Lets make new friends and judge other peoples profile pictures, i'll start
Steam profiles lets go
Other urls found in this thread:
>gay ass quote
>tfw when your IP range is STILL BANNED from uploading files FOR NO REASON.
If that's really your profile OP then I suggest you seek help for your issues.
Also Estonia is not a real country and will hopefully be annexed by Putin soon.
ibsuggeat yovu sotop
teyinf to impress peole on v u fuxking retardd
add me up losers
>If you're coming here from Yea Forums
also 229 hours in cave story, wtf...
>1,195 hours in Lisa
Same here
Fuck Yea Forums
I've been banned for the last two months nearly. It was lifted at one point, but only lasted a couple of days. Sort your shit out mods, I ain't paying for your shitty pass.
did he just leave the game open or something?
It must be intentional. I could understand if it was at like 50-100 hours, but 1000+? I don't have a single game with 1000+ hours on steam.
I did that to avoid having to log into FFXIV every time, especially before the expansion dropped and there was no afk disconnection timer.
Went over 1k hours of play time in like 3 months.
i've got over a thousand hours on 3 games you're just not a real gamer bro
>level 100
fuck living in finland. Both my home internet and my mobile are rangebanned
ya, got like 78 levels from the summer event, and liked the gray border
roast my ass and lets play some rocket league you fucking degens
>928 games
>6.2 hours past 2 weeks
You have a problem m8
Could be a lot worse/10
Like a 4
I'm sure I have a few in some non steam games, but Lisa of all things... really?
Judge me.
i dont only use steam but if i find a game i like enough i can play it for 100+ hours in less than a week
well to be honest half of my games are from all those old humble bundles and werent worth playing more than 10 minutes of
4/10, would be worse if your games were worse, the profile is pretty terrible but not enough to question humanity like some others
here's mine
all these unironic ironic weaboo-ness
seek Jesus
Lol get a switch poor fag
>i can play it for 100+ hours in less than a week
you're not helping your case
Blame frogposters using your IP range
then what is supposed to be the problem
How's the game these days? Is scythe still stupid broken?
I do play Smash too user
>99% completion of that many games
Why and how?
steam achievement manager.
Scythe's fine, the devs still don't know what the hell they are supposed to do with balance and are doing lots of weird buff and nerfs tho
Lance is still bottom and is one of the easiest weapons to wait out
But the game is way better now than before although it still feels like a kusoge
There's a hack that makes you get achievements in games.
Your profile is actually very cool.
The fact you are from Vatican is the cherry on top.
>God Hand
not gay
>Billy Mays
not gay but would be 15 years ago
>678 games
>Deadly Premonition badge
game : not gay, badge : gay
Conclusion : 50% fag
Does anyone else see it as a massive red flag for someone's steam profile to be too groomed?
It's (you) once again
red flag for what? you're not vetting them for a fucking job.
it's a fucking social media profile essentially, people like to dress them up because they can.
you giving a shit about anyone else's profile is more unhealthy than the weebs who spend hours on their page.
I guess it's still dead enough hours, fuck it.
I already know what most of the responses will be anyway.
thank you
Fuck you faggot
I can only wish you could die a slow and painful death you subhuman scum
>from Vatican
you have no idea, the emoji between "habemus" and "papam" (which itself means "we have a pope") look like dead pope john paul 2nd
haha, furry :)
>Bible guidelines
Now, that's a real big red flag
>tfw you're a solid zero
2 points, both from playing dota
half a point, only because im level 80+ meh
>only have 1 which is lists PC specs
1 point, i list my pc specs and have over 80 steam level, this is the first time ive ever been a cool guy
>tfw Cool guy
What's the psychology behind listing your PC specs? Is it just bragging in a weird conspicuous consumption way? Why would anyone else care what graphics card or mouse you use?
why do private profiles make people this fucking mad?
Cool Dude club, where the fuck we @?
It's for gifting purposes of course
Judge me.
its a boomer thing, they're obsessed with pc specs because they all build their own pcs and find it interesting
>tfw 0 points
Feels good.
good taste
I see it like people who talk about their cars. It's a hobby thing I guess? People like to discuss certain parts or simply show off what they have or discuss which part is better.
Regardless, I think of all the things people put on their profiles, PC specs are pretty inoffensive. Steam is the one place where they might matter.
Anons ITT how do we update this? It's many years old now.
add social media links
remove canadian
I don't have any on that list.
Does an old medieval saying count as a philosophical quote?
If so I got:
>Private Profile (for now)
>TF2/CS:GO/Gmod (not primarily though so not sure if it counts, but it's at the top of my highest played games list)
>Custom description
>PC specs
>Instructions (because some of my friends are clingy fagggots)
I guess I am an annoying faggot according to this.
What kind of instructions? Genuinely curious what the fuck you need instructions for because of clingy friends. Never experienced that.
dunno but
>friend turned his profile in private at some point
>browse hentai games out of boredom
>"1 friend already own this game"
Posting your steam profile on Yea Forums for any reason is the biggest red flag there is.
>Too poor
>Too lonely
>Too socially retarded to make any friends
>Just pirate
Just myself.
Nah, Yea Forums can be comfy.
Surprisingly in my experience I've met some decent people on Yea Forums. I always imagined I would run into some creeper/troll but so far it's been ok. I might have ran into a bit of emotionally distraught individuals but the good people overpopulate the good people I've met so far.
I pretty much just wrote that if I am offline I am probably sick or busy with family/school and that they should stop having a mental breakdown every time I am away for ONE GODDAMN DAY without telling them
You are absolutely an annoying faggot if not worse.
To be fair. I accept that fate. Like my father says: “people are born idiots, they never become one.”
Holy shit people do that?
Just remove them.
Cum add me.
>Steam is the one place where they might matter.
The only reason you'd need to post specs is if your hardware is total garbage/integrated trash that restricts what you can play.
In that case you're better off just saying your (x) is shit and you can't play some stuff instead of listing off your specs.
I play Melty Blood and UNIST.
May or may not be a gamer.
>clock measures time
>if not time, can not be measured by clock
add me but don't expect to get frequent messages , we all max no social autismos here and should accept it
Sorry bro I don't add faggots
I don’t use Steam :-)
EGS profile threads when?
when you add me
What could go wrong
How the fuck do you even change your steam name? I tried to change it recently and it just went back to what it was before. Even tried changing it multiple times, but it kept going back to what is not even my original Steam name.
Is it because I only change my name like once every 5 years?
Also, 3 points.
>not setting your steam profile to private
>not having the most generic name possible so that no one can find you
There are some alright people on Yea Forums but it really is a hit and miss with you guys.
My better judgment tells me to never add anyone who browses this place and I never listen.
I'd never add anyone with an anime girl profile picture though. Fuck that.
As a person with an anime girl avatar you're right not to add me. We would never talk and never play with each other. I would have removed you shortly after asking why you added me. I hate people.
there are only 2 reasons why you should ever be paranoid about people "finding you" via your steam profile
>1. you act like a douche in games
>2. you play eve online
Hello fellows.
Or you look at lolicon. I do that because I'm not a good person.
sorry im using a superior store, not some nerd facebook
>attempting to justify autistic and obsessive e-stalking because somebody messed around on a video game
Guess I'm a cool guy, then. My only flaw is that I quoted a philosopher, myself
anyone that posts their steam profile ITT is cringy as fuck
>last online: 742 days ago
I plan to. They've been overwhelming the shit out of me. I'll probably give them a medieval style Inquisition kangaroo trial before doing so. Just to humiliate their sorry asses for being such clingy faggots.
Do not judge me.
I've put way too much effort into it before realising that nobody ever looks at my steam profile.
>Pony group
>Love Ryan Gosling
God, I love the goose
At least you have good taste.
And yes, that's a default danganronpa pic from steam.
I don't know where it's from, sorry senpai
How big are IP ranges btw?
About three fiddy
Idk but I got all of shark bay banned once.
That's the dumbest quote i have ever read.
No need to thank me.
Blame spammy from /heem/. It's literally all his fault.
tfw no one.
What'd you expect?
I know Moonman is like, a flagship for coon killing and racism but i legit like the mascot and i thought he looked dapper in that suit.
I dont even browse /pol/ I just like guns and suits and moonman.
fuck backgrounds and fuck illustrations
feel free to add
Don't make fun of user for having four thousand hours in Arma! It's their favorite game, don't you have a favorite game?! Arma is user's only joy in this world, he plays it so much that some times when we're hanging out together, he spouts random things from the game! Even in front of the girl he liked! It was really embarrassing for him, so don't make light of it! I wouldn't make fun of you, and neither would user! So don't do it! Don't! You should be complimenting him, that's a lot of dedication! I'm not even THAT dedicated to anything!
tfw everyone i used to play vidya with has left
"user Is down!"
"We have lost user!"
Yep, that's what I screamed into the girls face as she was trying to kiss me.
That was the first and last time any girl tried to kiss me.
buy a game so you get the 500+ badge, fuck
Buy me a game then.
Kathwa 9 AGO a las 20:50
I honestly don't know why I'm posting another one of these, but... um... I'm a 14 year old gay male. I don't have a fursona *yet*, and I enjoy anime, writing, roleplaying, and video games. Please add me if you happen to play Civ V or Neverwinter. I will only add people if we share something in common, sorry... That's just how I work. If we don't have many games in common, please leave a comment on my profile so I know what it is that we might have in common. Also, I don't want to jump into anything, I just want to meet some more people and see where it goes. Please, please, PLEASE, don't jump into anything, it's sucky when things don't work out.
Also, I'm a semi-subby bottom (I'd even consider myself a power bottom at times o//o)
Kathwa 9 AGO a las 17:41
I love how obedient you are for me, pup. You’d follow me around crawling on all fours, making a mess drooling around your gag. You’re such a good boy, aiming to please his master. You want me to tug on your leash and you, don’t you? Mount you and breed that tight little until you’re whimpering like a in heat? Well, you’ll have to be a good boy and earn your treat. Come and sit in your master’s lap. If you’re so pent up, you can get off rubbing against my thigh like the desperate little thing you are.
Kathwa 3 AGO a las 8:31
areye 30 JUL a las 22:35
ok mr. reddit friend
GOIKIIIIEEE :) 30 JUL a las 22:32
we are going to beat you to death
Kathwa 20 JUL a las 17:33
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $:
what's wrong with my comment shitposting >:(
I'm at work.
blue board
so contact Yea Forums via feedback and leave your ip and isp name. What's the issue?
>Even has eurobeat on the info
Enjoy Mac tonight, user.
I like Blake too.
"You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough."
I already have the album downloaded, but very good taste again
>1 point
I play TF2 a lot and thats just downtime when I'm not playing anything else
not bad but
open game, change windows year to 2020, enjoy your meme hours
Does that actually work? I'm too lazy to try it right now
If it works I think I'm going to get an h-game just to have 1000 hours on it
People who have over 100 games, please explain to me how it 's possible to have over like 100+ games? I have 65 and I already have too many to play
0/10 and i unironically mean that
700+ here
Sales and humble bundles. I’ve bought like 3 games full price. I also actually pirate shit, enjoy it, and then buy it.
>people who list all their stupid internet shit implying literally anyone gives a fuck
Hoarding, so like owning an entire series because one day I might give a shit
>username pastebin
yeah literally no one fucking cares you are a loser
>DR3 Hope a 7
>DR3 Despair a 5
>DR3 Future an 8
>only 61 anime
>barely any fucking manga
Jesus Christ, imagine having your shittaste.
Read everything in my 3x3 before you ever make another post even somewhat related to anime.
All caps when you spell the man name
i've been using this retarded name for months now
i think at some point i became an ironic weeb without realizing it
>Over 80(thanks Gabe for the summer event)
>emote showcase
>Jewtube group
>Art showcase to match background
what are your thoughts on the dr anime then huh
All of them suck and almost made me not want to bother with V3. Luckily, I did bother with V3 and got another good Danganronpa entry.
The Danganronpa anime only exist to remove any sort of consequences from DR1 and 2. Your class is a bunch of vegetables? Don't worry, mindhax fixes them. You were supposed to lose those mindhax powers upon accepting that talent doesn't meant everything and the white hair + red eyes is only symbolic of taking somebody else's will as your own? Don't worry, you can keep all the talents, and you get to keep one red eye. One of your classmates was a complete sociopath from the beginning? Nah, he just talked about luck and hope a lot, it's not like he instigated the first murder just for 'hope'. Izuru killed an entire class of people? Nope, that was all on those nameless jobbers, Izuru was just there for no reason. Chiaki was an AI? Fuck, how are we supposed to sell those figures?
It's shit. There is at least one major flaw in every single minute of the show disregarding the OPs and EDs.
The DR1 anime has all the same issues as every other game to anime adaptation. Not enough time to develop character naturally and go through the contents at a good pace. It also looks much, much worse. The ED was alright though.
1 for private profile, i understand why people can get annoyed by them tho.
all my friends I met from Yea Forums but I haven't added anyone new in years
cute soppo
damn straight
My twin got like 4000 hours on that game
i dont know how thats possible
The Fuhrer has been my go-to profile pic for ages now. Thanks, western censorship!
>tfw 1 due to 1500 hours in Dota 2
Damn, do they play it casually or do they enter tournaments and stuff like that?
I bought bought a few vn's and most niggers on my friends list are animefags so it 2 for me
rate me pls
>I haven't added anyone new in years
same. since like 2012
based steam profile spammer
> do not add me if you're coming from Yea Forums - i don't post there. :bearhug:
top kek
Y u shill? Is Broma not enough for you?
I own some 190 so basically you either A buy too much shit in sales and they just sit there or B you're a achiev whore and get those shitty 1$ games that are achievfests
Hours are so high because there is 2 games I don't close out of lately and just alt tab in a lot when bored (Sims 3 and CSS bhopping)
nice avi
Leave this site annoying faggots.
i also play Siege sometimes
>actually buys VNs off steam
uhm, about that...
I suppose so others know what games you can't play, because of ancient PC
>double anime
>Yea Forums
C'mon dog, you're not giving me much to work with here.
neat I guess.
Bumping myself in case any of you bois wanna do some autistic coop
one of my favorite hoes of all time
why not have 100% completion rate then?
>you now remember the cringey quotes you had under your old old old forum accounts
Thank god I didn't grow up in the age of social media. I pity zoomers, all their shit will follow them forever.
15 years of playing, 145 games
like 80% of my playtime is in my top10 if not more
some of it is stuff I got in sales for a few coins just for the slight chance i want to play it. like i saw the worms games for like 1€. i remembered we played worms 1 when it was new and it was fun. so i payed 1€ for the slight chance we want to play some stupid chance somewhen when we hang out.
these things pile up over the years
>Thank god I didn't grow up in the age of social media. I pity zoomers, all their shit will follow them forever.
Yeah man if you look at the ammount of shit that gets recorded and posted of kids doing cringey shit in school it's ridiculous. Granted the most I did was draw cartoon porn in a binder in 8th and the foreign kid told on me and got me in trouble with my hot asian teacher. She let me keep it even though there was drawings of her in there too.
bruh moment
the only thing I failed is 75+ friends (have 77)
I wish Rivals or Slap had the same number of players as this piece of shit
I met him on Gmod z survivial, it's all ironic/troll shit
Are you a REAL friend or a FAKE friend?
Feel free to add if you share any common interests.
tell me what you think
hey i'm reading through the higurashi series now, finished chapter 1 yesterday
Definitely not
still cringe
three points all from dota and tf2
feels good not being degenerate
you play them. I have 190 games marked as "played", most of them completed.
Wzdryganie i niebieska pigułka
pls no bully
15 years of playing, 145 games
like 80% of my playtime is in my top10 if not more
some of it is stuff I got in sales for a few coins just for the slight chance i want to play it. like i saw the worms games for like 1€. i remembered we played worms 1 when it was new and it was fun. so i payed 1€ for the slight chance we want to play some stupid chance somewhen when we hang out.
these things pile up over the years
i win
Of course the fuckin Russian plays CSGO
what, the biggest redditor award?
>what, the biggest redditor award?
im not even russian you blind fuck
You can't lie to me.
+rep Good trader
add me up losers
it's shit.
have sex
add me up losers
IMAGINE adding people from Yea Forums....Y'all folks are hella cancerous, like yikes
>Doesn't even play games
Don't even @me if you don't have at least 14 years of service
regular yikes or mega yikes
Go on
>add loads of people from Yea Forums
>they dont actually play games
>instead get some tranny whining about their shit life and meme depression
Everytime, I just want to play video games, not discuss stupid shit
only add me if you think aoa runs things
OMEGA yikers
I delete these comments on sight. So useless.
heres mine, add me if you want idc
cute tf2 background
>nobody adds you
maybe i should have anime avatar?
Which one of you fucks plays PD2?
bump, saving potentially ok thread from obscurity.
maybe you should have less than 10 friends, you fucking collector?
I have exactly 13 and I talk to all of them (well, the ones that come online more than once a month).
How many do you want?
>removing all the stuff that applies to (You)
t. retards
Fuck it. Anyone wants to play emulators in netplay, play co op games and chill? EU
good tastes
>less that 150
What is wrong with that?
Telltale sign of a poorfag third worlder or a mega-autist who only plays one game
>bloated game list is a good thing
I have 75 and I think that is too much.
>who only plays one game
So why not check game hours instead?
>having a hardcore lolicon manga as your profile picture without knowing where is it from
And people still claim ironic weebs aren't a thing
I've set pretty much everything to private, so strangers see this boring profile, but then again I don't want to use Steam like a social media thing.
I'm very socially anxious so I'm too scared to actually share my id, sorry. I don't play any online games anymore anyway.
how the fuck do i get a wallpaper?
crafting badges or during seasonal sale events
I honestly wouldn't add any of you niggers from here on steam. It's just too fucking awkward.
Yea Forumsros are for cum and dump only, they're too autistc for a real relationship
yes this too
I used to. I really loved payday2. Don't have it installed at the moment, bloody 120gb game.
>doesn't use the item showcase.
come at me bros
Hey now I dated a guy back in highschool some years ago... For a week before he left me for another girl that didn't just play games...
add me fags
I have 191 friends. Tell me why that's bad, I have no need to post my profile too since that alone will anger you
>shooting where you shitpost
big mistake
1 point for less than 30 hours last 2 weeks
fucking yikes, kys churka
Fucking nice
nothing bad about it if people just add you and you always accept and never clean up your friend list
not mine but it is notable
6 lol
never add mentally retards from Yea Forums
examples include speedonvhs adamantium jimmy etc
How did you find it?
I was going to find his group and look for his profile.
>scp discordfaggots attempted to derail a wow thread because they're butthurt their community/general are dead
>even looking at, let alone using steam discord
Probably by searching in that group, since he's been 16 days offline I guess it wasn't that hard to find, group members are sometimes organized by date of last login.
>tfw only worth adding because I used to play dota2/tf2 4 years ago
>2 years ago
>add someone from Yea Forums and /pol/
>keeps whining to me about muh jews and so on
> he wants my SWTOR account ( for free )
>while I just want to play video games in peace
>after like 7 or 8 days I tell him that I really don't give a shit about jews in northern America and Canadian problems aren't my problems since I am from Poland
> he goes silent for more or less 2 days
>while I am at work, he PMs me telling me that I should kill myself and that I am a miserable cunt and then he proceeds to delete me from his friend list
well that was fun
Rate my profile :)
Thanks for ruining my country's nonexistant reputation.
Good lord my old xbox live bio was legit my address and blink 182 song. God knows what some freak would do when knowing your address nowadays. What made 2011 safer than current year + 5?
add me up losers
Well, you got me on one.
>try to get some fags from steam friends thread to play killing floor
>only end up getting 1 guy to play
>he is shit
>dies twice
>we both get killed by the boss
>"well that was fun :)"
>he leaves the game, goes offline then deletes me
I had to deal with some other shit too, like the exact same guy that constantly wrote >tfw along with imgur links to his face when, adding me again after deleting his non-game playing ass and acting completely different because of my different name and profile pic
Jesus Christ, all these profiles are either boring as fuck or absolute degenerate
Just like the run of the mill Yea Forums user. All these threads are about is weabs and social retards, whom you play for maybe a day, then delete.
I seen I guy managed to spell put COPKILLER and NIGGER using achievements.
You do realize you are on Yea Forums, right?
I usually use album covers as profile pictures. First it was Kero Kero Bonito - Only Acting, then Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs, and now it's Dead Magic by Anna von Hausswolff.
i like videogames
Love to play BR shit, i have a lot of free time because i live with my mom.
this, op you're a massive faggot
Any boomers here ?
2 for me, private profile and less than 150 games.
>that avi
Just got the Warhammer Rat Game
uTorrent is good, fuck off.
Too busy playing SDVX/IIDX to care about my library
add me boys :3
Lets not forget jullikas, houserlook and nigmode from the scp discord
when steam friend threads were a thing 5 years ago I made a ton of cool friends from Yea Forums.
it's the zoomy generation that ruins everything now. fuck you faggots
>mp trash with thousands of hours
>how to spot a zoomer or an autistic perma virgin
Nearly everyone I used to play with is never on anymore.
3 points, i have an anime avatar and i change it pretty frequently. can't make up my mind. i also like quotes, fuck you.
cringe hours who up
add me..
if you're not a teenie & you're cool & you like to talk.. I guess?
most friendships never happen, just add me if you aren't disgusted by my profile and let's see what happens
Play DMC5 you impertinent brats.
>120 games, if you add the torrented ones its 150+
im a cool guy.
do your worst
>homestuck nigger
>church of terezi's ass
a man of refined taste
every time i start dark souls 2 i remember the iron keep and immediately play something else, also i play ror2 most of the time these days
Feel free to add me boys
add me so we can talk for 12 minutes and then never speak again until one of us unadds each other
>Dragon's Dogma
Good taste.
thanks homie, never got around to finishing it but i redownloaded it like a week ago and am trying to commit
I like mine
I've amassed them over the years. Buy cheap and never play any of them
Both of them are video game characters though. The profile pic is Marija from Muse Dash, which is a rhythm game, and the background is Nu-13 from BlazBlue, a fighting game.
I feel like "anime avatar" should only be a thing if the characters are specifically from an anime. Feels kinda dumb to get shit on for having a fucking fighting game character I enjoy as my Steam background.
That quote's still mega lame.
Who are you questioning?
humble bundle really inflated my list, pretty much impossible to stick with any game except a select few i keep coming back to
That's nice and all user, but if people are autistic enough that "anime avatar" in general is setting them off, do you really think they care what it's from? They don't.
I won't add you
every reply to you is too real. I have 1000+ steam games and easily 1000+ console games as well. admittedly a lot of the steam games are indie shit but I do play a lot of indie shit. I always snag AAA/well know series when
I'm friends with an actual boomer from canada. has 8,254 hrs on record in l4d2 and 1,465 hrs on record in Borderland 2. his profile pick is of him and he has his real name on his profile. Fucking great player though.
I’ll add you all later, add me.
>tfw being a douk fan fucks up your achievement showcase
apparently literally no one beat the game on hard or played the DLC.
I haven't been able to upload pics outside my apartment for as long as I could remember
Old fgt here, any of you play PoE? I'll add you.
lets be friends
any nigger wants to do a playthrough of borderlands2?
All I play when home on pc now is Siege and ffxiv and league with the occasional fighting games when friends are in the mood.
I still talk to plenty of people I knew solely from Yea Forums, but the people who use this site as their toilet are fucking morons
Someone added me.
Ignore pfp, not with the current theme, would be similar to other images on profile.