What was the last straw regarding Steam for you that finally made you become an Epic/Origin/GOG Chad?
For me it was when I bought a game during this summer sale while on vacation and upon returning home they wouldn't refund it after it literally wouldn't launch because it had been a whole 17 days since purchase instead of 14 despite me having a single goddamn minute of playtime in it while Origin has a 30 day full return policy
What was the last straw regarding Steam for you that finally made you become an Epic/Origin/GOG Chad?
I honestly don't care at all lol
>actually buying games
why did you want to refund a game that you hadnt played at all? u sound dumb
I have no loyalty towards game stores. I use whatever's the most convenient.
why would you buy a game during vacation when you couldnt even play it until you got back? you should have just bought it once you got back.
this too
Its called multiplayer
Are you just illiterate or full blown retarded?
Because it was on sale for half price dumbass. Why is Steams refund policy so shit that a game that I CAN'T EVEN LAUNCH is unrefundable?
I buy from whoever happens to have the game at a reasonable price at the time I feel like buying it. I've got games spread across like half a dozen platforms and I don't give a fuck.
fuck off mentally ill chinkdrone
steam sales usually last until from like mid june to early july
These shill threads are so transparent. Do marketers actually think they work?
Piss off Xitler
>reddit tier meme image
epic fails really are clueless
>epic chad
hi xing ping no steam is still superior to epic in every way
Epic doesn't even have refunds you utter retard
Entirely your fault for having a toaster that cant run shit
>playing multiplayer games
Ching chong ping pong eat a dog die in an escalator
Yeah I bought the game July 2nd, and took 2 weeks off starting on the 4th. I got back and started the game the next day and it wouldn't work but because of those extra 3 days I had to eat the money because god forbid gabe lose any jew gold
it's the best platform
explain pls
Please just stop shitposting.
What is a shopping cart?
why didnt you test the game the day you bought it? you didnt touch the game before you left for vacation 2 days later? seems like thats your problem user
Why are you idiots spamming about Epic when I listed every other viable marketplace and compared the refund policy to origins? Jesus you drones literally have a mental illness
you're just a fucking dumbass, it's literally your fault in every aspect. Check the requirements before purchase or just simply don't be a poor chink sweatshop worker
>Says it was on sale for half price so of course they were justified in paying for it.
>Doesn't even play the game for a single minute.
>Pissed off they can't get a refund despite knowing the refund policy.
user you're really not doing yourself any justice here. What's the fucking point in buying it all if you never played the game at all regardless of what price it was? You're getting no value because you never used the product.
Because I bought it when I got off work, spent the next day packing for a 2 week vacation and the 4th of july and had actual things going on in my real life besides "jack off to chinese cartoons"
Now if you could tell me what those 3 days where i also didn't play the game had an effect on my refund or why Steam can't have a 30 day policy like every other store I'd love to know
id rather play games i purchase than use shitirigin that is a completely broken platform like uplay.
>he uses typical chink shills buzzwords
Yup, you just outted your cover, Zhang.
Now, what are your thoughts on Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989? What about your boss Xi Win Pooh?
UPlay is dogshit but origin has been fully functional and better than Steam in almost every regard for years now
>Now if you could tell me what those 3 days where i also didn't play the game had an effect on my refund
you had 3 days to test the game before you left. takes 30 minutes to download and launch a game if you don't live in chink land
>or why Steam can't have a 30 day policy like every other store I'd love to know
seems kinda smart to me because you can easily complete a game in 30 days but you can't beat the average game in 2 weeks. the shorter time limit stops players from just buying a game then refunding it within 30 days.
Being able to refund any game, being able to run most games on linux via proton, and having a shopping cart of course.
Daily reminder.
people like this dont exist, fake gaslighting thread
>GoG Chad
>Steam dude
>uplay/origin/epic/battle.net fag
After it became obvious that Valve didn't actually care about making games any more, I decided to switch to GoG because no DRM and CDPR still makes good games.
July 2nd purchase
July third packing and leaving
July 4th vacation starts
sorry I have a life
>takes 30 minutes to download and launch a game if you don't live in chink land
not when its 65gb
>seems kinda smart to me because you can easily complete a game in 30 days but you can't beat the average game in 2 weeks.
you can beat every single player game released now in a fucking day what the fuck are you talking about?
>you can beat every single player game released now in a fucking day what the fuck are you talking about?
maybe if you don't have a life, but you say you do have one so where's the argument
>not when its 65gb
get out of bongland friend
It's a banned word on the Chinese net. The way you pronounce Hitler in Chinese is spelled "Xitler" but with a different Chinese character for the Xi. Replace that and you get a visit from the thought police.
>pr-eloading implemented
>"Uhh, you can't pre-load Borderlands 3 because it's complicated"
>that white line at the bottom of the image
fuck off back to where you came from, even for a shitposter it's easy to tell you're not from here.
>maybe if you don't have a life, but you say you do have one so where's the argument
the average single player game is around 9-12 hours long. thats literally less than an hour per day for 2 weeks.
>july 4th
big brain here
oh im so sorry i didn't spend 4 hours making a shitty image in photoshop to suit your tastes and isntead just googled "fuck steam"
>New games don't please me, stop buying games
>Stop playing tf2 and csgo
My steam account has gone offline for 280 days last year, after being online every day for 14 years.
I guess im just getting tired of games, for real this time.
i love beijing tiananmen
then get out of talabasis or whatever rural hickfuck area you live in and get a good internet connection
>9-12 hours
maybe if you're stuck in 2009. most of the games ive played within the last few years are much longer than that
Or Steam could just have a 30 day return policy like other stores do which magically aren't somehow going broke because of it despite what you seem to think.
right after you leave yours for the first time this year
>neglects to read the terms of service and refund policy
>signs that he'll abide by it
>buys a 65gb game
>doesn't play nor check it before going on a vacation that is longer than the specified return policy
>comes back
>tries to boot the 65gb game on his toaster laptop
>wants to refund it
It's literally your own fault retard.
>complaining about missing refund window for a game
>didn’t even play game before/after refund date
>became an epic “chad” despite epic not offering refunds at all
This is just insulting now. Idc if it’s shilling, do you really think we’re that stupid? Tienamen square Xi Chong
in your case, im afraid that you're just a faggot.
usually before buying a game you should check the system requirements and make sure it works on your computer so things like these don't happen, friend. maybe you should have fucking checked the refund window like a normal person before randomly buying games without doing any preemptive research.
this whole debacle is entirely your fault and you're complaining that it backfired.
those 3 days were literally life and death. gabe fed himself his last 15 24 piece KFC buckets with that money in those 3 days and they could not be returned
He's not even a PC gamer.
Not even a shopping cart.
Epic has refunds and I use Origin more than anything else and have for around 2 years now.
Origin is responsible for Steams pathetic refund policy they had to be dragged to court kicking and screaming to implement btw
They all suck, steam is just slightly better than the rest kys corporate bootlicker
You could have at least read the minimum system requirements.
I've read a few stories of people getting refunds even though they were over one of the time limits, sometimes even both. Maybe you just suck at explaining your case.
Switch having too many good games made me not care about steam, especially with how shitty steam sales have become, and the garbage dumping of trash game onto steam has made looking at new games such a hassle. I can't believe that the eShop now has better sales and better visibility, this made me use my PC exclusively for emulation, and occasionally play a multiplayer game like EDF.
I hope Tim Sweeney develops a game where you can run over Hong Kong democracy protestors in a chinese communist party tank as his next Epic Game Exclusive. every political opponent of Winnie the Pooh that you smoosh will add 0.02 xibux to your social credit store
>nooo my narrative is falling apart, i'll never get my 3 cents worth of trading cards from gabe for defending him now
Steam could at least have a 30 day return policy like every other store
Thanks again, based poster, for improving the quality of this shitty shill thread!
>this store doesn't have the features other stores do! I want the features the other stores have! So I will shop here anyway!
Literal autism.
>You should be allowed to play games for an entire month before returning them!
Ah yes, I too would like for every videogame seller to go out of business.
>it's another episode of "something that i did wrong is somehow the company's fault"
Link me to the Origin version of Vermintide
>30 days or 2 hours
imagine having a worse refund policy than fucking EA
This is what entitlement looks like.
When valve decided to abandon developing and only squeezing out steam and the actual state of the trash dumb.
every single one of your posts is a prime example of that, OP
yes as I consumer I've grown entitled to a 30 day return policy like a normal store. sorry we're not all content to be gabes human centipede
Then you exclusively use Steam? Sad.
>thinking I'm OP
Nice mind games there you yellow fuck
apologies im losing track throughout all of this shitposting
>can't change
>can't adapt
>can't take personal responsibility
I thought the Chinks smothered their autistic babies.
>it's an epic shill thread episode
Can we stop the reruns?
Google says Origin only has a 14 day policy. The fuck you talking about nigger.
Could you tell me why Valve has a worse and less consumer friendly return policy than Electronic Arts?
Zhang has to hit his quota. Sorry user
Imagine trying to make a shitty shilling thread but only succeeding in making the average epic user look fucking stupid.
Fuck off chink shill.
Can you tell me how much Epic is paying you? Or do you do it for free to raise your social credit score?
If it's the most convenient option out there, sure.
>kike every other store
You do know that the refund policy of most digital stores is worse if not matched? For example. Epic's was worse until they now matched Steam's.
Imagine having a worse store than EA.
actually, he's right. but heres the thing
>within EA's control
>within EA's control
>within EA's control
>within EA's control
Your threads are pretty bad these days Chingchong.
Do better.
this thread is getting cute and funny
You don't need a shopping cart when you literally control video gaming
Because they have a far, far bigger volume of users and thus psy more refund related charges.
>literally state I've mainly used Origin for 2 years
Are there literal bots that just look for threads mentioning steam and shitpost about Epic?
they're wrong i refunded madden 19 last year after playing it for 3 weeks and giving up due to how shit it was
Yes there is a reason why you call them steam "drones"
Well, yeah, it is by miles. That's why noone wants the other stores.
Only excuse to use them is to play games that are confirmed to never show up on Steam, but let's be real there are better games anyway.
Steam doesn’t sell the games a lot of the games I want to play, so I use GOG. Wasn’t that difficult at all.
Pick one.
Who let this pedo wander away from Kotaku? Get the fuck out of here you degenerate child rapist.
I wouldn't consider him not firing up his game a technical reason within EA's control.
So lets see here, because Steam was insulted
>someone is spamming CP
>there are 5000 posts about chinks despite Epic being mentioned literally 1 time
Wow you guys sure did show me, I don't know why people keep making accusation that steam users are a bunch of autistic manchildren
I played Madden 19 for at least 5 hours and they still gave me a refund after 3 weeks
>He thinks this is CP
I miss old Yea Forums
Back to bongistan with you.
i know, that's my point.
my point is also that once again, without a single doubt. OP IS A FAGGOT
Fuck off back to social media, normalfag.
>sh'es actually a 90000 year old dragon
>little girl with clothes on is porn
You need professional help if you're sexualising kids to that degree.
do not lewd komari alright
>Epic store chiniggers are the same people who hate loli
Who'd a thunk.
Send these pictures to your mother and tell her you enjoy looking at them then.
>user reviews
Wasn't "no user reviews" a major selling point of theirs?
>Valvetards are pedophiles
Who'd a thunk
Why are steam drones literally mentally ill ?
No man likes loli.
Retards, degenerates, pedophiles, psychopaths, faggots etc aren't men.
this thread is retarded
just don't buy games if you're not gonna play those
>but muh sale
so what? there's sales every fucking month somewhere
Just because your Government gets freaked out by free thought doesn't mean the rest of the world works that way you yellow fink.
Because its a userbase full of transexuals, furries, reddit users, and literal autistis.
>bought game before vacation
>didn't even bother to make sure his computer could run the game
>didn't even give it a quick test run to ensure it would even work before going on vacation
In this case I think its safe to assume your just a retard, also what game did you even get that wouldn't run
>I didn't read the return policy and I'm going to cry about it
direct opposite of Chad
you are literally a fucking Karen
You send anything to your mother yet? Why would you be so reluctant to send these perfectly normal pictures to her?
Ah, no, that's GOG.
Kys jizzbrain get your brain straight before it's too late
Why are Steam drones so cringe?
>You send anything to your mother yet?
Just dick pics. But that's a different can of worms.
Literally this
did she like it?
Whatever you say ma'am
Wah wah tranny.
Whatever happened to this game?
Why is shopping cart more than 6 months away? How hard could it be to make a list of things you're buying?
I got through playing a batch of some random indie games, and realised that not a single one of them was notable in any fucking way and I might as well have spent my time staring out a fucking window.
So yeah, not Steam itself, but shit like Bunker Punks that made me go emulation and GOG. May as well go play good games, fuck I'm not missing out in this sphere of released games.
>>became an epic “chad” despite epic not offering refunds at all
>All games are eligible for refund within 14 days of purchase for any reason. However, you must have not played the game for more than 2 hours.
well im glad we could have a discussion about video games here and its not a worthless echo chamber.
Why are you lying ?
take a header, ching chong
For me was the Summer Race event.
>That image is the average kind of person on Yea Forums that tells me to hate Epic Store
Stay mad fag
>there's literal CP being spammed
>visible buttholes, obviously lewd positions, obviously suggestive expressions etc
>user is actually defending it because muh old Yea Forums
Stick to your EGS then you sick fuck, noone actually cares. There's no loss in not having your loud minority plagueing Steam anyway.
>imagine having all this weebniggerlolibastard stuff saved on your computer
Steam drones are really ill in the head
I have lolis too, fucker.
But the creator's making a new game called Silenced.
Name a couple games that are Steam exclusives that aren't Valve games.
Where's the child?
normies were a mistake
muh darwinia
Vermintide is a multiplat
That is your avg loli spaming steam drone, well sad life.
post cunny already
we're talking about PC so why is console relevant
It's in all of our hearts user, and these kinds of threads make it cry. And when it cries, the baby Jesus does too.
So is Borderlands 3 and Metro Exodus
Because it’s not exclusive, obviously
Counter strike literally bought and made steam exclusive
What platforms does it run on besides windows?
warcrime loli
Guys it's simple to understand, really.
People who play videogames use Steam.
"Gamers" use EGS.
Trannies and pirates who couldn't find that one ancient game use GOG, Uplay, Origin.
These are the facts. The facts won't change no matter how much you bitch about it. It's about time you let it sink in.
Well Borderlands 3 is also available for Xbox and PS4 based sub 80iq tard
you didn't ask "what are games that are exclusively on PC and Epic" you asked "Steam exclusives that aren't Valve games" and vermintide falls under that catagory
I really wish that I could have a button that simply erases Fortnite from existence.
Well that's the reason why steam has wannabe social media for trannies, hmm why are you lying drone ?
Free Hong-Kong!
Also, weakest bait. Noone believes you, drone.
He's trying to seem epic and knowledgeable by using the Duke picture, but he doesn't know shit.
I’m not that guy, I’m just pointing out that vermintide isn’t steam exclusive. Unless exclusive has a different definition where you live?
>one single anime tranny is on steam
>y-you're all t-trannies!!!!!
True Thunderchad buys DRM free OR wherever the game is cheapest OR directly from the developer/publisher. That means 95% of games he buys will not be bought on Steam, Epic, Origin or Uplay.
>the guy who shills tim's predatory store isn't a drone
its steam exclusive on PC. which is the platform we are talking about. so its a steam exclusive
>>one single anime tranny is on steam
Hilarious, you really don't know anything. Even worse than the thousands of trannies are furries on Steam
Then why the fuck are you on Yea Forums? It's like saying you want to get laid so you walk into a magic the gathering tournament.
Uh, yeah, obviously trannies use Steam too, because EVERYONE has it. They're below a point percentage of the community on Steam, though, while they are the major community on consoles and the other "stores".
That's not normal at all, a drone/bot would act like this.
Why don't epic """chads""" realize they're fucking over eveyone? I've switched to GOG a while back and now people are bragging about taking games away from me, i get it that some of those games wouldn't have made over here but come on people, there is no fucking way you're this loyal to a fucking store, not even steamfags were ever this bad because they never bothered us. Though i guess it doesn't even matter since they're all timed exclusives anyway.
BASED cunny poster.
Because /vg/ kills game discussion too.
Hell, StarSector threads here actually last.
This. Persona 5 is exclusive to PS4 even though SONY hasn't paid SEGA for exclusivity
I've literally never mentioned Epic a single time outside the OP
>blant lying
>getting btfo
>that's j-just one example
Steam is the gaymer central you fucking moron, it's literally the facebook for them. You fucking lying piece of shit.
the idea that trannies/may Ludd forgive me for using this word, furfags won't use EGS is absolutely fucking laughable and makes you come off like moronic reactionaries.
Fuck off man, i just want to actually OWN my games, if that makes me a tranny then I'd rather be that than a drm fag
Can you read you fucking drone ? Steam drone talked about how egs is for gaymer and how clean steam is because everybody there using it to play videogames. It's a blant lie.
>blatant ESL
Are you actually a chink?
Okay fellas, what about this?
>don't care about store loyalty in the slightest
>will buy games outside steam if they are confirmed to never be on steam
>if it's on multiple stores, i'll get the steam version only because i have the majority of my games in sortes categories there
i'm a tranny and i can assure you i will never use EGS because i don't support their shitty monopolistic and anti-customer tactics. everyone who thinks that trans communities on steam, of which i'm not a part of, are reasons to leave steam are fucking braindead.
I honestly don't know why these people continue to shill on Yea Forums
Too bad that aside from Nintendo games, almost every game i want and would play...i already own on the PC or will eventually come to the PC, only some really exceptions like Golf Story exist.
But no, Eshop just has a lot less games now, but it's already starting to get cluttered, lots of mobile game ports like those generic RPG's from...Keico i want to say are appearing more and more, a lot of not so great indie games as well, i think even sales are stopping to drop now that people already have a backlog or there are too many games already.
As for the good games part...it depends on someone's taste, i just happen to like what is there on PC, i just disagree with the idea that the eShop will always be better, plus, there are many curators, sites and even Youtube channels just going through all the crap and finding the good indie games, it's not that hard to find good ones.
Furries and other degenerate faggots are shitting on egs because it has 0 wannabe social media stuff. This kills them.
>No arguments anymore
Embarrassing creature I hope you get your life straight before it's too late.
If your game isn't on steam I won't buy it. My library is here already and I'm not moving.
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with, I was just throwing in my two pence.
honestly don't know why these people (drones) continue to lie on Yea Forums and posting Reddit stuff that got literally debunked by reddit
41% yourself
What? No. Noone cares about the social media shit. Only you obsess over it.
People don't want EGS because it's actively damaging the industry with shitty business practices.
Also, EG abandoned actually good games that their fans wanted, just to pump more microtransactions into Fortnite.
That, and having a 14 days limit is probably a way to encourage people to try the games faster and see if there is some problem with it or they don't like it.
Either that, or they don't see why people can't try a game for 5 minutes in 14 days but can do that in 30 days, though i guess they are accounting for the fact that most people aren't always on vacation and always have a PC available.
>getting buthurt because his drone friend got btfo
>trying to move the goalpost
well even worse
Keep telling yourself that winnie the pooh
Sure no one cares
>buy game you don't know if you want to keep
>go on vacation without even trying it first
>come back too late
Terrible thread, but thanks for the cute and funny.
Those same people use the same stores that you do. Not being able to set up an obviously meme social profile doesn't change that.
>abandon old games no one plays not even boomers
Well nothing is free in this world
>Helping out indie devs
How is that damaging ?
>Ohhh ohhh nono it's not on steamm what should I doo I can't download a free launcher
Embarrassing b
Sorry but i'm the 59%
There is no better store than GoG. Best mascot and no DRM.
>posting screenshot from another guy to try to make a point
Stop shitposting, console warrior child.
The reddit holiday/summer events and the fact that GoG is a DRM-free alternative. Fuck DRM, fuck Valve, fuck Epic, fuck EA, fuck Rockstar and fuck Ubisoft.
>all these shills defending steam
>they probably do it for free
No these same people actually filling every epic thread with 500 seething replies. It's a hivemind powered by steam faggotry and discord faggotry
Tell me more.
What? Why would it be an issue to download the launcher? The problem is that there are no good games on it on top of going out of their way to hurt the industry.
GOG is the only good one, and steam is second by virtue of not being neither Epic nor Origin.
>i can't download a free botnet so my personal information can be sold to chinese mega corporations
This but GoG instead of Steam.
>muh steam vs epic
Do people actually STILL buy games?
their selling point was "no review bombing like on Steam", by not having user reviews or any ratings at all
Based gog chad
>one invisibly miniscule steam tranny group represents the other 99.9999% of users
Just stop. You're getting embarrassing.
That's fine too. Noone in their right mind cares.
So you repeat your lies when you get btfo that's how a steam drone works lmao. Steam is even worse brainlet.
Name 3 things actually wrong with Origin that aren't made up bullshit from when it first launched and got the same treatment the Epic store currently is from the drones.
Origin is literally responsible for half of the features the supposdly "pro consumer" Steam implemented and has better ones.
Tim Sweeney is the modern Bob Kotick.
i really have no clue,
is it 1 digit iq preventing them from pirating or there's something to it?
Brain-dead faggot, 0.111% is still bigger than 0, there is furry and tranny brigading powered by steam, get your brain straight drone.
Epic put UT4 in the bin so I'm never supporting anything they do
Shit games
Shit customer support
Shit prices
Shit limits for usernames
Shit menus, chore to find what you need
Shit ugly program/store
I hope you like some of that cute and funny content. This thread is shill garbage anyway, so some cunny won't hurt it.
If jannies don't want to follow the rules by deleting such threads, I won't follow them either.
I gotta go now. Take care and have a good faps.
>0.0001 is the same as 0.111
This is who we're arguing with.
What 0? 0 trannies isn't a thing anymore on any platform or store.
Never touching EGS, bought HoMM games on GOG and ESO on steam and pirated everything else.
>muh chinese bugmen tiananmen square
>muh steamdrones valvecucks
its all the same shit literally every single fucking thread on this topic is always the exact same thing same replies same points thrown here and there nothing comes out of it anymore
>Epic/Origin/GOG Chad
GOG users are the only chads. Epic and Origin are still for mindless consumers.
This thread itself is following board rules by discussing vidya stores = vidya topic.
Psychotic pedo.
>Shit customer support
It allows you to actually talk to a human (well a pajeet) instead of steam archaic "support" system which is actually an in client email exchange they can can close at their leisure and not allow you to even respond to.
>Shit prices
You can get get Origin Access and basically every game on the store for $20 a month
>Shit limits for usernames
>Shit menus, chore to find what you need
>Shit ugly program/store
who gives a shit about any of this? It has the same layout as every other digital store
0 because epic doesn't have social media stuff, you can't create discord light tranny groups for brigading, there is a brain you should use it sub 80iq drone.
Don't you have a dog to eat and escalator to die in?
I'll always laugh when I see that.
>who gives a shit about having a good username, an identity, a personality, humanity, a life, any friends, a career, family, etc
>smoke weed every day xDDD
This is you.
Trannies and furries are more rampant, and are promoted too, in Fortnite alone than all of Steam.
You're an embarrassment to humanity.
You are aware these DRM clients are not facebook with real games?
That's the beauty of Epic Store: it fails to even work as a store.
Yeah, and they lost nearly all good will becase of retarded stuff like that, so they are backtracking. Slowly.
Noone cares about Facebook.
Having a decent looking Steam profile takes
>hehehe le ebin facepalm man xD
Why do Steam drones try so hard when they larp attempts at coolness?
>Getting btfo
>Fortnite promotes somehow tranny desire
First you are moving the goalpost second fortnite is hetero the game you fucking huge faggot.
This was the main post steamie. Steam has social media faggotry for trannies this is a fact. EGS has 0 of that stuff. This has literally nothing to do with fortnite (a game with almost 0 degenerate content) kill yourself there is no hope. This is my last you for you subhuman.
>It lets people know on a glance if you share interests
why the fuck would I want that? Steam randos are either scammers of freakshows.
Oh, you're new. Well see here on Yea Forums that image is about 15 years old. I used it correctly, mind you, since the post I responded to was so utterly retarded that a regular facepalm could not possibly suffice.
>For me it was when I bought a game during this summer sale while on vacation and upon returning home they wouldn't refund it after it literally wouldn't launch
Steam isnt your problem you poorfag
>Share your faggotry with other faggots
Kill yourself, steam tranny a store gives out games you download it and you play it.
>a fucking Pink bear
>Makes my peepee hard
So you are a furry ?
Is steam drone the only insult they allow you to say you illeterate nigger? What is with your reddit spacing? Don't you have baby organs to harvest winnie the pooh?
>had 0 friends
I'm sorry.
>getting btfo
Nah that's what I've been doing to you EGS babies since I started posting.
>fortnite, THE game for children and LGTBQ+, is hetero the game
Just quit while you can. It's bemusing to hurt you this much over petty internet arguments.
This is not even Reddit spacing you sub80iq drone