redpill me on liquid
Redpill me on liquid
It will taste horribly bitter if you just dilute the pill in water and take it.
it is one of the three states of matter, with the other two being, solid, and gas.
Wait, the I thought the third state was solidus.
It's the best state tho
he had the superior genes and lost to his degenerate brother
skill > talent
is fire solid or gas?
what about the fourth state?
Liquid is the worst Snake bar none. He dies to a pussy bitch virus and I can't respect a nigga after that.
>Big Boss
He's pretty solid.
raiden 2 times?
I replayed MGS1 recently and it's really weird that Liquid's whole claim to fame is that he's a pretty good helicopter pilot, compared to people who can perfectly richochet bullets off walls, mind control people, singlehandedly lift and operate a rotating minigun, perfectly imitate any human down to the blood, etc.
yea top is mgr should have clarified
What happened to Gas Snake?
Liquid's claim to fame is that he got beat up by a guy who is a copy of his father.
Though legit, Liquid had a bunch of good shit going for him but he was just the normalfag who leads the group like in any good anime.
killed himself
Actually play the game and find out
daddy issues
winners don't do drugs
Liquid's evolution between 1 and 2 was amazing (arm and all) and 4 had to ruin it like it did 75% of existing canon.
>Is petty over being the "inferior one" and being raised by Big Boss, who never asked for any sons or clones.
>Dedicates his life to his special plan at Shadow Moses to show Big Boss and Snake
>Plan goes to hell
>Everyone on team dies
>He dies
>Corpse is desecrated and arm is attached to man that betrayed him
>Through willpower (and Ocelot's very fortunate genes from The Sorrow) essentially comes back from the dead
>At first you think he's still mad at Snake
>Turns out he just wants to fuck up the Patriots as he realizes THEY are the true reason for his defeat at Shadow Moses and they've been manipulating him through Ocelot for years
>Snake and Solidus get Ocelot'd
>Liquid saves them
>Instead of being petty MGS1 Liquid and trying to kill the others he channels his past soul Leonardo and makes a friendly joke about surfing before leaving
>Ocelot removes Liquid's arm in between MGS2 and MGS4
>Pretends to be Liquid anyway
>Suddenly is against the Patriots even though his character had been the symbol of control throughout the entire series and the Patriots were essentially his mother's legacy
I still have hope Bluepoint Games will return MGS to its former glory
Exactly, Snake and Liquid are the "badass normals"
Why is there no gaseous snake?
1) Localizers knew Western nations would laugh at it.
2) Solidus is specifically described as "a perfect balance of Liquid and Solid."
Why was Liquid even in MGSV? He hangs out at mother base doing nothing besides acting like a shit before stealing Sahelanthropus and fucks off with mantis and the child soldiers for the rest of the game. What a missed opportunity, Kingdom of Flies could have been great.
What about Liquidus?
Liquid was bluepilled compared to Solidus.
Gaseous Liquidous Serpent
Generic evil twin brother
>Everyone forgets about Acid
He was vaporized
Acid Snake? Wouldn't that just be a Cobra of some variety?
Gotta love the Gamecube Eva game