How do I make Fallout 4 fun?

I kind of want to play some Fallout 4 and just run around in the world,d clear some dungeons and stay as far away from any of Bethesda's writing as possible.
Do you guys have any recommendation which mods I should get for that?

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>tfw trying to do same
Made a qt pie wearing tactical gear. At times the shootouts can be fun, but at the same time the AI is too dumb, so the immersion quickly dies off.

Sim settlements with expansions is what you want lad. Also get

Set the game in french

>How do I make Fallout 4 fun?
you don't
>Do you guys have any recommendation which mods I should get for that?
play something else

yikes. Why not obliterate the commonwealth in powerarmor with modded energyweapons.

I'm trying to do a Girls Frontline inspired playthrough. So I got some gun mods and some tactical mods, but I'm currently looking for some armor mods similar to that in the OP or pic related.

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Whats the best minimalist ENB to use? Is Dawn ENB good?

Fuck that gay shit.

I think part of that is from the Merc outfit pack.
Not sure where the skirt or the headphones are from. Maybe the Rainbow Six Siege mod.
You may also want to check out
I need some good skirt mods.

Power armor and energy weapons are quintessentially fallout. You can even download some OG fallout weapons mods like the watts laser rifle.

Not him, but while I sort of agree with you, I don't think you can't ignore it for a playthrough every now and then.
Especially for Fallout 4, where it's shoved in your face from the very beginning.

Subtract 1

>playing FO4 for that
Just play Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics instead then.

I'd argue the Power Armor is one of the few things that's good about FO4.
If only it was optional to get and they hadn't gotten rid of PA training

This. Too bad power armor sucks in vanilla FO4 and needs mods to be lore accurate (i.e. stronger and rarer).

I haven't played this in years. My save it up to the point where you go to the underground sci fi place (trying not to spoil here). How far am I from the end at this point?

One or two main quests.

As far as OP, mod it so you get hordes of enemies and nerf yourself by only wearing like synth armor. No power armor. I kind of like being one shot by everything.

basically turn it into STALKER
tfw you were making a STALKER-esque anomalies mod but the thumbdrive you had the files on died all of sudden with no backups

PA Training was a mistake, even Sawyer himself turned it optional on his mod.

That's sort of what I'm after. I have never modded it before though so have no idea what kinds of mods are out there.

imo they should have kept it as an apparel item but just changed your animation set to be a bit bulkier and intimidating, not necessarily bigger. Basically keep doing what 3 and NV did, just not as half-assed. Keep the modification, but maybe not the mix and matching, making the PA be a Front Mission/Armored Core esque mix and match fest kind of devalues the identity of each power armor type.

I feel like 4's missed the point in making them a vehicle and more like contemporary gen X notions of power armor, instead of the sleek 50's sci-fi novel cover art space suits that were super futuristic and had all their motorized components super miniaturized to make them compact and sleek.

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No. Have you played the original fallout games? Power Armor made people look like walking tanks. The beefy aesthetic is great. I had to cheat with charactersizes in F3/NV to make PA look somewhat realistic.

Have you tried FROST? I've heard it's pretty good overhaul mod.

Didn't make them that much bigger, bulkier yes but not physically bigger or taller, going by the sprite and the intro CG

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Why? Wasn't FO3 the first to require PA Training?

I think so, but it does kind of makes sense.
Removing it also makes the NCR heavy troopers look like a bunch of idiots

NCR needs no help looking like idiots.

Yeah, and mostly because you could run straight to GNR and get power armor for free after letting Sarah and her squad clear the way for you
Bethesda game design basically allowed for the Navarro run but even more braindead which is why they had to progress gate power armor like that

NV kept it for the same reason, since you can get free T51b off some dead BoS guys in a building.

Lorewise power armor was supposed to be so easy and intuitive that you could use it with no experience or training (which doesn't make sense with 4's because the hands and fingers are operated by individual buttons so that would definitely require training and practice to use the hands effectively enough to actually use them to perform even simple tasks)

Use console commands to remove Preston's essential status then crucify him with the railway rifle.

True. Forgot in a couple of FO3 playthroughs an Enclave soldier would spawn at the farm overlooking Super Duper Mart when returning to Megaton.

Genuinely asking this too, the shooting is fun but everything else gives me a headache

I think that's only with Broken Steel installed and he's not supposed to be there until after the Enclave reveals themselves.

This happened to me early in my first playthrough and I didn't mind at the time, but later always wondered if that was a bug, since they are supposed to be in hiding, and revealing themselves like that should be a big deal

You're not actually that much tallker in power armor in FO4 though. Just bulkier. I would have preferred to be taller as well, but atleast the current system actually feels like an exosuit.

You're at least a head taller in 4's power armor, that's pretty tall. The original FO1 sprites are actually the same height as un armored player sprites, they are just bulkier.

Been a while since I played FO1/2, so I'll take your word for it. But being a head taller is realistic given the fact you're being elevated by the armored legs and you're wearing a pretty big helmet.

play in VR


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And scream at the baby in the intro

Basically do that but give you an adapted version of the power armor animations while you're wearing the outfit

The one thing Fallout 4 did right.

>F4NV will never be released in your lifetime

It might. They've been making progress.

Didn't Bethesda shut them down or something?

you don't

Redoing all the voice acting seems like pure retardation to me. Just release it without voice acting and somebody can anonymously release a sound pack for it.

It's not that the voice acting is bad, it's just that it takes up so much resources.

No, well sorta. They forbid them to use the original audio (dick move, but I know how complicated copyrights can get) but they have no problem with the mod per se.

They shut down the FO3 remake though right?

If you go full sim settlements the game basically plays itself.
Get the base version and the industrial add on and then stop.

Which surprised be to be fair. Didn't they shut down all the Elder Scrolls remakes?

The settlement war expansion is pretty nice if you want more combat though.

Not sure. All I know is that they gave the NV remake their blessing.

This. Or at least focus on everything else first, release a beta version with everything but the voice acting and then add the voice acting later if they wanted to

i never managed to do that. It feels like a pain in the ass to mod, there are even more "must use" mod than in Skyrim or New Vegas along with compatibility patch. No matter how many mods I put there it always feels like shit. I remember that the GECK wasn't released until months or maybe even a year after release. Fallout 4 modding feels really empty compared to skyrim

FROST, PILGRIM, and survival mode.

Yeah I remember the GECK was being pushed and delayed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the reason for that was them wanting to get their low effort settlement DLC out first.

Ink, are there any mods that totally remove the crafting?

I'm being serious, it's a total distraction. I ended up getting duped into the town building shit, by the time I had realized I spent more than half my in-game time collecting literal trash for no real reason I walked away and never came back.

play something else, the design is shit

Immersion mods, play Far Harbor because it's actually damn good as a DLC, and get addon quests and shit.

Survival mode

Vanilla survival mode is trash.
A limited save system sounds like a good idea, but if the game is this prone to crashing it just gets annoying way to fast. I think it also disables the console, which removes any ability to fix bugs or noclip for better settlement building.
And I might be wrong on this one, but the damage numbers are all kinds of fucked up. You die in one hit but enemies are still bullet sponges, at least on low level.

Just download settlements straight of nexus

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No. Skywind is still well underway.

I have over 100+ mods and haven't crashed once. Since SSE and FO4 the engine issues (not graphics) have gotten a lot better.

Again though, do the settlements add or do anything for the game whatsoever or is it just a distraction from the weak exploration and story line?

Yes this

No, dont bother with it. It's dumb and you can just down a good looking town from the nexus to do bethesda's job of filling in the world.

Friendly reminder that half of the assets in the settlement DLC were literally vanilla assets that just weren't an option for player settlements.

Also I'm pretty sure even without the GECK there already were people who managed to get a lot more vanilla items into the settlement mode.

I love this design.

You don't. Bethesda needs to suffer before it gets good.

Here's my mod list
>WW2 weapon replacers (along with required mods)
>Pilgrim ENB
>Creepy main menu replacer
>Stalker Music replacer
>CAO - Communist Uniforms
>Horrorghouls sound pack
>D.E.C.A.Y. - Better Ghouls
>NPCs travel
>Longer nights
and some other stuff
Also, make sure to replace the audio with German
Suffice to say the game's atmosphere is fucking amazing now. Of course, it requires you to avoid most of the horrid main quests, but purely from an open world wandering sim, it's really good. Stalker's music + the grayscale horror vibe really works with the game.

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Enemies do +200% damage and the player does +150%. The adrenaline perk adds to your damage for every kill and maxes out at +50% putting you even with enemies but it resets every time you sleep.

People shit on Vortex but it honestly streamlines a lot of shit so you don't need to manually rearrange which mod needs to go first so I didn't have as much trouble sorting my mods compared to Skyrim where if one mod out of your several dozens conflicts with something, you have no way of knowing what it was until you try it one by one.

Seconding this. Modding the game to feel more like Stalker is honestly the best way to play this game. If only there was a Russian dub to complete the tone.

MO2 is so much better than vortex

I install a bunch of /k/ mods, some immersion mods, Sim Settlements and Power Armors and paint scheme mods and just go hoarding guns, food and doing side quests/DLC content. Fuck the main story, fuck the original, yet retarded, Bethesda factions and fuck the settlement system.

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The raider one can be fun.

*ahem* Fuck wastelanders and fuck the BoS

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Are there any good mods for drinking and eating? For a game with a built in survival mod, there's very little mods tackling about this immersion.
Camping in Skyrim was the comfiest shit.

Also I fucking hate that the PTRS-41 gun doesn't have a patch that works with the craftable ammo mod. These 14.11mm bullets are expensive as shit

This is ultimately the best advice you will get. I wanted the same out of the game OP, but it's just not good. The best I could get out of it was playing it like a console friendly STALKER with mods to enhance the post apocolyptic feel. It amused for awhile, but you get bored and drift into quests and they're all terrible.

>you get bored and drift into quests
This is honestly one thing you should avoid as it will break the immersion of the self-fantasy you're trying to capture. It sucks that modders just gave up on the overhauling the script compared to what Skyrim modders have done.

Play Fallout New Vegas instead. Weapons of the new Millennia, realistic weapon damage, weapon animation replacer, weapon retexture project and nevada skies to get you started.

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set the game to japanese audio because Hancock is voiced the same as Kiryu, and has gay romance lines, and that sounds funny as shit to me.

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just wait for the f4nv mod

I used showlooksmenu then turned Preston into a white person because I need those radiant quests so that I have something to do but fuck me if I'm going to be bossed around by a nigger

>just wait 10 years, bro

It's amazing how different the game can look.

>Fuck that gay shit.
The game shoves PA 15 minutes into the gameplay. they obviously wants you to use it.
You are also likely to have your first legendary weapon to be energy weapon given by the bos guy 1 hour into the game

With enough reshade and enb tweakint it really can, although not to the same extent some people can morph Skyrim into a completely different game.

>getting triggered this hard

This completely clashes with the artstyle of the game.

You mean the shitty 50s futuristic aesthetics and turd colored wasteland 200 years after the war?

Literally all assets. I mean, your game and all, but I'll never understand how people can stomach different artstyles in one game.

>How do I make Fallout 4 fun?
This should be the basis of anything:
Then go wild with whatever other mods do you want.
Weapons, mutants, housing, crafting etc...
Turn Fallout 4 into a sandbox survival game and it suddenly becomes really good.

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Op here, I totally agree with you. When I was playing the game more actively, it always annoyed me how there were almost no weapon mods that fit the game's artstyle.
But right now I really feel like fucking about in an open world game with modern firearms and modded FO4 is pretty much the only game I own were that is possible, so I'll see how long I can take the clashing styles.

Just search for lore-friendly on the nexus. You'll get modern firearms that fit the artstyle of the game. Nothing fancy like MLOK or Keymod railed AR15 platforms, but things that were in previous games.

The advanced power armor looks so sexy

If only someone could unfuck its lore

Just mod it so there's only one suit in the game.

Also Nuka World was apparently part of the base game at some point, as Gace (or whatever the raider follower is named) uses old references to cut content like dogmeat being able to be with the player +1 follower, (feature that most agree was removed rather late in production) references to the concord introduction guest where he comments on preston shooting raiders from the balcony ect. Nobody knows for sure when the seperation happened but apparently you were meant to be able to choose sides with either gace or preston in the introduction guest to concord which then, supposedly, should have lead to either the minuteman guestline or the nuka world raider settlement takeover guestline.

why is fallout 4's mod scene so shit compared to skyrim anyway?

it'll give you 30-40 hours of exploration, so the game isn't a total waste but it's deader than dead with almost no unique content. The content practically railroads you into the main quest, you think you're doing a side quest, then all of a sudden you're smack in the middle of the plot.

It's just a bad game all around, nothing is done exceptionally well and the thing that made Bethesda games really endearing is almost entirely absent from FO4.

Didn't know there was a mod for that.
I think in general making most suits be randomized was a huge missed opportunity (even if it probably did cut down dev time).
Imagine finding a map to a hidden government R&D bunker, where one of the few X0-1 or T-60 sets was preserved from scavengers.
Instead you just find a random T-60 on some train once you hit a certain level.

I think the low replay value is part of the reason.
Skyrim makes it easier to ignore the main quest and has makes it easier to have distinct player characters, for example by giving you multiple minor factions.
Fallout 4 is the same game every time.

I already played the shit out of this game when it came out, so 30-40 hours is a very optimistic estimate.
I just hope I don't get bored before I hit a high enough level to get all the cool armor sets and weapons I modded in.

They took too many shotcuts with the engine, and thus many things that were possible to mod in Skyrim are not possible in Fallout 4, such as modding proper snow collision so that it won't snow under roofs or indoors for an example. There are just too many shit-tier solutions to be able to build anything upon to the point that even the F4SE team called it quits from trying to work with it,

Use it as a sandbox for gun and armor mods
Thats all its good for since bethesda fucked us with creation club
Not like theres any good mainstream fps games anymore anyways

i played it right when it came out too and was so disillusioned and disappointed I didn't think I'd ever go back, never finished the story. a few months back I loaded it with mods and just went exploring and did the DLC, I put about 60 hours in before I just couldn't do it anymore. Wasn't a bad experience it was just severely lacking for a Bethesda title.

considering how jaded and cynical most of Yea Forums seems to be, I'm not sure anyone else feels this way, but I was actually kind of excited for this game, when the first trailer dropped.
I actually had fun while playing it at first. But the longer I played, the more I realized how none of the dialogue matters and the quests are all the same.
The world is the only fun part about the game.

The playthrough I had the most fun with was actually one where I ignored most quests and roleplayed as a tinkerer, who builds robots and sells them to settlements.

what is the creation club?

Sim Settlements is fun if you don't like other mods. That retard mod doesn't like working together with anything else.

It's their store for """mini-DLC"""
It's basically paid mods, except most of them have free equivalents on the nexus that are usually better.

most of the creation club mods look like ass

shitty sweatshop mods that cost money. Most are worthless, some plain reskins. You can find already existing free versions of some mods and those free versions often exceed the CC mod in quality. Some are OK, but lazily integrated into the game.

>paying for mods
wtf bethesda

Play on normal.

Pete Heines made it it clear that they are not payed mods, but "mini-DLC".
Because changing the name makes any difference

how do I make my character not look like the same fugly person with different hairstyle?

Also I bet having a voiced protag and the shitty dialogue system doesn't encourage people to make quest mods

I don't want to personally interact with the settlement system at all, I want it to run itself.

The one that replaces rad roach sounds with DPS saying shit like OW FUCK. It increased my enjoyment of the game by 10%.

It's crazy when you look at New Vegas and see that its Script Extender with JIP and the JohnnyGuitar Plugins are STILL enabling new functions that let mods do things smoother than ever before. Couldn't live without things like B42 Quickthrow and the like.

you dont

Pete can suck a dick

god, that voiced protagonist is such an immersion killer

I hate the guy so much. Todd at least got some charisma, but Pete is just a straight up asshole

Imagine TTW in FO4

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Wasnt Pete the guy who got salty when people called out bethesda's shitty worldbuilding?

I remember he said something along the lines of "Why would you care about realism in a universe that has super mutants and laser guns" when people complained about the writing being inconsistent.
I never really cared for him before, but that comment made me resent him.

Look into Sim Settlements and it's Conqueror expansion mod - it allows you to play through a storyline as a Raider while also whacking other Raider gangs and raiding, vassalizing or enslaving Settlements using new and unique workshop mechanics that allow settlers to autonomously build their own cities. Immersive add-ons are swell too, like True Weather and True Shadows for Ghoul-infested Radstorm random events, Darker Nights so that the cover of darkness is genuinely dark and useful as well as dangerous and Visible Weapons for your back.

>Go to raid Covenant since they decided to light into me for snooping about their caravan incident
>As soon as I take it over, a nearby Settlement sends Gunners over and cleans our clocks almost
>Vassalize those motherfuckers, station guards at their outpost and have them pay me tithes
>Just as I conquer that Settlement, a Radstorm happens and end up defending it from waves of Ghouls trying to kill all the Settlers while slowing dying to some rads every second
>Survive, save the settlers and improve their town with some proper defenses and devices
>They become happier as a result of our intervention, becomes a hub for resources from regular Settlements
>Every so often, go back to visit to see they've improved their compound, now fitted with laser turrets
>Gunners came to attack and were shredded by said turrets
>Just for an added touch, take the Gunners combat armor, dye it black, give it to my Raiders and have them patrol the roads between there and my main outpost why piling their bodies out front for the Raiders to remark on as they walk by

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He also got salty when people rightfully recognized Kike Club as paid mods. He's a turbo faggot.

At this point I'd even be happy to play FO3 modded to FO4

Based. Its made dealing with Settlements so much more interesting. I went to the Lighthouse the other day and saw the roads littered with settlers and Sons of Atom alike within a ghost town of what would have been an otherwise seemingly active trade district. Really gave me the spooks.

I personally use Subtle ENB.

Sim Settlements is shit


>Survival Options for extremes but keep saves and Fast Travel (depletes your sleep / food / thirst equivilant for the diatance)
>Darker Nights as dark as possible but where enemies can still see you
>Enable only a few hours of daylight and most often recurring weather's to be fog

Should I use sim settlements on my first playthrough? Im just using texture mods atm. Oh, and the unofficial mod patch obviously.

Tale of Two Wastelands

Endless warfare and lovers lab rape mods. You can only polish the turd so much since they completely ripped all RPG mechanics from the engine.

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You're shit. Get wrecked, noob.

I love the Pilgrim mod. Changes the atmosphere a lot.
I wish there was a proper horror game set in WW2 or similar settings THAT didn't rely on cheap jump scares.

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Sex mods for FO4 are surprisingly decent now

>First play through

As someone who did it on my first, I enjoy it, but it's so radically different from what I can tell that I honestly wouldn't. While you can control the level of involvement the mod has with your game, it might be overwhelming to tweak it so it's as minimally invasive to a vanilla game as possible. However, if you don't mind the idea of it overhauling the settlement system, you can at least use the various plots to have settlers build their own little plots autonomously so they improve themselves in their own without building a giant fucking city. It also basically would allow you some basic aesthetics with minimal effort, which is what interested me, since there were so many settlements that needed so much effort to be passable enough to not be an eyesore.

'A sex mod' is nice. You just wear a ring and you can fuck anybody you can talk to. Still not as complex as in Skyrim where you can choose positions and when to stop tho

I wish there was a good high tech bunker house mod. There's the enclave mod, but it's not really a nice bunker and Im not interested in an entire questline. I dont want a massive vault for myself either.
thats the only one I could find.

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Its fun if you like Melee but anything gun related gets fucked when your sanity (the magically stat that the mod is based on) dips below 0.

I don't think you can. For me at least I hate hate hate the base city building part of Fo4. I hate it. I never want to see that shit again. Hearthfire is the absolute max I'd want to see.

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To add to my post, it adds some unique structures and very mild teraforming too, so foundations don't just look like rectangles juttingout of the earth. And if you decide to redact building plots and have a settlement be vanilla, you can just break down all the 2x2 plots with a hammer with one swing and just manually assign dudes like you normally would.

I'll save it for the next playthrough then. Gonna finish the campaign + dlc first. For my second game I just wanna larp as a surviving enclave squad terminating everything in sight with extreme prejudice.

I have never played the build your own vault DLC, but couldn't you build a bunker home yourself using that?
Or does it force you to use the bigass vault entrance?

I had a lot of fun decorating with the tool, but most stuff build from scracth just looks like a high res minecraft house.
I really hope they don't have settlements in the new TES, or at least dial it down to Hearthfire levels, maybe with free peaceable decorations

Yeah, you're stuck with a big ass vault. But the 'build your own house' stuff always ends up looking artifical (read: square af). I'd rather have something custom designed.

There's an Enclave mod that's moderately interesting. My only complaint with trying it thus far is that a side character has a shitty audio quality for his voice lines, but it basically adds a secondary vault entrance that was being used for a few military personnel. You help them try to contact Enclave folks and end up setting up shop as Enclave and find yourself pitted against the BoS.

I doubt I have screenshots of it, but my favourite home I built so far, was in the red rocket, because there is already so much there all I added was a bunch of decoration and a few prefabs here and there.
And while shitty looking blocky houses might almost fit into a Fallout setting, they sure as hell will look out of place in TES

Was thinking of using this mod

I wouldn't consider being at this point at the same level as skyrim was on YEAR 1 with minilover, but it's more than nothing.

Shame FO4 wont be getting a proper LL framework like all other bethesda games have.
Everything is just so fucking stunted atm.

A shame really, especially since Bethesda moved on with FO76 and the next game is Starfield and maybe TES6.
I would play FNV but it looks really really dated by now and even I'm struggling to play Skyrim.
I actually have high hopes for this.

Minilovers was genuinely better that whatever this current aaf "iT'S n0t JUsT a S3X_mOD, iT cAn bE UsED fOr OtHeR thINgS aS wElL!11!" shitshow.

Fucking come on, as if anyone would have ever even heard of AAF if not for the sex/adult mods, what else has anyone ever used it besides that? Taking some fucking selfies with poses for youtube videos??? Just accept that virtually only use for AAF are the sexmods and work around that and it could be great.

What's AAF?

you dont, play S.T.A.L.K.E.R instead

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>I don't want it to be know as just a framework for adult content
smelled like shit from the very beginning. It's his mod and all but if he thinks it would be anywhere this popular without it's number one use, aka adult content, he's just delusional.

Advanced Animation Framework. The closest thing Fallout 4 will have for sexframework(which the creator insists it's not), even though it just handles animations and even those badly, but it's all we got. In theory you can also use it for SFW content. In theory.

FNV can be alright if you nuke it with ENBs

and wait for gunslinger with us

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Bath in the Glow of Atom.

Why even do that when Fallout 76 is exactly what you are looking for? Fallout 76 when I played it at launch had more of a feeling of exploration than 3 or 4 did. I played it solo most of the time but sometimes I would find others and we just do dungeons. Shit is fun. Fallout 4 is a bad game.

Any mods yet where I can make my own faction and fight the other factions for territory.

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sim settlements + conqueror

It basically means no fose mods for you in your 60 dollar game you paid for so bethsda can update the game
Break fose and your save
All to add recolored power armor and other stupid shit for 5 bucks
I will never buy another game from them

FO76 doesn't have mods?
I only want game that I can practically make my own game in it via mods.

As if the writing was the only thing that was trash

Let me ask you how many times you had a clear shot through a fence or looking out an open window and the bullet ricochets off an invisible barrier doing nothing but alert all enemies to your presence?

It's trash as a shooter too.

Big red pill. Every single bethesda game even with mods is absolutely fucking terrible. The actual foundation of the engine is so bad an uninteresting, the animations so bad, the shooting mechanics so sub par that actually trying to derive any fun out of these games by polishing up a turd is one of the most retarded things you can do.

I know you zoomers think that mods are so important because they can literally fix a game, they aren't, fallout 3/4, and skyrim can't be improved by mods as the games themselves are bad. Get better taste zoom zoom.

That's the thing. I don't play Bethesda games for the actual games. I treat them as modding platforms where I can create my own experience. I don't care about TES or Fallout lore. I just want to play as some big tiddied anime girl who rapes bandits and cannibalizes their corpses and no other games let me do this.

You sound like an utter retard like most of the modding community. God speed you absolute sub 100 IQ brainlet, god speed.

This. In every single thread, it always goes "what are some games that let me do X and Y?". The answer always goes "Skyrim with mods".
It's never because people want to play Skyrim, but because they want to chase a specific experience that's only possible because of mods.

A very rudimentary and dysfunctional animation... thing. It's kinda a framework that, almost exclusively adult themed mods, can be made to connect to it and use it, but it doesn't have a proper animation loader so everything has to be added in by hand or by a one of millions patches that may or may not work, kinda like aaf itself.

So much time and effort is dedicated for keeping up the appearance that it's not "just a framework for porn mods" or whatever that it's mind boggling. If there was any other major use for it then fair enough but it is and has always been only really used for fallout 4 porn animations and every singe other use has staid strictly in the realm of hypothetical.

The reason why it is in this position of being the de facto FO4 sexframework is because the official team behind frameworks for all other bethesda games [Sexout, Sexlab ect] basically told FO4 fans to go fuck themselves because apperently some some moderator named gregathit felt that FO4 was "stealing" the spotligh from the skyrim remaster, so he has been hounding any and all major attempts to get a sexframwork for FO4.

There was someone long ago that explained the whole situation in more detail since saying that situation is fucked is putting it lightly, the short version includes multiple seperate loligates, doxing, personal RL harassment and threats along with multi-leveled keikakus too complicated and stupid for most fictional works including but not limited to using admistration access to access account of someone else and try posing as them while posting cheese pizza and then call cops on them from different continent.

>play bethesda games for sexmods
lmao, why? just play a dedicated sexgame then.

That's retarded though, subjecting yourself to shitty gameplay mechanics and awful graphical animations just to have an anime girl as a main character is just fucking stupid.

Like you guys are underage right? Noone is this brain dead.

>drawing vs reality
fucking lol

Absolutely seething.
This is why PC gaming is superior.
Modding is the end game for all games. Nobody should be limited to a director's vision. We want to create our own experiences, even if that means playing as 2B in Sekiro.

I have a PC rig that would literally make you shit yourself poor fag. Modding is fucking absolutely retarded beyond patches to fix games or graphical mods that ONLY improve the visual fidelity of a game. Anything else is pure fucking retardation. Mods are for losers basically, the modding community are just thirsty betas who are absolute degenerates.

You aren't tailoring the game to your tastes, your interjecting your mental illness into them. Kill yourself.

Because sex games don't have combat.
I treat bethesda games like a literal sandbox where I just throw my toys (aka mods) and just pick how I want to play.

Keep seething.
Video games aren't fun if you just follow what the studio wants them to be.
I bought this game and I decide how I want to play it.

>play sexgames
lmao, why? just have sex then

That's fine but you aren't improving the experience by adding "2B to sekiro". You are just satiating your gamer. You are a subhuman illiterate who probably is a basement dwelling neet who's only joy is that slight dopamine release from installing your 400th ass mod into the game.

You are unequivocally, an absolute fucking moron. And I would tell you to kill yourself but the way your life is going I think you don't need much help.

I would play other games but Japanese games have shitty modding support, so there.
Well there's RE2 but no one has figured how to make a proper randomizer mod yet or one that adds new enemies.
Also, a lot of the really good outfit mods are locked behind chinese patreon

>animeshit schoolgirl character
The game is rated M, why don't you try neopets or mario?

>That's fine but you aren't improving the experience
But I am improving my experience because Sekiro looks fucking dull and 2B is eye candy.
I'm also a well paid planning engineer for an arabian oil company, meaning I get to splurge on computer parts so that I can run Skyrim with 200 mods, where I can play as as cute loli with a blunderbuss, surviving a tropical jungle inhabited by anime people because fuck you this is how I want the game to be.

>But I am improving my experience because Sekiro looks fucking dull and 2B is eye candy.

>I'm also a well paid planning engineer for an arabian oil company, meaning I get to splurge on computer parts so that I can run Skyrim with 200 mods, where I can play as as cute loli with a blunderbuss, surviving a tropical jungle inhabited by anime people because fuck you this is how I want the game to be.

Attached: 1565721517710.jpg (210x238, 19K)

>Download a cool armor mod
>It fucks with the proportions of my character, because it is made for a different CBBE preset then what I'm using
I'm not autistic enough to go into body slide and fix that shit, so I can then quit playing after 3 hours anyways.
Bit of a shame though, I liked the outfit

waifufag mod, just stick to vanilla bodies

I don't like the westshit body proportion the game has

you mean normal bodies?

Who's saying anything about normal? Games are a fantasy

That wouldn't fix my problem though, the outfit is only available for CBBE.
Also I use the most normal CBBE preset, that's why it's so off-putting that the armor gives my character giant milkers

>Bethesda games are good with mods!

Attached: 1565725985654.png (454x520, 11K)

and it didn't come with a cbbe slider files? What mod?

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.17 - (2560x1440, 834K)

>militarized minutemen

Damn right

I hope you're also using the extended patches mod as well

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.05 - (2560x1440, 2.11M)
This one.
It has a body slide file, but I have never dealt with that. I thought it takes some effort to get it the way I want it to be, is that not the case?
Because as Is aid I don't really feel like spending a lot of time with it if by the end of today I'll probably uninstall the game anyways

>tags for this mod: sexy/skimpy
those are all garbage mods

Literally Open up Bodyslide studio

Change the Preset to Normal CBBE at the top

Click the bottom left button

It'll open up all the outfits to slide. Find that mod's armor, check it and then export. Bam

Takes less than a minute.

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.11 - (2560x1440, 1.23M)

It's not my fault the armor is to the point you can make it look like a stripper uniform.
Okay, I didn't know. Thanks

I want to mod it but the pirated versions arent fully patched so I can't get the latest script extender.

Attached: Fallout4 2018-11-27 18-07-24-09.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

Sekiro's gameplay mods will make replaying the game really fun when I do it again in the future.

Attached: 1152-1559309502-239692659.jpg (1920x1080, 494K)

Fuck f4nv, NV itself is perfectly fine still.

Attached: FalloutNV 2018-10-02 09-22-08.jpg (2560x1440, 357K)

I think you can get the GOTY for like 10 bucks on a keysite

should've made the Handler into 9s instead.

FitGirls repack got recently updated to v1.10.138

>implying I'd ever buy it
I want it -strictly- to mod, the game itself is terrible.

That's not the latest version unfortunately.

You can turn it into one of those crappy survival sims, but the poor AI of the NPCs won't make it very fulfilling.

>ever coming out

Attached: 1413296405069.jpg (2048x2048, 322K)

>That's not the latest version unfortunately.
Do you have some disposable email or something? I'd rather not put links here for all the random fags.

Are there any audio overhaul mods for FO4, like this one for Skyrim? The ambience in FO4 sucks dicks.

make your own, it's fun

Sounds kind of shady, do you want my discord? I don't have a disposable email. What are you sending?

I have a pirated version and have no problems running the latest version of F4SE.

Any good free soundbank sites? I don't have the needed equipment to record shit on my own.

What version did you pirate? I get an error.

And yes, the internet is a big place. I thought you meant general sfx though, was going to link you this

Ah nm, the mega link got nuked anyway it seems. You're better off getting the clean steam files and then running it through SSE, cracks often won't get updated for newer builds of old games such as this one.

Not him, but pretty sure there is a site that offers disposable emails that delete themselves after an hour

>What version did you pirate?
The one the other user mentioned 1.10.138
Even the the F4SE site says that the current version of FO4 needed is that one
>Fallout 4 runtime 1.10.138 - build: 0.6.17 - 7z archive (readme, whatsnew)
>I thought you meant general sfx though, was going to link you this
I meant more like background noise, like trees creeking and birds flying off into the distance and whatnot. The immersion in Skyrim goes way up when installing that sound mod and maybe some ambient light mods. Going to check that link out for the hell of it anyways since the ambient music in Fallout 4 is trash as well. Thanks.

Attached: 1504332231846.jpg (1920x1080, 572K)

In Fallout, all the birds are DEAD.

Shit, nigga, I've never even noticed that to be honest.

Attached: ௵.png (744x520, 11K)

In what way have skyrim modders done that? When you mod skyrim, its the same problems as fallout 4. You can make it look pretty, make it more immersive, make the combat and magic better, but you cant make the cities, NPCs, or quests any better

It could be that I'm just retarded. Guess I'll try it. Fallout might have a mod like that, not sure. The link I gave you is just random packs of sound and voice files for various games. It's a good resource for making ui sfx overhauls.

Attached: rorona-1.jpg (560x560, 90K)

>you cant make the cities, NPCs, or quests any better
Oh but you can, with Amorous Adventures

there's ravens in new vegas though, unless you dont consider that one as a fallout game.

Play STALKER you fucking faggot

But it has no loli rape mods.

>It could be that I'm just retarded.
Maybe you installed it incorrectly? Just dump all of the files from the .zip into the install directory, not the Data one.
>It's a good resource for making ui sfx overhauls.
I just kinda want a more immersive STALKER'esque feeling to it.

Been a while since I played it, so I just don't remember whether or not there were birds in it. Not really something that'd stick in my memory, personally.

If you don’t like the base game you’re fucked.
Trust me.

I just throw a load of Halo mods in it and the one that allows you to save and fast travel in survival mode.

Attached: Fallout 4 ODST.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

I think I was looking for the latest version like a day before this new one was released.

Can't blame you. The Creation Club stuff is annoying as fuck.