Pretty much a mommy gf

>pretty much a mommy gf
Why do Nips like this archtype so much?

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Because Japanese men are mostly autistic and have infantile, weak personalities

ara ara~

People typically choose partners who are like their mom or dad or even siblings.

Mommy gf is for weak pathetic men which they have plenty of.

A good submissive and traditional wife is automatically "mommy" to you?
You're a fucking retard fetishist with a brain cull of cum.

>trad woman

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Talking with a Japanese psychologist incest is apparently a big problem in Japan right now.

No it's not.

Fucking Mercedes in front of Annette!

Not really, no.

Why does liking girls who are pleasant and want to take care of you make you seem weak?
Shouldn't it ironically seem masculine since the opposite is a sadistic bitch constantly tormenting your submissive masochistic ass?

>so mad that your favourite gamer word gets censored that you have to make an image for it
>it's an image that proves how much of an insecure puritan you are anyway

Hey bro, you aren’t allowed to make sense on slash vee

You make too much sense, user, people are going to be mad at you.

Bullshit and you know it. Quit reading r*ddit and porn comics.

Because they like their female companions modest and caring. I understand you aren't familiar with said behaviour on your western women, waitto piggu

>i don't think of porn and sex every waking minute of the day
>i mock those that only do

She seems like the perfect woman to raise your children.
All those that prefer more masculine women are simply weak, immature, or fags.

>Why do Nips like this archtype so much?
it's just one among many archetypes.

How can other 3 Houses females compete with her?
They can't

She should be taking care of your children. Needing to be cared for as a man is weak. Wanting a nurturing woman is fine. Wanting a "mommy gf" to care for you is pathetic.

t. insecure fatty who will kill himself before he reaches 30

>tfw no fat blonde tradwife gf

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I am 30 and I'm in great shape. In my day men were raised to be strong. You kids were told crying was ok and it fucking ruined you all.

>he doesn't
What a pleb

this is unironically cringe as fuck

>He doesnt realize that for the last 3-4 years incest themed porn focusing on moms especcially has been on an extreme rise in the west.

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Because men tend to like feminine women and few things embody feminity more than being motherly.

Can i bang the cougar grandma? I'm not very far yet

Oh no you dropped a buzzword, I am defeated.

And do note that the trending of said videos on MindGeek websites is not organic and has been pushed by programmer-managed algorithm.

ie, if you upload your amateur porn video on pornhub, expect a 40% traffic increase and a 10x probability for it to be "trending" or "recommended" if it has incest-related tags.

t. work in the porn industry

Based and fatpilled

shut the fuck up boomer

Does it really matter though? An incest video on mute is just regular porn.

Oh shit, did I "trigger" your feelings dude. My bad, better go have a good cry and hug some puppies or something. Self care am I right :). Life your best life :).

>30 years old and already going on about things were different back in his day

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The girl is the young kids telling me about their stupid problems. Things change fast these days. You kids get your faces tattooed and cry all the time. It's exhausting.

> only betas like Mercedes

Change my mind

>30 years old and already going on about the young kids these days and their stupid problems

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She's just humanized Fluttershy

Omegas -> Bernadette
Betas -> Mercedes
Chads (like me) -> Shamir

You'll understand some day sport.

>Describing yourself as a chad
Definitely not a chad

>settles for used good
>settles for christmas cake used goods that literally an edgy arthoe

Chads fuck used goods all the time. Not him but that's no argument.

I'm sure, but hopefully I'll manage to age gracefully enough that I'm not crying about the youth of today by the time I hit 30.

>Chads fuck used goods all the time
lol no. Chads turn goods used all the time.

Maybe you'll be blessed and the youth will be smarter than yourself.

>Not even popular character in Japan
Mercedes failed big time

If you think a guy who fucks regularly is asking any tinder sloot if she's a virgin you're delusional.

Henlo this is Bernie thread nao

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chads don't use tinder. They also aren't insecure whoremongers, they are serial monogamists like other normalfags and just pick up the hottest female orbitor after the relationship fails in a few months.

Henlo Bernie we all love you very much.

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Lysithea chads report in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lmao. You're a joke.

Someone that's "nurturing" is going to naturally take care of everyone. Spouse, children, friends, siblings, even some acquaintances that are in good standing. That's why the label "wife material" exists. Because people see nurturing traits in a woman's day to day behavior and believe that will translate to raising children.

Cope harder beta. You think PUAs are chads lmao.

When I was a young boy, I used to crawl into my mother's bed in the morning and grab her boobs, while my brother would grab her stomach rolls. So my mother would call me the "boob boy" and my brother the "tummy boy".

>in my day
Dude. You were born in 89. You were raised to be a frat boy

Fuck off with this fugly smelly weeb bait

Frat boy >>>>>>> weepy womanly mess
If I see a woman who is good with kids or animals that's a positive. If she tries to baby me I'm out.

I think chads fuck often pretty much by definition. Don't twist it to be an idealized version of yourself.

>settles for used good
It has nothing to do with settling. It's about sex, power, and control. If a Chad loves sex, they will either want someone with prowess in it or someone that will give them free reign to dominate them. Some Chads only fuck whores because they consider everything before sex to be a waste of time.

Admit that you love Bernadetta user.

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All it takes to turn a frat boy into a weepy mess is one too many Steel Reserves at the end of the homoerotic toga party

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>If she tries to baby me I'm out.
So you would turn away someone that shows interest in your general well-being, can cook circles around everyone you know, and is genuinely willing to help with whatever problems you have?

semenbrains aren't chads. Being a semenbrain comes from insecurity and homosexuality. The only thing that's true is chads often break off relationships before they get too serious because they can't pair bond and don't want to be "tied down"
chads fuck all the time, they just don't fuck strangers because they don't have to. They can make a girl fall in love with them and fuck them daily for a few weeks/months/years and then make another one fall in love with them after with no issue. PUAs who try to fuck as many sluts as they can are insecure.

Petra is the only purple haired girl for me.

Don't you have some dry wall to be punching, Kyle?

That's enough banter user. Now tell bernie you are sorry and you love her.

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Demure boring plain nice girls ain't the only ones who can cook or do domestic shit. Silly user, find a girl who doesn't have a braindead personality and can do the rest

holy fuck

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Losing your temper is also weak. That's 50 year old shit.
Nah. That kid would be out of the frat. I had a roomie cry in uni. Shit was awkward after that.

>semenbrains aren't chads.
You're confusing sex addicts with chads.

>chads fuck all the time, they just don't fuck strangers because they don't have to.
I don't think you've ever met a "chad" in your life. I also think you're projecting a lot. A lot of chads aren't as vicious as you make them out to be.

she's a carpet muncher you dogbrains

Mothering me isn't the same as showing interest. That shit is smothering.

You've never met anything resembling a chad.

anyone else here actually like her dub voice? maybe it's because she's the cosplay chick in danganronpa V3 but I feel like the works for a nun

>You're confusing sex addicts with chads
>reading comprehension
retarded npc

> A lot of chads aren't as vicious as you make them out to be.
You think being a literal whoremonger is less "vicious" than banal serial monogamy? You incels grossly overestimate how many sexual partners normalfags have. Tinder is still for losers and unpopular sluts. Popular people still hook up with people in their wide social group and don't have to resort to internet dating.

And you're an dumb incel that thinks beta PUAs are chads.

Go back

because theyre neet incels, like most weebs. and the thoughts of interacting with a normal female stranger is incomprehensible to them. so they fetishise women who are already known to them and have no choice but to interact with them

thats why japs, weebs, neets, incels etc love incest porn, loli, furry, rape all that weird shit they're into. its about sidestepping approaching strangers and gaining consent and enthusiasm to fuck

Ahahah. You're a joke.

Dying people can’t be chads

>You think being a literal whoremonger is less "vicious" than banal serial monogamy?
Yes. Because you're more forthcoming about your objectives. You don't want to be in a long term relationship, so you simply don't. Like I said, for some, anything outside of the actual act of having sex is a waste of time. They have other shit to do without needing to be pinned down for anyone.

>You incels grossly overestimate how many sexual partners normalfags have.
No one is claiming the theorized Chad is having sex every hour. Just that when they feel the need to, some turn to a whore. It may even consistently be the same whore as again, time is valuable.

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have sex

I will guarantee I've known more "chads" than you have. They normally fuck around until they're ready to settle down.

I want to impregnate Annette and then not take responsibility.

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Is there a better archetype than mommywife?

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Mercedes best girl confirmed

Get on the ballista.

>not picking male Byleth
>leaving Mercedes to suffer the pain of not being impregnated and having to take care of other people's children like a cuck

>tfw no gf that also loves religion, baking and pussy

Why would you want her to love religion? Your kids will be low iq.

She doesn't care about being a mother


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>25 years ago you'd see more violent and sexy stuff in media, everyone would throw each other around and insult each other and it was all fine
>today everything is offensive and kids are a bunch of sensitive retards
well, yes

what have you done?

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Mercedes is made for ntring user!


>traditional and pleasant family-oriented women are "mommies" to you
have you considered that you might be profoundly mentally ill?

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Unironically because the Japanese all have fucked up relationships with their mothers. Fathers are often not home salarymen and so the moms usually channel all their affection into their sons. Some psychologist fag named it emotional incest. Regardless it has spawned a plethora of mommy gf content and it makes my cock diamonds

>like a nice woman who isn't a cunt
but my mother is not nice and is a cunt

>in my day

Lmao you were raised in corn syrup and estrogen filled milk like every other millennial

My country has stricter food regulations.

mommys,cakes and milfs are patrician choices though.

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Your country is owned by China

And? The world is.

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oh, if only it was as bad as crying. They're told its ok to cut their dicks off and take HRT

kys cuck

Cope edelcucks

Based Boomer

>no church going wife who wants to bake stuff for you all day and pray

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How many times this year have you gone to church?

Pretty sure sigmund already takes about this even if he was on crack he was right. People got either 2 ways, someone like their parents or someone completely opposite. Also I’ve been noticing a lot of people with daddy issues and mommy issues come in at an alaraming rate

Will the birthrates continue to plummet?

I really like dimitri's eng voice acting but I don't wanna miss the stuff they cut from japanese. for some reason lots of times someone will talk for like 15 seconds and they translate it to 2-3 words. why do localizations do this?

jesus her eyes are creepy, pupils inside pupils

That's translation for you. It goes both ways, sometimes the character will say something simple like "souka" and rather than just translate it as "I see" the translator will make it wordier to be more interesting/fit the character better

I want to give Mercedes 10 children!

I just find it really weird. For instance, in one of felix's supports with lysithea he straight up calls her annoying before replying to her. but in english that's just omitted for some reason. it makes him seem nicer than originally, and it bothers me.

Dorothea seemed liked the most realistic and relatable person in the game post time skip desu

Fucking millenial

Kill yourself

>ara aras you
nothing personell emile

Yeah of course. I'm not a moronic boomer or an effeminate zoomer so that only leaves like 2 generations I could possibly be.

it all comes down to how the translator interprets the character, there's always going to be some things added or removed to better fit the language. Certain mannerisms are more acceptable in some languages than in others, which also affects translations. Can't make Felix be too big of a dick or no one would like him

I prefer Annette desu

The most accurate comment in this thread

You want a mommy gf go fuck your mom

Bernie is that you?

>if you recruit Bernie she'll be replaced by a generic archer and Edelshit will hold off burning the central hill until Petra has safely retreated
What did the witch mean by this?

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why do zoomers like you only think as a herd?


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This guy acts like a 13 year old suburban kid's idea of what an adult man is supposed to be like. Grow up and get a job.

>perfect mommy gf archetype
>completely ruined by timeskip design

Into the trash it goes.

I legitimately have no idea who you're supposed to be replying to, learn to backlink

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Pretty much this
Japan is the textbook example how pornography can poison a whole nation

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Isn't getting married to your mother legal somewhere in Asia or Japan?

the face of utter annoyance

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Gen Z (status) : Dead

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>its everything but the womens fault

i bet you're swimming in pussy

>not wanting a caring woman to raise children with
You are what's wrong with the west

Sigmas (like me) -> Edelgard

I blame Kikuko Inoue

>either gender

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>not wanting to have a gay relationship is hurting the birth rate

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>Japanese like younger girls and youth
>They like mommy gf
So which is it?

For me, she's pretty but a little old for me when much younger ones like Petra exist

i wanna bully this bitch til she breaks and then either takes black dick or kills herself

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it should have been Marianne saying it

Because they're weak

>post timeskip
She'll rape you with that face :^)

>being nice is being braindead
I'm sure Stacey the schizo borderline disorder girl is right up your alley.

Why boner