Was Stacked-Jack right?

Was Stacked-Jack right?

Why is there stigma for adults with nintendo handhelds?

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He pretty much was. 20-something nintentards are not self-respecting. In fact they feel that being self-respecting is white supremacy.

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No, and that's why they got cucked with the vita.

Nah, nowadays kids play with iPhones and tablets, teens play Battle Royale shit on laptops and only young adulta and boomers play actual vidya

They stopped supporting it. Sony in a nutshell. Just like they did with the PSVR.

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>No self-respecting twenty-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those.
I do if I'm with my gf, but otherwise I do feel a twinge of embarrassment and it's enough not to bring it out. I usually just read.

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He said and then Sony engaged in an even bigger stigma of catering to retarded game bloggers.

>Grown man with a leap pad.

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Nintendo vloggers just kill themselves.

The stigma is for gates with cute mascots, i.e. "Bing Bing Wahoo"

>Nintendo solving the vlogger problem
Based as fuck, thanks Nintendo!

Had to google that shit, but you just came out as a console warrior faglord, since I meant vidya in general and not just Switch, so back at ya.

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Do any of you read actively in this thread?
No, manga & comic books don't count.

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the stigma isn't actually real, just desperate snoyfags COPING hard.

I wish that were me.

I read some fictions now and then but generally for biographical content I just use videos on u2b or netflix or somethin.

So that's 1 no for reading.

>their games are for children
>while our games are mature
>proceeds to release DOA Vita full of weeb garbage

Look at this sad fuck thinking his making a stealthy epin nintensoy thread.
When Will Sonybros cope?

Those bright red and blue joycons are doing it no favors to make it look like an adult's piece of entertainment. Greasy manchild gamers in general are attracted to bright colors and body odor though.

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Nintendies can't meme.

Which is why grey is the most popular color?
Snoyfag rapes himself with his own COPING, LOL

>Why is there stigma for adults with nintendo handhelds?
There's really not outside this autism box. The real fact is that almost no one gives a shit what you're doing as long as it's:
A.) Not illegal
B.) If you're in public, it's not noisy or overtly disruptive to the public peace.
Beyond that, a majority of people don't give a fuck and are only paying attention to themselves.
The only people that do are a handful of mentally fucked people that would disturb the public peace over it, or the ones that would be on the illegal side because they want to steal it from you.
It's the same shit as those cartoons trying to act like any modern technology is the devil.

>He writes as he post animu Loli reaction pic
And why the fuck did you reply to me
I said, I was talking about vidya in general as in Sony Nintendo and Microsoft/PC shit.
Your console warring fagotry does not affect me, in fact it just makes you the laughing stock.

Which one of your baby sitter streamers told you that lie?

>No self-respecting twenty-something
Yes, he was right, if you play videogames in public and you're older than 14 you have a huge manchild problem.

>Can't help but think anyone posting in retarded console war shit is a retard
>Travel home for a week to see my folks
>They're doing the same shit, except it's Hilary and Trump
I, too, am a retard. Who do I side with? Sony or Nintendo? What are the pros and cons of each?

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>snoyfag COPING so hard he has to deny reality when it doesn't fit his so(n)y filled narrative

>spend all my life playing videa
>played videa in public once and it was at cottage house when everyone else was asleep
I'm convinced that you have to have some kind of autism level to be playing shit in public if you are a legal adult

>missed the irony.
Pretty underwhelming (you).

He only said the truth

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Just give up faggot, everyone is destroying you in your own shit thread

I've never seen a self-respecting nintendie over 18, they all look fat, ugly, and like emasculated losers, and people who have any self-respect don't look like that.

*sniff sniff*
oh no...
what is that smell!

based quentin tearing assholes even after the permaban.

sounds like snoyfag COPE, but okay.

You shitting yourself in baby anger

based quentin



Nah, sounds like an accurate description of the entire SMASH scene if we add bad body odor to the equation.

Again, that pretty much seems like a snoyfag SEETHING and crying really hard.

I'd be seething and crying hard too if i was met with the body odor of nintendies, it's worse than peeling onions.

basically this
I don't give a fuck what do you as long as I can't hear it
a year or two ago I went to Denny's and got seated behind an elderly couple with (presumably) their grandchild, 6-8-ish, who was glued to her tablet the entire time and watched the most god awful kiddie youtube videos at max fucking volume and howled like a BANSHEE when the grandparents, then the waitress, asked her to turn it down.
I judged the FUCK out of her.
Age doesn't matter.

Yea Forums is my home board, so of course I don't read.

>Mfw Snoy newfags don't even know Quentin smoked the marijuanas and played the Bing Bing wahoo

It's funny un so many levels

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Like a sonic feet fetishist has any weight on criticizing what is seen childish in public.
Just play vidya if you feel like it, reading a book is still better way to pass time though

Boy, did this shit age like milk


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I bet you don't respect yourself.

I really miss him. After he left, PlayStation's policy instantly took a shitdive

>Video game manufacturer are the same as political candidates
Oh the joys of being underage

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You should be reading books related to your field of expertise and develop your work specialization skills.

>The same man who said he'd buy a PS3 for 1200 bucks if it'd sat on shelves for more than five minutes
>The same man that trashed the Wii despite it dominating the PS3

Define respect?

He’s actually smart user.
Both are trivial choices that really only serve to signal to various in-groups. That being said.
Nintendo and Hildawg

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Since I'm a cheapfag I take the Metro every weekday for work (my employer pays for my Metro transit). It is insane how many fucks either listen to their absolutely fuckawful music without headphones or play it so loud through headphones it can be heard by others clearly. Why is it that only people with shit taste in music blast it loudly, anyway?

Caring about how others preceive you.

>self respect
>any gamer

Wooly axiomatic logic there

thats another one for the folder

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>Both are trivial choices
>doesn't understand the context of the image I posted
Not really shocking that someone who knows nothing of the world would assume that Hilary and Trump are basically the same person

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This guy truly doesn't know shit about the industry when in the late 80s early 90s every body and they grandmas where playing Tetris on the GameBoy, grown man who had to travel for business on planes played Tetris to pass the time, Moms in bank lines played it, teens, every fucking body played with that shit, is not about the console but the games.

Snoyboys can't cope