
I hope you bought the game and aren't just using sseth key

Attached: GUh2tlN.jpg (2560x1440, 356K)

Other urls found in this thread:!J6RUDKRD!J-TD9GVgVRIoaypHD7qUJA

The creators of the game are cucks who ban modders for making "fascist mods" and make all their characters shitskins.

They should be grateful I'm playing their game.

Is this game multiplayer?

Recommend me an inventory mod that lets me search by name or type.

let me guess, by "fascist" mod you mean a mod that did nothing but remove the non white and female characters that probably took like 2 seconds to make?

the payment processing site doesnt look enticing enough

>get out of the tutorial phase
>don't really now what to do
>all jobs seem to require travelling huge distances
>interstellar space is scary and has huge pirate/terrorist fleets
how do i git gud?

You have to push the games system to really learn what works and what doesn't

Exploration is a good way of making money early, when you have a few millions to spare start working on a colony.

>find paragon blueprint
>new to the game, didn't know it was good
>sell it on the black market to fund my colony
>pirates start attacking
>suddenly their raiding fleets have perfect paragon battleships
>raid successful
>raid successful
>raid successful
>raid successful
>raid successful

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (326x326, 16K)

>only just now realized you can buy ships
just the money sink I was looking for for these millions I had.

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pirates/luddic aren't really ever an issue, they mostly only attack you if you get close to one of their bases, and if your rep is high enough they run away from you if you have your transponder on


that'll be one large double Y I K E S

>3 star pirate fleet wants to go me
>Surprise! It's
>5 converted superheavies
>5 fighter carriers
>20 lesser ships
>"lamo ur outnumbered fag. Instead of leaving 1 destroyer and ur noncombats. Leave all but 6!"
Sure is fun being surrounded by the fattest facetanks in the game while struggling to hit anything through an endless swarm of fighters. Had this fuckoff pos let me field my usual fleet I might have been able to grind through the chaff and taken the big boys

I can't wait for retards to give shitposts (you)'s

Imagine having huge gay orgy with your pirate crew after every succesfull convoy hit.

I'll buy it when it's on gog or steam

That would explain why all pirate ships are so poorly maintained

do what you think will get you dosh
sometimes you get comissioned by a faction and blow their enemies up for a salary
somtimes you pirate everyone, causing targeted shortages and selling the "delayed" cargo and make 300% return on the base price
sometimes you just do contract work, going out into space to hunt criminals or to scan shit no one else will or even deliver cargo on demand at a real nice tariff-free premium
or sometimes you can just go space trucker and go scavenge the remnants of a dead empire while looking at your phone or 2nd screen
the math on tariffs is bs, you'll learn that legit trading is never the way to go real fast

I'm enjoying this game so much holy shit. I tried getting into it a few times in the past, but sseth's video made me try again and I'm glad that it did.

I started from nothing, barely scraping by and now I have four colonies bringing in mad dosh every month. This is what I needed.

been defending sindria for a good 2 hours from the largest invasion fleet I have ever seen. 10 fleets like pic related one after the other, I've been holding the line with the defense fleet and my conquest with solar shielding, watching those junk pirates pop like popcorn in the corona. I have been storing the salvage, about 2000 unused supplies and several carriers that dropped from the engagements
taking commisions can be pretty comfy

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1011K)

Bought this few weeks ago. Seems good but its hard to get into it. For me it seems like there is no endgame objective to work to. You go around make $$$ build a OP fleet and then do what?

Seems like there should be some kind of end game objective even if they made it extremely difficult to pull off. Like a borg type species with OP tech that slowly takes over sectors/planets. Or some kind of Mega ship like in FTL.


Fleet disparity is fucking stupid. I've got no idea how you can be at once severely outnumbered and then actively banned from bringing your full force. If I can afford to keep 30+ ships active I should be able to dump them all into a battle

ITT: things you only say in starsector
>huh....well i guess i could jettison 300 people...

Attached: fuhrer homeworld.jpg (810x456, 71K)

It just werks

Have you tried destroying the remnant nexus(es)?

>wanna befriend every faction
>but that sweet dosh from pirate bounties and luddic cells make it impossible
Greed truly is the man's downfall

Build a colony and dominate the markets

Can you befriend pirates? I never bothered to try.

>see drugs at black market for 150 coins
>buy them
>when buying price immideatly jumps from 150 to 180
What the fuck. It's not like im buyign trillions of them so that it destabilises economy or whatever, i wonder how much money i lost not noticing this shit.

Increase battle size

So this game is just mount & blade in space?

You can, it just takes a lot of effort and they unironically stop pirating against you and your colonies unlike the luddic cunts who dont care
Mostly yeah

So you just keep doing pirate missions until they stop hating you, or is there some other way?

IIRC yeah pirate missions and stuff
It takes time but you dont have to reach +something to be able to openly trade so you can trade with them after a while too

desu I'd rather just genocide them, but I'm not sure that it's possible because they can create stations out of thin fucking air.

How did you make millions without knowing how to buy ships? Did you just recover every flying piece of scrap you could?

If my rep with a faction is 100/100 and my Commission goes to war with them am I still set in the negatives or just 50/100?

I agree with this. I mean, i get why alex doesn't want us to dump both fleets at one for a massive slugfest, but at the same time its stupid that you can lose because you can't properly deploy your forces.

I think the relations will be set to minimum hostile stance (-50)

The problem with unlimited deployment is that performances drop sharply with larger battles, and the game is supposed to run on pretty flimsy hardware.

What happens to your relations when you stop a comission?

Wake me up

Attached: (wakemeupinside).png (1366x768, 540K)

how the fuck did you manage to make millions in this game without realizing you could buy ships
what, did you never click the "buy" tab on the fleet screen?

And if you are unaware, you can open starsector_core/data/config/settings.csv and increase the max_battle_size (I think that's the name) to whatever your computer can run.

They take a hit. Not sure what the exact number is. -15 iirc

>You decide to...
>L e a v e

Holy FUCK why isn't sped up mode the default? Regular speed it takes like 20-30 seconds just to cross a star system even at 20 burn. I'm not even asking for a mod to fix it I just don't know why they would make it THIS slow.


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Let me know when the dev puts it on a legit site like GOG or Steam.

i know that, but its still a...not dumb, but underwhelming mechanic.

there is a console command that kills the dialog. Don't remember its name right now, but its somewhere in the help command.

is this a creepypasta?

Why do you want to leave?

>legit site
Why wouldn't he just sell it through his own site and not pay steam's exorbitant 30% cut?
I bought it directly from the dev like a year or two ago. Fuck you.

tfw still dont know what the fuck im doing and how to make money, im lvl 13 and still somehow without sizeable fleet or money (i have just bunch of freighters and passenger liners and crap battle ships)

Developer said he will not bother with multiplayer at all because how hard it will be to balance it, and he's already not that good at balancing single player.
To think about it, it will be absurd shitfest as of now. Literally no people will use ship other than doom or harbinger.

Imagine mount and blade but
>2d space combat with direct control of the own flagship and fleet orders, really deep damage types, ship types, counter measures, full costumization, its fantastic
>deeper economy
>deeper 'settlement' management
>fuel and supply management
>exploration for money, ship wrecks, ship blueprints and other goods

Mount and Blade seems shallow compared to all the systems in this, I have no idea how this game evaded me for so long. It's core systems and gameplay loop are insanely good.

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>passenger liners
You don't really need them unless you're raiding or colonizing.

Just keep trying until you succeed, find your own way to make money.

Yeah, I just recovered ships I found while exploring.
I never bothered reading the whole snippet to learn that you needed to F to access the menu.

i would very much like to see this made into a mechanic that makes sense
some fleet command skill that increases the number of ships you can directly control in combat, but without a cap on the size of your fleet, so that when you enter combat and deploy more than what you're capable of commanding, they act as allied ships would, doing whatever the fuck they feel like doing, and maybe also having a hit to combat readiness

that way, it'd be like "yeah boys let's get em everybody battle stations" and it's just a huge fucking panic full of drams and cargo ships and miscellaneous frigates and shit freaking out and missing orders because they're left out of the main battlegroup because you're too fucking STUPID to delegate command properly

that way, you'd be able to retaliate when you're getting ganged up on and outnumbered, but it'd be properly chaotic

also, it'd be cool if officers could command their own small battlegroups. it'd make their steady/aggressive/reckless thing much more important, as you'd be able to give your reckless guy all the safety overriden pursuit ships, and your cautious guy could command all the carriers, and it'd free you up to give broader fleetwide orders. i'd love to see more depth to the orders, especially in tandem with this - search and destroy [only this class of ship/except this class of ship], capture [this point/all points of this type/all points]

but as it is, it's pretty dumb that i could theoretically pull 30 capital ships and be unable to field even half of them.

Because his own site is literally running on a server from the fucking 90s that couldn't even handle the traffic from people watching a YouTube review without crashing for 2 days.


>I have no idea how this game evaded me for so long.
Because they won't put game in any shop or even have some interaction with kickstarter or other public services, it just exists completely isolated to its own site. I never heard about it from sources other than Yea Forums. Sekrit club retards may say what they want but meme jewtuber gave it exact publicity it needed.

What, you prefer 3d? Does that make an indie game automatically better?

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Why would you pay for headroom that isn't going to be met in years except for when some youtube happens to make a video on it?

>gameplay loop
if anyone shilling anything uses some marketing bullshit journalist reviewer type of catchphrase like this, i instantly put the game on my ignore list.

Because it isn't done and the developer doesn't agree with early access bullshit, probably because of how much stress it puts on the development, and the development of Starsector is GLACIAL (one update a year if lucky), so an early access model would be financially unwise. He's going to release it on Steam when it's done.

Gameplay loop is what you use to describe what you mainly do in sandbox/open world type games.

It's a game design term, it refers to all games.

I bought it through PayPal, it looked fishy but it worked without giving the site any of my info, I didn't even use an e-mail, it used the one on PayPal.

Once you figure out how to buy low, sell high, I'd recommend going to a Tri-Tachyon station and finding a loan shark, take out a loan for 300k or 1m and grind trades to generate revenue for a battle/survery fleet.

>why don't these fucking religious extremists buy my fucking harvested organs and drugs, why is it always guns and soldiers with them, gosh

What do I have to edit in the game files for huge fleet battles to not be slogs? Also is heavy industry something that should be on pretty much every colony?

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What happens if there's alpha core admin you can't remove and you let Hegemony inspection in? Will they still eliminate it?

What about the other factions though?

Sorry I don't buy unfinished products. The game is ok but it has no endgame at all and relies on mods to much.

As long as you have one nanoforged heavy industry all your AI fleets will be mint when they're made.

More HI might make custom production faster, though idk

>gameplay loop
>marketing bullshit journalist reviewer type of catchphrase

>I enjoy doing the games main activity in a repeated manner as the different game systems work well together and make sertonin go zing in my brain and make me feel goody

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>Fuck, my pirate magnet is on.

This game is really good at relaying that the US's Carrier doctrine will be undefeated in space
I have 3 frigate carriers and 1 cruiser carrier, 3 frigates and 2 destroyers and I'm wiping the floor with these fags

*Torps&ICBMs U in my murican nuclear sub*

No its just that carriers are OP.

why not just call it... playing the fucking game...?
the game is fun...?
do people talk about grand theft auto's """gameplay loop""" no they just say man the game is fun to play.

I mean yeah when you can 3d print autonomous death drones in seconds that don't cost you anything.

What are some good mods?

Attached: Comfy_Dog.jpg (1803x1351, 388K)

No you dipshit. The “gameplay loop” is something specific. In GTA there are many activities (bowling and shit, running down pedestrians for laughs, etc) that are not part of the gameplay loop that are still considered “playing the game.” A gameplay loop is more like “run missions to get money, use money to buy better gear, use better gear to tackle tougher missions, repeat.”

Is there any way to generate supplies and fuel with ships? I'm trying to do some Macross style setup with a big expedition fleet that just fucks off into the far reaches of space, but I can't figure out a way to make it more or less self-sufficient.

You can kill pirate fleets and loot wrecks for fuel and supplies.
I do not know how hard it to run surplus (repairs waste supplies), though.

Does being commissioned by a faction give you a monthly wage from them?

You'd need a VERY deployment cost efficient fleet as well as a salvage bonus equivalent of 50 salvage rigs

The whole point of those is to make you land on civilized planets at some point. Theoretically you can get high amounts of them from salvaging but realistically you won't.
If you asking about mods, then consolecommands to cheat yourself resources when you want to go mod the game yourself to create ship-factories (which for balance reasons will still need some sort of material to make supplies and fuel from).

>Also is heavy industry something that should be on pretty much every colony?
I wouldn't do that. Believe it or not, but the industries that are the most profitable in terms of exports are Fuel and refining. If you build HI on top of those, their exports will decrease, and the HI exports revenues just aren't as good.
Try avoiding HI on planets with Refning/fuel

Is nexelerin actually good or just a bunch of meme shit? Half people say it's really good other half complains that colonies never grow, factions dissapear forever and overall shitfest.

doesn't really do much to change the game in my opinion

Mixed bag. The 4x additions are interesting, but because of them, you'll spend your playthrough having different priorities than you would normally (no more mindless exploring/raiding factions). It also completely breaks the game once you realize the mod allows you hire 6 invasion battlefleets for a measly 600K bucks.

It's pretty chaotic alright, but I like it.

Especially since you can make the LP fuck off for years using agents

Are you retarded?

Fucking state of redditors.

What ship/weapon mods are balanced against the vanilla game?

Is the 30% in game tariff some kind of jab at steam?

What are some good low-tech ships?

Isn't it 18%

The in game tariff, I mean
I think it used to be 30

Onslaught and Dominator

not really. the tariffs are more or less aligned to the real world ones.

>Follow contract to system to survey a planet for credits
>decide to survey all the planets cause why the fuck not
>don’t notice that it costs supplies
>get to last planet
>insufficent supplies
>wtf where did my supplies go
>tfw 50 supplies left and I’m on the edge of the sector

Please tell me I’m not the only blind retard thats done this

I would like to buy it if it was on steam or gog.

But since the only payment method is some bullshit obscure site I pirated.

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I think it varies between factions.

I've done this, lost my entire fleet on the way back.

I might've been drunk while watching sseth's video, but I bought it and god damnit I haven't regretted it one bit. Now I'm just looking for some good mods for my second run.

>a massive corporation getting a large cut is better than a small company getting a small cut

I don't understand you people.

Also, does pic related still work?

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I don't want to buy from some shady site since there's no guarantee of consumer protection

>find the remnant constellation with 4 battlecarriers
>none are recoverable, just supplies and fuel
Damn, really wish I was a more skilled player.

just use sseth's key. its way easier

>install 20 different mods
>one of them is a mod that gives [REDACTED] a"twist"
>so that "they can still be a challenge in the endgame"
>Come mid-game of my playthrough
>Everything is dandy, managed to have a few comfy colonies
>Suddenly, /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\!
>4 remnant raids on my home system at the same time
>Each remnant fleet is comprised of two drone battleships, 6 dronecruisers and a plethora of phase dronefrigates, all of them loaded with Tachyon an plasma weaponry
>fuck this shit
Worst thing is, I can't even remember which mods made them so OP

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oh and

Seriously, what else were you expecting?

Oh boy I better not choose the only option I have available

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I've just started and so far it seems everyone is 30%. Only group I haven't encountered yet are the Sindrian.

"How dare you attack our hostile ambush fleet that intercepted you and prevented your from running away" -pirates

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Ia there anything I can do with the people on planets that aren't in bars? Its wither just
>I want to sign up with X faction
>I'm a guy you can recruit for a colony!

I don't give a fuck about cuts. I just want a convenient and secure way to buy and download my games later.

Is farming AI cores and turning them in a good way to earn faction rep? I want to get a Tri-Kike commission and they don't seem to be putting out many missions lately.

>shady site

There is nothing that indicates it's a scam site

People like you are the reason a few entities have a near monoploy on the game market

They can try, but they will never take away our mods.!J6RUDKRD!J-TD9GVgVRIoaypHD7qUJA

Trikeks give you the least reputation for turning in cores (50% of base value, so 0.5 per gamma and 1 per beta). They pay triple in money, though.

I think there is a co-op mod

>New Galactic Order
>Olga portrait

Huh? Why were these banned from the forums in the first place? I saw them before saw nothing special that warrant a ban.

COMFY start

Attached: screenshot000.png (1920x1080, 372K)

But you are completely fine with giving your info to epic or steam?

>it just exists completely isolated to its own site.
just like the good old days

Game got bigger and some content creator complained that a .jpg was used without permission. Big modders are autistic hegecucks and think this is a serious violation of copyright laws despite it being fair use.

On unexplored planets, you can find some barter deals. It's just give x for y, nothing special. I believe Ship and Weapons pack mod gives you a quest line you can get from a bar. The reward for it is pretty neat ship and a new ability.

every goddamn time, literally the first thing I find

Attached: screenshot001.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

you can use paypal retard

>only max 4 industry

Where can I find a doom phase cruiser?

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That works for me. Thanks, user.

I have seen tariffs go as low as 9% in nexerelin, legit trading could work but it would be slower than smuggling

Attached: FAST CASH.png (1039x585, 264K)

It do also it grant extra bounty for hostile to faction kills.
NEETbucks are really great income tho.

Attached: FAST REP.png (1045x657, 316K)

Turn that shit to the hegemony for some money and 200% rep

Jesus fuck how did you get that many

just kill some redacted

Attached: big orange rep.png (332x450, 66K)

>playing as pirates
>finally get fully functional pirate castigator without d mods
>still dont have large weapons for its hybrid mount
Using only weapons that I get from loot has been fun, but I'm somewhat scared to attack convoys with capital ships that would actually have those large guns.

Should i replace tech-mining after some time?

You probably shouldn't build it in the first place. Extensive ruins cough up like 1 blueprint a year, whereas you can get like 6 blueprints on average everytime you explore a research station. It's funny how bad tech mining actually is.

does it produce resources or something?

Is there anything safe to sell that the enemy won't end up using against me in the future if i piss them off? I'm holding on to a stockpile of weapons blueprints and savaged dmod ships.

I know it used to be part of the planteray production/exports infrastructure in the previous version. Now it kind of just deposits maybe five fuel in your storage and a couple of supplies every now and again. Waste of time.

damn shame

So it's a bit like Dwarf Fortress then? Well, the guy is actually putting it on Steam, but I'm sure as hell that the playerbase knows about its rare updates

How do I mine stuff?

Thing is releasing a game on steam is a one time opportunity, so the better the game is the more you will profit from it. If you release an unfinished game that takes years to complete, by the time it's done people have long forgotten and those who were interested have already bought it.

>find 2 pristine nanoforges
>think I'll sell one to kickstart my first colony
>find 2 nigh-perfect planets orbiting the same gas giant, not that far from core worlds too
>think I wont sell the forges because of that, keep doing quests to get money
>find a total of 4 legions in the meantime, 2 couldnt be recovered but recovered 1 with NO d-mods and the other with a single miniscule d-mod
>just stash them in a hegemony world because why not, costs a bit much though
>find an alpha ai
>meanwhile my first save with like 3x time spent hadnt found a single ship the size of the legion and found a single nanoforge much later on
Fucking RNG

NEX mod

left click on the planet, it's right below "colonize". You will need to survey first.

How do i turn down the white flash when a ship explodes?

Are there more story missions after the Red Planet and the AI Core one? Those are the only 2 i found that guarantee decent loot

Is there any point to using the kite?

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fast missile platform or some early distraction if you give it salamanders

Post your shipfu.

Attached: atlas_mk2_heg.png (200x390, 131K)

what in the goddamn

Best Capital ever.

Quite a few hours in my playthrough and this is my fleet so far.
I've found 6 XIV legions and these are the best 3. I don't even know if it's a good idea to use this many.
What else could I add to this pile of garbage?

Neither, I pirated it.

I prefer the Prometheus MKII.

Would probably be a good idea to add the fucking fleet.

Attached: fleet.png (1909x1077, 1.72M)

That would be the Radiant

How do you make money fast?

For me,it's Rampart drone ship

Good ol' Domain days

>first time playing
>found a legion blueprint
What do? I am a complete newfag

save up 3 million spacebucks from smuggling and pirate bounties
start a colony for infinite money
start more colonies for infinite+1 money

I'm new to the game mate, so I don't know about fast, but I made my money through exploration missions.

Scanning planets, stations, derelict ship.
That sort of thing.

It's not RNG. Legions (spicifically the XIV variant) are the ONLY capital ships that can spawn as preset wrecks, and their distribution isn't random. EVERY seed has about 4 recoverable and 6 unrecoverable ones, all in remnant systems and all close to each other. If you go back to the system where you've found your Legion and explore other nearby systems, you will find a lot more of those.

learn it, it'll let your colonies use the legion in their AI fleets or let you produce them for yourself at a much cheaper price

Sell on black market for mad dosh :^)

Mod? Please tell me it's just skins and not the usual garbage.

4D chess it and sell it to pirates

Then just farm them from pirates

What do you guys do with the vast amount of weapons you find?
I'm currently hoarding them in case I need any for any new ships I buy and they sell for fuck all, but that sounds like a bad use of space.

I usually sold them off but since I'm new to the game that might be a bad idea

you get infinite storage in your colonies so I just dump them there for any new ships I produce

Stashing them in free storage. There's one in Mayasura if you are a reasonable person and one in Corvus if you are a hegecuck. There's also one in Yma if you like gettig ambushed by pirates every time you use it.

>and not the usual garbage
what do you mean by that?

Attached: toab_buffalo2ht.png (100x150, 23K)

>what do you mean by that?
Low-effort kitbash garbage, special snowflake overpowered uniques, that kind of stuff.

I already got it free on freegog

Attached: 1552828407725.jpg (477x477, 57K)

>if you are a hegecuck

Oh cool, been spending 4k a month for no reason then.

well its my low effort kitbash(or stolen heh) so yeah
nothing OP just different flavors and paint jobs mostly

Attached: mora_path.png (220x190, 77K)

Don't forget that you should never use black market in Corvus if you use that one. You do NOT want to get randomly strip searched when you are coming back from deep space to stash your 20 alpha cores.

fuck you, kitbashes are the best mods as long as they are well done (which the pictures posted are), sadly a lot of kitbashes are just complete garbage

By free storage do you mean the abandoned station in Corvus?

What do you guys use the side large ballistics slots on the Onslaught for?
They're too slanted to really hit anything infront of you with so just a giant PD then?

I don't use the Onslaught.

>hit anything infront of you
user please

It's too bulky and slow for me to use so I wouldn't know, but the AI seems to do fine.

you kit out both sides with the biggest guns, zero PD
then your drive a wedge into the enemies forces to make sure you're utilizing all your guns

Even the small ballistic slots?

they can't shoot missiles at you if they're dead

You guessed wrong, faggot.

Large slots for offense. Missile slots for offense. 2 medium turrets for offense in you want. Other mediums for flak cannon PD. Smalls either empty or PD. Consider the hull mod that reduces EMP damage because you will be tanking with armor a lot.

who here /hegemon/?

Attached: hegemony.jpg (414x530, 94K)

preach brother

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Is there any point to using natural hyperspace points to exit systems once you have transverse jump? The fuel cost is the same and the supplies cost is usually less considering the time it takes to fly over to one.

Is it true that hegeniggers won't ever come inspect your colonies if you are comissioned by them?

I tried it out in a simulation and I see what you guys mean, it turns into a flying fortress that you can't flank.
Is it even possible to pilot this well yourself?
Also I'm guessing I want aggressive pilots?

Man fuck all the factions for that 30% tariff rate. No wonder the entire sector's gone to shit for two centuries when legitimate business is hampered and crime is incentivized.

Transverse jumping reduces your CR. The supply cost is negligible, but it can become important if you are ambushed immediately upon entering hyperspace. Jumping also requires a bit of time to charge while standing still, so if you have a pursuit on your tail it might be better to just leg it for the closest gate since those work the millisecond you touch them.

legitimate business isn't hampered
There's zero percent tariffs and a massive mark up for both delivery and procurement contracts. You're just trying to play the market for personal gain which the factions don't want when they have their own trade convoys and can put out well paying contracts should they really need to get rid of or acquire a resource.

Check Sseth's starsector video, he gave away his key. It's blacklisted now so you won't get further updates but it unlocks the game in full


>There's zero percent tariffs
technically its 30% and not 60 since you have to actually buy stuff to deliver.

>doing random star system exploration
>find a minor equipment cache after surveying a planet
>it's a 100% hazard rating with vast ruins
>legion-class battlecarrier blueprint worth 572k

rng has blessed me

>You're just trying to play the market for personal gain which the factions don't want when they have their own trade convoys
But then how do they have deficits and surpluses that they pay extra\sell for less to get fullfilled.

Tri-Tachyon Corporation wishes you a safe day

Attached: go back.png (644x642, 904K)

Is there a way to check what's for sale or what's in shortage for each system?

Mjolnirs. Set them to autofire while you blast the enemy with frontal TPCs. It's not like you can fire three sets of weapons at once.
Onslaught DOES have flux problems when the big guns are firing. You don't want to divert more large/med firepower to needlers/railguns - fit those with something like dual machineguns. Quad flak cannons on Onslaughts are fantastic too, reapers/bombers become MUCH less of a threat with them.

Attached: screenshot020.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

Go to a system with a comm link and check your items in your inventory or on the store. Press F1 (Default) and you'll get a list of best places to buy and sell

Blow up their fleets, check what's in cargo.

Attached: screenshot018.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

I'm not that strong yet

>Nex mod
>Side with Tri
>Colonize planet near Nexus

Attached: Red.jpg (470x595, 201K)

trade convoy attacked or low accessibility

Then why the fuck they dont want to trade with people by making high tax? If their planet is starving and they refuse to drop the tax to at least 10% then it's their problem, die jews.

they pay better per unit for deficits, no reason to adjust the tax

Landed on a ruined world, found these charming gentlemen living smack-dab in Remnant space. Now I realize the pack of scum and knaves are likely those who I've helped for 15 supplies.

Attached: screenshot022.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

It's not just about them catching upto you normally too, as interdiction pulses stop the jump as well
It's a really good skill that shaves a lot of time so use it whenever you aren't chased or if you have a good amount of distance with the enemy

If you've found a terran world with a 100% hazard rating at the near edge of the galaxy, should you colonise it even though its so far away from the core worlds?

If it's your pick for a capital, don't. Too expensive to be sustained without other profitable colonies.

Best faction?

Space jews
High tech best tech

pretty sure alex the maker of the game said it has the highest chance out of all ships of its size and that was intended.

lmao I know it does that and I still do it like a fucking moron

"ahhh that'll probably be enough to get back" meanwhile my crew is killing eachother, ships are literally blowing up, my cargo is falling out the back of my freighters and now out of FUCKING NOWHERE a Ludic Path cell with 90 ships comes and slaps my fleets ass.

Make humanity great again

Attached: 1456842097780.png (410x256, 30K)

The one you create

what else is in the system? if some combination of planets can give you violatiles, ores, rare ores and organics with your farmland then it is a fairly good spot to be in

You. Us. We are the best faction. Space is ours now you mother fuckers.

Attached: leg1.webm (960x540, 2.78M)

>hegemony is basically imperium on a smaller scale
>persean leauge are generally ok guys
>tri-cunt ideology caused the apocalype
>Both luddic parties are extremist retards
>Purple bitches are jews on a different scale but damn those lobsters
>pirates are all smoothbrains, no expections
Take your pick

Yep, thats me
Youre probably wondering how I got into this situation

Give Conquest shields on sides


My opinion of Nexelerin so far. It spams the intel screen with completely meaningless "diplomacy" events that no one would ever care about making it very difficult to notice actually important stuff. It brings nothing of use to the game apart from improved new game screen.

Attached: java_2019-08-14_19-22-22.png (1920x1200, 1.3M)


I fucking love this thing.

Attached: transform.gif (200x200, 1.47M)

what faction is closest to a survivalist 'every man for himself' faction

Pirates or MAYBE the Persean league, it describes them as having infighting sometimes but they still work together occasionally, especially when the Hegbois come knocking.


Diable is just to cool

Attached: diableavionics_IBBgulf.png (130x292, 54K)

Am i the only one who thinks this game isnt fleshed out enough yet? The only thing it really has to offer atm is the combat, which dont get me wrong is really fun. But, it really dosent feel like there is a lot to do or any goals.

This and X4 are kinda meh... At least this one isnt a completely broken fucking mess of a game.

Attached: KILLEMALL.gif (627x502, 940K)

Attached: Nevermore.png (250x400, 82K)

For me, it's the Kindling, the best AND cheapest Battlecruiser escort solution on the market.
(Plus it reminds me of the raptors in BSG)

Attached: ae_kindling.png (116x145, 28K)

Diable avionics
The independent as well probably has this

Burn Drive.

Starlight Cabal.

Attached: dddoublekill1.webm (960x540, 2.44M)

Lmao fractal's transactions are actually reasonably secure, even compared to big companies. It isn't like steam hasn't fucked up in the past.

Just for fashion Starsector

Attached: redHand.png (222x496, 175K)

when is this coming to steam? not buying if its not on steam. i hate having random games in random folders from random websites.

Attached: 1478790114339.jpg (3819x1646, 986K)

What's this from?

It has more or less the same amount of content as M&B does, barring the diplo stuff (Nexerlin takes care of that). In fact, it is striking how similar these games are in terms of gameplay.

At least a year

>Onslaught getting REDACTED
yup, sounds about right.

But I am part of the Hegemony expedition.

Attached: onslaught_hegemony.png (288x384, 202K)

Mod that adds ships from Homeworld WHEN?

What a sexy ship

Tech is objectively the best aptitude

Warhammer 40k mod when?

Attached: Battlefleet_gothic_2163613.jpg (1200x812, 369K)

When it's finished

Who is your shipfu?

I like the randomised core worlds, but dislike the random diplomacy

Guess this one's a goner too. This is why you never leave the dock without bulkheads.

Attached: an.webm (960x540, 908K)

>fills your field of vision with slow moving balls of death

Attached: neutrino_bansheenorn.png (150x537, 86K)

I think different tariff rates are a nexerelin mod feature

This, but I prefer the color from the mass-produced version.

Attached: 1551669252399.png (288x384, 196K)

Right after the mod were all waiting for

Attached: 1446a279f08d0b42d0d2d6b99bfae5db.jpg (500x750, 106K)

Does a planet need a volitiles mod on for it to be worth building a fuel plant on?

How are you supposed to deal with those big blue fuckers?

Homeworld ships actually wouldn't look bad from above.

40k ships would look like shit, tho.

homeworld mod when

The league is just a loosely affiliated set of goverments that want to maintain their sovereignty in the face of the hegemony, whetever living in those worlds is good is a cointoss and if you attempt anything at challenging the planet's authority the rest of the league is gonna come down hard on you just to make sure that the world remains a member and supporter of the league as a whole

Wasn't there already a HW2 one?

Attached: java 2019-08-14 20-44-22-68.webm (960x540, 601K)

What mod?

Around [REDACTED] never relax

Tfw no macross mod ever

first is blackrocks

I am actually not sure. If you have a planet with abundant volatiles in your empire, that might be enough. I just conquered a space station with no resources whatsoever that had a fuel factory and it makes about the same amount of money as my planet with Volatiles+fuel (around 30K). Just make sure you have a Synchrotron Core.

>no macross mod
>gundam mod will never update
it hurts mechbros

They indeed have pushed my shit in. And they've got a battlestation!

Attached: java 2019-08-14 20-47-54-59.webm (960x540, 1.81M)

you look like shit.

Attached: necron.jpg (474x267, 21K)

Maybe you should have turned off your transponder before going into pirate space

I think the second is from Seeker, which is currently only available in the unofficial discord server linked in the Starsector forums.

Why the fuck does the autopilot thing always take me to a star's gravity well instead of a regular gravity well?

Attached: 1546036747979.png (340x418, 136K)

Sometimes, you just dont

Attached: You better hope I dont have ITU.png (469x330, 189K)

There is a (loosely related to) Front Mission mod: Diable Avionics

I bought. Also, your ship choice is shit. Just get Paragon with autopulse lasers in front, tactial lasers in all the tiny spots, needlers in the med universal, ion beams in the front med energy, some cheap shit in the back, 60 vents, and all the shield mods you can. 3-5 of those can rape any opponent

>206 + 3
>still using gravity wells
>not transverse jumping right on top on the planet you are going to

All the BRDY ships are gorgeous.

You never let your ships get cut off and focused on, you clear out the drones' support piecemeal and only start concentrating on the battleship when there no brilliants to turn the tables on you.

Be ready for losses.

Attached: java 2019-08-14 20-51-11-63.webm (960x540, 1.3M)

>which is currently only available in the unofficial discord
Why?Is it just not done yet?


It is cheap and fast, with the right weapons it can be a good boost to early combat, or just serve as a distraction when its weapons won't cut it.

>downloaded the game but my browser fucked up
>too lazy to watch the sseth video a third time for the cd-key
>quit the game before I even started playing it

>five tachyon lances

Attached: 1512556250013.jpg (1944x1945, 1.35M)

Try Paragon class or exploit the Doom class mines.

But you are right, Imperial ships would look silly from top down, now that I think about it. 60% of the appeal is that ridiculous cathedral, and that just wouldn't translate well into 2D.

Is there an easy way to know how much supply and people to have for my fleet? I never know how much to bring.


Only. Human.

Attached: java 2019-08-14 20-55-03-20.webm (960x540, 1.84M)

The modder for Gundam: IBO recently said that he is working on it in the free time, but it is gonna be a while before an update.
Don't lose hope, user.

Yeah, just a ship pack currently. The public release is going to also add quests and lore.

Really slow and overrated. Autopulse laser beats them any day.

what if I am a Hegemony?
Yep but still good

Attached: hegemoney.png (1071x967, 605K)

>You never let your ships get cut off and focused on
That's what this game needs, actually, combat stances. I am so tired of seeing my battlecruisers charge head on deep into enemy lines while the rest of my fleet just chills in the back.

Wait, selling blueprints on the black market results in pirates getting them?
oh fuck
oh shit

Attached: 628.png (600x833, 604K)

They are absolute shit against shields. The problem is that the myriad of escort drones will fuck up your shields, leaving you open to the TL, and they are devastating against armor.

Interesting. I just got done destroying all the hegemony shipyards.

Luckily, the enemy suffers from that too. Does AI have different officer attitudes?

Attached: screenshot028.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Whenever I find a blueprint in a wreckage that I already have, I still take it and hoard it in my storage. Just in case some pirate scavenger comes across and adds it to their repository.

I know

I think they probably do. They will also retreat any ship that gets below an acceptable level of CR/Hull points, which is bretty good as far as AI goes.

A lot of Starsector ships are hard to picture in 3D.
It still works as an artstyle, though. Surprisingly well.

There was one. It's no longer usable.

8 heron's, 18 flights of longbows followed up by 6 cobra bombers

Flux is much more important than shield damage. No hard flux and 6.5 second cool downs is a red flag and a sign you probably shouldn't use Tachyon lances. Autopulse lasers can drive up the flux extremely quickly requiring the other ship to disengage and drop their shield or suffer malfunctions. Therefore hull damage is guaranteed. If you use the two paladins in the back large energy slots, escort drones are irrelevant. Missiles are irrelevant. Paragon has double laser range making it even better. There is no excuse to use expensive subpar weapons like Tachyon lance when there are cheaper superior alternatives.

This, but also for cashing in at Prism Freeport (if available)

All these posts and no Pandemonium fat shipgirlfriend that will eat all your supplies and destroy your enemies.

It does, yeah. They still managed to make them look imposing when need be.

Attached: conquest_bc.png (190x400, 135K)

from what mod is that ship? Ships/weapons pack?

my toaster isn't going to like it one bit.

made another.
how is this game so comfy?

Attached: comehome1.jpg (1085x1815, 161K)

Someone have asked me why I have 3 strings of capital ships in my outer rim fleet.

Attached: finally.webm (960x540, 475K)

I'll get it when it's on steam

just the comfy background

Attached: backy.jpg (1160x1920, 112K)

Six fighter bays of pure perfection.

Attached: Interestellar.jpg (263x520, 103K)

This is awful. But well done for trying.

Atlas MK.II versus Atlask Mk.XIV, fight!

Attached: file.png (823x627, 335K)

Dominator-chan is a tan shortstack!

Attached: Dominator_base.png (220x180, 79K)

The redacted have plenty of flux to spare, though, being geared towards shield focus (which makes their armor really easy to deal with, incidentally). I don't like Tachyon lances in general either, Plasma cannons are superior in my opinion, but I damn well fear them.

Yes but it hasn't been updated since 7 or 8, i think. At least the owner said that he was reworking the whole thing up from scratch.

Don't Todd us, faggot.

Attached: SHILLS.png (1024x768, 964K)

My REAL domain extremely converted Colossus will beat yours.

Attached: screenshot029.png (1920x1080, 896K)

guess I am making that starsector folder after all.


>2 more battleships inbound

They better have a fuckton of supplies.

Attached: screenshot031.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)


daz git is git
where you can get that ship boyz?

tachyon dudes sell em, and you can also find the blueprint to manufacture them at your colonies

>that taste
>those quints
>tan shortstack
You're going to kill me, user.

Attached: wew lad.gif (400x225, 1.99M)

Can you enter alliance in nex?

No you can't do any diplomacy yourself

If I have my transponder off and kill off a whole fleet how does the faction know it was me to give me -rep

of course. enter a planet and click on "special actions"->"request joining alliance"

They got Tri-Tachyon spyware in your ship circuits, lad

> attempt to play this on craptop with no dedicated gpu
> fps drops to 20 on the very first tutorial fight with a grand total of three ships on the field
Honestly don't know what I was expecting.

the only irrelevant complain that i have is that you have the logo of the hegemony is vertically inverted.

install graphic lid with craptop option

You expected a sprite based top down 2D game to run like one?

>system called "Aztlan"
>everyone in the game seems to be some variety of brown
The fuck?

Attached: 1534360923658.jpg (863x960, 98K)


oh fugg
it is

Attached: concern1.png (716x716, 230K)

This was with graphics lib installed and those options disabled.

There's reason sector is one big collection of murderhobos massacring each other for two centuries straight.

>Wanting them white.

Eagles, falcons, herons. Conquest Class=10 points off for each heavy ballistic. Paragons are great if you can build em or buy em. Atlas class=great carriers. Maybe some wolf class frigates for chasing down fleeing enemies

Vayra's Sector, much like the other Mk.XIV ships (Colossus, Buffalo, Mudskipper)
Though unlike the other three I haven't yet seen blueprints or in any fleets, maybe just available in one of the missions the mod comes with But still obtainable with Console Commands

The survivors in the escape pods report your general fleet composition and the names painted on the sides of your ships.


Ever noticed all these Aztec ship names? Especially in Pirate fleets?

What loli is this?

my mom

ok then

Attached: atlas_mk2_heg.png (200x390, 131K)

"Uncooperative prisoners go outta the airlock with the rest of the trash"

Attached: screenshot032.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)


What mods give me more starting options? Theres only like four vanilla starts.

nexerellin lets you start commissioned to any faction and start with a variety of their ships

Varya's sector without Nexerelin, reportedly. It lets you start as a pirate or a pather.

guys, recommend me some ships
what do I buy?
XIV Battlegroup Falcon
midline Gryphon
lowtech Atlas
lowtech Mora

Attached: kot pyta.png (509x388, 145K)

Wait is that tooltip always like that for core turn-ins or do the path specifically get their own "shit on these devilcores" blurb?

I want to know what the Alpha one is regardless. I bet its hereterific.

holy shit my post got messed up
>XIV Battlegroup Falcon
>midline Gryphon
>lowtech Atlas
>lowtech Mora

Does solar shielding actually protect against hyperspace storms? It doesn't seem to be doing anything

>Non-consistent ship idents


It reduces the effect by 75%. You can further reduce it with the right science skill to near 0 damage.

jahy sama user

It only works on that specific ship though, right?That's kinda reduntant

I think it's pretty nice for my very first plathrough.

Attached: first_legion.png (1920x1080, 930K)

Pretty much. You have planets like Kazeron that are oppressive dictatorships probably worse than the Hegemony, and then you have planets like Fikenhild where it's nominally a 'monarchy' but in reality it's just arts and entertainment planet where everyone's always having a good time. The only common thread is not wanting to be part of the Hegemony.

20 shade phase frigates. Go on, scan for me with my 0 sensor imprint. Where we're flying, we don't need eyes.

Atlas is a fucking freighter, not a combat ship.
Gryphon only worth using for memes as player ship, AI has no idea what to do with it.
Mora is decent.
Never used Falcon in my life because Eagle exists.

I rammed 4 reapers up this nigger's arse and it still managed to PULVERIZE both my carrier and the Harby.

Attached: screenshot036.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

Astral. All the fighters.

>Not keeping your explorator/smuggler fleet of destroyers sleek n fit with solar shielding and efficiency improvements across the fleet.

I piss on the heart of the sun while pirates literally melt with envy. Now watch me divebomb this neutron st

Solar shielding, yes, but it also reduces the damage taken by energy weapons by 20%
The skill in question is the first level of navigation, and it applies to all ships in the fleet. I am not 100% percent sure it applies to storms, though, but I can confirm that my fleet doesn't take any noticeable damage from them.


thx m8

Attached: 691b5afee92a3e4db0ed787a176354cc.jpg (1000x1417, 176K)

Vanilla has freelancer (bunch of random ships, mostly low quality), just do that.

I thought that getting gibbed is a death sentence for a ship but turns out having a good enough salvage capability lets you put them back together!

Attached: screenshot037.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

What are coordinated maneuvers, exactly?

how do you effectively manage an exploration fleet
that mothballing cost dude

Keep stacking those D mods user

Some kind of ship-based factory is precisely what I'd want. Mine planets for resources to convert into supplies, that way it's not just cheating.

Ya'll know Stellaris has been way better than this heap for like two years now right

If you take fleet logistics, any destroyed ship with a commander will be almost guaranted to be salvageable.

I didnt know stellaris had good combat

Legitimately shocked it isn't a thing. 2-4 factions might be difficult, but the ship designs would be no big deal. Even better if they could mod in the fortresses as 'stations.'

Exploration, for me, doesn't mean ship recovery. Ships don't sell very well and the supply cost to recover them is prohibitive. exploration is not really about the money, except the times when you find an extra pristine nanoforge factory you feel like you can safely sell off.

Those niggers are made with intent to be outright unfair as an enemy. To kill them with something less than paragon + 6 bombers astral is to disrespect yourself.

starsector costs 1/4 the price, though.

They aren't even remotely close to the same kind of game.

they're all free

>Yall know total war is better than mountain blade right?
wtf kind of post is this, shoulda just made a food analogy

Did they finally add factions that had soul and actual work put into them instead of the boring procgen abominations that used to be the norm?

Attached: blorg.jpg (594x334, 212K)

>Persean Sector is specifically a backwater armpit full of all the trash the Dominion didn't want suspiciously gathered together
>Surprised it's full of Mexicans

Attached: 1393831310336.gif (245x180, 806K)

Stellaris is getting worse with every patch
I bet its still unplayable late and Ai still braindead and cant handle game mehcanics

LotGH ships wont look good in top-down, their design simply won't transition well. Check Scy mod, perhaps they tried to make somewhat similar design, and result is pretty bland.

>the hegemony are essentially Chavez in Space

Attached: 1502007635007.jpg (1189x896, 72K)

Shoo shoo, parajew!

So two questions, since I returned to the game after 2 years since hearing about the new content unironically from Seth. Back in the day I literally destroyed everything in my path with a Paragon loaded with 8 phase lances. That one ship won against even fleets of destroyers and cruisers to the point where I got away with only deploying it in combat.

Either way, if I do sell blueprints to pirates and they start producing OP ships that they shouldn’t be able to afford at all, how do I stop them? Is there even a way?

Also, I wonder when they’ll add the ability to paint your ships. It would be a simple, vanilla friendly, but much enjoyed addition.

How do you increase your maximum allowed amount of industries? Also, will I get visited by the shitcurity if I assign AI cores to structures or is that only if they are admins?

Attached: colony.jpg (1445x902, 432K)

I'll clear this all up for you:

Hegemony are the remnants of the space boyscouts with deleusions of grandeur crossed with a drunk provost marshal. Expect all cargo inspections to complain about your billets and demand your starved, supply-less crew just back from a distant survey run to do press ups. Voted faction most likely to shit themselves in mass panic, burn half the sector and put everyone in hastily dug a mass grave when the Dominion finally rembers roll call and flips the switch back on.
Perseus League: Independents without testicles. Most likely to have an awkward summit with each other where they all smile for the holocamera as the local warlord cough I mean associate leader makes two of his child soldier detachments fight to the death for their entertainment.
Luddic church: Thinking man's answer to "Wow we fucked up, maybe we should not do that again" Somewhat hampered by the necessity of the sector to rely heavily on technology. Voted most likely to be the only faction not using AI cores while chastising everyone else for using AI cores. This is actually incorrect, the church's lead figure Ludd is clearly an ironically-named AI that is either directly or indirectly responsible for the collapse as it was transferred/attempted to be transferred across the sector gate. In a twist of horrible poetic justice they now worship a being that both represents their regressionism as its creator and its primary cause.
Luddic path: Thinking man's suicide note. Voted most likely to fail to see the irony of filming on high-definition 200th cycle-definition camera a bunch of gamma AI-being hung up by their cords.
Pinky boys: Ventilation duct fetishists/What if the boyscouts had one boyscout who made arnold rimmer look appealing and self-aware. Most likely to mysteriously be depopulated in the bizarre and unaccountable "that fleet has five fucking doom-class and two onslaughts" war of 210-13, followed by the golden age of lobster for everyone.

Attached: im_sure_this_is_fine.jpg (391x388, 46K)

>Is there even a way?
If you have Nexerelin you can commission a strike fleet to take care of their bases for you.

Gross. Where are her boobies? She's so flat.


see that progress bar under population? that grows your colony size and gives you more industry slots
You get visited regardless of having any ai coresor not. Just pay them 100k to fuck off the first time, and hopefully have enough defenses to tell them to fuck off every other time

Fidel rather than Chavez

I want to be a loli spaceship captain

>This is actually incorrect, the church's lead figure Ludd is clearly an ironically-named AI that is either directly or indirectly responsible for the collapse as it was transferred/attempted to be transferred across the sector gate.
what. where it says so?

all of it

I’m doing my first run back in vanilla. So is there a way in vanilla? Because if there isn’t and I literally need mods to stop this broken aspect of the game I’ll lose a chunk of my hope.

Do abandoned platforms like the one in Corvus ever get raided? I found some Synchrotron cores and I'd like to leave one there without worry.

Attached: 1542511207798.gif (182x244, 826K)

well, now i know what i'm gonna do later on the day.


Go all the way, they're full on Sector-Free-State Heart of Darkness lost boys in the wood. The only one who took it further is "The Lion" who is literally and basically Kurtz but with lobster instead of ivory.

If the gates ever go back up and the Dominion check in, its going to be Lord of the Flies. The boys pretending to be men will realise they've been fighting a deranged and pointless pretend war and there will be space tears.

I played this game for 60 hours before I realized you can left ctl + click to automatically pick up whatever supplies and fuel you need to get to your max.

Where? Nothing in-game or in the history of the Sector section on the site makes mention of it. Point me at it senpai.

I left 4 there for the longest time until I could establish my own colony and nothing ever happened to it.

but the gates wont open because its very likely that the dominion saw the persean arm and said "i ain't dealing with that shit" and closed all the gates.

I don't know, that depends on how badly you are fucked. Best to start over either way.

Shit they just don't know about the blue lobsters man. We got to start firing torpedoes loaded with them and tourist propaganda about visiting and in a few centuries they'll be amenable to it I'm sure.

Just in time for the Remnant to have completely sterilized the sector of every single ancestor of an unlicenced user of WinRAR

>took commission with homomony at the start
>faggots turn every fucking faction hostile in the span of a cycle and I can't land anywhere
Never again. Fuck these niggers.

Attached: 1553441159682.gif (388x268, 2M)

>willingly being someone else's bitch
you deserve it

They went back in time to kill everyone's ancestors? Golly gee.
It's 'descendents' you pathetic nigger. I cannot believe literal retarded niggers mixing the two words up has somehow lead to an entire generation who can't tell the past from the future.

Can I play this game on auto combat

Attached: 6ddd71e7d51013709c23bd09dadbc126a5a608f26620fa513b2690dce34b7d33_1~01.jpg (615x628, 50K)

The best one, of course.
Also, everyone ITT except has shit taste.

Attached: TempestShipIcon.png (240x300, 12K)

I just don't understand how AI in this game works? Why my ships without hired pilots seem to have reckless traits and just charge enemy, but enemy ships always keep their distance like they should if they are weaker?

yes, your ship has autopilot that works just like any other AI and you can issue general "incentives" to your fleet, like focusing or avoiding a specific ship

I really don’t want to... unless I use console commands to get back to where I am now. There has to be a way to find where they’re producing and destroy it.

I was clearly just voight-kampfing you to ensure you have a correct non alpha emotional pattern. Would you go with that? I'd go with that. Yeah.

Yes, I do that and everything goes fine. You only need to know when to order your ships to do a direct retreat so that they stop chasing a single frigate to the end of the map.

So, tempest or wolf what is the best frigate?

I wonder if you can even completely depopulate every pirate base?

I mean theoretically it has to be possible right?

i leave pretty much every weapon besides missiles on auto fire, then just use the hold fire button if i need to passive vent

Depends on the ship I think, wolves are always pussy as fuck while lasers will try and get close

Everyone agrees that it is lacking outside of combat.

You can do bombardments to wipe out the base but everyone will hate you for some reason. It’s retarded.

That's some FUCKED up way of spelling shade. Where are you from, soldier?

Omen by far.
>0.33 shield flux/damage
>360 degree shield
>fast as fuck boi
>just go into the middle of an entire fleet zapping everyone with EMP
nothing personnel

>2 phase lances or 1 phase lance
Gee, dude, I wonder.
Wolves are only good for distracting enemies, Tempests are good for killing them.

Does having more crew increase my combat readyness max? Does it do anything?

How many ships loaded with nothing but tactical lasers do I need to hit a critical mass where nothing will stop me?

Why do you hate owning your own games so much?

Dont listen to him, its value is 100% worth it on larger ruins. In my runthrough my tech mining have found about 30 blueprints, 5 beta cores and an alpha core, not counting various high tier large weapons

the tech mining for small ruins hasnt found a single fucking thing though so fuck that

I've tried to beat this IBB bounty with this mostly pirate fleet over an hour now. Just can't do it. They perfectly outmanouver me and have like no blindspots. Convoys with more cruisers are lot easier.

Attached: screenshot004.png (1920x1080, 785K)

>Does it do anything?
When your ships take hull damage in combat, people die. If you end up with less people than you need for your fleet, your maximum CR decreases. Extra crew is a buffer for when you fuck up (or randomly lose crew scavenging). They are also useful for surveying bigger planets.

pretty much like this too, really have no clue wtf to do.

got lucky and sold some shit for 500k on the black market and now i'm pissing money away

Depends if you're fighting little pirate fleets with d'd up lasher frigates or if you're fighting real enemies.

Winners don't do black market.
If you see a man trying to offer you "duty free" supplies and fuel, don't think "oh thank fuck no tariff" think "this money is going directly into the remodel the hardworking hegemony man's shithole fund"
Remember, if ANYONE offers you hardcore drugs (phase ship pilots exempt), three spare kidneys or so may Ludd help you: meal rations and duct tape for that 7th consecutive warp storm you've gone through, you just blow on your distress whistle and start humming the battle hymn of the 14th.

Sent from my Tri-Pad,

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get a bigger fleet or out CR them.

I want to try the Pirate start from Nexerlin, what am I in for?

How do i see which version of the game I'm running?

Not really but no reason not to have them too, you'll need them for colonizing

Flying around looking for fleets small enough to kill and a lot of post-battle ship salvaging

Just take delivery contracts and easy bounties until you can buy 2 support ships: a dram tanker and any small cargo ship. This will let you do longer range stuff of all kinds and make big bucks from selling things to people who need it... like weapons to terrorists.

Then once you establish a colony do nothing but focus on its defenses and slowly grow it out, you’ll be making bank and will have so much money you can go long Lange traveling and bounty hunting without fear of losing your sparkly ships because even if they get rekt you can afford to fix the D mods.

just keep in mind that they have a monthly payment of 10 credits per crewman.

fuck off cunt

Alpha level based

Found this lady in a pod. Goddamn. What does timid do? Is there a way to see what it does or is that hidden information?

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Sorry, this Was meant for

>get invaded by Persean League
>get -5 reputation malus after I defeat them
Yeah, I'm the bad guy, here.

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I feel like the worlds need more personality and flavour to them.
Space lobster planet was a good start, but there needs to be more of that.
Speciality goods, unique landmarks, etc.
Jungle planets that can export catachans as better marines, for example.

This is one of those games that will never be finished. You can screenshot this.

Sounds like Unkown skies is just the mod for you, then.

Hover over it, it means she likes to not be close to hard combat and will try to use her longest range weapons while not being in enemy weapon range if she can. She’ll try to gtfo if enemies are getting close. Good for carriers or hypervelocity driver support ships who you want to stay in the back hammering enemies while your main ships of the line directly engage.

I believe timid means they will try to stay out of enemy weapons range at all costs.

Good for long range support ships and carriers, but will make a frontline combat ship rather useless.

>proceeds to saturation bombard hegemony planets
What were you saying?

So, anyone kept their promise, yet?

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Why does every fucking enemy in this game have those missiles that home in to engines? Just cancer.

Attached: [REDACTED] could be here.jpg (961x1280, 278K)

is the personality of the officer. a timid officer will only engage at the longest range possible and risk the ship as little as possible.

Not him, but what’s it do?
I’m kind of a vanilla purist becasue I like the gritty style and hate the boisterous anime-tier shit... but maybe a little spice you know?

Timid means they stay out of combat whenever possible.
Cautious means they try to stay out of enemy range unless they're forced to.
Steady means they do what's appropriate to the situation.
Aggressive means they like to get in close.
Reckless means that they love ramming maneuvers.

Do the AI factions colonize as well, or are they just static?

I did, I mean, I still have it with me, though. What happens if you decide to open it for yourself?

You can get them too, they’re one of he only missiles worth using for higher level engagements.

Nah, it was a nazis in space mod with custom ships and shit

unknown skies and even nexerelin is fine on its own. the universe only begins to be very anime like when you add the mod factions that aren't underworld, junk pirates or mining hazard.

Burst PD in the back of your ships and they're never a problem.

It simply adds a bunch of new planet types, along with some unique landmarks: magnetic fields, space elevators, stuff like that. It's not that intrusive.

>with a wolf you can go anywhere you want
Holy shit even better than the original

you need nexerelin for that.

Nigga it's reputation, not your morality meter
Of course they hate people that beat them

All according to

Attached: Tri-Tachyon_security_footage_circa_c-2.jpg (1414x1266, 106K)

Without mods, the AI factions do not colonize any new planets.

Everything's static in vanilla.

they sound like a bunch of sore losers if you ask me.

Well shit. Sounds useless to me at the moment. Might just dismiss her then. Shame.

I promised I wouldn't tell.

Attached: tri-tach-research-outpost-nothing-to-see-here.png (1280x1024, 3.77M)

It adds a lot more planet types and new planet modifiers. For example, you can have a world with strong EMP storms that fucks up industries but also makes your planet nigh impossible to raid. It can get a little bit silly with stuff like mind-affecting parasites that turn everyone into a nyphomaniac that fucks 24/7 but doesn't work and hallucinogenic mushroom fields.

I wish there was a ''mild'' version of nexerelin
Factions interact too much and change their reputations too often etc.

Anyone got a good seed?

Have done two playthroughs but I can never find a

thanks bud - this is a real stupid question but where are the ships bought from? All of the space stations i've visited so far, only have ship weapons.

>Why is this Comm buoy talking to me?

Personally, i'd keep her. Her salary isn't that high and it sets you the goal of making a missile boat or a long range artillery support ship.

I tend to only use steady honestly

put her in your drone carriers

Legion with double cyclone reaper is awesome.

I'm probably very smiliar to you. I run with assembly disassembly (because its just riffs on the original ships not new purple whackjob shit) and a few utility mods.

I would honestly recommend the comm chatter and audio alerts though. That shit gets surprisingly immersive. Nothing like your ship captains screaming bloody murder around you to the sound of a siren.
But If I am anything like you, I get it. I don't generally like mods that fuck with the actual pace and manner of the game, or (while incredibly impressive) somewhat divergent new things like factions. It feels "tacked on"

>Vote for peace with Solar Empire: fail
>Vote for peace with Solar Empire: pass
>Vote for WAR with Solar Empire: pass
>Solar Empire are now at WAR with Solar Conglomerate

press F when docked and switch to the buy tab

>Her salary isn't that high
nigga what that salary cost is huge early game for something that's dead weight and you will never use until you find the right ship/weapons

Bitch costs as much as 180 crew

>Open up a cryopod sleeper
>Has -exactly- the crew I need to fill my ranks: all 14

Why do I feel like I just spaced 496 people?

The fleet screen. You can buy, sell, store, refit, and suspend/resume repairs from the fleet screen. You can also access the screen in open space but the buy/sell/storage won’t be available. You can buy from the faction, the factions military, or the black market.

A good tip is to suspend repairs when traveling so you don’t rape your supply cache even if you fly through storms or into suns. Then resume repairs and buy supplies to repair ships at the dockyard when you land back at safety.

What does the weapon recoil skill do? Is it worth it? I don't understand how recoil affects ships.

Maybe by fiddling with the settings?

>mining hazard
You mean HMI? Check closely their more far out systems.
Space vampires versus space beastmen
Drugs that may or may not be drinkable souls
Crystals that break the flow of time

Imagine spreading those parasitic spores in an effort to calming the sector.
Run idea: find and colonize one planet with parasitic spores, console commands parasitic spores in every planet you colonize or raid

100% you are my clone.
This com chatter mod sounds amazing.

Affects machineguns, autocannons and the like. Reduces the spread.

Not worth a point but you want to max that skill anyway to get to tier3

I think it's pretty stupid when we're talking about the vastness of space that factions could somehow declare war make peace and then get hostile to each other all in the span of like 14 months but it happens with regularity in Nexerelin it's stupid.

Try firing a Haepheastus assault cannon for more than two seconds and come back to us.

each crew cost you 10 credits a month which will hurt when youve got like 5k of them
you do need them though especially if you use carriers or plan to salvage ships.

To give you a sense of what impressed me: Most of my fleet is a mix of steady and agressive. But I have one reckless lunatic in a shade phase frigate.

Every fight, every single one he speaks in broken fucking english like some lunatic hussar . He gets his ship into 25% hull remaining one time and he basically tells us all dying is best done in the presence of friends and comrades.

It gave that guy character. I was sad when he (inevitably) blew the fuck up. I'm glossing over a few bits just because its seriously just a treat to hear some of the batshit insane things they can say. I was briefly concerned the mod was written a Russian on krokodil before I heard the more mentally sound ships sound off. Cheeki breeki motherfucker.

If you don't use carriers you save so many fucking credits per month on crew it's not even funny.