

Attached: tali_by_themaestronoob_dckdd21-fullview.jpg (1280x961, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tali lied to you about needing the suit and medicine to survive your semen

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More to this?

Healing seed

ME2 killed ME
ME3 and Citadel DLC pissed on its grave
Andromeda is a zombie

>no option to make her blush through her visor
Fucking wasted opportunity

More to what? Her lies?

Attached: liar.jpg (879x362, 55K)

Who's your waifu user?
Or are you some sort of Talifag who's also a cuck?

Liara best girl

Liara only wants you for your DNA

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There are no waifus in Mass Effect, just a collection of degenerates. And Tali is the worst.

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>There are no waifus in Mass Effect

Why is male Shepard and Wrex only communicate using their names and nothing else?

Because theirs is a broship that transcends rank.

>ywn see Tali and Shepard living together peacefully on Rannoch after the war

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Attached: see this human bitches, i won.png (558x29, 39K)

And also any dialog. You can just start a conversation with him that look like that:
Wrex: "Shepard"
Shepard: "Wrex"

Why even do that? If they have no new dialogs then there shoudnt even be an option to start the conversation

When did she said that? I wish there was more banter between chosen love interest and females in the crew like Tali bragging over it and making Ashley mad

God, Tali-fags are pure fucking cancer.


Xeno is literally on the same level as furfaggotry. Sorry you had to learn this way.

3, spot where Kasumi would hang out

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Nope. Fucking aliens, demons, undead or any other shit like that is a different genre closer to monster girls.

>playing through ME2
>start liking Jack
>she wants the dick
>but Yea Forums seems to really like Tali, so I'll go for her instead
>S-Shepard-kun am i kawaii? uguu~
>immediately regret, now Jack just tells me to fuck off
I never listened to Yea Forums after that

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Because that is conversation between two dudes on work site you dipshit.

>xeno thots

Attached: ash.jpg (670x1191, 110K)

Don't be mean to Tali, please
She is a nice girl

Reminder that tali is a traitor space gypsie/jew

Jack gets conciderably less content. Hell, even with Citadel DLC in 3 it's at best a cameo.

isn't that a man

Attached: ashley on virmire.jpg (926x1106, 134K)

Would you really want to make Tali cry like that?

Attached: cry.png (640x643, 263K)

I did more than be mean. I let her entire race get genocided by the geth. Then I watched her blow her brains out while not trying to stop it. Then I chose the destroy ending to remove the Geth as well

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>Then I watched her blow her brains out while not trying to stop it.
She doesn't do that though user, stop larping as heartless.

interesting how this thread isn't getting spammed, it's almost like they only target anime threads

you're right she falls off the cliff. it's been awhile since i played

She shouldve thought more about what she was doing when she was selling alliance secrets to (((quarians))) i used to like tali but then i learned her true colors and all that innocence is just a facade. Always kill a traitor before an enemy

>this thread isn't getting spammed
> it's almost like they only target anime threads
Who is targeting the anime threads?

the wojak spammer

She was always nice to you, and did you no harm.
Is the alliance really more important to you than yourself?

>selling alliance secrets
What the stealth ship in ME3? That info was stolen from Cerberus.

Quarians are space gypsys user, not kikes.
Which race manipulates the the galactic stock market user, which race tricks the most militarily powerful race into protecting them?

That’s probably because he’s a colossal newfag and doesn’t actually know anything about the threads he’s posts in if they aren’t already highlighted with an anime girl.

in ME2, when you visit the Rayya (I believe) theirs a note that similar signatures to the original Normady are present. The implication being that after Tali returned from her time on the ship in ME1, she implemented a number of features she saw in from the Normandy into her own ship.

Black Spanish Hitler commands you: "pound my ass!"

At least, it looks like Hitler. All the facial features are the same, the teutonic block-head, the furrowed brow, the bristling toothbrush moustache. But aside from that, nothing could be more different about this alluring creature. He flicks his long blonde hair back, eyeing you coyly over his shoulder, his glistening ebony back muscles dancing in the Mediterranean sun. You move atop him and grab his firm D-cup breasts.

"The south shall rise again." You whisper as you part his cheeks and slide your love sausage deep into his goop hole.

Ahh yes going through every single line of dialogue in Tali's extremely limited and non-romantic interactions in Mass Effect 1 and crying together with Yea Forums about how she'll never be romanceable back in 2008, those were the times. Those were the times.

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I value trust. Doing things behind my back when shes trying to show how friendly she is shows how sinister she really is. Why didnt she talk about it? Because she knew what she was doing is wrong and/or it wouldn’t be allowed to share the tech.
Tech see

That ship is in mass effect 3, not 2

It's in 3. It could be from SR2 or they salvaged the original crash site. Either way we didn't stop her from studying our tech or forbid her from taking to her people.

If worse comes to show, Shepard and engineer Adams deserve that court martialling.

>letting Yea Forums influence your view on women
You spineless worm.

>trusting Yea Forums over your own instincts
Literally only yourself to blame

She leaks confidential design specs of the Normandy to her gypsy flotilla. I took every opportunity to make her mandatory stay with the crew shit.

That’s what happens when you don’t follow your gut

I was turned on by Tali saying I'd given her a cold.

It was like putting a baby in her.

I've learnt my lesson, most of the time Yea Forums has alright taste but I let the sheer autism of talifags convince me

forgot image

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>the virgin human thot selling bath water
>the chad quarian gf letting you lick off her sweat


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You do realize you can just lick the sweat of humans too?

He does it for free

Yeah but human sweat is not a drug nor a performance enhancer

Isn't she the one who masturbates while thinking about MC?

H-how did you?

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Don't we all?
Tali is just another Yea Forumsermin

>Faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws!
>Nothing's faster than Chatika vas Paus!
What did Bioware mean by this?

Attached: Hmmm.jpg (218x444, 37K)

>Go for the optics, Chatika! Go for the optics!

>want to play the OT again
>have to suffer through ME1's shitty gunplay
>it has better writing than 2 and 3
It hurts

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>create a character with a mask
>people start imagining how she really looks
>people start getting attached to their imagined image of Tali
>BioWare steps in
>Hey let's give the player a fucking picture of her
>It looks like a fucking stock photo of a regular women
I'm getting autistic about that but if you want to give her a face anyway, don't give her a fucking helmet for 2 games.

That's another Baldur's Gate reference
>Go for the eyes, boo. Go for the eyes!
Why is Tali the only character that has Baldur's Gate references? Was Weekes some sort of mega Baldur's Gate fan or something? He didn't work on it unlike Karpyshan

Tali is for Legion!

>tfw no fem turian and fem quarian threesome

Do you think females of such species have penises?
That would be really funny haha...

What sense would that make?

>Do you think females of such species have penises?

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To impregnate other females... Kind of like snails do.
Or maybe also males by accident

>Playing through the franchise for the first time
>Romanced Liara in 1
>Stayed loyal in 2
>Get to 3 and she might as well not exist despite still romancing her.

I regret not jumping on Garrus the first time I could. Infinitely better character than Liara. Feels like there's nothing left of her from . Hell, besides Garrus, I've enjoyed nothing from ME3 so far, not even rho mediocre at best gunplay. Like, I knew it was bad before getting into it, but, this is legitimately awful and getting worse by the mission. I really just want to dip, but, I've put 120 hours into this so far so I might as well make myself miserable to the end since I'm sure I'm not that far from the end.
I just met Kai Leng again. This is really the ultimate bad ass? The guy who fucking lost to crippled Thane? Holy shit that left such a sour taste in my mouth I had to quit out of the game. Whoever wrote this game needs to be taken out back and shot.

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When they introduced him he actually was actually a competent character. Nearly Shepard's match. Then another writer took over and for whatever reason turned him into this joke.

From: Asari Military Command

Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.


That's because Karpyshyn wrote the book he's introduced in.

>Tali will never shit into your mouth

>Decide I'm finally going to play ME2 after having buying it on sale 6 years ago
>Some nigger has made a HD Texture mod
>Has a gay install launcher to repack .dds files into a container and is packaged to make doing it manually painful
>It doesn't fucking work and just spits error at me about being out of date, being unable to connect or I'm using the wrong file structure
Why is it Bethesda games attract autistic savants and Bioware games just autistic retards

Attached: 1549028914970.png (389x408, 311K)

>He can't use ALOT
He can't use ALOT
>He can't use ALOT
He can't use ALOT
>He can't use ALOT
He can't use ALOT
>He can't use ALOT

How does it feel to be actually retarded?

>Can't handle older graphics
Tali would still be cute in 8 bits

I didn't read the books so this came out of left field for me. I don't think I really want to read any extra material from the universe despite loving the world. Mass Effect 3 has been that bad for me.

I've seen this posted before. I never understood it till now. I just hope there's an option to kill him later. I don't care if I've done mostly Paragon up till now, I will put him into the dirt instantly.

Attached: file.png (225x225, 41K)

Read Karpyshan's books, He was the Lead writer for ME1
>Mass Effect Revelation
About Anderson's Spectre Candidacy

Kai is a huge mistake that disappear after you kick his ass once and for all. I can't believe that Thane died because of this edgelord, fuck.

>just hope there's an option to kill him later
Oh, there is.

Also this

She's a teacher now.

I'm not going to read a fucking tutorial for some autistic launcher that should simply open and repack like every other bioware HD pack did
It's autistically obtuse

God help us all

>choosing spic manshep over god tier femshep
>choosing xeno scum over a perfect human specimen
hope u get slaughtered by reapers, xenofags

Attached: commander_shepard_by_magicnaanavi-d6ohwy6.jpg (1920x1080, 1.3M)

Who else didn't fuck nobody in Mass Effect?

Everytime I play a RPG, I play as myself, and since I know I will die virgin, I didn't have sex with nobody in ME 1, 2 and 3. Even when people simple asked me to fuck them.

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>read a fucking tutorial
are talking about some other texture pack or something?
Just use this

I hope your a woman user.


Commander Shepard

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No Miranda I haven't seen your sister

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>implying Miri wouldn't know

shut the fuck up

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and approve
>Can't have kids
>Clone might be able to

I'll try to look into it then. ME1's world and characters were really engaging for a space opera. That's honestly what kept me fueled through ME2 and 3 up till now. Did he stop working on the series altogether by 2? I thought the writing in 2, especially during the DLC bits, wavered quite a lot.

I know I'm definitely upset about it. I knew it was only a matter of time for Thane though. Just sucks to be used to push one of the worst characters I've seen in a video game.

Best news I've heard all day.

He started on two, but someone got him replaced with Mac Walters.
He and a guy name Chris l'Etoile did all the majority of the world building. Nether survived all the way through the Development cycle for ME2.
Chris spoke a bit about this by saying that there was a lot of interference by people who got paid a lot more than he did during 2, until he left the project.

Absolutely disgusting

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Bioware only learned how to make neck seams in ME3 lmao

Someone, post Liara

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Would you a squid?

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post cute Liara
no lewds allowed

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If they looked like this

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Not sure why, but I've always been sort of attracted to these simplistic representations of faces. I think Tali got me started on it. Another example would be Taokaka, or Eve from Wall-e. Does anyone else feel similarly?

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Tali leaked the engine schematics

Masks and facelessness are good fetishes

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I feel you, eyes are really emotive and cute

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Thanks for the information. Is there an interview or anything out there? I definitely want to read more about it. I heard a friend of mine mention the original writers went the direction they wanted to take the series, but, haven't looked because I didn't want to be spoiled.

Yes. The FROGS from MGS 4 gets me hard as a rock.

Attached: Haven_TrooperMGS4.jpg (580x1100, 78K)

Kill Wrex
Leave Ashley on Virmire
Romance Liara in me1 taking her virginity
Let the council die
Destroy Maelon's data
One night stand with Jack in me2
Romance Tali in me2 taking her virginity
Don't activate Legion
Get Jacob killed during the suicide mission
Destroy the collector base
Sabotage the genophage cure and Mordin survives because Wreav is a cuck
Kill Kaidan during the Cerberus coup
Dump Tali when Rannoch starts
Let the Geth genocide the Quarians causing Tali to kill herself
Romance Liara again
Shoot the Illusive Man
Destroy ending

Attached: the chad renegade.jpg (362x389, 18K)

the man
the legend

>mfw that's all I really play Warframe for

Attached: wisp.webm (720x450, 2.79M)

So close, but then you screwed it up
>Romance Liara again

>Tyrone Shepard, Earthborn, Ruthless
>The baddest, blackest Canadian in the Milky Way
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Kill Rachni Queen
>Virmire Kaidan
>Kill Council
>Pick Udina for Council
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Shoot Conrad on foot, dies later
>Kill Samara over Morinth
>No ship upgrades
>Crew gets kidnapped
>Do a bunch of random assignments and take my sweet time
>Go through the Omega 4 Relay
>Jack eats a lazor, dies
>Kasumi gets blasted, dies
>Thane gets impaled, dies
>Volunteer Jacob to vents, dies
>Legion leads distraction team, dies
>Garrus escorts Chakwas back, dies
>Cocky Miranda holds biotic bubble, Tali gets seeker swarmed and dies
>Kill babby Reaper, Mordin in squad dies
>Miranda leading the ground team dies, Grunt too
>Shepard makes it out alive
>Keep the base
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Tell Allers to fuck off, later dies
>Don't recuit Javik
>Sabotage Genophage cure, kill Padok Wiks
>Female Krogan dies
>Kill Wrex in confrontation
>Kill Ashley during the coup
>Kill Udina
>Genocide Quarians over Geth
>Kill banshee Morinth
>Low EMS, Vega and Liara die on the beam run
>Kill Illusive Man
>Pick Destroy, wipe geth, EDI
>Shepard dies
>Only Zaeed made it out alive that day

Attached: 1564481418595.jpg (1024x576, 62K)

Chromossomes to spare.

the way it goes it
you see there's no new convo options
>I should go

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>letting miranda live

>Miranda racist
>Miranda bad

Attached: 1547668720959.jpg (801x500, 90K)


Chris l'Etoile used to have unofficial Mass Effect dev diaries on but that site is dead now and I haven't been able to find an archive of it.
Here's an archive of someone quoting several paragraphs of some of stuff Chris had to say, some of it is quite interesting.

Kek, absolute madmen

People think Miranda is a space Nazi? I just hate her because of the annoying accent and how ugly she is.

>has an absentee father
>hump and dumps Miranda
>cheats on femshep if you romance him
>has another woman by the time Shepard shows up 6 months later
How did Bioware get away with making such a stereotypical black guy? Its hilarious

Attached: jacob taylor.png (884x878, 810K)

>space nazi
the only two characters i heard complaining about her is Jack and Tali, they called her a Cerberus cheerleader, that's all

She's uniform change away from being an SS officer

Armored faces like in the Souls series are also good.

Attached: dancer.png (1920x1724, 781K)

Absolute based and redpilled

I'm another user, but thanks anyway

>She's uniform change away from being an SS officer
Only about 10% of SS officers had anything to do with internment camps.

>giving a shit about keeping tech secret when giant space squids are coming to kill you all


nevar 5get

Attached: MANLET BRIGADE.png (976x934, 1.03M)

father was actually around until he was 18, and had a good impact on Jacob's life (until his loyalty mission)

Head is noticeably smaller than Shep. Still pretty small even with this change though

Sheppard is actually perfectly scaled "8 heads tall".

*tip tap tip tap*

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>andromeda's lead up and release was a glorious event of unrelenting mockery
>Anthem barely got a week before people forgot
Bioware can't even manage to fuck up properly anymore

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We're just witnessing what happens when crony capitalism takes over the gaming industry

>ywn experience this but with giant Tali instead

Fuck off Jim Sterling

It's true though. At its heart the gaming industry used to be almost entirely composed of people who lived breathed and shit videogames. Now after years and years of displacement the only thing that's left is the names of once industry giants. You can't just "buy" quality and loyalty, and we're seeing what happens when an entire industry has been hijacked by people who solve their problems by throwing money at them.

Has Ryder been given an official height yet? Maleshep is supposed to be 6'3" and Femshep 5'10" iirc

He's nearly 6 foot even

>not killing wrex in me1

>femShep can't date Tali

If you aren't a xenophile you don't belong on Yea Forums.

>Normies and Trannies loves Tali
>R34fags loves Miranda
>The Patrician and canon choice was always Jackie Subject-Zero

Killing him in 3 is more poignant

Tali's VA refused to voice it

Wow. What a bitch.

user I adore femshep but bro

Attached: Mark-Vanderloo-GQ-China-August-2014-Editorial-003.jpg (700x933, 207K)

Nope, Biowhore drank on Anita and Zoe Quin's Kool aid and EA being the mogul idiots that they are, hired Idiot sillicon valley, NY and seattle activists instead of storytellers, artists and coders
enjoy your yuri

We have a word for all you "-philes" now, cumbraιn

Leave it to the degenerate poles to somehow come out on top again

It's much bigger than the writing teams at this point user. Gamergate was half a decade ago.

It was a mix of both.
At the top in EA, you had greedy retards that axed expensive people and hacked the games to pieces in order to sell it back, and marketers that used the current year hot topic of the day as a shield for criticism.
In Bioware's management you had a collection of toadies, inexeperienced people way over their heads, and a few competent people who hadn't quit managing to prop them up.
At the QA stage you had people that were completely ignored and possibly didn't even exist.
At Bioware's bottom, you had the cheapest code monkeys, diversity hires and general incompetents

>Nope, Biowhore drank on Anita and Zoe Quin's Kool aid
I think Arynn Flynn drank that cool aid, always referred to Shepard as 'she' and was always trying to canonize Shepard as such. But as of Last year he's been replaced with Casey Hudson, who may have fucked up the ending for ME3 but he has always referred to Shepard as a he. Also Hudson has said in interviews that he liked the indoctrination theory.

Your mind fills in the blanks and you see something that appeals more to you.

>go to his twitter
>instead of thanking god for his city being a socialist hellhole he's thanking Darwin

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Joker a bro

Tyrone Shepard efficiently ensured maximum butthurt

Good for her might actually pick her now.


Attached: ashley.png (500x549, 480K)

>god tier

Attached: markvanderloo.jpg (650x878, 114K)

They fucked her face right up in 3 though, looks like a crack addict

Attached: MassEffect3_2018-07-10_21-39-05.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)


True. I had to mod her ME1 face back in as soon as possible.

>tranny in a catsuit
She needs the virmirepill

You guys ever think silicon valley will lose this stranglehold they have on everything? Wouldn't it be something to see a game on the horizon everyone can be excited for again? I kinda miss seeing the internet as a whole look forward to something rather then just LGBT+ groups defending poor decisions as they're used as useful idiots.

You can go pretty far back actually, 2010-2011? and find an image of EA using the rainbow flag as a shield to be a precursor to their current practices of avoiding criticism.

Go back to reddi

>You guys ever think silicon valley will lose this stranglehold they have on everything?
Not without congressional intervention. THe shittiness of the situation is that the west coast controls everything, not just videogames. So if you go in there shaking a baton there will be war. The problem is, maybe that's what we need.


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I used the space to make a break in a longer statement, I've been a fag on 4chinz since before you were born. If your feelings were hurt feel free to suck me off to help ease the pain.

what do you think her braps smell like

Mass effect 3's romance were reddit tier

salty coins and milk

And all of this shit started in the late 80' when the dems manipulated The Elections there and rigged everything.
i kinda wish that trump gets his second mandate so The will all seethe and try to secede from the US.

when are they gonna sell a fucking goty version of the 3 games with all dlcs? srsly money would rain over them

Attached: Mass_Effect_Comic___Boss_Rush___by_Badspot.jpg (850x2584, 455K)

>And all of this shit started in the late 80'
Try 60's.

That would be something wouldn't it, a shake up if you will. Send in some busybodies who are intent on shaking up the system in Silicon Valley and be extremely loud online about it. The support would be there since the many who are silenced now are desperate for a flag to get behind. Hell it's always been there but these parasites basically infected the industry from the inside.

The people on the coast are so brainwashed I doubt they'd do anything but light a few trashcans on fire. Even the most conservative suburbanites pale in comparison to a moderate from middle america.

Best one is femshep/kaidan

femshep is shit until the 3rd game tho, even with mods you cant make her look desirable in any way.
3rd game got a big upgrade in that department however, can actually get her close to the box art

She has the best ass, tho

Literally the PS3 trilogy includes all DLC.

I fucked around with the headmorphs and hex codes and got a decent looking face.

man for the shitshow that was me3's story
that fucking DLC man, the writers knocked that shit out of the park
Leviathan actually made the reapers interesting and finally gave you an understanding of their backstory and origin
the Citadel Leave DLC feels like im in some of the best sci-fi show episodes ever, the entire thing is fucking hilarious, plus ya boy Wrex returns

Mass Effect would have been better if they went more with the star trek theme instead of 80's scifi action doomsday

I still say me3 multiplayer was fun

the reapers were never going to be interestnig and never were, the moment they wrote themselves into the corner of "humans can't understand their motivations" they set them up for failure, unfortunately bioware has always sucked and been very generic with their overall story, the characters and smaller stuff was what they were good at

Even in the 3rd game she's shitty. Hale is a hack that ruins anything good femshep could have.

Is ME3 on wiiU a passable port? I’m thinking of getting it for the novelty

and time and space and even life itself

Attached: 2pydxc0.jpg (1599x947, 170K)

It's real?

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nope, leaves out arrival, and me1 on the ps3 is a god awful port

Bioware's writing team in the early 2010s was surprisingly good at comedy.
If they'd branched off to making light hearted adventure games, they'd probably be making bank. God knows we could use some light sci fi that graps you can do more with dialogue than just copy capeshit

I always love this picture its peak wholesome

Comedy has been outlawed, now the only jokes you can make are ones mocking Republicans in general and Trump in particular

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I just want one fucking writer that can do something light hearted without shamelessly ripping off Joss Whedon at his absolute worst.

Honestly the ME3 DLC reminds me of Dead Space 3's DLC. You could tell in it what could have been, but it was still ruined.


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>no little blue babies on any endings
>people so salty about ME3 the only ending mods out there are half-assed fanfic tier
its not fair bros

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Most of her biotics must be used to support those

Why does Yea Forums love Wrex the most when everyone else rides Garrus dick so fucking hard?

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>everyone else rides Garrus dick so fucking hard?
Garrus is reddit bait

>Why does Yea Forums love Wrex the most
lmao, this thread is just an anomaly honestly. most of Yea Forums are faggots who kill wrex and the krogan because they're bleeding pussies.

Garrus is just the generic straight man, Wrex has some character to him.

What is your obsession with needing to attach reddit to everything?

*hits pipe*

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Garrus is a party member in all three games and is a bro. Wrex is great but Garrus has a lot more memorable scenes.

What do you mean? Would you rather me say normie? What's your obsession with how I talk about reddit?

I'd prefer you don't post at all.

You shouldn't be calling anyone else plebbit, fag.

Wrex is an unstable moody man baby that reeees all the god damn time about his race even though he spent centuries fucking off doing what ever felt good to him.

Garrus is probably the most normie reddit tier companion in the whole game

The fuck does that even mean?

It means you keep giving him a reaction dumbass.

there you go again.

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...fuck me

>lul calibrations

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What? Everyone sucks Wrex’s cock.

>he still thinks this is about Garrus
the problem is you, fag.

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Dextros, man

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This is Garrus, he is my danger noodle and has a calibrator in his terrarium — Gin
>Garrus is a good guy
>He’s a friend first
>He’s vulnerable
>His cute awkwardness
>He literally researches how to bone you
>Basically everything

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Yea Forums loves thane at least right?

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He's alright, his missions are terrible though



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Hate him. He's useless and basically alien Carth.

But he's an assassin user your right hand.

You made Anderson punch Udina, right?

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Udina did nothing wrong

This is true, my sister loves Mass Effect and always romances Garrus.

>Zaeed's Feed n Seed

there aren't exactly a lot of other options

There's Car-
There's Tha-
There's Jac...


>play on insanity
>go rescue Liars
>get repeatedly raped by the Krogan Battlemaster
>had to cheat to kill him

I feel dirty bros.

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I love his recruitment mission. Fantastic level design, in my opinion.

that's 16 bit

It's like lesbian femshep is canon or some shit. I always go for Kaidan.

More like Liara is canon regardless of Shepards gender.


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>self-centered bitch
checks out

Her Mary Sue writer's pet personality annoys me to no end. And you're right.

I don't know about Mary Sue. She's weak as shit and not real good at anything besides learning.

I'm a Tali Man
But one playthrough I went with Jack.
You were mistaken for not going with Jack. She is hot, yet cute during romance.

>It is a fucking stock photo of a regular women ripped off google images

ftfy really, it is. I don't have it but there's an image floating around of someone google-searching the model's name on google and that image was the FIRST to appear

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it's a shame that her actual romance sex scene is so much worse than the one you can have right from the start

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Can we talk about best girl in franchise?
Andromeda was shit but I liked 80% of the writing (mostly the crew interaction) and Vetra is pure QT

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>best girl in franchise?
Not a single thing from Andromeda can be considered "best in the franchise." It's not even in those fights.


Come oooonnn, you didn't like Vetra at all? She's a combination of Tali (when romanced), Jack (when mad) and is a Female Garrus.
It's the best of everything.

You think this is bad, google search "winter space" and look at one of the first three images.

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I didn't say there couldn't be decent parts. Just that none of that game is even in contention for the "best of" in any section of the franchise. Turian chicks are actually pretty qt most of the time.

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Vetra sucks, senpai

Use the pillar things and spam all your powers every time he charges at you.

It's hard but it isn't impossible.

Fair enough, though I'd like to hear opinons on why!
Second verse same as the verse- Why?

She's a fucking bird.

>Marauder Shields

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Women ruined Garrus. You fucking slag witches.

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Probably for the very reason you praised her: Instead of being her own character she is a watered down version of 3 different characters.
I enjoyed her family issues a lot more than Miranda's, however.

Also, she got it rough by being part of Andromeda in the first place.

she'll mutilate your pecker if you ask her to suck you off with that beak.

Aliens are not for sexual.

Fair enough. I would argue that a lot of characters can be discredited if you just apply their assets as just "based on others".

I didn't compare to others when first playing and romancing her. She was just fun by herself.

Worth it

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They just want to cuddle him.
I remember playing ME with my sister and she'd always lean on me and go "Awwww" during the Garrus romance scenes.

>I would argue that a lot of characters can be discredited if you just apply their assets as just "based on others"
Oh, you can totally say that about any of the Andromeda companions. Hell, even the original trilogy has that problem.

>cuddle him
Like they would a cat since he kinda looks like a birdcat.
Not exchanging bodily fluids and possibly die from it.

That's a weird picture of Ashley user

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I like her because there's no other likable female in the whole game.

What the hell is going on?

Once I realized that was Carth's voice it ruined the character for me.
And made me want to play KOTOR.
Mass Effect is great but the gunplay/inventory/UI was so shitty I was half-tempted to drop it and play KOTOR for the 50th time.

Bestiality. Varren fucking Miranda.
Yeah that's also 100% true. I almost wanted to go gay

>tali's romance was so bad one autist actually went and redid the entire fucking thing.

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Marauder shields was the best thing to come out of me3

I'm more of a Marauder Health kinda guy

>is actually the best romance in the series

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Disgusted: You disgust me.

For every male incel there's 10 women incels.
>For all that awkward sex talk in ME2, the relationship's climax in ME3 isn't in the bedroom. It's right before the final battle, when you finally get to see just how much Garrus loves Shepard.
>Romancing Garrus brings out so much emotion that I just can't complete the game. After talking to him on Earth, I just couldn't bear the thought of leaving him alone. I haven't picked the game back up since then. It is really quite a powerful romance.
> I legitimately cried when I finished the game with the EC and all the DLCs. Shepard and Garrus have such great chemistry, it only makes sense that they end up together.
>It broke my heart so much I had to take a break for the day.
>Likeable, funny, and just the right amount of awkward makes for what I think is the best FemShep romance. Garrus is a calibrator of hearts
>lol Garrus is very adorable in his dorktastic turian outfit when he runs to the console to put on enticing Flux music. And then he goes "I just want things to go right, just for once" and you remember what happened with his father and Dr. Saleon and Saren and his gang and Sidonis, and it's like AW YOU SAD PUPPY

Ayy the cringe bruh

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Vetra is CUTE.

Fuck off tranny

the only time it is okay to not nuke her on Virmire is if it's your first playthrough
any other time and you are either a masochist or a retard

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No one cares about your headcanon, Kaidan spammer. The guy is a shitter.

I still cannot believe how this retarded notion spread so quickly
first of all the "stolen" tech ship the quarians have is in 3, which means she got the technology from the cerberus normandy, something mind you that 2/3 of all players probably told her to do outright, and cerberus basically stole the plans in the first place.

and friendly reminder the salarians not only stole the normandy's technology but used it to make fucking dreadnaughts but no one talks about it because it doesn't shit on waifufags

>tfw no chubby quarian gf

no one seriously makes udina the councilor at the end of one right?

you mean one of the only people on the crew who has no issues and is a regular human being with biotics?

also even if you ignore ashley becoming a cunt in 2 and 3 kaidan makes more sense for the role the virmire survivor has in 3.

Why is the Normandy so special again?

tfw no salarian gf

Plot armor

It can hide its thermal signature for a few hours. Basically it's the space version of a stealth bomber.

it go stealth very good

This is the only time in the series where Ash has been remotely attractive.

He's fucking weird in me3 best kill him of early

it is impossible to make a good looking femshep that also doesn't shit the bed with facial animations.
use broshep or get a mod to give yourself tali's character model.
there's no other way to play the game

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It's honestly better than the alternative, where Anderson can't get the job done, retires in disgrace and Udina just becomes the councilor anyway.

May as well just let Udina have it from the get-go, and Anderson can go on in blissful ignorance thinking he would have done a better job.

I'll take weird versus a giant cunt thanks
and if you mean the
>becomes bisexual
I do not understand how people still don't get that that dialogue isn't as overtly romantic if you lock in your romance before talking to him.
>where Anderson can't get the job done, retires in disgrace and Udina just becomes the councilor anyway.
he didn't retire in disgrace though, he himself decided to step down

The child is the exact same model as the man, just scaled down.

>he himself decided to step down
Because he couldn't fucking cut it. He admits himself that he was never suited to the job.

It amazes me that they never fixed this, even with the "improved" ending.

There is more than one "spammer", cunt

I always found that funny. Just like in dialogues with Jack in ME2 Shepard is so obviously scaled the steps behind him in certain angles become comically out of proportions.

Post more bird chicks.

Pun intended.

>I'll take weird versus a giant cunt thanks
and if you mean becomes bisexual

Kaiden in me3 I don't how how to explain it but I can take ashely more seriously then kaiden desu.

A drunken tranny in a catsuit?

Delete this

>A drunken tranny in a catsuit?
She's no tranny desu

Best Andromeda girl (low fucking bar though). To bad they skimped on the love scene because Bioware are lazy animators and they decided to spend all their effort on the Richard-Nixon-faced Asari-weeb.

Wait are they just called Quarians because it sounds like "quarantine"?

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I haven't and never will plaY Andromeda, but even I can see Vektra is a great girl.

It has the largest eezo drive size to overall ship size ratio of any ship in the galaxy for one thing

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Why did they give her such a fat ass?

Because it makes my dick happy

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I didn't romance anyone until Traynor in 3

Because she's not immune to hunger.

Tali has a nice eezo drive there if you know what I mean

>A fucking alien
ME fags have the wrost fetishes among gamers. (I mean, besides homossexuals)

Did he add custom sex scenes like modders did in DAO?

He did, actually.

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What about the other characters?

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There's one for Miranda that includes a sex scene and makes her full on recruitable. The other is a mod that keeps Thane alive, gives him new dialogue, new scenes, and more of him being a dad to Kolyat.

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How difficult is it to install that mod and get it running properly? I know Mass Effect isn't generally agreeable to modding

Garrus is top bro, Wrex is 2nd best bro.

>instantly dies

Garrus is a pathetic shell of what he was in 1, and Wrex does a 180 on everything that made him interesting in 1+2.

It's actually pretty easy. Cool guys make it a "dlc"-type mod where it's drag and drop + using the game utility to verify files. Done. Other's might add more hoops but generally everything is straight forward and most things work with ALOT or just custom install right before it.

This, Garrus became "le wacky autist" and Wrex grew a conscience just so there was an excuse as to why he wasn't helping you save the universe.

Space STD

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Took a while to see Jack posted... but it was well worth. Source?

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>canon choice
>Wholesome christian girl
>wary of other races and knows foreigners can't be trusted
Waifu-tier as fuck. Table-dancing tart Miranda lovers BTFO.

It's weird how you actually have to work for her romance but the blue bitch with tentacles wants to fuck after one conversation

really effects my mass

The only one getting sick is her, from an overdose of semen.

What's truly amazing is that they even had the perfect image on file to fix it with, it keeps the general idea and is less lazy, I've no idea why they even made the shitty photoshop. Also Tali taking her helmet off and taking a selfie makes a lot more sense than having a photo shoot or whatever the photo they put into the game was supposed to be.

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Vetra is very underrated. Too bad she was in such a shit game.

Something about Liara's blue eyes and blue skin that melts me. She looks like she'd let you skull fuck her too and be really submissive about it.

>but the blue bitch with tentacles wants to fuck after one conversation
Liara's in the maiden phase of Asari life as she's around 120. She's going through what is essentially the Asari version of puberty whereas Ashley is a fully matured human who isn't dealing with raging hormones. For all of Bioware's faults, Karpyshyn was really good at the little details.

>Table-dancing tart Miranda
Don't be like that user.

pretty much this
>considered barely above a child in Asari terms
>awkward introvert who isn't good with dealing with people and is a virgin
>shepard not only hot as fuck but personally responsible for saving her and then chadding it up the entire game
is it any wonder she was lovestruck?

It's worth noting that in ME3 she's the only one that gets the idea to ask Shepard the big question; "What did you see when you died?" They cut it (though the audio's still in the files) because they thought it would be offensive (Shepard auto-answered with "nothing"), because instead of giving players the choice of answering what way they wanted, they just decided to take the road of convenience.

>She's going through what is essentially the Asari version of puberty
No she's not, they sexually mature at the same rate as humans, she's just a 100 year old virgin

would you?

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Don't act like an authority when you don't know shit.
>she's around 120
Nope 106 in ME1, 109 in ME3 she states her age in both games.
>Asari version of puberty
That's not true that happens when Asari are in their 40s. As detailed with Samara's children, which all find out they are Ardat Yakshi when sex melding in that period.
Liara was just a femcel who was waiting for the right person to come along.

Space it? yes!!!!

I want moar

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wish you could side with the cerberus guy and send this cunt back to the whorehouse where she belongs

>holds the kiss longer and looks embarrassed for femshep

>Tali has a nice eezo drive there if you know what I mean
What did he mean by this?

It's because she got the gay, but can't resist the Chad.

Quarians have a fourth hole

Did you know that a recent study I found on the extranet found that relationships between Human males and Quarian females were actually more emotionally healthy and stable than with their own species? I thought that was interesting.

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Remember when Tali's VA refused a lesbian romance Yea Forums?
Why didn't Bioware care then?

Because it was a woman

because it was 2008 back before LGBT stuff had majority approval let alone the 60% of today so a person not wanting to voice that wasn't going to auto get shit on. people forget the fact that that was the year California voted for prop 8


she knew that Tali x male Shepard is the real otp

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Is your sister into hot alien dicks? You should bond over your love of xenostuff. No lewd.

Quarian females could make bank by selling bottled samples of the air from inside their suits for people to huff.

>That reinstall uninstall
Damn someone is thirsty

>Shepard is dead
She has no reason for it anymore and will never fuck anyone aside from him
>Shepard is alive

Andromeda was shit. What a shitty game

come home earth man

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Kind of surreal just how crazy shit got in a little over 10 years when you think about it.

I'm surprised this thread has gone this long without any KROGAN COCK SO GOOD

Millennials and Gen Z were supposed to bring balanc to the planet, not leave it in shit