Other urls found in this thread:
Should Hilda be a fortress knight or a wyvern lord?
depends on her stats at that point
Wyvern lord, flying is op as fuck
Always wyvern lord
this motherfucker comes up to you and tells you to "go find a husband," how do you respond?
How can a girl so small be so well equipped?
Does she have the biggest breasts in that game?
ground post best post
Reminds me of that fetish comic where a trap gets brainfucked and his brain turns into cum.
Should Ingrid pair with Ashe, Dimitri, or Byleth? If not Dimitri, should Dimitri pair with Catherine or with Marianne?
This is very important, I need to experience sweet romance vicariously because I broke up with my girlfriend recently and am lonely.
Tranny meme
What's yer offer?
Ingrid and Ashe sharing their autism is pretty good, Dimitri and Catherine is basically a childhood romance story.
war master lul
more like why does she look so small ingame when she has huge tits in her artwork
>Dorothea's ass upgrade
What do the numbers mean?
Any features removed from the jap version that would trigger my autism? How's the translation?
Ashe and Ingrid are cute together. I'm more stuck on figuring out which unit on my team I should marry, I was considering Shamir but I started liking Dorothea and also Annette and also Hilda and I'm also stuck thinking of who the hell else I'm gonna pair them with if I don't choose them. It's annoying, things especially get annoying when certain units are super limited in their support options.
>at goddess tower
>Mercedes asking if I was waiting for her
Does this lock me into some kinda route like persona? I don't wanna be mean to her
Dorothea, Annette, and Hilda are my top three myself. Good taste user, and incidentally I was gonna do Shamir in my church run as well.
If you plan on doing multiple runs then you can do all four of them like I plan to.
No. Choosing your wife is a different event.
Make him my husband.
I just give max supports to everyone so the house looks like everyone is constantly fucking everyone and it becomes one big fuckshed, and leave it to RNG to see who ends up with who.
no, you can pick your real true love later when you give them your ring
>He didn't choose who to take to the goddess tower
Why are you ignoring gatekeeperbro?
i see now you shit for brains subhumans even resort to using ending cards as OPs.
Me too. I'm more concerned with unlocking everything for the Extras menu.
You only get a little support point for doing that event. But it's unique for each character so I think you'd rather doing it with a character you like.
>all the A supports are timeskip locked
>timeskip happens
>everyone starts confessing and promising to get married and make life-changing journeys
They put up a polite front, but the part two monastery months must be dripping with sexual tension.
That's what war will do to you. There's a reason why we had a babyboom.
That's cool then, I was with her a lot but saw the post time skip design and it kinda killed it for me probably gonna do the green loli instead
>7 FE threads on Yea Forums
>generals on /vg/ only last 3 hours before bump limit
yeah she's in
Is this the Tharja of 3 houses ?
Does Dimitri always end up with Dedue if support available or I did something wrong that made mine gay.
He had max support with every girl, still choose Dedue.
Start with brigand or Myrmidon, go into Pegasus and wreck shit from there.
She has guaranteed atk and speed growths, you can't go wrong with Hilda.
Fuck it I even heard she can be made into a savant and still work.
no she's Serra 2
Maybe I'll marry the boar, he is stronger than you anyway lmao
I think that's Bernie.
Hilda is just a Stacy with depth and severe hypercompetence.
It's really hard to not like Hilda even if you didn't play GD.
Only Lysithea, Felix, Dedue and Hilda are the non lords that are guaranteed to be 1 man armies.
>making fun of your would be sister in law that her husband to be is dead and is now left with no one
What the fuck Felix.
AAAAA I want to touch those pits
He just wants to be hardcore, bitches don't let him be hardcore.
Bitches be stealing swords when you are trying to train, making you dice vegetables or shoving cake in your face.
Let Felix be Felix.
>not having an impregnation fetish
>everyone starts confessing and promising to get married and make life-changing journeys
I'm on the black eagles and none of the A supports have any connotation except for hubert that comically swears he loves edelgard even though it's completely out of character and I saw petra blush once with ferdinand and that was fucking it, either you fags are memeing or everyone is gay in this house
Hilda Valentine G̶o̶n̶e̶r̶i̶l̶ Eisner
>Picked Marriane
>Very cute scene where she asks you to help her pray but doesn't want to tell you what she was praying for
>Time skip
>Back then she was praying to fucking die and because of you she decided she wanted to live
Kino Emblem
I'm sad that her timeskip design loses the cute dork look she has as a student
combined stat total, i think for edelgard on the bottom the player just hovered over a tier 1 class from the start of the game
I like how it's almost all of his supports. None of the women will let him be a chuuni.
Out of everyone fuckin sylvain is able to work with him
Golden Deers has the absolute Chad Lorenz, part of his development is that he asks every other noble female character out.
Surprisingly Mariane gets the wholesome I'm the only one that know your beauty, Hilda gets a half confession about her GigaChad brother and Lorenz becoming family, Lysi gets Scott free because Lorenz understands she is on borrowed time and his obsession with having children and marriage is something Lysithea has given up on, Leonie and Lorenz build respect despite their different status, Dorothea fucking confesses to him post time skip after being insulted that he never even considered her a marriage option, let that sink in, Lorenz is so fucking alpha he gets Dorothea butthurt because she actually liked him from the start and it takes 5 years for her to finally spit it out after Lorenz says war is now his priority not marriage.
Fuck it even Ignatz becomes a chick magnet through painting and has the confidence of saying that they will save the world after being the "did I do good?" wimp.
Golden Deer is filled with casual Alphas, look at Raphael interactions the guy slays it and he is just lifting rocks and eating half of the time.
Golden Deer is the most heterosexual experience in the game, anyone that comes to Golden Deer becomes straight by virtue of how wholesome they are.
To this day I think Felix,Dorothea and Bernie were put in other houses but where made for GD, they get their best interactions there.
As someone who did waifu Tharja and Rhajat, get the fuck out. Bernie is annoying. There's being a shut-in, and then there's being so inept at social interaction that you can't speak.
Gloussies get out. Lorenz is a strictly worse Ferdinand in both charcter and gameplay.
wow, what happened to the shy messy haired girl during timeskip?
>To this day I think Felix,Dorothea and Bernie were put in other houses but where made for GD, they get their best interactions there.
i feel this, i think they really planned out where to put some of the characters in certain houses because theres bound to be characters most players will like in each of the houses. they did really well imo because i legitimately like a lot of the characters in this game after reading some of their supports
Balls dropped
Yeah, Annette would be a good choice for Smash.
newfag its a /fit/ meme
does she leglock you to get pregnant? if not, meh
no thats the kingdom mage bitch
Marianne has nice tits.
Got a haircut, a new suit and tidied her room
>does she leglock you to get pregnant? if not, meh
Only when it's consensual.
I just can't come to love Ingrid's timeskip design.
is this really necessary?
>is skindentation necessary
Yes you fucking faggot it is
>consensual pregnancy leglock
what's the fucking point??? give me forced leglocking or give me nothing at all
It is mandatory.
it's literally the most important thing, official art does it too.
>t. actual newfag
it's a Yea Forums meme
>five years difference
>they're the same size ingame when changing classes, but look smaller in her timeskip outfit
>despite being way bigger in the artwork
what went wrong?
The romance CGs are horrendously inconsistent with a lot of characters.
Yo link that shit
used goods
No, but appreciated nonetheless.
They all look off for some reason. Why couldn't they just keep the same style throughout?
because the original style is shit and they realized too late that they went wrong with the fujo artist
There is not enough art of her, especially after the time skip.
The majority of FE comes from fujo artists, user. It's nothing new.
imagine being such a slut that you shave your armpits
Felix's A support wuth Leonie has to be one of his best.
Timeskip ruined her.
Why are there literally no good girls in this game?
I'm not attracted to any of them.
>thought it was a big ponytail
>it's actually twintails
Her confession scene is fucking lewd.
I respectfully disagree.
There are lots of men for you.
It's not fair, why are all the girls you can actually marry shit?
>wanted to s rank dimitri
>Can only do it after the war
>Beat edelgard
>Game just ends without letting me S rank anything
did i fucking miss something?
You queue up certain ranks by achieving the requirement and then waiting.
So for S rank it will say you need for the war to end.
Then before the final battle you'll be at your father's grave and decide your waifu/husbando from a list of people you've got enough support with.
If you never got the ring from Jeralt's office then the option might not appear, I dunno.
But it literally means jack shit, because all you get for your trouble is a still image like in the OP and then the game ends.
Petra and Claude A rank has her autistically hinting that she's gonna tie him up and rape him and he responds with not if I rape you first faggot.
Um, did you even get to A rank with anyone?
Or did you just miss the sequence with the ring at Jeralt's grave?
No it isnt retard I browse Yea Forums
slytherin route when?
i want to pump and dump kronya and cornelia
>Ring sequence
I'm guess it's possible to miss picking up the ring in Jeralt's office then.
Oh hey Grandma, I can't have some tea with you right now as I am busy playing war with my former students.
Don't be rude to your nan, user.
>Dorothea's fucking IRE when Felix asks her if she can sing.
I love Felix's autism
Do you get to decide which characters end up togheter or do they do that themselves?
I like Hilda for her personality
whoever has the most support points with each other
the game keeps track of it even after reaching A rank and i read you can even get cucked if you S rank someone but another character has higher support points with them
>not being a big brained gamer
That's shortstacks for you
Fuck, thanks, now i gotta fucking smash the pairs togheter if i don't want white haired loli to die
>even his IQ is manlet sized
caspar knows exactly what's up because dorothea tricked him in the same way
>He picked FemC
Dorothea getting a Con bump in the ass department goddamn
I not a very sexual person possibly due to my penis being 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard
yes, but Dorothea is his onee-san.
Can't goth gf meme them into normalfag tier so no.
she's so beautiful
i understand
caspar is a god dam chad post time skip
What did she want help with?
A spider in her room.
God I want a gf that looks like this so bad.
Women are literally the fucking worst at masturbating so they "need" to constantly be having sex with guys in order to not go insane.
Best Unit, best support, best paralogue, Best Girl
What exactly is her fucking problem?
Should've asked Shamir
You can't hold me accountable for decisions made while horny as that isn't the real me
>Dorothea: Appears to be shallow slut and actually is one.
>Hilda: Appears to be a lazy slut but is actually a thoughtful genius.
Know the difference, it could save your life.
Daddy Issues
Her model is way better post time skip
Is that not where the image is taken from anyway?
I'm pretty sure it is.
>implying you wouldnt just ring em both if you could
Negro, just sitting on a washing machine is enough.
Missed opportunity. Could’ve easily put the name as Blyeth F. Emblem, baka turn your shit In you’re fired
Played through 2 and a half routes so far and I've seen basically everyone's supports and endings, here's my opinion taking into consideration both personality and looks.
nah it's from the sweaty athletic childhood friend one, send links to trap doujin
I'd put a spider in her room if you know what I mean
I like the Dorothea/Lorenz A-rank a lot. After her confession(which she tells him after he gets flustered was a joke), Lorenz himself also confesses and says he'll give a proper decision after the war breaking his whole obsession with finding a noble wife. That said Golden deer also have some of the best same sex paired endings between Claude and Lorenz uniting the alliance and Almyra and Ignatz becoming a painter and marrying into Raphael's family, it's sometimes a tough choice.
No way fag, Dorothea can go fuck Sylvain or something. Hilda won me over though.
>pink hair
Why don’t you want to do the gorilla who’s obsessed with male blyeth cock or the green haired Jew ?
Switch Annette and Bernie then it's perfect
Pink hair and twintails is a top tier combo user.
Dorothea was the most realistic and relatable character in the game post time skip.
Is funny because he turned into Ingit's husband.
I liked how she was so worn down by the conflict.
>going for the green haired jew
you're named after a cat retard go fuck yourself
Why is it so hard for other people to not draw giant shnozzes?
after the fates fiasco im pretty sure treehouse is officialy dead, it doesnt even compare.
Okay why didn’t you go for the gorilla ? IS makes it abundantly clear that she needs blyeth semen in her womb
>He had max support with every girl, still choose Dedue.
How did Flayn and Seteth not get exposed for so fucking long? Linhardt spent two months with Flayn and knew who she was. Hell, Flayn drops her spaghetti almost every time someone mentions a saint.
what the fuck they ruined bernie. Guess i'll just go with plan B, marianne
Edelgard did everything wrong. It'd take the 5th route with reviving Sothis and stopping Edelgard from going full retard to make me even consider her. As it is she's a villain and a monster who thinks peace can only exist through total conquest and the death of millions.
Rhea is also fucked up, we've heard conflicting things about her/Seiros in the past between all the routes and it's hard to tell what the 100% truth is but I do know she's a crazy mommyfag who was ready to sacrifice you and was one gentle shove from the edge where she goes back to hating humans and genociding them.
that's a difficult question
I don't play Fire Emblem because I'm not a weeb but I want Hilda's milkies and Edelgard's bathwater, pic very related.
Hmm desu it’s rare for a game to let you side with the villain (even if she is a puppet) I’m just glad there isn’t any retarded shit like in fates
Enough about the women for now. Let's discuss the men (no homo). Are we in agreement that Claude is the sexiest?
timeskip claude for sure
What the fuck
I'm not saying her design isn't perfect before, but her in-game model doesn't look right from certain angles. Time skip version loses the cool tails, but she looks great from all directions.
Pre timeskip Ferdinand does things for me.
Timeskip Caspar
she's a tomboy now
Sonybro here,
not with that fucking face
>havent played a FE might just give this one a try
>units keep getting shitty levels
I forgot all about this fresh hell
We're supposed to be no homo here. You cant phrase things like that.
she has the most beautiful face in the game though
Why is fucking Claude's milf mom not an option?
>3d model looks better than the 2d portrait
i blame the fujo artist
It's not homo if you're a grill.
Seteths wyvern is always hungry
Does anyone know what are the couples, the ships most popular in Japan?
Which are the favorite couples of the Japanese?
What supports do I need to see to make her likable? So far after a number of them she still just feels like the lazy manipulative bitch. She's a good unit and I want to fuck her tits and pits, but I can't get myself to actually like her character.
Good lord she has pit game too? Fuck. Stop posting this dumb slut. I just found out she’s unavailable as empire.
well (you) for starters, her A support explains why she's like that.
>Professor, I heard my sister was looking for a "strapping young lad" to show her a good time. I absolutely cannot allow this, plase marry her and give her a bunch of kids to distract her. You can find more information in the library.
I wish most S ranked was a menu thing in game.
>Full names
Based cringe
Only if you choose Edelgard over Church, and you can't be that big of an idiot.
>she's unavailable in the shortest, worst-written route with the blandest characters
Oh no, how tragic.
Catherine is the best girl. She can thunderstrike me any day.
No way, fag
Now one with women
Didnt she raise her blade against them first?
Does she just expect people to limp aside?
>playing BL as my first run
>decide on getting S rank with Flayn
>accidentally S rank Annette in Ch.13 instead
You can S rank everyone. You pick who you marry anyway.
I dont think that has any bearing on the final decision at the end
>between all the routes
>you mean only edels route with slither history
Give in to the Omegastacy.
Yea Forums gets pissed off about the stupidest shit
>Shamir the bitch and used goods at S tier
*breaths in* AHAHAHAHA
>focus on her throughout the game
>get S rank with her quite early
>naturally as the game progresses, she reaches A with Ferdinand
>their rank A support conversation is her asking him if he can embrace her as a regular thing because it felt so good before
dropped at that point, went for that God girl instead
Yes, she hired bandits to murder Dimitri and Claude in chapter 1. Claudes strategic retreat scrwed it up
Very, very nice armpits.
I paired Lorenz and Dorothea up for marriage based on how much growth and genuine romance was displayed on that A rank interaction. I found his A ranks better than Ferdinand's who he always gets compared to.
In my defense I went with them because their women had large tits and Edelgard seems like the less faggy leader.
You're telling me she hired a guy to kill her after she drops her axe but a wild autist saves her? Edeltard gonna tard
Based Claude with the secret Joestar technique.
>The only ending with kids
Some A supports are like that, i think its because its supposed to go into their epilogues, Mercedes basically can get together with almost anyone because she warms up to anyone, even fucking felix.
>Edelgard isn't evil! She's misunderstood! She's morally grey at worst
You're telling me that someone who hired assassins to murder children that trusted her and did her no wrong whatsoever is "morally grey"?
She has a bad habit of working with unreliable and morally corrupt people.
>In my defense I went with them because their women had large tits and Edelgard seems like the less faggy leader.
Isn't Edel the biggest fag in the game?
Lysithea gives you kids aswell.
A rank. You pick the S rank in like Chapter 20. Beware though, you can cuck yourself, after you choose the S rank, don't have said character do any more supports.
Oh, I didn't realize that it worked like that. Guess I misread how supported endings worked.
It's for the greater good of fodland! Crests are to blame!
She told them to kill the noble kids, but didnt mention she was one.
can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. she was trying to replace the continent's corrupt order based on church and crests. who cares if some fags have to die for that to happen?
Those "kids" were 18 and already killers themselves. If she succeeded then the coming war would be much less bloody overall saving lives.
How do I pair up the rest of the students though?
I mean not really if you are talking in litteral terms but out of the leaders yeah
Lysithea IS a kid
Is she one of the ones that can be lesbo'd?
I think you meant drills
Not this tranny. Byleth would be better. He'd be more unique. Trannygard swings her axe around like it's a sword anyway, Byleth's sword turns into a cool whip.
I can tell you're just joking but I weep for those dumb niggers who actually think this way.
Even better
It's just how she is i think, she wants to help everyone in need and Sylvain is pretty much desperate for love and affection, Felix reminds her of her little brother, Dimitri has literally no one, i think its more like a great friendship with dedue though.
>Cant make an omelette without breaking some eggs
>claude dabs into battle
It's automatic depending on whether or not they have paired endings. It's a shitty system because it requires you to only do 1 A Rank or else you can conflicts and get the wrong endings.
She can't be lesbo'd even tho she lesbo.
Not surprising the church girl is low-key a bigger slut than the two actual sluts
>two posts almost at the same time
Hubert is extremely active today
She watched her siblings die, no womder she went full Dimitri
I love my daughterwife
No, but she asks catherine to marry her
can you actually pair off other units in this game or do you just get them to A rank and ship them from there
F+F are my OTP
>Edelgard thinks the only way to overthrow the corrupt system is war
>Claude literally unifies the nation and opens the borders to the other outside world while doing a trickshot in the end
I love that little half breed.
It's just that the blue lion boys are so fucked that it triggers her desire to help those in need
>the CHAD Sylvain ends up humiliating crest supremacists
>the CHADDER Ferdinand invents public education
>the CHADDEST Lorenz literally makes legal reforms to give commoners more rights, chance of advancement and power
I'm currently playing BE now after my completing my first run as GD. Is it normal that I can't bring myself to care about these losers or did I just get too attached to my first House? Everyone calls GD the meme team, but they actually feel like people I can care enough about than the ones in BE. The Eagles feel like they couldn't give less of a shit about each other aside from that creepy beta orbiter Hubert.
So who can fuck Doodoo?
There are character epilogues based on their highest support.
>edelgard makes a merit system based on what she considers merit
Completely normal. GD have soul, the other houses are soulless but you play them for the story.
Huh, really? That's neat, I guess. Kind of surprising that the games aren't full bisexual towards the player yet, but that probably wouldn't fly in Japan.
Reforms impossible without first breaking the old system which is exactly what Edelgard accomplished
Most of the BEs hate each other. At the start.
They arent a family dynamic.
Are Hilda's stats too good to waste on a Dancer?
Try tha canon racist, Ingrid.
Play BL before BE.
Why the fuck would they remove S rank pairings for every one else then?
It will probably never be like that.
>yuri and yaoi wouldn't fly in Japan
She just follows her dream of being a church girl and legit looks better post timeskip
>Edelgard invades Faerghus and Liecester and wipes out the Church to prevent tragedies from happening again like the Tragedy of Duscur which her mother was behind, or crest experiments which Hubert/ Bernie/ Ferdinand's families were behind. or the Lonato rebellion which Edelgard herself was behind
Honestly the Church is unironically the lesser of two evils.
The strongest A Rank(on the cards under close allies) gets a paired epilogue
What happens if a trio have paired endings? Who gets cucked?
Would Felix cuck Ingrid from Sylvain or vice versa?
deerchads rise up
>starts shit
>gets blown the fuck out by a bunch of school dropouts led by an emotionless, autistic professor
>realize that everything was her fault
>tries to apologize and profess her feelings to said professor
>he "literally" cuts her off mid sentence
Is she the most pathetic FE villain ever?
No, it wouldn't, bumblefuck. Just because there's porn doesn't mean a mainstream game can get away with non-vague gay weddings there.
Started with GD. I love every single one of those little bastards like theyre my own children
>breaking the old system
>killing Rhea like 3 days from retirement
>killing everyone that agreed with her in the first place like Dimitri and Claude before she fucked their countries
Haha but we killed our parents or overthrew them so its ok
Yeah, bolting is stupid due to how support bonuses work. Just have her equip it and she basically gives any character she has a B support with +7 Hit and Avoid within 10 range.
Edelgard did nothing wrong. Fuck the church.
Depends on support points everyone has.
That shit get abolished in every route anyway
Gold team rules
Go for petra, she is ingrid but better looking
It really ruins it. She was perfect up until then.
>petra not S+
go FUCK yourself my dude
>edelgard is armored
>dimitri has better stats in almost every aspect because edelgard wastes tons of points in magic
why can't her unique class use fucking magic anyway with that statline
>t. religionfag
The Church needed to be destroyed, people shouldn't worship some sky girl.
Cope. Slither slurper
>That shit get abolished in every route anyway
Nope, play more than Empire route
>wow, the Church is sort of evil, Lonato didn't deserve to-
>Flame Emperor: Hmmm, that didn't go as planned, I guess I'll need to find some new pawns to manipulate
Edel-chan, Church massacres only make the Church bad when the Church is behind them, not you. Also your country framed Lonato's son.
I want to give femcel sensei a big hug.
The people wouldnt be there without that sky girl
That's the plan
U can still get her user, NTR ferdinand because she loves you more tan him.
No Byleth to keep her autism in check.
Empire route is litterally the first route I played. What?
The Sky Girl literally kept humanity from murdering each other. Edelgard's ancestors spent thousands of years trying to incite wars. The Church was half-founded to keep Edelgard's warmongering ancestors in check.
Yes, but crests.
Bands actually squeeze, that's how they're held up. Have you seen so many low-poly textured legs you think that's normal?
Would Fodlan have been better if Edelgard was strangled as a baby in her crIb?
Remember to please keep quiet, uncle.
is non eyepatch dimitri worth making a webm over, was gonna make one of bernie getting revenge, but idk if i should make it while in edel's route or just recruit her in my deer run
>Didnt she raise her blade against them first?
>Does she just expect people to limp aside?
>When she gets happy that you want to see her body markings
nah, I ended up dropping her after that
It's also bretty gud in the BL route where
>she turns into some eldritch horror
>still gets BTFO
>dimitri wants to spare her
>she makes her final, pathetic attempt at murdering him
>and gets stabbed
Cope sensei cummies>sensei milkies
Rhea abdicates to Byleth, who works closely with every house leader
You can instantly tell this is a fansite for fujo's.
>the Church is performing human sacrifices to resurrect their God
>I'll prove that they are bad by using TWICE the human sacrifices to create demons to invade the Church with
Yeah so the church isn't abolished
Petra's before timeskip was god tier. Her ethnic clothes afterwards were a big negative.
>Take back what was yours
what the fuck is this bitch's problem?
>"W-why are all these explosive barrels being placed under me edelgard?"
I want to dominate Catherine!
ah, dudeleth tears are so delicious
what are you gay?
Am I supposed to care about this faget
>So son who did you give that ring i gave you to.
I don't like his post time skip look when he doesn't have the eyepatch.
Him looking so disheveled makes zero sense in the BE route.
Rhea literally wants to abdicate her seat in the church because she knows that Seiros is trying to drive her insane and she's trying to keep Seiros from doing more damage. Edelgard's actions are what powers up Seiros in the first place.
She doesn't.
The church didnt even use human sacrifices though.
They were all artificial humans
I don't get the Claude one
Use your brain. Cuckmitri has 0 chance of winning yet he continues to fight creating countless more orphans.
He is the fucking strong.
The best part is that his lance and his trait gives him bonkers damage. I've seen him go over 500.
Sorry pop
Nigga, Rhea IS Seiros. 100%, it's not some split personality or possession bullcrap, she's the same fucking person.
Nigger Seiros is evil, not the Church. The Church is unironically important to every other country because 90% of their job is keeping the Empire in check. It's no wonder Empirefags hate the Church when they spent 1000 years telling the Empire to stop using crest weapons to conquer their neighbors.
Yes. He's a cool guy and didn't deserve it.
Aside from Edelgard, all of the BE students are great and super likable, especially Hubert.
She was never in danger. Unlike the others, she had an actual weapon instead of a training weapon and she can teleport. But again, Claude running away was so unexpceted, it completely fubar the original plan.
>Agathans start shit
>Seiros/Sothis puts them down
>Agathans 2.0 Electric Boogaloo starts shit via Nemesis
>Seiros puts them down, creates the Church to keep this from happening again
>Edelgard starts shit again with help from the Slithers
I mean, I'm seeing a pattern here, and it's not Serios who's in the wrong.
Not him but it's because you dont need to wipe out the church to accomplish her side goals
Probably so you don't actually just pair up whoever you want. You can influence it but ultimately if their support value is higher they'll get a different ending. The only one you have full control of is Byleth.
shitest taste ever. Just LOOK at those lips
I didnt give a fuck about any students dying in my first playthrough
>Has 0 chance of winning
Did you even play the fucking game?
They still did actually, the Crest Stone of Flames needed a bunch of human sacrifices to be created. The stone was implanted in artificial humans, but the stone itself was made through a bunch of human sacrifice.
Will playing through BL and GD make me rethink how right Edelgard is because it seems pretty clear that the church is manipulating pretty much everyone and only the BE Strike Force is bringing the fight to them.
You have full control over it if you're not letting them get more than one A-rank.
>especially Hubert
based, really wish he was playable in more than one route though, he grew on me after seeing his supports
Byleth is canonically male.
Did you? Deadoo literally becomes a suicide bomber because they're pushed back so hard
>Seiros can literally die and come back as Rhea
>Rhea herself wants to stop Seiros for doing more damage
There's some level of separation even if both of them are "technically one person".
Yes. Dancer has a negative str growth. Just work towards making her a Wyvern Lord/Great Knight
It blew my mind that Straitlaced is actually correct.
>Solid chunk of Dimitri's fighting force turns into demonic beasts
>Still can't win
90% sure Marianne ended up with Claude in my play through even though that had B rank at most.
Edel has 0 percent chance of winning every other route yet never stops
What a hypocrite for not understanding why people fight till the very end
How do I get the gestapo hat?
She basically mocking him for even asking that question this late into the war.
>but the stone itself was made through a bunch of human sacrifice
The stone is Sothis' heart, no human experiments needed.
I'm actually convinced female byleth with edelgard ending is supposed to be canon. Edelgard is a degenerate, and therefore it makes sense she would also be canonically gay
Gee, it seems like the Empire is sort of at fault again.
>Crest Stone of Flames needed a bunch of human sacrifices to be created
No it wasn't. The crest stone of flames is Sothis's heart, ripped out of her chest by Nemesis.
No, there isn't. Rhea is Seiros. End of story. She's not a reincarnation, she's not a successor. She's the same person.
But they do win, so clearly that chance isnt 0
Even considering the church as evil what Edelgard does is just as if not more evil.
Dimitri and Claude both didn't do anything wrong.
Isn't it implied that Church was manipulating the history of the continent all along? Like how the monastery is lying right between the countries despite being constructed before the Kingdom split from the Empire?
buy the expansion pass goy
There is a separation.
Do some supports nigger
Then why did Rhea go full Seiros in her own route then?
Doing the same and feeling it too. Still only halfway through the first act but it feels like compared to the GD where you have a light-hearted somewhat quirky group of friends house, BE are kinda dysfunctional with Edel, having to wrangle the worst offenders, and that they're somewhat hostile to each other at times. It doesn't help that there feels like a divide between Edel/Hubert with the rest of the house and theres a further wall between Edel and the other members of the house compared to Claude casually joking around with his house.
>because it seems pretty clear that the church is manipulating pretty much everyone
Who? The only actual pawn of the church is Catherine. Edelgard and her Slitherer allies are the ones manipulating everyone. Also in routes other than BE she unironically turns into Hitler and burns down Faerghus and leaves Dimitri insane.
What supports? Specifically name them, because I've got a full support log with every character that isn't that Almyran nigger Cyril.
>Crest Stone of Flames needed a bunch of human sacrifices to be created
Exactly where was this stated?
His ass, when he pulled it out of there.
It's almost like both Edelgard and the church do things that are questionable at best and it's not a black and white issue.
Not that guy, but where did Edelgard's crest of flames come from then?
She's evil end of story, her S rank is literally crocodile tears and her manipulating you into marrying her so she can try and get her mom back
Dimitri does have his phsycho edgy revenge phase where he kills everyone he meets
Claude was always too weak to rule
Huh, I thought the crest stones all needed to be made from sacrifices, I must have been mistaken.
Everyone is making fake history, the Empire has their own fake history where humans dindu nuffin and the "evil dragons were to blame" and then when you get the actual history it's the exact opposite and the humans are totally to blame and it's half the empire's fault that the crests were created in the first place.
Damn healers, I bet she'll end up with him in mine two
literally have sex
From Slither experiments. Byleth has the crest of flames since Rhea implanted Sothis' crest stone into his heart
>Annie and Hilda are shorter than Bernie and Lysithea post-timeskip
Nemesis. She got it implanted into her by the sneaky snake people, who have access to Nemesis's body.
Can Annette even survive sex with the Boar?
Edels sibling all inherited different minor crests of flames and were killed n shit for edel to have a complete one
>ITT: SEETHING Dimitrifags
Edelgard’s doodle of Sensei’s face is clearly male, female isn’t canon
>Probably so you don't actually just pair up whoever you want
That's dumb as hell. Why would they not want me to do this?
Why is Mercades best girl?
Does Byleth get paid a salary for being the Archbishop or does he do it for free?
Dorothea is just tsundere for Ferdinand because she thought he snubbed her as a kid
Because it's up to the characters who they fuck and not you.
Shit, I'd let Dorothea use my status just for that ass.
She litterally is different. End of story
I'd do that user, but I'm already near the timeskip on BE.
As far as I'm aware he gets free room and board. So slavery basically.
>Gives you many children
Green haired cutie is still the best.
Oh no no... Femleth sisters?
He does it for fodland
>great stats
I guess I know who to pick then.
Byleth seems too autistic to ask for anything, probably just goes along with it because why not
>Not letting her lez it out with Manuela
>most final CGs are about byleth and the girl doing something cute
>hilda's is just her being a whore
I like how a lot of the S rank cards at the end have them being cutesy with Byleth, but Hilda's and Dorothea's are just "you get the fuck this for the rest of your life"
Note that crest stone and crest are different things. Former is a heart of a dragon, latter is power granted by the blood of a particular dragon.
Of course, he'd be an incredibly gentle and patient lover.
Probably on several people's minds but the enlightened one outfit is really well designed. A shame it doesn't appear in any cutscenes or is a choice for a monastery outfit. It really would have been a good default outfit after the timeskip to match your students also wearing their new outfits.
I dont like yuri she going with Ferdinand
BE is basically where all the outcasts, misfits and rejects are gathered. Caspar acts more like a commoner than a noble, Dorothea and Bernie are self explanatory, Ferd will always be second best to Edelgard, Petra is a hostage, and so forth. Their one common link is Byleth, to which even Edelgard isn't immune. Her route is basically ensuring she can uphold the standard and expectation Byleth has set for her.
I’m playing through black eagles right now and it’s so fucking retarded. I’m sorry you had to deal with that shit first.
>even edelgard wishes Byleth was a man
Isn’t it strange how it’s in the middle of the continent, in a strategic location surrounded by mountains? Yes I do believe it is.
It will be fixed by next patch.
Flayn's mother is Sothis or who exactly?
Wow edel is pretty fucking thirsty huh
>four routes
>two male and two female leaders
>both male leaders are good
>both female leaders are bad
>all the males get upgrades after the timeskip
>females get either downgrades or sidegrades at best with the only real upgrade being Leonie
Sure is Otome Emblem here
>Dimitri didn't even touch him
>Byleth killed him himself when he can't stand to watch Dimitri's bullshit anymore
>she gets shived by Byleth as well
What do you call this?
That's basically the entire BE route. She is thirsty as fuck for Byleth.
Try doing it with 2 battle points. Are you NG+?
Threesome with both of them.
She literally is Seiros. You find out at the end of the story.
Play the fucking game.
Edelgard is thirsty for Byleth in all routes, If you fight Ferdinand in BL he complains how obsessed Edelgard is of Byleth
I played GD first and loved all of my students, playing BL now and I start to like them alot aswell, seems like BE is just the worst house in general.
I don't get it. What seems to be the problem here?
So is there a database for all pairings in the ending text? Like I had Ferdinand and Bernadetta hooking up in my first playthrough
>A+ professor rank
>6 months in
Yeah probably
Seems like the golden route must involve Byleth fucking Edelgard for everyone to be happy.
What is the advanced class upgrade for pegasus knights?
Or should I just stay there until lvl 30?
Swordmaster if you've been training sword.
either go wyvern rider or stay pegasus knight, your non-byleth units get autoleveled up 4-5 levels during the timeskip so you won't spend that much time there anyway
I'm on BL route and things seem circulated around BL and BE houses, what am I for playing GD route? I feel like their house is partying hard and dubbing with Claude while whole continent is going full blown, should be fun?
>Starting Ch. 10
>get all students to Rank B
>got some some but others still won't let me recruit
>have high Charm but not once has anyone showed up during to the week asking to join my class
do I bite the bullet and just start grinding skills to get them to like me more, or should I just keep on showering them with Affection with meals and tea?
Cope. Play church route
all /fitlit/ memes are /litfit/ memes
Is it me or is classic mode retarded? It feels like the developers didn't commit to it. Pre timeskip, characters who die in battle just retreat and you can still talk to them in the monastery like nothing fucking happened, you just can't use them in battle for some dumb reason. this is just the game taunting my unwillingness to be a perfectionist at this point.
can I go casual mode and then just have the characters ACTUALLY die off post time skip?
go Paladin to fix her garbage strength
Had a glow-up.
i dont know why you autists go thru all this trouble when u can just use them when you switch to a new route.
The best order is GD > BL > Church > BE.
Did. She gives the same basic schpiel. Unless you want to go and post it to prove yourself wrong.
Keep on pretending you played a game that you didn't.
You wouldn't be the only one fucking Dorothea for the rest of your life. Too bad the one girl with ass on the whole roster is a turboslut.
Them asking to join is pure RNG. I once had Dorothea asking to join my house 3 days in a row.
Most only need D rank so it barely takes any time just doing the instructor training. There's only a few that need higher.
He tits look as small as ever post-timeskip
I hate it!
they portray Dimitri as being dark or whatever but in actuality he doesn't kill anyone you wouldn't have killed anyway.
Pre-timeskip you were doing the exact same shit and it's portrayed as light-hearted.
GD and Church are almost exactly the same. There's no reason to go Church other than to s-rank Rhea.
her route is literally working off wrong information her whole life shes been fed warped information about the church the devs prob knew waifufaggots would go for her first and did this intentionally
>Ends up being a better Wyvern Lord than Claude in my game
Too bad I'm not a fan of cowtits.
>other than to s-rank Rhea.
That's a good reason.
Where's the fucking music for TH? Are they striking everything on the tubes? Just finished the eagles route and I need that final battle ost.
Friendly reminder that that's her C-support. C! She instantly found Byleth worthy of being her prey and goes in on him.
>conquer new fortress/strategic area
>go back to the monastery every week instead of holding it
>mfw I failed multiple tea times with Marianne and didn't recruit her in time
It’s a good thing you played the worst and shortest route first. You didn’t even get to fight the dubsteppers.
imagine cumming in her mouth while she's just standing there frozen up
Yes. You're just going to have to use the sound test menu until Nintendo calms the fuck down on striking it down, they literally deleted BrawlBRSTm3 or whatever his channel was because he wouldn't stop uploading the shit.
dubsteppers? why are you calling them that?
how do i tie up students to bring home in this game
Hopefully next game they fix the whole thing by making it a war camp.
And she still ended up making the world a better place. It's the one thing everyone agrees upon in every route. There must be a change in Fodlan. Unironically, even though her info was wrong, she still ended up being right. Seiros needed to die, Slitherers must be taken care off, Fodlan must unite and reforms are needed.
Is this their A support? I don't think I remember seeing this conversation
She reffers to the crazy inside her as something else
Cornelia has massive milkers, even bigger than Camilla from Fates.
why is claude the only reasonable house leader?
Post it, bullshitter.
>go to Enbarr and take the capital in GD
>next mission to fight Edelgard is right after with no monastery shenanigans
I was surprised. It's funny though to imagine heading into imperial territory as far as Enbarr only to sleep on taking down Edelgard for a month
You will delete this image and you will do so now.
The monastery is quite literally at the center of everything. If you want fast mobilization of your army at anywhere in Fodlan, that is the best spot to do so.
Dorothea is the best big sister.
She may be a bit of a thot, but she's still great.
What do you think happens at tea time? Did you think they willingly wanted to drink tea and have the professor stare at them?
Dimitri is pretty reasonable after a while, it's only Edelgard who isn't. The only problem is is that Claude is the only reasonable one whether he interacts with you or not.
>good leader
pick one
>pick rhea route for the mommy incest
>her s rank is actually really wholesome
>she even brings a ring for you as well
>And Byleth still ended up making the world a better place
He's not. Other routes he's just a coward who abandoned his friends and run away back to Almyra.
petra tying up byleth and raping him in the amazon position!
zoom zoom
I want to hunt slitherers with the empire's glow in the dark niggers.
You can't go wrong with Petra. Such a good girl.
I need to breed her bros
>And she still ended up making the world a better place.
Even in edelgard's own route, all of the theoretical improvements are assigned to epilogue shit rather than being actually contextualized over the course of the story. You got cucked out of a route.
>tranny pronouns
>black eagles are fascist
never change twitter
That's every route, so ok.
dam there really are BE apologist
>all of the theoretical improvements are assigned to epilogue shit rather than being actually contextualized over the course of the story.
you say this as if it's not the standard, and also not true of every single other route.
It's not apologia when they did nothing wrong.
I mean it made sense with the GD route, every time they had to go back to the monastery it was to regroup, deal with alliance politics, and/or prepare for the next Claude scheme. The only time they had to hold any strategic location was the bridge and Claude left Judith there to defend it while he and the rest of you, sans Raphael, went back to deal with even more alliance politics.
My wife won't have to tie me up
Unless she wants to of course
10/10 design and personality. I wish she had an ESL voice actor though, it was weird having the broken english yet perfect pronunciation.
Perfect waifu will be perfect
Dimitri and Claude need significantly less babysitting though, and Claude and Dimitri don't go full Hitler when they aren't being watched. Dimitri just hunts down any Imperials that invade his home.
>rhea, claude, and dimitri all marry you
>edelgard is ashamed and keeps your relationship a secret
What did the slitherers do with Flayn's blood? I feel like I must have missed it in a conversation somehow because it's too big of a plot thread to just drop like that
He's fucking retarded in the BL story.
>friendly with BL, let's them pass through alliance territory to fight the empire
>lol, attack the BL in the back
>oops, didn't mean to
>please save our capital
>thanks for saving our capital, btw I disbanded the Alliance, you can have it all, I'm out!
>the gorilla who’s obsessed with male blyeth cock
She's been lonely and PTSD ridden after witnessing the complete genocide of her species. You better repopulate the species with her.
That's because they split up her route to make the utterly redundant Church route. That shit is quite literally the second half of the BE timeskip route where they're suppose to deal with the slitherers.
Rhea is a cute girl who had a hard life and suffering from dragon degeneration
On the contrary, Claude pulls everyone aside for a discussion on how open borders help stop evil bad racism every second chapter, BL's entire plot arc is about how people need a strong ruler and how your little lordling comes to fill that role, and Church solves all of its problems step by step in each chapter and ends with no one left to fight.
in his route, he says that he doesn't want to lead the alliance
>10/10 design and personality. I wish she had an ESL voice actor though, it was weird having the broken english yet perfect pronunciation.
This is my thought on her as well, although you know there'd be retards thinking it's just someone putting on a voice and calling it racist.
>yfw its implied that Brigid women force men they like into mating.
>he thinks edels route wasent the after thought
Claude is a political prisoner and a pawn of the Regan family, he's basically there so the Regan family can rule the Alliance through him.
Claude needed Byleth's connection to the church and Byleth's encourgement to see things through to the end. Dimitri is a rather unhinged individual and unless the shit is dealt with, he's a ticking time bomb. Babysitting or not, they absolutely needed Byleth to actually get shit done.
>the saved her and Bernie from the shitty eagles and marries her
>church is the default route and not a half-baked 18 chapter route
seething edeltards
Just imagine she's good at imitating accents but doesn't have that great of a grasp of the language. There's lots of people who can do that.
Aren't all of the students older than you post timeskip?
>tfw petra stays a femlet post timeskip and doesn't grow at all
>despite being the youngest student next to lysithea at 15
kinda wish she would end up snu snu but she's still great
The Church route is everything GD did in their route except for the final map. That shit is the definition of redundant. BE route has the most numbers of unique missions among all the routes.
>Shamir's B rank doesn't open up until the timeskip
>ended up with Mercedes and had to tell her that I wasn't waiting for her
It hurt just a little.
>edelgard gets everything done the fastest and with the least bloodshed
based edelgard is really the best choice after all
Claude saw things through to the end in my edel route after I killed him
>even Lysithea and Petra still end up taller than Edelgard
Yes, but they don't literally destroy Faerghus without parental guidance like Edelgard does either.
Is it explained why he attacked the Kingdom army at the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?
>timeskip when Byleth heads to the monastery
>Dimitri route gets a fully rendered scene of Byleth finding him slumped in a corner talking to ghosts
>Claude route gets a fully rendered scene of the sun rising as he greets you by a window
>Church route gets a fully rendered scene of Edelgard fighting Byleth
>Edelgard route gets a normal standing around cutscene with a hug picture
>5 years and none of the characters lost their virginity
>gets everything done
The absolute cope
I don't wanna mock you, but this is the dumbest shit I've read today
>edelgard collects all of the womanlets for her route and they all end up taller than her anyway
Did you end up killing Lys too?
Dorothea definitely did
>least bloodshed
Not really. In the GD version of that battle Dimitri has gone full PUNISHED and just kills everyone who gets close
>least cut scenes
>least missions
>dont even get to deal with the slithers on screen
>i-it's not an after thought
Edelgard framed both sides by killing each others messengers.
Because he has brain damage
This girl is a miracle of Fire Emblem, I have never seen a waifu so universally accepted by this fanbase. Whenever some shitposter becomes aware of this and tries to go against the grain it's so forced and obvious.
>conquers fodlan
>kills rhea
>reforms political system
>kills dubstep cultists
what's missing, i'm pretty sure she achieved all she wanted
did people forget that torrents exist or something?
Based and Brigid pilled
she gets pity points because she ded
She's great, but she's no Hilda
she's fantasyworld illya. of course everyone loves her
I mean, Dimitri would have most likely died relatively early on while Claude gave no fucks about Fodlan as a whole. So yeah, they don't need parental guidance but they sure as hell wouldn't have accomplished anything.
She lost it long before she even went to the academy
not if you dick her so hard she gets years added onto her life
too much effort
He probably wanted to hurt the winning side to force a stalemate.
a negative 5% growth is meaningless honestly. Who care if she end up with 37 STR instead of 41 ?
>reforms political system.
Its exact same just change crests with money
claude= rickert
>conquers the alliance by just taking the bridge and beating claude at derdriu, spares his life and the other lords join her without fighting
>only has to kill a bunch of churchfags and kingdom retards defending rhea
>gives civilians the time to escape before rhea goes full daenerys on the capital
it's true though
It's ok. Since she's the smallest, she's the only one that can go IMAGINE to fulfill all of her sensei's perverted needs.
American IQ
>capitalism bad
cope, commie
user, I had literally explained that in my prior posts. They had ripped out what should have been BE timeskip 2nd half and made it into the unnecessary Church route.
Black Eagles has Petra, Golden Deer has Lysithea , Hilda and Marianne, but who am I supposed to fuck in Blue Lions runs? The waifus there do nothing for me.
>gives civilians the time to escape before rhea goes full daenerys on the capital
kek gotta admit admiring the cope im guessing you picked her route first
>Genetic superiority bad
Cope, commie
Post source
Ingrid, or just recruit Shamir, Catherine, or whoever else you want to bone.
Edelgard's forces brutally murdered each sides peace envoys to each other and just left them lying around for them to find
By the time Claude arrives at the battlefield Dimitri is too punished to give a shit
are there multiple chances (like do people show up in more than one map) to recruit characters after the timeskip? imagine killing them twice haha
it's almost like it's unfinished and half as long as the other three
>merit based system based on edels ideas of merit.
Sothis, Shamir
Vroom vroom church girl just gets better with time
BL is the just me and the boys route women come 2nd
Good lord this screencap looks ugly. This game could use an HD remaster.
Faggot fujoshit route.