Female Characters ----------> Male Characters

>Female Characters ----------> Male Characters.

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i want to be american now

me on the left

Jizzbrain thread

female bodies you mean? women don't have character in video games

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Nah...male characters are definitely better in that situation

semenmind thread

t. polygon jurno

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the phrase has made me realize how many fucking porn threads are posted on Yea Forums daily, there are plenty of boards for porn literally one click away. why the fuck do you people come here?

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oh god I wish it were me

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feedback loop of degenerates giving them (You)s over the years so they've got no incentive to leave


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i got warned yesterday for jokingly calling people cumbrians in a thread about a literal porn game coming out on steam
the fucking jannies are retarded here, they encourage off topic trash

Oh come on. You aren't posting that shitty made-up word to protect the "sanctity" of Yea Forums
You're just fascists trying to brainwash people into renouncing pornography because you judged that the time is right.

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>You're just fascists trying to brainwash people into renouncing pornography because you judged that the time is right.
Smooth cümbraín take

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I jerk off to porn 3 or 4 times a day, but I don't jerk off to pictures on Yea Forums

holy shit was that you in that thread yesterday too? you can't be serious lmao
the absolute state

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I just want to talk about video games

Femdom is so fucking gay.


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Keep em coming. Love the ghost in the Shell ps1 intro.

you're so fucking gay

i mean they aren't wrong


Stick isn't attractive in real life either. If you like women without curves you're a homosexual.

You're taking on the woman's role. The other time guys do that is in gay sex. Ergo femdom is gay. QED.

Thicc women are where it's at not women with the bodies of men who dominate you, y'know, like a man would.
Femdom is shit tier.

i just wanted banned fuck mods.

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Having a gut isn't thick. Legs ass and tits and hips make you thick. A gut makes you gross.

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Source? Asking for a friend

That's a penis.


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The right one is a deadly hold because the victim wants really badly to sniff her pussy but can't move his head.

This is fine, a fucking gut is not.

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>strong woman
my peepee hard
>strong woman beating a man
peepee goes limp, because is just not realistic. It doesn't feels real.

Hey if you like fat chicks that just means you have low standards.

that's the problem, you retarded dipshits should be permabanned

what's the matter? can't take the heat? does the jizzbrain meme hit too close to home?
god you're such a bitch, go play some fucking video games for once in your pathetic life

their shitty narrative fells apart the moment you mention that they only ever attack anime threads, politics threads, streamers, e-celebs and all kinds of off topic garbage are fine but post an anime girl from a video game and they go apeshit
pretty clear that they just hate anime and don't give a shit about anything else

why don't you play some games? oh right you don't give two shits about games you just want to whine about anime on Yea Forums like the normalshit subhuman you are