Fun fact: Baldur's Gate 2 is 20 years old.
Fun fact: Baldur's Gate 2 is 20 years old
oh it shows OP, it shows
Premature death for this nigger.
Not til next year it isn't.
Feeling old boss?
You are waylaid by adversaries and must defend yourself
Still playable 20 years on. Not many can claim that
Not a single "spiritual successor" has ever captured the same magic in all this time
it is 19 years old
5/10 story, unfortunately.
Baldur's Gate 3 was announced recently
How did they have so many characters be the absolute best of that category of characters?
Amazing that it's only 20.
Name a more bro-tier sociopathic murderer. I'll wait.
Even this faggot right here.
Fun fact: fuck niggers
Fuck trannies
and Fuck jannies
You seem to be uspet bro.
Greetings. I am looking for the possible primary source / precursor to Baldur's Gate 1.
What do I see the distinguishing traits of BG1 to be?
- grounded, survival strongly trumps heroics
- locations physically adjoining each other, shitload of wilderness that has nothing but wolves
- story and gamedesign ridiculously interconnected, EVERY SINGLE MORE OR LESS MAJOR PLOT-RELATED THING is mirrored in the actual PLAYER'S GAME EXPERIENCE in a way that is bound to be noticed and maybe specifically circumvented by player
- heightened sense of realism due to innovative engine that allowed designers to make any single square inch of the world unique if need be
So, tl;dr: low-key tone, connected word, story cohesively tied with gameplay at every step. To put it another waas: any part of the game laser-focused onto making a singular impression of the ingame world operating on more or less commonsensuical internal logic.
So I am looking at some game that possibly did that earlier. Like a couple of years earlier, probably topdown or isometric, probably fantasy of some kind, probably rpg, rpg-lite or adventure game.
Anything springs to mind?
Also definitely not either of FallOut-s.
And yet it's still one of the best RPGs.
Modern game devs need to get their shit together.
Ammon Jerro if you are ready to refine your taste a bit.
>Greetings. I am looking for the possible primary source / precursor to Baldur's Gate 1.
It' a basic low-level tabletop campaign made manifest as bits.
Tabletop doesn't automatcally makes itself into cRPG. Any existing blueprints it might've followed? It's those blueprints I am interested in.
Modern game devs are too worried about attracting a large normie audience and going down the checklist of sjw demands to make sure their games don't run afoul of the outrage mob. BG 1+2 were designed to appeal to d&d nerds with a streamlined version of the p&p rules to make the game more appealing in video game format. They weren't really trying to lure in anyone else.
Jerro is a pretty good point, actually, great character. But he feels very different, I think, in that he has strong motivations of his own, which coincide with the players, giving a good reason to be allies. Korgan, I think, would have been ready to murder CHARNAME at a moments notice, but thought it might be fun to see where he leads, as he respects the strength of the Bhaalspawn.
Why do you believe such games absolutely must exist?
Good point. Your description does match HK-47 rather well.
They might. I might as well try to find them.
>muh sjw's
Post discarded.
What I like about BG2 items is alot of it feels like it's for roleplaying. Like how often do you need anti backstabbing boots? Still I use them on my squishy because in my head I roleplay he/she needs it for some headcanon assassination attempt. Or how often do you need the anti death magic cloak? Still I put it on my Undead Hunter because in my head I roleplay he needs it against some headcanon fight against a powerful lich. Then there are some legit strong items like vecna, ring of gaxx, cloak of mirroring, belt of intertial barrier
Currently playing through BG2 for the first time but I still can't get into the DnD system. I don't think I will ever prefer it over just regular hard stat-hard percentage system. It's functionally the same but it's so much harder to read through the stats. Also the fact that there are hard plateaus for stat and class usefulness. If you don't metagame, you might fall into traps that utterly gimp you. If you do metagame, you are broken beyond belief.
Resting is a mechanic of a bygone era and only works when there is a personal DM to control use of your spells. I would rather just deal with long cooldowns instead of resting every fight, risking the three kobolds I can smash, so I can use broken mage spells at will.
It's about appealing to the masses, to the lowest common denominator, which is usually done by avoiding offending anyone, thus making the product either virtue-signalling moral-wankery, or completely empty, soulless garbage.
muh sjw's, as you call it, is just a consequence of reality.
Oh God. I think I remembered something. I know of one game that just might fit the bill. Haven't played it, meant to, never did. Problem is
somebody from BG team could only play it in 1997 purely on a random chance.
I am talking about Aleshar: World of Ice.
Yep, "First time I hear that title: The Game".
>Currently playing through BG2 for the first time but I still can't get into the DnD system. I don't think I will ever prefer it over just regular hard stat-hard percentage system.
Do you mean second edition's THAC0 and negative AC?
basically yeah just 2E, but I still think 5E's between version with its abundance of at-wills and cantrips would be a bad thing to hard adapt into a video game as well
Hell, I only know of it due to, well, like a decade ago I was heavily interested in demoscene/tracker music. One of the fairly big names there, specialized in celtic-ish/norse-ish tunes, Vesa Norilo, a.k.a. Warder - well, I learned he was also, previously to becoming demoscene musician, scored - and, curiously, co-programmed that game. The description stuck with me from there on.
Folks on RPGCodex though serm to know of it, some even speak somewhat favourably of it. From what I get it's murderously difficult - and RPGCodex nonwithstanding, as obscure as it gets. The only chance it could inspire BG is someone key from BG team stumbling on a chance onto it, as it was JUST released, and taking a shine to it.
So, uh, if someone has better alternatives in regard to possible precursor to BG1, I am VERY open to any relevant suggestions.
what's wrong with the story?
holy feels like just yesterday I brought this home and played multiplayer lan with my little brother.... fuck man life is way to short.
over 20 years for a sequel, wounder if that is a record.
I think Jerro is interesting in that he is an evil character, categorically, in that he makes deals with devils and doesn't care who he hurts, but his over all goals are for the greater good. Too often evil means selfish or insane in these kind of games.
Not that guy, but the whole "chosen one"-schtick mixed up with a ton of edge (child of Murder) gets a little cringey.
Are you 12?
Call me when it's 120 years old
BG2 is my favorite game of all time. Finished it like 20 times. My only gripes about the game is
1. Resting mechanics. Just give me back the spells after every fight. You mostly rest after every fight anyway. For people who wants no rest runs or something can have a separate mode.
2. Retarded CC length. Okay, my character lost a roll. Doesn't mean he has to run around confused for 1 minute. Make shit like confusion last 8 seconds.
. Resting mechanics. Just give me back the spells after every fight. You mostly rest after every fight anyway. For people who wants no rest runs or something can have a separate mode.
It's the other way around, purists should always take precedence.
I wonder if it's possible to introduce spell restoration that uses cooldowns with TobEx. Or maybe even some kind of mod.
>max ranks in ax
>whirlwind attack
>+5 vorpal ax
>Instant death animation stacks up several times and the sound clips over itself
Do you want to talk about BG2's story or do you want to be a little cunt?
>Playing through BG1 for the first time
>mfw Cloakwood forest
Am I just underleveled? my average party level is 4 and I get my shit slapped by almost every encounter.
I fucking hate spiders and poison.
>purists should always take precedence
if you're a real purist you would just be running a pnp campaign
It's bad because it's cringe is not an argument
>Am I just underleveled?
Yes. There are ebin memers who finish Durlag's Tower at level 1 around here, but I fear they forget to mention using a walkthrough and copious amounts of saves-cumming.
It's one of the biggest problems with the entire BG franchise, due to the inherent mechanics, there are fuck huge spikes of difficulty at random. You can easily deal with them IF YOU ARE PREPARED but otherwise you get buttfucked a bunch of times
So I guess every single JRPG ever invented is garbage according to your post. Do you even like RPGS?
>if you really like alcohol so much you should be only drinking the finest wines of my choosing
Repeat after me: variety is good; there's nothing wrong with trying new things of your own volition.
How is that not an argument lmao. What is he supposed to tell you how objectively bad this story is? In what manner? A shit story can still make complete sense and not be any bit interesting, cleverly written, or funny.
Wow it's almost like that argument could be made against your own statement. Change up the mechanics that translate poorly to computers. If this is too casual, purists can go to the options to turn it back. Why would they make the more casual/easier option the alternate route. It would be like having a detour sign lead to the freeway.
Post a good story synopsis.
Learn to comprehend, moron. The cringey aspects bring down the quality of the story, in my personal fucking opinion.
Fucking autistic retard, I swear
>"gets a little cringey"
is the same as
>"everything is garbage"
Are you literally this retarded?
Hé, c'est moi Imoen...
Almost, but it can not. What's the point of adaptations trying to be as faithful as possible to the source if you sacrifice more and more for convenience's sake? By the way, last time I used BWS I'm fairly sure I've seen something to change at least one of the things more to your liking. Possibly both.
Go suck dicks and get AIDS, faggot, you're a waste to the gene pool. I like BG2. One of my favourite games. But that one aspect of it I don't enjoy very much.
Lmfao you hate the entire story but somehow enjoy the RTwP gameplay? I doubt it, nigger. Post a better story or GTFO.
You can post literally any synopsis and no one will know if it's actually good or bad. The fact that you're even bringing this up like its relevant to the conversation shows you don't even know what the conversation is about (quality). No one ever bring's up BG's story when talking about best video game stories.
>Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) takes his men behind enemy lines to find Private James Ryan, whose three brothers have been killed in combat. Surrounded by the brutal realties of war, while searching for Ryan, each man embarks upon a personal journey and discovers their own strength to triumph over an uncertain future with honor, decency and courage.
This describes dozens of WW2 movies, many of which are horrible
So I've been playing enhanced edition (never played original) and am trying to do Hexxat's Request I understand this character wasn't in the original game.
But for any anons in the know, how am I supposed to beat Dragomir?
That synopsis actually sounds decent and interesting, though.
>This describes dozens of WW2 movies, many of which are horrible
I hate to keep calling someone retarded when they're so obviously mentally challenged, but, man, you're just too fucking stupid. All I said was that the premise of the main character is a bit cringey.
Also, again:
>I hate to keep calling someone retarded when they're so obviously mentally challenged, but, man, you're just too fucking stupid. All I said was that the premise of the main character is a bit cringey.
You were responding to a guy that was asking why you considered to the story shitty and that was your excuse. Kill yourself for being such a cockless cuck that you attempt to backpedal because it makes you look like a retard.
Maybe Ultima 7.
No, you've misread the thread.
Here someone said it's 5/10
Here someone asked what's wrong with it
Here's me, being very clear to say I'm not the one who said the story is 5/10. I literally only said the chosen one thing plus the edgyness makes it a little cringey. That's all I said about it, and all I wanted to say. Though it can be fun when turbo-autists sperg out because of the lack of normal social comprehension skills, I didn't intend or think I was saying anything fucking controversial.
Go on, tell me you like it when you're the CHOSEN ONE. Tell me you like it extra good with a heaping ton of edge, CHILD OF MURDER.
Thing is, I did like it as an edgy teenager. But I've seen it too many times, in video games, in movies, in books, to the point where I cannot take it seriously anymore.
I've been planning to play BG2 again after I finish Kingmaker. I love games like these, full of long term character building, massive spell selections, massive power creep as you go up in levels.
The PoE games tried to recreate this, but Sawyer just can't design a system as well as the D&D autists.
The writing in PoE is way worse too - I don't need every conversation to be a Wikipedia entry.
You are a moron
Try Fallout 4.
Come at me, faggot.
You are a double moron, stop getting so defensive about nothing.
i'm actually surprised the put the III in the title instead of just... "Baldur's Gate: title"
Oh, now it's nothing suddenly. Can't handle a simple argument based in misunderstanding? We tend to have quite a few of those in life, you know. At least we can agree this time it didn't really matter.
Man I just wanted to honestly talk about one of my favourite video games. But a bunch of folks thought I was shitting on it for having ONE negative opinion. Yea Forums is so good. Fucking here forever.
Ammon is a tsundere bitch, he doesn't really get close to you outside of a superficial level and always tries to deny that because he's too proud, even in MoTB he only follows you to Rashemen because he felt even he wasn't enough of a dick to ignore what happened to you after the final battle, not because he had some kind of special affection.
He's also hardly a sociopath, just someone who was fed up with all the imbeciles surrounding him and preventing him and others from getting shit done, so he decides to take the "evil" path for the greater good of all, granted, most of the other characters were written to justify him and he's also conveniently dumbed down to pull the entire Shandra thing, but NWN2 is hardly a well written game, or a good game at all.
That's why at some level he sympathizes with the King of Shadows, both decided to sacrifice themselves and those they held dear for the greater good, Ammon just has to pay a much bigger prize than the King of Shadows since he was dumb enough to make pacts with half the lower planes.
>he doesn't really get close to you outside of a superficial level
Someone needs to play the game again and think harder.
>and he's also conveniently dumbed down to pull the entire Shandra thing
Not really. He was close enough to getting what he wants to focus too much on the prize. Not to mention that power usually blinds people, something you can get him to realize, even.
>Someone needs to play the game again and think harder.
He doesn't.
Even when you go back to Shandra's farm you have to almost physically force him to stop being a bitch, and even when he finally admits you're right and he's been an idiot he still pulls the "I did what I had to do" card without a single thank you.
While all your other companions save Bishop wag their tails when you select them as partners during the siege, Ammon says nothing.
Even at the very end of the game where Garius tries to tempt other people into joining him Ammon gives zero shits about you, in fact even if you have low intimacy levels with him he will never betray you, because he's on his own side, not yours.
Even when you rescue him on Mount Thay, Ammon literally only sticks with you for a few minutes in order to repay his debt and little else, though admittedly he's even more of a shell of a man there since he achieved his life goals by then.
>He was close enough to getting what he wants to focus too much on the prize.
Ah yes, suddenly ignoring the entire fortress built specifically so that only people with Jerro blood could enter AND multiple magic circles that only people with Jerro blood could dispel because he was "blinded with power" truly make a lot of sense for somebody who passed the entire game being a galaxy brain mastermind, he just HAD to go autistic right there.
And of course, he was so close getting what he wanted...except he missed the crucial component of his master plan being the Sword of Gith, meaning he actually wasn't close at all.
But you have to account for someone's personality. I believe he did warm up to the player's character as much as someone like him possibly can. Especially considering that he turned his existence into self-sacrifice.
And yes, he was at the very seat of his power, protected as well as he though anything can be protected. And he has rather high opinion of his intellect. It is textbook arcane caster overconfidence mixed with lowered guard the comfy deathtrap of a lair invariably lulls you into. Shaken, not stirred.
So it is.