Graphics matter

graphics matter.

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indeed, if i'm going to be staring at something for hours it better look good

Yes and no. Artstyle matters, graphical fidelity doesn't.

shotas matter

Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

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Not as much as story and especially gameplay, but sure I guess.

>graphics matter only for exclusives
>graphics matter
>graphics don't matter

Don't know who she is but she ugleh

every single aspect of a game matter, the importance of one may be above another but that doesn't make it irrelevant

"graphics" is also a pretty broad term, it doesn't even only imply quality. If it's done poorly to the point where you can't tell things apart easily, it even has a negative impact on gameplay

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Hunterchad thread?

really just depends on the game. you can't just define these things for every single entry in the universe, I hate how braidead brainletfucks have this terrible habit for everything in life. there are examples where art and visuals are a great deal for the overall outcome

That is some weird anatomy.

Pitou thread

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And we can end the thread after this.

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go back, Yea Forumsbortions

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What the fuck is with her knees? She suppose to be a robot or something?

it's an insect
or rather a hybrid of a multitude of species made solely with survival and peak strenght of its species in mind. that may be why his/its knees are like that
there's another one that has a hole in that part of the neck that is lethal if you get knifed, shot or even fingered, thus preventing damage there

bad post

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Yes and no. Artstyle matters, graphical fidelity doesn't.

Graphics limit artstyle and gameplay.
So yes it important.

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drawn by a 12 year old?

Video games are at their best when the graphics work with the gameplay instead of against it. If a fast-paced and/or precision requiring game loses too much visual clarity because it's trying to be pretty it actively detracts from the gameplay.
Artstyle > graphics as well.

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user you're smart. I finally found the reason I was thinking that DQXI is so especially fun because it is incredibly well made and its art can be fully experience through it's naturally slow pace

To an extent, as long as they are appealing to look at then it's fine, but if you're sacrificing gameplay for them you've done something wrong.

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imagine being unable to enjoy a movie because its in black and white


I bet you thought this sounded so smart in your head

I want to have my first kiss with Pitou!

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well in manga that cat-ant was a guy
in anime i don't really know/remember

Pitou is a girl in both manga and anime

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the purpose of this thread is to support personal pet peeves and troll those without the same

your rational approach and reasoning are not welcome here

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he's never called a "she" in the manga. you may need a reread
come to think of it now, I think in the anime "it" is called "he' countless times. I don't know where people saw pitou ever being called a female. I don't even think MADHOUSE does that, but I could be wrong. still not cannon. togashi himself used japanese for he and it, never she

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Togashi does not decide male and female forms, he drew a girl, it's a girl, no matter what his pedo/trapfag mind wants to spin.

You are correct up to a point. Then at that point any further improvements mean very very little and its time to focus on other parts of the game.

it's 2019


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Presentation matters.

At the end of the day, no matter what genre you're playing, you're just pressing buttons; maybe in a complex fashion, maybe fast, maybe not. Audio-visual feedback is what makes those button presses feel satisfying, like you're actually shooting a monster or jumping a gap or delivering a powerful punch.

So yes, graphics matter. Quite a lot. But only insofar as they aid presentation. People who recoil against "Graphics matter" as a statement do so due to its misuse by mouth-breathing idiots who think every game needs to be hyper photo-realistic, and don't understand the place of style or aesthetics in a visual work. Mario would be demonstrably worse if it were exactly the same but you were controlling a flat rectangle, but that style of game would not be served by having Mario be some gritty-looking middle-aged actually Italian plumber.

If a game looks good, that's what matters. Late-era pixel work has aged better than early 3D models. Indie games shouldn't be dumped on for employing pixel art unless it's bad pixel art. Triple A games shouldn't be praised for employing cutting-edge technology unless it uses that technology to differentiate itself from every other realistic-looking game.

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This is the perfect answer.
And the level of graphic details depend on the gameplay.
In an exploration/adventure/space game i would love to look at beautiful background/environements...
In an rts , performance are more important. Having tons of units on screen in same time is more important than a splash of dust on a truck.
In a fast paced online fps , a lot of details can make your eyes hurt..

GOOD artstyle, yeah.

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Top image looks infinitely better. I get tired just looking at the bottom image.

You're either the type of person that thinks paint splatter on a canvas is art or you're blind

No I'm the kind of person that finds movie games boring as fuck, otherwise known as somebody with taste.

>somebody with taste

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No, you're someone who cannot think objectively and lives entirely within your own head. Top has better looking locations than doodoo brown fog caverns, and bottom--from a technical standpoint--ends up looking like trash when compared to their previous works in motion. In the comparison image, though unfair, shows the highs and lows with regards to lighting.

To some degree they do

Do you want cash shops? That's how you get cash shops.

The fact the image was obviously cherrypicked and yet the supposed better in the comparison still puts me to sleep is a sign the "game" is garbage.

No game in the history of the medium has been worth playing on the basis of the graphics alone. Good graphics are just a cherry on top of the dish. If the dish is a piece of human shit then the cherry won’t do much to improve it.

Is that why Minecraft is the most selling game of all time

Why do people always look for the worst places to take a screenshot for comparisions?

>Nintendie has attention span problems
Who could've guessed

is not that a Hunter x Hunter character from the arc that will never going to finish?

Yep, like the top. The bottom is just generic "omg fotorealms!"

that's Ging, Gon's father yeah

Of course fellow zoomer, I do agree.

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Shut the fuck up, Ging. You punk.

You aren't "staring at it", you are "playing it" you fucking retard. Of course, if you play modern AAA games, we can have a deeper conversation about this.

The top is indistinguishable from the shit I took this morning. Even a Chinese clone looks better.

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