Why are Dragon Quest games so much better than Final Fantasy?

Why are Dragon Quest games so much better than Final Fantasy?

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>putting Jessia at the front of your line even though the technically makes her more vulnerable just so you can fap to her while you play
Good times.

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They dont try to pointlessly reinvent themselves for a completely different demographic every single fucking game

they look at what made them successful and stick with it while making QoL changes. Final Fantasy always lost to dragon quest in japan when they did traditional format, so they started throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck. thats why we get weird shit like 8,12,13,15 because DQ is the traditional franchise, and now FF is the experiment

Persona > SMT > Dragon Quest > FF

FF has been the experiment since VI, even earlier if you consider ATB. 90% of the changes to those games were aesthetics and plot.It wasn't until XII that we saw real changes to the genre.

What's Yea Forums's favorite DQ?

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what about simpsons hit and run?

DQ is a bit stale if you actually played the whole series, and in fact the adherence to old standards makes some elements very boring
but the upside of doing the same thing for 30 years is that they have it down to an exact science
other than early slow pacing and subpar music, DQ11 is close to flawless

I've only played VIII. I don't think I'll be able to play earlier ones (despite several people close to me shilling VII) because y scrub ass can't handle turn-based combat if I can't at least see my own characters.

XI lets you see them, and it takes all of the good stuff from VIII and incorporates those systems. XI and VIII are the best ones personally, although I like alot of the early ones too

you're missing nothing, because the ones really worth playing, 3/4/5, are exactly like all future entries, just better in a few ways that won't jump out at you in 2019
seriously just listen to old DQ symphonic albums and pretend you're playing 8, and you've got the whole experience

Wut 4 has a completely different structure and 5 is in large parts à monster collecting game.

>DQ11 is close to flawless

they remained old-school and never really tried to re-invent the wheel.
Meanwhile, every final fantasy game became more and more different from the other parts in their series, not to mention that they went into a more "Sci-fi" route than a Fantasy one, too.

Would it be a bad idea to play XI fully in 2D mode? I feel like I get more into DQ when they're 2D. The only thing that sucks is the enemy sprites don't animate.

I strongly dislike VII

The sci-fi root was already there in the first one, they just ditched the old setting with VI and especially VII and then with retardo X they killed the series.

I will never understand people who like 2D JRPGs

FFX had a unique setting

FFX is literally the best game in the FF series

It's the worst, bloated pointless progression system, horrible cast, shitty pacing, 1h of cutscenes for every 5 minutes of gameplay, shitty minigames, horrible boring tedious dungeons where you spend more time looking at Tidus performing inputs than actually playing, etc...


The sphere grid is great, the cast is awesome, mini games in FF have never been good, and the dungeons are fine.

IX, V, VII, Terry Wonderland

Progress > stagnation.


XI and VIII, those are the only ones I’ve played so far and I love them.
What would you guys recommend to play next?

FF = Hit or miss with every game
DQ = Same shit every game
With DQ you always know what you're getting. If that is good or bad is up to you.

They aren't. Especially in the music department.

V at least, VI is the most underrated in my opinion, VII is good but drags on at times, cool job system though.

Fuck off atleast you actually play dragon quest and ff and they’re fun instead of, for the most part, tap X to read through waifu bait and shit writing

>I haven’t played persona: the post

I’ve played 3, 4 and 5

In all honesty who hasn’t it’s like the biggest RPG rn

>FF = Hit or miss with every game

It's hardly hit or miss when every game for the last two decades has been a miss desu

Persona = Dragon Quest > SMT > FF

that is just my personal opinion, anons. not really saying it objective. having fun is what matters and each person experiences it differently

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>waifu bait
If you had played the games you would know any of the “waifu” content only takes up about an hour out of the 100 game and you have to go out of your way to get it. You can’t even get married in persona while you can in DQ, and FF has canon romances where the girl sucks off the MC. Get over yourself.

Wut max social links is literally the point of the games

I will never understand people with such arbitrary standards.

>go out of your way to get it
The social links are the literally point in the game and when you get basically every girl at about 8 they all act like they love you, the fact you say I haven’t played them because I have a differing view is also pathetic

>t. Angelo

You can choose not to romance them and most people won’t finish all social links in their first run anyway. You can entirely ignore the romance, it’s up to you. In FF you have girls that fawn over you in many cutscenes as a core part of the main plot which cannot be avoided in any way. Those games have more waifu bait than persona but you’re just repeating Yea Forums memes.

The thing is, DQ actually DOES innovate with every iteration. Every instalment introduces something new. And they don’t simply build on what they have before, like say monster hunter, but they’ll introduce a new element and then take it away and do something else in the next instalment. So III introduces the job system, IV takes it away and splits the game’s story among its various characters, V takes THAT away and introduces monster collecting, and so on. The difference is the core is always the same, and it doesn’t try to totally reinvent itself. It’s measured in its innovation.

The other difference is the creator of the series is still working on Dragon Quest, Sakaguchi left FF with XII and the series simply hasn’t recovered since. They struggle to even find a direction to go in. Tetsuya Nomura said they had so much leftover shit from XIII that they could’ve made a whole new game out of it, which is tantamount to admitting the your project planning is fucking terrible and you had no idea what you were doing.

DQ > SMT > Persona > > > Powergap > > > Shit > > > Final Fantasy

It was supposed to say gamers

Haha look at this newfag who doesn’t know about the word filter. Using that term just shows you’re biased in how you view persona. There’s nothing wrong with talking about the girls, DQfags talk about the girls all the time. Look at the first post of this thread. You can sexualize the girls in DQ much more than Persona too with bunny outfits, dancer outfits, many of them have suggestive dialogue, and so on.

It does say gamers though

DQ knows what it is and has tried to refine that with each entry, FF has been trying to reinvent itself every game after 6 and even more so after 10.

Mini games are the only good part of 8

If only FF would actually progress. They're certainly different but not better.

>Mini games are the only good part of 8
You’re right, but even triple triad gets old when it’s the only fun thing in the game. I couldn’t force myself to finish 8.

VIII and XI are basically the same games. Which is a good thing since they're great.

V is a fantastic adventure with a nice often emotional story, gameplay is a bit more simple than VIII and XI though since there is very little customization.

VII is pretty comfy but slow as fuck, and you unlock a job system like 3/4 at which point it feels like too late to naturally progress jobs and you end up grinding

V and VII sound good. I’m not sure what to choose. I heard IX is good too.

You get all trades around the 20-25 hour mark which is around 1/4th of the way through the game in VII. Ty based pretending to have played the games you're talking about poster.

Why does no one talk about DQ VI?

I don't really think they are personally. They feel super samey, they also have atrocious OSTs.

>They all feel the same!
>Well no I haven't played them!

Why don't they remake 1-5?
I want them

Don’t they have 3DS remakes of 4 and 5?

>they also have atrocious OSTs.
Kill yourself gay faggot tranny

It's easier to miss than it is to hit

I've played 3 or 4 of them. I'll be playing DQ11 soon. I didn't say I hate them, just that I prefer FF. Both are decidedly upper mid tier for Jrpgs though.

Dude DQ music fucking sucks so bad. It's one of the only OSTs that have actively made my experience worse. Have to mute that shit ASAP.

It's been a while since I played it but on the 3DS version it felt like I got the jobs well over half into the game. I would have liked to get them way earlier

why did you put DQ twice in your list?

3 and 4 yes. Not 5 as far as I can remember.

I can't compare with the original 3 since I've never played it, but if it wasn't for the chibi low poly models the 4 remake was a straight upgrade from original 4. You were able to inherit the abilities of party members that left you for your final party, but enemies in the final dungeon are massively stronger to compensate.

boy I sure love repetitive music that don't even match the atmosphere of the town or dungeon because they came from the same 5 tracks reused for everything.

a JRPG having bad music is honestly a complete nono, even the shittiest budget jrpgs have decent soundtracks to make up for the boredom, DQ is just unbearable to play

stop replying me you tasteless niggers
kill yourselves asap

*plays on a town full of lowlives and thieves*

Yep this is good and appropriate rpg music.

The composer is dogshit to the point that I don't bother remembering his name. I would struggle to name 5 worst jrpg composers. But I could name many many better ones.

where do i start playing


Dragon Quest XI


He said with terrible inappropriate music playing in the background

*plays for the 100th time*
*plays in an ancient town full grand structures and majestic winged people*

Exceptional music! my taste is improving with each repetition!

That's going to make replaying the older games impossible though

Dragon Quest music is great what is wrong with you people?

Pay attention to the thread. There's nothing wrong with the scores themselces it's just repetitive and often doesn't suit the theme of the area. There's nothing about them that add to the feel of the towns. It's all generic and reused.

The town themes are great and the transition from day music to night music fits the mood very well.

I think it's boring as fuck and rarely matches the tone.

I don't know about you but I got sick of hearing this generic ass song on every other town.

Ignore the discordtrannies, they are just shitting on the soundtrack because they seethe at the composer. Instead post your favorite DQ song.

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If you hear DQ and immediately think of fastfood, than there's a 99% chance you're an Amerishart and you should kill yourself before some incel shooter does.

Why does 8s cast have such better designs and voice acting than 11s

I don't even know who the composer is because he's just that trash. Tell him to serve under Mitsuda and learn some fucking talent.

Because you prefer a more traditional JRPG.

11 had the better designs and voice acting though. Their accents are “too” British in DQ VIII in an almost gross way. VIII’s cast may be more tight nit though.

>DQ3, DQ8, DQM for GBC

Mitsuda should learn from Sugiyama if anything.
Accents give soul.

Imo the more classical settings and stories, better characters/designs, better composer/music, just generally a more pleasing aesthetic than FF with its anime/realism hybrid style and endless apocalyptic stories about crystals and and giant monsters. Both series have mediocre combat tho

Because FF peaked at 5, though 1 is my personal favorite and 4 is 2nd bests as both the best in series and as a favorite.

It's the home of one of the party members, no one mugs you while you're there. Sure, they run scams in that city, but they're mostly just poor.

Nah Mitsuda blows him away. So does Hamauzu

I've never had DQ.

I said reinvent not inovate. Learn to read

>medea gets stolen
>hobos in the streets
>one street has a thug shake you down for gold everytime you want to pass
Poor excuse. It's still generic as hell and reused multiple times. Just because NES rpgs reused music doesn't mean they should stick with that tradition too. The series has grown graphically and actually does introduce some new things with each new entry. There's no reason why it has to stick with reusable generic pools of music too.

DQ is wholesome as fuck and its core is the very essence of jRPGs. It has a polish and sheen every other series that isn't Kiseki can only dream of.

They have accents in XI they’re just more subtle. Sylvando really sticks out as an interesting character because his flamboyant Spanish accent is a change of pace from all the standard British accents in the series.

I really liked IX but Dragon quest builders two is strangely addictive and in my opinion, pretty amazing for what it is.

you mean XII?
XI is a MMO

This guy gets it.

Iterative design with meaningful improvements and immaculate balance. Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy are both wildly different from the NES games, but DQ actually grew into something while FF has devolved into a brand that Square slaps on big projects haphazardly.

>they’ll introduce a new element and then take it away and do something else in the next instalment.
It's more that they only keep parts of it instead of sticking to the first attempt like it's a sacred cow. II introduced party members who join at story beats, III changed that into a customizable party. III adds jobs, IV keeps them but makes them discrete characters. IV introduces segmented story arcs for characters and the party wagon, V changes this into a more linear story divided into eras of the protagonist's life. V introduces monster taming as a core mechanic, VI introduces the Monster Master job.

It's rare for new DQ elements to entirely disappear.

Sylv sticks out because he's the best character. XI's probably the first DQ where almost the whole cast is great (Martina is lacking).

>FF has devolved into a brand that Square slaps on big projects haphazardly.
Basically this. The FF games feel like they have no real connection. Why even call them FF for anything other than marketing purposes?

Every game is a traditional fantasy rpg, while Final Fantasy slowly turned into a game about a gay boyband and an mmo played by frankenstein monsters.

Jade is one of the best girls in the whole series though. And yeah obviously Sylv sticks out because he’s good but just his voice alone immediately differentiates him from all the typical British accents of the other characters.

If you like what you played when you finish XI wouldn't that be an incentive for you to play more games in the series? I think XI is a good starting point to experience a lot of what people like the series for.

How are they going to top XI with XII bros? Any idea when XII is coming out?

>medea gets stolen
Point taken.

>hobos in the streets
Still fits my parameters.

>one street has a thug shake you down for gold everytime you want to pass
It's the game telling you to go the other way, because the shortcut requires money.

She's got about as much going on as Alena, who's an NES character. She's absolutely not bad, but the rest of the cast knocks it out of the park. She's clearly supposed to be the simplest of the group -- a bit purehearted and straightforward-- and I can't even blame them because that easily makes her the hardest to write, but she ends up a bit one note at times. In any other DQ she'd be the best party member, but the cast of 11 is superb.

I always place Jessica and Hero right next to each other so they can be close to each other at all times

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I strongly disagree with this, they're the same game in the sense that VI and VII are. There's a lot of similarity in design, but XI is far better structurally despite being a backtrack game, while VIII is more linear but suffers from uneven content.


Probably by making a longer game with less asset reuse and a new direction instead of being a celebratory anniversary game (let's be real, XI is the actual X in the devs' minds). Chances are high for either less party members or custom characters again.

Cute! Cute!

DQVII embodies the true spirit of Dragon Quest. Going town to town for the amazing little side stories and exploring the world.

Nothing better than the gameplay loop of entering a new town. Speaking to all the NPCs, breaking all the barrels & pots, searching all the cardboards, drawers & bookcases. Just exudes comfiness.

Can you explain this post?

Im playong through it now and I gotta say I completely agree. Keifer is best boy.

This is the only DQ game I've played.

It was okay.

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Explain what? I said it'd probably be different from XI and that the MMO doesn't really get treated like a normal DQ by Horii and friends.

god I just want to hold hands with Jessica

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>Keifer is best boy.

>DQX never ever

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user is correct. He got Caravan Heart for a reason.

Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy

oh you poor user...

>Probably by making a longer game with less asset reuse
What did he mean by this?
>and a new direction instead of being a celebratory anniversary game
What did he mean by this?
>Chances are high for either less party members or custom characters again.
What did he mean by this and why?

I was trying to tell him not to get too attached to Kiefer.

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Sugiyama is my favorite vidya composer after Keiichi Okabe.





But yes the Overworld XI theme is shit and the symphonic version doesn’t fix it.

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could ettica still be alive?

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Probably the things you quoted, user.


I know that, my autistic friend.

Please explain them

There are a lot mistakes, but FF is probably the most creative AAA franchise one the market. It's just that for every cool concept you get a hundred stupid ones.

I see you are men of culture as well.
>tfw no Jessica spirit for smash.

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Every DQ game looks the same.

For me its because its more grounded, the writing is more focused on the world rather than on an epic conflict that could end all life and it still has elements of exploration that FF shed a long time ago
Also I prefer turn based to ATB

>tfw no Jessica wife
Aaaaaaa it hurts

but bro, the 3ds version

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Kinda surprised there isn't more art of that.

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>He says while posting on a Mongolian underwater basket-weaving image board

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DQ games I like: All of them
FF games I like: 1, 3, 5 and 12

that ending is worth getting the 3ds version for, shame about the music though.

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I meant bringing Jessica into the real world as my wife!
We need more

true, really there isn't all that much art of Jessica that isn't super lewd either.

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Medea is superior have sex incels imagine liking a no-personality thot i bet you also prefer Jade over Serena and Gemma.

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I had the best fap to Jessica last night, I was dripping precum for her for almost ten minutes before I came.

>wanting to fuck the 'orse
go back to /mlp/ faggot.

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I know that hand and also that bed sheet, yep it's Nigganon


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>liking chest-lets
t. Medea

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>cuckolding your own cousin
>married to a girl who will be surrounded by political intrigue and constant danger
yikes, who'd ever marry Medea

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I just want to have sex with Jessica is that too much to ask?

DOn't they give you that option in the 3DS version?


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marriage and sex are two different things user.

No like real sex with me rather than my self insert having implied sex

what about both???

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>they made the bunny suit show more skin
>but it's now less appealing
weird how that works.

Because they're consistent. If the series experiments then it's with the minor details to subtly enhance the experience rather than reinventing the fucking rock.

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Marry and fuck both? Okay.

I want her so bad

yeah final fantasy seems to try and fix what isn't broken, I mean for fuck sake they are turning 7 into an action rpg instead of using the turn charge meter because "durrr we're arrogant and we think it's primitive so we try to fix something that isn't broken"

>Dragon Quest Gameplay:
Mechanically sound. Numbers are kept small and important throughout most of the series. Spells are a little wonky, but keep a weird-fantasy feeling to it that makes it interesting. Spell costs are small and each have their own function in battle. For the most part, you can actually expect your spells to work on enemies you want them to work on, such as most dragons in the series being weak to the instant-death spells. Line up is important both in and out of battle. Not much need to experiment.

>Final Fantasy Gameplay
Numbers are heavily inflated, making it so you should ignore the last two digits. Spells are incredibly generic and essentially just there to fill in a checkbox of effects. Spell costs are high, meaning most people don't use their mage characters until bosses. Most enemies, even weak-ass ones you wouldn't bother with, are immune to most spell effects. ATB is a mistake. Each game drastically changes underlying effects, all of which are more grindy than what Dragon Quest is accused of.

>Dragon Quest Story
Every villager and person acts sickeningly neighborly to each other, like you're in a small renaissance Christian town. However, each story has this subtle depth to it indicating the story was really well thought through, and it isn't shy from showing you a story where on the surface it appears generic, but the more you dig into it, the darker it gets.

>Final Fantasy Story
Entire world feels really dark and foreboding like a big-city, but if you scratch at the surface for longer than 10 seconds, the characters and their actions become incredibly short-sighted, or even outright stupid. Most of the game is centered around character development, but it happens around contrived events that even for a fantasy story make you lose immersion.

>Worst Dragon Quest
6, and it's biggest crime is feeling a little above mediocre, indicating it's subpar for Dragon Quest, but still good.

>Worst Final Fantasy
8 is indefensible.

Very based post from beginning to end

I will defend VIII in one important way: It's the only game where you can abuse your own dog and get away with it.

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based master hand el negro user

Honestly, how the fuck do FF fans even exist at this point?

I've only played P1 on bnb the ps mini for a few hours.

Fujos and edgy metrosexuals

My favorite was IV. Released 28 years ago. It was not my first Final Fantasy.

ATB ain't broken, but it's certainly as obsolete as tank controls in this day and age.

I kinda wish XI's battle theme was a bit more upbeat and bangy like Octopath. Even when properly orchestrated it feels too mellow and laid back still.

They probably thought it wouldn’t sell with turn based combat to the millions of people who bought FFXV even though they all hated it.

dragon quest is great but i'm worried the series is starting to go downhill
bring back random encounters and real dungeons
also I can't stand how linear the games are now. its like they want the series to replace final fantasy now and dumbed it down

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W-what? Oh no.

because they have beautiful delicious chocolate fortune tellers that deserve to be happy with solo

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I think he meant DQXI, not FFXI. DQX, FFXI, and FFXIV are the MMOs.

>bring back random encounters
this should never, ever be a thing. who the fuck wants to explore when every 4-6 seconds you are forced into a battle?

Only this one

Star Ocean is better

I made a thread before checking the catalog so I'm reposting my question here: I'm currently emulating Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2 but I heard the 3DS version has more content, although it looks ugly af. Is the extra content worth the downgrade in graphics?

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6 is great for its music alone and how alien it feels
worst DQ is 2 no question

in my opinion it is, I played 3ds first and the game looks fine

are you a fucking dickless tranny?

If you have to ask instead of weighing the options then you already know the answer

Worst game I've played in my entire life

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everyone who plays rpgs
the way encounters are set up now the monsters don't even try to start battles unless you're really close
if anything they should make a level range where monsters in areas stop caring after you hit a certain number, but actually try to fight you before then

dq is only better now because final fantasy has been going off the rails since ffx. before that, ff was by far the better series.

What else is new in the 3DS version other than playable Red and being able to romance Jessica?


DQ was always linear
I like not havving random encounters its a great way to adjust the difficulty by yourself
Never cared much for super long dungeons or puzzles but I can agree

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I like the option of being able to skip them when I’m sufficiently leveled

Morrie is a party member, dumb camera function that's fun to do stuff like this and there's an extra dungeon with some more story

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ffx is garbage, it has the same flaws as ffxiii but gets a free pass due to nostalgia.

Post more Jessica.

lol no
DQ3 shits all over Sakaguchi FF

For me it certainly wasn't.
Atmosphere plays a big role for me when a game bothers to go full 3D.
A buddy of mine had it on 3DS and everytime I saw it I just knew that it isn't for me.

Same with the Switch version. Even though I'm really interested in it since I only borrowed it on PS4 and never finished it, I might just get the
PS4 myself if the demo isnt satisfactory in that regard.

you can use holy water or that skill that lets you skip combat

Never play 7, it's one of the absolute worst games in the series and your friends are fucking with you.

>always linear

Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me? Keifer is easily the best character. I really hope you guys are collectively pulling my leg.

except for 2 who nobody liked
excuuuuuuuuuuuume me

They don't change what people like about the games for no reason like FF does

>lol no
Literally everyone on planet earth except for DQ fanboys who are willfully ignorant, will agree with him though.
old-FF was streamlined RPG kino whereas DQ was streamlined RPG mediocricy.

You should know this, due to DQ only being liked for having practically stayed the same throughout the years, meaning that it provides a focused experience in times where many other franchises try to reinvent themselves yearly.

DQ's modern success is solely due to the demise of other RPGs, and not by itself. People have grown disappointed with new titles of those other franchises, so they turned to DQ. Except for Japanese fans, since doing the same thing over and over again, is a plus in Japan(just look at any anime characters.)
This is a fact.

cause yo mammy pinched my booty

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there isn't a single dq game that matches the quality of ff6/ff7 or the ambition of ff2/ff8. the only times dq has reached prime ff's levels of creativity are some of the spinoffs (dq swords, dq builders, rocket slime).

Maybe we are user. Maybe we are.


what about the rest?
3 is not even close to linear.

>final fantasy trannies are this delusional
The absolute state

Hm, I'll try out the 3DS version to see if the graphics will bother me enough to make me switch back to the PS2. I had over 200 hours on the PS2 when I was a kid so the extra content might be the way to go. Thanks for the replies.

better than the modern games alright but if we are talking about FF1-9 then FF is on a league of its own where DQ only wishes it could be part of.

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Imagine falling asleep in bed with Jessica in one of those comfy inns in the wilderness in DQ VIII.

Because every Final Fantasy game tries to reinvent the wheel.

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>Not the edit with the Yangus helmet

that's not the problem. reinventing the wheel led to some iconic classic games back in the day. the problem is that ff hasn't been good at reinventing the wheel anymore for a long time.

FF 1-9 is ass. Only 7 is decent, the others are overrated garbage. DQ delivers consistent quality across 11 games. Its most recent game, XI, is significantly better than any FF game.

I just want Jessica to whip the fuck out of me. She’s the perfect dom.

I only have the one.

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I hope there are no sane people who actually enjoy random encounters. It was a limitation back on old hardware, but it doesn't belong in modern games. Enemies can be a little more aggressive if they spot you, but that should be the way to encounter battles.

t. Cope

what the fuck does cor blimey even mean

>Implying she wouldn't be sub as fuck to Hero.

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Emulate the 3DS version anyway and blow the resolution way up. Problem solved

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In recent years, DQ has been beating out FF in terms of quality.

I mean look how good DQ11 is compared to that trainwreck that is FF15

Out of the ones I've played?
Debating what version of 5 I try out

I would really love to see DQ8 get a HD remake/remaster sometime this century that includes the bonus content from the 3DS version. I just hope SE doesn't wait until the PS5 comes out to do so.

I don’t want her to be a sub, I want her to be a brutal dom that destroys my manhood.


I’ve never played any DQ games besides builders

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It isn't. I'm not a big fan of Final Fantasy, but almost anything is better than Dragon Quest. The series lacks any real strengths; the best thing you can say about it is that none of the entries have completely broken mechanics.

>persona above anything

More Jess!

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either VII or IX and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard with a crispy chicken sandwich

get thwacked, degenerate.

I haven't played VI yet (playing them all, on V now), but the consensus seems to be that it's really mediocre and feels like a beta form of VII.

Is there any appeal to Jessica other than "dom mommy gib milkies"

>Entire world feels really dark and foreboding
At if. Most FFs are goofy as hell.
Also it's impressive how good DQ3, 4 and 5's writing was for the time.

>>Worst Final Fantasy
>8 is indefensible.

even worse than 15?


I don't really get this. Six was always a let-down with a half developed scenario and cast, seven was a notorious fuckup that almost destroyed the series forever in the West, nine only really worked as intended if you lived in Tokyo, ten in a fucking MMO. Not even a good one.

I think you can say that the good DQs have a higher level of balance than most RPGs, but there's been enough fucking around with the series. Right now the series looks stronger because most of the recent releases have been remakes which polished the originals way up and XI is just good. If someone went through FFV-IX and gave them loving remakes rather than cashgrabby ports you could see a similar situation.

>seven was a notorious fuckup
It went over really well in Japan, and like you said 9 and 10 were fine in Japan. Just because Americans hate it doesn't change that the quality is consistent. 6 is the outlier due to the series dev splitting.

Nope. Her introduction is strong and then she's boring as sin. Same for Angelo. Yangus and Trode pulled the weight of 8.

Yeah she's a pretty good mage

because they are the definition of vidya comfort food. Currently playing dq builders 2 and sometimes just cant help myself from smiling.

>ten is a bad mmo
Really coming off like a contrarian faggot

>remakes which polished the originals way up
3, 4, 5 and 7's rereleased are only marginally better than the originals. Shit, you could argue 8's is worse.

That PS1 seven did okay in Japan is mostly an indictment of the goddamn nation. Putting aside the notorious 'what the fuck are you doing?' intro, it's a festival of recycled content, aesthetic offence, naked padding, pointlessly obtuse hidden keys requiring you to either play with a guide or waste hours, and one of the only games where grinding really was the answer. It's a miracle that the 3DS team made a good game out of it.

I'm also disinclined to excuse 9 for being good under conditions I will never encounter. 10 is not the same deal, it's just a worse version of what square did with the MMO market.


Well that's something that definitely comes up a lot in "who is best wife and why is it jessica" arguments

That's a new wordfilter.
What'd Yea Forums do this time?

>you could argue 8's is worse

Only if you're one of those halfwits who think XI is bad because of MIDIs. The stuff upthread about random encounters is dead-on.

Dilate and have sex

What is it progressing toward?

Do you actually like the MIDIs?

Nah, I like PS1 7. 3DS is better, but not by a lot. Just less of a time sink.
I view it the way I view Sorcerian.

Not him but they grew on me

>Mini games are the only good part of 8

People only bitch and complain about VIII cause they don't understand how to use the Junction system.

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Or I think the additions suck, so the neutered audio and visuals aren't worth it. Red just being better Yangus was retarded.

Too bad FF progressed into complete shit.

Nostalgiafags and people who play 14.

because they aren't pretentious


So what is Jade doing when I use Puff-Puff on an enemy?

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It actually regressed through the years starting from FFII.

Squeezing her boobs together, as pictured.

Dragon Quest has been slowly advancing in architecture and what period each game is set in, right?
That means soon we'll get a DQ with cars in it. Toriyama's final DQ game will likely let him go all out on vehicle designs, his favourite thing.
Or the series will stick to distinctly fantastical eras and Toriyama will die, never having drafted a car for a mainline DQ.

All those games besides DQ are fucking shit

>feels like a beta form of VII
Not really. It introduces skills and sort of stumbles with their implementation, but VII doesn't fare much better in that regard.

I wouldn't say I LIKE them, but they don't bother me at all. I don't understand people who say that they literally can't play the game with music like that, as if they've never played a video game before 2000.

>Dragon Quest has been slowly advancing in architecture and what period each game is set in, right?

This, plus the full recovery on level ups is absolutely retarded.

What's the best JRPG franchise? For me it's SaGa

DQMJ3 already exists, user.

you're all gay

yeah. its better than dq and ff.

The thing I appreciate about DQ the most is that they're willing to keep the same Gameplay Mechanics because they don't have to fix something that isn't broken. Of course they'll do small patches for the current gen but nothing beyond FF levels. Because the battle system is a settled foundation -- they only have to worry about Music/Characters/Story so it allows them to put their 100% focus on that. V gives you a powerful soundtrack, great characters, and a beautiful story. VIII was my introduction to DQ as well as the JRPG genre, but I was compelled to play VII, V, and all the previous games beforehand just because FF was so dry at the time and not willing to do something like X ever again. That's why so many people enjoy X because it's the only latest game (while reaching almost 2 decades mind you) that was willing to give us what made FF so great in the first place, and it's really fucking sad.

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for me it's a close race of SaGa and Etrian Odyssey. Going through Untold postgame right now and it's a blast.

So why did DQ11 fall so fucking flat on all three? I can't believe I was tricked into playing such a monotonous repetitive piece of shit.

>DQ games
>focus on story
Nigger, what.

Sorry, you just have shit taste. Better luck next time, cuck.

Less fluff

Funny you should say that. I'm just replaying Minstrel's song right now and Untold 1 will be my first EO game and one of the next few I'll be playing.

I want to live in your world where Veronica and Sylv aren't extremely well written characters. Then again, maybe you're just a dipshit and need characters to scream their motivations and feelings at you.

Because the Heroes from Dragon Quest at Smash met The Legendary Roy

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DQIV was arguably the first real story driven JRPG and actually has better writing than most JRPGs today. It has stuff like themes and symbolism, which is often lost on developers who want to make their plucky angsty shonen hero who is so relatable but also special the next big thing.

Did you actually play the previous games to spout shit like that? How is even the soundtrack of XI bad when majority of it is reusing the best songs from all previous DQ games.

nice have fun then. Just remember
>expert, classic mode

I'm not very experienced with dungeon crawlers. Why those two?

Why does every DQ thread turn into a Jessica fapfest?

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Because it's not pretentious and up it's own ass like FF.

expert is the intended difficulty setting, the lower two just dumb down the game by making enemies piss easy
classic is the better option than story mode, which was tacked on in the remake and is frankly quite annoying with excessive blah blah and the bland party. But that's my opinion, you can take them like to the 6th floor and see for yourself.
One problem is however: there's only one save slot! So unless you have homebrew to make backups, you need to choose either story or classic.

Only heterosexual men would understand

I see. Well I'm like halfway through stranger of sword city so I have a fair amount of tolerance for horseshit and instant kills.

I am not a big fan but I appreciate the attention to detail in these games. The quality of life features like an auto heal button, a general interact button and holding the button to auto fight are great.

>What'd Yea Forums do this time?

some coordinated raid. It was fast and hard. Within like 3 days of it being spammed, it got a site filter

I don’t know how that user didn’t know it was filtered. It’s been filtered longer than it’s been a meme.

Because Jessica makes me feel funny



She just might be the most sexuailzed party member in all of DQ.

and that's a good thing

She's a hottie.

Because if it was bad all of Japan would revolt.

How do I choose between my two loves, Jade and Jessica?

But what was the word

look at the bottom of my personal filters.

Note. it was made before the site filter came in

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>Yea Forums ruined the best nofap meme from /fit/


please, it was /pol/

I don't browse /pol/, so I only saw it in nofap threads.
Day 27

Jessica in this thread will break that

I forgot how fucking annoying IX is.
>Abyssal drop-rates makes questing and alchemy a nightmare
>Advanced job quests (Armamentalist specifically)
>Sage and Priest learn Multiheal but Paladin doesn't
>Paladin learns Kabuff, but Priest doesn't

>worst Dragon Quest
It's 1. It's biggest crime is being a grindfest with almost no story whatsoever, and the only thing the game is ever good for is for making the "twist" of Dragon Quest III more impressive (assuming you have even played the original before playing III, that is).