Plot hole in Megarman: Zero cries in this scene but he shouldn't be sad because he's a robot?

Plot hole in Megarman: Zero cries in this scene but he shouldn't be sad because he's a robot?

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Post funky kong

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Yeah but the team that worked on the game really really really liked Final Fantasy VII so they created Robo-Aeris so she could die and stuff.

Reploids are greater than "robots", which are seen in the Classic series. Every single one has the capacity to supersede the three laws of robotics in order to achieve a higher potential, but that's also what makes the world so dangerous when there's a virus going around.

Higher potential in what? Nothing good ever happened to the human race after sentient robots became a thing. Fuck Dr. Light. He destroyed humanity.

>Make robots that don't have to follow the 3 laws
>Murder them if they don't follow the 3 laws
Such a glorious Utopia.

Was Dr. Light a Christian?

>Aeris... Iris...

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Megaman can feel emotions doe

>Asshole scientist playing God with robots

I think the only one capable of that is X.
All other reploids are based on him, and while they posses some kind of self awearness and self preservation, they can't supresede the laws without someone fucking with them, Aka Mavericks Virus.
Zero is just another story, probably very similar to X, but more of a machine than an android, due the virus in his head being basically Wily controlling him.

X in the MMZ series (before they pussed out and decided a clone would be making these decisions) was totally justified in his decision to genocide reploids.

>Awake into a completely unknown world
>find out a fucking ARCHEOBOTANIST who had zero qualifications in the field of robotics and obviously no morals or ethics has made millions of bootleg copies of you
>these bootleg copies end up going mad, lead by none other than said flowerpicker's pet reploid
>this causes decades of sustained warfare and the deaths of billions of humans
>to the point where the earth is largely uninhabitable and the total world population has been reduced into the millions
>everyone looks up to you as their savior, their messiah
>you lead the charge to establish a safe haven for humanity and rebuild
>things are looking up again
>then some madman decides to weaponize digital pokemon and starts another fucking war which genocides even more of the already dwindling numbers of humans
>finally beat him, decide to exile his ass to space
>shit is even worse than before
>there is also now an energy crisis because what little is left is going more to reploids, who are still going maverick (aka they are exercising free will which naturally results in some being criminal fucking shits)
>enough is enough
>he had one fucking job and these tincan fucking chink knockoffs have utterly fucked it
>reploids have to fucking go
>start physical removal of tincan so that humanity can maybe finally recover from this utter mess caused by a fucking old flower picking piece of shit

>despite being COMPLETELY justified this somehow makes you worse than Hitler

Friendly reminder that this never would've happened if Wily were in charge.

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It was Cain fault
Light Made X supposedly on the brink of a worldwide crisis.
He wanted him to ve a hero for humanity, but also wanted him to make the choice himself.
Cain just halfassed all the reploids un X image.
Then came ZERO and gave every reploid robot aids

That's literally the opening stinger to the very first episode of the original Mega Man anime. "If Dr. Light hadn't invented robots, none of this would have happened!"

surprised Duo never showed back up to smite the earth for being evil since Zero's robot aids was clearly based off evil energy especially with the totally supernatural shit its capable of, like making digital phenomena bleed into meatspace on a massive scale

So from what I gather from
And Dr. Light realized he shit the bed, and created X to fix his fuck ups, but X slept too long, and then Cain shit the bed even harder, ensuring humanity's demise? What a bleak fucking series.

Probably because the megaman Canon is a huge mess of various barely coherent continuities strung together like Frankenstein's monster.

Nothing in X series makes any sense and it's probably the worst series of Mega Man games overall. Ridiculous plot that's honestly embarrasingly nonsensical, anemic attempts to move the game design forward crushed against inability to change up level design to accomodate, questionable 3D experiments and a whole bunch of terrible side characters that barely feature.
MMX1 is the only truly great game in the series, with X2 trailing close behind, everything else is irredeemable garbage.

What's your opinion on X3?

>realizing that one of Light's biggest fuckups that he tried to correct with X was Mega Man's programmed inability to kill Wily despite wanting to

This, and it's the biggest pain in the ass, because there's some good ideas in there, but it's crushed by the fact that Capcom won't provide closure on anything, because they always want to leave the door open for a sequel. They even had the opportunity to tie the Zero Virus to classic in 10, but nope, just your regular old robot flu.

Average. It's the first one that starts to suffer from feature bloat that isn't meaningfully supported by the level design, such as armors that show up once at best, ability to play as Zero that's weirdly limited, and so on. And oh god, that soundtrack. As a kid I actually liked X3 a lot but now I don't really want to come back to it.

Would megaman really have been unable to kill willy? Megaman 7 makes that somewhat doubtful.

He's an android, they're programmed with fee-fees.

That's what he's saying. Mega Man literally could not do it. X could, and would have.

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IIRC, that was the translator taking some.liberties, nihongo version does not have Mega threating Wily and he just lowers his Buster.

Nevermind, misread your post. The "I am more than a robot" line was in the Western version only. In JP, he doesn't say anything.

Right, and I'm saying that megaman really does seem like he's entirely able to kill willy, and that I'm unsure if X is ultimately all that different from the original.

Nah, X wouldn't
Zero would, and that's the whole reason for his character
Zero fighting for the right side is just situational, and he sees maverick hunting as a job.
X always double thinks his actions, because he has empathy, that's his curse and his gift.

Interesting, I didn't know that, I'd say I prefer the localization, even if it's obviously not canon

So we know pic related is a glitch bastard that can defy his creator. Would he be able to kill Wily?

>Reploids keep going maverick
>Keep building more Reploids anyway

guys, you have to remember that everything in MMX and MMZ happened for a reason. The destruction of their world lead to a much better one where peace reigns.

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Forgot image

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The whole robots can't hurt humans thing is pretty well established throughout the series, even before the X and Zero series went off the rails. That's why Light took so many precautions with X. But even Wily wasn't willing to fuck with that and knew how dangerous it could be, which is why he developed Zero and the resulting Maverick virus; Zero specifically to destroy X, and the virus as a sort of "just in case" antibody if X's technology was copied, which is exactly what Cain did.


fuck off

>World is only peaceful after the last human dies on the moon
Fuck off, Sigma.

I swear to god, if you start that Roll=Zero shit again....

The Zero Virus was developed by Sigma later. The Sigma/Maverick Virus came from Zero's capsule. We only vaguely know that Wily was working on Zero around that time, but for sure he wasn't complete, so neither would have been the virus. At most, Roboenza could have been some sort of proto-Maverick Virus, but definitely not the final product.

Fair enough. I would've at least liked some acknowledgement to the parallels, though. Even if were just a throwaway line by Wily at the end saying something like "This virus idea has potential. I'll have to revisit this later."


I like it a lot. It's my favorite of the SNES games only because there's so much content in it.
That said, the content in it is mostly collecting. It's not very interesting outside of all the stuff you can collect and all the things you can do. I did like how the collectables didn't require you to be a god at the game in order to get the best stuff in it, because otherwise 6 year old me would have never beaten it.

holy fuck how did they miss this??

More importantly: Can Reploids actually fuck?


I always thought the original virus was an insurance policy so that if Mega Man (or X) beat Zero, they would still be fucked. The only reason it didn't happen this way was because someone else found and fought Zero first.


Cain had a degree in fucking archeology, not robotics.

Dumb question: How old is Zero? how long has he been active?

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Isn't X immune or at least resistant to the maverick and original viruses? In X5, he could go into the colony and not lose his mind, only take some damage from it.

I mean yeah I guess since despite being implied to be Wily's creation since like the second game they've never really elaborated on whether he's fully capable of humon emotions like X is.

Hard to know for sure, but Sigma was already active when it happened, so after X. Agewise, Wily was working on him before Light even started the X project.

It's not really clear what the virus was originally intended to do because what it actually did doesn't line up with Wily's goals. I tend to believe it was more of an unintended byproduct of Zero's production, something Wily fucked up, because ultimately Zero became infected with his own virus which caused him to turn "normal." At the same time, the virus infected Sigma, essentially the truest copy of X, which turned him super evil, something that I don't think Wily actually wanted. Even when Wily directly helps Sigma in X5, it's specifically to develop a new "virus" which will actually purge Zero of the original virus and restore his true purpose.

Exactly: as personable and expressive the robots of the classic era may seem, they're not truly sentient. Their intelligence is basically a glorified flowchart, their emotions are just simulated, and they're bound by the limits of their programming and the laws of robotics. Even Wily's Robot Masters, who were presumably capable of defying the first law, were still bound to obey Wily. Even Bass, the rebellious prick he is, is still following Wily's orders to the letter: Wily programmed him to prioritise defeating Mega Man above all else and failed to consider that obeying Wily fell under "all else". X and Zero were the first truly sentient robots, capable of thinking and feeling just like humans, and capable of growing beyond their programming and making decisions for themselves.

Can't really blame Legends for having really knobbly looking robot monsters or havng literal magic crystals. It's for all intents a new Megaman world (Kind of literally in 2).

Like I said here, Zero was in development before X, so my assumption was that the virus was designed with OG Mega Man in mind. The maverick virus makes the victim incredibly violent, and X's Suffering Circuit making him abhor violence also likely provides him a degree of resistance.

Call it Inti fanfiction but the (possible) world of the Ancients was not sunshine or rainbows. The new one isn;t much better it's just not actively trying to kill people anymore.

Zero was intended as Wily's last "fuck you" to the world.

It's not like the whole canon isn't a complete mess or anything

I think Zero was just another megaman killer like Bass, this is some what confirmed in MMPB Bass ending.
Also, IMHO, the virus is just Wily digitilized conscience implanted in Zero's forehead, for him to control after death, kinda like Light holograms.
That's why Zero sees him in his dreams, and that's how Wily helped Sigma out in X5.
Maverick virus is the result of some of Wily code breaking up and leaking into Sigma after he destroys Zero gem, while also, kinda freeing him.
That shit evolved into Sigma virus, that also would explain why Zero became his old self when infected with it in X5.

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I just pretend that they aren't connected outside of the barest sense. X came after the classic series, but maybe a version of classic MM where Wily didn't try to take over the world a dozen times and build 900 robot masters.

This is not completely right. Classic series robots don't have free will, but they demonstrably have free thought and emotions. It's why Rock asked to be converted to a combat robot in the first place, an act that surprised Dr. Light. And don't forget that Proto Man exists, the first actually sentient awol robot that's not bound by the three laws. He's more of a reploid predecessor than Rock is probably.

Megaman looks gay.

Stopped reading there.