grow up you'll see it isn't that expensive for hours of entertainment with friends
i only pay 10€ lol, tfw you faggots dont know about buying game cards from low income regions :^)
Okay mister viral marketer
Define “good”
What the fuck is wrong with streamer audiences?
Why do these people feel like they matter? It couldn't be more obvious they're tiny grains of sand. They post in chat windows where their message is drowned out by 200 other people within a second. They donate. For fucking what??? Absolutely degenerate.
I can't tell if you're an underaged retard who thinks he's deep or a boomer retard trying to cope with all the wasted time and money.
Either way, fuck off you low IQ spastic.
Not gonna lie, I'm tempted even though I hate WoW.
Just wanna play an MMORPG that is still alive...
Any server that is not dead or goes down every 20min?
Im neither. Im a gen x retard who's really high. I don't play WoW though.
Realistically, why are MMORPGs generally subscription-based?
Like what are they offering that is genuinely worth paying a flat rate + monthly fee + bi-annual expansion fee?
Not to mention all the ways they nickel and dime you with server transfers, character edits, etc...
is it a sickness that causes people to play these "games"? Seems like MMOs need a slogan akin to alcohol or a warning label like nicotine.
I mean we all have our vices, but it just seems like this has gone way too far.
Anyone got that pic for rolling race and class combinations to validate this shitty thread?
If you sub to play Classic you'll be subbed for retail too. So technically you're not paying just for a 15 year old game. Bait thread anyways.
they donate so they can go from being a grain of sand to a pebble for a few seconds
theyre indoctrinated, its cult-like behaviour, and it needs to stop
I imagine viral marketers would be fired and lose out on their $0.02 per post if they told people to kill themselves.
As someone who's played both games hardcore and actively only RS now. It really helps that in Runescape you can make so much money that you never have to spend IRL cash to get anything. It is way too fucking hard for me to make bond money in WoW without it taking all my focus
>Human life span is less than a second in the grand scheme of things.
Relative to what? In which scale? You should listen to the entirety of whatever you get these from so it actually makes sense when you regurgitate it afterwards.
The sub keeps out f2p fags.
imaging giving a shit what some sweaty nerd thinks about what i do with my own money?
That wasn't really my question.
To be more blunt, keeps them out of what?
or is that it, to pay to feel an ambiguous sense of ironic elitism? is that all MMOs really are?
F2Pfags and huehues they may be, but at least they're explicitly there for the game(play).
It's worth noting that a sub fee rarely does anything to keep quote unquote undesirables out. I mean even the "poorest" people pay $50+ monthly for phones and cellular data and dumb shit like server access services (XBL/PSN).
If you think $15.99/mo is really keeping shitters out of games, then you're reaching.
Maybe the genre being shit and a blatant scam is keeping shitters out? or perhaps it's actually keeping them in.
MMOs are the cigarettes of video games, and who the fuck wants to be around a smoker except other smokers?
I used to pay $10 a month for a gym membership, but then I switched gyms to one that costs $100 a month. And while the equipment is somewhat better, the biggest change is the people. A huge improvement. And that alone was worth the $90 difference.
GEHENNAS new pvp eu realm added 4 hours ago
the somethingawful forums are proof that a paywall keeps most of the shitters out
Yesterday somebody traded Asmon a TCG mount worth $800 dollars. He got his name called out on stream as a reward, he's so lucky.
>Got owed some free time due to a cockup back in 2011, but didn't want it at the time, dude says he'll make a note in my account
>open a ticket on monday, ask if it's still up for grabs
>they give me a year of free sub
I don't see it.
I know for certain about two people who are going to play wow classic on release.
One of them jerks of to dog porn on daily basis.
And another is 30 yo NEET who threatens people with a knife casually.
Blizzard is fully aware that people like that are their target audience.
Blizzard: Ha! You fans think you want it but you don't.
Blizzard some time later: Oh no. You fans have truely proven us wrong. For only $14.99 a month you can truly prove to us how wrong we were.
I pay $1.73 usd a month cos i live on a shithole and they have the prices with my local monopoly currency :D
user why do you know what this acquantance of yours masturbates to?
Because we use to be partners in masturbait crime but I put that life behind me and I've been clean for at least 2 hours.
Why is Zandalar tribe low. You told me we would roll rp pvp bros
Just a guy from discord. I never spoke to him directly. He alwaysto lets everyone know how cool it was to see some woman on a video getting knotted by a dog.
So much talent in a single image.
>some woman on a video getting knotted by a dog.
what's that?
I think he's a good story teller and I can understand watching him. What I can't understand is the worship for someone that just plays fucking video ganes.
>imagine the smell
I'm also going dwarf but I'll make an effort to get to darkshore while the mobs are still green at least.
>dwarf priest on my for fun server
>orc warlock on my main server
Only the chadest combos.
>lost many of my teenage years to WoW
>now have a full time job and really active social life
>STILL want to go back
How do I cope with this?
Like an adult, if you want to play then set aside some time for it, but dont let it take time away from the rest of your life. I intend to play a few days a week casually, maybe do some 5 mans along the way. I dont have the time or inclination for raiding anymore.
i bet those 2 also sleep in beds but not all ppl who sleep in beds are retarded
Man I've gotten filthy rich since I last played in vanilla. 15 bucks is nothing.
Bought a new gaming laptop yesterday just so I can take it with me to work and game in my office.
It's when woman gets fucked by a dog.
Are shills on Yea Forums real?
>oh wow I know these two degenerate people (which also makes me a degenerate) so EVERYONE must be like this
holy fuck keep posting memes, it's all you'll ever amount to in life, brainlet
Why can't anyone play on a private server? That doesn't get anything more Classic than that. It's so fucking stupid.
No but anyone who pays blizzard is
Not even that. Asmongold doesn't even read donations or subs anymore unless it's some exorbitant amount, and even then he'll half-ass rush through it so fast you can't understand what he's saying. Why anyone donates money to these people is beyond me. You want to pay him to react to youtube videos? Like fucking what? Because that 90% of his stream. Reacting to youtube videos and saying "Ooooh! You know what, that's true." and "Oooooh, yeah I think he brings up a good point."
Wow. Amazing content. Would definitely pay for.
Yeah. There are shills in many forms and shapes, some of the most notable ones are
・Microsoft(surprisingly toned it down not long ago)
・Sony(any new big release. usually loudest and most annoying ones, they always follow the same fucking pattern jfc, others at least change their strategy every other month. yet some of you started doing it for free™)
・Nintendo(almost the same as sony, some of you shill nintendo for free as well)
・Hi-Rez(they toned it down a while ago tho)
・Paragon(notable but dead)
Oh yeah, forgot to add epic and all the depressing attempts to push away valve.
You don't have to fear that some C&D deletes everything you worked for and there will be fewer bugs. Blizzard actually has the source code of 1.12.1 and they already figured out that there are various things that people remember wrong.
Various things on private servers are complete guesses, like what it takes to shatter Viscidus.
Man you're fucking stupid. These multi-billion dollar companies have so many other ways of promoting their product. Acting like there's this shill boogeyman using Yea Forums to advertise their products on here is fucking retarded. Literally anything on social media would have a bigger impact than this shithole.
These types of people think they're so smart and think they can see through everything but in reality they can't. They're fucking brainlets.
>You don't have to fear that some C&D deletes everything
What? They haven't in a long time. Light's Hope is still around and plenty of other servers.
>all games older than Fortnite are bad!!
>15$ a month
out of all things to complain about you chose the sub fee?
get a fucking job
t. shill
It's real since 2014 and maybe even earlier
obvious shilling is easy to spot though, with enough practice
they never swear and can't say shit like "nigger" or "faggot" in their posts since they're not getting paid for those
great example of this is certain FFXIV shill you see in every Classic thread
people who shill and swear are doing it for free though
>Imagine being someone who pays anyway AND thinks this game is in any way good.
This is what upsets me.
I can forgive someone doing it out of sheer boredom as there is just nothing else to do these days. But actually thinking its good? This i cant forgive.
Where I agree with you that the stagnation of games and game design is lacking. I look at it like this, gaming is a hobby. Some people build trains, models, collect cards etc. All pay money to do these pass times, me playing wow classic is a hobby I pay for.
Woo, let us celebrate the MMO that turned MMOs into instance heavy, single player, non-interactive with others, gear treadmills.
imagine being this poor and thinking $15 is a lot of money
I'm excited to play it with my GF
go buy $150 lootboxes on APEX you zoomer faggot
cya tomorrow for your daily whine thread
>imagine caring about this trivial shit so much
Whatever fuck off loser. You probably spend your money on a bunch of stupid little shit like that.
Wow I can't wait for classic to relive vanilla! It's so much more difficult and I love the levelling experience! Let me just get my
>YouTube class guide
>BiS list
>Levelling route
>Profession planner
>Meta talent build
>Quest guide
>Layering exploits
>Private server pvp meta guide
so I can speedrun levelling! I love the authentic vanilla experience.
im not doing any of this im going to take things slow. i dont even know how to install an addon
It's the style of game that I like. It's an actual multiplayer RPG with a decent amount of content and lots of weird jank. Modern MMOs like retail WoW are so disgustingly overtuned that it feels like I'm not playing a game at all. I played during the stress test and really enjoyed getting meaningful drops and how the itemization was. Maybe you don't have to like it OP but try to develop your opinion a little more beyond the most surface level trash.
>It's the style of game that I like. It's an actual multiplayer RPG with a decent amount of content and lots of weird jank.
BAHAHAHAHAHA. Fucking WoW babbies are so retarded. That game has no soul or charm. WoW is literall the CoD of MMO's. Even the "Classic" WoW everything about it was super fucking easy and tedious.
99% of the millions of players don't do these
You know you aren't forced to do those things if you don't want to
Try FF14
I liked how things were actually challenging for once
So much shill power in one single image
it's literally a scam and no mmorpg without it has been big enough to make a stand against those that have it.
I've been out of the loop on wow for years, and after reading up on this new "layering" bs Blizzjews are obviously doing to save money, I kind want to play on a private server.
There must be one doing a fresh re-start to capitalize on classic, no? Any tips?
Do I roll this or a warlock?
>WoW (at any point) apologist
>"try to develop your opinion a little more beyond the most surface level trash"
Excellent bait my friend.
you mean pally?
If you're the kind of guy who alt tabs to Yea Forums while leveling, sure.
I liked playing the Paladin guy on Dota 2, can't I play similar to that in WoW?
I only ever played DPS in WoW
when some absolute shitter says "i play paladin in dota" I honestly fucking doubt you played "dps" in wow
warlock is amazing
whatever shit that is supposed to be is hot garbage
>Grind out Vial of the sands recipe. (takes a while, but worth it.)
>spend one day a month grinding materials
>sell vial for the price of a WoW Token
>buy a token a month with the money
>No sub fee anymore.
seeth more retail cuck
so paladin by himself levels slow as fuck, unless someone is kind enough to give you gold/sick gear, or if you're partying with a damage dealer.
Check here
I got an extra knife I don't want in csgo, anyone know where I can trade that for some paypal cash?
Sorry I don't remember his name, you autistic faggot.
I main'd a warlock, but I kind of wanted to try something different but closer to launch my body keeps telling me to go Warlock
15$ is literally nothing to me. You fucking losers can't even hold down a minimum wage job, its absolutely pathetic. I make 6 figures doing fuck all for the year and you pathetic neets can barely pay 15$ a month. Go get a fucking job at McDonalds for 2 weeks and you can pay for WoW for like two years, its more fime efficient than grinding gold.
>They just literally pasted the 1.12 data on top of the BFA client/infraestructure
>Retards are willingly paying $15 a month for Bfa-lite
Why do pathetic little shitskins like you even bother? You think I care that you are an absolute dogshit scrub at WoW? I honestly don't. But when you sit here lying to me for no fucking reason, I will piss on your stupid fucking face you disgusting turd world abortion.
He plays paladin in dota, that's the most retarded shit I ever heard of lmao. You play shotgun in counter strike also?
Warlock is probably the most fun class in vanilla for randomly fucking with people.
reposting some dude's list
>Fear in general
>Fearing your own realm's mobs into other mobs to make them gang up on your allies
>Permafearing/curse of slowness low level players for an hour
>Summoning people to Gurubashi Arena advertising "free teleports to Booty Bay", or to the bottom of the ocean
>Summoning people off cliffs
My favorite thing to do was this though (I was alliance)
>Go to Goldshire
>Dozens of new players running around
>Summon Infernal
>Broadcast pretending to be an event (most low level players haven't ever seen an Infernal at this point)
>Banish Infernal
>Ask all the newbies to take up arms against this event creature in the middle of goldshire!
>Hellfire self to death
>Run back to body
>Infernal unbanishes
>Watch as Infernal destroys dozens of lowbies while everyone panics
and lastly
>curse of recklessness: unsure if it will be patched, but it used to kill noobs by buffing attack power of nearby mobs to crazy levels
Lord of the rings online is much better and its free
seething autism
RuneScape was such a scam because you were forced to grind everything again. Not fun when you had 80s in skills and a quest cape before summoning
Can you actually shit out a proper sentence in english, streetshitter? Or are you just going to sit here and spam buzzwords that you memorized in order to fit in?
>Hey guys, don't worry about shard, it will be only for the 1st week and for the started zones
>Actually, it will be for all phase 1
>And each zone will be sharded
>Ehm ... sharding is staying forever guys
>Dogshit floaty mtx garbage reminding you how much of the game is withheld every 4 minutes
>>Summoning people to Gurubashi Arena advertising "free teleports to Booty Bay", or to the bottom of the ocean
>>Summoning people off cliffs
that's it, I'm maining a warlock
feels good to be btp mmorpg
Is priest/hunter a good leveling duo?
you don't even need the priest with a hunter, it will be butter smooth with it
Soul is a meaningless buzzword.
granted, it's not 100% safe you won't be banned these days for griefing. Times have changed and all.
the priest will slow you down drop him you dont need friends anyway
>it will be butter smooth with it
Actually, thanks to WoW's single player design, a priest will only make it worse.
it's worth the try
I never played wow and I'm gonna have a lot of fun tryharding this game
And there's nothing you can do about it!
ESO is great but I can't stand the combat. The floaty not-quite-tab-target-but-also-not-action shit gets real old real fast for me. Doesn't help that there's next to no class flavor and everything plays more or less the same. Also hate how weapon swapping becomes integral to every rotation. I would rather it be a backup weapon to change up your playstyle depending on the situation, like going from melee combat to ranged combat or big dick AoE spells to single target nukes. GW2 has the same problem in my eyes.
Shut the fuck up streetshitter. Subhumans like you ruin everything you touch.
What do you mean, user?
noooo your objectively wrong on all counts for attempting to enjoy something everybody says is bad how many times do I have to make the same threads and post the same posts before you people get it classic is garbage and nobody is allowed to enjoy it
no will not shut up shut up shut up the game is dead on arrival
getting banned is the sign its not worth playing anymore, if it ever was. i donno whether to start with lock which i like more or priest for the better mc griefing
>I'm a retard 15 years late to the party and there's nothing you can do about it!
Warlock is the ultimate troll class.
>level 15 wandering around doing fuck all
>head back to westfall to turn in some quests
>there's a max level warlock and some of his guildies there
>start talking to them because they're so fucking cool
>they invite me to a party and say I can help them
>fucking awesome this game is amazing
>warlock starts summoning something
>all his buddies click the portal so I do too
>one of his friends fucking dies
>oh shit oh fuck
>a god damn demon spawns and starts murdering all the lowbies and NPCs
Because if you play OSRS for more than a few hours a week you'll easily fund your next month's subscription. Once you're done questing it takes like 2 hours of grinding an endgame boss. WoW tokens only exist in retail and you'd have to grind all month for one unless you play the auction house.
>retard for not playing the game when it was gonna eventually go to shit instead of waiting for the rerelease that will stay in the only good version of the game forever
nah i would say he's alright
>good version
Also, my point is that he's 15 years late. Retard.
I'm actually playing $14.99 to erp on retail. Classic comes free with the sub.
The price of finally being able to play vanilla again away from all of the chinese bugmen, russians, BRs and shady as fuck GMs.
and my point is that he isnt, retard
>Drop an infernal in razor hill
>Let it eat the class trainers before it despawns
>All the level 8s asking me to save them
>playing the last past of a solved game
You both are retarded, that's the point.
Blizzard doesn't ban for tells unless someone reports, right?
If you're not a NEET, you might aswell just play few hours a week or not play at all. The game is a total time sink.
Why do you care if I'm late, does it bother you that I'm gonna have fun?
t. someone who hasn't actually played the game
I just pointed that you're a fucking retard. No, I don't care if you have fun eating shit.
>playing a good game
you are a braindead autist, thats the point
It’s either monthly fees or mtx...or both. I like to think that it pays for upcoming content, also dev salaries, hosting costs etc.
>Log onto retail because I remembered that you can play for free if you're under level 20
>Apparently I have an unused wow token
Neat. I don't have to pay anything to re-sub! Can't wait to try wow classic. I have never played a pre-cata zone.
I don't know man, it really seems like you are bothered by something.
i-i don't care i swear
ok sweetie, whatever you say :)
Free content updates.
Unironically Elysium
>there are retail players who have never played the pre-cata azeroth
You missed out. Lots of really great atmosphere. Vanilla is pretty slow but just sit back and enjoy the ride, it's part of the fun.
The bigger conundrum is that vanillacucks think they stick it to Blizzard by giving them money to play their shitty game.
So far, no one on Yea Forums has addressed this little fact.
Warlock is really the Chad class
>enslave demons to tank, do damage, or just give you a quickie
>100% requiered in pve, everyone will want to be your friend, strong dps, best utility
>strong in pvp, SL/SL chads will vanquish anything
>free mount
>incredible quest to get an even better mount
>best class quest
>best lore
>summoning infernals
>binding doomguards to your will (änd killing your friend in the process)
simply put, the best
>no sense of community
>leveling is a boring non challenging chore
>non max level dungeons have literally no challenge associated and are just mindless shit
>75% of players are trannies who only care about ERP
I played XIV before ARR then came back for the previous extension and it was just a fucking mess.
Pre ARR was far better than the current state and jobs get more boring with each patch
t. XI player
Except a lot of people did, even someone in this thread.
>good game
vanilla wow was not difficult
seething and coping are not arguments
Somehow drones believe that tedious = hard.
Rent free.
Thanks user! I plan on taking things really slow. I'm rolling a Dwarf Hunter with Engineering and Mining on the RP-PVP server. Gunna make every zone last several hours as I level up all my alt professions and main professions at the same time as my character. Been watching videos on people talking about the game and I can't wait.
wow how will he ever recover ? you destroyed him !
Sounds like Alori.
When you seethe and cope you are not answering any questions.
So, what are your arguments, vanilla boy?
the ffxiv cuck fears the classichad
classic is also considerably easier than private servers
>Stop liking things I don't like.
This is the fourth thread in two days we've had about this nonsense. This is now an SCP thread.
>imagine not liking popular thing because reason
Imagine going on a cantonese shadow puppet co-op to tell the people there you dont like thing just so you can get made fun of saged
>I'm going home
It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.
These brainwashed faggots seem to genuienly believe they'll turn time back to 2005.
Listen brainlets: you will never EVER feel the way you did when you play WoW back then.
Not only because you're not a hopeful teen anymore but instead an unhinged neet, but also because WoW was your first MMO and since then you've played it a shitload along with a billion other MMOs.
>have 1 token from 2 years ago
>can't use in classic client
>have to download 60 gigs retail just to activate it
They'll kys themselves a couple of hours in when they realize they were hyped over nothing and classic is a godawful game by today's standards.
"Going home" indeed lmao
What if you never played Vanilla?
I don't watch twitch but I watch some best of compilations of his streams from time to time on youtube. And I guess I was introduced to him from his ninja looting videos and I am really happy for asmongold. He's a NEET through and through but he carved out a niche for himself. More power to him honestly.
Also classic is going to suck guys, layering is a big no no.
Man op u cant be more wrong
>u "pay"(cuz its also free with tokens) for retail and classic is free
>game is fucking great for pvp players
Classic's difficulty is moderate and present everywhere. BFA's difficulty is nonexistent outside of optional choices at max level, but those optional choices are more difficult than what Classic has to offer.
I've had this conversation I don't know how many times. The difficulty in vanilla is inherently present in the world, particularly if you're on a PvP server, which you should be to get the full experience. Base vanilla is also harder than base retail. If you do everything on normal difficulty you can literally just close your eyes and walk through dungeons spamming your AoE ability and you'll be fine. I regularly solo normal shit on my blood DK just because I fucking can. In vanilla it is impossible to solo the base difficulty end game dungeons. You can not solo UBRS. It just isn't possible. The difference is that there are harder difficulty levels in BFA. Mythic raids and mythic+ dungeons are harder than anything vanilla has to offer, but they're optional. Most players just faceroll through heroics and LFR. That braindead difficulty option isn't present in vanilla and there's no auto-LFG system that allows you to autistically queue up like a bot and preform the motions that give you the gear.
Are MC, BWL, AQ, and Naxx more difficult than current Mythic Raids? Not a fucking chance. In terms of maximum difficulty levels, modern WoW is much more difficult. Are MC, BWL, AQ, and Naxx more difficult than current Normal Raids? I'd say AQ and Naxx most definitely are.
Is the world more dangerous on your way to 60 vs 120? Will you face more hardships on your way to max level in vanilla? Yes, you absolutely will. Additional mobs are suicide for most classes. Fights can sway either way more heavily. Random PvP encounters are much more likely and you will die from them.
I want her to brap in my mouth
Might regret it tho
Thousands of people still pay 15 dollars a month for Everquest tlp servers, bastardized wow classicish servers where they keep in all the modern updated zones spell effects and made dungeons and raids instanced instead of open world like they used to be. Imagine wow classic with post cata zones and retail spells.
>retail wow thread gets shitposted into oblivion
>"hahaha yes fucking retailcucks go suck my ass you retards"
>vanilla wow is criticized
>drop infernal in IF auction house
>auctioneers start attacking it
>multiple warlocks are assholes and keep banishing it while auctioneers can't be interacted with
was going on for a good 30 minutes on light's hope. I'd like to be a fly on the wall of the chinks freaking out.
Imagine creating a thread saying 'your thing is shit and anyone who likes it is shit' and thinking you'll get any kind of reasonable conversation. These threads are nothing but giant shitposts where people who don't like X can sperg about people who do like X. And we've had more than two a day here for the past week. You look very foolish discussing WoW in an SCP thread anyways.
Imagine constantly making threads about a piece of shit game
>"I'm going home"
>never played vanilla
By your reading comprehension, Classic is the perfect game for you.
It’s not like they can’t just get a port to another city. Anyone smart would just leave and get a port.
>vanillacuck also likes a shitty, buggy, meme game
i am not surprised at all
To play an actual MMO instead of a single player action game or a weebshit erp shithole? It's worth it.
Then you got memed into getting hyped about a shittier version of WoW. You won't even get a nostalgia kick out of it, just a primitive version of a mediocre game.
Get to 5 then go over to teldresill and finish the starting quest there before they turn grey and collect all the rep and then work on getting exalted ASAP and get a tiger mount to dunk on nerds.
Yeah, i never played classic so this 'going home" mentality doesn't apply to me. Again, are you saying vanilla is a terrible game that people only like because of nostalga?
>I put that life behind me and I've been clean for at least 2 hours.
oh don't worry, the warlock guild is omnipresent.
>he doesn't know about the perfect dark xbox live fiasco in 2010
And they'll all be completely depopulated in 2 weeks.
>shitty, buggy meme game
You sound like the kind of person who rees over intercom and then screams when 173 snaps you.
I'm going to start an RP Guild on Grobbulus that uses ventrilo and people have to RP it's 2005.
>>Imagine paying $14.99 per month to play a 15 years old game
Imagine being a poorfag who hasn't had an active wow sub since 2004 because you forgot about it and didn't deactivate since $15 is literally nothing
But Kripp is a well functioning smart adult
Modern wow is trash though. this can't be worse than retail.
>Well, I could resub to wow classic and have a great time with old friends for a few months or possibly a year or more
>Or I could spend it on another anti-social single player to fill up my back log even more
Op, the Chad's have made their choice.
>is just $2700 for nothing
This is your brain on Classic.
this euro fucktard thinks its that simple.
Mangos is a cluster fuck of fuck.
What's latering I'm a wow noob
I'll be enjoying my TBC private server and I'll just buy a 60 account when they eventually announce official TBC servers.
But leveling in vanilla is the fun part, the end game is pretty boring and just finding groups to do raids with to get bigger number gear. non of the encounters are really that fun in BC.
seething retailoid detected
>But leveling in vanilla is the fun part
a bunch of kill/collect/fetch quests until the later levels where you have to legit grind random mobs for hours upon hours with a depthless combat system that was often macroed to a single button is fun?
>leveling in vanilla is the fun part
wew lad
The large majority of the people who quit WoW won't come back, and you'll be left with a concentrated toxin of min-maxing children
Enjoy your no-fun shitfest
No blood elves, no hair changes and no transmogs, that's at least half of you right there
How bad is BFA if people are really looking that forward to what was known as "babbys first MMO" back then?
BFA players don't want to play Classic.
Imagine if someone brapped onto your mouth and actually sharted into your mouth, yikes.
>using a reaction image made by literal shills who promote the product of multi-billion dollar companies
But I wouldn't be surprised if some autistic, discord, waifufag, incel spic is hooked on wow too
retail is shit but classic is a million times shittier
you are delusional if you think otherwise
Why do you spend your time trying to convince other people to not play a video game?
what are some devilish layering exploits?
I just want pantheon to come out
inv to the reddit layer
I'm just laughing at people lower than I am
You know how this goes
Add me on discord
Don't bother playing then because obviously the game is not for you. I don't know what to tell you. World pvp and questing and teaming up with players stuck on the same quest was fun. More fun than raiding. So I am not sure why so many people want to rush to end game they will most likely just quit because its fucking boring.
Don't you have some dallies you need to be doing?
You sound like the kind of person who sucks dicks for a living.
Are you sure? Because it really seems like you're desperately trying to convince people to not play classic.
content updates, fees for maintaining the servers, pay for devs etc
All that image dump and you still have not explained why vanilla is any good.
But I don't want to play vanilla, I want to do TBC dungeons, raids and questlines. That's why I'll pay to skip the whole process
I've been saying it for ages, in 2-3 months realms will have no more than your average vanilla private server population. Even that retard asmongold said himself people will get bored even before reaching cap
People don't need convincing, I'm not even trying
I just can't wait to watch this trainwreck derail
>ITT: People who are mad at others having fun and spending their own money in a way they see fit
Its you, you are the pathetic retard.
its more like smart people trying to stop others from making stupid decisions desu
I'm not even playing WoW or Classic when it releases. I'm just helping out the massive shitpost that is this thread while everyone spergs and nothing of value is said.
Personally my favorite to play as is 049 though, if you want to talk 'classes'.
WoW Classic is FREE if you're already playing retail though.
>"dude, you shouldn't eat shit, less paying for it"
>"hahaha u mad"
Are you retarded?
Bring that nerd rage to the game OP, I want you straight spazzing when I gank you over and over
Because different people enjoy different things you low-level autist.
>get a good advice
>sperg with a non-sequitur
Are you a retarded feminist?
Oh dude you are a hero
>it's free if you're already subbed to WoW though.
you don't know what "Free" is, do you?
netherwing? what if it shuts down
Worse, he is a vanillafag
You also type like a retard, so thanks for proving my point.
>im telling people not to play it but im not trying to convince anyone
uh sure ok
>Gunna make every zone last several hours
you have no choice
I didn't tell anyone not to play it
vanillabros... how do we recover from this epic ownage....
This is your average home-poster. Say something nice about them.
>you'll be left with a concentrated toxin of min-maxing children
>Enjoy your no-fun shitfest
>that's at least half of you right there
Alright but all of this sounds like you're directly addressing people who are going to play and trying to convince them not to.
I know full well that I'm probably going to only have short bursts of time for this, but I still want to play it with some friends of mine. Probably won't be able to lead the pack in leveling like I used to, but I'll still have a good ol time.
I'm only trying to convince you that I'm not convincing other people not to play a stupid no-life game
Yes but your post says otherwise.
No it doesn't
holy fuck you're both extremely autistic
what classes are ya rolling in classic?
Blizzard fanboys are pathetic. The pay monthly fee, they pay for expansions, for mounts and pets and server transfers. Don't forget tokens.
It's fascinating actually, I'm very impressed with how good Blizzard is at milking its customers.
Uninstall Wizard
Ok but it does.
The large majority of the people who quit WoW won't come back, and you'll be left with a concentrated toxin of min-maxing children
Enjoy your no-fun shitfest
No blood elves, no hair changes and no transmogs, that's at least half of you right there
I mean like, if I bought an ice cream and they gave me sunday on the side at no extra charge then yeah, I'd consider the sunday free.
>I'm very impressed with how good Blizzard is at milking its customers
That's marketing 101 tho. Once your "product" is declining you milk the remaining customers.
Because jews can get away with charging monthly fee. Server costs are nonexistent.
And with that, the vanillafag defender leaves the thread, to defend other shit games from the stings of criticism...
>it doesn't cost money to run shitloads of servers and produce content updates
Threadly reminder that Night Elves are the master race
I mean, most of that's no different then other pay to play MMOs. And from what I know there's no way to buy gametime in FFXIV or ESO with gil/gold.
Imagine not getting involved in what will probably be an incredible amount of fun. When it released originally it would later be looked on as a pretty important historic moment in video game history. This probably will be again, but in a new and unique way.
Can't fucking wait.
>server costs are nonexistent
Today. Old MMORPG were more expensive and the playerbases smaller. And yet good ones were less expensive than modern shit, you paid the sub and that's all. Then western MMORGPs came with paid expansions, services and shit.
Its not the monthly fee. Its the 11 servers and the shard/layer/eceleb shit that going to kill it in 2-3 month.
>when it released originally it would later be looked on as a pretty important historic moment in video game history
When the casual MMORPG fad ruined the genre forever?
No, this post says otherwise.
If anything, that's an accurate warning. That's exactly what Classic will be; the same as retail, but with extra-concentrated autism.
Aern't all the e-celebs rolling on one server? And isn't layering going away after 2 weeks?
classicers sound like that old guy that wont stop going on about how he was an amazing football player back in high school
>Aern't all the e-celebs rolling on one server?
most of them yeah
>And isn't layering going away after 2 weeks?
i doubt, but we'll see
Classic fags please defend why
Balance Druid is completely useless.
Why the only viable tank is warrior, with druid being acceptable on a select few fights.
Prot Paladin is literally useless.
There are so many talents and paths you can take that completely fuck you. By the way, costs gold to change talents.
do you honestly believe this new classic community is smart enough to say no to microtransactions?
i echo what said
this video from many years ago sums it up pretty well
>isn't layering going away after 2 weeks?
At best it will go away the next phase. I mean, Activision-Blizzard only lied about it half dozen times, so this time you can trust them.
Guys, invite to the tarren mill raid layer please. What's the discord?
Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Tanks play as fury
Deep resto for shaman is bad
If boomkin doesn't run out of my after 2 minute fight game will be ruined. RUINED. Do you understand? Today they fix druids and tomorrow you'll get LFR.
>And isn't layering going away after 2 weeks?
there will be like 50k ppl on streamer sever
there will always be qeues and always layering
>Horde > Alliance
>Shaman > Paladin
Yes you are bad we get it.
I've narrowed it down to warlock and hunter
Not sure which I'm gonna main though
Classic community is like an addict, if drug is good he'll tolerate everything. Tokens will come first probably "to combat these pesky chinks". And retards here would welcome it.
reality is gonna make you seethe so hard, boy, you just wait
How does Layering even work on servers like the RP-PVP server? Who are they gunna layer it with?
Spotted the private server brainlet
holy shit, he's serious
WoW was the perfect middle ground between casual and hardcore autism.
Horde guild on Herod
>No discord
>No trannies
>No /pol/
Be there
>Almost half the servers are completely full
Blizzard won’t be able to handle launch day, will they?
>Horde guild
>No trannies
Blood elves aren't in Classic, bud.
But you're right; I'm sure all the female humans and nelves are girls in real life :)
>retarded asmongold and other fag streamers were invited to beta test
>this faggot reveals he never played vanilla
Reality: Shaman > Paladin and Horde > Alliance
You are three years behind the curve.
There are trannies on both sides but they aren't allowed in the guild, cope animeshitter
>I'm sure all the female humans and nelves are girls in real life
why does that matter
or are you one of those weirdos that's actually trying to find a girlfriend via WoW
servers will be split up into shards, so they split 50k ppl into 5 x 10 for example. everyone is on the same sever but you wont see 80% of the players in your world
SCP trannies jullikas and his steam discordfags attempting to shill and failing hard
based jannies
>carebear: the MMO
>middle ground hardcore
No, it isn't. Game barely punishes you for dying or being bad in PvE and have literally no penalty for dying in PvP. Even Cookie Clicker is more hardcore.
Biggest cringe post I ever seen on 4channel. Bet you re a weak dyel who squat lmao 1pl8 on the smith machine.
Don't you even @ me, see you on AV nigga
Bad opinion time.
We all want Classic+ right? Fuck TBC. Fuck WotLK.
>Patch 1.14
>Karazhan 40 man released alongside Karazhan Crypts 20 man. Drops Tier 3.5 gear.
>Tier 3.5 is better optimized for hybrids. 8 piece for Balance druids includes mana regeneration proc.
>New gear that benefits certain specs like a shield that restores mana on block for Prot Paladins.
>Patch 1.14.5
>New zones spread through the game making use of some of the empty land. Introduces new leveling areas for more quest drought level ranges. New end-game max level zone with new PvP gear.
>Patch 1.15
>Dragon Isles or South Seas. Comes with some light talent tweaks, making certain talent choices better. New 5 man dungeons spread through leveling content.
>Kobold mines is the equivalent of RFC for alliance. New mid 20s dungeon in Wetlands. New mid 40s dungeon in Arathi.
Post body
Classic+ would require them to handle the scaling, which is the last thing I expect Blizzard to do in any competent way.
I'd much prefer that route over TBC or Wrath, but I do not have much faith that they'd actually be able to pull it off.
SCP trannies got BTFO'd
daily reminder these mentally ill cucks have been raiding Yea Forums for over a year after their general died
>reopen beta for 3 days
Literally what's the point? Nobody is even testing anything they're all just memeing and wpvping
Ok now you
Imagine giving a shit about what other anons enjoy or do with their own money.
>50k people want to play on your server
>trying to play day one with ~8000 people fighting for the same boars as you at the same time is ass
>instead layering takes the 50000 people and splits it into some number of "Layers" where instead of competing with 8000 people youre competing with 80-200 depending on race
>after some number of months blizzard says they will be merging all layers because the population will start to disperse around the world instead of in 6 zones and half the players will have dropped the game out of frustration over the marathon classic was compared to retail
Probably another retarded idea from their marketing department.
What should I play instead then? Final Trantasy?
This shit should honestly be $5 max. Whatever get on a private server fuck blizzard. They haven't made a good game in 20 years.
>$100 a month
They better have girls ready to wipe my fucking ass in the locker room for that much
I've been paying the same to play Everquest TLP servers so I dont see the issue.
Vanilla WoW is a nice casual game to play to relax nothing hard or slow about it.
Retail WoW being entertainment for braindead retards is what is confusing people into thinking vanilla wasnt piss easy as well.
The private server community is going to be dead in a couple months, dum dum
>after some number of months blizzard says they will be merging all layers
do you actually believe this, context or not? it doesn't matter what reason they give, they don't give a fuck and they'll keep layering in because they're lazy and you paid them already.
Luckily WoW Classic is FREE*.
Won't be dead will only be filled with third world poorfags
is faerlina (streamer server) honestly going to be that bad in a couple months? zoomers will probably quit before 40
>Room temperature IQ
...are you recruiting, user?
faerlina will be dead as fuck in 2 months max
the only streamers who will stick around are esfand tips and staysafe cause their entire shtick is classic wow, everyone else will fuck off back to retail and the zoomer hordes will follow
nice response fag, glad to see I was right on the mark
Dont be so harsh on yourself...
If my educated guess is correct, all servers but PvE ones will be dead in 2-3 months.
modern blizzard will never do something like this, im sorry. they'll probably copy paste TBC to get more shekels out in 2-3 years
>And isn't layering going away after 2 weeks?
With only 2 servers and given Blizzard's habitual lying I expect to see layering for at least 2-3 months. It possible will never be removed.
Damn, I forgot that all the epic trolls hang around these threads. I'm getting owned.
>dont want to pay for subscription until the game comes out
>server my friends are going to play on is full
>apparently you cant create chars on full servers
am i fucked bros?
>apparently you cant create chars on full servers
That's bullshit
can't wait for your tears once redditors and blizzdrones start asking for changes. Nothing personnel heh
A couple of anons from here and /vg/ started a guild a while back, anyone is free to join or just check it out I guess, feel free to join the discord.
Mandate of Heaven PvP is LFM players for Classic WoW
-- /vUdNjSA --
15/15 Naxx Experience, Two 40-man and Five 20-man experienced raid leaders.
Join the Discord for more info and shit
I opened a ticket and asked for a couple days of free game time to make my character for Classic. Based GM was cool about it.
I don't want any changes until we're a few months after Naxx drops.
No changes forever is fucking dumb though, Vanilla was an evolving game all the way up until TBC dropped.
Why is anyone in wrath or BC going to go play a shittier version of a game they are already playing?
all the private server guys went to herod, if any server is safe its that one
imagine joining a tranny guild to farm consumes and gear for a a tranny clique and their beta orbiters
Hit ok on the message, moron. They just warn you about full servers so they don't have braindead retards going BUT CANT LOG IN WHY NO PLAY when they pick a full server. Also they want to pawn off low pop servers on people
We're all trannies on this blessed day.
>have to pay a sub fee for content that is already known and developed
with mmos the excuse is that you are getting patches and updates to keep the game fresh, what's the excuse here?
Netherwing regularly sits at around 800 pop now and continues to drop. Half my guild has already made it clear they're moving to Classic. The idea of a stable, progressive legacy server run by Blizz is really appealing, even if Classic isn't most people's favorite.
Goys are fine with sub fee, why change anything?
My excuse is that I started after cata. I can't wait to craft my own bullets and see the oldworld zones.
get new material compy
But you pay a sub for WoW, Classic is FREE with it.
Would you rather an in-game cash shop?
I recognize the price of server maintenance
We've added lfg cross server to help out with the tank issue!
you pay to keep the russians out. that's literally all you're paying for, ever, for anything.. as i understand it this is even true if you are in russia or even russian yourself..
Building off of Classic would be cool, but Blizzard would never do it. And if they did, they'd fuck it up guaranteed. They'd have some fuckhead like Ion Hazziblowstas who thinks azerite traits are a good idea
Part of the appeal of vanilla is the kind of weird and off-kilter itemization. I don't think anyone can recreate that authentically today
WoW has both
minimize the chances of playing with third worlders
We considered having a separate $5/$10 subscription but ultimately decided against it.
That's fine, I have no interest in playing that. Classic won't have MTX because it'd be DOA if it did.
After playing on private servers I will gladly pay $15 a month to be rid of the chink menace
Im better than you
Fucking this.
>"classic power" introduced with daily quest and LFR
Do you really believe that modern Blizzard will be satisfied with simple sub fee? Tokens are inevitable.
blizzard will take inspiration from the activision side and roll them out after release
Who cares, it's gonna be dead in a couple of months.
Only streamers and their degenerates will try to squeeze the last drops as long as they can.
imagine spending money on a millionaire because he might say your name, the absolute state of humanity
Kripp is above average at games he plays. Asmon is just an autistic “reactioner”
Asmon also has absolutely shit taste, he think WoW is the epitome of video games and cries when he hears its music despite wow literally having the most forgettable music of all time
Who are you quoting?
>theres actually people like this who tryhard the game and don't just enjoy the leveling experience and have comfy as fuck journeys to lvl 60.
i don't give a fuck for all that shit, i just want to go on a journey around azeroth just becoming stronger and killing alliance players in pvp. most likely going to fuck around with the lads too. i spent like months on my tauren druid below lvl 40 because i loved exploring and just chilling with random players.
cant fucking wait to immerse myself back in doing alot of autistic shit.
i'm gonna do both fag
Why do people keep bringing up leveling as a fun factor? For me the most fun was being 60 raiding and doing wpvp
>no one wants vanilla
>people are only playing on vanilla servers cause they're free
>you think you do but you don't
>Lmao they announced classic. What a joke.
>the classic beta will be empty and only streamers will play it
>Blizzard only made a few Classic release servers because they don't expect it to be popular. It'll be dead in a month. switching to from 2 to 4 year expansion releases doesn't mean anything. People are going to be bored of classic eventually
>ha! Classic is getting an expansion. I told you no one wanted to play it.
more like
>i spent months below lvl 40 because the levelling experience in vanilla is horrendous and the quests suck asmongoloid's asshole
You won't be killing shit. Hope getting corpse camped for hours is your definition of "comfy", slowpoke.
>and cries when he hears its music
Why the fuck would you ever roll herod considering asmongold is going to be there
Just fish lmao
Or, you know, just pay $15 instead of waste a whole day grinding like a retard.
Guys, I never played WoW but I really want to play it but I don't want to waste 3-6 months of my life on a video game.
What the FUCK do I do?
Yes, for a relatively effortless project like Classic I'm sure they would. It's money for nothing. Why sour it by deviating from what the customer wanted in the first place? It's not like they'll have another chance to reboot the earliest retail version of the game.
>but I really want to play
Why? Also, you'll quit in 2 weeks, so isn't really a problem.
>Why sour it by deviating from what the customer wanted in the first place?
Yeah, imagine if they added some retarded nu-wow stuff, like sharding or something.
is kripp still playing hs?
what drives a man to spend so many hours on the same game, does he even enjoy it at this point or is he too far down the hole to turn back
The game will be dead in a month, don't waste your time and money.
I enjoy grindy MMO's and I missed out on Vanilla in 2004. Instead I played Runescape.
That's more the fault of modern server architecture than corporate greed.
>name called out
I like this picture so much, because its true and relates to every single streamer on twitch
I can understand the YouTube videos at least. It's because they don't have any friends to share their videos with, so they can fill that void with YouTube donations; it's pretty sad really.
I go to small streams sometimes and talk to them for a bit while they're playing games with their actual friends. That's when I realize that i'll never really be anything to them and that it's time for me to leave then I go back to playing vidya or browsing this place.
japanese little girls love streamers
>t. scp discordfag
It's true. Having to start over is just depressing and everyone is far surpassed you so there's really no point anymore.
thinking a streamer is your friend is like thinking a prostitute is your gf.
Never thought if it like that before. That is a pretty good analogy.
Fake news. It's never like this. Netherwing 1-70 was comfy as fuck and I wasn't corpse camped once. Maybe you're just too timid to play on pvp?
I fucking miss religion so much.
Trying to decide between a warlock and rogue
the paywall is why im looking forward to it, ive been playing a pserver for a while its clear theres a certain unsavory type of ubhuman who I'd never run into on Classic because they're poor thirdworlders or have the the attitude of one
Lock is consistently god tier throughout all phases. Rogue has its ups and downs. Lock leveling is more fun and you can summon a fucking Doomguard to attack your own faction's cities.
Lock griefing is unreliable, better go rogue for the killing (or any class i guess) or priest mcing
locks in PvE are boring compared to rogues. gonna be spamming shadow bolts and keeping dots up with a macro the whole time.
>summon a fucking Doomguard to attack your own faction's cities.
if you don't mind getting banned
link videos
>go to some town
>a doomguard is killing the NPCs
>change shard and continue with my business
Oh yes, the based vanilla experience.
Wow players -only- and only play WoW, specially the subhumans that will go Classic over retail.
$15 a month for gaming is fucking peanuts to anyone in the world at this point, and you can run it with a shit toaster.
I miss BC bros
>brainlets think 15$ is going to keep third world niggers away from their servers
blizzard is range banning chinks, indians and russians from European and American servers, although i assume ameriniggers will get their mexican menace
that's blizzard's pee
So much emphasis put on "reliving" 2004 (of course that's impossible) when really it's about getting a version of the game that was well-designed and fun.
Imagine being a 20 year old twitch zoomer pretending to like a 15 year old game.
Server fees, round the clock maintenence and updates.
It's definitely jewed upwards, but it's not completely unjustified.
Sadly this, 3rd world addicts will find a way to get into US and EU servers no matter what blizzard does
That's right. Wow is meant for kissless neckbeards and always has been. Cope.
God damn my hype levels are going back up with it getting so close to launch.
CTR threads are confirmed shills
based as fuck and classicpilled
PvE in wow is boring regardless
>a version of the game that was well-designed and fun
You are aware this is a WoW Classic thread, right?
272 posts
Community Manager
As of now, a large number of WoW Classic characters have been created on the following realms. Players with characters on this realm are likely to experience severe queues at release.
Herod - PvP
Whitemane - PvP
We have updated the algorithm for the realm population tags so they more accurately reflect the expected population for that realm. The realms that are listed as “Full” are where we expect to see extended queues. If you’re concerned about long queue times affecting your play experience, you may want to consider creating characters on a lower population realm before the game releases on August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT.
You here that, fucknuckles? Get off my server
looks like people are desperate to avoid the streamer server
>13-year-old content isn't ready yet
The game is running on patch 1.12, and the keyring was added 1.11. Why the fuck isn't it in at launch
That and I wanna run on a server where shit actually happens. Fuck low to med populated.
>abortion legion sever
>13 years old
Guess this means people who know are avoiding Faerlina like the plauge because of streamers. Pretty hilarious, actually
comfy af
sounds like a based and redpilled bunch
>mfw only one WoW streamer actually played Vanilla
whats the best vanilla private server currently?
They will be creating new realms minutes after launch once they see that every realm has a queue.
Screencap this.
>Due to very high demand, we will open a new WoW Classic realm for name reservations at 5:00 p.m PDT (8:00 p.m. EDT) today, Wednesday, August 14:
Stalagg – PvP – Eastern Time
We suggest that players, especially those on the Herod realm, consider creating characters on Stalagg. We expect that other PvP realms in this region will otherwise experience significant login queues when Classic launches.
Thank you!
Better question, why burn yourself out when we're days away from launch?
because im bored. im not gonna burn myself out
Thats what you think. It wasnt called world of warcrack for no reason
IMO, you shouldn't play basically the same thing. If you want something similar but still very different, go check out Ascension WoW. It's vanilla-only content right now, but on a Wrath game version. And the kicker is that there are no classes - you pick random abilities from any class as you level
You don't want to play on a dead server, do you?
Any server they add now won't necessarily be dead, but it will be way less pop than the others. They fucked up. This is the problem with adding servers after the fact - people are either going to join the server their friends are already on (so, the servers that already existed), or join the higher pop servers. Anything new gets fucked over
It's not quite as bad since the game still hasn't launched yet, but it won't be as good. And if they add anything after launch, then forget about it
>add the shitty nu-wow shards to your game
>still shit up the bed with servers
Don't forget to wear the server's shoulder to show you really support it.
Most of them probably watch cuckold porn.
They really named a server Stalagg even when a WW2 German PoW camp was named Stalag 13?
You think sub mmo players are bad? Wait till you meet f2p mmo players
Light's Hope said last year that they would shut down when actual classic comes out.
What is the population cap on a server before it starts putting people in queues? Has it been increased with Classic?
Eh I may play it for the first month or two just for nostalgia. I feel like a lot of people excited for this game never played Vanilla and will quickly realize that vanilla servers are not sustainable. Even boomers like me have become used to the QoL changes in MMO's.
What made this game fun was the exploration and the novelty of an MMO that allowed you to truly do some unique things for the time. My friends and I would go into one of the bars and drink in the game while chatting about how we were going to tackle the next dungeon. The fun was made by the players who had the time to just shoot the shit. In todays world everyone wants everything fast and easy. Unless players will once again be willing to slow down and just enjoy the world then it will fail. But based on the streamers rushing everything and looking for the best way to level fast I have a feeling that is not going to happen. The game was never about rushing to max level, but the journey and the fun you made for yourself along the way.
We had a 12k queue on Herod during name reservation, it's going to be rough
The login queue will suck, but they have more than enough room to fit everyone on the server if the layering shit actually works
There's a countdown on their site
>Server's shutdown in 9d 23h 00m 44s
So do most people? It's better than 40+ dollars on cigarettes a month and will provide more enjoyment too
The whole point of layering is letting more people into each server. I will be mad if Herod gets log in queues past few weeks.
There will be a login queue but it should not take long to get through if layering is working as intended.
You ideally won't have to wait for anyone to log off to get into, you'll just have to wait in line for a moment until the server is done processing everyone else trying to login.
Or u could just casually play with friends while listening to chill music and alt tabbing to Yea Forums in between pulls u spaz
so why are blizz warning about severe qeues
They're probably afraid that layering is not working as intended. Given their track record, it's a possibility.
>The whole point of layering is letting more people into each server.
No, it isn't. Layering has absolutely nothing to do with server capacity.
based contemplative Bravo poster
>Layering has absolutely nothing to do with server capacity.
the whole reason they have layering is so they dont have to have hundreds of 'realms'. they may physically be on different servers but it does allow more people to be on one realm/server than normal
I just realized an extra EC realm was added. It should work out.
>imagine not bring there when vanilla came out
Oh man you zoomers missed out. Sure it's not much in 2019 but back then, it was something you can never experience yourself
>wow literally having the most forgettable music of all time
Idk, I mean I don't understand the losers who post on here. Vidya is a low tier hobby.
I've been made out for a shill numerous times, still waiting on my checks...
You really have a mental problem if you worry about shills, especially on Yea Forums.
>create 120 servers for one region
>half of them become ghost towns after launch hype dies down
great idea user
Why do people on Yea Forums pretend that they don't like video games? Do you think it makes you look cool or something?
How dare you bring reason to \v, begone savage
That was genuinely funny
>people are posting more about a game that's about to come than a game that's been out for a while
i made a ticket and said there 3 day offer was desperate move and to give me 7 days .. I got 7 days kek
You can leave the educated out or your comment, or do you have a degree in Blizzard database and future prediction.
You are just guessing and probably hoping, it is really sad.
You are almost as sad as the zoomer flies around the e-celebs. Ofcourse you won't mean anything to them, you are a random stranger. Pls kys.