Why is nobody talking about this game? its so fun

why is nobody talking about this game? its so fun.

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I have no idea what that is

not an interactive movie plus requires double digit IQ
you better try /vg/ or /vr/


>Oxygen not included
>oxygen is actually included
What the fuck did Klei mean by this?

Artstyle is unbelievably shit. Rimworld I could tolerate but not this garbage, goddamn.

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yet another colony manager, but it doesn't have the depth or complexity of dorf fort or the modding scene of rimworld so all it has left is the accessibility, still decent, but nothing special

Looks familiar.

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it's great but i always get to the point where i have to construct space stuff and feel the urge to restart
i dunno why people don't talk about it, seems right up the alley of all the factorio players in Yea Forums

shit taste

because it looks too much like a mobile game. too bad.

I outright refuse to believe you think this looks good. Don't even respond to me, you fucking liar.

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Yea Forums doesn't talk about games that are really popular, I think it's probably because a lot of the people that play those games go on other websites. I played this recently and really enjoyed it but I'm kind of a brainlet, when it came to the mid-game I started to get overwhelmed. A problem I kept running into was circuit overloads, and I thought I was using generators/batteries/transformers correctly.

My biggest problem with this is unlike Dwarf Fortress, there wasn't a comprehensive wiki with step by step instructions for every little thing I ran into. Instead, there were 30 minute video guides by some faggot with a nasally voice. I could do the wiki page in

rimworld is shit though

You can't say this when that god awful mobile game port Lobotomy Corporation gets threads daily here. The threads are literally just waifu posting too. Yea Forums has absolute dogshit taste in games.

I had fun until I got to the part where you just grind rockets for rare materials and optimize your base.
it also started running like shit and I dont know why
the water flows like boogers, air acts like thick smog, chlorine gas is somehow perfectly fine for people to exist in and game doesnt do pressure.

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for circuits you use the thick wire to transport power around, plug it into the transformers at the top then use thin wire at the bottom. when you mouse over the thin wire it'll show it's potential/max wattage. just don't exceed that and you're good

>for circuits you use the thick wire to transport power around, plug it into the transformers at the top then use thin wire at the bottom. when you mouse over the thin wire it'll show it's potential/max wattage. just don't exceed that and you're good
Actually, Yea Forums talks a lot about games that are really popular. What it does not talk about is medium-spectrum games and games that are decently popular due to being actually genuinely good: Yea Forums really only talks about games that are popular due to massive marketing, or games that are infamous due to drama and controversies that surround them.
Also, Yea Forums is really far more interested in games that aren't out, or games that are very old and nobody plays them anymore: again, becase it's the drama, politics, unchecked contrarianism etc... that makes for a what people around here find "interesting" debate.

I fucking love it

This is definitely much more accurate than what I said.

I love the game but there's really not much to talk about, I guess. Makes me think I've never seen a Don't Starve thread around.

>run out of water
>some systems are objectively bad and should never be used
>have to use specific gadgets every run or guarantee eventual extinction of materials.
Yeah no fuck this game. It punishes using fun gadgets and only works with specific set ups.

we have threads about it sometimes, but there's nothing to really talk about apart from asking help with a game mechanic or how to build a certain machine or setup.

Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress get big threads and general threads because the randomness and outside enemy forces in the game make great greentext and have a risk factor.
The only real problem with ONI is once you learn how not to overheat your base or how not to starve you can't really die unless you seriously seriously fuck up.

I like the new maps and modifiers though, I was already halfway through a run when the update hit (which broke all of my shit that relied on Sieves instantly removing heat and other old exploits) so I started again. Day 120 so far, got the basics set up and thanks to a Pip&Hatch farm I've got coal sorted for a few hundred cycles. Not sure what to do next, thinking I might either spend the next 30 cycles setting up either a
>Electrolyzer Setup for when I eventually use up my 50t of algae
>Oil or Natural Gas power for if/when I eventually run out of coal
>Adding more dupes, expanding my farms/quarters and making my base overall nice (i only have 5 dupes so far)

I will say though I'm guilty of liking the first 100 cycles of the game the best though. The initial early game survival, skin of your teeth food/moods/power/water is by far the most fun for me. Same with Dwarf Fort and same in Rimworld.

>there are people on Yea Forums who know abou Diggles

it's all a plot to throw you off and make you lose.
running out of oxygen doesn't kill your second colony.
it's running out of water.

Did they make water conservation or something much easier over the last year or so? I've been watching streams and for some reason i'm seeing huge colonies with lots of dupes but no expansion outside the core zone somehow

Do you guys exploit being able to reload to get a good care package?

>there wasn't a comprehensive wiki with step by step instructions for every little thing I ran into. Instead, there were 30 minute video guides by some faggot with a nasally voice.
That's more-so a result of them actually releasing updates fairly quickly during development, changing features fixing bugs and removing exploits.
Also that guy's Youtube tutorials are half out of date now, since they removed a lot of machines instantly changing the temperature of a water/gas on the output.
I like his vids though but admittedly I either listen to them as podcasts or I watch them at 1.5x speed.

It's heat death

how do you do that though?
I have access to 2 cool steam geysers and lavatory makes more water than it uses
and if I really run out of water I can start processing salt water geysers or melting ice

>Did they make water conservation or something much easier over the last year or so?
probably the addition of water/steam geysers, but also people figured out that toilets/showers/sinks generate more polluted water than they use.
everyone just sets up a system so toilets/showers re-use the same water over and over and any excess gets sent off to a Liquid Tank in a Chlorine room to remove the germs from it.

yeah i was dumb, i forgot they added a lot of shit to make water hard to run out of.
when I was new to the game they didnt have geysers and the lavatory bug wasn't well known yet.

But last i played there were steam geysers but sealed away outside the core and you had to deal with the heat

is there a room temp geyser that spawns in the core now?

all sorts.
I have a polluted water geyser right next to my base that puts out at 30c.
I guess they did this on purpose so the default asteroid is easier for new players and to make the 10 something new ones way harder.
Like a lot of the new asteroids you either have no fresh water, no algae or the asteroid starts off too hot to grow mealwood.

I uninstalled after 10 seconds

Looks like a sidescroller Rimworld.
How right am i?

they added machines that delete tons of heat for 10g/s of hydrogen, the default asteroid should have 3 of them

Yeah, it's a pretty Reddit art style.

Terrible artstyle, and I find there's very little to actually do in the game once you have a steady supply of properly cooled water.

How so?

There's no attackers or raids in ONI and no random events.
The only threat in ONI is the mistakes you've made yourself. A lot of the time the mistakes you make wont bite you on the ass for a good couple of hours though.
The game has it's focus on temperature, gas and liquid management with a lot of reading stats on machines so you X outputs Y, which you can recycle into Z which you can turn back into X.

I fucking love the art style. It's creative and different, especially in a timeline of most games in this genre being either pixelshit or pastel-colored Unity engine crap that looks like a facebook game but fucking MELTS your CPU for no reason at all.

>I fucking love the art style. It's creative and different
>literally a copy paste of an art style which existed for 40 years in the early to mid 20th century and engulfed our TV screens even in the 90's
You high son? You zoomer?

>I fucking love the art style. It's creative and different
Fuck off back to tumblr.

You have shit artstyle taste.

I don't like these kinds of games where the ultimate end is to lose everything. To me that feels like all work, no fun and nothing to even show for it.

the fuck are you cunts smoking?
maybe you guys should go back to Rimworld and steal it's Prison Architect artstyle for another game.
Or maybe start a new colony with Randy Random xD as the story-teller. So randum xD

>meme artstyle
>indie shit

Hope based g2a takes care of this hehe

So you are a clueless dumb zoomer who just blasted something so stupid and ignorant you have to go full retard as a backtrack.

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Bad game if you lack ability to plan ahead

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>confirmed gay for wanting pastel-colored Unity engine shit that melts CPUs
Dont forget, with every post you put in this thread (a thread about a game you hate, mind you) you're bumping the thread. More people that see the game makes it more popular.
Thanks for promoting the game!

I'm not bumping the thread since we have a sage function again now. God you zoomers are retarded.

no, it's not your ability to plan ahead, you're just straight up missing a few braincells.

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Fuck off, zoomzoom.

its alright but the lack of proper antagonistic elements makes it kind of dull. the art style is kind of reddit and it dosent help that the game just ends up being kind of ugly. You'd think with the 2d ant farm style there'd be a level of ascetic customization but everything turns into a series of quasi-rooms with random junk and a lame starscape background.

I also managed to dump massive amounts of oxygen to space

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based and digglepilled


It's great fun for a while but you get to a point of micromanagement where you're fighting with a resource in order to keep things sustainable and you don't realize there's issues until 10 cycles too late.

Still love the game though. Just sucks realizing you're colony's falling apart 160 cycles in.

just so you guys know, dumping crude oil into magma does not make petroleum

It's absolutely nothing like DF nor is it trying to be. It's more like a tacked on survival game revolving around building machinery that optimizes your resource efficiencies taking a few scientific properties into consideration so everyone doesn't die.

Don't know it, the style reminds me a bit of an older lemings game I played ... and maybe that old bugs world game.

My wiggler. NOI is very similar in many ways.

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> Replace nigger duplicates with whites using the save editor.
> When holding their breath, they have black cheeks.

I'm trying to get into it but I keep spawning with super claustrophobic starting biomes, all of the screenshots of "how to build your base" has twice the space I do, excluding the times I get chlorine gas in my fucking printing pod area or the pod spawned way too low, so it's a CO2 trap with barely any space to stick a coal gen down there, assuming I can shift all the water there.
It's getting pretty annoying.

Oh how I loved this game.

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