Tomorrow. Gaming is saved tomorrow.
>User was fined $2000000 for this image
Ion Fury thread
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is her VA Lina from DotA2?
Last two digits of this post will be her metascore
ummm sweaty that picture says ion maiden. thats a band. please change it or you'll here from my legal team :)
Last two digits of this post will be her user score
I tried. Better than 14 I guess
>no multiplayer on release
I wanna play with my Yea Forums bros though.
sjw bullshit no thanks
You think you do but you don't.
Valerie Arem.
save me Romero
Friendly reminder that they increased the difficulty since last update
How do you get this secret?
Devs on discord
Ok, cool. My main gripe was how easy the game was even on the hardest, but that was on a old old build.
What holy trinity?
I would ask for what discord they use but I'm afraid you're gonna meme me and send me to some gay erp discord.
i think they mean 3d realms published build engine games
Nah, just the 3DRealms discord.
It's the third good build game.
this tweet is beyond drooling retarded.
they are implying
>Shadow Warrior
>Ion Maiden
All good and well, but Shadow Warrior was always seen as subpar even by diehard Duke and 3D Realms fans. Meanwhile Blood is considered by many to be the best Build game and one of the most fun fps games of all time. So yeah, if there ever was a trinity, leaving out Blood is a fucking blasphemy.
Furthermore that tweet implies that there will be no Ion Maiden sequel - they are basically jinxing their own game, expecting it not to be successful.
Shelly's big peepee.
Pretty sure they mean 3DRealms trio not Build games in general
Tried demo and couldn't beat the boss that fired grenades everywhere. Also it has no proper controller support. So refunded.
>It's the third good build game.
So Blood, Ion Maiden and Duke Nukem 3D? Gotcha!
Pretty sure they're implying Dusk, Amid Evil and Ion Maiden
>controller support
Nice bait, you almost got me
again, you can not talk about a holy trinity if the general concensus about one of your games is "it's okay I guess"
also Ion Maiden has yet to prove itself. I genuinely hope it's good.
I’m really fucking excited for it. Replayed Duke and Blood this year.
Preview campaign was fantastic so I really am looking forward to this shit.
It's in a vent next to the big elevator exit in the second map
I'm not and have never been a PC fat
Would succ
maybe try lowering the difficulty instead of blaming the game
Post art
We need more art
oh baby. I was starting to get a little burnt out on strafe runs and this is some really good timing
i think he's referring to dusk, amid evil, and IM. the 'holy trinity' of retro fps revival or some pretentious shit.
Good idea casual
The full game is going to be even harder
I really like Quake II. I even made a coop mod for it at one point to play with my buddy.
didnt dusk have a surprisingly low peak or some shit?
it sold well for what it is. if you're talking about MP, that was never the focus of dusk.
no just peak players. I keep putting it off because of my backlog but I really should pick it up soon
This shit again
>No rocket launcher
My only gripe with the game
Seriously, how could they omit the rocket launcher?
It's planned to be added in in the expansion
the peak player count does not represent how well it sold. especially since episodes were released one at a time. and its 3 launches.
>no Hedon
So every game with a female protagonist is SJW shit?
>Charging money for a doom .wad
here is hoping the mod community will fix their faggotry. also future add-on or sequel.
but, yeah, that choice is extremely odd for a retro shooter. rocket launchers have de facto been a standard in fps games since the first Doom up to Crysis. there is something extremely satisfying about firing a rocket and, see it hit the target, causing maximum carnage.
>no proper controller support
All games on Steam have 200% controller support. Unless you are an xbox gyrolet lmao.
Those early designs were so yikes and ugh, I'm glad 3drealms embraced diversity and inclusivity.
Don't. Just don't feed the trolls.
>you have to make your own engine to ask money for a game
>walking around the map for 6 hours trying to find the onahole so you can progress
i like it but its not enjoyable to look for that shit all the time
It's almost like you could just keep making this post until its a number you like
Doom engine mods have always been free. Where do they get the ego to think theirs is so good they can charge money for it?
>muh magic numbers
At least it's not as bad as Hexen.
This. Even total conversions like Adventures of Square is free.
>Doom engine mods have always been free.
You have to actually be 12 years old to think this is true.
What difficulty are you guys going to play the game on for your first playthrough?
I played like 7 hours of the preview campaign and I’ve played a lot of duke and blood. I think I’ll have to play on Ultra Viscera.
i understand that it just surprised me for how well I thought they marketed it and how much hype i saw for it
>Only 4 weapons per playthrough and the most overdone switchunting ever
I don't understand hexen fans. Heretic was way better
heretic, hexen and strife were made before the doom modding community was properly born, so they don't count
Mapping WASD to a controller is less than ideal though.
If it's better than Shadow Warrior and approaches the levels of brilliance and comfyness of Duke 3D and Blood I will be very happy.
I honestly could not care less about some arbitrary score number by a modern video game blogging 'journalist' who doesn't even like video games, but is stuck writing about them because he failed at life and got rejected by every professional journalistic outlet. So now he is using video games as a substitute to vent his frustration about his dead end life choice by trying to hijack the medium with bullshit politics and social issues ramblings
Always the penultimate difficulty. The hardest difficulty mode always has some bullshit like regenerating enemies
>rant about le sjw
Every time, lmao
That said the level design in the preview campaign easily rival duke and beats out blood
It doesn't matter when the game only supports 8 directions to begin with. Steam lets you map a slight press and full press of a stick independently, so you can have the walk key activate when you're not fully tilting the stick.
This is a terrible argument, especially so in Strife's case which came out like a few weeks before Quake. You're also ignoring shit like Hacx, a product that released in 1997, unaffiliated with id Software. Not to mention the myriad shitty WAD collections you could go out and purchase.
see I'll play it on normal, maybe hard, but not very hard.
Furry mod when owo
>It doesn't matter when the game only supports 8 directions to begin with
Proper controller would include omnidirectional movement. That's my point.
Is that the heskels house of horrors update? Cause that’s what I’ve been playing ultra viscera on. The boss is fucking tough but regular enemy encounters feel best on that difficulty.
I'm not ranting about sjw you doofus, I'm ranting about modern video game bloggers who clearly hate the field they are working in and are trying to bring and shove their personal world views into video games culture and discussion, trying to berate people and tell them how to feel, what to think and like or dislike
>If it's better than Shadow Warrior
Why the hate for SW?
They get mirrors working yet?
Check the trailer
Fair enough then. Now bend over and pull down your pants.
First 2 digits of this post will be her metascore
Yes. Devs told that this week.
Yes. Check the trailer
It's racist.
Fuck off Green Skeleton
Because it’s shit and by far the worst build engine game.
That's not how this meme works, dumbass
Failed again bro
Romero ain't gonna save you now, he off making some XCOM Mafia Wars shit that look dope as hell
>It's racist.
hi civvie
This is a different game entirely. Why weren't you throwing a hissy fit about this when Shadow Warrior and Blood were released? Or when a new Unreal Engine 4 game comes out almost every week?
Sigil 2 wen
>worst build engine game
Not even close
Extreme Paint Brawl is pure pain
It is pretty awful. Blood isn't much better and gets to be insanely tedious later on. Most Build games just weren't very good, Duke 3D is an exception.
>muh modders' Honor Code
Selling Doom mods wasn't even an option before because of legal shit. Commercial use of GZDoom is possible only since 2017.
There's nothing wrong with selling your own work when you aren't legally restrained from doing so. If you don't want to buy it then just pirate it, don't act like there's an actual paywall that stops you from enjoying the product.
>Sigil 2 for Quake
This isnt dooke nookem, dont care.
>the worst
- great weapons with more creativity than all the build engine games combined (riot gun, nuke)
- weapons feel fun to use. Best grenade launcher ever.
- great aesthetic with much more artistic talent in it than duke 3d
- beautiful forest levels
- most technically advanced of the build engine games
- actually had a good modern reboot by some based Polish developers and had a financially successful sequel.
God guys Blood is fucking hard
Someone fill me in on the game. I'm gonna buy it if it's actually good.
Well okay. I meant out of the famous 4
any porn of this bitch yet
Just pirate the demo.
save me senpai romero
awww nice zoom zoom image
Duke Nukem is dead bro
now pre order Borderlands 3
Blood has the most fun gameplay though. So I can forgive its rocky level design. Plus I love the art design of that game.
Dukes first episode is by far and away the best thing ever created on the build engine. Episode 2 was ambitious but ultimately fell flat with the exception of 2 really fucking great levels. Episode 3 and 4 are as rocky and inconsistent as Blood is, if not more.
Yeah, sticks suck ass. But many people are fine with it. It's not as detrimental as aiming with stick only that requires auto-aim crutch to work at all. Also, if you're really autistic about that you can just map movement to buttons lmao. Or even touchpad
Fuck you Randy cock sucking piss drinking midget
>Doom engine mods have always been free
What is Final Doom?
What are the Master Levels for Doom 2?
no thanks randy, i'll be pirating your shit instead you pedo
>Selling Doom mods wasn't even an option before because of legal shit. Commercial use of GZDoom is possible only since 2017.
Selling Doom mods has been possible since the source was officially relicensed under GPL in 1999. It was arguably possible to do legally even earlier depending on how precisely you developed and distributed your mod.
I don’t agree at all. I do not feel like the shadow warrior weapons come close to duke or blood. Plus I hate the aesthetic of the game and lo wang is obnoxiously unfunny to the point where he irritates me.
>Sigil 3 for DAIKATANA
>What is Final Doom?
Officially licensed.
>What are the Master Levels for Doom 2?
Rightfully forgotten.
You don't know many build games, do you?
Blood weapons are more creative than Wang's but other than that I agree. Duke is fucking overrated.
It's up.
You’re supposed to circle around him while being right up his ass and pump rounds into him. If you are too far, he shoots grenades. Remain close and stay behind him to kill him.
>i'll be pirating your shit
>playing randycore at at all
Hate is a strong word. I don't hate it, but I don't like it either and I'm saying it as a huge asianboo who grew up with anime, wuxia and Jackie Chan shit. It's just mediocre all around, from weapons to enemies and level design. It has no moments of brilliance, no high peaks like Duke and Blood for example. Yet it's not bad enough to dislike it. This is my biggest fear and my strongest hope at the same time for Ion Maiden.
I fear it will end up mediocre and generic like Shadow Warrior, never making you go "holy shit this is awesome", never pleasently surprising you or making you deeply appreciate what the devs have done - which is what I hope. Hollywood Holocuast is still one of the best first levels in any video game of all time imo.
I recently replayed SW after many years to get myself in the mood for Shelly's game and I just breezed through it without feeling anything. Meanwhile I grinned like a madman while replaying Blood this year.
>Or even touchpad
Tried that. Didn't click for me at all. I see people saying it's better for WASD than a stick but it just weirds me out. Touchpad and gyro for aiming meanwhile felt perfectly natural after like 10 minutes.
>Meanwhile Blood is considered by many to be the best Build game and one of the most fun fps games of all time
Blood is dogshit though.
It's comfy time
>Blood is dogshit though.
What happened to your mod shilling retard?
What hour can we play it?
I’m sorry I asked you to pull your pants down, user
Fair enough, if you feel like that.
I didn't like Duke3d-s weird alien aesthetic style. It felt oppressive but not in a good way. I loved SW much better compared to this.
We made a total conversion in the duke3d engine with my friend a loong time ago. But obviously we could not dig into the source code. Therefore the weapons still feel janky as fuck in it. SW just feels better to me.
Well, modders should've taken advantage of it long ago then. Even with "muh modder honor code" you can still both sell and upload it for free anywhere. Being freeware purist is kinda gay.
I don't remember them ever releasing a beta for this when you got the bomshell deluxe version. I think this game just went straight to early access didn't it?
Fuck Iron maiden
That's just the Quake 2 engine, fag. Look at the top of your head, nonono.
there is some zippyshare link floating around with the preview campaign. just get it and decide for yourself my famalam
when's civvie
Zoomer detected
sjw garbo, thank god for Steve Harris making them change the name
Devs confirmed controller support for release.
Blood obviously tops SW overall, never denied that.
While it doesn't have turrets, tanks to control, it uses the engine in a more interesting way and the movement physics are superior.
I despise Gearbox, but their Duke 3d remaster is the definitive edition
>their Duke 3d remaster is the definitive edition
kys Randy
Give the mc a chance bro.
>le blood is good meme
Hitscan enemies is a garbage design choice in an FPS. Also only the first episode is good, two is decent and the rest is bad.
I'm not watching this. I want to go into this as a pure, untainted virgin maiden
>Hitscan enemies is a garbage design choice in an FPS
We're talking about the 90's here. even fucking Tomb Raider had hitscan human enemies back then.
>No magazine ammo counter
Come the fuck on
Mods will fix it
Still, how did they forget about this. They've been making the game for like 3 fucking years now. I hated this in SW and DN3D, and here there's even MORE magazine based weapons
>SW just feels better to me.
I could never get the mouse to feel good in SW Redux, no matter what settings I used. I know mouse support in general is kind of wonky in build engine games, but SW is extra bad, like I can actually tell how it skips pixels and it is frustrating as hell.
>says the weapons aren't imaginative/diverse enough
Fug. This was one of my biggest issues with the preview. I thought there was going to be a few more in the final game. I don't get why the nade launcher had to be a separate weapon from the shotgun and why there couldn't be more bomb types (like blood), etc...
Where's the demo? It's not on steam, I need to try it because the last sprite FPS I played (Project Warlock) made me sick.
The only new weapon from the demo is the mine.
None of the episode 3 or 4 maps wasted your time as much as Blood's later levels which are horrendously boring and jam packed with bullet sponge enemies.
The demo is part of the full game, if you bought it you got to play the preview campaign. You can just pirate the preview campaign if you wanna test it.
Good Old Downloads
The whole game seems to be a little unimaginative imo. Shelly is kinda forgettable (from what I've played), the weapons are ok but nothing crazy like Duke's shrinker and the shotgun is kinda disappointing compared to Blood's. The enemies also seem a bit eh, but maybe that's better in the final version
fuck off you blatant shill
green skeleton was right
pirating cause fuck paying for mods
Yeah, that's what I mean. I thought there would be some crazy imaginative sci-fi gizmo, robot gun, or BFG9000 or something. I would even care if they just stole from Half-Life or Perfect Dark.
Apprently a shitload of reviews are already out for it. I had no idea, I don't think I wanna watch them though, I'd rather be surprised by all the new areas and shit.
absolutely subarashii. can't wait till tomorrow.
I know it's bait but it's not a mod.
Just by looking at the sector count in the maps, they are so fucking detailed, they dug deep into the original source code. There are fucking headshots in a build engine game...
I'm surprised they didn't give her the cyborg arm from Bombshell
Why did you post that image? Some meme I'm missing?
My guess is roboarm will be in the last stage and playable in the main campaign throw NG+ and deathmatch
I may have to play on normal. Getting a bit scared of the game being too hard.
Unless you can change the difficulty on the fly
i want shelly to hold me down and blow my dick if you know what i mean
My body is ready
It's ok, I forgive you. Tomorrow, let's go on a bakuretsu adventure together.
I just really like moustaches.
haha nah, can you be more specific?
i want her to use her weight to hold me down so she can use her mouth to suck on my penis until an explosion of semen erupts into her mouth swallowing the whole load
Honestly I didn't get any of that. Can you explain it in layman's terms?
Haha, I don't know if I get it, maybe a little I'm on the right track at least. Could you just get rid of all vagueness and give it to me straight.
>There are fucking headshots in a build engine game...
this part is really neat. I read about how they were able to do this.
I'm unironically more hyped for this game than Eternal.
dick suckin
I'll see you in court
The demo was GARBAGE
>The demo was GRABBAG
fixed that for you
I don't understand why you would ever use the primary fire for the revolver when the secondary fire has multiple auto targeting rapid fire at no cost
What the fuck are you smoking you dumb faggot? The preview campaign in terms of level design rivals Duke Nukem, and is already better than pretty much anything in Blood (save for The Overlooked Hotel) and SW.
Nah, the game is pure SOUL.
HAhaha Member the cake is a lie secret and companion cube?
Haha is gamers amirite? They also have the "doge" meme. Classic!!!
Game on the right?
Have you never played a build engine game you dumb zoomer? they're filled to the brim with pop culture references, and Ion Fury is no different, if anything it is way more restrained than the other games were.
Also the Doge meme is pretty funny given that the reference is literally that it is a dead meme. But I guess if you're an autistic cultural warrior that is miserable and hates anything resembling fun, I could see how that made you frantically pull out your cellphone for a quick snap to go into your private cringe compilation.
Literally go eat shit.
Iconic pop cultural references that have stood the test of time.
Not memes that got stale after 2 weeks.
>Iconic pop cultural references that have stood the test of time.
They haven't stood the test of time. And a majority of the references are lazy, literally just regurgitating material from other known things. It worked in Duke because that game was built around a certain raditude of the 90s, but in Blood and SW it feels less inspired, it's not that it's terrible but it's by no means a mark of quality
and again the joke is that it's a fucking dead meme you sperg, that is the joke. Are you going to tell me that "the cake is a lie" isn't an iconic thing to reference? jesus you must be miserable.
I wonder if there's a way to disable the Z-axis and rebalance damage/health around that.
I guess that 3D realms is not your kind of people, makin games you despise.
what makes your dumb zoomzoom brain think that the game won't have cultural references that have "stood the test of time" like the past games? I mean Tech Noir is in the fucking game, and it also has the red room from twin peaks.
It is just more of the same, but because the game is new your brain automatically has to cringe at it, but it was good and based when Duke did it. USE YOUR BRAIN.
Pistol alt is super op and game brakeing.
Have to ignore it for the game to work.
It would be fine if it cost like 5 extra bullets to use or something?
The game literally just had the cake and cube in it, and it is a very well hidden secret.
Did you even find the secret yourself? I highly doubt you did, you probably saw an image of it here on Yea Forums, assumed shelly goes "DAMN THAT CAKE WAS A LIE HUUUH?!" and now you're angry over nothing because you're a miserable person.
Just because you're horny and want to fuck the main character doesn't make it a good game, retard
I was planning on playing on Ultra Viscera, but I've heard that the game is fucking hard so maybe I'll be a pussy and go wanton carnage.
>Build Engine FPS following in the footsteps of the holy trinity
>weapon roster doesn't contain a godlike rocket launcher
What did they mean by this?
is it going to be that meme shit where enemies infinitely respawn or is just real tough?
It just makes enemies do spicy damage, at least in the early access version that I played. There's no hitscan so it's not that bad.
nice i'll be doing maximum fury first play though then
>mediocre levels.
>everything else bad.
So in other words American Mcgee was the only one doing his job in Quake 2.
>hating the ion fury shotgun
It's a 40mm grenade launcher that fires special buckshot loads. That's fucking awesome.
I still think someone of the team DID very much play Eradicator.
And I still like Eradicator better.
can't believe such low quality bait is getting so many replies
hell I'm contributing to it as well
These levels look fucking insane. Can't believe we're getting something like this again in 2019.
They LOOK fucking insane.
Same deal with Arcane Dimensions.
Would have been awesome if you didn't need to reload it and could just click RMB to shoot a grenade.
Stream it, I want to see
t dev
Did any of your leads mention Eradicator (a 1996 game by Acclaim) while you were developing this game?
Ion Fury you fucking dumbass. Do you even know what thread you are in?
> Getting excited over Duke3D mods sold at full price
> Milking those nostalgia dollariedoos
>Getting excited over 4k 120fps tryhard cinematic experience bullshit.
>Not knowing the difference between a mod and a proper game.
there is "controller support" not controller support. You have to map stuff yourself. im too lazy to do that. I want it all done for me
A few of us love the game, but I don't see why we'd mention it specifically.
Jesus Christ why is this board filled with attention seeking adhd riddled retards like you
Mapping yourself is superior. Go buy a console faggot.
Just stay on consoles.
Coming for August 15
t same devfag
revolver alt Nerf confirmed
Technically over 70% of your favorite games are UT3 mods.
Because Hexen's 12 weapons are far better, more visceral, and more creative than anything in Heretic. Hexen also sports a far better inventory system with items like the Flechettes and Discs of Repulsion, both of which are essentially two brand new weapons for each class given their usefulness and abundance.
the level design isn't doom-2 tier right?
My mom saw my post and wanted me to apologize. I'm sorry.
It's nothing like Doom 2, what are you talking about? It's supposed to be a bigger version of Duke Nukem 3D with a sci-fi setting.
No? The fuck? It's a build engine game not a fucking doom wad
See, Shelly's personality, judging from the preview levels, is suspiciously similar to that of that catgirl from Eradicator, Eyleen, or something like that. Of course, Eradicator gave you choice between characters, but let's be frank, in games with platforming you always choose the fastest character to get yourself more leeway on jumps. So this, well, Eyleen could just as well be a default character, regardless of whether she was the first one in roster. Eyleen was more no-bullshit, Shelly is more crass, whatever.
Second point, the enemy design. Enemies are robots using, by and large, bullet-like weapons, modelled as projectiles. In case of Eradicator that lead to a very fast-paced, Unreal-esque combat. Both games seem to make a point of not having a single filthy hitscanner, correct?
I think Eradicator, among its heaps of weapons, had self-guided missles or bombs too. Didn't use them much, don't remember particulars.
You see, however, this is where differences appear. First. Eradicator not having a single hitscanner had a point. You could play absolutely clean, virtually no damage (other than from sludge sometimes). This point was elucidated by drones which allowed you to save up on ammo (if you used fist as primary weapon) or triple your damage (if you used machinegun) - but only as far as you took no damage, since they went out first, shielding Eyleen. So, you see, they were they to make it perfectly clear you were goddamn supposed to play as cleanly as possible in order to use their bonuses.
Secondly, Eradicator had an interesting gimmick, camera-inside-camera, which was used in various weapons, which was used in on-level puzzles, stuff like that. It was that game's "thing", maybe a bit lame, but quite distinctive.
Third, ah, fuck it, whatever.
Why are you living with your mom?
Duke is sci-fi.
Cant afford my own place
You may joke but Blood is the pinnacle that cannot be reached.
>that voice shitty acting
Thats what hapens when you get a Persona waifu voice actress for your female Duke clone
I'd much rather prefer if they gave you a one-shot firing revolver that you can fast fire if you hold RMB, I find that the revolver runs out of ammo too fast before reloading and I almost never use the alt since it takes the fucking control away from me.
Same with the dual-wielded machine pistols, they're great but having to reload them fucks up my momentum. I guess I just want a mod that makes it so you don't have to reload your guns.
actually its these plus 24
The cost is the time spent acquiring the target. You will likely take damage if you aren’t really careful.
Actually, no. Third, Eradicator didn't have vertical auto-aim, thus forcing you to use mouse, which was THE BEST GODDAMN MOUSE IMPLEMENTATION IN 90s 2.5D SHOOTERS. I don't think it had zone-specific damage on enemies however.
Ion Fury, in contrast, is the only Build game in which playing with mouse gives you tangible bonuses as opposed to keyboard-only, and that was achieved by means of adding zonal damage (well, you could abuse loverboy altfire, or whatever that thing is called, but by and large you are supposed to manually vertiaim). So, again, a discrepancy, classic Build games were specifically controls-agnostic (adding adequate enough implementation of auto aim, I imagine, took quite a bit of effort), this one is not. With the hypothesis of Eradicator being the main source of inspiration, it clicks into place, however, more or less, it is supposed to be played with a mouse, since its primary source of inspiration was meant to be played with a mouse.
Journos disaggre with you.
LGR is a true nerds nerd you fucking zoomer
Doesn't EDuke have vertical mouse movement?
Already feel kind of underwhelmed by the weapons and items, but I'll see how it goes for the final release.
Is GoG only adding a "no longer in development" full version after release? The only thing that exists in their store is the pre-release version. If they're just going to quietly update what they have that seems like a stupid decision because nobody will notice. If a full release is a new release, it should be among new releases.
It does. But Ion Fury seems to add headshots, and the game sure as hell doesn't auto-aim on THOSE. So, mouse player, get tangible advantage, which was entirely missing from all the previous Build games.
Journos don't play games, they conjure up sensationalist diarrhea in order to appease their masters.
>true nerds nerd
>watch his videos
>over 20 mins long but somehow manages to say nothing of value at all
>the best way to experience this game is on its original pc hardware from that year and in unpatched state
>pirating bordershit
Oh, sorry. "vertical MOUSE MOVEMENT". Reading comprehension.
It does. The game coerces you to use it to dish more damage. Previous Build games didn't coerce you to use mouse, you could just as well abstain from it, dishing the same damage.
Doom 2 has better level design than episodes 2 and 3 of doom 1
Most journalists have probably never heard of Build at all until very recently. They already have renounced Duke 3D as being a meanie problematic overrated game long ago without playing it and realizing that it's one of the most important games ever.
>a man is such a boomer that they prefer the dirty white and fake wood grain of old appliances
>literally buys a library terminal because he used one once when he was 10
>buys obscure obsolete PCs exclusively to play a game released on their time period
>zoomer is afraid of him
Actually, I am unsure what the hell I argue for and what the hell my point even is. Whatever.
I don't buy PC games ever but I am a boomer who grew up on the build engine so I bought this on Steam. It says I can play now is that the demo or something?
Just a demo. Full game is tomorrow.
>That Rockpapershotgun review
You can smell the betaness throw the monitor
This looks like utter shit but its oozing soul
Disappointed in the arsenal since all of it was in the preview build and was just "It's alright I guess", which is a crime for a game this long. Same with the enemies, but we'll see, but I expect 90% cultist mooks and those spider heads. Everything else looks god tier though.
>doesn't give any distinct negative criticism
>-1 anyway
why do they always do this shit?
Daily reminder. Nostalgia for the Build Engine is nostalgia for Hollywood Holocaust and you are kidding yourself saying otherwise.
>manages to say nothing of value at all
Describing something using specifics and with minimal opinions is the unreachable ideal of the "objective review"
>on its original pc hardware from that year and in unpatched state
You do realize that games such as Half-Life and UT are literally superior when played in that state right? The 1998 retail release of Half-Life has a better lighting model in its software and is optimized for the color depth and framerate of 90's CRTs in the hardware. UT uses texture processing that is hardware specific. There are games from the 2000's that don't work at all if you don't have a graphics card sold during the quarter that the game was released. Everything is not solvable with an emulator, a source port or a fan patch.
>Half-Life and UT
>it's him again
Fuck off Clint.
Tomorrow at midnight or some designated release time?
Probably at a designated release time. Just pay attention to Steam and see when the game receives an update. I don't have the game preordered.
it's usually 19:00 over here in yuroland. So 24 hours and 8 minutes.
Just because something is technically flawless and does everything right doesn't mean it will blow you away. IMO 10's should be reserved for timeless masterpieces and personal favorites
Not really. Played Death Wish for the first time last week and it was amazing.
But Ep3 and 4 are my favorites.
Hope this does good and some autists build a Unreal Tournament 2004 knockoff.
not sure, but
>August 15, 10am PST, we're launching the official Digital ION FURY Launch Party! Join us for the first 2 hours of LIVE gameplay on Twitch (twitch slash 3drealms),
Just curious does the game run on normal eduke32 or is it some custom build with their own patches?
Why the fuck did a person who doesn't play this type of game review it? Does a reader who already isn't interested in the genre really need a reviewer who isn't interested in the genre to tell them not to check it out? What is the value of this review?
it's modified, even supports voxels somehow.
but you can run it in software mode on old af pc and it works just fine
Shadow Warrior and Blood had voxels.
>(Formerly Ion Maiden)
Are they throwing a bit of a nod to the sneedheads?
Ahh classic 90s art of huge fake tits and wildly misaligned skeletal structures
I wanna watch this but I also don't wanna spoil myself on a bunch of the areas in the game, so I may hold off on it.
the bottom are improved versions of the top
i've played this and desu it doesn't even break top 5 build engine games for me.
original build engine supported voxels in shadow warrior, blood, wwii GI, 'nam, etc...
vehicles and turrets and shit also.
>>That Rockpapershotgun review
Holy shit I just read it and you are right it's pure cancer. They are mad that the game doesn't play itself like modern shooters.
>Ion Fury succeeds at nearly everything it tries to do, but it doesn’t attempt much that I’m interested in. I’d rather not agonise over whether I’m plumbing time into exploring a route that turns out to be a secret, or twiddling with switches whose purpose isn’t immediately obvious. I’ve always found secret hunting more hassle than its worth, and I’d rather not be lost.
>It’s a game where old-school decisions too often Trump (ugh) good ones. A blast from a past I never lived through, where puerile humour and “area complete” screens tease you about not being a “real player”. Ion’s tongue might be in its cheek, but I’ve got little interest in what it’s saying.
It's one day, just wait and play the game first.
Reminder to listen to based Accept, Judas Priest, and Motörhead
Oh it's the same degenerate onions faggot that did a hit piece on Cyberpunk 2077 claiming it's racist for including a gang called animals that have black people as members in it.
>It’s a game where old-school decisions too often Trump (ugh) good ones.
This cannot be real
It's not even a review. It's literally just a whiny blog. So sad that people get money from writing dumb shit like this but people here can analyse much better just because they're actual enthusiasts.
I remember playing Duke 3d over and over as a kid. Then one day on the alien ship level, I found a secret door that let you walk to the alien ship you always could see but never could go to. It was entirely a large and secret optional area. I just want shit like that in games again.
What went wrong? How old is the person reviewing this? I remember a time, and not even that long ago, when people actually missed good level design, level design you could get lost in, level design that didn't fucking shove you down a straight corridor, a straight corridor that still had fucking objective markers making absolute certain you didn't get lost.
Like, what happened? why do people not want this now?
>still forcing Trump into a review about a build engine game
I wish it was.
>IMO 10's should be reserved for timeless masterpieces and personal favorites
The wheel was 10/10 in the stone age. Nostalgia has no objective value and should not contribute with objectively valued integers. Regardless what Wolfenstein 3d did "the first" it's still worse in every measurable way to all of its successors and none of its "influence" is actually a measurable quality within the product itself. My favorite game is Thief 2 but it's not the best game I've ever played because Thief 2 has flaws.
Don't forget blue oyster cult
I haven't played this game but I remember old Build engine games you could easily in your brain plot out where you were and where everything was because maps were pretty unique so getting your bearings was pretty simple. This review is the direct result of years of hand holding and taking that away.
they are doing it for cheap (You)s and you fell into his trap. the trick is to ignore these retards, just like in real life.
>Drumpf ugh the build engine is racist and causing the economy to collapse
Still think it's dumb as hell the had to change the name
>it's not a movie game, 6/10
And far superior to practically every western design of the last five years.
>shadow Warrior was always seen as subpar even by diehard Duke and 3D Realms fans
Speak for yourself
>first that Pathologic 2 review, then this
>What the fuck happened to you, Rock Paper Shotgun? Your ass used to be beautiful.
Is the preview campaign part of the full game? Or is it unique?
dat filename tho
>read your post first
>thought you were taking the piss
>The issue is that it is trying to nail something that started to feel stale almost 20 years ago when a little game called Half-Life came out and changed everything.
Fuck me.
>The engine name itself brings about unsettling reminders of our current political climate. Build engine. Build the wall. An engine making it's debut with a blonde haired macho womanizer killing...aliens.
it's unique. The preview campaign is in the full game under bonus levels.
I'm still calling it Ion Maiden, to be fair. I'll sometimes add something like Ion Maiden: 23:58 as well.
I enjoyed it more than pretty much every new game I've played in the last few years, except for Pathologic 2.
I guess timeless wasn't the right word to use since I didn't mean to refer to nostalgia or legacy. I don't think that you should look at rating scales as "objective" since everybody uses them differently. For example, whereas you see a 10/10 to mean technically flawless, I see a 10/10 to be an unforgettable experience so great that it blows me away and allows me to forgive or forget its flaws. Maybe the reviewer see's it that way too. Maybe they had a great experience with it and couldn't find anything wrong with it, but it just didn't have that special something for them to make it stand with whatever other games they consider to be 10/10 experiences.
Since it's hard to gauge how somebody is using a rating scale, I don't think somebody's rating is that valuable unless you are familiar with the reviewer and how they rate other games. It would be nice to have an "objective" rating scale that everybody adheres to, but that's just not how it works for most people
>An engine making it's debut with a blonde haired macho womanizer killing...aliens.
Worse. Its debut game was about a... 4channer.
>it's not half-life design so it's bad!!1111
Funny that DNF was basically Half-Life design and everyone shit on it
>American Mcgee was the only one doing his job in Quake 2.
Basically. American McGee made most of the good levels in Q1 and Doom2 also. Based Alice poster.
>There's no hitscan
Did we play the same fucking game? Almost all the enemies are shitscan.
When going over the concept designs for Shelly Bombshell, they flat out stated that they wanted to make the ‘Bombshell’ part of her name less about being sexualized and more about how she uses explosives.
Considering that the origins of this character is a cut character from fucking Duke Nukem of all things, saying you don’t want a character with Bombshell in their name to be sexualized comes off as very prudish and SJWish.
This is a big flaw of reviewing ALL games under 1 numbering system. However these fucks usually have a "sports guy" reviewing Madden and shit they should have done the same with this game and scored it with the disclaimer that it's a score judging it on it's merits as a build engine game.
Who am I kidding this actually requires work and is challenging for a "journalist" never mind. Should have just opened the game with the main character saying "Try to grab this pussy, misogynist" and reaped in an easy 10/10.
Jesus. That's a perfectly fine common expression. We though they actually typed the (ugh). You are fake news.
Not him but Ion Fury does not have hitscan enemies and anybody who was played the game even for 10 seconds notices it.
>Modern fans won't like it because it focuses on gameplay
This is actually a very truthful review to be fair. From the perspective of an out of touch modern "gamer"
I'm actually excited for this and think it'll be great, really enjoyed the demo, so take this to heart. No one gives a fuck what modern games journalists think, especially Rock Paper Shotgun.
>William Shatner's Tek War also made a reference to killing a pedophile who owns an island in a stark contrast to today's world with Epstein and Yea Forums, a site we must shut down at all costs
People do. You and me still do. Most of the people in this thread do. Everyone who would consider buying this game does. Some shitty """"""journalist"""""" doesn't know what good level design even IS.
He may not have said ugh in the review but we all know he said it to himself
Holy fuck, they've literally become parodies of themselves.
>wanting a build engine game to be like half-life
>wanting more movie shit like HL
>complaining about "LACK OF STORY" and "LACK OF PROGRESSION" in a build engine game
>Did we play the same fucking game?
Evidently you did not. Firearm toting enemies shoot fast projectiles that you can dodge, there's no hitscan.
Can I remove her voice? I fucking hate her tryhard Duke lines
>Clean up on isle your ass
Like what the fuck does that even mean it's not a pun
>but I've got little interest in what it's saying
we're reaching critical levels of irony
This is actually less insane than most of the mental gymnastics i've seen happen lately.
Friendly reminder that TekWar is actually pretty good and has rideable buses that take you to the next area.
Friendly reminder that Witchhaven 2 exists and is pretty good minus the fact that most weapons are melee and it's hard to judge range/distance between, say, a halberd and a broadsword. But the game is still cool.
Yes you can turn talk off in options.
yes there's a silent option
it's been there since Duke 3D
I honestly went into Tekwar trying to like it, but I just couldn't. I don't know if I'm just playing it wrong but I swear there's a ton of mechanics in it that are broken.
user cmon. Tekwar isn't good
Save me Romero
I feel like this user hit the nail on the head everything he said makes sense, these people don't like games, they don't like what games once represented, they don't like where they're at now. They have no investment whatsoever, they don't care.
>Peek trump derangement syndrome
It does. Even in the fucking starting area where the truck crashes into your garage or whatever. As soon as the doors open and the cultists start pouring in. As soon as you get outside. That turret in front of the EDF building. Pretty much fucking everything is hitscan or REALLY REALLY fast projectile (undodgeable)
Why did all creative sci fi come out at a time when the tech to make games wasn't the best? Now we have the tech but it's impossible to make a good original sci fi idea anymore
Accept no substitutes
>REALLY REALLY fast projectile (undodgeable)
stop playing with shit reflexes (cuck)
It's "aisle" you miserable inbred Neanderthal.
Witchaven came out before TekWar
Wait this game was made by 3d realms? They made this game in a fraction of the time as DNF so DNF was really some tax scam or something huh?
Talk about missing the point
Holy shit
Yes that's part of its charm. You can even exploit the game completely and move around while it's paused and you have the menu up.
dude just strafe lmao
maybe she means island.
>but is stuck writing about them because he failed at life and got rejected by every professional journalistic outlet.
They're 3D Realms like WWE is WCW
They bought 3D Realms' trademarks excpet Duke which were sold before
I played the demo of this. The moment you start, everything is just laser focused on you draining your life and when you hide your health doesn't regen so the game literally forces you to save scum. Yea i'll pass on this boomer relic style game play you guys enjoy
3D Realms went through a development hell. They rebooted it a couple of times and changed the engine like 3 times or more.
It's 3D realms in name only.
It's a bunch of old school fan mappers and coders that got hired to make proper full releases
>without feeling anything
idk man first time i used a nuke in that game or the quad barrel shotgun or the guardian head were definitely "holy shit that was awesome" moments
or the volcano level and going above the clouds and the snake boss and shit
idk i liked it
and its still my least favorite build engine game and its still really good imho.
you dont like the heart? the railgun? the heat seeking missiles? the nuke? the fucking stickybombs, the stickybombs that every single person loved about fucking halo, meanwhile shadow warrior had it years earlier?
you even drive a forklift and a tank, how much more can you expect :^)
>Rockpapershotgun review
Shit, that was cringe. What's the deal with those onions people? They always expose their weakness, lack of skill, and emotional insecurity. It's like they are flaunting it!
>tfw it was always Douk > Blood > SW for me
i made a mod that lets you switch between characters mid-level in hexen like in donkey kong country, the game is a lot more fun this way
>who is this game for?????
>oh people that grew up with it oh
>wait why don't they just play the games they've already played one million times already????
>why new game??????
this guy is actually retarded
I read a reviewer criticizing this for not trying anything new to further the genre like Dusk or Amid Evil did. I haven't played either of those because I thought they were just retro FPS's that didn't try anything new.
Anybody mind to explain what each game does differently? Would definitely be willing to try them if they weren't just old school shooters
wait fuck am I retarded
meant to say: Douk < Blood < SW
Are any of you getting the Big Box edition of the game? I'm seriously mulling over it, but the shipping costs are pretty fucking nasty.
It's published by 3DR, but developed by Voidpoint.
modders wouldn't be able to compete with those compilation disks with thousands of free maps
you had these total conversions being sold like Shrak or Final Doom but the original game developers were at least giving their blessings
build maps always look so nice in the editor
gotta love sector effectors
>movie shit
I swear everyone saying this including that reviewer must have not played it in ages.
Apart from the very beginning and the end of Lambda Complex the game has barely any storytelling.
is this a good version of Duke 3D? I feel like playing some of it.
I would've considered it but I have no job currently so I'd rather not waste money, since I own it on Steam already. I'd splurge on it if you really want it, though. I'm a fucking sucker for big boxes like that.
nice that it has linux support
Shadow Warrior > Blood > Duke
Don't @ me you fucking zoomers
I wasn't joking. I have been playing video games since 1989 and Blood is among my top 5 fps of all time.
Don't get me wrong, I want this game to be excellent (it's one of only three games in the past 8 years I have bought) and I myself can't wait till tomorrow, but no one here cares about what modern video game journos have to say. They collectively worked really hard to discredit themselves to the point where people started to resent them and avoiding their bullshit. They have succumbed to a joke of this industry.
The game will have to prove itself on its own. If it's good, word of mouth will spread like wildfire and reach those who are interested in this kind of game. The rest will ignore it, no matter how good it might be, simply because it's not COD/Battlefield with fancy 2013 graphics.
@'ing you
>Half-Life saved the FPS genre
Me and the boyz laughing at this guy
How's the writing? I remember playing Bombshell and hating Shelley. Is it improved?
I'll @ you just to say that you're a fucking person with a good taste
HL was just the first that added so much interactive narrative into the gameplay
Yeah it's good.
>giving a fuck about the writing in a 90s/2019s shooter
are you some kind of faggot?
Yeah it's great. Kill bad guys. Collect key cards.
>Ion Maiden writing sucks
>Blood's writing is too boring and derivative
>Shadow Warrior is too racist
>Duke's writing is too.....too...UGH
idk where you get your revisionist history from
shadow warrior was the improved build engine game
blood no one cared about or even played
I don't think it has any. The one-liners in the preview campaign were alright though.
Will anyone try their hand at mapping for the game? It's launching with tools and scripts and shit to make stuff.
If this was an id game, I'd agree but 3D Realms always had characters that spoke. Part of the charm in Duke and Wang is their one liners. I just want to know if she has anything interesting to say.
Why do source games always start awesome and then just get tedious towards the end? Every source game the 1st chapter is awesome and then everything after that is meh
Besides working on a modern engine, I can't tell.
Yeah, one journo said that Shelly is like Duke but without the outdated writing. Wtf does that even mean?
Not really "interesting", she does spout one-liners and sometimes reacts to shit happening (although I don't really remember it from the demo).
of 12 weapons 2 are barely functionally different melee shit weapons, firestorm and hammer are almost identical and other weapons are gimmicky as fuck. and once you settle on the class you like, you're stuck with 4 weapons for the entire game.
hexen's addon wad and hexen 2 are only ones worth playing, vanillia hexen is pure shit
IGN also complained that the level design was too much for them.
At least the based DF Retro guy gets it.
>It’s a game where old-school decisions too often Trump (ugh) good ones.
user, is this deja vu?
Alright then. It's not like it's a deal breaker anyways.
I use it for the files (especially the extra campaigns like life's a beach) and play the game with Eduke 32
It's good to have and your lucky got it before Randy pitchford took it away
why did people became so goddamn lazy? lazy enough to not wanting to appreciate classic gaming difficulties or design?
it is because of them that we rarely get good games and instead we get the samey tryhard 'experience' bullshit.
normies killed good video games
It's not that much different from Caleb, Lo Wang or Duke, imo. Caleb has plenty of personality for example but most of it comes from FMVs where he just blows shit up with dynamite or fucks retarded cultists for fun.
Do not generalize all players based on some hack game review
fair enough, however, we know that thanks to imbeciles like him, there will be a moment where generalizations will become the norm.
It's true that anything that goes mainstream eventually gets worse, but while it's easy to blame shit on the kids and casuals - I don't fucking remember having shit taste as a kid. Like, I went around when I was 12 and burned CDs just to be able to play JK2.
Best Bombshell version comming through.
I am bit fearful bombshell will be meh compared to Duke or Caleb.
Her voice lines have zero personality. It's like they are afraid of being too mean. She is neither bitchy or butch, or feminine or even tomboyishly stoic.
From trailers and stuff she just sounds like "safe" femDuke.
But it's the least of my worries. Wang was not that good as well compared to the other two.
>>Ion Fury succeeds at nearly everything it tries to do, but it doesn’t attempt much that I’m interested in. I’d rather not agonise over whether I’m plumbing time into exploring a route that turns out to be a secret, or twiddling with switches whose purpose isn’t immediately obvious. I’ve always found secret hunting more hassle than its worth, and I’d rather not be lost.
>>It’s a game where old-school decisions too often Trump (ugh)
I swear to god, this is its very own phenotype of a group of people that would all have died out merely 70 years ago and the world would have been better for it. This creature even managed to squeeze Trump into all of this and I'm not even republican. How does their thought process even work, do they proof-read their own shit they write and tell themselves with a clear consciousness and straight face "yup, that's good"?
I literally cannot wait for sexy mods to return her to her 90's glory
How long till they ban him?
>This creature even managed to squeeze Trump into all of this and I'm not even republican
That user made that shit up you fucking retard, don't take everything you read on here at face value. The review is still pretty fucking bad though.
Yeah fuck exploration and adventure and shit. We'd all rather have quest markers with giant arrows telling us the exact direction to go at all times with giant numbers to the exact foot we are away from the next objective.
Fucking retarded "journalists"
Yeah, Duke, Loo Wang and Caleb are all a stereotype turned up to 300%. If she is some kinda riot cop I really would have wished that they made her be more Judge Dredd style, that would have been a lot more fun.
That cover... I've seen it before somewhere. Ah, yes
They should have made her look like the girl from the more recent Dredd movie.
>Judge Dredd
Yeah that is precisely what I am talking about, taking a concept and turning it to eleven. Even swearing. Female kind risky sexy jokes Dredd would be cool.
Anything except the mediocrity we are so full right now.
thank god there are still a few real mother fuckers out there
Fuck, you're right.
>posts on resetera
>real mother fucker
I'm sorry but this game is just incredibly unfun to play. It's janky as shit. Movement is either too fast or too slow. It's shit.
I swear Digital Foundry is the last refuge of decent gaming 90s journalism. Their videos sound exactly like stuff on magazines back in the day.
Rare breed.
The unfunny quotes, the badly designed enemies... ugh...
Are you a journo by any chance?
Dredds a fascist though. The game would get 3/10's.
Based and Anderson/Oliva Thrilby pilled
>no cute waifu tearing cultists up into bloody chunks while giving her best Stallone impression shouting "I am the LAW"
So many missed chances here.
They just put out a Ion Fury review
>Romero loves Quake 2 take on alien body horror
>zoomerfags from Resetera forces this meme
Anyone here play Alien Armageddon? Shit's a lot of fun and also has location based damage. Makes me optimistic for Ion Fury.
hell yeah i just watched it
it is nice that he actually knows what hes talking about
It's practically mandatory for a retro FPS to make a Doom tribute. Let's not forget that Duke's cover is pretty much just the Doom cover as well.
Out of all the weapons in Hexen only 1 of them is redundant, the Fighter's starting fists as they are completely outclassed in all situations by his other 3. Not a single weapon is 'barely functional,' they all do exactly what they were intended to do and all are viable choice, even the Mace. The Mace, while the weakest weapon in the game, is still useful for saving mana or stunning Centaurs since using the Serpent Staff is dangerous and the Firestorm's main damage, the little fires the encircle enemies, is delayed damage and thus blocked by their shield. I'm curious what you think is a 'gimmick' weapon because there are none in Hexen.
>hexen's addon wad and hexen 2 are only ones worth playing, vanillia hexen is pure shit
For starters Hexen 2 is worse than 1 in every single conceivable way. What I want to know however is why you think Deathkings is good but vanilla is bad. While I do like Deathkings more, the level design is stellar, cuts Centaurs in favor of Slaughtaurs (less redundancy and actually dangerous), and makes liberal use of the lesser-used enemies from the base game (reivers, wendigos, etc). But other than that it added zero content in terms of classes/weapons/items/enemies, just new hubs.
Ion Fury has headshots
POWERSLAVE wasn't even made for build, they ended up making their own engine for it.
Saturn > PSX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> garbage that is the PC build port.
>Let's not forget that Duke's cover is pretty much just the Doom cover as well.
I'm pretty sure that's because both are blatant Army of Darkness tributes
Slave Driver Engine right?
I FUCKING LOVE the floaty head swaying movement that shit has. It's just looks so stylish and smooth.
Save me Rom... know, on the other hand - I'm good senpai
Specially Blood
Yes, you can also start sucking cocks, but only a faggot or OP would do that.
Sigil was fantastic though.
I'm 36
Why is this allowed?
did they put out an actual review?
Are you talking about this? I haven't watched it yet cause I don't wanna be spoiled, but I assumed it was just a video going over the tech and stuff.
Oh. Have a nice day then.
I like that they are trying to go back when FPS were actually good
Well I mean. What is a review really? It's going over the game. I don't think they give it a score but they do say it's fantastic and talk about why.
Midnight release or what?
I really fucking wanna watch it, but at the same time, the game is out in less than 24 hours, I wanna see it for myself and not spoil a bunch of it by watching a video so close to launch
What's the Yea Forumseredict?
Releases tomorrow
also /vr/ spoiled that the game isnt Bombshell prequel anymore
Put Half-Life in instead.
Eduke32 already supports voxels. Theres even a cool voxel pack for Duke 3D.
I'm not gonna click that shit.
Its over bros. We lost. Awful score.
>hating quake 2
If isn't DNF or any progressive he hates it
Do these old school FPS look good in 120/144fps? I'm getting a better monitor soon
Save me, Romero
I'm only memeing. Though it is the weakest game on that entire image let's be honest.
Well if that's true then it's a good idea.
>Had to activate cheat codes to beat the game on ultra viscera
What a faggot. Opinion discarded.
this guy sure loves quicksaves
DOOM was made to run at 75+Hz screens
Carmack programmed Quake 1 and 2 on a SilliconGraphics 1080p CRT screen.
John Romero loved quake 2 Zoomerfag, he still wants to make an Q2Unit of his own along with a Quake 1 Map.
Stop spreading memetic lies
Reminder that this guy got paid to write this, and if this was being published under some faggot company the developers would not receive a bonus because of it.
Even better
Let's just pretend that game never happened
desu Q2 was the multiplayer king before Tribes, UT and Quake 3 released.
>also /vr/ spoiled that the game isnt Bombshell prequel anymore
Please elaborate/link. I haven't seen anything.
ye ye, my bad
>aka New Vegas
Fuck Bethesda, that was such bullshit
I mean you get a grenade launcher and rolling bombs alone, so in terms of explosive options you aren't really out of them, but i can agree what you mean by the lack of rocket launcher.
>complaining about no quests markers
What the fuck dude just explore lol
The Only game that managed to Beat Q2MP for a while was Battlezone 98 until activision killed it with the pretext of "low sales" when they outsold and never cared to replenish with new copies, But Q3A Demo was released shortly and it packed MP.
Wasn't the Bonus proved out to be a outright lie made by the already corrupt Obsidian's Management?
Even Avelonne said that it was bullshit.
>Mods in dukes rocket launcher
Heh. Nothing personal Build Engine
Cheating fuck.
Douk doesn't have a rocket launcher, he's got a rocket-propelled Grenade Launcher.
they always have some damn good music for these videos
im watching the turok one now and it just cuts to some awesome DnB
If you want to get technical then only Lo Wang has an actual rocket launcher.
>People respond to this obvious bait
Lol, beta
Romero liked Quake 2 a lot.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
>rant about le sjw
Which he didn't.
>Doesn't know all of the doom mods that were officially sold
Look everyone, a kid acting like he's old
>Duke NUKEM the game with the Nuke motifs doesn't have any Nukes (don't mention how levels end that doesn't count)
>Shadow Warrior literally has Nukes
>Secrets: 8/20 ;^)
As someone that has sucked at secret hunting for 25 years I can already tell this game is going to piss me off. Good times.
Missile Launcher.
Just rike Nagasaki.
Duke Nukem Forever 2001 has nukes too :~)
COD is a mod of the Quake 3 engine yet you slurp that up every year.
By actually selling them and people buying them?
Final Doom consisted of TNT Evilution, and The Plutonia Experiment, TNT was a community project which iD Software themselves bought the rights to, and part of that deal was that they would also get another megawad in that deal, which two of the guys on the TNT team, Dario and Milo Casali, hammered together in four months of non-stop work.
Final Doom, at least the Plutonia part, is widely recognized as one of the best parts of commercial Doom, and the Casalis would go on to work as high tier professional mappers, Dario worked on Half-Life for instance.
Looking at Half-Life, and also Quake, there were mods for those games which were bought up and licensed as retail games, especially for Half-Life, Counter-Strike started as a mod for Half-Life, and Team Fortress was a mod for Quake, before Valve bought the rights to it and made it a GoldSource engine game.
Basically, if you think you have something that people would actually pay money for, and nothing stops you legally from doing so, why the fuck couldn't you do it?
Tomorrow user, tomorrow we get to shoot
A rocket launcher fires missiles. "Rocket" is the means of propulsion. Rocket proposed missiles. FUCK YOU
A missile is a rocket! A MISSILE IS A ROCKET
Somebody make a new thread.
>Being such a beta cuck boy that you get offended when a videogame tells you how well you did at it
fuck off
>TFW the more these game journos rage the more I will talk about this game on Yea Forums meaning the more sales it will get since Yea Forums and a new other random obscure forums are the only places people actually care about this type of game anyways and scores mean nothing
That's really cool that they made an hour of bonus content.
What is American Mcgee up to these days? I know he did an AMA on 8ch a while ago but what has he done since?
Those levels make it into the full game i think, (not sure if all of them do) just under different circumstances and are stitched together differently.
I came here to say this, but we can't have authoritarian characters who take no shit and are judge, jury, and executioner at the same time in this day and age. That's SOOO alt-right incel like ya'll
>Based and Anderson/Oliva Thrilby pilled
Lily Labeau. Thank me later.
>TFW everything he counted as a negative, I see as a positive
Looking for her missing sister