Games to learn CHESS
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Battlechess for the NES
Lego Chess
real men play battle chess on the 3DO
>tfw it's about the only thing you played on your 3DO
I liked the way the knight kept struggling after losing his limbs one after the other
didn't this shit have online
Chess? More like chess... shit.... More like shit
I miss him.
into the breach
it's on an 8x8 board, that's basically chess
same people that made ftl
I broke 1300 elo on chess.com after 2 years of playing. Please clap.
Fritz Chess for the DS has no tutorial, but the AI banter is pretty funny.
LiChess on nrowser or mobile.
Probably available on consoles too, don't know.
yeah just play blitz online
chessmaster, retard.
into the breach is retarded and nothing like chess aside from being played on a grid
3 pieces that move however your customize them to move and can activate multiple actions a turn to affect things multiple tiles away and push things and pull things and whatnot is really just a logic puzzle disguised as a turn based """"""strategy"""""" and i use that term loosely.
>the only way this could be a legal move is if this were blitz chess.
no u
chess will do this to you
What a surprise, the only female character: The Queen, is a fucking Mary Sue.
You can move in any direction, any distance, whatever you want.
God, I hate women.
just buy a real chess board and chess books with annotated famous games and play by yourself faggot.
The queen was originally the counsellor or prime minister or vizier (Sanskrit mantri, Persian farzīn, Arabic firzān, firz or wazīr). Initially its only move was one square diagonally. Around 1300 CE its move was enhanced to allow it to jump two squares diagonally (onto a same-colored square) for its first move.
The fers changed into the queen over time. The first surviving mention of this piece as a queen or similar was "regina" in the Einsiedeln Poem, written in Latin around 997 and preserved in a monastery at Einsiedeln in Switzerland. Some surviving early medieval pieces depict the piece as a queen, and the word fers became grammatically feminized in several languages, for example alferza in Spanish and fierce or fierge in French, before it was replaced with names such as reine or dame (lady). The Carmina Burana also refer to the queen as femina (woman) and coniunx (spouse), and the name Amazon has sometimes been seen.
In Russian it keeps its Persian name of ferz; koroleva (queen) is colloquial and is never used by professional chess players. However, the names korolevna (king's daughter), tsaritsa (tsar's wife), and baba (old woman) are attested as early as 1694. In Arabic countries the queen remains termed, and in some cases depicted as a vizier.
>used to be male
>replace male character with female
>make her even more unbelievably strong
I'll grow a beard?!
this sjwism will not stand
gamers rise up
I don't think a chessmaster retard would make a good teacher.
sjw shit
>stronk womyn
>full of black characters
>blacks can win vs whites
unrealistic game
Why has there never been a single boardgame better than Chess?
Congrats you did well
settlers of catan
There have been hundreds of much better board games.
In fact there are dozens of 2-player abstract strategy games which are better than chess. I suggest you look up the GIPF project, Ploy, Ayu, and, of course, last but not least, Go.
I don't know about any of those but Go. Go is okay but lacks the complexity of having multiple pieces that move differently.
I know this makes me a total casual shithead, and those games are good in their own right, but they lack the simplicity of Chess. It's a delicate balance between being simple and easy to understand and jump in and out of games and being complex and requiring a devoted amount of time to setting up an elaborate, long-term plan.
When's the next patch for Chess coming out
They said it'd be out by the end of the third quarter 1709.
It should be any day now!
>Go is bad because it's not """complex""" enough because apparently having 6 different types of pieces that have their own arbitrary movement gives a game depth
>These other games are bad because they aren't """simple""" enough, as if chess is even a remotely simple game, to the point where checkers players might still to this day not even know how the pieces move, and there's nothing intuitive about it at all
If you aren't trolling you're doing a real good job man.
Seriously, try ploy. You'd like it. There are even different pieces that move differently. And unlike chess, you can probably guess how that works just by fucking looking at them. (Hint: look at the 'notches' on the pieces; they can move in those directions, in the number of squares matching the number of notches)
Chess is too easy.
"You move these pieces in this way and your goal is to take the opponent's king" is a lot easier to grasp than Catan or Risk.
Or maybe I'm just autistic and Chess just strikes the right chord with me. That could be it too.
That looks really fun, it's a shame I've never seen it in my life.
I guess the better question is, why is Chess so overwhelmingly popular (in terms of board games) when other stuff like Ploy falls under the radar?
Try Chess 960
Chess has the benefit of being iconic. You look at a chess piece, you immediately know what you're looking at. Far to much of its competition just use discs or pebbles for pieces. It's like the equivalent to how modern day vidya have to come up with interesting artstyles in order to not end up looking like every other game in its genre.
Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
Ploy was made by 3M in Amerika in the 1960s.
Chess, Shogi, and others are just ripoffs of an Eastern (Indian?) game called Chaturanga from the 7th century. Which one do you think has a bigger built-in audience?
Hint: the one that didn't come out after TV, Radio, and comic books
Isn't there a push going on to change the rules to make black go first because having white go first is rayciss?
Oh, and the only female character, the queen, is a FUCKING Mary Sue. Ooh, you can move in any direction, ooh, whatever you want.
God, I hate women.
>a lot easier to grasp than Catan or Risk.
Of course a two player strategy game has less rules than a european development game or some stupid parker brothers bullshit from the 50s for kids to blow each other up and pretend-war with.
More like chiss.
I like chess
you can put your king in check in blitz, but you obviously lose if the oponnent spots it and captures it (and hits the clock in time)
Anyone? lichess.org
Fight me lichess.org
This but unironically
Why do people play d3 against the 2 knights defense, shitty exchange ruy lopezes, mechanical london systems with complete disregard for the opponents moves, or whatever boring openings - especially in faster time controls?
Is that really the life those people want?
Scrabble is better
Had this as a kid but our PC couldn't run it. Supposed to be like Battle Chess, except the AI will try to actively cheat.
Most people just want to escape the beginning and get to the mid game without being cheesed.
And then there are those who force trades to make every game is a rook pawn end game. Those people i hate the most.
user got fugged btw