Story continues...

>story continues, exposition slowly dished out like the base game but with major revelations about protagonist and antagonist
>new weapons added
>improved level design
I miss getting real expansions on good games

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Fuck that, m8. Why dont you pay for some cut content that shouldve been in the base game already like a good goy?
Are you not a real gamer?

Should I say fear? Do I pirate or not?

>Fear thread
Brb reinstalling

this, fucking entitled gamers

Play it one way or another

Far Cry New Dawn was a great expansion for Far Cry 5, and people got super pissy about it. FEAR: EP would be crucified by the modern market because most parts of the game look identical to FEAR.

>story continues, exposition slowly dished out like the base game
yeah ans its all retconned an an "alternate universe" making it an entirely worthless cash grab

who gives a fuck about the story in FEAR
if anything, the game would greatly benefit if all the annoying shit like dream sequences, slowmo walks through nightmare hall sections and fucking ghost jump scares were cut. its best at being a pure high octane shooter.

yes the gunplay is fantastic. horror element doesn't totally rely on jumpscares but there are some well crafted ones imo. AI was impressive for it's time and overall it just holds up as a solid shooter with a solid story.

I don't think you understand what a "cash grab" is, user. It boils down to a disagreement between Vivendi and Warner Bros. If you're stupid enough to want the Warner Bros canon, then go right ahead and believe in it. The rest of us will stick with the Vivendi canon.

I prefer to play for recycled content day 1 dlc.

that's only true for the 3rd game, no ?
The story is an underrated element desu.
>US defense contractor conducts illegal human experiment project (even on children revealed in 2nd game)
>aim to create massive army clone super soldiers who aren't afraid to die and will carry out any orders without question
there's even little subtle things here and there around armacham HQ; like the F-22 pictures around the offices to point out they worked with real US defense companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc.

FEAR/Extraction Point/Perseus Mandate were Vivendi titles. Very similar situation to Gearbox making Half-Life: Opposing Force. Sierra/Vivendi loved to get third party devs and give them IPs to make sequels and side games and such. Vivendi and Monolith (FEAR/FEAR 2) had a split. Originally Monolith didn't even have the rights to the FEAR name and were going to call FEAR 2 "Project Origin". But they managed to sort that out. Anyway, FEAR 2 liberally rips off Extraction Point, but it completely ignores it story-wise. And FEAR 3 just goes loopy. It was developed by the FEAR PS3 port team. Basically there are two FEAR canons. Side with whichever one you prefer. I side with the Vivendi one because it doesn't involve the complete shitshow that is FEAR 3.

I liked this expansion more than the main game because of the increased focus on combat with much less downtime.


Same, XP was the highlight of the FEAR series by all means, it also combined combat with horror elements really well


I have a newfound appreciation for Extraction Point, but ever since I bought a new PC it's been a pain to get this game to run. It's either pic related or Diconnected from server issue. The hospital stage is impossible to get to run and it's usually when I end my playthrough.

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Have you checked PC Gaming Wiki? The Lithtech engine has some quirks.

>windows 10 is totally compatible with older games, I swear!!!

This is what you get for using a poorly coded OS which is still vastly inferor to win7 in literally every single way.

works on my machine ;)

also W10 old game compatibility > W7 old game compatibility. at least in it's current state anyway

Read through this article. See if anything stands out.

Thanks, I checked, but there doesn't seem to be a fix for that issue. At least I know how to resolve the frame rate drops now though.

Jesus christ people liked those expansions? I loved FEAR and played loads of FEAR combat, but both of the expansions seemed like cut content to me as a kid. The map design especially was nonsensical; It was like a 3rd party sat down with all the assets and improvised whatever they could.

I wanna play fear by I don't like scary vidya, what do

Play it anyway, it's not that scary.

I wish I could find horror games immersive enough to be genuinely scary or exciting.

It's not like Monolith are still making good games. Ideally nobody gives them any money.

FEAR is not scary

>AI was impressive for its time
Name two FPS games with better enemies AI. I am waiting.

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What a load of bullshit, windows 98 and xo era games runs like trash or refuse to run on w10 while on w7 worked perfectly

>I side with the Vivendi one because it doesn't involve the complete shitshow that is FEAR 3.
Same, besides. FEAR 2 went too ultra futuristic anyways.

>I miss getting real expansions on good games

The expansion packs for FEAR are mediocre, because they were outsourced to some shitty company. They aren't as good as the base game IMO.

Why not actually cite a good expansion like Brood War or Mask of the Betrayer?

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Extraction Point is better than the base game you fucking retard.

I missed almost every jumpscare in FEAR because I was looking in the wrong direction trying to spot enemies.

The original monolith team aren't either unfortunately

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neck yourself you overly aggressive donut

FEAR EP is totally acceptable and hints at “Fetel” in 3 (as long as your write off Jin’s death as a hallucination, which is not out of the real of possibility)

Basically, EP is mostly the PM wandering around tripping balls, shooting his gun.

how was it bad ? the parking garage was the only annoying part. lot's of rooms in the offices that you could utilize during gunfights, lots of variety in the levels. The new weapons like the laser and the futuristic mini gun were cool. I thought it was more difficult too, a lot more was thrown at you.

FEAR 2 could have been way better but I found it acceptable. Guns were downgraded visually, audibly and they felt cheap. Toned down the destructible environment shit. I still kinda liked it though, was still able to enjoy the story and how it progressed in a different way. Voice acting wasn't bad and still kept a dark atmosphere.