>vanilla 3/5
>tbc 4/5
>wotlk 5/5
Then something happened and everything went to 0/5.
>vanilla 3/5
>tbc 4/5
>wotlk 5/5
Then something happened and everything went to 0/5.
You got those around the wrong way
wrath was literally the downhill my dude.
A classic server set during wotlk would be the last mmo I'd ever need
>wrathbabbies are awake again
I played on one, it's not the experience you're looking for. The later patches really fucked WoTLK. I can't believe they made half the raids in it absolutely pointless.
I want it because the classic world is still intact for the most part, before cat changed all the zones and the started retrofitting everything
why would you even want a wotlk server just play retail its the exact same game
Someone please explain to me how anyone can possibly believe wotlk is the peak of WoW?
I can accept either classic or TBC as a potentially valid answer, but wrath always seemed very obviously like when the cracks in the WoW formula started to show.
its the ret palas basically
Actually, as an MMO:
>Vanilla 5/5
>TBC 4/5
>WOTLK 3/5
>Vanilla 4/5 has built-in imbalances but overall is more engaging
>TBC 5/5 has the best competitive PVE in the franchise
>WOTLK 5/5 has the best competitive PVP in the franchise
This. DKs and palas practically ruled WotLK.
> WOTLK best pvp
> ret paladins 2-3shotting people with seal of blood
> immortal Death Knights
> Resto druids dabbing on you
fond memories of hitting that fucking divine storm button like it owed me money in icc
That something was called the Dungeon Finder.
>spamming LFG LFG was good
Grow up. Seriously.
true but LFG should have been server only
>WotLK beta
>Death and Decay actually fears everyone inside
Fun times
Nice PS2 graphics.
because northrend is great and it literally doesn't get much cooler in the warcraft universe than fighting the lich king (especially with arthas as the lich king)
>t. wrathbabby
>Someone please explain to me how anyone can possibly believe wotlk is the peak of WoW?
because he started in this expansion, not hard to figure it out
wotlk was genuinly very good up to ulduar
then they scrapped mal'ganis and gave us the tournament
>I can't believe they made half the raids in it absolutely pointless.
Thats been the content philosophy ever since wrath user.
WotLK is split for me. Most classes and specs finally became viable, Ulduar and ICC were fucking great raids and it was pretty much what I wanted from the game since the WC3 times.
At the same time you had piss easy heroic dungeons and shit like Nu-Naxxramas and TotC. God, both those raids were absolute ass. Also, the introduction of the dungeon finder shit.
That made it to live for a couple of months on a glyph
The beginning of cata was alright, I remember the heroics were actually hard and required you to coordinate with your party then after a patch they were reduced to steamrolling mindlessness it was pretty shitty to see it happen before my eyes.
If the top 25% were 90% those classes I would agree with you, but they weren't.
Vanilla 4.3/5
TBC 4.8/5
Wrath 0.2/5
>Wrathbabies still trying to push their recycled dumbed down expansion
WotLK had the most player so it was THE worst expansion.
>wrath pvp
Awful. DKs did so much effortless spread damage, and certain classes had an easy time regenning their mana while others were completely shit out of luck. Also the fact that resilience took a hit and it was viable to blow people up mindlessly.
Ulduar patch Wotlk was the peak. I'd like to relive that time. it gone to hell from there.
>Ulduar patch Wotlk was the peak.
>tfw hard modes that actually have to get activated through gameplay instead of putting the instance on heroic
Shit was great
Wotlk was dog shit.
One perfect raid, one decent one and the rest were trash. PVP was awful. Added group finder.
there was too much not-quite-sci-fi in tbc that we never got to use, take advantage of, or just plain never saw again.
whereas in wrath you got the best dungeons in the best setting and got to get OP as fuck and run noobs through normal dungeons with your healerbro in LFD, or 2-man forge of souls at 78.
fuck the haters, wrath was absolutely peak WoW
remember that dungeon you need to defend a dwarf for 5 minutes while he hacks a defensive system computer from an ancient dungeon?
That sure was fun....
Mal'ganis and nerubian raid. Fuck blizzard.
Not even just the raid, Azjol Nerub was gonna be an idea zone
>wrath pvp
Thunderstorm aerial dismount was the most fun I've had. Being mounted wasn't safe anymore.
Until blizzard listened to pathetic crybabies and neutered it.
>implying vanilla or tbc was any better lmao
Vanilla 4/5 because of worldbuilding, lore, world pvp, all around group content
TBC 5/5 - best dungeon content, heroic difficulty dungeons gave end game more meaning without relying on raid finder easy mode, arenas, best pvp balance, raids throughout the entire xpac were top-tier, gearing wasn't ever trivialized and no patch except the last couple removed the need to gear up and run raids in their order. Catch up for alts or newbies was slow, but it kept old content meaningful. Class balance in PVE was great, class identity was still great, questing and rep farming were fun and meaningful, and every profession mattered.
Wotlk 3/5 class balance went to shit. I remember 1v3ing people on my DK or killing people 6 levels higher than me. World PVPing went to shit, Ulduar was one of the best raids ever, but the dungeon scene sucked ass. Once the patch with the Argent Tournament hit, everything before it became meaningless. World building went to shit and was only strong because of its ties to the W3 story.
>group finder
WOTLK dungeons not only were garbage corridors, the HCs were a joke too, literally AoE them all down the day I hit lvl 80
Northrend fucking sucked as well, the LK was supposed to have complete control of it, only dragonblight and icecrown had some kind of resemblance of scourge dominance the rest was shit.
If you are bad enough to lose to death knights you aren't qualified to comment on its quality.
Also fuck TotSC. The laziest idea I've seen in WoW.
IIRC there were hints to a troll raid at gundrak. WOTLK should've been so much more.
t. s5 challenger dk
This user knows his shit.
Fuck Trial of the Champion.
>wotlk was genuinly very good up to ulduar
>shit faceroll dungeons
>free loot in sartharion (even 3d was a joke) and VoA
>naxx remade to be completely shit and cleared literally the first day it was released
>pvp balance fucked up
Ulduar is literally the only redeeming factor of the entire expansion.
>Grow up.
Is this the new Have sex?
You forgot shitty Malygos
wotlk pvp was trash because of ridiculous power creep
Are you idiots planning to ruin WoW classic by adding in that matchmaking tool?
That tool is cancer. It's convenient enough that forming groups in the normal way slows to a crawl, but auto-forming groups is guaranteed to give you at least 1 lazy retard that you'd feel guilty about carrying to loot that they don't deserve.
The votekick feature, at least in Wrath, ended up used more on people who were doing exceptionally well and plowing full speed ahead, forcing the rest of the team to actually play the game instead of semi-afk it.
You'd think it'd be used on the incompetents but it rarely was, and I have no idea why not. But it's consistent enough that an incompetent player usually stayed in the group while the person carrying them was kicked.
Matchmaking is a race to the bottom.
True, I did try to form groups the normal way, but it was slow as fuck and a pain in the ass. Grouping became frustrating, and there's no point playing an MMO if grouping is frustrating.
Sounds to me that you kept acting like a cunt and got kicked because of it
I'm sure it sounded that way to all the lazy retards too, but no.
>wotlk beta
>5 dks doing tbc dungeons
no moron wrath was the crest of the hill
bruh why are you doing only one of the skips there, you could skip all that tomb of the ancients trash by just swimming through the grate to boss 3
The problem with Dungeon Finder is that cunts weren't kicked.
People who think they don't have to put in their share of the skill and effort use "acting like a cunt" as an excuse for their bad behaviour.
I agree with you that people who act like cunts should get a kick from the group, but that goes first to people who aren't even trying and resent being told to try.
Huh. Never knew that. Thanks for the advice.
Any expansion played in its prime is superior to this clusterfuck of grandfathered content that exists on retail today. Blizz needs to unfuck the xpac progression. The current system destroys the playability of outdated endgame content, so if the current patch sucks then tough shit subscribers.
>The votekick feature, at least in Wrath, ended up used more on people who were doing exceptionally well and plowing full speed ahead, forcing the rest of the team to actually play the game instead of semi-afk it.
absolutely false. the main reason people were votekicked was because of low gearscore. you couldn't speedrun the dungeon? you didn't get to run it and instead got votekicked.
Then stop playing an MMO.
I remember clearing all of nax on my fresh 80 enhance shaman still in full sun well gear. Shit was dumb. Ulduar was the only enjoyable part of that shitty expansion, as was firelands in cata.