
>probably smells
>unable to do anything by herself

Unironically what is the appeal

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 730K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>probably smells
>unable to do anything by herself

Unironically what is not the appeal

That is the appeal haha

imagine the smell

Her interactions with Alois are kinda cute.

Almost everything she does is kinda cute to be honest.

>terrible Japanese voice


>probably smells

my fetish.

All of her supports are really funny.

She's cute and she's my daughter AND my wife and I love her and our children very much.

Attached: bernie is a cute girl.jpg (462x458, 45K)

>I need to test a spell user
>I really want to become a mage instead so please help me
>W-what happened
>Why do you look exactly like me
>Um user I'm sorry but it seems like I changed your appearance to look like me, in other words I accidentally transformed you
>I-I am so sorry
>I'-im so embarrassed
"Oh you think you are embarrassed?!"
>I'm so sorry that this isn't reversible but
>do you really have...
>Oh my y-you do
>Mind if I try something out?
>You are twitching when I do that heh heh
>D-do you like that
>I have learned alot of good ways to do this from all of my alone time
>Let's try going up a bit
>Gropes tits
>You really like that don't you?
>What about when I kiss them
>*A few days later*
>I need to show you something
>user I managed to get some shackles from the guards
>You know what that means
>Dont worry you will like it
>S Rank achieved

Attached: 1564991817592.jpg (372x433, 115K)

>caring about a girls personality
Bernie is very pretty user. That's all that matters.

Attached: bernie!.jpg (485x485, 48K)



This hikki loves me so much she left her room so she could put flowers on my dads grave. I want to protect this hikki. I'm going to marry this hikki!

Attached: confessing your love to bernie!.jpg (628x628, 57K)


Attached: bernie goes to prom!.jpg (480x480, 24K)

Attached: bernie.webm (1028x578, 2.85M)

Dude no offense but the nose makes it look like a dude in this Pic.

How could anyone not love Bernie? just look at how precious she is. Don't you want to protect her and make her happy?

Attached: bernie doing a hide.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

I love Bernadetta no matter what she looks like!

Attached: ugly tumblr bernie!.png (500x517, 231K)

shes attainable for losers who play FE

>I need to test a spell user
>Okay I need to test you standing on the ballista
>A-Alright if Edelgard and you think it's where I'm most useful!
>Bernie stands on the ballista
>Edelgard, instantly: fuck.. i cant believe you made me do this, im sorry bernadetta
>Bernie goes up in flames

OP describe herself

Bernie Bros liking trash what else is new

>crest bearing noble and heir to her house
>talented writer, painter, archer and embroiderer
>well liked by her peers at super hard to get into school
>plenty of 10/10 nobles want to marry her in her supports
>attainable for poor ugly neets
Bernie is my princess. I am blessed that I exist in the same world as she does.

>Not having a smell fetish

Bernie doesn't smell, she goes to eat and I go to class why wouldn't she go out of her room to take showers?

The freaks who lover her are either waste of space 2X year old NEETs who latch onto the one character in the game who is as pathetic as themselves in some vain delusion that maybe she'd like them, or trannies who self-insert as her for pretty much the same reasons.

It's kind of sad if you think about it, but don't pity such creatures.

Attached: Edelgard_Portrait_5Years.png (959x960, 670K)

>eldegard fags have to cope this hard because they can't accept bernie is more attractive than her AND height mogs her post timeskip.

Attached: shy bernie.jpg (640x640, 100K)

you don't

bernies perfectly creamy white skin and pretty purple hair reminds me of an icecream flavour but i can't remember what it is.

Attached: angwy bernie.png (383x375, 200K)

I got you, pham.

Attached: 7A27F76D-330D-4301-80F0-865B49B118D6.png (340x346, 185K)

I didn'tike her until I did her B support. Now, while I'm still not interested in fucking her, I just want to protect her.

This, Bernie’s for friendship, not fug.
I wanna marry my FE wife Severa and adopt Bernie into our family to get her away from her shitty abusive parents.

Attached: 695170C4-BC84-49B5-990C-91466E6D355D.jpg (754x1024, 97K)

a lot of her b supports make her really cute imo, she plays off really well with other characters, i know she has a good one with felix

Attached: 20190810213504.png (1280x720, 677K)

that looks good. Bernie is tasty girl

Attached: berniee.png (243x321, 160K)

That looks good

>Berniefags are all autistic tranny posters

Who could have foretold this outcome.

Attached: 1560407029066.png (420x491, 207K)

Attached: edelgard end.png (1916x1696, 2.86M)

someone has to fug bernie user and it might as well be the person who cares for her so much she wants to protect her.

Attached: bern.jpg (1080x1349, 117K)

Eldefraud is losing to bernie in the popularity poll. I bet the dlc will make Bernie queen.

Attached: 1565305352696.jpg (595x805, 108K)

>Edelfags are all no-taste shiteaters
Who could have foretold this outcome.

Attached: 1565702809311.jpg (1447x2047, 339K)

>Eldefraud is losing to bernie in the popularity poll.
[Citation needed]